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05 2016级交互实用英语 《新世纪大学英语综合教程》 Book3 词汇练习题 教师版 答案

05 2016级交互实用英语 《新世纪大学英语综合教程》 Book3 词汇练习题  教师版  答案
05 2016级交互实用英语 《新世纪大学英语综合教程》 Book3 词汇练习题  教师版  答案

大学英语综合教程Book 3词汇练习题

1.Some galleries commemorate donors by __________ their names on the walls.

A. inscribing

B. subscribing

C. transcribing

D. describing

2.How you face and __________ these challenges will determine your stress and anxiety levels throughout

this process.

A. deceive

B. perceive

C. receive

D. conceive

3.When my children were born, we only released several photographs so that the paparazzi could not

__________ them.

A. pursue

B. persuade

C. capture

D. chase

4.Despite some __________ similarities, Argentina and Brazil are two countries different in many aspects.

A. superior

B. sympathetic

C. superficial

D. supreme

5.It is important to __________ the differences between informal and formal language styles in your speech.

A. acknowledge

B. distribute

C. distinguish

D. recognize

6.There are simply too many proactive ways to relieve your pain after you __________ with your boyfriend or


A. break up

B. bring up

C. turn up

D. fire up

7.Scientists at Princeton University found a big yawn (哈欠) can ___________the temperature of the brain and

prevent its over-heating.

A. regard

B. regulate

C. regret

D. regain

8.God wants you to go beyond the normal and __________ what is required of you.

A. suppose

B. survey

C. surpass

D. suppress

9.You must make a __________ on each of the commodities you have purchased on Taobao.

A. commitment

B. cement

C. competition

D. comment

10.We respect Bao Qingtian for his __________ and his righteous judgment in the court.

A. interest

B. integrity

C. intention

D. interaction

11.Realizing the __________ value of learning new things all the time should have a profound effect on our


A. incidental

B. incredible

C. immortal

D. inevitable

12.It you have the __________ skills and work experience, you can apply to this job position.

A. appropriate

B. accidental

C. attractive

D. advisable

13.John said before he died: “I hope my death will not be the cause of major distress to my dear sweet wife,

who will have the greatest loss, as we have been together for 37 years in the greatest __________.”

A. intensity

B. incidence

C. intimacy

D. integrity

14.Those who lost their homes in the earthquake made an __________ to the government for help.

A. appeal

B. applause

C. approach

D. address

15.Those families who dedicated their son or daughter to our nation __________ the thanks and the prayers of

our whole nation.

A. descend

B. desert

C. desire

D. deserve

16.I had been a __________ and an onlooker, and then suddenly I became a participant after I was elected as a

member of the committee.

A. suspect

B. prospect

C. inspector

D. spectator

17.If you have your dreams listed in front of you and __________ what it?s going to b e like when you actually

achieve them, you will have the courage to realize your dreams.

A. capitalize

B. visualize

C. civilize

D. agonize

18.Jenny was so seriously injured in the car accident that the __________ process will take quite a long time.

A. recognition

B. revision

C. recovery

D. restoration

19.Some young people experience shyness as a __________ to communication, but this can be broken down

gradually by participating in more group activities.

A. barrier

B. bark

C. barrel

D. bargain

20.It was some world renowned foreign scientists who recommended and __________ Ms. Tu Youyou to be the

Nobel Prize laureate for physiology and medicine.

A. cooperated

B. alternated

C. evaporated

D. nominated

21.If we fail to attract and keep the world's top talent, our economy will __________.

A. falter

B. flash

C. foster

D. flatter

22. The tower of the World Trade Center __________ after the plane hit it.

A. strode

B. tumble d

C. limped

D. leaped

23.The shy little girl __________ her mother and held a corner of her mother?s dress throughout the party.

A. resorted to

B. referred to

C. objected to

D. clung to

24.The subway trains are so crowded in rush hours in Shanghai that I have to __________ myself into the train

every morning.

A. breeze

B. squeeze

C. freeze

D. sneeze

25. The task of removing poverty across the world requires commitment and __________ to stay the course

because the road ahead is long.

A. destruction

B. devision

C. determination

D. description

26. The Chinese ping pang team has already won the world champion for five __________ years.

A. consecutive

B. conservative

C. common

D. constant

27. The _________ purchase price of iPhones is quite expensive when compared to other types of cell phones.

A. influential

B. initial

C. indifferent

D. intimate

28. In the general election, the Republicans __________ portray Hillary Clinton, the most promising Democratic

candidate for the next presidency, as dishonest and not trust-worthy.

A. relentlessly

B. tremendously

C. eloquently

D. narrowly

29. You have one idea, they have another, and problems _________.

A. rise

B. arouse

C. arise

D. raise

30. The soldiers _________ the spirit of service—a willingness to find meaning in something greater than


A. employ

B. emerge

C. embrace

D. embody

31. Everyday I have a lot of ________ to do.

A. addresses

B. attention

C. assignment

D. assistance

32. Li Ming?s presentation ________ on the problems of noise in our dormitories (宿舍).

A. fixed

B. focused

C. folded

D. favored

33. I have _________ with several clubs, such as the Basketball Club, the Street Dance Club, etc.

A. registered

B. congratulated

C. recognized

D. frustrated

34. The shop assistant showed _________ patience throughout her service to the customers.

A. remarkable

B. suitable

C. adaptable

D. available

35. The ages of the students in our class _________ from 18 to 28 years old.

A. ring

B. race

C. raise

D. range

36. The color of the furniture should _________ that of the floor in the room.

A. manage

B. march

C. match

D. measure

37. Our English teacher requires all the students to make an English _________ in front of the whole class.

A. presentation

B. reaction

C. impression

D. expression

38. For college students travelling on a bike is a very good way to _________ in the summer vocation.

A. reward

B. relax

C. remark

D. respond

39. Many people feel _________ in autumn and winter while excited in spring and summer.

A. posted

B. praised

C. impressed

D. depressed

40. You must know as much information as possible about that company before you take a job ________ there.

A. interview

B. interaction

C. investigation

D. introduction

41. You don?t have to insist on your old ideas. Be ready to ________ yourself with some new ones.

A. engage

B. encounter

C. ensure

D. entertain

42. We did a (an) ________ of the way that government money has been spent in the past 10 years.

A. crisis

B. basis

C. analysis

D. analyst

43. Human beings are _________ flexible and able to adjust to the environment when survival depends on it.

A. definitely

B. infinitely

C. deficiently

D. indefinitely

44. The police are _________ the cause of a car accident in which a bridge in Hampshire was badly damaged.

A. investing

B. investigating

C. inviting

D. inventing

45. Terrorist groups claimed _________ for yesterday?s shootings and bomb att acks.

A. response

B. reply

C. responsibility

D. request

46. In further examination it was found that the signature was not _________.

A. genuine

B. general

C. generous

D. genius

47. Conservation is an issue which gets a lot of attention these days —whether it means _________ old

buildings, or protecting the environment.

A. preventing

B. presenting

C. preferring

D. preserving

48. These magnificent ancient buildings _________ the great intelligence of the laboring people.

A. demand

B. demonstrate

C. design

D. determine

49. Steve Jobs? speech to the university students was very _______ because it was based on his own experiences.

A. permitted

B. perfect

C. permanent

D. persuasive

50. President Obama __________ all the Americans on TV before the Thanks Giving Day.

A. adopted

B. adapted

C. addressed

D. admired

51. If you speak good English, you can __________ with people all over the world.

A. communicate

B. participate

C. nominate

D. demonstrate

52. Though the task was difficult, they managed to _________ it in time.

A. access

B. account

C. accomplish

D. accompany

53. “What do you think of the movie …Superman??” “It?s __________.”

A. firm

B. fantastic

C. frustrated

D. fashionable

54. To make a good __________ on others, you must “Be yourself”.

A. instruction

B. introduction

C. interview

D. impression

55. You sow the seeds in the soil, and you __________ the crop.

A. reap

B. review

C. range

D. reward

56. “__________ up! It?s just a game. Don?t take it too seriously.”

A. lengthen

B. lighten

C. shorten

D. weaken

57. I have battled with my _________ over whether I should tell the police what had happened that rainy night.

A. consistence

B. consideration

C. consciousness

D. conscience

58. Mr. Fang is a lawyer. When it comes to law, he will never _________ or compromise.

A. yawn

B. yell

C. yield

D. field


新编实用英语视听说初级教程(上)原文 Unit 1 ICON THEA TER: Tourists Don: Here we are! Kate: Finally! Don: Let?s find a hotel. I?m tired. Kate: NO. I?m hungry! Let?s find a restaurant first. Don: OK, OK. Well, there are a lot of restaurants here. Let?s go to the Bombay Palace. Kate: No way! Idon?t like Indian food. It?s too spicy! Don: I love Indian food! Spicy food is delicious. Kate: How about that restaurant? Let?s have crepes! Don: What are crepes? Kate: crepes? Crepes are a French dish. Don: French dish? Oh, French food is expensive. Kate: No, it?s not. French food is delicious! Don: Look at that restaurant! The Mil ano! Let?s have Italian food! Kate: Oh, I don?t know. Italian food is very heavy! I?m on a diet. Don: So what?s your suggestion? Kate: Um…I?m not sure. Uh… I don?t know. Don: Japanese food? Kate: No way! I don?t like Japanese food. Let?s have sushi. Don: Sushi is Japanese food. Kate: Is sushi Japanese? Really? Don: How about Chinese food? Kate: Y es, good idea! Let?s have Chinese food. Chinese food is delicious, and it isn?t expensive. Don: Ok. Let?s go to that Chinese restaurant. Kate: Oh, no! It?s closed! Don: Oh, it?s late! Look! The French restaurant is closed! Look. The Brazilian restaurant is closed! Brazilian restaurant is closed! Kate: All the restaurants are closed! Don: Let?s find a hotel. Kate: Y es. Don: Where can we go? Kate: Let?s go to the Glitz Hotel. Oh, no, it?s too small. How about the Plaza Hotel? No, it?s expensive! Hey! How about the Grand Hotel? No, it?s ugly! Don: Oh, no! Not again! ICON INTERVIEWS: What are your favorite kinds of food? Interviewer: So, what are your favorite kinds of food? Loy: I like … uh … hamburgers, uh … pasta, and pizza. Doug: I would say my favorites are Thai food and Italian food. Hailey: Uh … my favorite dish is h ot pot. Do you know that? Craig: Pizza and pretzels and probably donuts. Interviewer: What?s your favorite kind of food? Roxanne: My favorite kind of food is Chinese food, yes. Interviewer: What?s your favorite Chinese dish? Roxanne: My favorite Chinese d ish, I would say … um…moo-shoo pork. Y eah.


实用英语应用能力写作相关句型(基于历年真题) 1.英文书信格式日期:2010-12-13 收件人:无具体收信人落款:王林职位:销售经理正文用横线表示 Dec. 13th 2010 Dear Sir or Madam: …… Yours sincerely, Wang Lin Sales Manager 2.感谢你日的来信 Thank you for your letter of 10th Dec. 3.我写信是要投诉…… I am writing this letter to complain about … 4.上个月在你们商店买的手机 the mobile phone which I bought in your shop last month 5.对此我感到很生气 I am very angry about it 6.我已经把手机邮寄回去 I have already sent the mobile phone back to you by post

7.强烈要求尽快给我退款 I strongly insist that you refund me as soon as possible. 8.写信了解有关价格以及售后服务的情况(能否发给我们一些信息,如最新的价目表和售后服务情况) Could you please send us some information, such as the latest price list and the after-sale services about them 9.希望尽快得到您的回信I’m looking forward to your early reply. / We’re looking forward to your prompt response. / I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. 10.随信附上目录及价目表Enclosed, please find an illustrated catalogue and a price list 11.根据你们订购的数量,我们会提供相应的折扣 We also allow a discount according to the quantity ordered. 12.您最近过的怎么样生意如何 How are you doing these days and how about your business 13.这笔款项已经过期10天 the payment is already 10 days overdue 14.我写信提醒您…… I am writing to remind you that …15.请您…… would you please … 16.市场部经理 Marketing Manager 17.人事部经理 manager of personnel department 18.将要在12月14号到16号召开的会议 the meeting to be held

we learn 全新版大学进阶英语视听说教程4答案(最全最新)第二单元

大学英语新标准视听说教程4 答案 we learn 全新版大学进阶英语视听说教程4答案(最全最新) Unit 2 Consumerism Warm Up Answer the questions: last thing I bought was a packet of instant noodles. This bag of instant noodles is made in China. 2. I think it is mostly good. Listening and Speaking/Lesson A Listening: A. Listening for gist: 1. A scientist who is calling for a change in our shopping habits. 2. Some of the ways that our purchasing preferences are hurting the environment. B. Listening for details: away 2% trash. Repair reuse recycle. billion 95 80. bike walk. 250 twentyfive thousand disease. eat meat. Listening and Speaking/Lesson B Listening1:

A. New words andexxxxxpressions: B. Pre-listening task: C. Listening comprehension1: our stuff comes from. of the products we buy are made or grown somewhere else. C. Listening comprehension2: statistics designed electronics resources African diamonds Listening2: A. Listening for gist: 一二四 B. Listening for details: twelve fires a dollar % million Video Before You Watch About the video: Vocabulary matching: Global warming fossil fuels greenhouse gases carbon footprint

新英语视听说教程 答案及原文unit 5

Unit 5Careers and Professions Think ahead/Warm up What kind of career would you like to follow after your graduation? /what would you like to do after your graduation? What characteristics and skills do you need to be successful in that job? /what characteristics and skills do you think are the prerequisite for a job? Part 1 Task 2 Exercise 1 1. F 2.T 3.F 4.T Exercise 2 1.find assignments on the company’s core project/ work on core project 2.build a relationship with the boss 3.Be prepared. Part 2 Task 1 Exercise 1 English level: fluent, got the certificate of the Secondary English Training Health condition: in top condition Working experience: two years of nursing experience, and now

working as a nurse in a hospital Height: one meter and sixty-eight centimeters/168cm Eyesight: never had any vision problems Strengths: friendliness, open-minded attitude, a warm personality Weak points: hard to tell others when she does n’t like what they are doing Exercise 2 flying into the blue sky working with people quite fluent make the passenger relaxed and happy in top condition any vision problem speak in another language use gestures and draw pictures


Chapter one—Principles of Business Communication 4C原则:Conciseness(简洁), Clarity(明晰), Correctness(准确),Courtesy(礼貌) Effective written workplace communication needs to show: ● A style which is clear and concise(conciseness, clarity) ● A tone which is polite but not overly modest (courtesy) ● A presentation which contains no errors of format and language (correctness) Workplace writing types: ●Informative writing: inform the reader about a product or service The aim is to improve understanding. ●Persuasive writing: persuade the reader that this product or service is a good one and worth buying The aim is to stimulate emotions and develop enthusiasm. Levels of formality in business communication: ●Bottom-up communication: To a superior=more formal ●Top-down communication: From a superior=more formal ●Sideways communication: To and from people of same rank=less formal Chapter two—Writing Memos Memos writing guidelines: A memo (memorandum) is an administrative document. It ●Is used only for communication within a company. It is an intra-company document and is not used for inter-company communication ●May be distributed top-down ( from superiors to subordinates) or bottom-up ( from subordinates to superiors) ●Deal with a single topic ●Names its sender(s) and recipient(s) clearly ●Has short, easily readable paragraphs ●May have sub-headings and numbered sub-sections ●May be distributed electronically or in hard copy Using the right language is not only a question of selecting correct vocabulary and grammar. Speakers and writing also need to take into account: ●who they are addressing( the audience) ●why they are speaking or writing( the purpose) ●how they are communicating( the method) Using formal language increase the ‘social distance’between a sender and a recipient. Informal language reduces this distance. Chapter three—Writing Letters of Request


Unit1 Activity 2 Boy: Hey, Grandma, what’s in this box Grandma: Oh, nothing really… Just a few old keepsakes. B: Keepsakes G: Young man, you know what a keepsake is ! B: No, I don’t. I really don’t G: Well, it’s something you keep. It’s something that giv es you a lot of memories. B: Oh. What’s this G: Now don’t go just digging around in there! ... Hmmm, let’s see…. that’s my first diary. B: Can I…. G: No, you can’t read it! It’s personal! I wrote about my first boyfriend in there. He became your grandfather! B: Oh, ok…. Well then, what’s that It has your picture in it. G: That’s my passport. YOU can see, I traveled to Europe by ship. B: What’s that big book G: My yearbook. It’s my high school book of memories. B: Class of 1961! Boy, that’s old! G: That’s about enough out of you, young man. I think it’s time we put this box away and… Activity3 At the age of thirteen, I took my first trip alone. I went to visit my grandparents in Los Angeles. I felt very nervous about traveling so far, but my mother said, “Don’t worry. You’ll be fine.” I got on the airplane and talked for a long time to a very nice woman who sat next to me. My grandparents met me at the airport and took me to their home. I stayed there for two weeks, and I had so much fun with them! It was my first time in Los Angeles, and I saw lots of really interesting places. In the end, I didn’t want to go home! Activity4 Making memories A popular new hobby is scrapbooking---making beautiful books to hold special memories. Scrapbook pages can include photos, drawings, journal entries. It’s not hard to make a scrapbook that you will enjoy for many years. Here are the steps.. 1. Choose a theme for your scrapbook pages. Some examples: “School days,” “ Family travel,” “Memories of my grandparents,” “ Baby’s first year.” 2. Select photos for each page. Two or three really good photos are better than ten so-so photos. 3. Find other paper keepsakes to use with your photos. Look for old newspaper clippings, postcards, tickets, report cards, letters--- anything made of paper. Use your imagination! 4. Design the pages. Put photos and keepsakes together on each page and move them around until you find a layout that you like. 5. Glue your photos and keepsakes into place. Then decorate your pages with felt pens, paint, and stickers. Use your imagination! 6. Label your pages. This is the most important step! Remember to write down the “5 Ws” of your photos: Who,


Whether English should be removed from the College Entrance Examination and give your reason? What is the aim of the reform? What are advantages and disadvantages? Are you agree with the reform that Samaritan 见义勇为[s?'m?ritn]will be taken into consideration in favorable scoring policy in college entrance examination and please give your reason. 教科书/作业答案 Unit1 Basic listening practice: CDABC Listening in: task 1: While the man is wondering why the woman is suddenly getting excellent marks, she says she read an article on studing and remembering. It talks about principles like “ Mental Visulization”, that is, creating a picture in one’s mind of what is to be remembered. This reminds the man of the principle “Association”, “Consolidation”new material into what one has already learned sixteen “Distributed Practice”shorter several days a muscle exercise Task2: FTFFF Task3: 1A 2.C3. D 4.B 5.D Further listening: task 1:ABDDC carrots, eggs, bananas, and milk (2) lost keys (3) a giant carrot and a banana hanging from it (4) a giant milk carton pouring milk over the carrot and banana (5) an egg-shaped UFO flying across the sky (6) The sound of the keys might remind you of having placed them in a drawer. The cold touch of the keys might remind


新视野大学英语视听说教程1[第二版]答案(标准答案,正确率100%)Unit1 Lead-in Task1这个不计入分数 Listening skills Task 1. Listening for names:1.David 2.Leigh 3.Vicky Klein https://www.doczj.com/doc/4116155612.html,ura Tish Hill 5.Anthony McDonald Listening in > Task 1 1-5 BDBCA Listening in > Task 2 John选择235 Lisa 选择146 Listening in > Task 3 这个不计入分数 Listening in > Task 4 1-5 attention closing five checkouts leave Speaking out > Model 1这个不计入分数 Speaking out > Model 2这个不计入分数 Speaking out > Model 3这个不计入分数 Let's talk > Task 1这个不计入分数 Let's talk > Task 2这个不计入分数 Let's talk > Task 3这个不计入分数 Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 1 1-5 new and different on his own a bit confused talk with sleep in Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 2 1-5 FTTFT Further listening and speaking > Further speaking > Task 1 这个不计入分数 Unit Test按照顺序:BDCDB 1.all right 2. better 3.meet 4.how's 5. magir 6. what about DBCAC AACBD DCADB CCBDA


《实用英语视听说》 讲义 (2019年春季)

Unit 1 Lecture Listening Directions: In this section, you are going to listen to a lecture twice. When the lecture is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the lecture is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks. Creative Writing Topic: How to start creating 1)________________ for the stories One way to do it: to come up with 2) ________________ How to create fictional characters —Base them on 3) ________________ —4) ________________ several people's traits into one character What are the procedures —Make a list of interesting people you know —Make notes about their 5) ________________ attributes —Combine characteristics from several people to form one


第一册1234 第一单元 Sharing: Task 1 (1) their social life (2) whether they go out a lot and what they did when they went out last night Sharing: Task 2 (1) busy (2) friends (3) university (4) social life Sharing: Task 3 Correct order: a, c, e, d, b, f Sharing: Task 4 Q 1 Key(s): danced Q 2 Key(s): (1) view of (2) fun Q 3 Key(s): drink Q 4 Key(s): (1) west (2) delicious meal Q 5 Key(s): (1) house (2) television/TV Listening: Task 2 Activity 1 Q 1 Key(s): 1962 Q 2 Key(s): fourth/4th Q 3 Key(s): 1990 Q 4 Key(s): 1996 Listening: Task 2 Activity 2 (1) teacher

(2) cleaned houses (3) lost (4) visited (5) work (6) his wife (7) in his own words Viewing: Task 2 Activity 1 Correct order: a, c, h, f, d, e, g, b Viewing: Task 2 Activity 2 (1) home (2) country (3) relatives (4) foreigner (5) speak (6) passed on (7) heat (8) sea (9) happiness Role-playing: Task 2 Activity 1 (1) It was great (2) He's a football player/He is a football player (3) It was really beautiful Role-playing: Task 2 Activity 2 Keys: 1, 3, 5, 7, 10 Presenting: Task 1 Activity 1 Q 1 a small town Q 2 1993 Q 3 2008 Q 4 2003 Q 5 7/seven

新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说1 音视频脚本

Unit 1 Traces of the past Listening to the world Sharing Scripts H = Hina; M1 = Man 1, etc.; W1 = Woman 1, etc. Part 1 H:I have a busy social life. I go out most nights after work with friends. Last night, I went out for a meal with an old friend from university – it was really good to see her. Tell me about your social life. Do you go out a lot Part 2 M1: I do go out quite a lot, yeah. I ... I like to go out to bars and I quite like going to friends’ houses and having dinner and things like that. W1: I like to go to the cinema and um, I think the last movie I saw was The Hangover– it was very funny. And ... and I like to go to the theater also. W2: No, we don’t go out a lot – um, possibly weekends. We go out for meals or something. M2: Not too reg ularly. Weekends. I play golf … um, socialize afterwards. W3: During the day we do. Er, in the evening, no, no. No, we don’t. W4: My friends and I like to go out quite a lot. We go clubbing; we go to discos. W5: Yes, I go out sometimes in the village. Er, we live in a small village, so a lot of our social life is in the village, so we go out to friends’ houses, go to parties, go to the pub. W6: Um, not so much … but I like it a lot. I like to go to the theater, to the cinema, meet friends, eat out. W7: Sometimes I go out for a ... for a couple of drinks with some good friends, but ... um, not very often. A couple of times a month maybe.

实用英语写作技巧 英文书信写作

实用英语写作技巧英文书信写作 各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢 第三十三单元英文书信写作English Letter Writing Introduction Letter writing tests the English letter writing skill of the this unit,we are going to focus on different types of letter writing,their form and will also give you some advice on how to write an effective English letter. Type of letters English letters are generally divided into two types: letters个人书信 letters事务书信 Form An English letter usually consists of six parts:heading,inside address,

salutation,body,complimentary closeand signature。 1)Heading:In the upper right hand corner of the first page,write your full address and the date. 2)Inside Address:On the left side,above the salutation,put the name and full address of the ,this is often omitted in personal letters. 3)Salutation:The greeting to the addressee,written flush with the left margin,two spaces below the inside comma follows the salutation in a personal letter;in a business letter,it is followed by a colon。Besides,in personal letters,first names are usually used,while in business letters,the surnames are used. 4)Body:The contents of the letter. 5)Complimentary Close:The closing of a letter. The conventional complimentary closes in business letters are:“Yours


Unit 1 Outside view Activity 1 3.5 Activity 2 one of the best universities most talented students well-known around the world have open doors good social life you want it to be on another campus it's a fun place go to concerts during the week Activity 3 library system online three / 3 four / 4 Brian leisure purposes the libraries listening in Passage 1 1. 2 6 2.

5 4.3 5. 4 6. 2.Listen to Passage 1 again and rearrange the answers in the right column to match those questions in the left column. Ceahbgdf Passage 2 OC/O/C/O/C/C/O/C/O/OC 2.Listen to Passage 2 again and choose the best way to complete the sentences BDDBA Test CCBBD CDBCB C Unie 2 Outside view Activity 1 1.Watch the video clip and match the speakers with the statements.K/K/T/S/T/K/S/K Activity 2 2.3.5 Activity 3 regarded along communicating But If during


Unit 1 Differences Between Cultures Thinking Ahead Students are asked to discuss the following questions in groups. The reference answers for the questions are offered below: 1. How do you think about the word “culture”? Culture is a word for people’s“way of life”, meaning the way they do things. A group of people has a separate culture when that group sets itself apart from others through its actions. Cultures are what make countries unique. Each country has different cultural activities and cultural rituals. Culture is more than just material goods, that is things the culture uses and produces. Culture is also the beliefs and values of the people in that culture. Culture also includes the way people think about and understand the world and their own lives. 2. Why should we study cross-cultural communication? Cross-cultural communication refers to the study of successful communications across different cultures. It concerns the understanding of tradition and modernization, consistency and change. As we understand some of the ongoing national characteristics of a people, we can examine how this culture is seen from the outside, how it interacts with other cultures and how it is changing. The increase in international business and in foreign investment has created a need for executives with knowledge of foreign languages and skills in cross-cultural communication.

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