当前位置:文档之家› 高中英语最常考的60个熟词新义,2018高考生尤其要掌握(含例句)





1.absent adj.缺席的→adj.茫然的,恍惚的

She looked at the picture in an absent(茫然的)way.

2.ache v.& n.疼痛→v.渴望

Having left for ages,he was aching(渴望)for home.

3.address n.地址v.写地址→vt.发表演说

The president will address(发表演说)his speech at 3:00 pm.

4.against prep.逆着,反对;倚,靠;碰→prep.以...为背景

The picture looks nice against(以...为背景)the white wall.

5.attend v.出席;参加→v.看护;治疗;陪同

The nurse attended(看护)to him day and night.

6.blank adj.空白的n.空白→adj.没表情的;空虚的;没兴趣的

The stranger returned my greeting with a blank(没表情的)look.

7.blue adj.& n.蓝色→adj.忧伤的

His songs always make me feel blue(忧伤的).

8.build vt.建筑,建造→v.逐渐增强n.体格,体形,身材

One should receive training to build(逐渐增强)up one's confidence.

You're right,Josh. He may have a small build(身材).

9.cause vt.促使,引起→n.原因,起因;事业,目标

Even with a staff of 22 volunteers,Thomas often devotes up to 50 hours a week to his cause(事业).

10.cloudy adj.阴的,多云的→adj.不明朗的,不清晰的

Who will take his place still remains cloudy(不明朗的).

11.coach n.教练→v.辅导,指导

She coached(指导)me in playing football.

12.count n.& v.计算,数→vi.有价值,重要

It is not how much you read but what you read that counts(重要).

13.course n.课程;过程→n.一道菜

The courses(菜谱)vary with seasons.

14.cover v.覆盖→v.行走(一段路程);足以支付,够付;采访n.书刊封面,封皮

Motor-cars cover(行走一段路程)a hundred miles in little more than an hour.

To cover(足以支付)the cost of hiring a bus, each student will have to pay $10 each time.

15.cross v.跨越,横穿n.十字→adj.生气的

Don't be cross(生气的)with him—after all,he is a child.

16.desert n.沙漠→v.抛弃,离弃

He deserted(抛弃)his wife and children and went abroad.

17.deal vi.处理,解决→n.交易

Having been cheated in a business deal(交易),he was reduced to nothing. 18.develop v.发展;开发;研制→v.冲印

Did you have the films developed(冲印)?

19.drive v.驾驶→v.迫使(某人做不好的事)

Hunger drove(迫使)her to steal.

20.express v.表达→n.快车

Is there an express(快车)from Nanjing to Shanghai?

21.encourage vt.鼓励;激励→v.促进,助长,刺激

Good health encourages(促进)clear thinking.

22.escape v.逃跑;逃脱→v.被忘掉;被忽视

The name escapes(被忘掉)me for the moment.

23.explode v.爆炸;爆裂→v.勃然大怒;大发雷霆

I'm about to explode(勃然大怒)!He broke his promise again.

24.exploit v.开发;开采;剥削→v.利用

You must exploit(利用)every opportunity to learn English.

25.fail vi.失败→vi.(健康)衰退,变弱

William found it increasingly difficult to read,for his eyesight was beginning to fail(变弱).

26.foreign adj.外国的;外交的→adj.不熟悉的

The subject is foreign(不熟悉的)to all of us.

27.freeze vi.结冰,(使)冻结→v.惊呆,吓呆

Grandfather froze(吓呆) in fear. Was he going to lose his job?

28.fresh adj.新鲜的→adj.无经验的

She is quite fresh(无经验的)to the work.

29.ground n.地面→n.理由

He has strong grounds(理由)for more money.

30.govern v.管理;控制→vt.影响;支配

The law of supply and demand governs(影响)the prices of goods.

31.help vt.帮助→vi.避免,防止,起作用

Try not to cough more than you can help(避免,防止)since it may cause problems to your lungs.

32.hit v.击中,打击→n.成功;红极一时的人或事

Tuhao is quite a hit(风行一时的事物)of this year.

33.ill adj.生病的→adj./adv.坏的/地

It's no good speaking ill(坏地)of others.

She had brought ill (坏的)luck into her family.

34.interest n.兴趣→n.利益;股份

Our family has interests(利益) in the business.

35.inspire v.激励;鼓舞→v.启发

His best music was inspired(启发) by the memory of his mother. 36.jump v.& n.跳→n.& v.大幅度上涨

Last week the price of goods jumped(大幅度上涨).

37.kill v.杀死,弄死→v.消磨或打发(时间)

How does the man kill(打发时间)time?

38.last adj.最后的→adj.最不可能的

He is the last(最不可能的)man I want to see.

39.match n.火柴,旗鼓相当的人→vt.般配,与…匹配

She matched(匹配)the carpet with some very nice curtains in colour.

40.mean v.打算;意味着→adj.小气的,吝啬的means n.方式,方法

He is too mean(吝啬的)to make a donation.

In many places in China, the bicycle is still a popular means(方式)of transportation.

41.measure n.措施,方法→v.估量,判定(重要性、价值或影响等)

It's hard to measure(判定) his ability when we haven't seen his work.

42.narrow adj.狭窄的→vt.缩小,使变窄

Parents and children should communicate more to narrow (使变窄,缩小) the gap between them so that they can understand each other better.

43.nurse n.护士,保姆→v.看护,照料(病人或伤者)

For two days he was nursed(照料)by his mother.

44.note n.笔记→v.注意,特别指出,提及

I noted(注意到)that her hands were dirty.

45.open v.开adj.开着的,打开的→adj.(问题、议事等)未解决的

They left the matter open(未解决的).

46.operate vi.机器运转工作;做手术→vi.起作用

The medicine operated(起作用)quickly.

47.position n.位置;职位→n.立场;观点

What's your position(观点)on the problem?

48.promise v.& n.许诺→v.有……的希望;使……有可能

The dark clouds promise(使……有可能)rain.

49.read v.阅读→v.理解;领会

I didn't read(领会)mother's thoughts at that time.

50.say vt.说→vt.假定,显示,表明

Say(假定)that war breaks out, what will you do?

51.shoulder n.肩膀→v.承担

Young people should learn to shoulder(承担)the blame.

52.solid adj.固定的,坚硬的→adj.可靠的,可信赖的

The research lacks solid(可靠的)evidence, and therefore, its conclusions are doubtful.

53.strength n.力,力量,体力→n.长处,强项

A basketball coach must know the strengths(长处)and weaknesses of his players.

54.taste v.品尝,尝出……味道→n.味道,鉴赏力,爱好

While she was in Paris, she developed a taste(爱好)for fine art.

55.sign n.符号,记号→n.迹象,预兆 v.签字,签署

Bearing responsibility for his mistakes is a sign(征兆)of a man's maturity.

Therefore, students should be advised to sign(签字)up as soon as possible.

56.stand v.站,站立,直立→v.忍受 n.货摊

The author could not stand(忍受)living in a wooden house.

I found the fish stand(货摊)surrounded in a sea of customers.

57.store n.(大型)百货商店→v.& n.贮藏,贮存,保存

Although dams can be built to store(贮存)water for agricultural use in dry areas and dry seasons.

58.treat vt.以…态度对待→vt.治疗,医治 v.&n.款待,招待

The doctor is skilled at treating(治疗)heart trouble and never accepts any gift from his patients, so he has a very good reputation.

Let's go out for lunch—my treat(款待).

59.walk v.& n.行走;步行→n.行业

This society welcomes people from all walks(行业)of life.

60.wear v.穿,戴→v.面带,流露;留(发,须等)

I can still remember he was always wearing(面带)a smile and willing to help.


高中英语常用短语及句型归纳 1.高考高频动词短语 (1)act短语: act as 担任……职务,起……作用act for 代理(某人职务),代为(处理某事) act out 表演(对话、故事等)act up 捣乱,出毛病 例如: I acted as an interpreter while I was in Xiamen. Mr Black is acting for the old man in his case. (布莱克先生代那个老人处理他的案件。) The children were acting out the story of the birth of Jesus. He’s a tough kid and he acts up a lot. (2)break短语: break away 摆脱,脱离break away from …脱离……,奋力挣脱…… break down 出故障,坏掉,中止,累垮,分解 break in 打断,插话,闯入,强行进入break into …闯入……,破门而入 break (sth) off (使某物)折断,中断某事物,突然停止 break out (战争、火灾)突然发生,爆发 break out in tears 突然大哭break the rule 违反规定 break through 突围,冲跨break up 分解,分裂,拆散,碎开 例如: The thief broke away from the police, but was later caught. If you keep on working like that, you’ll break down sooner or later. The car broke down just on my way here. If anyone tries to break in, the alarm will go off. If anyone tries to break into the building, the alarm will go off. She broke off a bit of bread and dipped it in the soup. I broke off the conversation and answered the phone. Does everyone know what to do if a fire breaks out? It may take a long time to break through the problem. In spring the icebergs begin to break up. (3)bring短语: bring about 引起,导致,使发生bring along 把……带来,领来 bring back 拿回来,使恢复bring sb back 送回某人 bring sth / sb back to life 使……生动/活泼,使……苏醒 (比较:sth / sb come back to life 复苏,苏醒) bring down 使……降低,减少,使……倒下,使……落下 bring down / up (the price) 降价/提价[比较:(the price ) go down / up 价格下降/上涨] bring in 引进(技术),赚钱,带来(收入),吸收 bring on 发展,引起,导致,使前进 bring out 拿出,出版,生产,揭露,阐明,使表现出 bring to 使苏醒 bring … to use = put …to use 对……加以利用 bring / carry sth to / into effect 实施……(比较:sth come / go into effect 开始实施) bring up 抚养,培养,哺育 例如: A huge amount of environmental damage has been brought about by the destruction of the rainforests.


高考英语熟词新义归纳 It takes a couple of minutes for the drug to act.起作用 The president should be addressed as “Mr. President”.被称作 The picture looks good against the white wall. 在。。。。。。相称下Lay down your arms or we’ll fire! 武器,开枪,开火The theatre only admits 1,000 persons. 容纳 Long plane trips don’t agree with me.适应 Attempts are being made to arrest the spread of the disease. 遏制,阻止 The worthy professor is now available. 可见到的 We appreciate the danger ahead.意识到 Many of his friends backed his plan. 支持 The boy badly wants a new bike.非常,急迫 All our plans broke down.破灭 The football player has a solid build. 体格 The whole village was blanketed with heavy snow. 被。。。覆盖 The behavior of this computer is very good. 性能 We chanced to be out when she called. 碰巧 Do you think long dresses will ever come back? 再流行 This style is certain to come in this year. 流行 On the whole she counted herself a fortunate person.认为 The tornado claimed dozens of lives.夺走 Every minute counts.重要 The UN has done a lot for the cause of the world peace. 事业 Mother cans fruit. 把。。。做成罐头The corporation has enough capital to build another factory.资金 Do you deal with Smith, the butcher?有生意、贸易往来Can you develop this film for us? 冲洗 The game ended in a draw. 平局 The farmers drove wells to water the crops. 打井 You must pay a deposit if you want to reserve the room. 定金,押金 We sheltered from the storm in a deserted hut. 荒芜的,空无一人的I can’t digest her endless complaint a moment longer.忍受,消化,领悟Customs duties are paid on imported goods. 税 He directed the building of the new bridge. 主持 .Now we are leading an easy life.舒适的 His name escaped me for the moment.想不起 He boasted that he would throw me downstairs; but I made him eat his words.收回


熟词生义 一些英语词汇的意义,我们经常见到一部分,而另一部分不太常见,这部分意义也很实用,有时还成为考点。在此,我把一些常见词的不常见的意义列举一下,希望能对各位同学的学习有所帮助。 Part A 1.act (熟义:行动)vi.起作用It takes a couple of minutes for the drug to act. 2.address (熟义:地址;写地址)vt.向……发表演说;直接向……说话 It is said that our headmaster will address the meeting. 3.admit(熟义:承认;允许进入)容纳 The great hall can admit 5000 students. 4.against prep.映衬The picture looks nice against the white wall. 5.air v.抒发;倾诉;播送Don’t air your troubles too often. 6.attend v. 看护;治疗The nurse attended to him day and night. 7.back vt.支持Many of his friends backed his plan. 8.build n. 身材;体形The athlete has a solid build. 9.cause n.事业 10.dash v. 急送;催促Being badly ill, he was dashed to hospital. His mother dashed him into going to school every day. 11.express adj.明确的;快的;丝毫不差的;n. 快车 His express wish was that you should come here by express train. 12.fail v.不足;缺乏 Our water supply failed. He is failing in health./ His health is failing. He failed to lend her a hand.


高中英语各种教材词组汇总大全(超级实 用)[1] ★清华大学★英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做. 官方网站:http://qinghua.yeryy.co m/ 清华大学英语教授研究组提供 · a short cut 近路/捷径·abandon oneself to sth 沉湎于… ·be able to do sth. 有能力做某事 be capable of doing sth. 有能力做某事 ·do sth. to the best of one’s ability 尽某人全力做某事·abnormal behavior 反常的行为 ·above all 最为重要的是after all 毕竟 in all 总共 not at all 根本不 ·be absent from school/work 缺课/旷工 ·be absent-minded 心不在焉的 ·be absorbed in专心于… ·the academic year 学年 ·have the access to sth./ doing sth. 有机会做某事/有接近…的权利 ·by accident 意外地·according to 根据…·account for 解释;说明·open an account 开户

头 ·take …into account 把…考虑在内 ·accuse sb. of 指责某人某事/指控某人某事 charge sb. with sth. 指控某人某事 ·be accustomed/used to sth./doing 习惯于做某事 ·make a great achievement/great achievements 取得重 大成绩 ·acid rain 酸雨 ·act as 担任;充当·take action to do sth. 采取行动做某事 ·take an active part in 积极参加… ·adapt oneself to sth./doing 适应于(做)某事 be adapted to sth./ doing ·add to beauty/difficulties 增添了美丽/困难·add up to 合计达… amount to合计达…·in addition 此外,另外·in addition to sth. 除…之外 ·admire sb. for sth. 羡慕/钦佩某人某事 ·admit one’s mistake 承认某人的错误 ·be admitted to university 被大学录取·adopt one’s advice 采纳某人的建议 ·adopt a child 收养一个孩子


2015届高三英语熟词新义归纳 1. The police have absolute proof of his guilt.(确实的) 2. In 1601, Parliament passed an act, which aimed to provide the poor with more jobs. (法案) The first act of the play is not bad. (戏剧的)一幕 3. The president should be addressed as“Mr. President”.(被称作) The chairman will address (at) at the meeting. (发言;演讲) 4. The picture looks good against the white wall.(在…相称下;以…为背景) Save money against old age. (防备) 5. Lay down your arms(武器)or we'll fire!(开枪,开火) 6. You should air the clothes to get the damp out. (晾干) The doctor recommended him to air the room.(使通风) When asked about the news, she has an air of mystery. (神态,样子) in the air在空中;(计划等)未定的 7. The theatre only admits l,000 persons. (容纳) 8. Long plane trips don't agree with me.(适应) 9. You can't live on bread alone. (仅仅) 10. A warm sunshine announces the coming of spring. (预示,显示) 11. I suddenly appreciated that l was wrong. (意识到) 12. The driver could not arrest the horse's speed. (阻止) arrest one’s attention/eye(吸引,吸住) 13. You're going out? But who will attend to the baby? (照料) attend to one’s work(专心,注意) 14. The doctors are available now.(有空的) 15. Many of his friends backed his plan.(支持) 16. The boy badly wants a new bike. (非常地,迫切地) 17. All the ground floor windows were fitted with bars.(栏杆) Have a chocolate bar.(条;块) 18. You should bear the responsibility of protecting your young sister. (承担) bear…in mind that..(把..牢记在心) 19. My heart beat wildly at my first public performance.(跳动) Join us in dancing to the beat of the music.(节奏) 20. He carried a block of stone in his hand.(块,大块) The road was blocked with snow.(阻塞,阻挡) 21. His expression remained blank after he heard my reason. (茫然的) The whole village was blanketed with heavy snow. (被…覆盖)


高考英语熟词新义归纳 1.It takes a couple of minutes for the drug to act. 起作用 2.The picture looks good against the white wall. 在。。。。。。相称下 https://www.doczj.com/doc/3418043089.html,y down your arms or we’ll fire! 武器,开枪,开火 4.Don’t air your troubles too often. 发牢骚 5.Many of his friends backed his plan. 支持 6.The boy badly wants a new bike. 非常,急迫 7.The football player has a solid build. 体格 8.His songs always make me feel blue. 忧伤 9.We chanced to be out when she called. 碰巧 10.Do you think long dresses will ever come back? 再流行 11The tornado claimed dozens of lives. 夺走 12.Every minute counts. 重要 13.The UN has done a lot for the cause of the world peace. 事业 14.Mother cans fruit. 把。。。做成罐头 15.The corporation has enough capital to build another factory. 资金 16.Can you develop this film for us? 冲洗 17.The game ended in a draw. 平局 18.You must pay a deposit if you want to reserve the room. 定金,押金 19.We sheltered from the storm in a deserted hut. 荒芜的,空无一人的 20.I can’t digest her endless complaint a moment longer. 忍受,消化,领悟 21.Customs duties are paid on imported goods. 税 22.Now we are leading an easy life. 舒适的 23.His name escaped me for the moment. 想不起 24.He boasted that he would throw me downstairs; but I made him eat his words. 收回 25.Let this be an example to you. 警告 26.Please send this parcel by express delivery. 快递 27.How do you employ your spare time? 利用 28.Have you entered yourself for the sports meet to be held next week? 报名参加 29.Tom is a man of great enterprise. 胆识,进取心 30.She’s a very good woman; unkindness is foreign to her nature. 无关的 31.The show was far from being a failure; it was a great success. 远非,远不是 32.The driver paid a fifty-dollar fine for speeding. 罚金 33.She’ll soon leave London for good. 永远 34.He has strong grounds for more money. 理由,意见 35.All this waiting and delay is really getting her down. 使她疲惫不堪 36.He got through £300 in a week. 用完 37.Given the general state of his health, it may take him a while to recover. 考虑到 38.He as good as said I was a liar. 实际上 39.We study for the good of the people. 利益 40.These apples are still green ,you can’t pick them. 生的,未熟的 41.The boys have got out of hand. 难管,失控 42.The cars are made for the home market. 国内 43.The people of Hechuan held out for 36 years on the Fishing Castle. 坚持抵抗 44.Don’t look after your own interests. 利益 45.The company is introducing a new family saloon this year. 推出 46.The place is inviting. 诱人的 47.Our intelligence shows that the enemy is advancing. 情报 48.His success was due to industry. 勤奋 49.Mother is ironing my shirt with an electric iron. 熨,烫 50.He introduced his speech with a joke. 以。。。开始 51.He doesn’t like eating potaoes boiled in t heir jackets. 带皮的 52.He jammed four apples in his pocket. 塞 53.His joke killed the audience. 他的笑话使听众笑得死去活来。 54.The suspect is still at large. 逍遥法外 55.My father gave me a lecture for smoking. 训斥 56.He said he would be here by 12 o’clock , but he let us down. 使某人失望 57.My watch loses a minute a day. 慢 58.To be frank, this mission is beyond my might. 权力,力量 59.What is the message of the book? 中心思想 60.To learn English well is a must. 必要的事 61.---May I have one? ---Yes, by all means. 当然可以 62.He is so mean and selfish that it is very difficult to make friends with him. 吝啬 63.He narrowly escaped drowning. 差一点淹死 64.Miss Watkins was a nobody. She was a drifter. No family, no close friends. 无名之辈 65.Reporters have a good nose for news. 嗅觉,找出或分辨事物的能力 66.The nature of iron differs greatly from that of wood. 性质 67.His latest play is nothing. 一文不值 68.The scholar narrowed his interest to Tang poetry. 局限 69.Though living abroad for a few decades, a lot of overseas Chinese still have the habit of observing the Chinese tradition. 遵守 70.If everyone does his part, the project will surely be a success. 职责,分担责任 71.It promises to be fine tomorrow. 预示,有。。。的希望 72.The speaker spent several days polishing her lecture. 润色,修饰 73.He had to present a smiling face though heavy-hearted. 露出 74.When the fire alarm sounds , each man rushes to his post. 岗位 75.She was voted “most promising young actress, 2009”. 最佳年轻女演员 76.We have established trade ties with these regions. 关系,联系 77.The manager was ready to shoulder the blame. 承担 78.She is sound in body and mind. 她身心健康 79.They took his money but spared his life. 饶恕,赦免,不伤害 80.The younger man will succeed Mr. White as director. 接替 81.The divorced woman is the talk of the street. 话题,谈资 82.I am not familiar with chemical terms. 术语 83.Tires are usually made of rubber. 轮胎 84.Harris got a ticket for speeding. 罚单 85.The new dictionary has really taken off. 受欢迎,成功 86.After a fierce struggle, he got the upper hand of his opponent. 胜过对手 87.My father values honesty beyong all things. 尊重,重视,珍视 88.Your idea won’t work in practice. 你的想法在实践中行不通 1


高中英语词组固定搭配 一、接不定式(而不接动名词)作宾语的24个常用动词 afford to do sth. 负担得起做某事agree to do sth. 同意做某事 arrange to do sth.安排做某事 ask to do sth. 要求做某事 beg to do sth. 请求做某事 care to do sth. 想要做某事 choose to do sth. 决定做某事 decide to do sth. 决定做某事demand to do sth. 要求做某事determine to do sth. 决心做某事expect to do sth. 期待做某事 fear to do sth. 害怕做某事help to do sth. 帮助做某事 hope to do sth. 希望做某事 learn to do sth. 学习做某事 manage to do sth. 设法做某事 offer to do sth. 主动提出做某事 plan to do sth. 计划做某事 prepare to do sth. 准备做某事 pretend to do sth. 假装做某事 promise to do sth. 答应做某事 refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事 want to do sth. 想要做某事 wish to do sth. 希望做某事 注:有些不及物动词后习惯上也接不定 式,不接动名词: aim to do sth. 打算做某事 fail to do sth. 未能做某事 long to do sth. 渴望做某事 happen to do sth. 碰巧做某事 hesitate to do sth. 犹豫做某事 struggle to do sth. 努力做某事 二、接不定式作宾补的36个常用动词 advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事 allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 ask sb. to do sth.请(叫)某人做某事 bear sb. to do sth.忍受某人做某事 beg sb. to do sth. 请求某人做某事 cause sb. to do sth. 导致某人做某事 command sb. to do sth. 命令某人做 某事


熟词新义 各位老师:本资料并非我们自己教师原创,是我们从网上搜罗来的东东,但是深感实用,每天给学生落实几个词,很有用的哦!! 一、 accept 接受,认可(vt.);同意,承认(vi.) adapt 使适应;改编 add 增加,添加(vt.);加起来,增添vi.);补充说(vt.) amount 数量(n.);等于,共计(vi.,与to 连用)argue 争论,辩论(vi.);主张,说理,说服(vt.) award 奖,奖品(n.);授奖,给予……金钱(v.) boom 发出隆隆声;(国家地区或行业的) 繁荣,迅速发展 burn 焚烧,烧焦;发出怪味,点(灯) compare 比较,比作(vt.);比得上,与…匹敌(vi.) consider 考虑;认为;照顾到,考虑到(独立主格结构considering sth. 或sth. considered)depend 依靠,依赖;视情况而定desire 希望, 期望; 请求, 要求(从句用should 型虚拟语气) equal 等于;比得上,匹敌(vt.) equip 装配;配备(知识/ 信息/ 事实等) handle 门把手(n. ); 操作,处理(v.) hunt 打猎;猎取;搜寻(vi.) include 包括;计算在内(与in 连用) introduce 介绍;引进;提出;出台(政策/法规等) measure 测量;为……量尺寸;判断,权衡, 衡量(有measure sb. / sth against sb. / sth 搭配) owe 欠(钱/ 债务等);归功于,感激;幸亏 于,由于(owing to 的固定形式) perform 表演;(成功地)表现;完成,执行, 进行(尤其指复杂的活动);有……的用途 press 按,压,印;逼迫,迫使(press sb. to dosth.) process 制作,加工(食品);处理(文件/ 数据等);冲洗(照片) pronounce 发音;宣告,断言,宣布(官方意见或决定) publish 出版,发行;发表,刊登;(在报纸或墙壁上)公布,公开 raise 提高;举起;饲养,喂养;唤起(意识);使……产生(情感或反应);筹款 satisfy 使……满意; 满足(要求或欲望等);使……相信(与of 连用)share 分享,分担;均分,分配;有……共同的特征shoulder 肩膀(n.);肩负,承当(责任或负担)(v.) spread 传播(消息/ 信息等);散布(流言); 涂抹(奶油等);(疾病)传播,蔓延;伸展(四肢);展开(翅膀) strike 击打;(时针)敲响;摩擦;罢工;达成(协议或交易);(灾难)突然袭击(vt.);突然产生(想法或主意)(vi.) succeed 取得成功;(学业或事业等)表现出色,有作为(vi.);接替,继承(vt.) tie 系;扎(vt.);与……打成平局(搭配tie with sb.) touch 接触;感动 treat 对待;治疗;款待;请客(搭配treat sb.to sth.) unfold 打开;展开;显露;阐明 weigh 称(vt.);重(若干);权衡,衡量(vi.) 二、 appreciate 感激(宾语不能为人只能为物);赏识(宾语可为人);鉴赏 attend 出席,参加;上(学);去(听课,做礼拜);照看;伺候 bend 弯曲;委屈;专心于(搭配bend one’s thought / mind to) charge 要(价)(charge sb. some momney);使(充电);控告(charge sb. with sth.); 攻击;向…跑(常与介词at / towards / into 连用) comfort 舒适,宽慰(n.);使……舒适;安慰(v.) continue 继续;继续说(vt.);继续是(连系动词) digest 消化(食物);理解;吸收;领会 fold 折叠;合拢;抱住 gain 获得;增加(体重、速度)


高考英語常用短語 …(money) worth of sth. ……价值……(接数词) …has a population of… ……人口数量是…… …times as big as ……是……几倍大 …times the size of ……是……几倍大 a (great/large/small) number of 许多(接可数名词复数;谓语动词用复数) A (together) with B ……A与B一样,……(谓语动词与A一致) A as well as B ……A跟B一样,……(谓语动词与A一致) A besides B… 除了B以外,A……(谓语动词与A 一致) a bit of 一点(接不可数名词) a bit 一点(接形容词) a bunch of 一束、一捆 a certain 某一个(接可数名词单数) a copy of 一份(报纸等) a couple of几个、一些、三两个(接可数名词复数) a crowd of 一群、许多 a developed country(一个)发达国家 a developing country (一个)发展中国家 a diet of healthy foods一份营养食谱 a fallen tree 一棵倒了的树 a few moment later 一会儿、不久以后 a few pieces of advice 几点建议 a good/great deal of 大量(接不可数名词) a good/great many 大量(接可数名词复数) a great deal 许多东西 a group of 一群…… a highly-developed country 高度发达国家 a kind of sth.一类…… a knife and fork 一副刀叉 a knowledge of 某一学科的知识 a lack of 缺乏 a large quantity of 大量(接可数、不可数名词) a large/small/great amount of 一些(接不可数名词) A like B… 像B一样,A……(谓语动词与A一致) a little bit 一点(接形容词) a little 一点(接形容词) a loaf of bread 一个面包 a lost life in a desert 鸿沟 a lot more interesting 更有趣 a lot more 许多 a lucky escape 幸运地逃脱 a narrow escape 侥幸逃脱、九死一生 a piece of advice一条建议 a place of interest 一处名胜 a point of view 一种观点


高考英语熟词生义词汇整理 从近几年的高考英语试题中可发现高考命题非常重视对常用词汇较少使用意义的考查,这一点可以从单项选择和完形填空中均可看出。很多考生因不懂这些熟词的“新含义”而出现思维堵塞的现象,这严重地影响了考生对题干乃至全文的正确理解,给他们造成了不应有的失分。英语中的一词多义现象是普遍存在的。下面举例近几年高考中出现的对这种词汇的考查: 例如:2001年全国卷中第26题: We didn't plan our art exhibition like that but it_____ very well.A.worked out B.tried out C.went on D.carried on 正确答案为A。此处work out的词义为“(情况)发展……”、“进行……”。 2009年全国卷一:Encourage your children to try new things. But try not to_______them too hard. A. draw B. strike C. rush D. push(逼迫,敦促) 本来push表示推的意思。 2009年全国卷二:If you leave the club, you will not be _______back in. A. received B. admitted(准许进入,准许加入俱乐部,组织等;接收入学) C, turned D. moved admit 本来表示承认 山东卷2009:-Do you have enough to _______all your daily expenses? -Oh ,yes, enough and to spare..(闲置的,不用的,闲钱) A. cover (钱足够----之用) B. spend C, fill D. offer 2009湖北卷:Some parents are just too protective. They want to _______their kids from every kind of danger, real or imagined. A. spot B. dismiss C, shelter( 保护,庇护) D. distinguish Shelter 本意:居所,住处,遮蔽物,庇护处 2008年山东卷:The fact that she never apologized________a lot about what kind of person she is . A. says (显示,表明) B. talks C. appears D. declares 2008湖北卷:Though having lived abroad for years , many Chinese still ________the traditional customs. A. perform B. possess C. observe(遵守规则,法律等) D. support 2009年山东卷完型填空41:I can still remember he was always wearing (流露,面带)a smile and willing to help. (2011浙江)9. The professor could tell by the _____ look in Maria’s eyes that she didn’t understand a single word of his lecture. A. cold B. blank (“茫然的”) C. innocent D. fresh A 1.absent(熟义:adj.缺席的) He looked at me in an absent way.(adj.茫然的,恍惚的) 2.abuse(熟义:v.滥用;漫骂) She is quite a successful career woman,but actually she's much abused at home.(v.虐待)


For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use

35.极好的 36.①“你要来么?”他激动地说,“那 太好了!简直难以置信!” 37.②她的舞跳得非常好。 38.③我无以言表——太精彩了。 39.普通的 40.平均,普通 41.他是一个普通的学生。 42.许多 43.成千上万的 44.每年成千上万的游客涌入这个景区 来欣赏这里美丽的风景。 45.许多 46.许多学生反对这个主意。 47.很多,非常多 48.这图书馆有相当多英语书。 49.变化很大 50.变化巨大的(戏曲性的变化) 51.由于科技的发展,我们的生活在过去 几十年发生了很大的变化。 52.相信 53.使信服 54.就我而言,我坚定地认为国游客的数 量应得到限制,理由如下: 55.想做某事 56.(内心)想做某事 57.就我所知,他们每一个人都想做一个 模范学生。 58.许多种类的 59.许多不同种类的 60.保护区里有许多不同种类的珍稀的 动植物。 61. 62.范围广的,种类多的 63.你有很大的选择余地。 64.巨大的,大量的 65.相当大的;重要的 66.改变这种情形需要每个人很大的努 力。34.Your pronunciation is perfect. 35.fantastic 36.①"You're coming?" he said excitedly. "That's fantastic! That's incredible!" 37.②She's a fantastic dancer. 38.③I'm lost for words — it's fantastic. 39.ordinary 40.average 41.He is an average student. 42.many 43.hundreds of thousands of 44.Hundreds of thousands of tourists pour into this scenic spot to admire the amazing scenery every year. 45.many a 46.Many a student is against the idea. 47.a good many 48.There are?a good many?English books in the library. 49.change a lot 50.change dramatically 51.Our life has changed dramatically in the last decades because of the development of science and technology. 52.believe 53.be fully/firmly convinced 54.As for me, I’m firmly convinced that the number of tourists should be limited for the following reasons. 55.want to do 56.intend to 57.So far as I know, every one of them intends to be a model student. 58.many kinds of 59.a wide variety of/ various 60.There are a wide variety of rare animals and plants in the nature reserve. 61.a wide range of 62.There is?a wide range of?choices open to you. https://www.doczj.com/doc/3418043089.html,rge, great

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