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property ActiveRecord: Integer read FActiveRecord; Indicates the index of the active record in the internal cache of records.

property CurrentRecord: Integer read FCurrentRecord; Indicates the index of the current record in the internal cache of record buffers.

property BlobFieldCount: Integer read FBlobFieldCount; Indicates the number of columns in the dataset that represent Binary large object (BLOB) fields.

property BookmarkSize: Integer read FBookmarkSize write FBookmarkSize; Indicates the number of bytes used to represent a bookmark.

property Buffers: PByte read GetBuffer; Provides indexed access to the record buffers in the internal cache.

property BufferCount: Integer read FBufferCount; Indicates the number of records in the internal cache.

property CalcBuffer: PByte read FCalcBuffer; Points to the record buffer used during an OnCalcFields event.

property CalcFieldsSize: Integer read FCalcFieldsSize; Indicates the number of bytes in a record buffer dedicated to storing calculated fields and lookup fields.

property Constraints: TCheckConstraints read FConstraints write SetConstraints; Specifies record-level constraints that must be met when editing the data.
指定编辑数据时必须满足的 记录级别? 约束。

property FieldNoOfs: Integer read FFieldNoOfs write FFieldNoOfs; Specifies the offset needed to convert indexes in the Fields property to field numbers.
指定 fields内数据 转换指针 所需偏移量

property InternalCalcFields: Boolean read FInternalCalcFields; Indicates whether the dataset includes internally calculated fields.

property NestedDataSets: TList read GetNestedDataSets; Lists all nested datasets.

property NestedDataSetClass: TDataSetClass read FNestedDatasetClass write FNestedDatasetClass; Indicates the class type to use when creating nested datasets.
显示创建datasets时 class的类型

property Reserved: Pointer read FReserved write FReserved; For internal use only.
读写FReserved, 仅供内部使用。

property AggFields: TFields read FAggFields; Contains any aggregate fields.

property Bof: Boolean read FBOF; Indicates whether the first record in the dataset is active.

property Bookmark: TBytes read GetBookmark write GotoBookmark; Specifies the current bookmark in the dataset.


property CanModify: Boolean read GetCanModify; Indicates whether the dataset permits write access to data.
显示数据集是否允许写 访问数据

property DataSetField: TDataSetField read FDataSetField write SetDataSetField; Indicates the persistent TDataSetField object that owns a nested dataset.

property DataSource: TDataSource read GetDataSource; Represents the data source of another dataset that supplies values to the dataset.

property DefaultFields: Boolean read FDefaultFields; Indicates whether a dataset's underlying field components are generated dynamically when the dataset is opened.

property Designer: TDataSetDesigner read FDesigner; Returns a pointer to the DataSet designer for the dataset.
返回一个指针指向 指定数据集的 designer。

property Eof: Boolean read FEOF; Indicates whether a dataset is positioned at the last record.

property BlockReadSize: Integer read FBlockReadSize write SetBlockReadSize; Determines how many record buffers are read in each block.

property FieldCount: Integer read GetFieldCount; Indicates the number of field components associated with the dataset.

property FieldDefs: TFieldDefs read FFieldDefs write SetFieldDefs; Points to the list of field definitions for the dataset.

property FieldDefList: TFieldDefList read FFieldDefList; Points to the list of field definitions for the dataset.

property Fields: TFields read FFields; Lists all non-aggregate field components of the dataset.

property FieldList: TFieldList read FFieldList; Lists the field components of a dataset.

property FieldValues: Variant read GetFieldValue write SetFieldValue; Provides access to the values for all fields in the active record for the dataset.

property Found: Boolean read GetFound; Indicates whether or not moving to a different record is successful.

property IsUniDirectional: Boolean read FIsUniDirectional; Indicates whether the dataset is unidirectional.

property Modified: Boolean read FModified; Indicates whether the active record is modified.


property ObjectView: Boolean read FObjectView write SetObjectView; Specifies whether fields are stored hierarchically or flattened out in the Fields property.

property RecordCount: Integer read GetRecordCount; Indicates the total number of records associated with the dataset.

property RecNo: Integer read GetRecNo write SetRecNo; Indicates the active record in the dataset.

property RecordSize: Word read GetRecordSize; Indicates the size of a record in the dataset.

property SparseArrays: Boolean read FSparseArrays write SetSparseArrays; Determines whether a unique TField object is created for each element of an array field.
确定是否 一个通用Tfield对象 为字段数组中的每一个元素 被创建

property State: TDataSetState read FState; Indicates the current operating mode of the dataset.

property Filter: string read FFilterText write SetFilterText; Specifies the text of the current filter for a dataset.

property Filtered: Boolean read FFiltered write SetFiltered; Specifies whether or not filtering is active for a dataset.

property FilterOptions: TFilterOptions read FFilterOptions write SetFilterOptions; Specifies whether or not filtering is case insensitive, and whether or not partial comparisons are permitted when filtering records.

property Active: Boolean read GetActive write SetActive; Specifies whether or not a dataset is open.

property AutoCalcFields: Boolean read FAutoCalcFields write FAutoCalcFields; Determines when the OnCalcFields event is triggered and when lookup field values are calculated.
决定何时OnCalcFields事件被触发 以及 何时查找字段的值被计算

function ActiveBuffer: PByte; Returns a pointer to the buffer for the active record.

procedure Append; Adds a new, empty record to the end of the dataset.

procedure AppendRecord(const Values: array of TVarRec); Adds a new, populated record to the end of the dataset and posts it.


n BookmarkValid(Bookmark: TBytes): Boolean; virtual; Indicates the validity of a specified bookmark.

procedure Cancel; virtual; Cancels modifications to the active record if those changes are not yet posted.
如果活动的记录没有post,则可以取消活动的记录。但如果记录的状态不为(dsEdit or dsInsert),则方法无效。

procedure CheckBrowseMode; Automatically posts or cancels data changes when the active record changes.

procedure ClearFields; Clears the contents of all fields for the active record.

procedure Close; Closes a dataset.

function ControlsDisabled: Boolean; Indicates whether data-aware controls update their display to reflect changes to the dataset.

function CompareBookmarks(Bookmark1: TBytes; Bookmark2: TBytes): Integer; virtual; Implements a virtual function to compare two bookmarks.

function CreateBlobStream(Field: TField; Mode: TBlobStreamMode): TStream; virtual; Provides the interface for a method that creates a blob stream for a Binary large object (BLOB) field in the dataset.

procedure CursorPosChanged; Marks the internal cursor position as invalid.

procedure Delete; Deletes the active record and positions the dataset on the next record.

procedure DisableControls; Disables data display in data-aware controls associated with the dataset.

procedure Edit; Enables editing of data in the dataset.

procedure EnableControls; Re-enables data display in data-aware controls associated with the dataset.

function FieldByName(const FieldName: string): TField; Finds a field based on its name.

function FindField(const FieldName: string): TField; Searches for a specified field in the dataset.

function FindFirst: Boolean; Implements a virtual method for positioning the dataset on the first record, respecting any filters.

function FindLast: Boolean; Implements a virtual method for positioning the dataset on the last record, respecting any filters.

function FindNext: Boolean; Implements a virtual method for positioning the dataset on the next record, respecting any filters.

function FindPrior: Boolean; Implements a virtual method for positioning the dataset on the previous record, respecting any filters.


procedure First; Moves to the first record in the dataset.

procedure FreeBookmark(Bookmark: TBytes); virtual; Frees the resources allocated for a specified bookmark.

function GetBookmark: TBytes; virtual; Allocates a bookmark for the active record in the dataset.

function GetCurrentRecord(Buffer: PByte): Boolean; virtual; Implements a virtual function to retrieve the current record in a buffer.

procedure GetDetailDataSets(List: TList); virtual; Fills a list with a dataset for every detail dataset that is not the value of a nested dataset field.

procedure GetDetailLinkFields(MasterFields: TList; DetailFields: TList); virtual; Introduces a method to list the field components that link this dataset as a detail of a master dataset.

function GetBlobFieldData(FieldNo: Integer; var Buffer: TBytes): Integer; virtual; Reads BLOB data into a buffer.

function GetFieldData(Field: TField; Buffer: Pointer): Boolean; overload; virtual; Retrieves the current value of a field into a buffer.

function GetFieldData(FieldNo: Integer; Buffer: Pointer): Boolean; overload; virtual; Retrieves the current value of a field into a buffer.

function GetFieldData(Field: TField; Buffer: Pointer; NativeFormat: Boolean): Boolean; overload; virtual; Retrieves the current value of a field into a buffer.

procedure GetFieldList(List: TList; const FieldNames: string); Retrieves a specified set of field objects into a list.

procedure GetFieldNames(List: TStrings); overload; virtual; Retrieves a list of names for all fields in a dataset.

procedure GetFieldNames(List: TWideStrings); overload; virtual; Retrieves a list of names for all fields in a dataset.

procedure GotoBookmark(Bookmark: TBytes); Implements a virtual method to position the dataset on the record to which a specified bookmark points.

procedure Insert; Inserts a new, empty record in the dataset.

procedure InsertRecord(const Values: array of TVarRec); Inserts a new, populated record to the dataset and posts it.

function IsEmpty: Boolean; Indicates whether the dataset contains no records.

function IsLinkedTo(DataSource: TDataSource): Boolean; Indicates w

hether a dataset is linked to a specified data source.

function IsSequenced: Boolean; virtual; Indicates whether the underlying database table uses record numbers to indicate the order of records.

procedure Last; Moves to the last record in the dataset.

function Locate(const KeyFields: string; const KeyValues: Variant; Options: TLocateOptions): Boolean; virtual; Implements a virtual method for searching a dataset for a specified record and making it the active record.

function Lookup(const KeyFields: string; const KeyValues: Variant; const ResultFields: string): Variant; virtual; Implements a virtual method to retrieve field values from a record that matches specified search values.

function MoveBy(Distance: Integer): Integer; virtual; Moves to another record relative to the active record in the dataset.

procedure Next; Moves to the next record in the dataset.

procedure Open; Opens the dataset.

procedure Post; virtual; Implements a virtual method to write a modified record to the database or change log.

procedure Prior; Moves to the previous record in the dataset.

procedure Refresh; Re-fetches data from the database to update a dataset's view of data.

procedure Resync(Mode: TResyncMode); virtual; Re-fetches the active record and the records that precede and follow it.

procedure SetFields(const Values: array of TVarRec); Sets the values for all fields in a record

function CopyFields(Source: TDataSet): Integer;

function Translate(Src: PAnsiChar; Dest: PAnsiChar; ToOem: Boolean): Integer; virtual; Implements a virtual procedure to copy a data string from a source to a destination, optionally performing character translation during the copy.

procedure UpdateCursorPos; Positions the cursor on the active record.

procedure UpdateRecord; Ensures that data-aware controls and detail datasets reflect record updates.

function UpdateStatus: TUpdateStatus; virtual; Reports the update status for the active record.

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