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考试科目:口腔综合A卷共7页,第 7 页


2010年重庆选调生考试行政职业能力测验真题答案 2010-03-01 14:47 作者:华图教研中心来源:华图教育网 分享到:0 第一部分:常识部分 1~5:CAABA 6~10:ABADC 第二部分:言语理解与表达 11~15:DCBCD 16~20:CADBD 21~25:CCADA 26~30:CCCCC 31~35:CDABB 36~40:DAABA 第三部分:判断推理 一、图形推理 41~49:CBDCB DCAC 二、定义判断 50~55:DAADC B 三、类比推理 56~64:BBCBD BBBA 四、逻辑判断 65~70:DDCAB C 第四部分:数量关系 71~75:DBAAC 76~80:BDBC A或者D

81~85:CBDCC 86~90:ABAAC 第五部分:资料分析 91~95:CAACD 96~100:ADBCC 101~105:ACDBD 106~110:BCBDA 2011年重庆选调生考试申论真题解析 2011-02-21 14:17 作者:华图教育来源:互联网 分享到:0 2010年重庆选调生考试围绕"房屋拆迁"主题,考察了考生阅读理解能力、综合分析能力、提出和解决问题能力以及文字表达能力。2011年则是围绕"转基因产业"这一主题展开。 一、题目特征 (一)紧扣社会热点 重庆历年选调生考试在主题选取方面历来不回避社会热点,同时视野较为开阔,能够立足全国选取主题。如2010年的"房屋拆迁"问题,不仅社会热点,而且是社会较为敏感问题,但是正如重庆市一直以来具有积极改革的特质一样,2010年试题也进行了勇敢尝试。2011年,重庆市再次围绕社会普遍关注的"转基因食品食品",立足国内、国外现实,探讨了在国外转基因食品大规模以较低价格挤压国内市场之际,国内非转基因企业应如何与政府、协会、消费者共同携手"突出重围"。 (二)题目类型、题目数量均无变化


优秀文档2018年导游资格考试全国导游基础知识真题及答案 一、单项选择题 1、楹联“听飞瀑雄声,声声震耳;浥众山彩色,色色娱人”描写的景点是()。 A、黄果树瀑布 B、青海湖 C、镜泊湖 D、天池 答案:C 2、摩梭人的民居称为(),是一种井干式建筑。 A、木楞房 B、吊脚楼 C、硝房 D、土掌房 答案:A 3、下列道教宫观中,享有“道观之祖”美誉的是()。 A、北京白云观 B、陕西户县重阳宫 C、陕西周至草楼观 D、四川青城山常道观 答案:C 4、用蜡染花布做成的“巴迪”服是()的国服。 A、菲律宾 B、印度尼西亚

优秀文档 C、马来西亚 D、泰国 答案:C 5、曼哈顿是()的核心和象征。 A、洛杉矶 B、旧金山 C、华盛顿 D、纽约 答案:D 6、我国陶器生产向瓷器生产过渡是在()时期 A、西晋 B、东汉 C、商周 D、新石器 答案:B 7、以“着色富有层次,绣品若画”为特点的名绣是()。 A、苏绣 B、湘绣 C、粤绣 D、蜀绣 答案:B 8、我国古代“以中为尊”的意识与古人对()的崇拜有关 A、北极星

优秀文档 B、泰山 C、皇帝 D、祖先 答案:A 9、沈阳故宫按照建筑布局和建造时间分布为东、中、西三路,三路上的重要建筑依次是()。 A、崇政殿、文溯殿、大政殿 B、大政殿、文溯殿、崇政殿 C、大政殿、崇政殿、文溯殿 D、崇政殿、大政殿、文溯殿 答案:C 10、唐代传入中国的基督教教派是()。 A、天主教 B、东正教 C、新教 D、景教 答案:D 11、蒙古族文化遗产中已被列入《人类口头与非物质文化遗产名录》的有蒙古长调和()。 A、那达慕 B、马头琴 C、呼麦 D、祭敖包 答案:C 12、香港的()被称为“百业之首”,约占其国民生产总值(GDP)的1/4。


2018年6月大学英语四级考试真题1及答案解析 (1/1)Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1.Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the importance of writing ability and how to develop it. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.____________下一题 (1~2/共7题)Part ⅡListening Comprehension Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Play00:0001:41 Volume 第1题 A.Annoyed. B.Scared. C.Confused. D.Offended. 第2题 A.It crawled over the woman′s hands. B.It wound up on the steering wheel. C.It was killed by the police on the spot. D.It was covered with large scales. 上一题下一题 (3~4/共7题)Part ⅡListening Comprehension Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Play00:0001:57 Volume 第3题 A.A study of the fast-food service. B.Fast food customer satisfaction. C.McDonald′s new business strategies. https://www.doczj.com/doc/3118712010.html,petition in the fast-food industry. 第4题 A.Customers′ higher demands. B.The inefficiency of employees. C.Increased variety of products. D.The rising number of customers.


2018年6月份,英语四级真题答案(完整版)四级听力理解答案 听力新闻第1套 1. A) The return of a bottled message to its owner’s daughter. 2. B) She wanted to honor her father's promise. 3. B) Several cases of Zika disease had been identified. 4. C) It lost a huge stock of bees. 5. A) It stayed in the air for about two hours. 6. C) Inadequate funding. 7. D) It is more environmentally friendly. 听力新闻第2套 1. B) Scared. 2. D) It was covered with large scales. 3. A) A Study of the fast-food service. 4. C) Increased variety of products. 5. C) US government's approval of private space missions. 6. A) Deliver scientific equipment to the moon. 7. B) It is promising.

听力长对话第1套 8. A) It seems a depressing topic. 9. D) They can't make it to the theatre in time. 10. C) It is the most amusing show he has ever watched. 11. B) Go and see the dance. 12. D) She worries she won't fit in as a transfer student. 13. C) Participate in after-school activities. 14. A) Give her help whenever she needs it. 15. D) She has just transferred to the college. 听力长对话第2套 8. D) Lying in the sun on a Thai beach. 9. A) She visited a Thai orphanage. 10. D) His phone is running out of power. 11. C) He collects things from different countries. 12. D) Trying out a new gym in town. 13. C) A discount for a half-year membership. 14. D) The operation of fitness equipment. 15. C) She knows the basics of weight-lifting. 听力篇章第1套 16. B) To find out which physical drive is the most powerful.


2011年2月15日河北省的选调生考试报名和考试又开始了,各位同学做好奋斗的准备了?话说磨刀不误砍柴工,我们在报名以后需要做什么呢?那当然是努力准备考试了,我给大家准备了很多东西,希望大家喜欢另外47199821这个扣扣群是专门讨论和研究选调生考试的,欢迎大家加入,更多的资料请看https://www.doczj.com/doc/3118712010.html,/s/blog_59c87ba30100oe46.html这个博客或者在地址栏输入orz.se/F4S查看 材料一: 据《人民日报》报道,到1986年,全国共选调1.27万名选调生,到2002年底,这个数字增长到近4万名,从2003年起,全国选调生总数量以每年1万名的速度在增长。1986年以前的选调生,目前有近七成担任县处级以上领导职务。 1980年以来,湖南省陆续从高等院校选拔了23批近3000名优秀应届毕业生充实到基层。目前,这些选调生大多数已成长为各级领导干部或基层、机关工作骨干。据《湖南日报》报道,2007年选调生考试,我省共有2800多人报考,是历年来报考人数最多、规模最大的一次。报名者中,有187人具有硕士研究生学历,3人具有博士研究生学历。还有湘籍的韩国、澳门的高等院校应届毕业生报名,高学历、名校学生报名是今年选调生工作的一大特点。 材料二: 《中共湖南省委组织部关于进一步做好选调生工作的通知》指出:选调品学兼优的应届大学毕业生到基层培养锻炼,主要是为各级党政

领导班子培养高素质的领导骨干,同时,为各级党政机关和企事业单位培养优秀的工作人员和管理人员。 湖南省委组织部、省人事厅、省教育厅《关于做好2007年选调生工作的通知》指出:为进一步做好培养选拔年轻干部工作,优化基层干部队伍结构,2007年继续选调一批品学兼优的普通高等院校应届毕业生(以下简称选调生)到乡镇(街道)工作。今年的选调生,原则上安排到乡镇(街道)工作,所需编制由所在县(市、区)从现有乡镇(街道)行政编制总额内调剂解决。选调生报到后,各市州委组织部要先组织培训,再派遣到所分配的单位工作。各地应将选调生安排到领导班子团结、党政主要领导热心培养年轻干部的乡镇(街道),在综合性较强、能较快熟悉全面工作的岗位上锻炼。 材料三: 几位选调生的自白: 1、基层很苦,那是参加工作前,朋友们给我的“忠告”。可是,2006年7月15日,当我被选调到宜昌市五峰县仁和平镇工作时,让我感觉仿佛到了另一个世界。 车子在坎坷的石沙路上颠簸几个小时后,我全身像散了架一般,酸疼了好几天。镇上没几家像样的商店,连日常用品都不容易买到。 一间破旧的四合院就是我的家,夜晚独居一室,踩着木地板“吱吱”作响,让人提心吊胆。墙上的窟窿随处可见,老鼠、蟑螂、蜈蚣肆无忌惮地穿行其间。在这里,一住就是半年,许多男同事都对我佩服不已。在这样的环境下,我不仅坚持下来了,而且日益融入工作,


2017 年导游考试真题 1、人民英雄纪念碑高度一一37.94 米 2、瑶池是指天池一一新疆 3、道教创始人一一张陵 ( 也叫张道陵 ) 4、国歌创作者聂耳一一云南人 5、埃及金字塔一 96 座 6、泰国城市东方夏威夷一一芭提雅 7、瑞士第一大城市一一苏黎世 8、第一大咸水湖一一青海湖 9、徽商活动的记载一一东晋 10、地下文物最多的城市一一河南 11、历史文化名域最多的是一一江苏 12、上海别称一一申 13、上海早餐四大金刚 :大饼、油条、粢饺和豆浆 14、河南四大古都一一洛阳、开封、安阳、郑州 15.多选题:江西一一 1革命摇篮一一吉安市 2人民军队摇篮一一南昌 ; 3洪和国摇篮一瑞金 : 4工人运动摇篮一萍乡市 . 安源 16. 计算 25 摄氏度等于多少华氏度?一一77 华氏度(计算公式: H=S*9/5+32) 17、寅一一 3~5点 18、扬州小吃天下一品一一三丁包 19、苏绣特色一一双面绣 20、山西面食特色一一刀削面 21、山西文化名人一一王维、王昌龄、白居易、温庭钧 22、新疆面积占全国总面积的一一1/6 23、重庆历史一一 3000 年( 翻阅重庆地方教材 )

24、东正教最高领导一一牧首 25、全国海拔最低的省份一一江苏 26、五岳最高蜂一一华山南峰(2154.9 米 ) 27、西藏自治的时间一一1965 年 28、投诉人答复的时间一10 日 29、暴雨橙色警报一一 3 小时 50 毫米 30、风景名胜区一一观赏、文化、科学 31、旅游突发事件四个等级一一一般、重大、特别重大、较大、 32、剪纸一一江浙 ( 浙江、扬州 ) 、北方 ( 山西、陕西 ) 33、1978 年 12 月一一十一届三中全会 34、组织活动违反道德的一一旅游法101 条 (1 责令改正 2 没收违法所得,责令停业整顿 3 情节严重的吊销旅行社业务经营 许可证 4 处以 2~20 万罚款。 ) 35、失物招领一一 3 个月 36、娱乐场所监控保存30 天,一一 1 责令改正,给予警告 2 情节严重的整顿1~3个月。) 37、香港岛由 262 个岛屿组成一一判断正确 38、我国实行分权制度一一判断X( 民主集中制 ) 39、在北京落户的旅游组织一一世界旅游城市联合会 40、社会主义核心是人民民主专政,是根本政治保证一一判断X( 党的领导 ) 41、旅游改革的切入点一一导游薪资改革 42、十三五规划业态创新一一旅游+ 43、有原始宗教思想萌芽一一山顶洞人 44、西方三圣一一大势至 +阿弥陀佛 +观音 45、江苏最早的灌溉一一苏州草鞋山遗址马家浜文化 46、唐代墓穴一一以山为陵 47、海南世居民族一一汉族、黎族、苗族、回族 48、销售食品的惩罚性赔偿制度一一价格10 倍或损失的 3 倍 49、藏族分布集中的地区一一四川、云南、甘肃、青海


四级考试练习试卷 Writing part 106 The Importance of Speaking Ability and How to Develop It As we all know, proficiency in speaking is necessary for us to become well-rounded communicators. However, the capacity to put words together in a meaningful way to reflect thoughts, opinions, and feelings is not something we're born with but needs some techniques and practice. Firstly, build confidence and concentrate on getting our message across, which help us gain the attention of the audience return. Secondly, experiment with the things we know well instead of challenging ourselves with difficult words since fluency appears more important during oral communication. Lastly, create some opportunities to practice like narrating our daily life to ourselves or maintaining a regular chat with friends. To sum up, only by being confident enough and using efficient methods can we enhance our speaking ability. Follow the steps to improve our speaking skills in order to achieve a higher standard in communication. The Importance of Writing Ability and How toDevelop It As the most productive and communicative way toexpress ourselves, writing i s attached greatimportance in all ages. Whether we want to improveour writin g skills as a creative writer or simplyperfect our skills for schoolwork, we can t ake somesteps to learn how to be a better writer. Firstly, in order to make our writing creative and imaginative, brainstorming is one of the keyelements to build up a unique topic. Don't hesitate to take dow n all the ideas that come intoour mind. Secondly, a good development of our writing is based on a clear structure orparagraph organization. Even a simple outline will help us see the big picture and save ushours of rewriting. Finally, diversity of vocabulary and grammar used in writing is highlyrecommended fo r the reason that one of the most common manifestations of bad writing isove ruse or reuse of simple language. To sum up, we should take practice and expand our knowledge to become a g reat writer. Withenough hard work and scientific techniques, we will amaze no t only ourselves but also anybodyelse. The Importance of Reading Ability and How toDevelop It As the most frequently used way to get access to theoriginal material, reading has always beenconsidered one of the most important parts oflanguage learn ing. This explains why reading skillsshould be highly emphasized. Then how to improve our reading skills? First of all, scan the material before we begin. Whatever the purpose of our reading is, take a few minutes to look the piece over to checkand see how the work is structured and presented. Se condly, try not to reach for the dictionarywhen we come to a word we don't k


2018年6月大学英语四级真题(第2套) Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30minutes to write a shor t essay on the importance of writing ability and how to develop it.You should write at l east 120 words but no more than180 words. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Part II Listening Comprehension (25 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the q uestions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just hear d. 1. A) Annoyed. B) Scared. C) Confused. D) Offended. 2. A) It crawled over the woman's hands. B) It wound up on the steering wheel. C) It was killed by the police on the spot. D) It was covered with large scales. Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just hear d. 3. A) A study of the fast-food service. B) Fast food customer satisfaction. C) McDonald's new business strategies. D) Competition in the fast-food industry. 4. A) Customers' higher demands. B) The inefficiency of employees.


2015年重庆市选调生考试历年真题 2015年重庆市选调生考试公告、报名注意事项、职位表等最新资讯及免费备考资料请点击 第一部分常识判断 (共10题,参考时限10分钟) 本部分包括表达与理解两方面的内容。请根据题目要求,在四个选项中选出一个最恰当的答案。 请开始答题: 1. 参加社会保险是宪法赋予每一个劳动者的,也是一项利人利己、造福子孙的社会福利事业。 填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。 A. 权力 B. 权利 C. 权限 D. 权势 2. 近年来英国信教人数大幅度下降,不少昔日信徒众多、香火旺盛的教堂,如今已。 填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。 A. 寥寥无几 B. 寥若星辰 C. 门可罗雀 D. 人烟稀少 3. 当体育界、工业界和其他领域中的一些领导者将他们的成功归因于一种高度意识时,一个社会还是应该更好地为那些即将成为领导者的年轻人灌输的意识。 依次填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。 A. 竞争合作 B. 大局协作 C. 协作分工 D. 危机团队

4. 许多人有一种认死理儿的心理定式:任何事情都有对错好坏之分,,他们常以这种定式去衡量一切。填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。 A. 非敌即我 B. 非此即彼 C. 东猜西疑 D. 以邻为壑 5. 依次填入下列各句中横线处的词语,恰当的一组是( )。 ①本人不慎在10路公交车上丢失黑色公文包一个,有拾到并归还本人者,本人愿付500元酬谢,绝不。 ②经过长达半年多的努力,我国已经基本完成SARS疫苗临床前的研究,即将进入临床阶段。 A. 失言试验 B. 食言实验 C. 食言试验 D. 失言实验 6. 五十多年后回顾这段历史,杜老依然,然而他也没有土改实施过程中的缺陷。例如消灭富农和侵犯中农,以及没有严格依法保护劳动者财产利益。 依次填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。 A. 直言不讳回避 B. 毫无隐瞒忌讳 C. 慷慨激昂避嫌 D. 激清满怀避讳 7. 依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是( )。 ①今年北方某省高等院校招生3万人,可使全省高考录取率与去年持平。 ②一曲《笑傲江湖》如天乐开奏、百鸟齐鸣,那悦耳怡人的旋律顿时于山野林谷之间。 ③环境污染问题越来越严重,全体公民必须正确认识污染问题所的公理和道义,保持清醒的态度,这样社会才能不断进步、繁荣。 A. 大致充溢昭示 B. 大概充溢揭示 C. 大致充斥昭示 D. 大概充斥揭示


目录 2018年6月大学英语四级真题试题二(完整版) (1) 答案 (16) 2018年6月大学英语四级真题试题二(完整版) Part I Writing(30minutes) (请于正式开考后半小时内完成该部分,之后将进行听力考试) Directions:For this part,you are allowed30minutes to write an a short easy on the importance of speaking ability and how to develop it.You should write at least120words but no more than180words. Part II Listening Comprehension(25minutes) Section A Directions:In this section,you will hear three news reports.At the end of each news report,you will hear two or three questions.Both the news report and questions will be spoken only once.After you hear questions,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet1with a single line through the centre. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。 Questions1to2are based on the new report you have just heard. 1.A)Annoyed.C)Confused. B)Scared.D)Offended. 2.A)It crawled over the woman’s hands. B)It wound up on the steering wheel. C)It was killed by the police on the spot. D)It was covered with large scales.


2018年6月大学英语四级真题(第1套) Part?I? Writing? (30?minutes) Directions:?For?this?part,?you?are?allowed?30minutes?to?write?a?short?essay?on? the?importance of?reading?ability?and?how?to?develop?it.?You?should?write?at?least?120?wor ds?but?no?more?than180?words. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Part?II ?Listening?Comprehension? (25?minutes) Section?A Directions:?In?this?section,?you?will?hear?three news?reports.?At?the?end?of?each?news?report,?you will?hear?two?or?three?questions.?Both?the?news?report?and?the?questions?wil l?be?spoken?only once.?After?you?hear?a?question,?you?must?choose?the?best?answer?from?the?fo ur?choices marked?A),?B),?C)?and?D).?Then?mark?the?corresponding?letter?on?Answer?Sheet ?1?with?a single?line?through?the?centre. Questions?1?and?2?are?based?on?the?news?report?you?have?just?heard. 1.A)?The?return?of?a?bottled?message?to?its?owner's?daughter. B)?A?New?Hampshire?man's?joke?with?friends?on?his?wife. C)?A?father's?message?for?his?daughter. D)?The?history?of?a?century-old?motel. 2.?A)?She?wanted?to?show?gratitude?for?his?kindness. B)?She?wanted?to?honor?her?father's?promise. C)?She?had?been?asked?by?her?father?to?do?so. D)?She?was?excited?to?see?her?father's?handwriting. Questions?3?and?4?are?based?on?the?news?report?you?have?just?heard. 3.?A)?People?were?concerned?about?the?number?of?bees. B)?Several?cases?of?Zika?disease?had?been?identified. C)?Two?million?bees?were?infected?with?disease. D)?Zika?virus?had?destroyed?some?bee?farms. 4.?A)?It?apologized?to?its?customers.? B)?It?was?forced?to?kill?its?bees. C)?It?lost?a?huge?stock?of?bees. D)?It?lost??million?dollars.


2018年四级,英语四级试卷答案(全套) Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the importance of writing ability and how to develop it. You should write at least 120 words but no more than180 words. 【参考范文】 No body could deny that writing is one of the basic abilities for men. Put it another way, it is unlikely to imagine human civilization without writing ability. At the top of the list, if we overlook the significance of writing ability, we will suffer a great difficulty in our daily written communication. In addition to what has been mentioned above, it is advisable for us to attach importance tothis abilitybecause writing plays a key in our academic performance. To summarize,writing does carry a positive implication for our life and study. In view of the great value of writing ability, we should take actions to develop this capability. For my part, initially, we are supposed to keep in mind that reading is the first step of writing, so we should read great books as many as possible, learning from the great works how to write concisely and effectively. Moreover, owing to the fact that practice makes perfect, we should frequently practice writing; for example, we may develop the habit of keeping a diary. PartⅡ Listening Comprehension ( 25 minutes) } SectionA Directions:In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and then questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B), C) and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1with a single line through the centre. Questions l and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard.


2015年湖北省选调生考试公告、报名注意事项、职位表等最新资讯及免费备考 《行政职业能力测验》试卷 说明 这项测验共有五个部分,125道题,总时限为90分钟。各部分不分别计时,但都给出了参考时限,供你参考以分配时间。 请在机读答题卡上严格按照要求填写好自己的姓名、报考部门,涂写准考证号。 请仔细阅读下面的注意事项,这对你获得成功非常重要: 1.题目应在答题卡上作答,不要在题本上作任何记号。 2.监考人员宣布考试开始时,你才可以开始答题。 3.监考人员宣布考试结束时,你应立即放下铅笔,将试题本、答题卡和草稿纸都留在桌上,然后离开。 如果你违反了以上任何一项要求,都将影响你的成绩。 4.在这项测验中,可能有一些试题较难,因此你不要在一道题上思考时间太久,遇到不会答的题目,可先跳过去,如果有时间再去思考。否则,你可能没有时间完成后面的题目。 5.试题答错不倒扣分。 6.特别提醒你注意,涂写答案时一定要认准题号。 严禁折叠答题卡! 停!请不要往下翻!听候监考老师的指示。否则,会影响你的成绩。

第一部分言语理解与表达 (共35题,参考时限25分钟) 一、阅读理解。每道题给出一段文字,请你通过阅读理解,从四个选项中选出一个最恰当的答案。 请开始答题: 1.中国人民正在为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦而奋斗。实现中国梦,是物质文明和精神文明均衡发展、相互促进的结果,没有文明的继承和发展,没有文化的弘扬和繁荣,就没有中国梦的实现。实现中国梦,是物质文明和精神文明比翼双飞的发展过程。随着中国经济社会不断发展,中华文明也必将顺应时代发展焕发出更加蓬勃的生命力。 最适合做这段文字标题的是()。 A. 为实现中国梦而奋斗 B. 伟大复兴的中国梦 C. 中国人民与中国梦 D. 中华民族的梦想 2.一些备受雾霾困扰的人们选择逃离,尤其是退休老人,那些环境宜居、生态良好的二三线城市成为他们的主要目的地。与此同时,也有少量年轻人选择移民海外。刚过30岁的大学教师李文就在今年初踏上了赴加拿大的移民之路。但不少市民和专家表示,逃离只是极少数人的选择,不能从根本上解决问题。面对雾霾,人人行动起来,积极参与治理,从自己做起、从身边的事做起才是大道。 这段话的主题是()。 A. 雾霾的治理办法 B. 面对雾霾要逃离 C. 人们面对雾霾的不同态度 D. 治理雾霾需要人们积极行动


Part I Writing (30minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30minutes to write a short essay o n the importanceof writing ability and how to develop it. You should write at l east 120 words but no more than180 words. ______________________________________________________________ __________ ______________________________________________________________ __________ ______________________________________________________________ __________ Part II Listening Comprehension (25minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear threenews reports. At the end of each news report, youwill hear two or three questions. Both the news report and t he questions will be spoken onlyonce. After you hear a question, you must ch oose the best answer from the four choicesmarked A), B), C) and D). Then m ark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with asingle line through the centre. Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard. 1. A) Annoyed. B) Scared. C) Confused. D) Offended. 2. A) It crawled over the woman's hands. B) It wound up on the steering wheel. C) It was killed by the police on the spot. D) It was covered with large scales. Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard. 3. A) A study of the fast-food service. B) Fast food customer satisfaction. C) McDonald's new business strategies. D) Competition in the fast-food industry.

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