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100个儿童英语故事阅读:The Hen and the Little Girl母鸡和小女孩

In a country home, a mother hen and her cute chicks were living happily. A little girl came to visit the country home, but was very bored. One night, the girl went into the chicken house. As soon as she went in, there was disorder.

Here and there cries of the chickens could be heard. The father, who was inside, woke up.

"What's going on? Why are you bothering the chickens?" "Because I'm bored." "You have to sleep now, go inside."

The girl went into the chicken house, again, the next day. There was a racket again, as the chickens were frightened. The moon in the night sky was worried. This time, the little girl's father will not be forgiving.

Finally, the sleeping father woke up. "Why are the chickens crying? By chance" The father was angry and came out to the yard.

"What's wrong with you? Is it okay to bother animals that can't talk? You need to be punished." When the little girl saw her father's angry face, she began to cry.

"It is true that I bothered the chickens, but I was bored yesterday. But today I went in to apologize to the chickens. I was going to hug the chickens."

When the father heard what his daughter said, a smile quickly appeared on his face. "You are truly my daughter." The father praised his daughter. He was proud of his daughter that knew how to apologize. The moon in the sky gave a big laugh, too.

100个儿童英语故事阅读:The Mermaid Princess 人鱼公主

The Mermaid Princess

In the deep, sea palace, there lived a mermaid princess. Whenever she sang a song with her beautiful voice, everyone envied her. However, the mermaid princess wanted to go to the outside world.

"I would like to hear the beautiful sound of birds. "The king promised her. "When you turn 15 years old, you can go and see the life above the sea." "Oh, I can't wait! Finally, it was the mermaid princess' 15th birthday. She went up to the sea. The princess saw a great ship. And she saw a handsome prince standing on the ship. The princess fell in love with him at first sight.

However, as thunder and lightning struck, the ship sank on its side. The prince lost his consciousness and fell deep into the sea. "Oh, no! The prince fell into the water. Let me hurry and save him."

The princess saved the prince and laid him on the sand. The princess took care of him all night. When the prince opened his eyes, the mermaid princess hid from him. She thought he might get scared by her tail. Just then, a princess from a neighbor land came out to see the sea and she saw the prince.

The princess watched from a far the prince who always came out to the sea at night. The princess was very sad. She wanted to become a human so that she could be with the prince.

She asked the witch. "Okay, I will make you into a human, but you must give me your beautiful voice. If the prince marries someone else, you will become a water bubble. You must marry the prince."

On the sand, she drank the medicine that the witch had given her. With the big sudden pain, she turned into a human. Just then, the prince who came out to the sea saw the princess.

The prince took the princess who could not speak, to his palace. Although she could not speak, she was happy to be living near the prince. The prince was going to be married to a princess from a neighbor land.

"I will be marrying the princess that saved my life." 'I am the one that saved your life.' But, her voice could not be heard.

At night, the mermaid princess' older sisters came up to the sea. They gave the mermaid princess a knife and said, "If you stab the prince with this knife, you can be a mermaid again. If you don't, you will become a water bubble."

On the night of the wedding, the mermaid princess was going to stab the sleeping prince with the knife. But, she could not kill the loving prince. "It's best that I just turn into a water bubble. "When morning came, the mermaid turned into a water bubble and went up to heaven.

100个儿童英语故事阅读:The Naked King 皇帝的新装

Long, long time ago, there lived a very fancy king. The king changed his clothes 12 times a day. He really liked to show off to his subjects. "My clothes are the best in the world."

One day, two tailors planned a trick. "Why don't we teach that stupid and extravagant king a lesson. He doesn't even worry about his starving people." "That's right! He thinks he's the best."

The two men went to see the king. "Oh, the world's most marvelous king! We have brought the most beautiful cloth in the whole world." "However, not everyone is able to see the cloth. Those that tell lies and have bad hearts are not able to see this fine cloth."

After the king heard those words, he became very interested. "Could there really be such a cloth? If I can make clothes out of those cloths, my clothes will be the best in the whole world. Hurry and show me the cloth." The king began to get more and more greedy.

The tailors pretended that the cloth was real, as they showed it to the king. The king and the fine-spoken subjects could not see anything before them. But, none of them could show that they could not see it.

The king and his fine-spoken subjects just looked at each other. Then, the tailor quickly spoke in a arrogant manner. "Well, is there no honest man here? How can you look at this beautiful cloth and not praise it."

Among the subjects, one of them made a flattering comment out loud. "Wow! This is the first time that I have seen such a wonderful cloth." All the subjects tried to be the first to praise the cloth. Then, the king was amazed with the beauty of the cloth, too.

The king gave the money and ordered them to make his clothes. For several days, the tailors pretended to be making the clothes. The king became worried and told one of his subjects to go and see how the clothes was coming along.

The subject could not say how much the clothes had been completed. As hard as he looked, he could not see it. But, he could not say that he was unable to see it. Instead, he pretended to be amazed at how beautiful it was coming along.

A few days later, the tailors came back with the King's clothes. "Here you are, try on this clothes." The king was not able to honestly say that he could not see the clothes. He, too, pretended to look over it.

One man said, "Your majesty, lets go and show off this finest clothes in the world." The subjects all agreed at the same time. "Yes, that is a good idea."

The king walked out to the street very proudly and walked with pride. All the people in the land came out to see the king's new clothes. They were all surprised, though.

Just then, a little girl shouted out, "Our king is naked!" Then everyone said,"He's naked, he's naked!"

The king now realized the truth. However, with only his undergarments on, he still walked in a dignified manner. Even though he was embarrassed, he could not stop walking. Why not? Because he was the king.

100个儿童英语故事阅读:The Elf of the Rose 玫瑰小精灵

There once was a rose bush in full bloom in a big garden. An elf was living in the most beautiful rose in the garden, and she was so small that people could not see her. She had long blond hair to her toes and beautiful wings.

One day, it got dark before she got home. She had been dancing and flying around so she didn't have time to get back to the rose bush. Suddenly, the weather got cold, evening dew started to fall, and a strong wind began to blow. She could not stay in the other flowers because they were all closed up.

"What am I going to do now? It's too cold." She got scared because she had never stayed outside at night. There was a twinkling light from the other side of the garden. "It's too cold, and I am scared. Maybe I should spend tonight there."

The elf flew to a pavilion on the other side of the garden in a hurry. But there were already two people in the pavilion. A beautiful young lady and a handsome man were praying that they would never be apart from each other. They were in love.

"But we must go far away from each other soon." "Your brother is sending me away because he does not like our marriage. Oh my bride, please wait for me until I come back to you!" She sobbed and nodded her head.

She pulled off a rose from the bush which was aside her and kissed it. Then she gave him the rose as a token of her love. At that moment, the rose opened up. The elf went into the rose secretly.

At that moment, a horrible looking man entered the pavillion. He was the brother of the young lady. "What? You want to marry my sister?" He drew his sword and cut the young man and buried him under a linden-tree.

"He is gone forever now, and he will forget my sister. How dare the poor little boy want to marry my sister? It is common to die during a trip, so nobody will suspect me of murdering him." The brother brushed up his clothes and disappeared.

The elf woke up and found she was in the middle of a dark forest. "Oh my! The forest is moving!" But it was not a forest. It was the hair of the young lady's brother. She shivered with fear and anger.

When they got in the house, the young lady from the garden was crying. The man looked at his sister and gave her a chilly smile, and went to bed. "Oh my lover, my dear fiance, please come back safely." She sobbed sadly and fell asleep.

The elf sat down quietly spreading her wings and told the young lady what she saw that day. "What I am trying to say now is not a dream. If you dig under the linden-tree in the garden, you will find your fiance. It is your brother who killed him."

The beautiful young lady woke up. She secretly went out of her room and dug under the linden-tree as the elf had said.

Her lover was lying in the ground, cold dead. She cried out sadly and killed herself right next to her fiance. After some time passed, a flower called, 'Jasmine' came into bloom at the place where the two lovers had died. The Jasmine had big white flowers on the branch and had a sweet smell.

Incidentally, the young lady's brother was walking down the road and he pulled off a branch of the jasmine and put it near his bedside. When night fell, two bees with poison stingers came out of the jasmine flowers and bit the brother's ears and mouth, and then they vanished.

100个儿童英语故事阅读:The Ugly Duckling 丑小鸭

A mother duck was brooding on her eggs near the margin of a pond. A flock of lovely baby ducks was soon born, making sweet peeping sounds when the eggs were broken. But one egg remained unbroken. "It is strange. Why has this egg not broken?" The mother duck continued her brooding. At last, the egg was broken and a baby duck was born. However that baby duck was very ugly compared to the other baby ducks.

The mother duck was worried, but still she took the baby ducks near the water and taught them how to swim. The ugly duckling also swam with his brothers and sisters,

moving his legs eagerly. "It is lucky though. That baby swims well." Still his brothers pecked at the ugly duckling with their bills.

"How hideous this baby duck is. We don't want to see you. Go to a cat." His brothers gave a very hard time to the poor duckling. "Stop it, don't do that!" The mother duck sighed and said, "Ah! I wish that this baby could live happily at another place."

The baby duck heard what his mother said and dropped tears of sorrow saying, "Mom, I will leave. Good-bye." The ugly duckling left his nest beyond the pond. When he entered the forest, other birds were frightened by the baby duck and ran away. "Why do they run away? Is it because I am so awful?" The baby duck became sadder and plodded along the field.

Near the water beside the field, two wild ducks were playing around. "Yah, what is that ugly duck? Let's make fun of him." The two wild ducks flew up in the air and threw stones at the baby duck.

"Bang! Bang!" At that time, a hunter shot his gun. The two wild ducks fell down dead to the ground. "Uh? What is this small bird?" The hunter took home the awkward little baby duck along with the two wild ducks.

"Dad, what is this poor-looking bird?" "I took it with me in order to give it to you, my son. It was trembling with fear in the water." The children gave a hard time to the baby duck by pulling its wings and tail.

"That hurts! Ow!" The baby duck spilled a jug of milk while running away from the cruel hands of the children. The dishes on the table were also broken. The angry hunter sent out the baby duck with a flourish of his broomstick. And so the after being cast out from the house of the hunter, the ugly duckling spent a long and cold winter alone.

Finally spring came. The baby duck had a good stretch and flew up in the air vigorously. "Uh! I am flying!"

Upon the lake, a flock of white and pretty swans were playing around while swimming. "They are indeed pretty birds." The baby duck became sad. "Those birds may not like me as I am so ugly."

The baby duck tried to run away from the group of beautiful swans. "Hi! Where are you going? Come and play around with us!" The baby duck approached the swans hesitatingly. At that moment, the baby duck saw his own appearance reflected to the lake. There was one more beautiful swan gliding gracefully across the water.

The ugly duckling who overcame all suffering had finally become a beautiful swan. And so he lived happily ever after.


Something Is Wrong with Your Cars

Robert was a clever young man and got on well with his classmates .They all liked him and played with him though he often boasted .He was strong and often had sports .He hoped to join the army when he left the middle school .Bad luck !His leg was hurt in a traffic accident and he couldn’t walk .He had to go to his home village and help his father to manage the farm .He read a lot of books on farming and did well in it .He got much money and bought a few farms next to hs and ten years later he became the richest farmer in his village .

Once Robert net several friends in the capital .Some of them were famous in their country .They knew nothing about their lame friend .It made him unhappy and he asked them to visit his farm .They agreed and went there with him .They saw a beautiful house with a big garden when they got there .They found he had a lot of sheep ,pigs and cows .Robert and his family warmly received the guests from London .The next morning he t ook them to his farm .It was so large that they couldn’t see the other end and it surprised them all .

“It’ll take you two days to reach the other end of my farm by car !”Robert said happily .

“I think something is wrong with your cars !”one of the gue sts said with a smile .


A Foolish Chicken

Christmas was coming .Mr Smith had no money to buy any presents for his children .His wife was ill and he spent a lot of money on her medicine .And the harvest was bad and all his family were going go be hungry the next spring .He was quite worried about it .

“We had only a cock ,”said Mrs Smith one day .“You’d better take it to the

town .Sell it there and buy some cakes and sweets for our children .”

“It’s a good idea !”the man said and caught the cock the next morning and put it into a box .It was difficult to walk on the road covered with thick snow .Two hours

later he was very tied and wanted to have a rest .He put the box to the ground and sat down .

“The air in the box must be close ,”the man said to himself .“I’d better let the cock walk outside for a while ,or it’ll die .”

So he put the cock to the ground .When he started again ,he couldn’t catch it any longer .

“How foolish you are !”Mr Smith called out angrily .“You can her ald the break of day at night but you cann’t find the way to the town in the daytime !”

Something Is Wrong with Your Cars

Robert was a clever young man and got on well with his classmates .They all liked him and played with him though he often boasted .He was strong and often had sports .He hoped to join the army when he left the middle school .Bad luck !His leg was hurt in a traffic accident and he couldn’t walk .He had to go to his home village and help his father to manage the farm .He read a lot of books on farming and did well in it .He got much money and bought a few farms next to hs and ten years later he became the richest farmer in his village .

Once Robert net several friends in the capital .Some of them were famous in their country .They knew nothing about their lame friend .It made him unhappy and he asked them to visit his farm .They agreed and went there with him .They saw a beautiful house with a big garden when they got there .They found he had a lot of sheep ,pigs and cows .Robert and his family warmly received the guests from London .The next morning he took them to his farm .It was so large that they couldn’t see the other end and it surprised them all .

“It’ll take you two days to reach the other end of my farm by car !”Robert said happily .

“I think something is wrong with your cars !”one of the guests said with a smile . 100个儿童英语故事阅读:牛和狗

The Ox and the Dog

An ox and a dog serve for the same farmer.One day the dog arrogantly says: “How grand I am! In the daytime, I watch out for the cattle in the meadows; at night, I guard the house. But you…” “Me? How about me ?” the ox says

“You can only plough or draw a cart,” the dog slightly says. “Yes. It’s true,” the ox says. “But if I don’t plough, what do you guard?”



呢…..?” “我?我怎么啦?“ 牛反问。“你只会犁地或是拉扯。”狗不懈地说。“是的。



A Clever Panda

A little panda picks up a pumpkin and wants to take it home. But the pumpkin is too big. The panda can’t take it home.

Suddenly she sees a bear riding a bike toward her. She watches the bike. “I know! I have a good idea.” she jumps and shouts happily, “I can roll a pumpkin. It’s like a wheel.”

So she rolls the pumpkin to her home. When her mother sees the big pumpkin, she is surprised, “Oh, my God! How can you carry it home?” the little panda answers proudly, “I can’t lift it, but I can roll it.” Her mother smiled and says,“What a clever girl! Use you heard to do something,”










The wind and the sun

The wind and the sun were disputing who was the stronger.

Suddenly they saw a traveler coming down the road. The sun said, "Whoever can make the traveler take off his coat will be the stronger."

So the sun hid behind a cloud, and the wind began to blow as hard as it could. As the wind blew harder, the traveler wrapped his coat more closely around himself. Then the sun came out. He shone on the traveler. The traveler soon felt quite hot, and took off his coat.






寓意: 劝说往往比强迫更为有效。


The wind and the sun

The wind and the sun were disputing who was the stronger.

Suddenly they saw a traveler coming down the road. The sun said, "Whoever can make the traveler take off his coat will be the stronger."

So the sun hid behind a cloud, and the wind began to blow as hard as it could. As the wind blew harder, the traveler wrapped his coat more closely around himself.

Then the sun came out. He shone on the traveler. The traveler soon felt quite hot, and took off his coat.








寓意: 劝说往往比强迫更为有效。

100个儿童英语故事阅读:The Mermaid Princess

In the deep, sea palace, there lived a mermaid princess. Whenever she sang a song with her beautiful voice, everyone envied her. However, the mermaid princess wanted to go to the outside world.

"I would like to hear the beautiful sound of birds. "The king promised her. "When you turn 15 years old, you can go and see the life above the sea." "Oh, I can't wait! Finally, it was the mermaid princess' 15th birthday. She went up to the sea. The princess saw a great ship. And she saw a handsome prince standing on the ship. The princess fell in love with him at first sight.

However, as thunder and lightning struck, the ship sank on its side. The prince lost his consciousness and fell deep into the sea. "Oh, no! The prince fell into the water. Let me hurry and save him."

The princess saved the prince and laid him on the sand. The princess took care of him all night. When the prince opened his eyes, the mermaid princess hid from him. She thought he might get scared by her tail. Just then, a princess from a neighbor land came out to see the sea and she saw the prince.

The princess watched from a far the prince who always came out to the sea at night. The princess was very sad. She wanted to become a human so that she could be with the prince.

She asked the witch. "Okay, I will make you into a human, but you must give me your beautiful voice. If the prince marries someone else, you will become a water bubble. You must marry the prince."

On the sand, she drank the medicine that the witch had given her. With the big sudden pain, she turned into a human. Just then, the prince who came out to the sea saw the princess.

The prince took the princess who could not speak, to his palace. Although she could not speak, she was happy to be living near the prince. The prince was going to be married to a princess from a neighbor land.

"I will be marrying the princess that saved my life." 'I am the one that saved your life.' But, her voice could not be heard.

At night, the mermaid princess' older sisters came up to the sea. They gave the mermaid princess a knife and said, "If you stab the prince with this knife, you can be a mermaid again. If you don't, you will become a water bubble."

On the night of the wedding, the mermaid princess was going to stab the sleeping prince with the knife. But, she could not kill the loving prince. "It's best that I just turn into a water bubble. "When morning came, the mermaid turned into a water bubble and went up to heaven.


少儿英语小故事带翻译 故事一般都和原始人类的生产生活有密切关系,他们迫切地希望认识自然,于是便以自身为依据,想象天地万物都和人一样,有着生命和意志。以下是为您整理的《少儿英语小故事带翻译》,希望大家能够喜欢。 少儿英语小故事带翻译篇一 The Ugly Duckling IT was lovely summer weather in the country, and the golden corn, the green oats, and the haystacks piled up in the meadows looked beautiful. The stork walking about on his long red legs chattered in the Egyptian language, which he had learnt from his mother. The corn-fields and meadows were surrounded by large forests, in the midst of which were deep pools. It was, indeed, delightful to walk about in the country. In a sunny spot stood a pleasant old farm-house close by a deep river, and from the house down to the water side grew great burdock leaves, so high, that under the tallest of them a little child could stand upright. The spot was as wild as the centre of a thick wood. In this snug retreat sat a duck on her nest, watching for her young brood to hatch; she was beginning to get tired of her task, for the little ones were a long time coming out of their shells, and she seldom had any visitors. The other ducks liked much better to swim about in the river than to climb the slippery banks, and sit under a burdock leaf, to have a gossip with her. At length one shell cracked, and then another, and from each egg came a living creature that lifted its head and cried, “;Peep, peep.”; “;Quack, quack,”; said the mother, and then they all quacked as well as they could, and looked about them on every side at the large green leaves. Their mother allowed them to look as much as they liked, because green is good for the eyes. “;How large the world is,”; said the young ducks, when


第1篇 爱之链 ⑴一天傍晚,他驾车回家。在这个中西部的小社区里,要找一份工作是那样的难,但他一直没有放弃。冬天迫近,寒冷终于撞击家门了。 ⑵一路上冷冷清清。除非离开这里,一般人们不走这条路。他的朋友们大多已经远走他乡,他们要养家糊口,要实现自己的梦想。然而,他留下来了。这儿毕竟是他父母埋葬的地方,他生于斯,长于斯,熟悉这儿的一草一木。 ⑶天开始黑下来,还飘起了小雪,他得抓紧赶路。 ⑷他知道,他差点错过那个在路边搁浅的老太太。他看得出老太太需要帮助。于是,他将车开到老太太的“奔驰”前,停下来。 ⑸虽然他面带微笑,但她还是有些担心。一个多小时了,也没有人停下来帮她。他会伤害她吗?他看上去穷困潦倒,饥肠辘辘,不那么让人放心。她站在寒风中一动不动。他知道她是怎么想的,只有寒冷和害怕才会让人那样。“我是来帮助你的,老妈妈。你为什么不到车里暖和暖和呢?顺便告诉你,我叫乔。”他说。 ⑹她遇到的麻烦不过是车胎瘪了,乔爬到车下面,找了个地方安上千斤顶,又爬下去一两次。结果,他弄得浑身脏兮兮的,还伤了手。当他拧紧最后一个螺母时,她摇下车窗,开始和他聊天。她说,她从圣路易斯来,只是路过这儿,对他的帮助感激不尽。乔只是笑了笑,帮她关上后备箱。

⑺她问该付他多少钱,出多少钱她都愿意。乔却没有想到钱。这对他来说只是帮助需要帮助的人,上帝知道过去在他需要帮助时有多少人曾经帮助他呀。他说,如果她真想答谢他,就请她下次遇到需要帮助的人,也给予帮助,并且“想起我”。 ⑻他看着老太太发动汽车上路了。天气寒冷且令人抑郁,但他在回家的路上却很高兴,开着车消失在暮色中。 ⑼沿着这条路行了几英里,老太太看到一家小咖啡馆。她想进去吃点东西,驱驱寒气,再继续赶路回家。 ⑽侍者走过来,给她一条干净的毛巾擦干她湿漉漉的头发。她面带着微笑,是那种虽然站了一天却也抹不去的微笑,老太太注意到女侍者已有近8个月身孕,但她的服务态度没有因为过度的劳累和疼痛而有所改变。 ⑾老太太吃完饭,拿出一百美元付帐,女侍者拿着这一百美元去找零钱,而老太太却悄悄地出了门。当女侍者正奇怪老太太去哪了,这时她注意到餐巾上有字。上面写着:“你不欠我什么,我曾经跟你一样。有人曾经帮助我,就像我现在帮助你一样。如果你真想回报我,就请不要让爱之链在你这儿中断。” ⑿虽然还要清理桌子,服侍客人,但这一天女侍者快乐地坚持下来了。晚上,下班回到家,躺在床上,她心里还在想着那钱和老太太写的话,老太太怎么知道她和丈夫那么需要这笔钱呢?孩子下个月就要出生了,生活会很艰难,她知道她的丈夫是多么焦急。当他躺到她旁边时,她给了他一个温柔的吻,轻声说:“一切都会好的。我爱你,乔。”


2018年上海儿童英语绘本阅读教学策略 如何选择绘本,拓展广阔的学习资源?如何将绘本与现行小学英语教材相结合,发展学生实际运用英语的能力?如何丰富学生的阅读经验,提升学生的阅读品味?如何针对各年级段的儿童进行绘本教学,建立有梯度的绘本阅读系统?下面瑞思学科英语集数十年少儿英语培训经验,特来支招~ 英文绘本阅读作为儿童英语学习的一种新形式,在纳入与展开的过程中如要真正获取质量尚须一定的策略。 1.优质:绘本资源的选择策略 一个好的绘本材料是推动儿童英文阅读高质高效的基础。绘本的选取最好是经典的、经过时间检验的故事材料,如白雪公主、七个小矮人、丑小鸭等,考虑到孩子的认知局限,绘本材料还必须尽可能的简易。一个好的绘本材料除了呈现完整绘本故事图片、英语文字外,还可以根据绘本故事内容拟定一些练习题目,可检测儿童对于故事的理解程度,也能锻炼儿童的英语阅读理解能力。 2.分层:绘本阅读的目标设定策略 在英文阅读绘本的过程中,儿童在认知学习、语言发展、人格涵养、美感与创造力的开展等方面都能有所成长,但儿童的年龄特征不同,因此绘本阅读的目标不能统一一个标准,而需分层设定。

3.导读:绘本阅读的教师指导策略 对于刚接触英语的儿童来说,绘本阅读需要教师和家长的一定指导即导读,只有通过有效的导读,儿童的“绘本阅读”才会较好地进入境界。 美国教育心理学家杰洛姆·布鲁纳这样阐述阅读指导,“一开始,教师得先为儿童读故事,慢慢地,用比较戏剧化的方式,来呈现整个作品”。教师在带领儿童阅读英文绘本时,要善于教给学生一定的策略,比如故事的呈现、讲述过程应充分考虑儿童已有的知识水平,寻找新旧知识的交接点,运用饶有趣味的形式,图文互现、启发猜想、设置悬念等,引导儿童在轻松有趣的氛围中感知、发现、收获。同时要注意导读时的态度示范以及互动时的语气和感情,让儿童感受到阅读英文绘本是一件愉快而美好的事。 4.自悟:绘本阅读的学生学习策略 英语绘本具有画面优美、情节简单、句型反复、语言押韵、寓意丰富等优点,这些都是很吸引儿童的特性,能让儿童更乐意去尝试与接受英语的挑战。 但开展绘本阅读最关键的还是需要儿童的自我参与、自行感悟。 都说阅读是个性化的活动,即使同一个阅读材料,每一个孩子也会读出自己不同的感受。因此教师要善于创设让学生独立阅读、独立思考的舞台,比如采取提前阅读、带着问题阅读、小组阅读交流等方式,


课外拓展阅读篇目推荐 第一单元 识字1 春天 林焕彰 春天怎么来? 花开了,春天就从花朵里跑出来。 春天怎么来? 草绿了,春天就从绿色里跳出来。 春天怎么来? 我高兴了,春天就从我的心里飞出来。 识字2 《世界第一运动——足球》选自《小学语文课文同步拓展阅读》 识字3 竹叶小船 竹林里的小溪很亮,亮得溪底的石子都快浮出水面了。 贪玩的风儿,摘下片片竹叶,抛到清亮的溪里,溪水托着这竹叶小船,七弯八拐地驶向远方。 一只红蜻蜓飞了过来,在小溪上盘旋着,一忽儿高。一忽儿低,像一架直升机,给这支小船队护航。 在那片两头翘起的竹叶上,有一只花甲虫,它披着坚硬的盔甲,很漂亮,也很神气。 小船啊小船,载着竹林里的童话,驶向远方,把竹林和外面的世界连在一起。。。。。。选自《山和孩子的对话》 识字4 猜字谜 有口听到声音,

有就有本领; 有毛能够飞走, 有木不是大树。打一字()谜底:支 第二单元 1、春笋 《春天在哪里》选自《小学语文课文同步拓展阅读》 《勇敢的小笋》选自《小学语文课文同步拓展阅读》 2、雨点 欢迎小雨点 来一点, 不要太多。 来一点, 不要太少。 来一点, 泥土裂开了嘴巴等。 来一点, 小菌们撑着小伞等。 来一点, 小荷叶钻出水面等。 小水塘笑了, 一点一个笑窝。 小野菊笑了, 一点一个敬礼。选自《山和孩子的对话》《小雨点这样想》选自《小学语文课文同步拓展阅读》 3、小池塘 《我爱门前的小池塘》选自《小学语文课文同步拓展阅读》 荷塘晚会

荷塘里正举行文艺晚会。柔和的月光轻泻在水面上,荷香阵阵,清风徐徐。晚会开始时,只见穿这绿色西服的男高音——青蛙,鸣起了气囊,呱呱地唱着欢快的歌;娇小的萤火虫们在空中跳起优美的集体舞;秀美的红蜻蜓低飞做滑翔表演;可爱的银鱼儿拨动着水藻,弹起了动听的乐曲……荷塘晚会真是丰富多彩,情趣盎然。 选自《小学语文阅读训练80篇》 4、春到梅花山 《春天的花园》选自《小学语文课文同步拓展阅读》 五色梅 五色梅开出的花非常有趣。一朵花是由多种颜色的小花组成的,黄、绿、橙、红、白,样子像一把花伞。花在阳光的照耀下,加上绿叶的衬托显得非常好看。远看就像一棵小树上落了几只小鸟;近看又好象几个小姑娘穿着一身花色的衣服。微风吹来,摇摇摆摆,更加美丽。 选自《小学语文阅读训练80篇》 5、草原的早晨 《迷人的牧场》选自《小学语文课文同步拓展阅读》 草原 春姑娘编织了一幅绿色的大地毯, 上面还织着许多美丽的花。 牛羊,在地毯上打滚。 马儿,踩着花奔向远方。 在这神话般的世界里, 我向明亮的天边走去。 那空中的云雀, 仿佛也在吹着牧笛, 把羊群似的白云, 赶到我的身旁。 第三单元


100个儿童英语故事阅读:你的车怎么了 Something Is Wrong with Your Cars Robert was a clever young man and got on well with his classmates .They all liked him and played with him though he often boasted .He was strong and often had sports .He hoped to join the army when he left the middle school .Bad luck !His leg was hurt in a traffic accident and he couldn’t walk .He had to go to his home village and help his father to manage the farm .He read a lot of books on farming and did well in it .He got much money and bought a few farms next to hs and ten years later he became the richest farmer in his village . Once Robert net several friends in the capital .Some of them were famous in their country .They knew nothing about their lame friend .It made him unhappy and he asked them to visit his farm .They agreed and went there with him .They saw a beautiful house with a big garden when they got there .They found he had a lot of sheep ,pigs and cows .Robert and his family warmly received the guests from London .The next morning he took them to his farm .It was so large that they couldn’t see the other end and it surprised them all . “It’ll take you two days to reach the other end of my farm by car !”Robert said happily . “I think something is wrong with your cars !”one of the guests said with a smile . 100个儿童英语故事阅读:愚蠢的小鸡 A Foolish Chicken Christmas was coming .Mr Smith had no money to buy any presents for his children .His wife was ill and he spent a lot of money on her


儿童英语小故事100字左右 Julie and Jamie are sisters. They both think Easter is a lot of fun. On Easter morning, Julie and Jamie go downstairs. They find their Easter baskets. “Oh, how pretty!” says Julie. Julie’s basket has pink grass, lots of jelly beans, marshmallow chicks, and a big chocolate bunny. “It’s perfect!” says Jamie. Jamie’s basket has green grass, jelly beans, marshmallows, and a big chocolate bunny. Both Julie and Jamie love chocolate. They love to get chocolate bunnies for Easter. Julie and Jamie think that chocolate bunny ears are the best chocolate in the world. Julie always eats the bunny ears first. She says that the best things should come first. She nibbles at the tip and works her way down. Jamie always eats the bunny ears last. She says she is saving the best for last. She starts with the


课外拓展阅读 1、鱼我所欲也,熊掌亦我所欲也,二者不可得兼,舍鱼而取熊掌者也。生亦我所欲也,义亦我所欲也,二者不可得兼,舍生而取义者也。———《孟子》(译)鱼是我想要的,熊掌也是我想要的,二者不能同时得到,放弃鱼而选择熊掌。生是我想要的,义气也是我想要的,二者不能同时得到,放弃生而选择义气。 2、老吾老,以及人之老,幼吾幼,以及人之幼。———《孟子》 (译):尊敬自己的父母,并且将这种感情推及到别人的父母身上,爱护自己的儿女,并且将这种感情推及到别人的儿女身上。 3、故天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为,所以动心忍性,曾益其所不能。———《孟子》 (译):所以上天将要把重大的历史任务交给这个人,一定要首先磨难他的心志,劳累他的筋络骨骼,饥饿他的肉体皮肤,空匮疲乏他的身体,所作所为总是被干扰搅乱,借以撼动他的心志使他性情更加坚韧,以增加他原来不具备的能力。4、子曰:"三人行,必有我师焉;择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之."——《论语》(译):孔子说:"几个人同行(在一起),其中必定有我的老师,我要选择他们的长处来学习,看到自己有他们那些短处就要改正." 5、子曰:"学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆." ———《论语》 (译):孔子说:"只读书却不思考,就会迷惑而无所适从;只是空想却不读书,就会有害. 6、子曰:"温故而知新,可以为师矣." ———《论语》 (译):孔子说:"在温习旧知识后,能有新体会,新发现,凭借这一点就可以当老师了." 备注:孔子,名丘,字仲尼,春秋时鲁国(今山东曲阜fù)人。儒家学派创始人,中国古代最著名的思想家、政治家、教育家,对中国思想文化的发展有极其深远的影响。《论语》成书于春秋战国之际,是孔子的弟子及其再传弟子所记录整理。


利用课外阅读拓展学生的知识积累》 课题实施方案 本课题研究的理论意义与实际应用价值。 一)、课题的意义 学习语文不外乎两个方面:一个是外部语言的内化,一个是内部语 言的外化。简单地说:前者即积累,后者即表达。毋庸置疑,得体的表达必须要借助于有效而深厚的积累,故而,积累在语文的学习中的作用自古至今都受到重视。古人曾说:“读书百遍,其义自见” ,“熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟”等,可见积累越多,语感不断得以积淀,学生的语文素养自然形成。众所周知,语文课程的任务之一是积累语言。因为“丰富的积累” 是形成语文素养的基础。积累的重要性无人不晓,《语文课程标准》特别提到要指导学生“丰富语言积 累” 、学生要有“较丰富的积累” 。有关资料表明,学生语言积累的50%左右来自课外。由此可见,课外是学生积累语言的广阔空间。因此,教师应重视引导学生进行课外积累。古人云:油然作云,沛然作雨。等到运用时,谁知道哪块云彩会下雨!若是平时在阅读教学中不注重引导学生积累,如同“ ‘千万里蓝天,两三缕薄云'又怎么能指望有雨落下呢?” 这句古话无疑很好地证明和诠释了积累的重要性。 但由此也引发我们思考:在阅读教学中,如何指导小学生有效地进行积累,让他们语言的天空油然作云,让每一块云彩都成为活泼的、得体的“语” 点儿的家呢?但目前对如何进行有效积累缺乏必要的研究。具体表现在: 1、记忆机械,不重情趣。 以前,积累的主要方式是抄抄写写,切断了记忆储蓄与理解、感悟、

鉴赏的联系,使积累变成了孤立、机械的记忆活动,不知道怎样具体去表达,内容空洞,缺乏童真、童趣、真情实感,很大一部分都变成了无效积累。 2、习作题材的缺乏。不少学生习作搜肠刮肚,胡编生活素材;部分 学生的习作从结构到语言到表达方式,给人感觉仿佛是从一个模子里印出来的。 3、注重内容,忽视方法。积累指导偏重内容的扩充,忽视了自主积 累意识、能力与习惯的培养,更缺乏方法的引导。 针对积累方面存在的上述问题,找到一条行之有效的解决办法迫在 眉睫。人教版教材就匠心独运地在“单元练习”中安排了“读读背背” ,意 在丰富学生的积累,增强学生的文化底蕴,为我们引导学生积累提供了一 条值得借鉴的途径。但教材中的相关内容毕竟有限,正如叶圣陶先生所说, 教材无非是个例子。为此,我们确定了“利用课外阅读拓展学生的知识积 累”这一实验主题,意在探究如何以课外阅读为凭借,引导学生有效地扩 大积累。 二)实验理论依据 1、叶圣陶语文教育思想。 叶圣陶先生提出;“写东西靠平时的积累,不但作家、文学家是这样,练习作文的初中生也是这样,初中生今天作某一篇文,其实就是综合地表现他今天以前知识、思想、语言等等方面的积累。”“但有一层最宜注意的,就是学生所写的必须是他们所积蓄的。只要真是他们所积蓄的,从胸中拿出来,虽与他人所作大同小异或不谋而合,一样可取;倘若并非他们所积 蓄,而从依样葫芦,临时剽窃得来的,虽属胜义精言,也要不得。” 2、陈鹤琴的儿童教育心理学理论。 儿童教育心理学研究表明,人类有两大学习能力,即记忆力和理解力。 一个人的记忆力发展是自零开始的,一岁至三岁有显著发展,三岁至九岁,其进展迅速,九岁至十三岁为一生中发展的黄金时代,以后最多只能保持此制高点,往往二十岁以后,心境一不平衡,便有减退可能。显而易见,初中阶段的儿童正处于


Drills in reading comprehension (一) It’s eight o’clock. The children(孩子们) go to school by car every day. But they are walking to school today. It’s ten o’clock. Mrs Green usually(通常) stays at home in the morning. But she is going to the shops this morning. It’s nine o’clock. Mr Green usually reads his newspaper at night(晚上). But he is reading a interesting(有趣的) book this evening. 阅读理解并选择合适的选项 ( )1.When do the children come to school? A.At 8:00. B.At 7:00. C:At 9:00. ( )2.How are they come to school today? A.By car. B.By bus. n C:Walking ( )3.When is Mrs Green going to the shops? A.At 8:00. B.At 10:00. C:At 9:00. ( )4.When does Mr Green read his newspaper? A.At 8:00. B.At 7:00. C:At 9:00. ( )5.What is Mr Green do this evening? A.Reading a books. B.Writing a letter. C.Watching TV. (二) Mike is a good student. He gets up at six thirty every day. He likes to wear his blue sweater. He goes to school at seven fifteen. He has English class at eight o’clock. He likes English very much. He has lunch at home.In the afternoon, he always plays football on the school playground. He does homework after dinner. He goes to bed at nine o’clock. 根据文章内容判断对(T)错(F) ( ) (1) Mike gets up at 6:20 every day. ( ) (2) Mike has a blue sweater. ( ) (3) Mike has lunch at school. ( ) (4) Mike likes to play football.


儿童英语小故事 儿童英语小故事1 highly talented才高八斗 tsau pi and tsau jr were sons of tsau tsau. both were very gifted writers, and tsau jr was especially quick-witted. 曹丕与曹植都是曹操的儿子,二者均有才华,特别是曹植更具文采。 after tsau tsau s death, tsau pi took over the throne of the kingdom of wei. jealous of tsau jr s literary ability, and afraid that he might cause problems, tsau pi was always looking for a way to kill his brother. 在曹操死后,曹丕继任大统,但他嫉妒曹植的才华,同时也惧怕曹植回谋反,所以一直在伺机杀害曹植。 one day, tsau pi called tsau jr into see him.he ordered his brother to make up a poem within the time it took to walk seven steps, adding that if he could not, his life would be in danger. 有一天,曹丕要求接见曹植,他要求曹植在他七步之内作诗一首,如果做不到,就会有生命危险。 greatly saddened, tsau jr began to walk and to think. before he had taken the seven steps, he had already finished his poem, the meaning of which was: brothers are of the same family, so why should the oppress each other? 悲愤之下,曹植急中生智,作出七步诗,是的意思就是本来就是亲兄弟,为什么要这样步步紧逼,伤及感情? tsau jr was very intelligent and loved to study. he wrote many outstanding articles which showed his artistic talent and earned him the admiration of many people. one scholar said of him: heaven gave the world ten decalitres of talent, and tsau jr alone has eight of them.

课外拓展阅读 4

课外拓展阅读4 Passage 1 One of the most popular literary figures in American literature is a woman who spent almost half of her long life in China, a country on a continent thousands of miles from the United States. In her lifetime she earned this country's most highly acclaimed literary award: the Pulitzer Prize, and also the most prestigious form of literary recognition in the world, the Nobel Prize for Literature. Pearl S. Buck was almost a household word throughout much of her lifetime because of her prolific literary output, which consisted of some eighty - five published works, including several dozen novels, six collections of short stories, fourteen books for children, and more than a dozen works of nonfiction. When she was eighty years old, some twenty - five volumes were awaiting publication. Many of those books were set in China, the land in which she spent so much of her life. Her books and her life served as a bridge between the cultures of the East and the West. As the product of those two cultures she became as the described herself, "mentally bifocal." Her unique background made her into an unusually interesting and versatile human being. As we examine the life of Pearl Buck, we cannot help but be aware that we are in fact meeting three separate people: a wife and mother, an internationally famous writer and a humanitarian and philanthropist. One cannot really get to know Pearl Buck without learning about each of the three. Though honored in her lifetime with the William Dean Howell Medal of the American Academy of Arts and Letters in addition to the Nobel and Pulitzer prizes, Pearl Buck as a total human being, not only a famous author, is a captivating subject of study. 1. What is the author's main purpose in the passage? (A) To offer a criticism of the works of Pearl Buck. (B) To illustrate Pearl Buck's views on Chinese literature (C) To indicate the background and diverse interests of Pearl Buck (D) To discuss Pearl Buck's influence on the cultures of the East and the West 2. According to the passage, Pearl Buck is known as a writer of all of the following EXCEPT______. (A) novels (B) children's books (C) poetry (D) short stories 3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned by the author as an award received by Pearl Buck? (A) The Nobel Prize (B) The Newberry Medal (C) The William Dean Howell medal (D) The Pulitzer prize 4. According to the passage, Pearl Buck was an unusual figure in American literature in that she________. (A) wrote extensively about a very different culture (B) published half of her books abroad (C) won more awards than any other woman of her time


风的故事 我走在田野上,风儿从后面追了上来,它调皮地打着旋(xuàn)儿,把我的头发弄乱。 我问:“风儿,你上哪儿去?” 风儿只是“呼呼”地叫着,不肯回答。 一个男孩丧(sàng)气地过来了,眼里还挂着晶莹的泪。他想放风筝,可风筝偏偏不肯飞。 风儿轻轻地跑了过去,把风筝驮(tuó)到背上。风筝高兴地摆动着两条长长的尾巴飞起来了。 孩子咯(gē)咯笑了:“好风呀,真是好风!” 我走到晒场上,黄灿灿的稻谷堆得像小山,人们却烦闷地仰着头。一片片乌黑的云彩,得意洋洋地盘踞(jù)在空中,它们把太阳遮住了。 风儿生气地从我身边擦过,“呼呼”地喘(chuǎn)着粗气。 我问:“风儿,你上哪儿去?” 风儿顾不上回答,它挺着胸脯,向乌云冲去。 密布的乌云惊慌了,它们笨拙(zhuō)地撞(zhuàng)来撞去。 风儿是这样的顽强,它鼓着腮(sāi)帮,不停地吹,吹,吹。 终于,乌云顶不住了,它们慌忙地向四下逃云。灿烂的阳光像瀑布一样泻(xiè)了下来,立刻充满了整个大地。场上的稻谷像金子一样闪光。

ō)起袖子,把稻谷匀匀地摊在平平的场地上,大声lu人们捋( 地赞叹道:“好风呀,真是好风!” 我在墙角,看见几只苍蝇,它们缩着肩膀在哀叹:“多冷呀,我们能熬过这漫长的冬天吗?” “能!”一只不自量力的苍蝇还想为同伴打气,“我们一定要活下去,为了传播病菌的伟大事业。” 风儿愤怒地从我背后跃了过去,发出尖利的呼啸(xiào)。 我问:“风儿,你上哪儿去?” 风儿阴沉着脸,并不回答。 它张开翅膀,凶猛地扫过高山,穿过丛林,刮过寂(jì)静的田野,卷遍了城市的大街小巷,在身后留下了一个冰冻世界,连松软的大地也突然就得严峻(jùn)了。 我仔细看去,那儿只苍蝇早就冻僵(jiāng),包括那只说大话的。风儿又过来了,轻易地把它们卷了起来,送进了垃圾箱。 一群孩子从温暖的屋子里冲了出来,他们举起双手高呼:“好风呀,真是好风!” 湖面早冻得像一面圆圆的镜子,他们穿上滑冰鞋,像小燕子一样地飞了起来。 风儿感动了,它低下头,用冰冷的嘴唇亲吻(wěn)着他们,送他们每人一个红红的脸蛋。 我走在坚硬的冰块上,鱼儿在冰下抱怨:“什么时候才开冻?我们等得好不耐烦。”


少儿英语阅读小故事 Love Notes From the time each of my children started school, I packed their lunches. And in each lunch I packed, I included a note. Often written on a napkin, the note might be a thank you for a special moment, a reminder of something we were happily anticipating, or a bit of encouragement for an upcoming test or sporting event. In early grade school they loved their notes-they commented on them after school, and when I went back to teaching, they even put notes in my lunches. But as kids grow older they become self?conscious, and by the time he reached high school, my older son, Marc, informed me he no longer needed my daily missives. Informing him that they had been written as much for me as for him, and that he no longer needed to read them but I still needed to write them, I continued the tradition until the day he graduated. Six years after high school graduation, Marc called and asked if he could move home for a couple of months. He had spent those years well, graduating Phi Beta Kappa magna cum laude from college, completing two congressional internships in Washington, D.C., winning the Jesse Marvin Unruh Fellowship


1/22 非常适合儿童的英语简单的小故事大全( 共16篇) 目录 英语故事:A French Traveler 英语故事:The Dog and His Shadow 英语故事:疯狂的万圣节 英语故事 少儿英语故事:金色的羊毛 英语故事《聪明的兔子》 英语故事:《乌鸦与狐狸》 英语故事:《狼来了》---伊索寓言 少儿英语故事—小金鱼 少儿英语故事:点金术 英语故事:四只老鼠 少儿英语故事:牙齿仙女 英语故事:小马过河 少儿英语故事:The Moon and The Well 英语故事:生金蛋的鹅 英语故事:井底之蛙 2/22 英语故事:A French Traveler 这位法国人说的英语实在不敢恭维;但他能利用极之有限的几个单词,解脱了 困境,其急智与机巧令人叹服。 A Frenchman was once traveling in England . He could speak English quite well but not perfectly. For one thing, his vocabulary was not large.

One day, he was having a meal in a small country hotel and wanted to order some eggs. But he couldn't remember the word for eggs. Suddenly, through the window, he saw a rooster walking in the yard. He immediately asked the waiter what the bird was called in English. The waiter told him that it was called a rooster. The Frenchman then asked what the rooster's wife was called. The waiter told him that she was called a hen. The Frenchman then asked what the hen's children were called. The waiter told him that they were chickens. The Frenchman then asked what the chickens were called before they were born. The waiter told him they were called eggs. "Fine!" said the Frenchman. "Please bring me two eggs and a cup of coffee. l.perfectly 熟练地 2. vocabulary 个人所使用的词汇量 (集合名词,单数概念.) 3. rooster 公鸡(美国英语,同cock.) 4bird 此处泛指禽类。 3/22 英语故事:The Dog and His Shadow 少儿英语故事: It happened that a dog had some meat that he wanted to eat at home. On his way home he met a river. As he looked down, he saw his shadow in the water. 一只狗叼着肉打算回家去吃。在回家的路上他遇到一条河。他朝 河里望去,看见水中自己的影子。 "Just look!"said he to himself. "That dog down there has some meat, too. If I could get it away from him, I would really eat well tonight!" “看呐!”他自言自语道。“下面那条狗也衔着肉呢。如果我把 他的抢走,今晚上一定可以美餐一顿了!” With this thought, he made a snap at the other dog's meat. And as he did, his own meat fell into the water. So then he had nothing at all. 这么想着,他就冲那只影子狗咬去,这时候他自己的肉掉进了水

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