当前位置:文档之家› 历年中考英语核心词——词性转换,全汇总




1. act v. 行动,做事

action n. 行动,行为active adj. 积极的,活跃的actor n. 演员

actress n. 女演员

activity n. 活动

2. apologize v. 道歉apology n. 道歉

3. anger n. 怒气,愤怒angry adj. 生气的,愤怒的angrily adv. 生气地

4. agree v. 同意agreement n. 同意disagree v. 不同意disagreement n. 不同意

5. anxious adj. 焦急的,忧虑的anxiously adv. 焦急地anxiety n. 焦虑,忧虑

6. attend vt. 出席,专心attention n. 注意,专心attentive adj. 专心的attentively adv. 专心地

7. achieve vt. 实现,取得,达到

achievement n. 成就,达成

8. absence n. 缺席,不在absent adj. 缺席的

9. arrival n. 到达,到来arrive v. 到达,到来

10. able adj. 有能力的ability n. 能力

unable adj. 不能的,不会的disabled adj. 残疾的

disable vt. 使伤残,使丧失能力

11. absolute adj. 完全的,绝对的

absolutely adv. 完全地,绝对地

12. accept vt. 接受,接纳acceptable adj. 可接受的

13. add v. 增加,添加addition n. 加,增加物additional adj. 附加的,另外的

14. admit vt. 允许……进入, 接纳, 承认

admission n. 允许进入, 承认

15. advance v. 促进, 前进advanced adj. 先进的, 高级的

16. advertise v. 登广告, 宣传

advertisement n. 广告

17. actual adj. 真实的,实际的

actually adv. 事实上,实际上

18. amuse v. 使开心, 逗笑amusing adj. 逗人发笑的amusement n. 娱乐, 乐趣

19. announce v. 宣布, 宣告announcer n. 播音员announcement n. 宣告, 通告

20. apply v. 应用, 申请applicant n. 申请人

application n. 申请, 应用

21. appear vi. 出现appearance n. 出现,外貌disappear vi. 消失disappearance n. 消失

22. attract v. 吸引attraction n. 吸引

23. amaze v. 使惊奇amazing adj. 令人吃惊的amazed adj. 吃惊的amazement n. 吃惊

24. brave adj. 勇敢的, 无畏的

bravely adv. 勇敢地bravery n. 勇敢, 大胆

25. bright adj. 明亮的, 聪明的brightly adv. 明亮地, 闪烁地

brightness n. 明亮, 聪明brighten v. 发光, 发亮

26. basic adj. 基础的,基本的

base n. 基础,基地

27. beautifully adv. 美丽地,漂亮地

beautiful adj. 美丽的,漂亮的

beauty n. 漂亮,美人

28. believe v. 相信believable adj. 可信的unbelievable adj. 难以置信的

belief n. 信仰,信心

29. build v. 建造/筑, 建立

building n. 建筑(物), 房屋C

1. care n. 照顾,小心v. 在意,关心

careful adj. 小心的, 仔细的carefully adv. 仔细地carefulness n. 细心careless adj. 粗心的, 大意的carelessness n. 粗心大意

2. celebrate v. 庆祝celebration n. 庆祝活动, 庆典

3. centre n. 中心点,中央central adj. 中心的,中央的

4. challenge v. 向……挑战challenging adj. 具有挑战性的

5. child n. 儿童,孩子children(复数) n. 孩子们childhood n. 童年, 幼年(时代)

6. colour n. 颜色, 色彩colourful adj. 色彩丰富的

7. communicate v. 交流,沟通,传达communication n. 交际, 交流, 通信

8. compete vi. 竞争,比赛competitor n. 参赛者competition n. 竞争, 比赛

9. confident adj. 自信的,有信心的

confidently adv. 自信地,确信地

confidence n. 信任, 信心,自信

10. consider v. 考虑, 体谅considerate adj. 体贴的,考虑周到的

consideration n. 考虑, 体谅

11. correct v. 改正, 修改adj. 正确的,恰当的correctly adv. 正确地,恰当地

correction n. 改正,修正incorrect adj. 不正确的,不恰当的

12. crowd n. 人群v. 拥挤crowded adj. 拥挤的

13. culture n. 文化,文明cultural adj. 文化上的culturally adv. 从文化上

14. curious adj. 好奇的,求知欲强的

curiously adv. 好奇地,奇妙地

curiosity n. 好奇心,求知欲

15. chemist n. 化学家chemical adj. 化学的chemistry n. 化学

16. certain adj. 肯定的, 有把握的

certainly adv. 肯定地, 当然

17. choose v. 选择

choice n. 选择

18. conclude v. 推断出conclusion n. 结论,推论

conclusive adj. 结论性的

19. complete v. 完成adj. 完全的,完整

completely adv. 完全地,完整地

20. connect v. 联系,连接connection n. 联系,连接

21. comfort v. 安慰comfortable adj. 舒适的,舒服的

comfortably adv. 舒适地,舒服地

uncomfortable adj. 不舒服的


1. die v. 死(亡)death n. 死亡

dead adj. 死的

dying adj. 临死的

deadly adj. 致命的

2. distant adj. 遥远的distance n. 距离,遥远

3. dirt n. 污垢,泥土

dirty adj. 脏的

4. develop v. 发展,开发development n. 发展,开发developing adj. 发展中的developed adj. 发达的

5. difficult adj. 困难的,难懂的

difficulty n. 困难,难事

6. dark adj. 黑色的,黑暗的darkness n. 黑暗

7. direct adj. 直接的direction n. 方向,操作指南directly adv. 直接地

8. danger n. 危险dangerous adj. 危险的

9. discuss v. 讨论,商议discussion n. 讨论,商议

10. discover v. 发现discovery n. 发现

11. excite v. 使激动,使兴奋excited adj. 激动的,兴奋的exciting adj. 使人激动的,兴奋的

excitedly adv. 激动地,兴奋地

excitement n. 激动,兴奋12. encourage vt. 鼓励,激励

encouragement n. 鼓励,激励

13. exact adj. 精确的,准确的

exactly adv. 精确的,恰好,正是

14. enter v. 进入,加入entrance n. 入口,(大学等的)进入许可

15. express v. 表示,表达expression n. 表示,表达

16. easy adj. 容易的

easily adv. 容易地

17. explain v. 解释,说明explanation n. 解释,说明

18. expect v. 期待,预计expectation n. 期待,预计

19. edit v. 编辑,校订editor n. 编辑

edition n. 版本

20. educate v. 教育,培养educated adj. 受过教育的,有教养的

education n. 教育,培养

21. employ v. 雇佣employer n. 雇用者,老板employee n. 雇员employment n. 雇佣

22. equip v. 装备,配备equipment n. 装备,设备

23. exist v. 存在existence n. 存在

24. fail v. 失败

failure n. 失败

25. fright n. 惊吓,恐怖frighten v. 吓唬frightened adj. 受惊的frightening adj. 令人害怕的,吓人的

26. free v. 解释,使自由adj. 免费的,自由的

freedom n. 自由

freely adv. 自由地

27. fool n. 傻子v. 愚弄,欺骗

foolish adj. 愚蠢的

28. fortune n. 巨款,运气fortunate adj. 幸运的

fortunately adv. 幸运地unfortunately adj. 不幸地

29. friend n. 朋友

friendly adj. 友好的friendship n. 友谊,友情

30. forget v. 忘记forgetful adj. 健忘的,好忘事的

unforgettable adj. 难以忘怀的,令人难忘的


1. graduate v. 毕业n. 毕业生

graduation n. 毕业

2.gradual adj. 逐渐的gradually adv. 逐渐地

3. gentle adj. 温柔的,温和的

gently adv. 温柔地,温和地

4. grate n. 感激

grateful adj. 感激的, 感谢的gratefully adv. 感激地

5. happy adj. 幸福的,高兴的

happily adv. 幸福地,高兴地happiness n. 幸福,快乐unhappy adj. 不快乐的,不幸福的,不满意的

6. high adj. 高的;adv. 高height n. 身高,高度

7. health n. 健康

healthy adj. 健康的

healthily adv. 健康地

unhealthy adj. 不健康的

8. harm v./n. 伤害,损害harmful adj. 有害的harmless adj. 无害的

9. help n./vt. 帮助

helpful adj. 有帮助的, 有益的

helpless adj. 无助的

10. hope n./vt. 希望hopeful adj. 有希望的hopefully adv. 满怀希望地hopeless adj. 没有希望的

11. hunger n. 饥饿hungry adj. 饥饿的

12. important adj. 重要的importance n. 重要13. interest n. 兴趣,利益interesting adj. 有趣的,引起兴趣的

interested adj. 感兴趣的

14. imagine v. 想象,设想imagination n. 想象,想象力

15. ill adj. 生病的

illness n. 疾病

16. invent vt. 发明,创造invention n. 发明,创造inventor n. 发明家

17. invite vt. 邀请invitation n. 邀请,请帖

18. judge n. 裁判,法官v. 判断,断定

judgment n. 判断力,判决

19. introduce v. 介绍;引进introduction n. 引进,介绍

20. kind adj. 和蔼的,仁慈的kindly adv. 和蔼地,仁慈地kindness n. 仁慈,和蔼

21. late adj. 迟的,晚的adv. 迟,晚

later adv. 以后,后来

latest adj. 最新的,最近的

22. live v. 生活,居住adj. 活的

lively adj. 生动的,活泼的living adj. 活的,活着的

life n. 生命

23. love v./n. 爱,喜爱lovely adj. 可爱的24. lead v. 引领,导致leader n. 领袖,领导人

25. long adj. 长的

length n. 长度

lengthen v. (使)加长

26. luck n. 运气,好运lucky adj. 幸运的

luckily adv. 幸运地unlucky adj. 不幸的unluckily adv. 不幸地

27. laugh v. 笑n. 笑,笑声laughter n. 笑;笑声

28. loud adj. 大声的loudly adv. 大声地


1. main adj. 主要的

mainly adv. 主要地,大部分

2. manage v. 管理, 经营, 设法完成

management n. 管理, 经营manager n. 经理

3. mean v. 意思是,意味着means n. 方式

meaning n. 意思,意义meaningful adj. 有意义的

4. medical adj. 医学的medicine n. 药,医学

5. mistake n. 错误mistaken adj. 错误的

6. mix v. 混合,搅匀mixture n. 混合物

7. mountain n. 山mountainous adj. 多山的

8.move v. 移动,搬家,感动moving adj. 感人的movement n. 移动,运动

9. nature n. 自然,本性,天性

natural adj. 自然的,天然的naturally adv. 自然地,天然地

10. nation n. 国家national adj. 国家的nationality n. 民族,国籍11. noise n. 噪音

noisy adj. 喧闹的

12. operate v. 动手术,操作operation n. 手术, 操作

13. office n. 办公室,重要职务

officer n. 军官,官员official adj. 官方的,正式的officially adv. 官方地

14. open adj. 开着的,开放的v. 打开

opening n. 开始

15. obvious adj. 显然的obviously adv. 显然地,明显地

16. physics n. 物理学physicist n. 物理学家physical adj. 身体的physically adv. 身体上

17. piano n. 钢琴

pianist n. 钢琴家18. please v. 使人高兴pleasure n. 愉快

pleased adj. 高兴的pleasant adj. 令人愉快的

19. poison n. 毒药poisonous adj. 有毒的

20. pollute v. 弄脏,污染pollution n. 污染

polluted adj. 受污染的

21. possible adj. 可能的possibly adv. 可能,或许possibility n. 可能性

22. power n. 力量,能力,权力

powerful adj. 有力的,强大的

powerfully adv. 强有力地

23. practice n. 实践,练习practise v. 实践,练习practical adj. 实用的,实际的

24. press v. 压,挤,按pressure n. 压力

25. pronounce v. 发音,读音pronunciation n. 发音,读音

26. person n. 人

personal adj. 个人的,私人的

personally adv. 就个人而言,亲自

personality n. 个性

27. peace n. 和平,平静peaceful adj. 和平的,平静的peacefully adv. 和平地,平静地28. punish v. 惩罚,处罚punishment n. 惩罚,处罚

29. pain n. 疼痛

painful adj. 疼痛的painfully adv. 痛苦地

30. patient n. 病人adj. 有耐心的

patience n. 耐心

31. perform v. 表演,执行performer n. 表演者performance n. 表演,表现R——U

1. real adj. 真的

really adv. 真正地,确实reality n. 现实

realize vt. 实现,认识到

2. recent adj. 新近的,近来的

recently adv. 近来

3. reason n. 理由,原因reasonable adj. 有道理的,合情合理的

reasonably adv. 合情合理地

4. regular adj. 规则的,有规律的

regularly adv. 规则地,有规律地

irregular adj. 不规则的,无规律的

5. sad adj. 难过的,悲哀的,悲伤的

sadly adv. 悲伤地,伤心地sadness n. 难过,悲伤

6. safe adj. 安全的safely adv. 安全地,平安地safety n. 安全,平安

save v. 挽救,节约

7. satisfy v. 使满足,满足satisfying adj. 令人满意的satisfied adj. 满意的,满足的satisfaction n. 满足

8. science n. 科学scientist n. 科学家scientific adj. 科学的

9. secret n. 秘密 adj. 秘密的secretly adv. 秘密地

10. separate v. 使分开adj. 单独的,分开的separately adv. 单独地,分别地

separation n. 分离,分开

11. serve v. 服务,服役,端上(菜)

service n. 服务

servant n. 仆人,佣人

12. silent adj. 寂静的,沉默的

silently adv. 寂静地,沉默地silence n. 寂静,沉默

13. simple adj. 简单的,简朴的

simply adv. 简单地,简朴地

14. slight adj. 轻微的,微小的

slightly adv. 稍微

15.slow adj. 慢慢的

slowly adv. 慢慢地

16. social adj. 社会的society n. 社会

17. strong adj. 强壮的,结实的

strongly adv. 强烈地strength n. 力量,力气strengthen vt. 加强,增强

18. success n. 成功,成就succeed v. 成功successful adj. 有成就的successfully adv. 成功地

19. sudden adj. 突然的,忽然的

suddenly adv. 忽然,突然

20. sure adj. 确信,有把握surely adv. 确实地,一定

21. serious adj. 严重的; 认真的

seriously adv. 认真地,严重


22. technique n. 技术,技能,工艺

technical adj. 技术上的

23. terrible adj. 可怕的,糟糕的

terribly adv. 非常糟地terrified adj. 非常害怕的terrifying adj. 可怕的,恐怖的

24. thank v. 谢谢,感谢thanks n. 谢谢,感谢thankful adj. 感谢的,感激的

25. tire v. 使劳累,使疲劳tiring adj. 劳累的,令人疲劳的

tired adj. 厌倦的,累的26. true adj. 真的,真实的,真正的

truly adv. 确实

truth n. 真理,真相

27. use v. 使用n. 用途useful adj. 有用的

useless adj. 无用的

used adj. 用过的

28. usual adj. 通常的,平常的

usually adv. 通常地,平常地unusual adj. 不平常的,异常的


1. value n. 价值,益处,重要性 v. 重视,珍视

valuable adj. 有价值的,值钱的

2. visit v./n. 访问,参观,看望

visitor n. 访问者,参观者

3. vary v. 不同

variety n. 种类

various adj. 各种各样的

4. weak adj. 虚弱的weakness n. 虚弱

weaken v. 使变弱

5. weigh v. 重,称……的重量weight n. 重量

6. wide adj. 宽的,宽阔的,广泛的

widen v. 使变宽

widely adv. 广泛地

7. wind n. 风windy adj. 有风的

8. wonder v. 想知道,对……感到疑惑;n. 奇迹,奇观wonderful adj. 极好的,精彩的

9. worry v. 担心,忧虑worried adj. 担心的,焦虑的

10. worth adj. 值得……的,有价值的

worthy adj. 值得……的

11. wood n. 木头

wooden adj. 木制的

12. young adj. 年轻的,青年的

youth n. 青年


人教部编版初中英语中考词性转换归纳总结 动词变名词 1.v+ ment 结尾 achieve --- achievement 成就 advertise --- advertisement 广告 agree --- agreement 同意 apartment 公寓 amusement 娱乐 argue --- argument 争吵 commit --- commitment 奉献 compliment 称赞,恭维 develop --- development 发展 disgree --- disagreement 不赞同 department 局,部 experiment 实验,试验 equip 装备--- equipment 装备,器材 govern 统治--- government 政府 manage---management 经营管理 2.V+ tion 结尾 admit --- admission 承认

attract --- attraction 吸引 conclude --- conclusion 结论compete --- competition 竞争,比赛discuss --- discussion 讨论 educate --- education 教育 decide --- decision 决定 describe --- description描写,描绘express ----expression 词语;表达graduate --- graduation 毕业 operate --- operation 操作,动手术organize ---organization imagine --- imagination 想象力introduce ---introduction 介绍 instruct --- instruction 指导,介绍invent--- inventor / invention 发明illustrate --- illustration 阐明,举例说明invite --- invitation 邀请 inspire---inspiration 灵感,鼓舞人心的pollute --- pollution 污染 predict ---prediction 预言 pronounce ---pronunciation resolve --- resolution 决心


词缀变化归纳 动词变名词 1.v+ ment 结尾 achieve---achievement 成就advertise---advertisement//advertising agree— (in )agreement apartment 公寓 amuse-amusement 娱乐 argue---argument 争吵 commit 奉献—commitment compliment 称赞,恭维 develop---development disagree—disagreement department 局,部 experiment 实验,试验 equip 装备---equipment 装备,器材govern 统治—government 政府manage---management 经营管理 announce—announcement 宣布 require-requirement encourage-encouragement excite-excitement move—movement agree-agreement improve-improvement 2.V+ tion 结尾 attract 吸引—attraction 有吸引?的事或? conclude—conclusion 结论 compete—competition 竞争,?赛 discuss—discussion 讨论 educate-----education decide----decision describe—description 描写,描绘 express 表达----expression 词语;表达 ?式 graduate 毕业—graduation operate 操作,动?术—operation organize----organization instruct—instruction 指导,介绍 invent—inventor / invention invite—invitation inspire---inspiration 灵感,?舞- pollute----pollution 污染 predict---prediction 预? pronounce ---pronunciation resolve 决?-----resolution 决? permit 允许-----permission suggest-建议,暗示--suggestion solve 解决-----solution 解决?法 realize-realization relax-relaxation


初中英语词性转换 1.v-n 1.clean— 2. cook— 3. dance-- 4. drive— 5. jump-- 6. lead— 7. own-- 8. play— 9.read-- 10.run— 11.sell-- 12.sing— 13.speak-- 14.swim— 15.teach-- 16.travel—17.wait-- 18.wash— 19.win-- 20.work— 21.write-- 22.act— 23.direct-- 24.invent—25.visit-- 26.act— https://www.doczj.com/doc/3f983653.html,municate-- 28.introduce—29.produce—30.pronounce—31.suggest-- 32.agree—33.develop-- 34.discuss—35.decide-- 37.begin—38.breathe-- 39.build—40.cross-- 41.feel—

42.mean-- 43.meet— 45.park-- 46.shop— 47.skate-- 48.train— 49.turn-- 50.turn— 51.advise-- 52.enter—53.serve-- 54.know—55.live-- 56.die—57.succeed-- 58.discover—59.please-- 60. sit—61.thank-- 62.marry—63.weigh— 2.v-adj 1.close-- 2. excite— 3. interest-- 4. follow— 5. miss-- 6.please— 7.surprise-- 8.relax— https://www.doczj.com/doc/3f983653.html,e-- 10.sleep-- 11.worry—12.wake-- 13.die—14.worry-- 15.wake—16.break-- 17.enjoy—18.lose—


初中英语常用词型转换 1. work—worker 2. invent—inventor(人--invention(物 3. use—u 4. permit-permission 5. conduct—conductor-conduction 6. care—c 7. play—player8. visit—visitor9. careless 10. conclude-conclusion11. inspect-inspector12. wake--awake/sleep 13. speak--speaker14. piano—pianist15.peace- 16. cook—cook(人—cooker(物17. science—scientist-scientific18. miss— 19. dance—dancer20. art—artist21. fish--f 22. drive-driver-driven23. tour-tourist-tourism24. kind-k 25.act-actor-actress-action-active-activity26. joural-jouralist27. nature--natural 28. manage-manager-management29. library-librarian30. cover-discover 31. foreign-foreigner32. music--musician-musical33. perform-performan 34. suggest-suggestion35. busy-business--businessman36. follow--following 37. invite-invitation38. post-postman/postwoman39. enter- 40. write-writer-written41. sit--seat42. danger--dangerous 43. run-runner/win-winner44. wood-wooden45. serve- 46.solve-solution47. lose--lost48. pride-


中考英语常用词性转换 1.able a. 能够,有能力的ability n..能力,才能 2. act v. 扮演 n..表演active a.积极地,主动地 activity n. 活动 actor n.男 演actress n. 女演员 3.add a. 加上addition n. 加 4.age n.时代,年龄aged a.有…….之年岁的 5.America n.美国American a.美国的,美国人 6.air n.空气air-conditioner n.空调 airline n.航线 7.angry a.生气的angrily adv.生气地 8.any a..一些,什么,任何的,任意的anybody/anyone pron.任何人 anything pron.任何事anywhere adv.任何地方 9.art n,艺术article n.文章 artist n,艺术家 10.attract v. 吸引attraction n.吸引,吸引力,吸引物attractive a..有吸引力的 11.Austraila n.澳大利亚Australian a.澳大利亚的 n.澳大利亚人 12.beautiful a.美丽的beautifully adv.优美的 13.begin(began-begun) v.开始beginning n.开始 14.bright a.明亮的brightly adv.明亮地 15.Britain n.不列颠British n.英国人 a.英国的 16. build(built-built) v.建造building n.建筑物 17.busy a.忙碌的business n.商业 businessman n..商人 businesswoman n.女商人 18.Cananda n.加拿大Canadian n.加拿大 a.加拿大的 19.care n& v. 小心careful a.小心的carefully adv.小心地 20.certain a..一定的certainly adv.一定 21.change n.变幻,找头,零钱 v.改变,更改,兑零钱changeable a.易变的 exchange v.交换 22.chemistry n.化学chemical a.化学的 n.化学物质 23.China n.中国Chinese a.中国的 n.中国人,汉语 24.choose(chose-chosen) v.选择choice n..选择 25.city n.城市citizen n.市民 26.class n.班级classmate n.同学 classroom n..教室 27.clean v.打扫 a. 干净的clear a.清晰的 v. 清除clearly adv.清晰地 28.cloud n.云cloudy a.多云 29.collect v.收集collection n.收集 https://www.doczj.com/doc/3f983653.html,pete v.比较competition n.竞赛 31.custom n.习惯,习俗customer n.顾客


英语词性转换归纳 动词变名词 1、v+ ment 结尾 achieve---achievement 成就 advertise--- advertisement// advertising agree— (in )agreement apartment 公寓 amusement 娱乐 argue---argument争吵 mit奉献—mitment pliment 称赞,恭维 develop---development disgree—disagreement department 局,部 experiment 实验,试验 equip 装备---equipment 装备,器材 govern 统治—government 政府 manage---management 经营管理 2.V+ tion 结尾 attract吸引—attraction 有吸引力得事或人;令人向往得地方 conclude—conclusion 结论 pete—petition 竞争,比赛 discuss—discussion 讨论 educate-----education decide----decision describe—description描写,描绘 express 表达----expression 词语;表达方式 graduate 毕业—graduation operate 操作,动手术—operation organize----organization instruct—instruction 指导, 介绍 invent—inventor / invention invite—invitation inspire---inspiration 灵感,鼓舞人心得--- pollute----pollution 污染 predict---prediction 预言 pronounce ---pronunciation resolve 决心-----resolution 决心 permit 允许-----permission


动词变名词1.v+ ment 结尾 achieve---achievement 成就advertise---advertisement advertising agree— agreement argue---argument争吵announce --- announcement 通知amuse--- amusement 娱乐commit奉献—commitment develop---development disgree—disagreement equip装备---equipment装备,器材govern 统治—government 政府manage---management 经营管理settle--- settlement 定居 2.V+ tion 结尾以t, te, de, 结尾的动词常去E 或直接加ion admit 承认—admission attract吸引—attraction 有吸引力的事或人;令人向往的地方 conclude—conclusion 结论compete—competition竞争,比赛discuss—discussion 讨论educate-----education decide----decision describe—description描写,描绘organize----organization imagine—imagination 想象力introduce—introduction 介绍instruct—instruction 指导,介绍invent—inventor / invention illustrate 阐明,举例说明--illustration invite—invitation inspire---inspiration 灵感,鼓舞人心的pollute----pollution 污染 predict---prediction 预言pronounce ---pronunciation resolve 决心-----resolution 决心impress 给人印象—impression 印象 permit 允许-----permission suggest-建议,暗示--suggestion solve解决-----solution 解决方法 3.V+ ance 结尾 allow—allowance 允许appear—appearance 外貌,出现perform----performance 演出exist—existance 存在 4.V+ ing 结尾 bathe 洗澡---bathing end 结束----ending 结尾,结局train 训练---training mean ---- meaning 意义say-----saying 谚语 5.V+ 其他 beg(乞讨)—beggar 乞丐 sit--seat 座位


初中英语词性转换归纳汇总动词变名词 1.v+ ment 结尾 achieve --- achievement 成就 advertise --- advertisement 广告 agree --- agreement 同意 apartment 公寓 amusement 娱乐 argue --- argument 争吵 commit --- commitment 奉献 compliment 称赞,恭维 develop --- development 发展 disgree --- disagreement 不赞同 department 局,部 experiment 实验,试验 equip 装备--- equipment 装备,器材

govern 统治--- government 政府manage---management 经营管理2.V+ tion 结尾 admit --- admission 承认 attract --- attraction 吸引conclude --- conclusion 结论compete --- competition 竞争,比赛discuss --- discussion 讨论educate --- education 教育 decide --- decision 决定 describe --- description描写,描绘express ----expression 词语;表达graduate --- graduation 毕业operate --- operation 操作,动手术organize ---organization imagine --- imagination 想象力



动词变名词1.v+ ment 结尾 achieve---achievement 成就advertise--- advertisement// advertising agree— agreement apartment 公寓 amusement 娱乐 argue---argument争吵 commit奉献—commitment compliment 称赞,恭维 develop---development disgree—disagreement department 局,部 experiment 实验,试验 equip 装备---equipment 装备,器材govern 统治—government 政府manage---management 经营管理 2.V+ tion 结尾 admit 承认—admission attract吸引—attraction 有吸引力的事或人;令人向往的地方 conclude—conclusion 结论compete—competition 竞争,比赛discuss—discussion 讨论 educate-----education decide----decision describe—description描写,描绘express 表达----expression 词语;表达方式 graduate 毕业—graduation operate 操作,动手术—operation organize----organization imagine—imagination 想象力introduce—introduction 介绍instruct—instruction 指导,介绍invent—inventor / invention illustrate 阐明,举例说明--illustration invite—invitation inspire---inspiration 灵感,鼓舞人心的--- pollute----pollution 污染 predict---prediction 预言 pronounce ---pronunciation resolve 决心-----resolution 决心impress 给人印象—impression 印象permit 允许-----permission suggest-建议,暗示--suggestion solve解决-----solution 解决方法 3.V+ ance 结尾 allow—allowance 允许appear—appearance 外貌,出现perform----performance 演出exist—existance 存在 4.V+ ing 结尾 bathe 洗澡---bathing end 结束----ending 结尾,结局train 训练---training mean ---- meaning 意义say-----saying 谚语 5.V+ 其他 Beg(乞讨)—beggar 乞丐sit--seat 座位employ--employer 雇主,老板--employee雇员 believe—belief 信仰 behave 行为,举止----behavior know---knowledge fly—flight 飞行 heat 加热---heat 热量 hit 撞击------hit 轰动一时的人或物,碰撞 mix 混合-----mixture 混合物press 按,压—pressure 压力receive—receptionist 接待员serve—service 服务 succeed-- success tour 在-----旅游,在-----作巡回演出直接+地点tour China ---tour 旅游/ tourist 游客 pursue—pursuit 追求,从事


初中英语词性转换归纳 1 动词变名词 1.v+ ment 结尾 achieve --- achievement 成就advertise --- advertisement 广告agree --- agreement 同意 apartment 公寓 amusement 娱乐 argue --- argument 争吵 commit --- commitment 奉献compliment 称赞,恭维 develop --- development 发展disgree --- disagreement 不赞同department 局,部 experiment 实验,试验 equip 装备--- equipment 装备,器材govern 统治--- government 政府manage---management 经营管理2.V+ tion 结尾 admit --- admission 承认 attract --- attraction 吸引conclude --- conclusion 结论compete --- competition 竞争,比赛discuss --- discussion 讨论 educate --- education 教育 decide --- decision 决定 describe --- deion描写,描绘express ----expression 词语;表达graduate --- graduation 毕业 operate --- operation 操作,动手术organize ---organization imagine --- imagination 想象力introduce ---introduction 介绍 instruct --- instruction 指导,介绍invent--- inventor / invention 发明illustrate --- illustration 阐明,举例说明invite --- invitation 邀请 inspire---inspiration 灵感,鼓舞人心的pollute --- pollution 污染 predict ---prediction 预言 pronounce ---pronunciation resolve --- resolution 决心 impress --- impression 印象 permit --- permission 允许


模块十五:词性转换 一、出题方向 1.出题量最大,也是最难把握的方向——同词根不同词类之间的相互转换 常考的相互转换词类有四种:名词、动词、形容词、副词 名词→动词、形容词动词、形容词→名词 动词→形容词形容词→动词 形容词→副词副词→形容词 做这样的转换需要平时大量的积累,建立词根词缀的概念,多掌握常用的词缀,灵活变通 2.最基本题型,必考方向——名词、代词、数词 名词考察方向:1. 复数 代词考察方向:1. 宾格2. 形容词性、名词性物主代词转换3. 反身代词可能出现数词考察方向:1. 基数词、序数词的拼写与互换 2. 分数可能出现 3.简单题型,多练即可把握——比较级最高级 需要掌握:1. 比较级和最高级的变化方式 2. 比较级和最高级的辨识关键词 4.较难题型,多次转换,反义理解 有时候词类之间需要越级变换,要仔细斟酌词类间的修饰关系,确保答案的正确性较难题目不仅会越级变换,还需要添加反义,这需要更耐心细致地解题,分析题意 二、解题技巧 1.形容词修饰名词、代词性成分;部分名词也可以修饰名词

2.动词、形容词、副词需要副词修饰,副词也可以修饰整句话 3.系动词后一般使用形容词,连系动词后尤其需要注意添加形容词,这点易和实义动 词用副词修饰混淆 4.扎实掌握名词、代词、数词的基本知识 5.注意做完需要通读一下,检查反义及动词的时态语态问题 三、词性转换表

n.. , , v. . , , , . v. n. , , ,

, , , , , , , , , , , , 【基础题】

1.. ( ) 2.Alice . () 3. 2 I . () 4., ? () 5. a . ( ) 6.. () 7..() 8. . () 9. a . () 10..( ) 11. " 't ." . () 11.'s ? () 12.? () 13.. () 14.. () 15. . () 16.. () 17.? () 18. 3 , . () 19.China .() 20.I . () 21.'s ? () 22.Alice 2 . () 23..() 24.. () 25.. () 26.I () 27.. () 28.. a .() 29." " a .()


中考英语词性转换大汇总 一,动词变名词1.v+ ment 结尾 achieve ——achievement 成就advertise ——advertisement 广告agree ——agreement 同意amuse——amusement 娱乐 commit ——commitment 承诺,奉献develop ——development 发展disagree —disagreement 不赞同equip 装备—equipment 装备,器材govern 统治——government 政府manage——management 经营,管理argue ——argument 争吵 2.V+ ion 结尾 attract ——attraction 吸引discuss ——discussion 讨论 express ——-expression 词语;表达instruct ——instruction 用法说明invent——invention 发明predict ——prediction 预言 impress ——impression 印象suggest ——suggestion 建议,暗示educate ——education 教育graduate ——graduation 毕业 operate ——operation 操作,动手术explain —explanation 解释pollute ——pollution 污染introduce ——introduction 介绍 organize ——organization组织imagine ——imagination 想象力解释inspire——inspiration 灵感,鼓舞人心的事invite ——invitation 邀请compete —competition 竞争,比赛pronounce ——pronunciation发音admit ——admission 承认permit ——permission 允许 conclude ——conclusion 结论solve ——solution 解决方法 describe ——description描写,描绘resolve ——resolution 决心


词缀变化中学归纳 动词变名词 1.v+ ment 结尾 achieve---achievement 成就 agree—(in )agreement同意 apartment 公寓 amusement 娱乐 argue---argument争吵 compliment 称赞,恭维 develop---development发展disagree—disagreement 不同意department 局,部 experiment 实验,试验 equip 装备---equipment 装备,器材govern 统治—government 政府 manage---management 经营管理 2.V+ tion 结尾 attract吸引—attraction 有吸引力的事或人conclude—conclusion 结论compete—competition 竞争,比赛discuss—discussion 讨论 educate-----education教育 decide----decision 决定describe—description描写,描绘 express 表达----expression 词语;表达方式graduate 毕业—graduation毕业 operate 操作,动手术—operation organize----organization 组织instruct—instruction 指导,介绍invent—inventor 发明者/ invention发明invite—invitation 邀请 inspire---inspiration 灵感,鼓舞人心的--- pollute----pollution 污染 predict---prediction 预言 pronounce ---pronunciation 发音 resolve 决心-----resolution 决心 permit 允许-----permission suggest-建议,暗示--suggestion solve解决-----solution 解决方法 3.V+ ance 结尾 appear—appearance 外貌,出现 perform----performance 演出 4.V+ ing 结尾 bathe 洗澡---bathing end 结束----ending 结尾,结局 train 训练---training mean ---- meaning 意义 say-----saying 谚语 5.V+ 其他 Beg(乞讨)—beggar 乞丐 behave 行为,举止----behavior know 知道---knowledge 知识 fly—flight 飞行 heat 加热---heat 热量 hit 撞击------hit 轰动一时的人或物,碰撞 mix 混合-----mixture 混合物 press 按,压—pressure 压力 sit-----seat 座位 succeed—success成功 tour 在-----旅游,在-----作巡回演出直接+地点 tour China ---tour 旅游/ tourist 游客 名词变形容词 1名词+y Anger 生气-----angry hunger---hungry fog—foggy有雾的 fur----furry 毛皮的 guilt 罪恶---guilty 内疚的 health---healthy luck---lucky cloud---cloudy wind—windy rain---rainy snow---snowy sun—sunny tourist------touristy 游客多的 business---busy salt 盐--- salty 咸的 shine---shiny 发亮的 silk 丝绸—silky 丝绸般的 sleep---sleepy 昏昏欲睡的 taste 口味,品味------tasty 甜的 2.名词+ ed balance –balanced 平衡的 talent-----talented 有天赋的 organized 有组织的 crowded 拥挤的 polluted 被污染的 pleased 高兴的 3.名词+ ful/less meaning—meaningful 有意义的 care—careful/ careless 小心的;粗心的 help---helpful / helpless home—homeless 无家可归的 colour---colourful pain 疼痛---painful 痛苦的 use---useless/ useful thank—thankful 充满感激的 peace 和平---- peaceful 平静的,宁静的 playful 顽皮的,爱玩耍的 4.名词+ able adjustable 可调整的 comfort---comfortable knowledge---knowledgeable suit 一套-----suitable 合适的 5.名词+ ous enormous 巨大的 danger—dangerous mystery 神秘-----mysterious 神秘的 6.ce 变t confidence----confident自信的 difference---different不同的 importance---important 重要的 7. al 结尾 medicine 药----medical 医学的 music---musical nature---natural 自然的 person---personal私人的 nation—national 国家的


初中英语最全的词性转换练习题(后附答案) 用括号中所给词的正确形式填空。 1.My family live on the _____(five) floor of the tall building. 2.Simon and Linda didn’t tell us the news. They wanted to keep the secret to ____(they) . 3.There are many apples on the tree, but some of them are hard _____(reach). 4.Listen! The lovely birds are singing nicely and _____(soft) in the trees. 5.Ricky had a _____(please) trip to Lushan Mountain last spring. 6.They have invited a _____(science) to give them a speech on space. 7.I can’t stand hamburgers. They make me _____(feel) sick. 8.Yesterday was the _____(hot ) day of the year. 9.I’m patient. I don’t mind _______(wait) for people. 10.If Simon _____(have) time next weekend, he will go to the zoo. 11.Tom always does good things to others, so the headteachers speaks ____(high) of him. 12.One of the way of learning English ______(be) memorizing the words of pop songs. 13.Many people don’t enjoy ______(live) in big cities. 14.I am in my ______(three) year in this middle school. 15.As we all know, the weather in southwest of China is _______(dry) than any other time in history. 16.What’s the _____(mean) of “No Parking”? 17.It is very kind of you______(help) the old woman. 18.It seems that you have a fever. Have you taken_____(you) tempertaure? 19.It is ______(not rain ) tomorrow, we will go to the old people’s home. 20.We often see the girl_______(dance) on the square. 21.Peter, a friend of ______(my), went to Canada for a visit last week. 22.Which season do you like ______(good), spring, summer, autumn or winter? 23.It is important to make a corrert _______(decide). 24.We were _______(deep) moved by the story of the kind people in the earthquake. https://www.doczj.com/doc/3f983653.html,st night,I found it difficullt to fall ______(sleep) because of the loud noise. 26. A large of number of _____(foreign) visit Guizhou provice these years. 27.Thank goodness! The letter I was looking forward to ______(reach) me at last. 28.Hainan Island is one of the most ______(wonder) places to spend summer. 29.The dinner room must _____(clean) three times a day. 30.My cousin is used to _____(study) with his new friends in Australia. 31.This is one of ______(big) rabbits in the world, He eats 12 carrods, six apples and two cabbages every day. 32.You’d better take a map with you, or you may get ______(lose). 33.As we know, Zhang Jiajie is famous for the different ________(shape) of mountains. 34.David id good at drawing and he’s going to be an _____(art) when he grow up. 35.In order to provide better services for foreigners during the 2nd Youth Olympic Games, lots of bus and taxi drivers are busy_____(learn) English. 36.If people don’t have breakfast in the morning, they will feel tired and get angry _______(easy). 37.It’s ______(polite) to ask a lady about her age in western countries. 38.________(mother)Day is coming. We should prepare for it.


英语词性转换归纳 Company Document number:WUUT-WUUY-WBBGB-BWYTT-1982GT

英语词性转换归纳 动词变名词? ? + ment 结尾 ? achieve---achievement 成就 advertise--- advertisement词+ ed ? balance –balanced 平衡的 spot 斑点,地点----spotted 有斑点的talent-----talented 有天赋的 organized 有组织的 distusted 厌恶的 offended 生气的 crowded 拥挤的 polluted 被污染的 pleased 高兴的 ? 3.名词+ ful/less ? meaning—meaningful 有意义的care—careful/ careless 小心的;粗心的help---helpful / helpless

home—homeless 无家可归的 colour---colourful pain 疼痛---painful 痛苦的 use---useless/ useful thank—thankful 充满感激的 peace 和平 ---- peaceful 平静的,宁静的playful 顽皮的,爱玩耍的 ? 4.名词+ able ? adjustable 可调整的 comfort---comfortable knowledge---knowledgeable suit 一套-----suitable 合适的 ? 5.名词+ ous ? enormous 巨大的 danger—dangerous mystery 神秘-----mysterious 神秘的 变 t? confidence----confident difference---different ?

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