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【经典实用】2011年高考英语(人教版)要点梳理+重点突破:必修2 Unit 4 Wildlife protection

【经典实用】2011年高考英语(人教版)要点梳理+重点突破:必修2 Unit 4 Wildlife protection
【经典实用】2011年高考英语(人教版)要点梳理+重点突破:必修2 Unit 4 Wildlife protection


Unit 4Wildlife protection



1.protection n.保护→protect v.保护→protective adj.保护的,防护的

2.decrease vi. & vt.减少;(使)变小或变少

3.loss n.损失;遗失;丧失→lose v.遗失,丢失→loser n.输家;失败者→lost adj.遗失的,失去的

4.hunt vt. & vi.打猎;猎取;搜寻

5.respond vi.回答;响应;作出反应

6.certain adj.确定的;无疑的;某种

7.contain vt.包含;容纳;容忍→container n.容器

8.powerful adj.强大的;有力的→powerfully adv.有力地→power v.给……提供动力

9.affect vt.影响;感动;侵袭

10.appreciate vt.鉴赏;感激;意识到

11.succeed vi.成功vt.接替;继任

12.employ vt.雇用;利用(时间、精力等)

13.harm n. & vt.损害;危害→harmful adj.有害的

14.bite vt. & vi.咬;叮;刺痛→bit(过去式)→bitten(过去分词) 15.inspect vt.检查;视察

16.fierce adj.凶猛的;猛烈的→fiercely adv.猛烈地→fierceness n.猛烈


1.die out灭亡;逐渐消失

2.in peace 和平地;安详地;和睦地

3.in danger(of) 在危险中,垂危

4.in relief 如释重负

5.burst into laughter 突然笑起来


7.pay attention to注意

8.come into being形成;产生

9.according to按照;根据……所说

10.do harm to危害

11.without mercy 毫不留情地

12.respond to对……作出回答


They lived on the earth tens of millions of years ago, long before humans came into being...千百万年前它们(恐龙)就在地球上生活,比人类的出现要早得多……



某英语报社拟成立“微笑俱乐部”,现向全球征募会员。要求申请者提交一篇题为I Want to Smile的英语短文。请你以申请者的身份,根据以下思路图的提示用英语写一篇短文。




I Want to Smile




I Want to Smile

There are many advantages of smiling. It can not only make us happy, but also please others. If we smile at life, life will smile on us in return. So I want to smile at all whenever and wherever possible,

First, I would like to smile at my parents because they have given me my life and take all the troubles to bring me up. They arrange almost everything for me. With their help, I have made great progress. I would like to say “Thank you”to them with a smile. Then my smile should go

to myself, for only in this way can I gain more confidence in smiling my troubles away and live a better life.

In a word, let's greet every day with a smile. Tomorrow is another day.



1.respond vi.回答,答复;响应,作出反应

response n. 回答,回复;反应

respond to sb./sth.回答(比answer, reply to正式)

respond to sb./sth. (with/ by sth.) 用……回应某人(事)

respond to (疾病、身体的受伤部分)对医药有良好反应

response to sb./sth. (对人/物)的回答/回复/反应

in response to 作为对……的反应

[即学即练1](1)They still haven't ____________ my letter.


(2)He ____________ my suggestion ________ a laugh/______ laughing. 他对我的建议报以一笑。

(3)His illness didn't ____________ treatment by drugs.


(4)My mother opened the door ____________________ the knock, but there was no one outside.

听到敲门声后,我妈妈打开了门,但外面一个人都没有。responded to

responded to



respond to

in response to

2.certain adj. 确定的;无疑的;某(种)

(1)作“某(种)”讲时,同义于some。但some 前不加冠词。

for a certain reason=for some reason 由于某种原因

certain professors=some professors 某些教授

a certain amount of time 相当一段时间

(2)作“确信的,有把握的”讲时,同义于sure。但是certain 的主语既可以是人,也可用于It is certain that...句型,而sure 主语只能是人。

“be certain/sure+从句”(人)有把握/确信……(表示主


be certain/sure of/about sth. (人)确信(表示主语的信念)

be certain/sure to do sth. 必定/肯定会做某事(主语常


“make certain/sure+从句”弄清楚/确保……

make certain/sure of/about sth. 把某件事情弄清楚

for certain/sure 确定地,确切地(做状语)

It is certain that... 一定会……(不能用sure)

[即学即练2](1)There was _________________ in his manner.他的态度有点冷淡。

(2)Are you ____________________ it?你对此有把握吗?

(3)He is __________________ his duty.


(4)_________________ he has wronged me.


(5)_________________ their team will win the match.


a certain coldness

certain about/of

certain to do

I’m certain that

It’s certain that

3.contain vt. 包含;容纳(=hold);抑制(=control) [即学即练3](1)His paper ___________ no mistakes at all.


(2)Orange juice ____________ things which help keep you healthy. 橘汁里含有有益于健康的东西。

(3)This bottle ___________ two glasses of beer.


(4)He couldn't ____________ for joy.他不胜欢喜。




contain himself

4.affect vt.影响;感动;(疾病)侵袭

be greatly/deeply affected很/深受感动

be affected by heat/cold中暑/着凉

be affected with high fever发高烧

[即学即练4](1)The amount of rain ______ the growth of crops.降雨量直接影响庄稼生长。

(2)One of her lungs ____________ a little so that she has to rest.她的一叶肺有些感染,所以她不得不休息。

(3)The audience ____________________ by his speech.



is affected

were deeply affected

5.appreciate vt. 欣赏;感激;喜欢

appreciation n. 欣赏;感激

appreciate sth. (thank sb.) 感激某事或某人appreciatedoing sth.感激做某事

one/one's doing sth.感激某人做某事

I would appreciate it if... 如果……,我将不胜感激。

[即学即练5](1)He highly __________________________.他非常感谢他的帮助。

(2)We shall ___________________________ you again. 我们将很高兴再次收到您的来信。

(3)I really ____________________________ to the party. 你能来参加这次聚会我太高兴了。

(4)I would ______________________ you could help me. 如果你能帮助我,我将不胜感激。

appreciated his help

appreciate hearing from

appreciate your coming

appreciate it if

6.succeed v.成功

success n. [U]成功;成就[C]成功的人或事successful adj. 成功的

successfully adv. 成功地

succeed in doing sth.

have success in doing sth.

be successful in doing sth.成功做某事

achieve great success 取得巨大的成功

sb./sth. is a success 成功的人或事

[即学即练6](1)We all _____________________ the mid-term examination.我们都成功地通过了期中考试。

(2)Failure is the mother of __________.失败是成功之母。

(3)He was _________________________ as a novelist.


succeeded in passing


a success

7.harm vt. & n.损害;危害

harmful adj.有害的

be harmful to=do harm to

do sb. harm=do harm to sb.对……有害

There is no harm in doing sth.

=It does no harm (for sb.)to do sth.


[即学即练7](1)The dog seems fierce, but it won’t ______ anyone.这条狗看上去很凶,但它不会伤害任何人。

(2)Fruit juice can ______________________ children’s teeth.


(3)He may say no, but ___________________________ asking.他可能拒



be harmful to

there is no harm in

8.die out 灭亡,逐渐消失

die out 绝种,灭绝;熄灭;(风俗、习惯等)逐渐消失

die off(家族、种族等)相继死亡;(草木)先后枯死

die away(声音、光线、风等)渐弱,渐息,平息

die down(火、光线、兴奋、暴风雨等)渐弱,渐息;(声音) 静下来

die of 指死于疾病、衰老、饥饿、悲伤等

die from 指由于外伤、外界原因、粗心、不注意、劳累过度


[即学即练8](1) Scientists said that those plants ______ a century ago.科学家们说那些植物一个世纪前就绝种了。

(2) Many old customs ___________________________.


(3)If the snowstorm does not blow over, the cattle will ______________.如果暴风雪不停息,牲畜就要死掉了。

(4)Open the air hole; the fire is ___________________.


died out

are dying out

die off

dying down

(5)Every winter some old people _______________ hypothermia.每年冬天都有一些老人死于体温过低。

(6)Nowadays many people ________________ cancer.


die from

die of

9.in danger (of...)处于危险之中

out of danger 脱离危险

[即学即练9](1)The drowned girl was obviously



普通高等学校招生全国统一考试大纲 英语词汇表 A a (an) art. 一(个、件……) abandon v. 放弃,抛弃 ability n. 能力;才能 able a. 能够;有能力的 abnormal a. 不正常的 aboard prep. 在(或上)船,飞机,火车等 abolish v. 废除 abortion n. 流产 about ad. 大约;到处;四处prep. 关于;在各处;四处above prep. 在……上面a. 上面的ad. 在……之上abroad ad. 到(在)国外 abrupt a. 突然的,不连贯的 absence n. 不在,缺席 absent a. 缺席,不在 absolute a. 绝对的 absorb v. 吸收 abstract a. & n. 抽象(的) absurd a. 荒谬的 abundant a. 丰富的 abuse v.滥用,虐待 academic a. & n. 学校的,学术的 academy n. 专科院校 accelerate v. 加快 accent n. 口音,音调 accept vt. 接受 access n. & v. 接近,进入 accessible a. 可接近的,可使用的 accident n. 事故,意外的事 accommodation n. 住宿,调节 accompany v. 陪伴 accomplish v. 完成,实现 account n. 账目;描述 accountant n. 会计师 accumulate v. 积累 accuracy n. 精确 accurate a. 精确 accuse v. 控告 accustomed a. 通常的,习惯的 ache vi.& n. 痛,疼痛 achieve vt. 达到,取得 第 1 页共74 页


按住Ctrl键单击鼠标打开配套教学视频名师讲课播放 必修5 Unit 1 JOHH SHOW DEFEATS “KING CHOLERA” John Snow was a famous doctor in London - so expert, indeed, that he attend ed Queen Victoria as her personal physician. But he became inspired when he tho ught about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera. This was the deadly dise ase of its day. Neither its cause nor its cure was understood. So many thousand s of terrified people died every time there was an outbreak. John Snow wanted t o face the challenge and solve this problem. He knew that cholera would never b e controlled until its cause was found. He became interested in two theories that possibly explained how cholera ki lled people. The first suggested that cholera multiplied in the air. A cloud of dangerous gas floated around until it found its victims. The second suggested that people absorbed this disease into their bodies with their meals. From the stomach the disease quickly attacked the body and soon the affected person die d. John Snow suspected that the second theory was correct but he needed eviden ce. So when another outbreak hit London in 1854, he was ready to begin his enqu iry. As the disease spread quickly through poor neighbourhoods, he began to gat her information. In two particular streets, the cholera outbreak was so severe that more than 500 people died in ten days. He was determined to find out why. First he marked on a map the exact places where all the dead people had liv ed. This gave him a valuable clue about the cause of the disease. Many of the d eaths were near the water pump in Broad Street (especially numbers 16, 37, 38 a nd 40). He also noticed that some houses (such as 20 and 21 Broad Street and 8 and 9 Cambridge Street) had had no deaths. He had not foreseen this, so he made further investigations. He discovered that these people worked in the pub at 7 Cambridge Street. They had been given free beer and so had not drunk the water from the pump. It seemed that the water was to blame. Next, John Snow looked into the source of the water for these two streets. He found that it came from the river polluted by the dirty water from London. H e immediately told the astonished people in Broad Street to remove the handle f rom the pump so that it could not be used. Soon afterwards the disease slowed d own. He had shown that cholera was spread by germs and not in a cloud of gas. In another part of London, he found supporting evidence from two other deat hs that were linked to the Broad Street outbreak. A woman, who had moved away f rom Broad Street, liked the water from the pump so much that she had it deliver ed to her house every day. Both she and her daughter died of cholera after drin king the water. With this extra evidence John Snow was able to announce with ce rtainty that polluted water carried the virus.


人教版英语必修三配套语法填空题(高考新题 型) -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

11. An Interesting Festival The Agricultural Feast takes place after the Independence Day. It is not a worldwide celebration. Only Christians in Mexico look forward to its ___1__ (arrive) for its religious origin. Long ago, h umans’ ancestors were bad. They fooled and played tricks on each other and never kept ___2__ word. So God turned up and drowned all their crops. Humans starved day and night, weeping. In order to gain God’s forgiveness, a woman poet set off to see God. She admired God and kept apologizing. God ___3__ (move). With his permission, humans finally had good harvests again. So, to wipe sadness and remind themselves of the belief in God, people began the festival. __4___ the festival, people gather in open air, such as playgrounds __5___ parking lots, and energetically have fun with each other all night long, as though they ___6__ (be) never tired. When a beauty __7___ (dress) up in lovely clothing reads poems in memory of __8___ poet, everyone holds their breath. Then, it is the custom __9___ the bone of a rooster head is given to her as an award. Obviously, the story is not true, __10__ the festival is interesting. 12. Balanced Diet Wang Peng earned his living by running a barbecue restaurant; __1___ served delicious bacon, fried chicken breast and mutton roasted with pepper and garlic. __2___ his food and discount attracted fewer and fewer customers. Finally, he was in debt. Yong Hui’s slimming restaurant served fresh peas, carrots, eggplants, and raw cucumbers with vinegar. As ___3__ hostess, she said fibres benefited customers' digestion the most. In order not to let Yong Hui get away with telling lies, Wang Peng spied on Yong Hui despite her glare. But he was surprised that she ___4__ (lose) her customers, too. ___5__ (curious) drove Wang Peng to consult an expert. The expert sighed and said, “__6___ of your menus have weakness and limited strength. Your customers put on weight too easily, __7___ Yong Hui’s lose weight too quickly. So, Wang Peng, cut down the fat of your food and increase vegetables and fruits, __8___ nuts, beans, mushrooms, peaches and lemons. You ought to combine the two menus and provide a __9___ (balance) diet.” Before long, Wang Peng won __10__ customers back. 13. Sailing Home This novel was about an unbelievable but genuine adventure. Its author was a black businessman ___1__ was brought up in America. In 1956, he visited Africa, his birthplace. One day, when he __2___ (wander) on the pavement near the bay enjoying the sea scenes, he lost his money and passport that he kept in __3___ envelope. So he went to the embassy to seek help, but the ambassador with rude manners didn’t permit his staff to help __4___ he bowed to him. Staring at his __5___ (patience) face, he understood that __6___ was the fault of his skin colour that accounted for their refection. So he decided to take a chance to sail on a small boat home.


高考英语考前训练每天7道题第68天 2020 1,No one knows exactly how many disabled people there are in the world,but estimates suggest the figure is over 450 million. The number of disabled people in India alone is probably more than double the total population of CanadA. In the United Kingdom,about one in ten people have some disability. Disability is not just something that happens to other people:as we get older,many of us will become less mobile,hard of hearing or have failing eyesight. Disablement can take many forms and occur at any time of life. Some people are born with disabilities.Many others become disabled as they get older. There are many progressive disabling diseases.The longer time goes on,the worse they become. Some people are disabled in accidents.Many others may have a period of disability in the form of a mental illness. All are affected by people’s attitude towards them. Disabled people face many physical barriers.Next time you go shopping or to work or to visit friends,imagine how you would manage if you could not get up steps, or on to buses and trains. How would you cope if you could not see where you were going or could not hear the traffic? But there are other barriers:


英语词汇分类 1.People 1. baby 婴儿 2. being物;生物;人 3. child(复children) n. 孩子,儿童 4. citizen 公民,居民,市民 5. civil国内,平民(非军人)的;民用6.companion同伴,同事 7. comrade n. 同志 8. crowdn..人群vt.拥挤,群聚9.enemy n. 敌人;敌军 10. fellow n.同伴;伙伴 11. friend[frend] n.朋友 12. generation n.代,一代 13. guest n.客人,宾客 14. human a.&n. 人,人类 15. humanbeing人 16. man (单数,无冠词)n.人,人类(包括男女) 17. neighbour(-bor) n.邻居,邻人 18.partner n. 搭档,股东,舞伴19.people n. 人,人们;人民 20. personn. 人,身体,容貌, 21. population n. 人口 22. public a.公共的,公众n.公众 23. race[reis]n. 种族,民族 24.teenager (13-19)青少年 25. adult 26.kid 2.Sex 1. boyn.男孩 2. femalea.女性的;雌性的 3. girln.女孩 4. gentleman n. 绅士,先生 5. ladyn. 女士,夫人 6. sex[seks] n.性,性别, 7. madam/madame夫人,女士 8. male[meil] a.男的, 雄的, 男 9. man (men)n.男人,成年男子 10. Mr. (mister)n.先生,阁下11.Mrs.(mistress)夫人, 太太 12.Ms.[miz]n.女士,小姐13. sirn. 先生;阁下 14. woman n.妇女,女人,女仆 3.Body 1.arm n.臂, 支架 2. back 向后a. 后面的n.背 3.bathn.洗澡;浴室;澡盆 4. beard n.(下巴处的)胡须5. body n. 身体 6. bodybuildingn.健美 7. bone n.骨头,骨质 8. blood n.血,血液 9. brain[brein]n.脑(子) 10. cheekn. 面颊,脸蛋 11.chestn. 箱子;盒子;胸部 12. ear n.耳朵,耳状物;听力, 13. eye[ai]n. 眼睛 14.face[feis] n. 脸vt. 面向;15.faciala. 面部用的 16.finger n.手指 17. fingernail n.指甲 18. flesh n.肉 19.fist[fist]n. 拳(头) 20. foot[fut](复feet) 足,脚;英尺 21. handn. 手;指针v.递;给, 22. handfuln.(一)把;少数,少量23. hair n.头发 24. head[hed]n.头,标题a.头部 25. heart n.心,心脏,精神, 26. knee[ni:]n. 膝盖 27. leg[leg]n. 腿;腿脚;支柱28. lip[lip] n.嘴唇,唇缘 29.lungn.肺;肺脏, 呼吸器 30. moustachen. 小胡子(嘴唇上方) 31. mouth n. 嘴,口 32. mouthfuln. 满口,一口33. neck[nek] n. 颈,脖子 34.nose n. 鼻, v.侦察出 35. pulsen. 脉搏,脉动,搏动 36. shouldern. 肩膀;侧翼 37.stomach n. 胃,胃部 38. temperature n.温度 39. tonguen. 舌头,语言, 口


高中英语必修五课文及翻 译 Final approval draft on November 22, 2020

-必修 5 Unit 2 The United Kingdom Reading PUZZLES IN GEOGRAPHY People may wonder why different words are used to describe these four countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. You can clarify this question if you study British history. First there was England. Wales was linked to it in the thirteenth century. Now when people refer to England you find Wales included as well. Next England and Wales were joined to Scotland in the seventeenth century and the name was changed to "Great Britain". Happily this was accomplished without conflict when King James of Scotland became King of England and Wales as well. Finally the English government tried in the early twentieth century to form the United Kingdom by getting Ireland connected in the same peaceful way. However, the southern part of Ireland was unwilling and broke away to form its own government. So only Northern Ireland joined with England, Wales and Scotland to become the United Kingdom and this was shown to the world in a new flag called the Union Jack. To their credit the four countries do work together in some areas (eg, the currency and international relations), but they still have very different institutions. For example, Northern Ireland, England and Scotland have different educational and legal systems as well as different football teams for competitions like the World Cup! England is the largest of the four countries, and for convenience it is divided roughly into three zones. The zone nearest France is called the South of England, the middle zone is called the Midlands and the one nearest to Scotland is known as the North. You find most of the population settled in the south, but most of the industrial cities in the Midlands and the North of England. Although, nationwide, these cities are not as large as those in China, they have world-famous football teams and some of them even have two! It is a pity that the industrial cities built in the nineteenth century do not attract visitors. For historical architecture you have to go to older but smaller towns built by the Romans. There you will find out more about British history and culture. The greatest historical treasure of all is London with its museums, art collections, theatres, parks and buildings. It is the centre of national


必修三unit1 1.take place / happen / break out 无被动 2.starve to death 饿死 starve to do 渴望 做 .. starve for 渴望 得到 .. 3.in memory of 纪念 4.dress up 穿上盛装,打扮 5.p lay a trick / tricks on play a joke / jokes on 6.a ward sb. sth.=award sth. to sb.授予某 人某物 reward sb. for sth. 因 ... 而报答,奖赏某人 reward sb. with sth. 用 ...报答,酬谢某人 7.look forward to doing *以介词 to 结尾的短语 pay attention to (doing) devote? to (doing) attach? to (doing) attach great importance to... 认为 ...很重要8. without permission. 未经许可 permit doing sth. permit sb.to do sb be permitted to do 9. turn up 出现 ,调高 turn down 拒绝,调低 turn out (to be ) 结果是 turn to sb (for help) 求助 10 keep one ’ s word守信用;履 行诺言 hold one ’ s breath屏息;屏气 11.apologize to sb for sth make an apology to sb for sth 11. set off ( for.. .) = set out ( for...) 动身,出发 12. remind sb. of sth. /sb.使某人想起?remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人做某事 14.mean to do 打算做 mean doing 意味着 15 be satisfied with 对?感到满意satisfying 令人满意的 16 lead to 导致;通向,通往 17.It is/was obvious that。。。很明显??


广东高考英语听说考前训练及技巧 2013.2.10 广东高考英语人机对话口语考试分三部分:(共60分,折算15分) 第一部分:Reading Aloud 根据视频大声朗读文章,要求流利通顺,文章中有一定的新词汇。(20分)第二部分:Role Play 要求扮演角色,与电脑互问互答,先根据提示问三个问题,再回答五个问题。 (16分) 第三部分:Oral Competition 口头作文,听一篇文章,然后根据故事梗概和关键词,复述该故事。(24 分) 听说合考总的答题策略: 1、调整话筒,让话筒靠近嘴巴,保证录音质量。 2、养成作好笔记的习惯。 3、录音答题时保持镇定,确保自己的发挥。 Part A 答题技巧 应试技巧:第一遍看视频听录音时,注意力应放在说话者的发音、语调和意群停顿上,同时尽可能地记下一些关键词语。自我演练时,考生首先要熟悉画外音所叙述的内容,记住需要换气和停顿的地方。第二遍边听录音边看视频上文字时,最为关键的是要注意说话者的语频,并对个别较难发音的词语加以关注。录音时,考生是看着相同的视频片段进行录音。这时最为关键的是语频要与视频上显示的保持一致。一定要读出来,碰到不懂的单词,按字母规律发音,不要不读。 Part B答题技巧 1).听前抢读和预测: 预测可能出现的词汇(尤其是关键词),和出题方向。 如:情景介绍:女士和男士谈论即将来临的面试 预测:关键词interview 可能出题方向When will you have the interview? How will you go there? Are you prepared for /nervous about it? 2)做笔记,抓关键信息 前面的英文短片部分和三问部分是所有听力信息的输入部分,这两部分要做好听力笔记。在三问环节,计算机会回答两遍.计算机回答问题的内容往往是下一部分回答的答案或提示。 观看英文短片时要在听懂大意的同时留意涉及的人物、事物、时间、行为等相关信息(5w1h),并适当做笔记,在短时间内强记细节信息,如年代,单价,折扣价,门牌号等。 练习快速记笔记,用最简洁的符号记录信息。如字母/箭头/数字/汉字/图形等。 如:考生用英语提问:新图书馆周末开放吗? (Is the library open on weekends?) 计算机回答 (Y es. It‘s open from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on weekends and it opens one hour earlier from Monday to Friday. 播放2遍)


人教版高中英语必修五知识点详解 Units 1-2 1. doubt doubt是高考中的高频考查词汇。doubt可作动词和名词,是新课标重点词汇。其命题角度为:①作动词时, 若为肯定句,后跟宾语从句,通常用if/whether引导,若为否定句,则通常用that引导。 ②doubt作名词时,通常用于There is no doubt that ...(毫无疑问)结构。2010年高考对doubt的考查还将集中 在其后跟从句时连接词的选择上,也有可能将doubt与其他动词或名词放在一起进行词义辨析。 2. expose expose是新课标要求掌握的单词,应重点掌握它的义项及常见用法,特别是be exposed to 句式,其中to为介词,后跟名词、代词和动名词;同时注意exposed to作后置定语和用于句首作状语的用法。另外,being exposed to结构用动名词形式作主语也是重点和难点,极易考查。 预测2010年命题方向为exposed to 作状语和定语的用法。 3. absorb absorb是新课标重点单词,重点掌握其“吸收(液体,热);吸收,理解(知识)”的词义及其be absorbed in(全神贯注于……)的用法,易考点为该短语位于句首作状语和作后置定语两点,考生应能掌握be absorbed by(为某事物所吸引);还应联系be engaged in, be devoted to, be involved in和be lost in等常见重点近义短语。 4. apart from apart from是常见介词短语,意为“除……之外”,考生应熟练掌握近义的词和短语:except, besides, in addition (to), other than, except for, except that, except when等。预测2010年高考会在单项填空题中直接考查或者会出现 在阅读理解题中。 5. available available是新课标重点单词,在近几年高考和各地的模拟考试中出现的频率极高,主要考点为:①词义(可得到的,可用的)。命题形式常为形容词词义辨析,如区分accessible, acceptable, sensible, favourite, average, convenient 等。②用法。be available to意为“可利用的”,be available for意为“使……可以享受某物;使……买得起某物”, 要了解二者的区别。 预测2010年高考命题会以考查词义或者形容词短语作后置定语为命题方向。 6. consist of consist of是近几年高考高频考查短语。①理解其词义“组成,构成”。②考查与其他近义词组的用法异同点。 如be made up of, be composed of, constitute, be formed of 等。考生要特别注意consist of要用主动形式表达, 不用系表结构。预测这一考点将成为2010年高考考查的重点,特别是用consisting of 作后置定语。 7. break down 由break构成的动词短语是历年高考命题的重点。考生必须明确break down的几个常见义项,根据不同的语 境加以判断。break down,break up, break off, break away, break in等,都要求考生熟知它们的常见义项,因为 命题时可能会对该短语直接考查,也可在短文中考查对其意义的理解。 8. only+状语(状语从句)位于句首构成部分倒装 这是考生必须熟练掌握的句式之一,以往的高考题中已多次考查到。倒装句式有多种情况,该句式为日常交 际中较常见的一种。特别提示:only只有强调状语或者状语从句才构成部分倒装,强调主语或宾语不用倒装。 预测该句式是2010年高考命题考查的重点。 重要词汇拓展 Unit 1 Great scientists 1. ____ n. 特征;特性 2. _____ vt.&vi. 结束;推断出→______ n. 结论 3. _____ vt. 打败;战胜;使受挫 4. ______ vt. 参加;出席;照顾;护理→_____ n. 参加;出席;侍从;看护 5. _____ vt. 暴露;揭露;使曝光→_____ n. 暴露;揭穿;揭发 6. _____ vt.& n. 治愈;痊愈→______adj.可治愈的 ______ vt.& n. 控制;支配 8. _____ vt. 吸收;吸引;使专心→______adj. 被吸收的;全神贯注的 9. _____ adj. 严重的;严厉的;剧烈的 characteristic 2. conclude;conclusion 3. defeat 4. attend;attendance 5. expose;exposure 6. cure;curable 7. control 8. absorb;absorbed 9. severe 10. _____ vt. 宣布;通告→______n. 宣布;宣告;通知 11. ______ vt. 命令;指示;教导→_____ adj.有教育意义的;有指导意义的→_____n.指导;指示;指令→_____ n. 教师;讲师;指导员 12. _____ vt.&vi. 捐献;贡献;捐助→______n.贡献;奉献 13. _____ adj. 有创造力的;创造性的;独创的→______n.创造;创作 14. _____ adj. 热情的;热心的→______ n. 热心;热情


Unit 1 Festivals around the world I.单元教学目标 II.目标语言

III. 教材分析与教材重组 1. 教材分析 本单元以节日为话题,介绍古今中外节日的种类、由来、意义以及人们的活动和习俗,旨在通过本单元的学习使学生不但了解我国的节日,而且对外国的节日也有所了解,进而拓展社会文化背景、增加跨国文化知识;使学生复习和巩固

运用请求和感谢的表达法,掌握情态动词的用法;并尝试根据阅读的文章写一个不同的结局,能表达自己的观点和想法。 1.1 Warming Up 旨在通过表格引导学生讨论并列举出五个我国节日的日期、庆祝内容和民俗。可以刚刚过去的春节为话题导入对节日的讨论;使他们由自己的经历谈起,扩展到别的节日以及外国的重要节日,激发学生的兴趣,激活他们关于节日的背景知识,为本单元的学习做准备。 1.2 Pre-reading是Reading 的热身活动。主要通过两个问题引导学生思考并讨论自己最喜欢的节日及欢度方式,进而了解学生对节日的认识,以便为阅读作好铺垫。 1.3 Reading 的五篇小短文分别介绍古代节日、亡灵节、纪念名人的节日、丰收节、春天的节日等,使学生了解各种节日的由来及其存在的意义。此部分载有Festivals的重要信息,还呈现了大量的词汇和主要的语法---情态动词的用法。处理时应作为重点、整体处理,通过上下文来教词汇、语法,并引导学生分析长句、难句和复杂句。 1.4 Comprehending是考察对阅读内容的进一步理解。 练习一:六个问题让学生对文章内容有浅层理解并考察课文细节,但又不能仅仅拘泥于课文,要引导学生理解课文内容的基础上联系现实生活。 练习二:要求学生讨论哪些节日是最重要的,哪些是最有趣的,以表格的形式检查学生对所读节日的理解,并训练他们举一反三的归纳和推理能力。 练习三:要求学生找出各种节日共有的三件事,然后讨论为什么这些事对各地的人们都很重要。这就要求学生不仅要温习文章内容而且要结合实际,阐述自己的想法,挖掘学生的思维能力和语言表达能力。 1.5 Learning about Language 分词汇和语法两部分。其中Discovering useful words and expressions是本单元单词的英文释义练习和用文章中的词汇的适当形式填空;Discovering useful structures 是以文章内容为载体在语境中练习语法,掌握情态动词。由此可以看出本教材已明显地由结构为特征的传统语法训练转变到以交际功能为特征的功能语法训练,充分体现了新教材话题、功能、结构相结合的特点。 1.6 Using Language 是英语听说读写的全面运用的练习。


2017年高考英语必背单词分类汇总(实 2017年高考英语必背单词分类汇总(实用) 一、一周七天 1. Monday 2. Tuesday 3. Wednesday 4. Thursday 5. Friday 6. Saturday 7. Sunday 二、一年十二个月 1. January 2. February 3. March 4. April 5. May 6. June 7. July 8. August 9. September 10. October 11. November 12. December 三、一年四季 1. spring 2. summer 3. autumn 4. winter 四、容易拼写错的数字 1. eighth第八 2. ninth第 九 3. forty四十 4. twelfth第十二 5. twentieth第二十四、亲属称呼 1. daughter (女儿) 2. niece (女性晚辈) 3. nephew (男性晚辈) 4. cousin (同辈兄弟姐妹) 5. aunt (女性长辈) 6. uncle (男性长辈) 五、以下动词加-ed或-ing 要双写最后一个字母 1. regret (regretted, regretting) 后悔 2. control (controlled, controlling) 控制 3. admit (admitted, admitting) 承认 4. occur (occurred, occurring) 出现 5. prefer (preferred,

preferring) 宁愿 6. refer (referred, referring) 提到 7. forget (forgetting ) 忘记 8. permit (permitted, permitting)允许 9. equip (equipped, equipping) 装备 注意:quarrel, signal, travel中的l可双写(英国英语)也可不双写(美国英语)六、部分过去式和过去分词不 1 规则变化的动词 1. broadcast (broadcast, broadcast) 广播 2. flee (fled, fled) 逃跑 3. forbid (forbade, forbidden) 禁止 4. forgive (forgave, forgiven) 原谅 5. freeze (froze, frozen) 结冰

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