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箱式变电站产品Series Compacted Package Sub-station


O peration Manual


XBJ1系列紧凑型箱式变电站是由天津电气传动设计研究所组织全国百余家企业联合开发的新产品,它吸收了美式箱变、欧式箱变和国产箱变三大派别的优点,采用了新材料新工艺及先进的元器件和高低压自动化技术;其中高压侧能满足电力部门对于配电网自动化的要求,低压侧能满足小区物业管理智能化的要求。该系列箱式变电站是由高压单元、电力变压器、低压单元、计量单元及智能系统等,优化组合成的完整的智能化供配电成套装置,它功能多,用途广,运行安全可靠,外型美观,并具有安装方便,少占地,少维护,少投资,见效快,寿命长等特点。可作为城市建筑、居民小区、市政设施、工厂、矿山、公路、码头、油田及施工临时用电等部门、场所的变配电设备。XBJ1 series intelligent package sub-station is new products developed by Tianjin Electric Transmission Project Institution and other hundreds of companies. The new products combine the advantages of package sub-station from US, European, and China to fit in the situation in our country. New materials, new process and advanced components and automatic technology for high and low voltage are used in the products; the high voltage siding satisfies the requirement of the automation of power supply network from power supply departments and the low voltage siding satisfies the requirement of community intellectualization. XBJ1 series intelligent cabinet transformer station is composed of optimizing the configuration of high voltage components, power transformer, low voltage components, measurement components and intelligent system. It is multifunction and has wide applications. It is able to run reliable and environment friendly. It has beautiful outlooks and id easy to be installed. It has the advantage of taking up less land, les maintenance, less investment, long lifetime. It can be used as power transform and distribution equipment in city construction, communities, city facilities, factories, mines, road construction, harbor, oilfields and can be also used as temporary construction power supply equipment.

2.型号说明Symbol Explanation

X B J 1 —37 /0.315M J 1000

变压器容量Rated power 1000kVA

外壳材料Enclosure material



低压侧额定电压: (0.315kV) Secondary Rated Voltage

高压侧额定电压: (37kV) Primary Rated Voltage

方案号Scheme Number

设计序号Design Serial Number




3. 使用条件:Using Condition

3.1 海拔高度:一般不超过2000m.

3.2 周围气温:-15℃~+40℃(智能型-5℃~+40℃)


3.3 相对湿度:日平均值不大于95%; 月平均值不大于90%.

3.4 地震烈度:水平加速不大于0.3g.

3.5 无经常性剧烈震动场所.

3.6 周围空气应不受腐蚀性或可燃性气体等明显污染.

3.7 安装倾斜度不超过3度.

3.8 风负荷≤34m/s.

3.1 Height above sea level: less than 2000m

3.2 Ambient temperature: -15℃~+40℃(for intelligent package sub-station: -5℃~+40℃)

(special condition: Cold climate-50℃~+40℃;Hot climate:-5℃~+50℃)

3.3Relative humidity:Daily value less than 95%; Average month value less than 90%

3.4Earthquake intensity: Level speedup less than 0.3g

3.5 No recurrent severe vibration places

3.6 Ambient air is not obvious polluted by corrosive or flammable gases.

3.7 Installation gradient is less than 3 degrees.
