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美丽人生 电影英文简介

美丽人生 电影英文简介
美丽人生 电影英文简介

La vita èbella


La vita èbella (or “life is beautiful”), a 1997 Italian tragic comedy-drama film ,tells a story of a man named Guido Orefice, a Jewish Italian book shop owner, who dares to find humor and tenderness in the midst of the Holocaust, employing his fertile imagination to shield his son from the horrors of internment in a Nazi concentration camp.


The film depicts the changing political climate in Italy: Guido frequently imitates members of the National Fascist Party, skewering their racist logic and pseudoscientific reasoning. In the town, Guido survives by quick improvisation. Mistaken for a school inspector, he invents a quick lecture on Italian racial superiority, demonstrating the excellence of his big ears and superb navel.

In 1945, Hitler's anti-Semitism had slithered its slimy way across Europe, tearing apart the Orefice family. Guido and his 5 year old son, Joshua, are packed in to a train filled with desperate souls, towards a concentrate camp. Gazing in to Joshua’s lucent, innocent eyes, instinct stuck him: “this is all a game”, he says to his son.

In the camp, Guido congers up a fictional bubble for his son to live in shielding him from the ruthless truth. In his “elaborate game”, the first one to get 1,000 points will win a tank--not a toy tank but a real one, which Joshua can drive all over town. Guido acts as the translator for a German who is barking orders at the inmates, freely translating them into Italian designed to quiet his son's fears. And he literally hides the child from the camp guards, with rules of the game that have the boy crouching on a high sleeping platform and remaining absolutely still. Guido uses this game to explain features of the concentration camp that would otherwise be scary for a young child: the guards are mean only because they want the tank for themselves; the dwindling numbers of children (who are being killed) are only hiding in order to score more points than Joshua so they can win the game. He puts off Joshua's requests to end the game and return home by convincing him that they are in the lead for the tank, and need only wait a short while before they can return home with their tank.

Despite being surrounded by the misery, sickness, and death at the camp, Joshua does not question this fiction because of his father's convincing performance and his own innocence. Guido maintains this story right until the end when, in the chaos of shutting down the camp as the Americans approach, he tells his son to stay in a sweatbox until everybody has left, this being the final competition before the tank is his. As the camp is in chaos Guido goes off to find Dora, but while he is out he is caught by a Nazi soldier. The soldier makes the decision to execute Guido. Guido is led off by the soldier to be executed. While the soldier is leading him to his death, Guido passes by

Joshua one last time, still in character and playing the game. The next morning, Joshua emerges from the sweatbox as the camp is occupied by an American armored division. Joshua thinks he has won the game because Guido had told him that whoever got to one thousand points would get a tank. The soldiers free all of the captives in the concentration camp and lead them to a safer place. While they are traveling, the soldiers allow Joshua to ride on the front of the tank with them. During their travels, Joshua spots Dora in the procession leaving the camp. Her mother, overwhelmed with happiness and relief, finds out that though after the tormenting experience of the concentrated camps, her son’s heart still remains untainted.


The movie has stirred up venomous opposition from the right wing in Italy. At Cannes, it offended some left-wing critics with its use of humor in connection with the Holocaust. What may be most offensive to both wings is its sidestepping of politics in favor of simple human ingenuity. The film finds the right notes to negotiate its delicate subject matter. And Benigni, the director and main actor of the film, isn't really making comedy out of the Holocaust, anyway. He is showing how Guido uses the only gift at his command to protect his son. If he had a gun, he would shoot at the Fascists. If he had an army, he would destroy them. He is a clown, and comedy is his weapon.

WWII was defiantly a dark period in human history, and that there was nothing "funny" about this evil era that claimed the lives of 8 million innocent people. Yet "Life is Beautiful" was never offensive to me; it is a tribute to hope and love. I just introduced this film to my twelve year old daughters, to inspire them that even during the bleakest of times, the human spirit can triumph over despair.

The movie actually softens the Holocaust slightly, to make the humor possible at all. In the real death camps there would be no role for Guido. But "Life Is Beautiful" is not about Nazis and Fascists, but about the human spirit. It is about rescuing whatever is good and hopeful from the wreckage of dreams, about hope for the future, about the necessary human conviction, or delusion, that things will be better for our children than they are right now.

Extra info:

Part of the film came from Benigni's own family history; before Roberto's birth, his father had survived three years of internment at the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. The film was a critical and financial success, winning 3 Oscar awards.


浅析电影《美丽人生》的叙事时空 14级戏剧与影视学张成成2014200737时间因素与空间因素的综合,是电影与生俱来的特性,随着电影技术与艺术的发展,这种综合的形态又越来越趋向于复杂性和多样性。影视中的时间设计和空间设计是相互依存,相辅相成的。时间借助空间中实物的运动,如行云流水,斗转星移,季节的变化、人物的成长无不预示着时间的存在和运转;另外空间的扩展,又依赖于时间的流程得以实现,并让人得到具象的感知。可见,电影在表现时间和空间方面享有着极大的自由,也正是这种特性使电影有着无穷的潜力。 《美丽人生》这部电影的叙事很成功,它没有按传统的方法处理,而是用寓言的方式写实,用悲剧情境营造喜剧效果。影片前半部为后半部做了充分铺垫,如孩子爱玩坦克,就有了父亲利用他对坦克的期盼编织谎言;孩子不爱洗澡,后来恰恰这一点救了他的命;圭多和心上人去看歌剧,最后他也是通过咏叹调向妻子传达他们活着的信息。 电影作为时间与空间的综合艺术,时间的流变和空间的转换,在电影中都有着无穷的潜力。而这种流变与转换携带着深厚的本土文化蕴涵,因而在影视叙事作品中对时空的深层探究显得必要而迫切。分析电影叙事的空间结构,主要是对电影叙事的主体空间的框架结构、故事间的空间和故事内的各场景空间的排列组合以及空间表述的变异形态等问题进行探讨。 《美丽人生》在叙事时间方面,是以倒叙为基本大背景采取线性叙事为主要手段。影片的最后一句“这就是我的故事”,体现了本片是一个回忆性质的故事,顺叙以平铺直叙的方式交待了剧情的开始和缘由,而通过倒叙的方式,插在顺叙与补叙的情节之间使读者可以感觉到整部影片气势曲折、首尾呼应,整个影片十分完整。 影片的叙述时间的大背景是在战争年代二战期间,影片用黑色幽默的手法描述了圭多一家在纳粹集中营中的悲欢离合,展示了圭多对美丽人生的憧憬和在残酷环境中特有的乐观。这部电影完全不同于以往任何一部反映二战题材的影片,它是一幕黑色的喜剧,它以一种超越常规的新鲜的角度,通过另一个侧面来面对二战这段历史。


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《美丽人生》观后感【8篇】《美丽人生》讲述的是一位叫圭多的父亲和他的儿子被纳粹抓入集中营的故事。下面为你整理了电影《美丽人生》观后感,希望能帮到你! 电影《美丽人生》观后感 在多媒体教室观看了电影——《美丽人生》,感触很深。 這是一部震撼人心的黑色喜剧。讲述了一个活泼乐观的犹太青年圭多来到小镇阿雷佐,遇见了漂亮的姑娘朵拉,经过几番努力,他终于与朵拉结婚,生了一个可爱的儿子约叔华,并开了一个书店。可是,好景不长,在儿子五岁时,圭多一家人被德军抓走。为了不让孩子的心灵蒙上阴影,在惨无人道的集中营里,圭多让儿子以为這只是一场游戏,得到1000分就赢了,奖品是坦克,儿子信以为真。于是,圭多一边乐观地干着脏苦的工作,一边编造游戏的谎言。“游戏”结束时,圭多惨死在德国军的枪下,這时一辆真的坦克车开到他的面前,上面下来一个美军士兵,将他抱上坦克。最后,约叔华母子相聚。 這个故事悲中带喜,记得刚看故事的开头,真是让大家笑得都快喘不过气了。冒充从罗马来的督学在课桌上跳起脱衣wu的情节、圭多追求朵拉的情节,都让大家笑声不止。 可想不到的是美好的日子竟然过得這么快,德军抓走了他们,故事此时进入了转折,可让人更没有想到的是圭多竟

如此乐观,那种对于人生磨难的乐观,那种不惧死亡的乐观。为了让儿子不恐惧,他竟编下了谎言,以微笑面对残酷的生活。可這也是惊险的,死中脱险的约叔华几次险些被德军发现,這时,大家的心也悬着,好在圭多每次都机智的化险为夷,也一次次瞒过了儿子這件事情的真相。 直到最后,德军决定杀死所有人,圭多把约叔华藏在铁箱子中,并嘱咐他一定要藏好,等没有人的时候才能出来,要不然就会扣分的,就不能得到奖品坦克了。纯真的儿子就這样看着父亲微笑着被德军带走了,再也没有回来。看到這儿,大家都沉默了,心里沉甸甸的。 终于,战争胜利了,美军开着坦克把约叔华带到了朵拉身边,开始了他的美丽人生。 原来,圭多早就知道残酷只是短暂的,美丽人生终会到来,所以小心翼翼地守护着儿子纯洁的心灵。 父爱是伟大的,生活也是美好的,噩梦终将过去,用乐观扫清路途的阴霾,美丽的人生之光在迎接着你、我、他…… 电影《美丽人生》观后感 看了這部电影,我的心里除了感动,剩下的还是感动。 “這是我的经历,這是我父亲所作的牺牲,這是父亲赐我的恩典。”——這是影片最后一句台词。 同时,他也让我感到了父爱的伟大。 罗贝托?贝尼尼主演,深刻的表现了父亲和儿子之间的


Ten Remarkable movies 《The Legend of 1900》 When 1900 was a baby, he was abandoned in the ship. Since then, he never left the ship. His talents on piano made him welcome. After defeating the black jazz musician, he became more popular. But he was so afraid of getting off the ship that he gave up his love for a girl. His friend Max wanted to persuade him to leave the ship because the ship would be exploded. It did not work. A tragedy could not be avoided. In the end 1900 sank to the sea along with the ship. 《The Devil Wears Prada》 In New York, the simple and naive just-graduated in journalism Andrea Sachs is hired to work as the second assistant of the powerful and sophisticated Miranda Priestly, the ruthless and merciless executive of the Runway fashion magazine. Andrea dreams to become a journalist and faces the opportunity as a temporary professional challenge. The first assistant Emily advises Andrea about the behavior and preferences of their cruel boss, and the stylist Nigel helps Andrea to dress more adequately for the environment. Andrea changes her attitude and behavior, affecting her private life and the relationship with her boyfriend Nate, her family and friends. In the end, Andrea learns that life is made of choices. 《Dead Poets Society》 Painfully shy Todd Anderson has been sent to the school where his popular older brother was valedictorian. His room-mate, Neil, although exceedingly bright and popular, is very much under the thumb of his overbearing father. The two, along with their other friends, meet Professor Keating, their new English teacher, who tells them of the Dead Poets Society, and encourages them to go against the status quo. Each, in their own way, does this, and is changed for life. 《Pride and Prejudice》 In Georgian England, Mrs. Bennet raises her five daughters - Jane, Elizabeth, Mar y, Kitty and Lydia with the purpose of getting married with a rich husband that can su pport the family. They are not from the upper class, and their house in Hartfordshire w ill be inherited by a distant cousin if Mr. Bennet dies. When the wealthy bachelor Mr. Bingley and his best friend Mr. Darcy arrive in town to spend the summer in a mansio n nearby their property, the shy and beautiful Jane falls in love for Mr. Bingley, and Li zzie finds Mr. Darcy a snobbish and proud man, and she swears to loathe him forever. This is the beginning of their wonderful love story. 《Every cloud has a silver lining》 Life doesn't always go according to plan. Pat Solatano has lost everything - his house, his job, and his wife. He now finds himself living back with his mother and father after spending eight months in a state institution on a plea bargain. Pat is determined to rebuild his life, remain positive and reunite with his wife, despite the challenging circumstances of their separation. All Pat's parents want is for him to get back on his feet - and to share their family's obsession with the Philadelphia Eagles football team. When Pat meets Tiffany, a mysterious girl with problems of her own, things get complicated. Tiffany offers to help Pat reconnect with his wife, but only if he'll do something very important for her in return. As their deal plays out, an


言不尽的爱 --------评析电影《《美丽人生》》本片由意大利国宝级导演罗伯特贝尼尼自编自导自演,讲述了一个关于亲情和爱情的故事,情节跌宕起伏,感人肺腑。该片曾获得嘎纳电影节评委会大奖和奥斯卡最佳外语片奖等多部大奖。是值得各位收藏的一部佳作。 乐观开朗的犹太青年圭多和朋友驾车来到城里,途中邂逅了美丽的女教师多拉,两人互生情愫。几经磨难,两人结为夫妻。但好景不长,就在他们的儿子生日那天,圭多和儿子被强行带到了纳粹集中营,原因是他们是犹太人。多拉没有犹太血统,但为了和丈夫儿子在一起,也登上了通往集中营的火车。在集中营里他们被分开关押。圭多为了不让儿子幼小的心灵受到伤害,就“欺骗”他说这是为他的生日而举办的一场游戏,游戏规则是不能哭不能闹不能想妈妈,率先得到1000个积分的孩子就可以得到一辆真坦克,儿子信以为真。圭多还要想方设法向妻子报平安。最终圭多为了儿子的安危,自己惨死在德军的枪口之下。 在本片身兼编、导、演三职的罗伯托·贝尼尼是意大利影坛著名的喜剧演员,他在本片发挥了高度创意,用别开生面的方式将一种几乎已经拍烂的题材——纳粹迫害犹太人之中脱颖而出。不似《《辛德勒名单》》那般沉重冷酷更多的是欢笑还有泪水但却又时时刻刻紧扣主题本片说是在反映历史倒不如说是写一个人的一生。男主角圭多这个勇敢又不失幽默的男人为了爱人几经磨难,他却从不后悔在集中营时他始终在自己儿子的身旁保护他鼓励他尽管他自己也害怕的要命同时也想尽办法去寻找自己的妻子。为了家人的安全他又果断的放弃了自己的生命在他的眼中亲情与爱情才是他真正的生命,也由此我们见证了一个平凡的父亲不平凡的爱。在他被敌人发现后即将被处死之时为了不让自己的儿子害怕让其相信人生是美丽的他摆出滑稽的姿势从儿子面前走过。亲情战胜了死亡的恐惧也再次将伟大的父爱表现的淋漓尽致。 影片用前半部分全力营造了轻松愉快地氛围,圭多与多拉展开了一段充满激情与浪漫的爱恋很快他们就有了自己爱情的结晶约书亚。圭多如同天作之合的美满家庭让人羡慕不已,然而在电影进行到后半部分时纳粹的来临让他的家庭不再美满、人生不再美丽。他们被带到了集中营此时圭多为了不让自己亲爱的儿子心理蒙上阴影而撒谎、为了儿子他每天都强颜欢笑并且不断鼓励儿子用浓浓的父爱为约书亚幼小的心灵罩上了一层保护罩,当在书店看到犹太人与狗不准进入时约书亚用充满稚气的声音说我要挂野蛮人与蜘蛛不准入内导演特意将此镜头拍的如此美好将美丽人生再次体现出来。欢笑中带着心酸,但他的努力没有白费他的儿子始终相信自己在玩一场游戏。为了让儿子相信这1000分圭多放弃了自己的心情与感受这种父爱深深的感染了我们也让影片主题得到了升华。影片的结局虽然是悲剧圭多为了保护躲在柜子里的约书亚被枪打死天亮后小约书亚跑了出来见到了红军的坦克。他赢了也获得了与爸爸预定的奖品,并且坐在塔克上找到了自己的妈妈。圭多也赢了他成功的让儿子快乐的度过了最黑暗的时期他用生命换来的礼物成功的将儿子载向了美好的人生。 从最开始的喜剧到后来的悲剧唯一不变的就是爱,父爱是伟大的,虽然圭多死了但他那为了爱可以创造奇迹的精神让我们知道了人生之所以美丽是因为有爱的存在。约书亚最后说的那句这是我的经历,这是我父亲所作的牺牲,这是父亲赐我的恩典。导演通过一位平凡的父亲让我们对父爱有了更深的认识:因为爱你,所以笑对人生。因为爱你,所以不惧死亡。本是一部喜剧却让人在笑声中留下眼泪再对伟大父爱称赞的同时又如同其他反对战争题材电影一样表达出对一


意大利电影美丽人生观后感5篇 美丽人生观后感1 活泼乐观的意大利青年圭多是个犹太人,他来到小镇阿雷佐遇见了心仪的姑娘多拉,经过几番巧遇和努力,他终于与多拉结婚,并生了一个可爱的儿子约书亚。可是,好景不长,纳粹在约书亚五岁的生日上抓走了圭多一家。为了不让孩子的心灵蒙上阴影,在惨无人道的集中营里,圭多试图让约书亚以为这只是一场游戏。“游戏”结束时,圭多惨死在纳粹的枪下,而约书亚得到了“游戏”的最高奖赏。 片中,圭多的幽默与智慧是最吸引我的地方。面对纳粹,他告诉儿子,这只是一场游戏,并且乐观地过好每一天。他从不唉声叹气,从不绝望,他只有一个信念——帮助大家逃出集中营。 面对逆境,我们应该怎么做?有些人会像圭多一样笑着迎接挑战,始终相信“山重水尽疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。”有些人则会手足无措,犹如大难临头,失去斗志。没有哪个人一生走来是一帆风顺的,那些功成名就的艺人、作家、运动员无一不经历风雨。贝多芬失聪,却成了举世闻名的音乐家;张海迪残疾,却成

为了一名伟大的作家……他们并不幸运,只是面对逆境时,他们不同的人生观、价值观铸就了他们不平凡的人生。 我们不妨按照圭多所说的,把逆境看作是一场游戏,扮演好属于我们自己的那个角色。游戏是会结束的,风雨过后,我们会见到彩虹。 人的一生难免坎坷与挫折,有时甚至遭遇“屋漏偏逢连夜雨”的尴尬境地,经受“雪上加霜”的磨难考验,关键是如何面对逆境,是消极对待还是积极应对,是怨天尤人还是勇于挑战,这是不言而喻的。 别对自己说“不可能”。每一种经历对于我们都是一种体验,都是人生中的一朵美丽之花。我们把希望交给远方,把生存的体验交给自己。 我们会发现,用常用的方法切苹果时,我们看到的是半个丑陋的核儿,如果把刀横过来,你会发现一颗小星星在里面。生活中,只要用心去寻找,你就会发现令你惊叹的美丽和快乐。 美丽人生观后感2 “这是我的经历,这是我父亲所作的牺牲,这是父亲赐我的恩典。”——这是影片最后一句台词。 同时,他也让我感到了父爱的伟大。

美丽人生 电影影评

电影《美丽人生》声音及音乐分析 意大利影片《美丽人生》由罗贝尔托·贝尼尼自编、自导、自演。它以“二战”为背景,用极富喜剧色彩和游戏精神的叙事语言讲述了一个散发着人性光辉的温情故事。 片中的音乐色彩富有地域特色且不失感伤浪漫的复古气息,张弛有度的欧陆风格,常常会挑动听者内心的反思与共鸣。意大利著名作曲家尼科拉.皮奥瓦尼创作出画面与情节所需的大量音乐元素。它们在片中以情节描述、反衬等形态出现,并多次变换节奏与配器。《美丽人生》在音乐处理上以小见大匠心独具。华尔兹、康塔塔等多元风格的音乐与影片剧情严丝合缝的搭配,及表现出颇有品质的生活,又在灵活的交替转换和情节的巧妙设置中对影片诸多元素进行解构。这些音乐段落成就了一部令人笑中带泪的影片,成为构筑影片风格不可或缺的成分。 影视自发明以来,给我们带来了多姿多彩的生活,而音乐,这一人们表达感情的最原始而又最具活力的艺术形式,基于声音技术在影视中得以运用以后,使影视艺术不再是单一的视觉表达,在视听上满足了我们的需求,让我们的生活更丰富多彩。音乐是记忆之门。它凝结着影片中最深刻的思想和最深沉的情感。丰子恺说:“作为时间艺术的音乐比作为空间艺术的绘画更为神秘。”这种神秘使它包容了丰富的内涵,具有了直指人心的力量。面对人类复杂的情感,再出色的台词也显得苍白无力,惟有沉默是明智的选择。若辅之以婉转低回的

音乐,这个片段定会成为影片中最撩动心弦的篇章。比如影片中当解放来临之际,一天深夜纳粹准备逃走,圭多将儿子藏在一个铁柜里,千叮嘱万叮咛让乔舒亚不要出来,他打算趁乱到女牢去打妻子多拉,但不幸的是他被纳粹发现,当纳粹押着圭多经过乔舒亚的铁柜时,他还乐观地、大步地走去,暗示儿子不要出来,主人公的死我们没有看见,但通过德国士兵的两声枪响就心领神会了。这样的处理避免观众直面悲剧的不忍,又很好地介绍了情节,因为这是一个情理之中的结果。天亮了,乔舒亚从铁柜里爬出来,站在院子里,这时一辆真的坦克车隆隆地开到他的面前,上面下来一个美军士兵,将他抱上坦克。儿子在空旷的广场上对坦克也是先闻其声,后见其形。这时的坦克声也是起到了连接镜头、参与情节的作用,同时也象征着战争的结束,胜利的到来,恰当的渲染了气氛。多么伟大的父亲,为了自己的儿子牺牲了自己的生命,就在最后将被枪毙之前,他看到儿子的柜子缝隙露出的眼睛,竟然大步前进,孩子一直以为就是一场游戏,他幼小的心灵就是这样被父亲呵护着!最后父亲被枪毙了,所有人都走了,小乔舒亚从铁柜里出来,真的坦克驶来,那一刻,他真的觉得自己是游戏的最终胜利者. 只有音乐才能解读他心头的百般滋味。“宁静”死前面带微笑的高歌,远比慷慨陈词来得壮烈、凄美。画面是具象的,音乐则是精神层面的。音乐则是对画面的升华。 《美丽人生》中,基多的那句“早上好,公主!”成为他对朵拉的爱情宣言,见证了他们爱情的发展历程。每次基多见到朵拉的第一句话总是“早上好,公主!”配上他夸张的动作和语调,展开了他们美好


关于电影《美丽人生》优秀观后感5篇 《美丽人生》优秀观后感1 很多年后,他明白了父亲用自己的生命换来他的美丽人生。想必小叔本华也一定会像他父亲那样去让他的下一代拥有美丽人生。《美丽人生》这部影片讲述了一个爱情与亲情的故事。在二战期间,一个犹太青年基度来到了意大利阿雷佐的斯坎小镇准备开一家书店,途中邂逅了年轻美丽的女子Dora,基度认定她是他心中的公主,总是制造惊喜的“巧遇”,“早上好,美丽的公主”。他凭着自身的幽默感和聪明机智赢得Dora的芳心,并生下小叔本华。 几年后,在小叔本华5岁生日时,纳粹分子把基度和小叔本华送往集中营。Dora坚持同往。基度不愿意使儿子的童年受到“玷污”骗儿子说是在玩游戏,谁得到1000分,就能得到一辆真的坦克,不幸的是在二战接近尾声时,基度把小叔本华藏在铁箱子里,伪装成女人去找妻子,却在找的途中被纳粹份子发现发现而被枪毙。小叔本华终于如愿以偿的得到坦克。在影片的上半部分主要讲述基度和Dora 的爱情故事。我们深深被基度对他的公主的爱而感动,也被基度的幽默和机智所折服。其中有两个场景让我印象尤为深刻。一是基度怕Dora的脚被雨水弄湿,从车的后座拿出一卷红丝绸,从楼梯由上向下铺开,一直延续到屋檐下,那是他们曾相遇的一个地方。 二是Dora在鲁道夫的订婚典礼上让基度把她带走,基度机智的

骑着他叔叔的马把Dora从酒店中带走。基度的“搞笑”演出,让我们现场爆笑不断。而在影片的下半部分主要讲基度一家的亲情故事。小叔本华的诞生。基度一家平静而美好的生活着。这一切却被纳粹份子破坏了。从进入集中营开始基度就骗儿子。小叔本华天真活泼的样子与集中营惨无人道的现实形成了鲜明的对比。基度为了妻儿在集中营中艰难的生存着,在每天繁重的劳动后,还要哄着小叔本华,怕儿子的心灵蒙上悲惨的色彩。 广播中,小叔本华稚嫩的声音传来,让Dora泪流满面。在基度被纳粹兵发现要被带走经过小叔本华藏匿的箱子时,故意用夸张的步伐走过还对小叔本华眨了下眼睛,成功的骗过了小叔本华。这一幕,让我们的眼中有了酸涩感,那几声枪声连带我们的心也震动了。人类自身美好的向往,在战争面前总是无力的。影片中并没有血淋淋的战争的场面,而是用基度一家的故事来展现战争的残酷。呼唤和平。在经过集中营日子的“基度一家”还有什么是过不去的呢。现实的挫折有什么比得上那些。就像现在的我们,不能因为小小的挫折而被打败。母爱细致,父爱深沉。基度的爱小叔本华懂得的。“这是我父亲的牺牲,这是我父亲赐我的恩典”。 《美丽人生》优秀观后感2 《美丽人生》,一如片名,那和煦温暖的阳光、那充满智慧的幽默、那深深的爱恋与舐犊之情……这些能够得上美丽人生的因素却是发生在战争阴霾之下。残酷的战争为背景使得这一切都那么难能可贵。战争是黑暗的,可主人公的心中有阳光,生活便是美好的,态度


早上好,我的公主! ——观《美丽人生》有感还记得那天晚上和百来个同学一起观看了在A楼组织观看的《美丽人生》。当时看着电影的前半段,感觉有些隐隐的乏味无聊。以为这又是一部老套的“灰姑娘”与“王子”的故事,只不过王子与灰姑娘互换身份罢了。但是,随着影片中,男女主人公走进美丽的花房的那一幕开始,不仅仅是故事的时间轴推进的好几年,同时故事的基调也发生了三百六十度大转变。可以说,一直到最后最后,电影带给我的,都是巨大的震撼。看完后,我才明了,这是一部完全意大利式的电影,也是一部纯粹以剧情和演技取胜的电影。整部电影中,没有一处宏大的场面和夸张的音效特技,但扣人心弦的剧情和演员精湛的表演,使我完全忽略了这些因素的存在。 整部电影,都充满了爱和希望,让人看了以后不禁深深感慨。就算在最艰难最黑暗的日子里,男主人公依然深爱着并用生命与智慧保护着他的妻子与儿子。为了儿子能够生存下去,即使在战争的硝烟弥漫中,即使在集中营的暗无天日中,即使在最后枪声响起死亡来临的那一刻,他依然在为儿子编造着一个美好的幻想:这所有的一切都只是一场游戏,游戏的奖励是一辆崭新的坦克。也正是因为这一个美丽的谎言,我们的小男孩才能够一直坚持到最后的最后,最终看见他梦中的坦克。当我看见黑暗结束后,男孩想着父亲说过会有坦克来接他们然后真的在街上看到坦克的刹那,我知道,奇迹发生了。父爱的奇迹,对生活的热爱的奇迹,对生命诊视的奇迹。 除了伟大的父爱,贯穿整部电影的爱情元素也深深的让人为之动容。为了妻子能够得知他们的消息从而安下心来,他在路过集中营的广播室时,冒着危险在广播里呼喊妻子的名字,他只想告诉她,他和儿子都安好。还有那一句“早上好,我的公主”,就这一句,它抵得过万千的甜言蜜语,让人不禁心口一暖。不仅如此。他趁着做侍者的机会,为妻子播放了《船歌》——这首曾经响在他们定情之夜的歌曲。歌声飘过沉沉迷雾的阻挡,在黑夜里,给他的妻子带去安慰,和信念。看完电影,脑海中还是一幕幕的回想着男女主人公相爱的画面。响彻脑海的还是那一句“早上好,我的公主”。能永远被自己所爱的人像称作公主,绝对是一件幸福至上的事情。 我看过的反映二战的影片很多,像《钢琴家》、《辛德勒的名单》、《安妮日记》、《英国病人》,《拯救大兵瑞恩》……可是,同《辛德勒的名单》以及很多的反映二战的电影不同,《美丽人生》更多的是从情感方面进行描写,从一个普通的故事入手,蔓延伸展铺开,让我们看到战争的真相,同时,也让我们看到真爱的力量。主人公圭多用自己的生命,告诉我们所有人:黑暗一定会有尽头,幸福不会一直走远。


下面这40部遗产性英语片是专门强荐给那些读不进书的人儿,均是英文听力+阅读助力极好的强片,要是不看,比较地道的纯正听力+口语语感从何而来?? 读也不读,看又不看,听也不听,正确语境的认知,以及低失误率的大词汇量,高多信息化的阅读理解和真实的生活阅历就永远是句空话empty talk!! 1. Big Fish II《大鱼老爸2》;American Beauty 《美国丽人》;Pretty Friends 《漂亮朋友/ 丽人行》 2. Forrest Gump 《阿甘正传》;The Sound of Music 《音乐之声》;Dances with Wolves 《与狼共舞》 3. A Walk in clouds 《云中漫步》;Gone With the Wind 《飘/乱世佳人》;Jane Eyre 《简·爱》 4. Independent Day 《独立日》;Superman I-II 《超人》+《超人归来》;King Kong《金刚》 5. Mission: Impossible I-II-III《不可能完成的任务/碟中谍1,2,3》; 或者 James Bond 007 《007》全集 6. Congo 《刚果惊魂》;Jurassic Park I-II-III 《侏罗纪公园1,2,3》;Man in Black II 《黑衣特战警》 7. The Pearl Harbor 《珍珠港》;The Rocks 《石破天惊》;Fair Game《对抗性游戏》;RainMan《雨人》 8. Titanic《泰坦尼克》;Broken Arrow《断剑》;Air Force One 《空军一号》;The Fugitive 《亡命天涯》 9. Silence of the Lamb 《沉默的羔羊》;Lion King《狮子王》;Sleepless Seatle《西雅图不眠人》; 10.Shawshank's Redemption 《肖申克的救赎》; Seven Sins 《七宗罪》;Pretty Women 《漂亮女人》 11. Brave Heart 《勇敢的心》; Wild Geese 《野鹅敢死队》; Serpent 《蛇》;Last Assassin《最后刺客》 12. North by Northwest 《西北偏北》;Cassandra Crossing 《卡桑德拉大桥》;Roma Holiday 《罗马假日》 13. King Solomon's Mine《所罗门王的宝藏》;National Treasure 《国家宝藏》;Vertical Limit 《垂直极限》 14. Golden Pond 《金色池塘》;Speed 《生死时速》I-II-III; Topgun 《壮志凌云》;Seawolf 《海狼》; 15. Bathing Beauties 《出水芙蓉》;Ring III《美版--午夜凶铃》;Kramer V.S. Kramer 《克莱默夫妇之争》 16. Victory 《胜利大逃亡》;Escape to Athena 《逃往雅典娜》;Robotcop I-II-III 《机器战警123》 Garrison's Gorillas [TV-Series] /《加里森敢死队》;The Bridges of Madison County 《廊桥遗梦》; The Waterloo Bridge 《魂断蓝桥》。。。等等等等~~~


美丽人生简介 《美丽人生》是一部由罗伯托;贝尼尼执导,罗伯托;贝尼尼、尼可莱塔;布拉斯基、乔治;坎塔里尼等人主演的剧情片。下面是给大家整理的美丽人生电影简介,供大家参阅! 美丽人生电影基本信息《美丽人生》是一部由罗伯托;贝尼尼执导,罗伯托;贝尼尼、尼可莱塔;布拉斯基、乔治;坎塔里尼等人主演的剧情片。1997年12月20日,该片在意大利上映。 该片讲述了一对犹太父子被送进了纳粹集中营,父亲利用自己的想像力扯谎说他们正身处一个游戏当中,最后父亲让儿子的童心没有受到伤害,而自己却惨死的故事。1999年,该片在第71届奥斯卡奖获得了最佳外语片、最佳男主角、最佳配乐三项奖项。 美丽人生电影剧情简介1939年,第二次世界大战的阴云笼罩着整个意大利。圭多是一个外表看似笨拙,但心地善良憨厚而且生性乐观的犹太青年。他对生活充满了美好的向往。他和好友菲鲁乔驾着一辆破车从乡间来到阿雷佐小镇,他的愿望是在小镇开一家属于自己的书店,过上与世无争的安逸生活。途经一座谷仓塔楼时,年轻漂亮的姑娘多拉突然从塔楼上跌落到他的怀中,原来塔楼上有个黄蜂窝,黄蜂经常骚扰当地居民。多拉想为民除害,烧掉黄蜂窝,反被黄蜂蜇伤。圭多立刻对她产生了好感,热情地为她处理伤口,为表示谢意,多拉送了一些鸡蛋给圭多,意味深长地目送他远去。

阴云密布的意大利,纳粹的反动势力日益强大,墨索里尼推行强硬的种族改良政策,圭多因有犹太血统,他开书店的申请屡遭阻挠,拖了很久才得到。好友菲鲁乔的工作也久无着落。期间由于生活所迫,圭多只好在一家饭店当服务员,他以真诚、纯朴、热情周到的服务态度赢得了顾客们的喜爱,其中就有一个喜欢猜谜语的李医生,对圭多聪明的头脑和真诚的态度表示敬重。 一次圭多在填写申请时无意中把一盆花砸到了签字人(鲁道夫)头上,签字人就去追圭多,圭多在一个拐角撞上了多拉,两人再次邂逅燃起了圭多心中爱情的火焰。他不失时机地向多拉表白爱慕之情。 多拉是某学校的教师,有一天从罗马来的督学要到学校视察,圭多得知后,竟冒充督学来到多拉所在学校视察。校长热情地接待他,为取悦多拉,引起多拉的注意,圭多索性跳上讲台施展起喜剧演员的才华,惹得学生开怀大笑,令校长和教师瞠目结舌。 圭多得知多拉和男友鲁道夫要去剧院看歌剧,他也买票前往,坐在楼下的圭多始终目不转睛地盯着楼上包厢里的多拉。起初多拉对圭多的苦苦追求并不在意,但是由于多拉讨厌鲁道夫,因此常和圭多在一起。鲁道夫一厢情愿地举办和多拉的订婚晚会。晚会正巧安排在圭多所在的饭店。圭多巧妙地使多拉摆脱了鲁道夫的纠缠,因此赢得了她的芳心。多拉不惜跟父母闹翻,离家出走,嫁给了圭多。 婚后,好事接踵而来,圭多梦寐以求的书店开业了,他们有了个乖巧可爱的儿子乔舒亚。圭多闲来无事时常和儿子玩游戏,一家人生活的幸福美满。可好日子没过上几年,在约叔华五岁生日这天,纳粹


介绍电影 New York Minute Jane and Rozy Ryan(by Arshley Olsen and Mary Kate Olsen) are twin sisters. Although they look alike, they never spent time together. Jane is typically a good student, and she's fighting for her academic futer -- she wants to get a scholarship for Oxford University. Roxy hates school, she likes to make fun of her sister sometimes and she's a crazy rock star wanna-be. They both wanted to go to New York city. Jane is going to make a presentation, and Roxy wants to meet her favorate rock star. But on their way, funny and strange things happened. A policeman is trying to find Roxy, and some Chinese are also hunting the twins. These troubles brought the sisters together. They were united, and got what they want in the end. 动画设计中对2D方面的色彩研究 内容摘要:近些年来,我国的动画片色彩设计有了长足的进步,表现在创作者能够吸收和借鉴各种创作元素,比如电影中的色彩元素,国画中的色彩元素,民间皮影、剪纸中的色彩元素等,而且我国的动画创作者还能大胆学习国外先进的色彩设计经验,移植国外成熟的创作模本,来为我国的动画创作服务。但是,我国动画片

美丽人生 电影英文简介

La vita èbella INTRO La vita èbella (or “life is beautiful”), a 1997 Italian tragic comedy-drama film ,tells a story of a man named Guido Orefice, a Jewish Italian book shop owner, who dares to find humor and tenderness in the midst of the Holocaust, employing his fertile imagination to shield his son from the horrors of internment in a Nazi concentration camp. STORY The film depicts the changing political climate in Italy: Guido frequently imitates members of the National Fascist Party, skewering their racist logic and pseudoscientific reasoning. In the town, Guido survives by quick improvisation. Mistaken for a school inspector, he invents a quick lecture on Italian racial superiority, demonstrating the excellence of his big ears and superb navel. In 1945, Hitler's anti-Semitism had slithered its slimy way across Europe, tearing apart the Orefice family. Guido and his 5 year old son, Joshua, are packed in to a train filled with desperate souls, towards a concentrate camp. Gazing in to Joshua’s lucent, innocent eyes, instinct stuck him: “this is all a game”, he says to his son. In the camp, Guido congers up a fictional bubble for his son to live in shielding him from the ruthless truth. In his “elaborate game”, the first one to get 1,000 points will win a tank--not a toy tank but a real one, which Joshua can drive all over town. Guido acts as the translator for a German who is barking orders at the inmates, freely translating them into Italian designed to quiet his son's fears. And he literally hides the child from the camp guards, with rules of the game that have the boy crouching on a high sleeping platform and remaining absolutely still. Guido uses this game to explain features of the concentration camp that would otherwise be scary for a young child: the guards are mean only because they want the tank for themselves; the dwindling numbers of children (who are being killed) are only hiding in order to score more points than Joshua so they can win the game. He puts off Joshua's requests to end the game and return home by convincing him that they are in the lead for the tank, and need only wait a short while before they can return home with their tank. Despite being surrounded by the misery, sickness, and death at the camp, Joshua does not question this fiction because of his father's convincing performance and his own innocence. Guido maintains this story right until the end when, in the chaos of shutting down the camp as the Americans approach, he tells his son to stay in a sweatbox until everybody has left, this being the final competition before the tank is his. As the camp is in chaos Guido goes off to find Dora, but while he is out he is caught by a Nazi soldier. The soldier makes the decision to execute Guido. Guido is led off by the soldier to be executed. While the soldier is leading him to his death, Guido passes by

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