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中小学英语精选作文:My Favorite Book 我最喜欢的书

中小学英语精选作文:My Favorite Book 我最喜欢的书

中小学英语精选作文:My Favorite Book 我最喜欢的书Since I see the movie Harry Potter, I like it very much, I am very impressed by the magical world, so I decide to buy the book. There are seven books, I read them all. Harry Potter is my favorite book, I learn many things, no matter how hard the difficulty is, I will never give up, I should have Harry’s courage.






问题解决型 一、第一段框架构造 1、引出话题写法: (1)不容否认的是: There is no denying the fact that... No one can have failed to notice the fact that... (2)某事成为一个显着的问题: Sth has/have become a grave/marked problem with which Sb. is/are confronted. Sth is/are becoming increasingly grave in our current society. 2、举例说明:两种写法 (1)写法一:Taking a look around, we can find examples too numerous to list/ too many to enumerate. *例: Topic: Due Attention Should Be Given to the Study of Chinese. No one can have failed to notice the fact that a number of students pay little attention to the study of Chinese nowadays. Taking a look around, we can find examples too many to enumerate: some play truant from Chinese classes, some read few Chinese classics and some rarely write articles in Chinese. (2)写法二:Reports are often heard upon…The most striking instances/ones might be (that+句子)… *例: Topic: Food Safety


我最喜欢的动物英语作文3篇 英语作文,是指用英语针对某一内容写出一篇文章,是英语考试最常见的一种题目类型,英语作文要求阅读、写作比较高,也是考生最容易失分的题型。下面小编为大家带来我最喜欢的动物英语作文,仅供参考,希望能够帮到大家。 Dog is my favorite animal. The reason why I like it most is because it’s very competent. Dog is the best friend for mankind. It is also the best companion for the old people. The dog can feel the human nature. So many old people will raise dogs if their children are not with them. The old can give their love for their children to the dog to make themselves feel warmly. I believe the seeing eye dog is very famous. They are special dogs. Those dogs will guide their owners whose eyes is blind to go the correct way. See, I say dogs are very competent. 我最喜欢的动物是狗。我最喜欢它的原因是因为它很能干。狗是人类最好的朋友。它也是老人们最好的伴侣。狗是通人性的。如果他们的孩子不在他们身边,很多老年人会养狗。老年人可以把对他们孩子的爱放到狗狗的身上,这也能温暖他们的心。导盲犬是非常有名的。他们是特殊的狗。这些狗会引导眼睛看不见的主人找到正确的路。看,我就说狗狗是非常能干的。


我最喜欢的书英语作文带翻译 我最喜欢的书 I like reading very much. The fairy tales are my favorites, such as Grimms Fairy Tales,Andersons Fairy Tales and so on. But I like Zheng Yuanjies fairy tales most, such as Shuke and Beita and many other books. The roles in his fairy tales are so funny. Sometimes, I think they are around me. They are my classmates or my friends. Therefore, these stories are also my own stories. And, his books also teach me to be a good kid. 我很喜欢读书,童话故事是我最喜欢的比如说格林童话,安徒生童话等等。但是我最喜欢的是郑渊洁童话,比如说《舒克和贝塔》还有很多其他书本。他的童话故事里的角色十分有趣,有时候我会觉得他们就在我身边,他们是我的同学或者朋友。因此,这些故事也是我的故事。另外,他的书也教我成为一个好孩子。 我最喜欢的书 Since I see the movie Harry Potter, I like it very much, I am very impressed by the magical world, so I decide to buy the book. There are seven books, I read them all. Harry Potter is my favorite book, I learn many things, no matter how hard the difficulty is, I will never give up, I should have Harrys courage. 自从我看了电影《哈利波特》,我就很喜欢这部电影,电

高中英语作文 问题解决型

现象解释型 这类命题要求考生对某一社会现象进行解释, 并加以评论。 特点: 第一段:描述现象; 第二段:分析或阐述这种现象或存在的原因; 第三段:提出建议或总结观点。 首段(描述现象) ①Nowadays, with the reform of (现象的背景), (描述现象). ②This phenomenon has been brought into public focus and called for further concern. ②In recent years, wherever you go, (描述现象). ②This issue has aroused the greatest concern. ③Currently, along with the advance of the society, an important issue that (描述现象)is brought to our attention. ②Consequently, (概况描述现象产生的结果). 中间段(分析现象) A number of factors could account for the phenomenon, but the following are the most critical ones. First of all, (原因一). What’s more, (原因二). In addition, (原因三). 结尾段(作者看法+前景展望) As far as I am concerned. (作者对现象的看法)There is still a long way for us to (促进或限制现象), but as a student myself, I find it rewarding and interesting. 结尾段(现象产生的结果) The awareness of the importance of this issue should be enhanced and some proper measures should be taken. It is reasonable for us to believe that the situation will be improved in the near future. Attention Should Be Given to Spelling 1.如今不少学生在英语学习中不重视拼写 2.出现这种情况的原因 3.这种现象导致的结果


My favorite movie Titanic This movie is well known to every one,and it moved many people, I am no exception. Its name stirs the imagination Titanic. The unsinkable ship. The unimaginable catastrophe. The untold stories that lay in mystery two and a half miles beneath the waves of the North Atlantic. What buried tale of love, bravery, treasure and treachery, hidden by time and tragedy, waits here to be discovered? A beautiful socialite. A penniless artist. A priceless diamond. A romance so passionate that nothing on earth could stop it. A destiny so incredible that no one could have imagined it. A collision of lives that could only have happened on Titanic, the ship of dreams. The secrets are about to unfold... I like it because three reasons. First ,the story tell us to respect life in every situation. Shipbuilding people disregard the safety of the passengers, only the pursuit of fame and interest, so leaded to big disaster occurred. Second, people should be survival plight. When ship start sinking, many people only knew crying, but Jack and Rose are trying to survival. Even they fall into the sea, they still try their best to find ways to stay long. Third , the best love people way is better living. When Jack dead, Rose still live beautiful. In the movie end, show Rose’s photo


My favorite book ---The secret of the vanished bride The book is written by Jules Verne, a famous France writer. In this book, He describe an engineer called Henri Vidal who’s brother was going to married, and the story begin with this. Henri’s brother Marc, then twenty-eight years old, had already obtained a gratifying success as a portrait-painter. And his fiancee’s family, the Roderichs was one of the most renowned physicians in all Hungary. Marc begged his brother to come to Ragz as head of the family. His fiancée-he never stopped telling Henri-was impatiently waiting for Henri; and as song as I arrived they would fix the weddingday. But first Myra wanted to see with her own eyes, her future brother-in-low. But Myra has already been sought after by a son of a savant whose discoveries have made him famous--Wilhelm , and Doctor Roderich-her father—showed him to the door. But then, Wilhelm said “If Marc Vidal marries Myra Roderich, woe unto her, woe unto him.” And finally the woe came. Marc and Myra anvanced towards the two chairs placed side by side before the High Alter. Then Marc bent forward to place one of them upon the figure of the young bride. At that moment a cry rang out, a cry of horrified distress. Nobody had the time to intervene or even to understand, it was Marc and Myra who hurled to the ground. Myra gained conscious. And what’s more , Myra was vanished! Finally ,they found that Wilhelm could destroy his visibility and caught him, of course Myra was rescued and she had the happiness for many a long year with Marc.Will you be a vegetarian? Nowadays, with the rapid development of society, people’s lives have also been rapidly developed, and eating meat is known as the representative of a better life style. People believe that only eating meat could gain the nutrition. In fact, vegetarian diet can provide a much


My favorite book Among all those books that I have been fascinated by, the Hunger Games series are the ones that would definitely stay in my mind for a lifetime. I still remember the very first time that I got to know this was from its movie version, by which I was totally astonished and captured after watching. Then came the 2013 Hong Kong Book Fair where I bought the whole printed copies of its series. Three in total, they are called, the Hunger Games, Catching Fire and Mockingjay. Written by Suzanne Collins, an American Female writer, the science fiction novel is about a 16-year-old girl, Katniss Everdeen, who lives in a post-apocalyptic nation called Panem in North America. To conrol its twelve districts, the capital of this nation develops an annual event named the Hunger Games, and demand every districts to contribute their teenager residents to fight to death for an only winner. Katniss, who is not only brave but also knowledgeable, selflessly replaced her little sister to be the tribute and finally won the tough game. Although she then enraged the capital, praised and called “ the girl on fire” by the people, Katniss became the symbol of a rebellion for the twelve districts against the Capitol's oppression. When reading the Hunger Games series, all I can feel are the power and drive, filled with the hope for freedom, justice and love. How I wish I could be a girl like Katniss, and be brave enough to fight like a fearless phoenix, strong, healthy and determined.


所谓问题解决题型是指题目要求大家对社会上存在的某个问题提出解决方法;其常见形式是:一、目前存在某个问题;二、这种问题的危害或产生原因;三、给出解决方法。 Nowadays, tuition and fees for college education are much higher than ever before. How to finance college education has become a matter of concern for many students. Different people have different ways to solve this problem. Some get all of the money from their parents. Some apply for a loan especially set up for college students. Some acquire the money completely by themselves, doing a full-time job in summer or winter holiday. Some other students may ask their parents for most of it and earn the rest in their spare time in college, by doing a part-time job. As far as I’m concerned, I prefer the last way.Having acquired most of the tuition and fees from my parents, I needn’t worry too much about the money and can concentrate on my study. On the other hand, a part-time job in my spare time makes my campus-life colorful. I can make a lot of friends, improve my abilities and learn lots of knowledge. So, I choose this way to cover my tuition and fees. 写作要领:此类作文的重点在于如何解决问题,因此在简单地提出问题和分析问题之后,应该将文章的中心定为于解决问题方法上。其次考生在列举对策时,不仅要使问题的原因和问题的解决对应起来,而且要通过firstly, secondly, what’s more, finally等连接词的使用来确保文章的连贯性和条理性,从而使结构紧凑有序、论证有理有据。(二)基本提纲模式:第一部分:开篇。提出问题,即对现状、形势或者困难的描述第二部分:主体。分析问题和解决问题,即列举做某一件事情或是解决某一问题的几种方法第三部分:总结。评价或选择,即对


My favorite movie My favorite movie is Mr. and Mrs.smith, which is played by Julie and Pit. I appreciate the beauty, the dance with music, and the humorous and so on. For first reason, Julia and Pit are both beauty guys, a good vision could get from the movie. It also is reported they get married for this movie, which is may a real love feeling in it, including the sweet dancing time, having shopping together, and even fierce tussle between them. So, I watched it several times. Secondly, I like the movie, which is told to me from the romance loving to common marriage life, suddenly it is becoming an exciting killing life with the closet companion, finally find the best way to love and live together. it a good lesson to the couple tired of their marriage. Thirdly, I am fond of the comic plot from the movie. Just from seeing the doctor at the beginning and the ending, it would bring some fun. and I also like they are chatting at the car when they are pursued just behind them and have to deal with the problem survive and death in the moment of truth. That moment, the dialogue between them is very cool and interesting, filling with fun.


我最喜欢的一本书英语作文带翻译 最喜欢的一本书初中英语作文带翻译篇1 I like reading very much. The fairy tales are my favorites, such as Grimm’s Fairy Tales, Anderson’s Fairy Tales and so on. But I like Zheng Yuanjie’s fairy tales most, such as Shuke and Beita and many other books. The roles in his fairy tales are so funny. Sometimes, I think they are around me. They are my classmates or my friends. Therefore, these stories are also my own stories. And, his books also teach me to be a good kid. 我很喜欢读书,童话故事是我最喜欢的比如说格林童话,安徒生 童话等等。但是我最喜欢的是郑渊洁童话,比如说《舒克和贝塔》还 有很多其他书本。他的童话故事里的角色十分有趣,有时候我会觉得 他们就在我身边,他们是我的同学或者朋友。所以,这些故事也是我 的故事。另外,他的书也教我成为一个好孩子。 最喜欢的一本书初中英语作文带翻译篇2 My favorite novel is which is written by Jules Verne. The author was born in France and devoted himself to literature and wrote several scientific romances, which gained him the name——Father of Modern Science Fiction”. 我最喜欢的小说是由儒勒·凡尔纳写的。作者出生在法国,致力 于文学写作并写了很多科幻小说,使他赢得“——现代科幻小说之父”之称。 This is a book of science fiction which tells us an exciting story about an English gentleman, Mr. Phileas Fogg, who makes a bet with his clubmates and manages to travel around the world in eighty days. It gives us a vivid

小学英语作文-My Favorite Book Harry Potter 我最喜欢的书《哈利波特》

小学英语作文:My Favorite Book Harry Potter 我最喜欢的书《哈利 波特》 My Favorite Book Harry Potter 我最喜欢的书《哈利波特》 Do you know Harry Potter? It's one of my favorite readings. The hero Harry Potter is a student in a magic school. He wears glasses and has no parents, and now he is sixteen years old. He is very brave and known to everyone, because he is the only person who will not die by devil. When I read the book, I feel very excited and interested. So I have read it again and again, each time I have different feelings. Do you like Harry Potter? If you haven't read the book, read it now and you'll find a wonderful world. 【参考译文】 你知道《哈利波特》吗?它是我最喜爱的书籍之一。主人公哈利波特是魔法学校的学生。他戴着眼镜,没有父母,现在十六岁。他非常勇敢,并且大家都知道他,因为他是唯一不会死于魔鬼之手的人。 当我读这本书时,我很兴奋,很感兴趣。因此我读了一遍又一遍,每次都有不同的感受。你喜欢哈利波特吗?如果你还没有读这本书,现在就读它,你将会发现一个精彩的世界。


题目: When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life die out. It is pointless 无意义to try and keep them alive. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? 官方给出的高分答案 Overall, I disagree with the opinion expressed.(第一句话当中,作者直接说出了自己的观点,这有点区别于我们中国学生通常所使用的背景开头方式,但是它在这个开头中也使用了两个中国学生不大使用的结构,一个是overall,另外一个是过去分词做后置定语,既expressed)I would like to begin by pointing out that "traditional skills and ways of life" are not automatically of one country, but of a culture or community.(作者在这个地方所提出的观点非常的犀利,同时使用的结构也很不错,我们现在来看一下,I would like to do 我想做...,这个结构是中国学生都非常熟悉的,但是他随后使用的by doing就比较的标新立异,随后他又使用了一个宾语从句,这样结构就丰满起来了。同时,作者对于标点符号的使用也是非常具有特色的,这里面的符号确实起到了加强的作用,同学们以后要注意对于标点符号的使用。另外,这里面的连词but虽然不是很难,但是却是用的非常恰倒好处。希望大家可以借鉴这样的一种写法。再者,这里面,考官没有使belong to 这样的结构来表示属于,而是很简洁的使用了be of,这说明,简洁的表达受到了考官的关注。更为重要的是作者给出了一个别人都不大容易想到的观点,传统的技能以及生活方式并不是自然的属于某一个国家的,而是属于某一种文化和区域) In many ways, the history of civilization is the history of technology: from the discovery of fire to the invention of the wheel to the development of the Internet, we have been moving on from previous ways of doing things.(这个句子是由40个单词所组成的,其中含有的结构都是中国学生耳熟能详的,但是大家需要注意如下的3个特点:1、考官在这里所使用的开头句就非常具有震撼力,在很多方面来说,文明史就是科技史,大家想想,你们在写作文的时候有没有这样的一种思维观?2、考官再次显示了标点符号的重要性,大家在举例的时候是不是比较喜欢使用for


解决方法题型 要求考生列举出解决问题的多种途径:1。问题现状;2。怎样解决(解决方案的优缺点)。 In recent days,we have to face a problem A,which is becoming more and more serious. First,_________(说明A的现状).Second,___________(举例进一步说明现状) Confronted with A,we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation. For one thing,_____________(解决方法一)。For another thing ____________(解决方法二)。Finally,______________(解决方法三)。 Personally,I believe that ____________(我的解决方法)。Consequently,I‘m confid ent that a bright future is awaiting us because ______________(带来的好处)。 说明利弊题型 这种题型往往要求先说明一下现状,再对比事物本身的利弊,有时也会单从一个角度(利或弊)出发,最后往往要求考生表明自己的态度(或对事物前景提出预测) 1。说明事物现状;2。事物本身的优缺点(或一方面);3。你对现状(或前景)的看法。 Nowadays many people prefer A because it has a significant role in our daily life. G enerally,its advantages can be seen as follows. First _________(A的优点之一)。Beside s ___________(A的优点之二)。 But every coin has two sides. The negative aspects are also apparent. One of the im portant disadvantages is that _______________(A的第一个缺点).To make matters worse,_ ______________(A的第二个缺点).


【篇一】英语作文最喜欢的季节范文 I think everyone has a favorite season. Then today I will talkabout my favorite season. In this season, I can do what I what. Such as, I can eat ice-cream in the coffee shop, I can ride bike with my good friends,I can take a walk in the evening and so on. In this season, I can wear T-shirt. I also can wear dress. Ihave many beautiful dress. And I can put on my yellow sun hat,too! That’s so pretty. Isn’t it? In this season, I can drink less drinks. Such as, cola, juice andso on. Wow, when I think it, I will so happy. Because in otherdays, I can’t drink cold drinks. And I only can drink boiled water.Because my health isn’t good. My mother tell me it two yearsago. Do you know my favorite season is what? Right, that is summer! Ilove summer. Do you like summer, too? If you don’t like summer,then what season do you like? 我想,每一个人都有自己喜欢的季节吧。那么今天我将要告诉你关于我最喜欢的季节。 在这个季节,我可以做任何我想做的事情。例如:我可以在咖啡店吃冰淇淋,我可以和我的好朋友一起骑自行车,我可以在晚上散步等等。 在这个季节,我可以穿T恤,可以穿裙子,我有很多美丽的裙子喔!我还可以带上我的黄色的太阳帽。很漂亮的,不是吗? 在这个季节,我可以喝一点点饮品。例如:可乐,果汁等等。当我想到这里,我会很开心。因为在别的日子里,我不能喝凉饮料,只能喝白开水。因为我的身体不是太好,妈妈两年前告诉我的。 你知道我最喜欢的季节是什么吗?对了,就是夏天。我喜欢夏天,你也喜欢夏天吗?如果你不喜欢夏天,那么你最喜欢的季节是什么呢? 【篇二】英语作文最喜欢的季节范文 Every time, when the sun shining brightly, I know summer is coming. Though it is very hot, I still prefer summer. In hot summer, I like lying in the sunshine, sometimes. Because it's too hot, I always stay for fifteen minutes. Always, you can see lots of people swimming in the sea, or in

我最喜爱的书英语作文(带翻译)My favourite book_571

我最喜爱的书英语作文(带翻译)My favourite book 哈利·波特在魔法界是一个著名的男孩,但是他并不知道。他很幸运。伏地魔从他出生开始就想杀了他。但是她的妈妈用爱了他。所以只要他和他的姨夫姨妈在一起,他将会很安全在17岁以前。一天,他收到了一封信。这时,他才知道他是一个魔法师。没过多久,他来到了霍格沃茨魔法学院。霍格沃茨有四所学院:格兰芬多、赫奇帕奇、拉文克劳以及斯莱特林。哈利·波特在格兰芬多。他认识了两个最好的:罗恩·韦斯莱和赫敏·格兰杰。他们在格兰芬多学到了许多魔法,也发生了许多稀奇古怪的事情......[高中作文] 这个很棒。他很吸引人,也很神奇。我从哈利·波特,罗恩·韦斯莱和赫敏·格兰杰身到了许多。他们非常,尽管有时会出现一些小错误。在的结尾,哈利波特拯救了,并且他们都非常的。我经常幻想:如果我也有魔法,那样会多么美好啊!我将用我的魔法那些有的人们,让、和平。每个人都将非常、我想让这个世界上只有爱和。如果我有魔法,我一定要去做。 这就是我最喜欢的书。我非常喜欢它。我也想当一个魔法师,你呢?PS:一篇小练笔,只是感觉中间貌似有好多好多的错误【捂脸】...们如果发现了,请指出哦,英语作文:My favourite book I like reading very much.I read many books in the last.But my favourite book is 《Horry Potter》.

Horry Potter is a famous boy all over the magic world.But hedid not know.He is lucky.Lord Voldemort want to kill him from Horry Potter borned.But his mother protect him with the love.So if he live with his uncle and his aunt,he will be safe before 17 years old. One day,he accepted a letter.Then he know he is a magician.It was no long before,he went to the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry(校名:霍格沃茨魔法学院).There are four institutes in the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.They are Gryffindor、Hufflepuff、Ravenclaw and Slytherin(书中的四大魔法学院:格兰芬多,赫奇帕奇、拉文卡劳以及斯莱特林。).Horry Potter is in Gryffindor.He makes two best friends:Ron.Weasley(罗恩·韦斯莱)and Hermione.Granger(赫敏·格兰杰)。They learned magic in Gryffindor and happend a lot of things.... This story is very great.It is attactive.It is amazing,too.I learned a lot of things from Horry Potter,Ron.Weasley and Hermione.Granger.They are goodness.Although sometimes they make something wrong.In the end of the story,Horry Potter saved the world and they all happiness.I often think:If Ihave magic.The life will be more beautiful!I will help the poor people with my magic and make the world warm and peace.And everyone will be happy.I want to make the world only has love and warm.If I have magic,I must do this. This is my favourite book. I like it very much.I want to be a magician. How about you?

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