当前位置:文档之家› 工程硕士研究生英语综合教程(上册)复习



sole randomly physiology in a funk bring up intellectual affiliate volunteer render head-on literally dispose

get it off your chest tactfully lick trigger

in the presence go a long way diminish spot

1.If you __________ any mistakes in the article, mark them with a pencil.

2.The way the books were arranged seemed completely __________.

3.We three were the __________ survivors of the accident being found in the water after

six hours.

4.These are facts that can always be __________ against you.

5.The health clinic is relying on __________ to run the office and answer the telephones.

6.He’s never had much __________ and people don’t like his blunt manner.

7.She ordered the brand new car __________ the sales manager though her sister

whispered not to decide promptly.

8.The store __________ the jewelry in an attractive display.

9.In classroom discussion, a chain of questions is always __________ by students on the

hit topic.

10.Our house has __________ substantially in value over the last six months.

11.Well-chosen wallpaper can __________ toward making a room look attractive.

12.Their lack of __________ to any particular bank allows them to give objective financial


13.We hadn’t eaten since yesterday and th e children were __________ starving.

14.Her desire to __________ everyone happy was seen clearly but her rudeness ruined


15.He is a man more noted for his __________ than his charm.

leverage assign downturn burnout

resent option incredible day-to-day

cap base on run into focus on

attend to compare to kick in

1.He __________ trouble with his economic policies.

2.I had two items of business to __________ before I could relax.

3.If the United Nations had more troops in the area, it would have greater __________

(= power to influence people and get desired result).

4.I’ve been __________ the job of looking after the new students from foreign countries.

5.If you subscribe now we will __________ a bonus.

6.Your __________ responsibilities will include sorting the mails and making


7.They __________ their estimate __________ the figures for the last three years.

8.Central government has imposed a __________ on local tax increases.

9.That’s the most __________ coincidence I’ve ever heard of.

10.This car has a lot of extra features. That is why it’s expensive __________ other cars.

11.John has taken an __________ on shares in the company.

12.I strongly __________ her attempts to interfere in my work.

13.She suffered __________ after doing her last exam.

14.The conference will __________ the issue of population control.

15.The __________ in inflation has only taken place in the last three months.











新技术的不确定性不是伴随着新经济的唯一的不确定因素,资本逐渐向全世界转化的现象--“全球化”--是另外一个不稳定因素。这里,最近的经验也是很独特的。诚然,如同一些经济学家所注意到的那样,从19世纪后期以来,世界是高度经济综合化的。贸易繁荣。发达国家给贫穷国家借了大量的钱。Rutgers 大学的Michael Bordo、California大学Berkeley分校的Barry Eichengreen、Dartmouth 学院的Douglas Irwin的三位经济学家最近一个研究发现,当今世界比以往任何时候更盘综复杂。一个世纪以前,贸易主要集中在很少的工业领域;现在是很广泛的。类似的,过去国际投资,包括跨国贷款仅仅是给少部分幸运的借款者(主要是铁路和政府项目)Similarly, international finance then involved cross-boarder loans(loan 是名词to a few favored borrowers。现在,国际投资—包括跨国产品分享—影响着各行各业。






如果股市停止或者衰退会发生什么呢?好问题!预测服务网站https://www.doczj.com/doc/4018589978.html,的Mark Zandi这样说:“财富效应(的影响)是不对称的,在衰退过程中造成的伤害要比在繁荣时期的促进作用要大,人们把【股票】当做用于养老或者子女教育的储备金,如果储备金增加,人们花费会有一点增长;但是当储备金开始缩水的时候,我的判断是,人们马上会开始大幅缩减消费”。也许吧。但是Economic Analysis Associates的Susan Sterne警告说:“我们确实不知道经济衰退的后果,因为我们不曾经历过。”现在的收益的规模和持续是从未有过的。


准确讲,关键是新经济的“新”是个不确定因素)—既可能收益和也可能带来不利。资本主义的本性就是变化。它围绕着竞争优势和追求开发新产品、新技术以及新市场(the contest(竞赛)for competitive(竞争优势)资本主义的活力—即使被福利国家和政府法规修改规范了的资本主义—导致了持续的动荡。如果每个人都知道会发生什么,很少有人会带着风险去筹划新生意或寻求新客户。错误和误算是发展的一部分,但是当他们变得广泛,个人的不幸累计就会变成社会的灾难。如果新经济能够远离了所有未知的风险,这样将让资本主义完全不同于历史上的其它的资本主义(社会制度?history如何翻?或者说是不同于历史上的什么?)。


在现在极度兴奋的环境下,人们都关注于创造奇迹。一切事情看上去都跟更好联系在了一起。新技术扩大了生产和供给,提高了收入和利润(expand生产和供给,不包括incomes and profits?)。全球市场提供了新的生意和利润机会。股市也跟着繁荣飙升。但是这种联系可能会反过来。如果技术被吹嘘过度,人们的失望会伤害消费和商业投资,并且会拖累股市,进而吓退外国资本。哪一种结果更可能会发生?没有人知道。从那种意义上看,新经济和旧经济没有什么区别。


英语教学法教程教案 A Course in English Language Teaching 主讲:姚向礼 教材:《英语教学法教程》 主编:王蔷 出版社:高等教育出版社 绪论外语教学法主要流派 Teaching approaches & Methods Approaches & methods of Language Teaching 众说纷纭,现以学习理论作为分类标准,将学派分为认知性的,连接性的和综合性的三大类。并简介翻译教学法,自然教学法,直接教学法,认知教学法,功能教学法,在这之前首先概述一下拉丁语教学法、。 ①拉丁语教学法,指(15-16世纪)为欧洲语言的极盛时期,学校里教授作为外语之拉丁语的直觉模仿法。它在(15——16世纪)为语法模仿法:16世纪末到17世

纪,由于民族语渗入学校,拉丁语教学法主要为词汇模仿法。先后提出了自觉性原则和直观性原则。这一时期的两大代表人物①惜提哈(ratch1571-163500))②夸美纽斯教学法Conienius(1592_1670) ①德国论点是通过经验与分析去学习一切。认为只从理论途径得到的记忆才是可 靠的。词汇翻译法,自觉对比法,认真教学法。 二、联结性的教学法学派 特点:经验主义的哲学观点;重视外语话语与实物,观念,概念等外部世界与思维的直接联系;侧重口头操练。 自然教学法(绝对排斥本族语的教学法) 直接教学法(自然教学法发展起来的)(一种习惯) 听说教学法 视听教学法 功能教学法(又名意念法,交际法或意念——功能—交际法 三、综合性的教学法学派,来源于直接法与翻译的综合 自觉实践法 折衷法(又是极端) 分阶段教学法 一、语法翻译法(Translation Method) The grammar translation Method(Reading Method ,classical Method ).In China, it is called old method and is probably the most widely known and has been the most widely used of all approaches to language teaching .Although there have been many developments in language teaching, especially in the teaching foreign language ,grammar-translation method in still used today in various forms .And the main drill in translation. The mains features are as the followings. 1.Classes are taught in the mother tongue,with little active use of the target lauguage. 2.Much vocabulary is taught in the form of lists of isofated words. 3.Long elaborate explanations of the intricacies of grammar are given. 4.Little attention explanations of the intricacies of grammar are given. 5.Often the only drills are exercises in translation disconnecfecl sentences from the target language into the mother tongue. 6.little or no attention is given to pronunciation. 希腊文、拉丁文、通过翻译来学习外语。 认为背诵文法规则是学习外语的捷径,使用的课本,开始是孤立的单词和孤立的语法例句,都是从希腊文和拉丁文的名著里摘引出来的。 Advontedges: 1.在外语教学里创建了翻译的教学形式; 2.在外语教学里利用文法、利用学生的理解力,以提高外语教学的效果; 3.着重阅读,着重学习原文或原文文学名著; 4.使用方便。只要教师掌握了外语的基本知识,就可以拿着外语课本教外语,不需要什么教具和设备。 Disadvanfudges: 1.忽视口语教学。在教学里没有抓住语言的本质; 2.忽视语音和语调的教学; 3.过分强调翻译,单纯通过翻译手段教外语,不利于培养学生用外语进行交际的能力,易使学生在使用外语时对翻译有依赖性;


Unit One Task 1 1.A 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.D 7.D 8.C 9.A 10.D 11.A 12.B Task 2 1.public(c) 2.discipline(b) 3.strength(a) 4.reference(a) 5.strength(d) 6.public(a) 7.demonstrated(b) 8.discipline(c) 9.references(c) 10.personality(a) 11.discipllining(d) 12.demonstrates(a) 13.public(d) 14.reference(b) 15.personality(c) Task 3 1.employment 2.paid 3.adjust 4.setting 5.discouraged 6.credit 7.cite 8.demonstrate 9.teamwork 10.rules Unit Two Task 1 1.A 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.C Task 2 1. bud (n.); budding (adj.) 2. access (n.); access (v.) 3. taste (n.);tasted (v.) 4. fool (n.); fooling (v.) 5. produces (v.); produce (n.) 6. garnish (v.); garnishes (n.) 7. reigns (v.); reign (n.) 8. concern (n.); concerned (v.) 9. named (v.); name (n.) 10. practiced (v.); practice (n.) Task 3 1) integration 2) choice 3) handed 4) aspiring 5) steaming 6) masterpieces 7) pleasure 8) partake 9) amazing 10) presented Unit Three Task 1 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.B 7.C 8.A Task 2 1. stack up against 2. struck a chord 3. amounted to 4. chopping off 5. appeal to 6. pick up on 7. turned out 8. fade away 9. brought together 10. pulled off 11. thrust upon 12. be kept clear of Task 3 1) swirling 2) delivered 3) glowed 4) intervals 5) converge 6) wanderings 7) navigate 8) jealousy 9) presence 10) absorbed Unit Four Task 1 1.A 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. C 7. D 8. C 9. A 10. C Task 2 1. maintained (a) 2. romantic (a)


《英语教学法》模拟试题1及答案 1. Which of the following is true of second language learning A. Natural language exposure. B. Informal learning context. C. Structured input. D. Little error correction. 2. What type of learners can benefit most from real object instruction A. Individual learners. { [5. Tactile learners. C. Auditory learners. D. Visual learners. 3. What type of intelligence is cooperative learning best suited for A. Interpersonal intelligence. B. Intrapersonal intelligence. C. Logical intelligence. D. Linguistic intelligence. ? 4. What does the following practise * Peer and I v. vent to the cinema yesterday. Peter and * I went to the cinema yesterday. Peer and I zoent to the * cinema yesterday. Peer and I zoent to the cinema * yesterday. A. Stress. B. Articulation. C. Liaison. 》 D. Intonation. 5. What learning strategy can the following help to train Match the adjectives on the left with the nouns on the right. H cavy Day Nice Baby Close Building Light Rain Tall Friend $ Cute Smoker

研究生英语综合教程(上)熊海虹课后部分翻译答案 (1)1

第一单元 “一年365 天,一周7 天,一天24 小时,生意始终在进行,那意味着一年365 天,一周7 天,一天24 小时,竞争也同样在进行,”豪特说,“公司取胜的方法之一就是要更快地到达‘目的地’!这就是说,你不仅要把所有能支持公司快速运转的功能都调动起来,而且还得知道如何决定‘目的地’是哪里。这样,不仅对那些行动快速的人们,也对那些思维敏捷,并有勇气按自己的想法行事的人们都提出了要求。这需要全公司各部门的运作,而不仅仅是管理部门的工作。 “Business happens 24/7/365, which means that competition happens 24/7/365, as well,” says Haut. “One way that companies win is by getting …there? faster, which means that you not only have to mobilize all of the functions that support a business to move q uickly, but you have to know how t o decide where …there? is! This creates a requirement not only for people who can act quickly, but for those who can think fast with the courage to act on their convictions. This needs to run throughout an organization and is not exclusive to management.” 最后,职业地位包含对职业标准的遵守。很多律师通过在行业内外把自己塑造成一个具有良好职业道德的典范来找到自我价值。对那些在所有职业行为中都表现出极度正直和谦逊有礼的律师们来说,当管理阶层对他们理应受到的特别尊重表示肯定时,便又获得了另一种形式的精神报酬。 Lastly, professional status encompasses adherence to ethical standards. Most lawyers find self worth in setting an example—both within the profession and within the larger society—as ethical actors. When management affirms the special respect due to lawyers who act with the utmost integrity and civility in all of their professional dealings, it provides yet another form of compensation. 第四单元 很多研究发现婴儿获得关爱的质量会影响到他们以后的交友,在学校的表现,如何应对陌生的或可能充满压力的情况,以及他们成年后如何建立并且维系情感连系。正是因为这些原因,人们与家庭成员的早期亲密关系才如此至关重要。在人情冷漠的环境中(如孤儿院,某些寄养家庭,或缺乏关爱的家庭)长大的孩子会出现情感和社会性发育不良,语言和运动技能迟缓,以及精神健康问题。Much research shows that the quality of care infants receive affects how they later get along with friends, how well they do in school, how they react to new and possibly stressful situations, and how they form and maintain loving relationships as adults. It is for these reasons thatpeople's early intimate relationships within their family of origin1 are so critical. Children who are raised in impersonal environments (orphanage, some foster homes, or unloving families) show emotional and social underdevelopment, language and motor skills retardation, and mental health problems. 一开始让人相互吸引的是什么?许多人相信“世上有一个人是你为之而生的”,而且命运会将你俩带到一起。这样的想法很浪漫却不现实。实证研究发现,是文化标准和价值观而非命运,将人们连系在一起。我们错过了成千上万的可能的爱人,因为他们早就被正式的或非正式的挑选理想爱人的准则筛选出局,这些准则包括年龄、种族、地域、社会阶层、宗教、性倾向、健康状况或外表。 What attracts individuals to each other in the first place? Many people believe that "there's one person out there that one is meant for" and that destiny will bring them together. Such beliefs are romantic but unrealistic. Empirical studies show that cultural norms and values, not fate, bring people together We will never meet millions of potential lovers because they are "filtered out" by formal or informal rules on partner eligibility due ton factors such as age, race, distance, Social class, religion, sexual orientation, health, or physical appearanc e. 第五单元 做瑜伽没有场地的限制,一套瑜伽动作通常需要20 分钟到两个小时或者更多的时间,而一个小时左右的时间则是一系列动作和冥想的最佳选择。根据瑜伽师和学派的不同,一些瑜伽动作做起来辛苦异常,而另一些却只是在呼吸和心跳平稳的情况下调整和伸展肢体。每天练习瑜伽会达到最好的效果,随着动作越来越熟练,你就可以加大强度和难度这样瑜伽就能成为你相伴终生的日常锻炼方式了。练习基础的瑜伽动作即可收到增强力量,改善柔韧性并使人感到舒适的效果,但要想达到完美和高深的境界还是需要日积月累的练习,这也是瑜伽吸引人的地方之一。 Yoga routines can take anywhere from 20 minutes to two or more hours, with one hour being a good time investment to perform a sequence of postures and a meditation. Some yoga routines, depending on the teacher and school, can be as strenuous as the most difficult workout, and some routines merely stretch and align the body while the breath and heart rate are kept slow and steady. Yoga achieves its best results when it is practiced as a daily discipline, and yoga can be a life-long exercise routine, offering deeper and more challenging positions as a practitioner becomes more adept. The basic positions can increase a person?s strength, flexibility and sense of well-being almost immediately, but it can take years to perfect and deepen them, which is an appealing and stimulating aspect of yoga for many. 第七单元 人性的恒定性是众所周知的,因为没有人相信一个人能够从根本上改变他的本性。这就是为什么一个恶名远扬的人很难重建公众对他的信心。人们凭经验知道某一年中表现出无赖性格的人不太可能在第二年有任何改观。小偷也不会变成值得信赖的员工。吝

英语教学法教程试题库 辅修

英语教学法教程试题库 Unit 1 Part I Read the following statements or questions and choose the best answer for each statement or question. 1. Much of human behavior is influenced by their_____ _____ A. experiences B. wisdom C. knowledge D. parents 2. What is the basis for syllabus design, teaching methodology, teaching and assessment procedures in the classroom? A. teaching attitude B. definitions of language C. structural view of language D. functional view 3. What does the structural view of language see language? A. a system of categories based on the communicative needs of the learner B. a communicative tool to build up and maintain social relations between people C. a linguistic system made up of various subsystems D. a linguistic system and a means for doing things 4. What does the functional view of language see language? A. a system of categories based on the communicative needs of the learner B. a communicative tool to build up and maintain social relations between people C. a linguistic system made up of various subsystems D. a linguistic system and a means for doing things 5. What does the interactional view of language see language? A. a system of categories based on the communicative needs of the learner B. a communicative tool to build up and maintain social relations between people C. a linguistic system made up of various subsystems D. a linguistic system and a means for doing things 6. Which of the following teaching method is based on the behaviorist theory? B A. Grammar translation B. Audio-lingual C. Task-based teaching and learning D. Communicative teaching 7.What are the characteristics of audio-lingual method? https://www.doczj.com/doc/4018589978.html,nguage is learned by constant repetition and the the reinforcement of the teacher B.Mistakes were immediately corrected, and correct utterances were immediately praised. C.Students should be allowed to create their own sentences based on their understanding of certain rules. D.Both A and B. 8.Which three groups can summarize all the elements of the qualities of a good teacher? A.Ethic devotion, professional qualities and personal styles B. Ethic devotion, professional qualities and individual freedom C. Individual freedom, professional qualities and personal styles D. Ethic devotion, personal styles and individual freedom 9.What are the purposeful preparation that a language teacher normally receives before he starts the practice of teaching? A.Learning from other’s experiences B.Learning the received knowledge C.Learning from one’s own experiences as a teacher


Unit 1 Language and Language Learning Aims of the unit In this unit we will discuss some general matters about language learning and teaching. We are going to discuss five questions on particular: 1.How do we learn language 2.What are the common views on language 3.What are the common views on language learning 4.What are the qualities of a good language teacher 5.How can one become a good language teacher 1.1How do we learn languages Mach of human behavior is influenced by their experiences. The way language teachers teach in the classroom is to some extent influenced by the way they learned languages. This is especially true in foreign language teaching. Before we discuss language learning theories, let us first reflect on our own language learning experience. Task 1 Below is a list of interview questions on how people learn a foreign language. In the first column, write down your own responses. Then interview three other students in your class and enter their responses in the other columns. Discuss your findings in group of 4 and draw some conclusion.


总目标是使学生在义务教育阶段英语学习的基础上,进一步明确英语学习的目的,发展自主学习和合作学习的能力;形成有效的英语学习策略;培养学生的综合语言运用能力。综合语言运用能力的形成建立在语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识等素养整合发展的基础上。语言技能和语言知识是综合语言运用能力基础。情感态度是影响学生学习和发展的重要因素。学习策略是提高学习效率、发展自主学习能力的先决条件。文化意识则是得体运用语言的保障,这五个方面共同促进综合语言运用能力的形成。 Principles of communicative language teaching(CLT) Communication principle:activities that involve real communication promote learning Task principle:activities in which language is used for carrying out meaningful taskspromote learning Meaningfulness principle: language that is meaningful to the learner supports the learning process Listening and speaking skills need to be refined in terms of the real communicative use,Students should have the chance to listen to and produce what is meaningful, authentic, unpredictable, and creative if possible. Reading is extract meaning or information and the learning of grammar and vocabulary is to facilitate the process Writing:In CLT, students have the chance to write to express their own feelings or describe their own experiences, thus making the practice of writing meaningful and authenticLanguage content (to incorporate functions); CLT just has only expanded the areas Learning process (cognitive style and information processing); and Product (language skills). Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT) Task-based Language teaching is, in fact, a further development of Communicative Language Teaching. It shares the same beliefs, as language should be learned as close as possible to how it is used in real life. It has stressed the importance to combine for m-focused teaching with communication-focused teaching Four components of a task A purpose: making sure the students have a reason for undertaking the task. If the students don't understand why they undertake the task, they will lost interest and the task will face failure. A context: the task can be real, simulated or imaginary, and involves sociolinguistic issues, such as the location, the participants and their relationships, the time and other important factors. A process: getting the students to use learning strategies such as problem solving reasoning, inquiring, conceptualizing and communicating. A product: there will be some form of outcome, either visible (a written plan, a play, a letter. etc.) or invisible (enjoying a story, learning about another country, etc.) The PPP Model & The 5-step teaching method 3p:Step I. Presentation Step II. Practice Step III. Production 5-step Model:Step I. Revision Step II. Presentation Step II. Presentation Step IV. Practice Step V. Consolidation Differences between PPP and TBL:1.The way students use and experience language in TBL is radically different from PPP 2.TBL can provide acontent for grammar teaching and form-focused activities.PPP is different in this aspect. Steps of designing a tasks:


Teaching Planning College English Integrated Course Book Three Unit Two The Freedom Givers Zhong wen 1.Background Information Teacher: zhong wen Students: 56 sophomores Content of the textbook: unit-2 text A the Freedom Givers Textbook: foreign language teaching and research press Time duration:10 minutes 2.Textbook Analysis The author tells three stories about the Underground Railroad and early Black civil rights movement. The three stories are chosen because they are representative of all participants in this movement: John Parke r is a freed slave who later turned into a courageous “conductor”; Levi Coffin is a brave white “conductor”; Josiah Henson is a slave who struggled his way to freedom with the help of the Underground Railroad. We learn about the name of Josiah Henson at the beginning of the text, yet his full story is not told until the last part. In this way the author achieves coherence of text. 3.Students Analysis The class is made up of 56 students, with 30 girls and 26 boys ,who have a good knowledge of Basic English, but know very little about the American culture behind the language. So in this introduction part, It is necessary to introduce some background information to the students before reading 4.Teaching Objectives Students will be able to: 1.understand the main idea(early civil-rights struggles in the US, esp. the underground Railroad) 2.grasp the key language points and grammatical structures in the text, 3.conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit 4.Appreciate the various techniques employed by the writer (comparison and contrast, topic sentence followed by detail sentences, use of transitional devices,etc.); 5.Teaching Procedures: Greetings Step 1 Lead-in T: Today we are going to talk about the ethic heroes in American history, before the class, I’d like to introduce the slavery to all of you. T: Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States, during his term of office; he led the civil war and abolished the slavery. T: In the battle against slavery, not only did the president try his best to abolish this system, but also the people, especially the black people living in the South America try hard to fight for their own feat. Today, we will introduce some freedom givers in the American history. Before


硕士英语综合教程1 (课后答案) 目录 Unit 1 Low Carbon Economy (1) Bending under the weight of the packs, sweating, they climbed steadily in the pine forest that covered the mountainside. (2) Concentrating on time passing, as we do when bored, will trigger brain activity which will make it seem as though the clock is ticking more slowly. (3) Unemployment shot up in France during the second quarter, and the country’s top finance official said the situation will continue to aggravate even if a global economic recovery gathers pace. It was the worst quarterly unemployment in France since early 2006. (4) As social practice continues to develop, we should keep renewing our ideas and make innovations courageously in light of practical needs. (5) Bicycles are regarded as an economical alternative to buses whose fares have increased 3 times in the past few years. (6) The U.S. government has called on people to save water because the scarcity of water has become a source of global tension ecologically, economically and politically. (7) In order to be a recognized leader in the industry, it’s essential for a company to improve production quality and tap the overseas

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