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Unit 6 Fun food

Unit 6 Fun food
Unit 6 Fun food

Unit 6 Fun food

First Period (The changing color of our crops[ V ocabulary])

Teaching Aims: to enable students

1.to get a general idea of the material

2.to learn some new words

3.fill out information gap about “The changing color of our crops”

Teaching contents: 1. New Words

2.General idea of the material ( The changing color of our crops) Teaching Procedures:

I. Pre-instruction:

1.Daily talk “How are crops raised”


蔬菜vegetable 茄子eggplant 黄瓜cucumber

莴苣lettuce 花菜cauliflower 胡萝卜carrot

西兰花broccoli 白菜Chinese cabbage 辣椒pepper

芹菜celery 蒜garlic 韭菜chives

谷类植物cereal 菠菜spinach 葱spring onion

豆腐bean curd 豆芽bean sprout

3. Do exercise on P94 —What do you know about…? A1 & A2

II. Performance

T: The main passage is a newspaper article about Sunqiao Modern Agricultural Development Zone. It tells Ss the latest development in agricultural technology. It will cause Ss to think about food from a completely different point

First let’s learn the new words.

1) agriculture n. practice of farming

Agriculture is an important industry in our country.农业是我国一个重要的产业。

2) traditional adj.being part of the beliefs or way of life of a group of people that have not

changed for a long time.

When she got married, she wore a traditional wedding dress.

3) farming n,the business of working on a farm

To everyone?s surprise, h e took up farming after he graduated from university.

4) farm v.to grow as a crop

The family has been farming rice for generations.

5) natural adj.not made by people; from nature

This country is rich in natural resources.

nature n.keep the balance of nature

6) development n.the process of creating something new or advanced

Mr Li will be in charge of the development of this new device.

①②7) zone n. an area of land

Sunqiao Modern Agricultural Development Zone

Nobody is allowed to enter the military zone without a permit.

8) nourish v.to feed

Chinese children are better nourished nowadays.现在中国孩子的营养更好了。

9) mixture n. a combination of different things

The drink is a mixture of four different fruit juices.

mix v,mix… with….

10) fertilizer n. a substance that helps feed plants 肥料

Artificial fertilizers are now used more than natural fertilizers.


fertilize v. 施肥于

fertile field 黑土地

11).make the best use of to use most efficiently

His boss told him to make the best use of his talents in his new position.

12) experimental https://www.doczj.com/doc/3e17493645.html,ing experiments; trying sth. new

The technology is still in the experimental stage.这项技术仍在试验阶段。

13) facility n. a place with buildings and equipment that serves a specific purpose


This district has quite good recreation facilities.这个区的休闲设施很完善。

14) business n. the activity of supplying goods or services for money 商业

Yesterday, we talked about the possibility of working in the computer business.


15) enterprise n. an organization for doing business 公司,企业

Private enterprises boomed after the government introduced its new policy.


16) involve v. to include; to have as a part包括,包含

The oral test I took involved introducing myself.我参加的口试包含自我介绍。

17) profitable adj.(something)that makes or is likely to make money 盈利的

It was wise of him to make such a profitable deal.他明智地做成了这样一笔有利可图的交易。profit n.盈利;利润

18) technique n. a particular way of doing something 技巧;技艺

There are many techniques that students can use to improve reading ability.


19) chemical n. a substance made in a chemical process

Artificial chemicals are widely used in modern industry.人工化学制品被广泛应用于现代工业中。

20) prove v. to show to be true 证明

The boy used every means to try to proves his discovery was true.


21) economic adj. related to the economy or money 经济的

Some developed countries have economic advantages in international trade.


economy n. 经济economics n.经济学

22) benefit n. something that helps you 利益

a practical benefit实际利益material benefit物质利益

maximum benefit最大利益mutual benefit共同利益

a national benefit国家利益

The policy of opening up has brought great benefits to the remote town.


The research which is conducted in Sunqiao Modern Agricultural Development Zone will bring

huge economic benefits to the Chinese farmers.

benefit v.有益于;得益

23) used to : have been true in the past, but no longer true today 过去常常

They used to go jogging in the morning, but now they play basketball instead.


My family used to have holidays at the beach.

24) backward adj. not advanced; poorly developed

Though his home town is rather backward, he has decided to go back there after graduation. 25) amazed adj. very surprised

be amazed to do … The old woman was amazed to meet her long-lost brother.

b e amazed at…

Visitors are amazed to find that great changes have taken place in Shanghai within one year.

be amazed that… I am amazed that you never heard of Yaoming.

amazing adj. extremely good, especially in a surprising and unexpected way

I am amazed at the amazing news.

high-tech=high technology:very advanced scientifically 高科技的

high-tech zones Almost every province in China has built high-tech zones.

III. Promotion

Complete the sentences with the given verbs in their proper forms.

1.The flowers are________ and the scenery magnificent.( coloured)

2._______weapons are forbidden to be produced and sold. ( chemistry) ( experiment)

3.We have________ evidence about things which happened before and after the origin of life.

4.It was ________ for them to produce large amounts of food. (profit)

5. The pace of _______ growth is picking up. ( economy )

6.They looked at him with a ___________ of horror, fright and envy. ( mix)

7._________, I had my wrist twisted. (fortunate)

8.I was________ by his knowledge of Welsh history. ( amazement )

9.Vitamins are_______ to our health. ( benefit)

10._____teaching methods sometimes only succeeded in putting students off learning.(tradition) IV. Summary

V. Assignment

1. Read after the new words after the tape.

2. Learn the new words by heart.

3. Make sentences with the new words.


Second Period (text understanding)

Teaching Aims: to enable students

1.to get a general idea of the material

2.to review some new words

2.fill out information gap about “The changing color of our crops”

Teaching contents:General idea of the material ( The changing color of our crops) Teaching Procedures:

I. Pre-instruction:

1.Daily talk “How are crops raised”


II. Performance

1. Skimming

Please look at the title, picture and first sentence of each paragraph on P77, Then try to answer these questions..

1.What is the passage probably about?.

2.What is white agriculture?

3.What is Sunqiao?

4.Why has Sunqiao become one of the fastest developing areas in China?

5.How did some people view farming?

2. Scanning

Read through the newspaper article quickly and then give short answers to these questions.

1.What is not used in white agriculture?

2..How many farming families profit from the research at Sunqiao?

3.How many people visit Sunqiao every week?

III. Promotion:

P1: green agriculture

P2: white agriculture

P3: .Sunqiao is both anexperimental research facility and a business enterprise.

P4: What kind of agriculture is being developed at Sunqiao Modern Agricultural Development Zone?

P5: the key to the success of Sunqiao Modern Agricultural Development Zone

List the advantages and disadvantages of each type of agriculture using a table like the one below.(pair work)

V. Assignment:

1.Review all the new words and phrases

2.To finish Ex.D1,D2 P78

3.Practise reading


Third Period (language points)

Teaching Aims: to enable students

1.to get familiar with the text (The changing colours of our crops)

2.to review vocabulary and phrases

3.to develop students? speaking ability

Teaching Contents:

1. Check the answers on P78.

2. The main idea of the text

Teaching Procedures:


1.Daily talk


1) being part of the beliefs or way of life of a group of people that have not changed for a long time.---- traditional

2) the business of working on a farm ----farming n,

3). not made by people; from nature----- natural adj

4) the process of creating something new or advanced---- development n.

5) an area of land.---- zone n.

6) to feed---- nourish v.

7) a combination of different things---- mixture n.

8) a substance that helps feed plants ---- fertilizer n.

9) to use most efficiently----.make the best use of

10)using experiments; trying sth. new---- experimental adj.

11)a place with buildings and equipment that serves a specific purpose--- facility n.

12)(something)that makes or is likely to make money ----- profitable adj.

13) a particular way of doing something ---- technique n.

14) a substance made in a chemical process---- chemical n.


1.the changing colours of our crops

2.Sunqiao Modern Agricultural Development Zone

3. green agriculture

4.in natural sources of water

5. with white agriculture

6. sth. be used to do sth else.

7. a mixture of

8. be useful for

9. make the best use of

10. an experimental research

11. a business enterprise

12. involve doing…

13. farming techniques

14. man-made chemicals

15.prove to be

16. economic benefits

17. used to do sth.

18. succeed in doing sth.

19.regard… as

20.be amazed to do

II. Performance (Language points)

1.V ling+adj.

become more colourful

2.…Green agriculture? means traditional farming that grows plants in soil.

①Agriculture is an important industry in our country.农业是我国一个重要的产业。

②traditional adj. being part of the beliefs or way of life of a group of people that have not changed for a long time.

When she got married, she wore a traditional wedding dress.

③farming n, the business of working on a farm

To everyone?s surprise, he took up farming after he graduated from university.

④farm v. to grow as a crop

The family has been farming rice for generations.

3.…Blue agriculture? farms fish or water plants in natural sources of water such as oceans or lakes.

①natural adj. not made by people; from nature

This country is rich in natural resources.

nature n. keep the balance of nature

4.It is practiced at Sunqiao Modern Agricultural Development Zone in Shanghai.


5.sth.be used to do sth. else

sth. be used for doing

sb. used to do

sb.be used to doing

6. hold up

1)举起,拿起Hold up one?s hand

2)be held up 阻止,延误,停顿We were held up on our way to the airport in a traffic. 7.The plants are nourished only by a mixture of water and fertilizer.

nourish v. to feed

①Chinese children are better nourished nowadays.现在中国孩子的营养更好了。

②The red roses which are in the garden in front of Miss Huang?s house appear to be well nourished.

mixture: group or mass of different things a chemical mixture

a mixture of… a mixture of sorrow and anger悲愤交加

Air is a mixture of different gases.

8.White agriculture is useful for places with poor soil quality since it makes the best use of both water and fertilizer.

make the best use of / make good use of : to use most efficiently

①I do hope you can make the best use of your stay in England throughout the whole year.


②We must make the best use of the natural sources we have now.


make yourself at home

make a mistake be made of

make sentences with…

make for 走向,向….前进

be made from

make friends with

make into 把…做成

be made in sp.

make an apology to sb. for…make over 移交

be made by

make great progress make up弥补

be made up of

make our town more beautiful

make a frame

9.The research involves making green agriculture more profitable and finding farming techniques which do not use man-made chemicals.


adj. a chemical compound 化合物/a chemical formula 化学式

chemical reaction / chemical fertilizer / chemical weapons


chemist chemistry n.

10. produce v.


Australia produces wool and meat.

The factory produces 1,000 cars a weeks.

Good soil will produce fine crops.


A cow produces milk.

The tree produces fruit.

This author has produced little in the last few years.


Hard work produces success.

Pleasures do not produce happiness.

produce n. 农产品的总称,不可数

The farmers brought their produce to town early each Saturday morning.

11.aspect c.n. 方面

Then she went on to consider other aspects of the matter.

Discuss a subject in all aspects.

12Through this new technology, Sunqiao… has proved to be one of the f astest developing areas in China.

1) Through: 通过,凭借


2)prove to be 结果是,证明是

As it happened, my advice proved to be wrong.

The new technology proved to be useless.这个理论结果是错误的。

改革开放政策证明是中国发展的转折点。(turning point)

The policies of reform and opening up have proved to be the turning point in China?s development.

prove vt. 证明+ n ./ 从句/复合结构

a.prove + 名词或代词

He has proved his courage in battle.

Who can prove it?

b.prove + 从句

Please look at them. They?ll prove to you that I?m not lying.

Can you prove where you were on May 3rd?

c.prove + 复合结构

One mad action is not enough to prove a man mad.

He had proved himself a most strong man.

He proved himself to be a coward.

13.Seeds and new varieties of plants from Sunqiao have brought economic benefits to more than 16,000 farming families.

economic adj.经济上的We brought a small car for economic reasons.

economical adj. 节约的,节省的an economical housewife

One must be economical of/with one?s time/money/petrol/electricity.

Economical shoppers wait for special sales.

economics n. 经济学economist n. 经济学家economy n. 经济

计划经济planned economy市场经济market economy


The building of a high-tech zone is aimed at bringing economic benefits to this area.

14.regard v.

1)认为+as I regard that movie as one of the worst I?ve ever seen.

2)+n. She regards me as a little kid. He is regarded as the best doctor in town.

3)+ adj. I regard him as stupid.

15. backward adj. --opp. forward ideas 进步的思想

A backward country 落后的

A backward glance 向后一瞥

16. amazed adj. 感到惊讶的;感到惊叹的

amazed at/by I was amazed at the amazing Thailand.

amazed (that)/how I'm amazed you've never heard of the Rolling Stones.

I am amazed that you never heard of Yaoming.

amazed to see/find/discover something

Visitors are amazed to find that great changes have taken place in Shanghai within one year. The old woman was amazed to meet her long-lost brother.

Visitors are often amazed to discover how little the town has changed.

be amazed at…I am amazed at the amazing news.

We were absolutely amazed at his rapid recovery.

What Michelangelo did amazed the whole world.

amazing adj. extremely good, especially in a surprising and unexpected way

The experiment was an amazing success.

high-tech=high technology: very advanced scientifically 高科技的

high-tech zones Almost every province in China has built high-tech zones.

change …into——turn …into

change changeable

comfort comfortable

value valuable

reason reasonable

agree agreeable




1. Cope the phrases on the note book and try to memorize them.

2. Read the text fluently

3. Preview the grammar

Feedback /Reflection

Fourth Period (Grammar)

Teaching Aims: to enable students

1.to review the vocabulary and phrases

2.to learn grammar—A: Relative clauses with relative pronouns as subjects

B: Relative clauses with relative pronouns as objects Teaching Contents: P80-81

Teaching Procedures:


1.Daily talk


1)The research at Sunqiao produces seeds which / that help farmers grow better crops.

2)People who/that live in cities used to reguard farming as boring and backward.

3)They appear amazed to see the vegetables which Sunqiao grows without using soil..

4)The farmers who/that/whom it has helped now have bigger and better harvest.


II. Performance:

T: There are 2 important grammar rules we have to grasp in the text.


被修饰或限制的这个词就被称为?先行词?.要注意的是定语从句中一定要有先行词。This is where I found my book. (不是定语从句,因为没有先行词!是表语从句)

This is the place where I found my book. (定语从句,因为修饰了the place



who (指人,主语)whom(人,宾)

which(物)that(人或物) whose(人或物的) as

Eg. This is the teacher who/that came from London.

The book which/that I am reading is written by Tomas Hardy.

The desk whose leg is broken is very old

This is the room that / which Shakespeare was born in.






如: The man who/that came first is Mike.

I?ll never forget the day when we first met each other.

His mother does morning exercises every day , which is good for her health.


先行词: 被定语从句修饰


关系代词(who, whom, whose, which, that )

关系副词(when, where , why)

引导词的作用: (1)引导定语从句





1.The man who came to our school is Mr. Wang.

2.The girl (whom) I met is Lucy.

3.A child whose parents are dead is called Tom.

3.I like the book (which) you bought yesterday.

4. His parents wouldn?t let him marry anyone whose family was poor.

5. I like the person to whom you just talked.( )

6. We shall never forget the days (that) we spent together.

7. We shall never the days when we lived together.

判断步骤:(1)要判断出先行词(2)要确定关系代词(即先行词)在从句中所担任的成分The woman who(that) spoken yesterday is my mother.

Do you know the boy my mother is talking to?




Isn?t she one of the most beautiful girls that are in our class?

This is the best film (that)I have ever seen.


This is the first English novel that interests me.

He is the last (that) I want to see.


Look at the little boy and his dog that are coming here.

They are talking about the people and the things (that) they met in London.

④. 先行词是all, much, little, everything, anything, nothing, none, the one等代词时

All that glitters is not gold.

Is there anything (that) I can do for you?

⑤先行词被only, very, just, few, little, no, one of, all, any, the very, the right 等修饰时

Lala is one of the students that are good at English in our class.

Lala is the one at of the students that _is____good….

Lala is the only one at of the students that_is___

She is the very person (that) we are looking for.

⑥如果两个从句,其中一个关系代词已用which ,另一个关系代词应用that,以避免重复。

The government set up an agency which helps to deal with the things that happen suddenly.


Which is the book that you want?

Who is the man that reads newspaper there?

III. Promotion:


1.This is all____I know about the matter.

A. that

B. what

C. who

D. whether

2. Is there anything else _____ you require?

A. which

B. that

C. who

D. what

3.The last place _____we visited was the Great Wall.

A. which

B. that

C. where

D. it

4.He talked happily about the men and books_____ interested him greatly in the school.

A. which

B. that

C. it

D. whom

5.There is no dictionary _____ you can find everything.

A. that

B. which

C. where

D. in that

6.This is one of the best books_______.

A. that have ever been written B . that has ever been written

C. that has written

D. that have written

7.He wrote a letter to me, telling me everything ___ he saw on the way to the Paris.

A. what

B. that

C. which

D. where

8.Is oxygen the only gas ____ helps fire burn?

A. hat


C. which

D. it

9.Is there anything _____to you?

A. that is belonged

B. that belongs

C. which belongs

D. that belong

10.The scientist and his achievements ______ you told me about are admired by us all.

A. which

B. that

C. who

D. whose

11.Which of the books ______ were borrowed from him is the best?

A. which

B. what

C. that

D. whose

12.This is the one of the means ____the electric energy is conducted from one place to another.

A. by which

B. by that

C. through which

D. through that

13.The Summer Palace is one of the most beautiful parks____ built in the Qing Dynasty.

A. where were

B. where was

C. that were

D. which was

IV. Summary

V. Assignment 1.Review----the relative clauses 2. Do some exercises.


Fifth Period (Grammar)

Teaching Aims: to enable students

3.to review the vocabulary and phrases

4.to learn grammar—A: Relative clauses with relative pronouns as subjects

B: Relative clauses with relative pronouns as objects

Teaching Contents: P80-81

Teaching Procedures:


1.Daily talk


1)The research at Sunqiao produces seeds which / that help farmers grow better crops.

2)People who/that live in cities used to regard farming as boring and backward.

3)They appear amazed to see the vegetables which Sunqiao grows without using soil..

4)The farmers who/that/whom it has helped now have bigger and better harvest.

5)The way you look at people doesn?t give them a good impression.

II. Performance:


The teacher who/ that teaches us spoken English is from Australia

The girl (who/ whom) I met on the street was one of my classmates.

The person about whom you asked just now is Mr.Li.


1)先行词是one, ones, anyone, those, persons, people时

Anyone who breaks the laws should be punished.

I don?t like the ones who are not honest.

2). 如果两个从句中,其中一个关系代词已用that,另一个用who。

The man that was praised by the manager who is in charge of the department works hard

3) 当先行词为人称代词时

He who doesn?t have a dream makes nothing.

He who doesn?t reach the great wall is not a true man.

4) 用在非限制性定语从句

I like to talk with him, who is very learned.

Do you like the singer, who you are going to interview?



Is she the girl (whom) you often play badminton with?

Is she the girl with whom you often play badminton with?


I really hope to meet the girl, whom you often refer to.

My grandfather has four sons, two of whom are farmers.

3. whose

1) whose是代词的所有格,它既可以指代人,也可以指代物,指物时,可以用the + n. + of which/whom替换。This is the little boy whose mother was killed in the accident.

2) 用在非限制性定语从句

The building ,whose wall / the wall of which is white, is my uncle?s

The old man, whose only son /the son of whom died in the war, lives alone

4. which 只指物,不指人,

The house which is opposite is empty.

Where are my shoes (which) I bought yesterday?


1) 关系代词前有介词,不能用that替换,也不能省略。

The chair in which I often sit is made of fine wood.

=The chair (which/ that ) I often sit in is made of fine wood.

The shopping center in which she works is near.

=The shopping center in which she works is near.

2) 有两个定语从句,其中一个的关系代词用了that

What do you think of my new computer that I bought from the company which belongs to Simon?


What is that which is under the desk?

Those which are useless should be thrown away.

4)引导非限制性定语从句, 指代主句或部分主句,通常放从句后。

The Beatles held a concert in London, which attracted lots of fans.

My brother came back, which made us happy.

5. as

1)通常用在such … as … , the same…as …, as…as, so…as结构中。as在句中可以作主语、宾语和表语,指人或物,不能省略

Sandy is not such a person as is irresponsible.

Such society as you describe doesn?t exist at all.

My hometown is not the same as it used to be.

注:① the same … as…, the same … that …的区别:


This is the same watch as I lost.Where did you buy it?

This is the same watch that I lost. Please return it to me.

② such …as, such …that…的区别:


It is such a difficult problem as no one can work out.

It is such a difficult problem that no one can work it out.

2)用在非限制性定语从句里面,表示“正如……那样”,指代主句或部分主句,可放句首或句末,放在句末时,通常可以和which 引导的非限制性定语从句互换。

As everybody knows, the earth is round.

=The earth is round, as everybody knows.

= The earth is round, which everybody knows.

As was expected beforehand, the concert was very successful.

= The concert was very successful, as was expected beforehand.

= The concert was very successful, which was expected beforehand.

6. but用在限制性定语从句中,可指人或物,作主语,主句必须为有否定句或疑问句,but=

that…not 或who…not

There is nobody but has his faults.

There is no rule but has some exceptions.

III. Promotion:




Sixth Period (Grammar)

Teaching Aims: to enable students

1.to review the vocabulary and phrases

2.to learn grammar— Relative clauses with relative adverb as Ad.

Teaching Contents: P80-81

Teaching Procedures:


1.Daily talk


1) I?ll never forget the time when/durin g which we worked together.

2)The day, when / on which we will have a get-together is coming.

3)We will never forget the day when we join the party.

4) The hotel where / at which we stayed was the best one in this area..

5) The reason why I didn?t go to school is that I was ill.

I?ll never forget the time when/during which we worke d together.

The day, when / on which we will have a get-together is coming.

We will never forget the day when we join the party.

2 where作地点状语,先行词多为表地点的词。

We visited the place where / in which Marx was born.

The hotel where / at which we stayed was the best one in this area.


The pilot was in the situation where he lost the control of the plane.


?This is the house. I was born in the house.

?=This is the house where I was born.


?=This is the house which I was born in.

?=This is the house in which I was born.


3 why 作原因状语,先行词只能是reason。


He refused to tell us the reason why / for which he did so.

Was that the reason why /for which you chose it?

The reason why I called is to invite you to a party.

Do you believe the reason _____he gave you yesterday?




1.such … as…“像……一样的”,“像……之类”the same…as…“和……同样的

在着两个句型中,as是关系代词,其中such & same做定语,修饰主句的名词、代词,这个名词是这个定语从句的先行词,as在从句中担任主、宾、表。

例如:This is the same thing as we are in need of.

Such people as you say are short now.

2. …such as…such为代词,意思为”这样的人/物“,as修饰先行词such。

例如:This book is not such as I hope.

3. the same…as…/the same… that… “用一个”

as that都引导定语从句。意思几乎相同。但从句中省去谓语是必须用as.

例如:She is the same age as you

that you are.

4. …,as… “有些”

在这里,as引导非限定性定语从句,相当于which引导的非限定性定语从句,有时可互换。例如:He is from Beijing, as/which they know from the way he speaks.


1. what不引导定语从句I want to give you what I have.(宾语从句)

2. 先行词被the same 修饰时,关系代词既可用that, 也可用as.但意义不同,前者表示“同一的”,后者表示“同样的”。

3. 关系副词when/where/why其含义相当于on which/in which/for which等可交替使用。如:The day when/on which I met him first was May 1st.


例如:The sun, which gives us light, is very big.

III.Promotion: Exercise

1.This is all ___I know about the matter.

A. that

B. what

C. who

D. whether

2Is there anything else _____you require?

A. which

B. that

C. who

D. what

3.The last place _____we visited was the Great Wall.

A. which

B. hat

C. where

D. it

4.He talked happily about the men and books_____ interested him greatly in the school.

A. which

B. that

C. it

D. whom

5.There is no dictionary _____ you can find everything.

A. that

B. which

C. where

D. in that

6.This is one of the best books_______.

A. that have ever been written

B. that has ever been written

C. that has written

D. that have written

7.He wrote a letter to me, telling me everything ___ he saw on the way to the Paris.

A. what

B. that

C. which

D. where

8.Is oxygen the only gas ____helps fire burn?

A. hat


C. which

D. it

9.Is there anything _____to you?

A. that is belonged

B. that belongs

C. which belongs

D. that belong

10.The scientist and his achievements ______ you told me about are admired by us all.

A. which

B. that

C. who

D. whose

11.Which of the books ______were borrowed from him is the best?

A. which

B. what

C. hat

D. whose

IV. Summary

V. Assignment: 1. 2.

Reflection/ Feedback:

Seventh Period

Teaching Aims: to enable students

1.To review the vocabulary and phrases

2.to learn grammar— Relative clauses

Teaching Contents: P80-81

Teaching Procedures:


1.Daily talk


1) I shall never forget the day when we first met.

2) His father died the year(that/when/in which) he was born.

3) The reason why he came so early is his own affair.

4) As is known to all, the meeting is very successful.

5) As we know, smoking is harmful to our health.

II. Performance Exercise

1.Do you know who lives in the building ______ there?s a well?

A. in front of it

B. in front of whose

C. in front of which

D. in front which

2.I?ll never forget the day____ I joined the League.

A. on which

B. in which

C. which

D. at which

3.The woman _____my brother spoke just now is my teacher.

A. who

B. to whom

C. to who D whom

4.Jeanne was her old friend, ____she borrowed a necklace.

A. from who

B. from whom

C. to that

D. to whom

5.His glasses, _____ e was like a blind man, fell to the ground and broke its leg.

A. which

B. with which

C. without which

D. that

6.she is a teacher of much knowledge, _____much can be learned.

A. who

B. that

C. from which

D. from whom

7.He built a telescope _____he could study the skies.

A. in which

B. with that

C. through which

D. by it

8.Do you know the reason ____he was late?

A. that

B. which

C. for what

D. for which

9.I have bought two ballpens, ____ writes well.

A.none of which

B.neither of which

C.none of them

D.neither of them

10.The Second World War _____ millions of people were killed ended in 1945.

A.during which

B. in that

C. where

D.on which

11.China has many rivers, ____ the Changjiang River is the longest.


B. in which

C.among which

D. one of which

12.This is the very knife_____I used to cut apples yesterday.


B.by which


D.with which

Exercise 2:Fill in the blanks with proper preposition.

1.The speed____which you d rive your car mustn?t be too high.

2.In the park there are many flowers,the colour_____ which is bright and nice.

3.The little girl is reading a book, _____ which there are many pictures.

4.What were the things_______which he was not too sure?

5.They held a meeting, ____which the hospital director made a speech.

6.The book, ____ which he paid $6, is worth reading.

7.Is this the man____whose house the police found the lost colored TV?

8.The villagers dug along tunnel _______ which they could go to the fields without being found by the Japanese soldiers.

9.Wu Dong,_____whom I went to the concert, enjoyed it very

III. Promotion:

1.______was natural,he married Jenny.





2.Such signs ____we use in the experiment _____ Greek letters.

A.as ,are




3.I passed him a large glass of whisky,_____ he drank immediately .





4.She is very good at dance,____everybody knows.





5.It was raining, _____was a pity.



C.the which


6.______has been said above, grammar is a set of dead rules.





7.We do the same work_____they do.





8.The earth is round, _____ we all know.




D. as

结论1: as ,which均可以引出非限制性定语从句,如都指前一句话的意思,二者可以互换.as 引导的从句可以放在句首,as 本身有“正如…..正象…”. 一类的含义. 与之连用的词有know, see, expect, announce, point out等.此外,在the same…as…such….as….中as引导的是限制性定语从句.



1A.Is this the factory_____you visited last year?

B. Is this factory____you visited last year?



c.in which

d.the one

2.A.Mr Smith is one of those foreigners who____

working in China.

B.Mr Smith is the only one of those foreigners

who____working in China.





3.A.Don?t discuss questions such_____those.

B.Let?s discuss only the questions______we are interest ed in.




d.about which

4.A. All____I need is a good rest. a.What b.All what

B. ____I need is a good rest. c.that d.Which

5.A.Pisa is a city, ___ has a leaning tower.

B.Pisa is a city,____there is a leaning tower.





6.A.This is the place____we visited last year.

B.This the place____we worked last year.



c. in that


7.A.The news____he told us was very exciting.

B.He has brought us the news____our team has won the game.





8.It is in a box____I have hidden my money.

We?ll go___we are needed.


b.in which


d.in it

V. Assignment Grammar exercise book

Feedback /Reflection

Eighth Period (Grammar)

Teaching Aims: to enable students

1to review the vocabulary and phrases

2.to learn the difference between the relative clause and the Appositive clause

Teaching Contents: Additional Exercises.

Teaching Procedures:


1. Daily talk

2. Dictation

1) II. Performance:

1.The king?s decision that he would get married again surprised all the people.

2. The order that the prisoner should be set free was given by the general.

3. He got the news from Mary that the whole class would begin the farming activity.

4. Word came that all the students should learn German instead of their native language.



从句中的that 是连词,只起连接主句与从句的作用,不充当句中任何成分。

b. 定语从句是形容词性1,其功能是修饰先行词,对先行词加以限定,描述它的性质或特



1. The news that he told me was very amusing.


2. the news that Tom would act as Hamlet was very amusing.


III. Promotion: Grammar Book


V. Assignment: Exercise bookP31-32

Feedback /Reflection

Ninth Period ( Listening)

Teaching Aims: to enable students

1.to train Ss to understand orders in a restaurant

2.to learn listening skills

Teaching contents: sentence pattern, short messages

Teaching Procedures:

I. Pre-instruction:

Lead-in: In this section, students will hear a recording of some customers ordering dishes at a restaurant.

Then, they will fill in an order form according to the information they have heard.

II. Performance

1.New words: order form订购单the total cos t总花费menu n. 菜单

2. Listen to the tape twice and try to finish this task.

Since this is a real-life speaking task, it is very important for Ss to engage in realistic role-play as waiters/waitresses and customers.

Ask Ss to imagine that they are starving. When they finally get to a restaurant to order food, the waiters and waitresses can only speak English. However, it is the only restaurant available.

3.Check the answers

III. Promotion:

1.Elicit from Ss useful words and expressions used by waiters /waitresses and customers in a


2.Then ask Ss to work in groups. Each group should assign one or two people to be waiters /

waitresses, and three or four people to be friends eating at a restaurant.

3.To familiarize Ss with the words and expressions for ordering food, ask them to create

dialogues in pairs. One student will act as the waiter / waitress and the other as the customer. IV. Summary

V. Assignment:


Tenth Period ( writing)

Teaching Aims: to enable students

1.to review grammar

2.to learn a sentence pattern

3.to learn to write short messages---A recipe

Teaching contents: sentence pattern, short messages

Teaching Procedures:


1. Review (students)

2.To learn the new words:

recipe n.食谱ingredient n.. 配料rub v. 擦,抹poke v.戳

scoop v. 用勺子舀mash v. 捣烂,捣碎wrapper n. (饺子)皮

filling n. 馅minced pork 肉末spring onion葱sauce n.调料

soya sauce酱油vinegar n. 醋garlic n. 大蒜


1.Lead-in: This section teaches Ss the format of recipes. They should be able to read and

produce recipes after they are finished.

1.Ask Ss to review how to explain a process before teaching this section.

2.Ask individual Ss to introduce some really simple recipes to the class, such as how to fry

an egg or make dumplings.

3.Have Ss look at the pictures and text in the Student?s Book. They should be able to

explain what information should be included in such a text, such as the various kinds of

materials needed and the cooking procedures.

4.Then lead Ss orally through the writing task so that they ill know what to write.

III. Promotion

1. Ask Ss to produce a recipe for their favourite dish. They can do it with the help of their parents at home.

2. Ask Ss to exchange their recipes with others

IV. Summary

V. Assignment 1. Exercise Book P

2. Each student should try out some recipes provided by others when they are at home during the weekend. Feedback /Reflection

Eleventh Period (revision 1)

Teaching Aims: to enable students

1.to review the text and vocabulary

2.to review grammar

3.to check supplementary exercises

Teaching Procedures:

I. Pre-instruction: Review the vocabulary and phrases by doing translation:

1fun food.

2. the changing colors of our crops

3.Sunqiao Modern Agricultural Development Zone

4.become more colorful

5.natural sources of water

6.with white agriculture

7. sth. be used to do sth. else

8. hold up

9. a mixture of

10. make the best use of

11. an experimental research facility

12. involve doing

13. more profitable

14. farming techniques

15. man-made chemicals

16. new varieties of

17. economic benefits

18. reguard…as

19.modern technology

20. .amazed to do sth

II. Performance: check supplemental exercises of exercise-book

III. Promotion::


V. Assignment:

1.preview reading material on P and look up new words in a dictionary

2.finish Ex.A1,A2 on P

Feedback /Reflection

Twelfth Period (reading material)


年级九年级课题29.1投影课型新授教学媒体多媒体 教学目标知识 技能 1.了解投影的有关概念,能根据光线的方向辨认物体的投影. 2.了解平行投影和中心投影的区别. 3.了解正投影的含义,能根据正投影的性质画出简单的平面图形的正投影 过程 方法 通过探索物体与其投影关系的活动,培养动手实践能力,发展空间想象能力情感 态度 通过对物体投影的学习,提高学习热情,增强探究意识,应用意识. 教学重点了解正投影的含义及能根据正投影的性质画出简单的平面图形的正投影 教学难点归纳正投影的性质,正确画出简单平面图形的正投影 教学程序及教学内容师生行为设计意图 一、情境引入 物体在日光或灯光 的照射下,会在地 面、墙壁等处形成影 子,影子与物体的形 状有密切的关系. 二、自主探究 (一)基本概念 1.观察图片,尝试叙述:投影、投影线、投影面. 2.师明确叙述,生举生活实例. 3.简述皮影戏、日晷与投影. (二)投影分类 1.下图表示一块三角尺在光线照射下形成投影,观察图形,找异同. 2.师明确叙述中心投影、平行投影,辨别下图中哪个是平行投影,哪个是中心投影?二者有什么区别? 3.图(2)(3)的投影线与投影面的位置关系有什么区别? 结论:图(1)中的投影线集中于一点,形成中心投影; 图(2) (3)中,投影线互相平行,形成平行投影; 图(2)中,投影线斜着照射投影面; 图(3)中投影线垂直照射投影面〔即投影线正对着投影面). 指出:在平行投影中,如果投射线垂直于投影面,那么这种投影就称为正投影. 3.平行投影与正投影之间什么关系? (三)线、面、体的正投影 1、如图,把一根直的细铁丝(记为线段AB)放在三个不同位置: (1)铁丝平行于投影面; (2)铁丝倾斜于投影面, (3)铁丝垂直于投影面(铁丝不一定要与投影面有公共点). 三种情形下铁丝的正投影各是什么形状 通过观察,我们可以发现; (1)当线段AB平行于投影面P 时,它的正投影是线段A1B1,线段与它 的投影的大小关系为 AB = A1B1 (2)当线段AB倾斜于投影面P时,它的正投影是线段A2B2,线段与它的投影的大小关系为AB > A2B2 (3)当线段AB垂直于投影面P时,它的正投影是一个点A3教师提出问题,学 生举例 教师组织学生按照 探究要求进行活 动,并逐步完善对 概念的叙述. 生说皮影戏、日晷 师补充 在学生独立思考、 讨论的基础上给出 中心投影、平行投 影的概念. 教师进行必要点 拨,明确异同,学 生聆听,进一步完 善探究到的结论. 激起学生的好奇 心,探索欲望. 通过观察图片,建 立感性认识,再通 过语言描述建立理 性认识(概念) 了解中华文化 爱国主义教育 让学生亲自进行观 察,分析,探究, 得到结论,培养学 生的分析判断能力. 结合图片,对比辨 析加深理解和印象 让学生充分暴露自 己的问题,兵教 兵、广参与,同提 高


《劳动与实践》教学计划 一、指导思想 一是以《基础教育课程改革纲要》精神为指导,积极探索课程改革新路,着眼于改变课程结构过于强调学科本位和缺乏整合的现状,发展学生的全面素质,满足学生成长的需要,培养学生成为社会需要的人才,促进办学特色的形成。二是以学生的兴趣和直接经验为基础,以与学生学习生活和社会生活密切相关的各类现实性、综合性、实践性问题为内容,以研究性学习为主导学习方式,以培养学生的创新精神、实践能力及体现对知识的综合运用为主要目的。开设综合实践活动旨在让学生联系生活实际和社会实际,通过亲身体验进行学习,积累和丰富直接经验。培养学生的创新精神和终身学习的能力;增强学生对自然、对社会和对自我的责任感;拓展教学活动空间和活动内容;引导学生在生活中学习、在实践中学习、在应用中学习,并主动参与社会、生活。为学知识、生活、技能的整合建立了操作平台,为学生综合素质的提高提供了可能。 二、活动目的要求 1.增进学生对自然的了解与认识,增强关爱自然、保护环境的思想意识和能力。 (1)走进自然,增进对自然的了解与认识,理解人与自然的内在联系。 (2)关心自然环境,自主探究自然问题,具有环保意识; (3)参与环境保护的活动,增强环境保护能力。 2.主动积极地参与社会活动和社区服务,增进对社会的了解与认识,增强社会实践能力,并形成社会责任感和义务感。 (1)走入社会,增进对社会的了解与认识,理解个体与社会的关系; (2)关心社会现实,主动探究社会问题,积极参与力所能及的社区活动,

服务社会,发展社会实践能力; (3)遵守社会行为规范,养成社会交往能力,学会与他人共同生活、工作; (4)关心他人,关心社会,具有服务社会的意识和对社会负责的态度。 3.掌握基本的生活技能和劳动技术,具有自我认识能力,养成负责的生活态度。 (1)反省自我,增进自我认识,确立自信,树立人生理想,积极进取。 (2)掌握基本生活技能,学会适应社会生活,养成负责的生活态度; (3)了解与认识现代生产和劳动技术,端正劳动态度,形成良好的劳动习惯。 4.进行课题实验和课题研究等。在广泛的调查、采访和实践过程中不断积累丰富的各种知识,撰写实践性的记录等。发展主动获得知识和信息的能力,养成主动获得信息的学习习惯和主动探究的态度,发展信息素养、探究能力和创造精神。 (1)学会自主提出问题、制定获得方案,并组织实施; (2)形成自主收集信息和处理信息的能力; (3)开展问题探究,体验探究过程,对感兴趣的自然问题、社会问题和自我问题进行深度探究; (4)养成主动探究的习惯,形成问题意识,发展探究能力和创新精神。 三、课程目标 1.情感目标:通过开展综合实践活动,培养学生对社会生活的积极态度和参与综合实践活动的兴趣。 2.知识目标:通过引导学生主动探究,亲身体验实践,开阔视野,了解信息技术、劳动技术、社区服务和探究法的一些常识。



综合实践课教案 银达镇中心小学赵艳荣 课题:衣服的学问 教学目的: 1.知道衣服在生活中的重要性,知道人人都离不开的衣服里有很多学问。 2.试着为衣服分分类,看看不同的衣物面料有哪些不同的性能。 3.学学扎染的技法技巧。 教学重点: 1.认识各种各样的衣服。 2.比较不同面料的性能。 教学难点: 了解扎染的基本工序,学会扎染的技法技巧。 教学过程: 第1课时 活动一认识各种各样的衣服 生1:为了御寒,我穿过棉袄、毛衣、羽绒服,现在的衣服品种可真多呀! 生2:是呀,我们一起作个调查,给调查到的衣服分分类吧,对以后自己挑选和整理衣服很有帮助呢! 1.小调查。 学生分组对家中和商场里的各种衣服作个调查,作好记录。 2.交流调查发现。 学生说说在调查中有什么收获。 3.给衣服分类。

让学生从不同角度对各种各样的衣服进行分类,了解这些衣服的不同功能,加深对衣服的认识。 4.填写第103页的学习单。 第2课时 活动二比较不同面料的性能 生1:妈妈总说,纯棉的衣服结实,透气性好。 生2:真的吗那其他面料怎么样我们一起来用实验判断吧! 1.明确实验目的。 学生分组选择常见的几种面料,如纯棉、羊毛、化纤……从各方面对它们进行比较:哪种面料更结实、哪种面料容易吸汗…… 2.设计简单的实验。 学生分组设计实验,比比哪种面料更结实、哪种面料吸水性更强,区分纯羊毛和其他材料。 3.实验并得出结论。 学生根据实验方案分组进行实验,得出结论。 4.填写第107页的学习单。 第3课时 活动三我的扎染作品 生1:我在商店看到过扎染的裙子,很漂亮。 生2:我们可以自己动手,做一条扎染的方巾,送给妈妈作礼物。1.欣赏扎染作品。 出示收集的扎染作品图片及第108页的扎染作品,让学生进行欣赏,说说扎染作品的图案有什么特点。 2.了解基本的扎染工序。 学生看书,了解扎染的基本工序,教师进行适当补充。


涉外商贸学院 教案 艺术设计学院所在单位 电脑辅助设计教研室所属教研室

住宅空间设计名课程称 师教课授秦学军 1 《住宅空间设计》教案 一、课程性质:专业基础必修课 二、总学时∕学分:54学时∕4学分 三、课程类型:理论课()实践(含实验)课(√) 四、学时分配:理论课( 10 )学时实践(含实验)课( 44 )学时 五、授课专业、层次:2010环境艺术设计专科 六、本课程的教学目的和要求: 通过《住宅空间设计》课程的教学,引导学生掌握室内设计操作技巧和方法,培养学生在室内设计学习过程中基本操作能力,使学生通过课堂学习和项目实训熟练地掌握家居设计的过程和创意表现的专业技能。 七、本课程的教学重点、难点 1.课程重点 让学生通过对室内设计原理的讲授,使学生了解室内设计,从而为今后的室内设计提供了设计的理论依据,并为室内设计打下扎实的理论基础。 2.课程难点 实际现场观察与测量及业主的沟通,平面图介绍、平面功能分区,家居布置与平面尺寸及装修材料的选用等。 八、教材和参考书 1.《居住空间设计实训》,孔小丹编著,东方出版中心, 2010年7月 2.《室内设计原理》,来增祥编著,重庆大学出版社,2010年4月第2版

2 《住宅空间设计》教案内容 一、章节内容:第一章室内设计理论知识 二、课时:8学时 三、教学目的 本章让学生通过对室内设计原理的讲授,使学生了解室内设计,从而为今后的室内设计提供了设计的理论依据,并为室内设计打下扎实的理论基础。 四、教学重点与难点 本章重点:掌握室内设计的含义、内容、程序及室内装潢、室内装修、室内设计概念的区别,家居设计功能分区,家居照明照度的控制。 本章难点:家居设计中人体工程学的应用,灯具布局,室内色彩的设定。 五、教学方法:身教胜于言教,教师在讲授理论知识的同时,应注重技法的示范辅导,及时解决和纠正学生在学习过程中的偏差和困难。鉴于住宅室内设计的特殊性,在教学中应须注意:(1)因材施教 (2)多媒体理论讲解 (3)实地考察 (4)命题方案设计 (5)讨论 六、教学过程设计 1.室内设计介绍 (1)室内设计的含义 室内设计是将人们的环境意识与审美意识相结合,从建筑内部把握空间进行设计的一项活动。室内设计是根据室内的使用性质和所处的环境,运用物质材料、工艺技术及艺术手段,创造出功能合理、舒适美观,符合人的生理、心理需求的内部空间;赋予使用者愉悦的,便于生活、工作、学习的理想的居住与工作环境。 (2)室内装潢、室内装修、室内设计概念的区别 室内装潢从视觉效果的角度来看,指室内地面、墙面、顶棚等各界面的色彩处理、装饰材料的作用及配置效果。室内装修着重于工程技术、施工工艺和构造做法等方面的研究。室内设计指综合的室内环境设计,除室内装修、室内设计两项内容外,还包括氛围、意境等心理环境和个性 特色等文化环境方面的创造。 3 (3)室内设计的内容 室内设计的内容见图1-1。


小学综合实践活动《感恩父母》案例 一、确定课题(教师讲话录像) 在一次《感恩父母》的主题班会上,当谈到“滴水之恩当涌泉相报,我们应孝敬感恩父母时”发现了许多问题。有的说父母的养育子女是应该的,有的说没必要欠他们的亲情,等他们老了,我们还得照顾他们。而且争议很大。有一个学生突然提议:“我们把这些问题当作这一学期的小课题进行研究不是更好吗?”其余学生积极响应,于是《感恩父母》的课题研究产生了。 二、制定方案 确定了课题接下来开始制定研究方案。(室内录像) 师:同学们,大家都看看自己的衣服,是谁给买的、做的? 生:爸爸、妈妈、爷爷、奶奶。 师:父母是我们最亲最近的人,他们为了我们的成长付出很多,我们应该感谢他们。所以,我们这学期的课题研究就是《感恩父母》。你想知道、研究哪方面的内容。 生:感恩父母是中华民族的传统美德,我想知道古代人是怎么孝敬的。(上网查询:二十四孝故事),〈黄香温席〉 生:我想知道父母为我们付出的艰辛。(医院:十月怀胎、养育、敬老院) 生:我想知道现在的大人、孩子是如何感恩父母的?(采访大人、发放调查问卷)〈小品〉 生:我想知道感恩父母的诗、歌有哪些?(图书室查资料)〈诗朗诵、感恩的心〉。 师:请同学们分别到自己感兴趣的课题研究小组制定自己的研究方案吧。 分组制定研究方案(提前备好成品) 三、分头行动

活动方案制定好了,接下来就是我们行动的时候了。有的小组来到图书室查资料,有的小组上网查资料,有的发放问卷进行调查,有的采访,到处都是同学们忙碌的身影。 1、研究“父母付出知多少”的小组,来到医院,请教父母怀胎十月的经过。(采访视频) 生;医生阿姨您好!我们是中心小学“感恩父母”课题研究小组的学生。我们想向您请教母亲怀胎十月的过程。 医生:好的。… 生:这么一个漫长的过程,妈妈太辛苦了。 医生:对呀,没有妈妈艰辛的怀胎过程就没有我们,所以,孩子们一定要孝敬自己的母亲呀。 生:我们一定会的。谢谢阿姨,再见。 2、“当代人感恩父母知多少”小组来到百岁寿星家中采访。 (1)生:奶奶(爷爷)您好。我们是中心小学的学生。您是我们镇上的寿星了,我们想请教您几个问题? 老人:说吧。 生:您今年高寿呀? 老人: 生:您这么大的年纪身体还这样好,这一定于您的孩子有关吧 老人: 生:您的孩子平时是怎么孝敬您的? 老人: 生:您的孩子都很孝顺,我真为您高兴。


《公共空间设计》 课程代码:zh012 课程类别:专业技能课 学 分:5 总 学 时:80 适用专业:装潢艺术设计 一、前 言 (一) 课程性质 1、课程性质与作用 该课程是装潢艺术设计专业二年二期学生的室内设计课程,教学对象学习过工程制图、设计表现、室内设计原理等课程,具备一定的专业设计与制作能力。本课程属专业必修课,是专业核心技术课程模块之一。 2、前导和后续课程 图1:前导及后续课程 (二)课程设计思路 本课程以办公类、商业类、餐饮类、休闲类、展览类、娱乐类空间设计项目为载体贯穿始终,利用项目的执行,将公共空间的类型与特征、公共空间的设计方法、设计流程及手绘方案表现、AUTO CAD 、3Ds MAX 相关软件的运用等相关知识与技能按照项目流程及技术方法需要在各子项目和任务中进行嵌入与引导,指导学生完成项目任务,形成课程可展示成果。 校企双方教师以学生完成项目的操作过程、阶段性成果和项目成果综合质量来评定学生课程成绩。作品完成后,组织对作品进行适当的陈设、展示,使学生形成必要的成就感。 前导课程 室内设计原理 室内设计制图 室内设计表现 后续课程 公共空间设计 专题设计 毕业设计 顶岗实习

二、课程目标 (一)知识目标 1、知道公共空间的基本种类; 2、了解地域经济、文化对相关公共空间的影响; 3、了解国家或行业协会对公共空间设计的相关技术标准与要求; 4、了解室内设计行业新技术、新工艺与新材料的发展与基本用途; 5、理解各类公共空间的特定功能; 6、掌握室内设计相关原理、图纸规范; 7、掌握空间形态的组合方式与设计方法。 (二)能力目标 通过导入与实施项目,学生能运用公共空间特定功能、表现形式、装饰工程要求等相关知识,根据室内设计相关的技术标准等要求,按照空间设计的基本流程、设计手法和操作规范,利用手绘表现、计算机CAD、3Dsmax软件平台相关技术,完成符合课程项目要求的设计图纸,预设效果,最后编制设计说明,并与相关图纸一起装订成册。 (三)素质目标 1、表达与交流能力——在项目执行过程中需保持有效的口头沟通、项目组内工作的有效衔接、设计方案的有效陈述与说明; 2、知识产权维护能力——在项目执行过程中,坚持设计的原创性,注意保护设计成果的知识产权,并不窃取他人的设计成果; 3、执行力——能够正确理解项目任务书相关要求,能够正确的按照设计计划方案执行相关任务,按时、按质地完成并提供阶段性可展示成果; 4、职业道德和敬业精神——按时到岗,保持岗位的整洁,图纸摆放、收纳、整理有序,形成有效的技术档案,树立良好的知识产权维护意识; 5、组织能力——保持项目组内工作的有效衔接,各岗位之间保持有序、有效的负责关系,保障项目的正常实施; 6、操作规范——遵循室内设计工作室计算机、打印机、扫描仪等相关设备操作规范。 三、课程学习内容与学时分配 (一)课程总体设计 通过本课程的学习,使学生理解公共空间设计的基本理论知识,掌握公共空间设计的基本流程和设计手法,为其胜任室内设计师的工作奠定基础。 本课程共计80学时,分为6个教学单元,教学单元、任务及学时分配设计具体见表1。


综合实践活动教案一 活动主题:我们身边的塑料 一、活动背景:塑料从诞生到现在虽算不上历史悠久,但塑料制品却已遍布世界各个角落,成为我们日常生活中离不开的东西。塑料的发明极大地方便了人类的生活,但也给自然环境造成了很大污染。认识塑料,了解塑料不仅能使孩子们加强实践能力、拓展知识面,而且活动的过程中还能加强环保意识。因此设计了本次活动。 二、活动目标: 1、使同学们具有关注社会、关注自然的良好品质,加强同学们的环保意识。 2 、培养孩子们的实践能力和创新意识,拓展知识面。 3 、培养孩子们善于观察力、善于发现、善于思考的学习品质和参与活动的积极性、自信心。 三、活动过程:创设活动情境: 1、很高兴又和同学们一起进行综合实践活动,让我们一起关注生活,走进科学。教师说:在上周,我在上下班的路上留意到一种现象,其实这种现象平时也存在,只是这回格外的触动我,是什么呢?我们一起来看看。出示照片。 2、你们觉得在我们生活中这种现象多吗?哪来那么多塑料袋呢?你们有没有过这种现象呢?在我们泰州,生活中有很多陋习人们都已经习以为常了。什么叫陋习?不文明的、不合理的习惯。比如;(让学生说)随地吐痰、顺手扔垃圾等但很少有人觉得不正常,是不是?但往往正是因为人们不以为然、满不在乎才会导致严重的后果,你们说对吗? 3、现在我给同学们挖一个智力陷阱,看你会不会身陷其中?怎么样,敢不敢接招?请听题(音乐2下):白纸、白布废弃后是不是“白色污染”?(同学们说一说自己所了解的“白色污染”)目前,“白色污染”困扰着世界上许多个国家确确实实为我们人类出了一大难题,但是,这个难题被我攻克了。 我决定:向联合国卫生组织倡议一下:世界各国一律禁止生产塑料制品,你们看咋样? 4、学生一定会就塑料的好处发表看法。教师也可拿实物对同学们进行提示:吉他、跳绳等。 照片:百叶窗、电视、滑板车、钢琴、汽车方向盘等。 教师将准备好的教具贴在黑板上:吃、喝、穿、玩儿、乐器、装饰材料、交通工具、家用电器、家具、农业等。 教师说:看来,塑料在我们生活中真是无处不在。塑料在我们的生活中应用这么广,它是不是有什么特殊的本领呢?它的诞生给我们人类带来的到底是祸还是福呢?怎么样?想进一步了解塑料吗?先给我们这次活动起一个主题吧! 5、确立活动主题的名字 6、给同学们思考讨论的时间,明确自己最想探究的内容。教师下去指导,适当引导同学们拓展思路。 7、全班同学进行交流,提出问题。教师将其一一写在黑板上。指导同学们自己进行归纳整理。


五年级综合实践课 一、观察蚂蚁 一、教学目标: 过程与方法: 1 会用文字等多种方法观察记录蚂蚁。 2能倾听其他同学的想法和建议,并与他人交换意见。 3 能对蚂蚁的形态和行为特征提出问题,并选择适合自己探究的问题。 知识与技能: 1知道蚂蚁的外形特征和行为习性。 情感、态度与价值观: 体验到探究蚂蚁秘密的乐趣。 愿意与他人合作并交流想法。 二、教学重点、难点: 会用文字等多种方法观察记录蚂蚁。 教学时间: 2课时 教学准备: 教师、学生准备:干净的瓶子、筷子、糖水、放大镜、肉、苹果、米饭、奶糖、植物的种子、死昆虫、喷水壶等。 教学过程: 一、指导捉蚂蚁。 1、准备几只干净的瓶子。 2、用筷子前端沾点糖水,靠近蚂蚁。 3、蚂蚁一上来,就把它甩进瓶子。 二、观察并描述蚂蚁的外形特征。 1、指导学生用放大镜观察蚂蚁。 2、学生分组自己观察。 3、指导学生把观察结果写在或画在活动记录上。 三、研究不同蚁穴中的蚂蚁的相处情况。 1、教师指导实验方法: ①把不同地方捉到的两只蚂蚁放在一起,观察它们的反映。 ②再多放几只试试,注意使数量不等。 2、学生分组研究。 3、学生分组汇报研究结果。(活动结束,告诉学生把蚂蚁放回到捉它的地方) 四、研究蚂蚁的食性。 1、教师指导实验方法: 把苹果、米饭、奶糖、死昆虫等多种物品放在一群蚂蚁的周围,观察什么食物吸引过去的蚂蚁最多。 2、各小组实验。 3、各小组汇报研究结果,教师把各组的结果汇总板书。 4、全班统计结果。分析蚂蚁吃什么。 五、研究下雨时蚂蚁的反应。 1、教师指导实验方法: 用喷水壶模拟下小雨。观察蚂蚁在下雨时的反应。 2、分组研究观察。


课题:2.9投影(二) 九年级数学备课组刘德武 一、教学目标: 1、了解正投影的概念; 2、能根据正投影的性质画出简单的平面图形的正投影 3、培养动手实践能力,发展空间想象能力。 二、教学重、难点 教学重点:正投影的含义及能根据正投影的性质画出简单的平面图形的正投影教学难点:归纳正投影的性质,正确画出简单平面图形的正投影 三、教学过程: (一)复习引入新课 下图表示一块三角尺在光线照射下形成投影,其中哪个是平行投影哪个是中心投影?图(2) (3)的投影线与投影面的位置关系有什么区别? 解:结论:图(1)中的投影线集中于一点,形成中心投影;图(2) (3)中,投影线互相平行,形成平行投影;图(2)中,投影线斜着照射投影面;图(3)中投影线垂直照射投影面〔即投影线正对着投影面). 指出:在平行投影中,如果投射线垂直于投影面,那么这种投影就称为正投影。(二)合作学习,探究新知 1、如图,把一根直的细铁丝(记为安线段AB)放在三个不同位置: (1)铁丝平行于投影面; (2)铁丝倾斜于投影面, (3)铁丝垂直于投影面(铁丝不一定要与投影面有公共点). 三种情形下铁丝的正投影各是什么形状 通过观察,我们可以发现; (1)当线段AB平行于投影面P时,它的正投影是线段A1B1,线段与它的投影的大小关系为AB = A1B1 (2)当线段AB倾斜于投影面P时,它的正投影是线段A2B2,线段与它的投影的大小关系为AB > A2B2 (3)当线段AB垂直于投影面P时,它的正投影是一个点A3

2、如图,把一块正方形硬纸板P(例如正方形ABCD)放在三个不同位置: (1)纸板平行于投影面; (2)纸板倾斜于投影面; (3)纸板垂直于投影面 结论:(1)当纸板P平行于投影面Q时. P的正投影与P的形状、大小一样; (2)当纸板P倾斜于投影面Q时. P的正投影与P的形状、大小发生变化; (3)当纸板P垂直于投影面Q时. P的正投影成为一条线段. 当物体的某个面平行于投影面时,这个面的正投影与这个面的形状、大小完全相同. 3、例1画出如图摆放的正方体在投影面P上的正投影. (1)正方体的一个面ABCD平行于投影面P图(1); (2)正方体的一个面ABCD倾斜于投影面F,上底面ADEF垂直于投影面P,并且上底面的对角线AE垂直于投影面P图(2). 分析口述画图要领 解答按课本板书 4、练习 (1)P112 练习和习题29.1 1、2、5 5、谈谈收获 三、作业 P113 3、4 四、教学反思:


小学综合实践教案三年 第1课雪娃娃 教学目标; 1,了解家乡的自然景观——雾凇,感受雪文化的魅力 2,最初学习收集和处理某个主题的信息3.培养学生对自然和家乡的热爱 教学重点:学习如何围绕一个主题收集和处理信息教学难点:学会收集和处理信息教学时间:两个课时 第一课时 1,激情介绍: 畅谈:小朋友们,为了让大家享受冰雪世界的美丽和快乐,了解我们家乡的冰雪文化,让我们举办一个班级冰雪节,让我们赶快为班级冰雪节活动做好准备! 2,分组 将全班分成以下几组:冰雪节活动准备组 家乡雾凇奇观图片资料收集组家乡冰雪运动图片资料收集组冰雪故事组冰雪工具准备组3,活动设计 1 小组合作研究活动设计方案报告交换设计计划赞扬团队出色的设计。四、布置冰雪节主会场 5,宣布冰雪娃娃快乐冰雪节开幕1.快乐冰雪节活动时间表2,冰

雪节开幕式3,冰雪节风光游4,冰雪游乐场 2 二班 1,交流与分享 1。在活动设计和准备的过程中,你感觉如何?2.向每个人谈论你的感受第二,活动延续 1。在下面写下收集的关于雪的最喜欢的诗歌和谚语。诗歌:单词:谚语: 2,请用你的小画笔记录下我们班冰雪节最快乐的时刻或最精彩的场景。 3,想一想: 1,人类利用许多自然现象为我们造福,比如风能发电,让我们想想用雪能做什么? 2,让我们用我们的大脑和父母一起发明一种便携式除雪工具。调查除雪剂的环保效果好吗? 3,滑雪的乐趣只能在北方的冬天体验,你能想出一个好办法吗?让我们享受滑雪,即使是在夏天或在南方。 4。吉林雾凇简介 3 第2课OK 10分钟

教学目标: 1,了解课间休息的规则和顺序,积极参与设计健康有趣的课间休息游戏 2、培养创新能力和体验合作活动过程中的乐趣 教学重点:了解课间休息的规则和顺序,积极参与健康有趣的课间休息游戏的设计 教学时间:两节课 第一节课 第一节课,热情介绍 学生,十分钟的课间是一幅图画,等着你画出五彩缤纷的色彩;课间十分钟是另一个自由的世界,等待你去填满快乐的琐事。课间十分钟的休息甚至是音乐的高潮。旅途中有短暂的休息吗??让我们积极参与设计健康有趣的课间游戏。 2,调查活动1:小调查 我们将举行一次主题为“十分钟,我爱你”的班会。看,他们已经开始发送调查问卷了请仔细做 调查问卷 你喜欢在课间玩什么?除了玩游戏,你还做什么?你喜欢和多少人玩 4 你喜欢和异性朋友玩吗?游戏时间对你的课间活动有多长影响?在10分钟的课间休息中,哪些因素会影响你的情绪?


教案 二○一五—二○一六学年第二学期 科目:《公共空间设计》 班级:14环艺班 任课教师:

授课时间第一周课次 1 时数理论( 4 ) 课型 理论+ 实践 类别 核心专 业课实践(0 ) 标题(章节、标号和本课的题目)公共空间设计概论 本次课程所属的项目: 大项目:公共空间设计基础 本单元内容是完成公共空间设计项目所需掌握的专业技能之一,主要开展设计任务的必要知识储备。 教学目标 能力(技能)目标知识目标 通过本次课,让学生掌握满足工装设计师 岗位要求的基本专业技能,1、使学生了解 公共空间设计的思维与特征。 2、初步掌 握公共空间设计的方法。3、公共空间设计 的流程。 1、公共空间设计的方法和设计流 程。 2、掌握公共空间项目设计基本构成 要素,学习公共空间组织方式与原则。 能力训练任务及案例 要求学生自主参观湖北省博物馆、武汉市美术馆、武汉市新科技馆等公共建筑。思考两个问题:家装和工装的主要区别在哪里?不同种类的工装设计依据大致有哪些? 课 前 准 备 相关案例图片(由学生搜集,包括不同功能定位的公共空间实景分析) 参 考 资 料 《公共空间设计》-郑曙旸主编、《室内设计资料集》、《公共空间设计》-侯林主编

特色餐厅设计任务书 一、目的 本项目旨在训练学生设计要素把握的能力。重点学习公共空间中的餐饮空间设计,训练对空间的感知和空间设计的能力,在空间设计的基础上进行界面设计、家具与陈设布置、光与色的设计,创造符合实际需求的餐饮环境。同时了解餐厅家具与人体尺度的关系。 二、设计要求 进行空间界面和建筑装饰细部的设计,空间的划分应满足餐厅空间要求;和工作人员的行动需求,同时按所构思的餐厅主题、环境气氛和风格进行陈设与装饰设计,营造有个性的餐饮环境。 着重考虑和解决以下问题: 1.本案周围是密集的住宅区,且店面不临街。要在比较局促的地段,解决好方案的总体布局(如店面设计、人流的组织等)。 2.设计重点为室内的餐饮空间,提倡以工作流程和用餐习惯来推敲和构思方案,并初步确定要营造的室内环境气氛与建筑风格。 3.满足功能使用和结构合理性要求。如: ①餐桌椅摆放是否满足人体工程学,用餐区分隔是否充分利用空间优势。 ②空间路线是否能够按照工作流程顺畅的安置。 三、功能划分


小学综合实践活动课程《包饺子》教案 一、教学目标 (1)了解包饺子的相关知识,掌握包饺子的基本方法。 (2)引导学生自主探究各种造型饺子的包法,在活动过程中培养学生观察、思维、想象的能力和创造精神,感受劳动的乐趣。 (3)培养学生耐心细致、不怕困难的劳动态度和珍惜劳动成果爱惜粮食的优良品质。 二、教学重难 各种造型饺子的包法 三、课前准备: 学生以小组为单位,准备拌好的饺子馅和饧好的面团、面粉适量,擀面杖每个小组一个,盛放饺子的盘子每组两块,筷子或勺子每人一双(一个),面板每组一个,围裙每人一条、湿巾、盛饺子的塑料袋。 四、教学过程: (一)、揭示课题 1、多媒体出示课题图片:包饺子 同学们,看老师给大家带来的这些饺子怎么样?那你会包饺子吗? 2、介绍经验 谁能说一说你是怎样包饺子的?(邀请包过饺子的同学介绍经验)听了这几位同学的讲述,谁会包饺子了?

看来,光听同学说,就如同“站在岸边学不会游泳”一样,自然是学不会包饺子的。那我们应该怎么办?(让学生懂得得亲自动手做一做才行。) 3、做准备 那么,今天,老师就给大家提供了这样一个场地,你们愿意动手试一试吗?(调动学生的积极性)可是,要想干好一件事,必须得做好准备,包饺子也是同样如此。现在就请大家将包饺子前的准备工作做好。 (二)、包饺子 1、师生共同学习 老师今天给大家带来了一种包饺子的简单的方法,不过我知道有的同学会包饺子,那你看我我们的方法一样吗? (1)拿起饺子皮手弯成窝形放入适量馅, (2)对折成半圆,捏牢中间, (3)由两边向中间封口,用双手拇指和食指按住边。 2、学生自己在组内练习包 3、讨论交流在包的过程中出现的问题,应该如何解决? 4、师强调小结: (1)由于技术不熟练,放馅不能过多; (2)先捏中央,再捏两边,然后由中间向两边将饺子皮边缘挤一下,这样饺子下锅煮时就不会漏汤了。 5、学生再尝试。让每一个学生都能包出完整的饺子。 6、学生欣赏


课程简介Array 一、课程定位 《公共空间设计》是艺术设计专业的核心课 程,该课程根据商业类、餐饮类、娱乐健身类、酒店类等典型公共空间的特定功能,以设计项目工作流程为依据,采用设计项目引导与设计任务驱动的教学模式,通过对公共空间设计的相关知识传授与技能培养,使学生掌握公共空间设计项目方案分析、方案设计、方案表现、方案制作等核心知识和必备技能,具备从事室内设计师岗位所必需的设计项目调控、设计项目协作、设计项目沟通等职业素养,课程符合专业人才培养目标和专业相关技术领域职业岗位的任职要求。 二、课程内涵 教学目的:通过对公共空间设计的系统学习,熟练掌握公共空间设计的方法、程序、及设计表达能力。同时以设计项目引导和任务驱动的案例实训,熟悉领会公共空间装修设计的材料、工艺、管理、预算、施工综合项目策划、设计与运作能力。 教学内容: 1、公共室内空间设计方法与程序,主要学习概念设计与方案设计的图形思维方法与表达,并最终以施工图的形式来展现设计方案。 2、专卖店项目设计,主要学习专卖店的装饰设计、道具展示设计及空间组合设计。 3、餐厅项目设计主要学习餐厅的重要功能区,营业区与厨房设计,并辅以家具陈设设计方面的内容来开展教学。 4、娱乐健身空间设计主要包括歌舞、洗浴、球馆、美容剧院等空间室内设计,通过对这些项目的接触与训练,进一步熟练掌握公共空间设计的方法与技巧,并提高设计审美修养。 5、酒店项目设计是公共空间设计中要求比较高,施工难度大,施工标准高,管理难度大的设计项目。不但要熟练掌握设计的方法流程,还要掌握酒店专业的特 点,有针对性进行项目运作。其中入口、大堂、客房是酒店的核心功能空间,


小学综合实践活动教案 安集中心小学彭涛 一、活动简介: 本节课围绕新年的“新”字,设计了成语大赛场、《新人新事》专栏、新年新目标、互赠贺卡等系列活动。 二、活动时间:一课时 三、活动地点:活动教室 四、活动目的: 1.通过活动掌握更多的成语,提高学生的说话、写话能力; 2.通过说新人道新事,了解时事政治,提高道德认识,指导道德实践。 五、活动准备: 1.布置活动教室,使之充满新年的喜气; 2.准备制作贺年卡的材料。 六、活动步骤: 引语:一提起过年,你的头脑里首先会想到哪个词儿呢?大概是个“新”字吧。新年、新岁、新目标、新希望,组成了“新”的交响曲。 (一)成语大赛场 我国人民历来喜欢“新”,在汉语里有不少与“新”有关的成语,请大家找一找,我们来一个成语大赛场,比一比谁搜集并理解得最多,我们授予他“成语小专家”的称号。 例:万象更新、日新月异、吐故纳新、面目一新、除旧布新、焕然一新、推陈出新、温故知新、记忆犹新、新陈代谢等。 (二)《新人新事》专栏 1.说说国内、国际的十大新闻; 2.说说本地的十件新事(或社会新风); 3.说说校内、班内的新人新事。

(三)新年新目标 1.三句半:“新希望”。 2.新年有新的起点,新年有新的憧憬。请大家来说说你的新年新打算。 (四)互赠贺卡 1.新年到来,你一定会与老师、同学互相祝贺,贺年卡是我国传统的贺年形式,在国际上也广泛流行。你想自己设计贺年卡吗?你想自己在贺年卡上题上几句最诚挚的贺词吗?现在就请大家自制贺年卡。 2.模拟新年的钟声敲响,大家互赠贺卡。 (五)课后延伸 1.搜集古今中外写新年的诗、文、对联、谜语等,相互探讨学习; 2.筛选本课内容在电脑上制作一张新年小报,并用邮件的形式发给同学或老师


GUANGDONG INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGY COLLEGE 教案 课程名称:公共空间设计 教师姓名:姜佳良 系别:机电系 二○一三年至二○一四年第二学期 课程概况 课程名称: 公共空间设计 总学时:64 周学时:周4学时 教学起始周: 1 周——16 周 授课班级及时间:工业设计二、三班 教材概况(主编、出版社、版次等): 《公共空间设计》杨清平北京大学出版社

教辅概况: 《室内设计》马澜清华大学出版社

课时授课计划 一、授课具体时间: 第一周 二、授课课题: 公共空间设计概述(1) 三、教学目的要求: 1.公共空间的概念 2.公共空间设计的发展及风格表现 3.公共空间的类型 四、教学重点难点: 公共空间概念的理解 公共空间的主要风格 公共空间的主要类型 五、教学方法、用具: 讲授、演示、实践 六、教学过程(包括教学内容、辅助手段、板书设计、课堂练习、教学进程时间分配、课外作业等):

教学后记: 课时授课计划一、授课具体时间: 第一周 二、授课课题: 公共空间设计概述(2) 三、教学目的要求: 1.公共空间分类的依据和方法 2.公共空间设计的发展因素 3.公共空间设计发展的主要趋势 四、教学重点难点: 公共空间分类的依据 公共空间发展的因素与趋势

五、教学方法、用具: 讲授、演示、实践 六、教学过程(包括教学内容、辅助手段、板书设计、课堂练习、教学进程时间分配、课外作业等): 教学后记: 课时授课计划 一、授课具体时间: 第二周 二、授课课题: 展馆空间设计案例鉴赏解析 三、教学目的要求: 对湖南益阳博物馆室内设计进行鉴赏 归纳总结展示空间的设计特点与要求 要求学生进行展示空间设计


综合实践课教案 课题:衣服的学问教学目的: 1.知道衣服在生活中的重要性,知道人人都离不开的衣服里有很多学问。 2.试着为衣服分分类,看看不同的衣物面料有哪些不同的性能。 3.学学扎染的技法技巧。 教学重点: 1.认识各种各样的衣服。 2.比较不同面料的性能。 教学难点: 了解扎染的基本工序,学会扎染的技法技巧。 教学过程: 第1课时 活动认识各种各样的衣服 生1:为了御寒,我穿过棉袄、毛衣、羽绒服,现在的衣服品种可真多呀! 生2:是呀,我们一起作个调查,给调查到的衣服分分类吧,对以后自己挑选和整理衣服很有帮助呢! 1.小调查。 学生分组对家中和商场里的各种衣服作个调查,作好记录。 2.交流调查发现。 学生说说在调查中有什么收获。 3.给衣服分类。 让学生从不同角度对各种各样的衣服进行分类,了解这些衣服的不同功能, 加深对衣服的认识。 4 .填写第103页的学习单。 第2课时 活动二比较不同面料的性能生1:妈妈总说,纯棉的衣服结实,透气性好。 生2:真的吗?那其他面料怎么样?我们一起来用实验判断吧!

1.明确实验目的。 学生分组选择常见的几种面料,如纯棉、羊毛、化纤……从各方面对它们进行比较:哪种面料更结实、哪种面料容易吸汗 2.设计简单的实验。 学生分组设计实验,比比哪种面料更结实、哪种面料吸水性更强,区分纯羊毛和其他材料。 3.实验并得出结论。 学生根据实验方案分组进行实验,得出结论。 4 .填写第107页的学习单。 第3课时 活动三我的扎染作品生1:我在商店看到过扎染的裙子,很漂亮。 生2:我们可以自己动手,做一条扎染的方巾送给妈妈作礼物。 1.欣赏扎染作品。 出示收集的扎染作品图片及第108页的扎染作品,让学生进行欣赏,说说扎染作品的图案有什么特点。 2.了解基本的扎染工序。 学生看书,了解扎染的基本工序,教师进行适当补充。 3.动手做。 有了一定的经验后,让学生根据扎染的特点设计图案,准备好布料和染料, 动手扎染方巾。 4.比一比谁扎染的方巾最漂亮。


折纸活动 折小燕子 教学目的: 1 、复习,进一步掌握三角折纸的基本方法,并能运用此方法折叠出自己喜爱的燕子形象。 2 、学会把握燕子的特点和比例结构进行制作。 3 、能基本运用粘贴,添画等方法进行作品的添加与完善。 4 、培养学生自学能力与合作互助的精神。 5 、培养学生保护动物的意识和热情,并喜欢折纸这一间民艺术。 教学重点: 1 、让学生基本了解的外形特点和比例关系。 2 、学会利用三角折纸进行燕子的制作。 教学难点: 培养学生基本了解燕子的外形特点和比例关系的能力。学习根据燕子的外形特点用三角折纸准确地组合成一只可爱的蜻蜓 教学用具:燕子折纸作品、折叠过程范图、彩色纸、水彩笔、双面胶等。 教学过程: 一、复习导入: 1 、老师手拿一只纸折的大燕子入场。 2、老师提问:这只燕子是怎么拼折成的?(学生回答)教师把范作略加拆开:发现是用许多三角折纸折叠成的。 3、学生活动:复习三角折纸的折法 请一个小朋友演示一遍。教师稍加指导,学生折几个三角折纸 小组内的学生互相检查,看看折得对不对。 二、新授:

1 、了解燕子的外形特点与结构比例 教师出示大燕子,学生观察 总结出燕子的特点:颜色、形状、动态等。 提问:它的身体比例关系怎么样?”(学生回答,并进行鼓掌表扬。) 2 、开始引导自学:(学生观察、讨论来了解燕子的折叠方法)。 教师出示燕子折叠过程范图。学生仔细观察。 学生活动:学生按自己的意愿自由搭配、两个学生为一个小组进行讨论 提问:燕子的折叠方法是怎样的?学生交流讨论结果 3、教师用大三角折纸进行折贴示范,讲解折小燕子的要领: (1 )要按照折纸的规律来折。把三角折纸折得挺刮,准确。 (2 )从尾巴往上折叠,注意尾巴的插入、卷须的制作方法。 (3 )把折叠的三角折纸插紧,选择小燕子的各个部分的色彩。 三、学生练习: 1 、两个学生一组进行折纸练习。(老师巡回指导,倡导学生质疑问难) 2 、老师和学生一起动手折纸,并轮流带学生做折纸 四、评议: 1 、老师随堂进行评画,请折得快的学生讲解自己的作品。然后大家一起评议。 2 、学生将自己好的作品放在讲台上进行展示,学生上来欣赏。 3 、老师奖励学生,奖教师做的动物鱼,大家鼓掌表扬。(拓展学生思维) 折小青蛙 教学目标: 1. 掌握青蛙的形态特点、体态特征,学习表现青蛙的方法。 2. 学习纸青蛙的设计与制作方法。


2011 _2012 学年第一学期 公共空间设计课程 教案 课程类型:必修专业课 总学时/周学时:112 / 14 开课时间:2011年10月31日至2011年12月23 日使用教材:《公共空间设计》 授课对象:专业:艺术设计环艺年级:09环艺2 授课教师:姓名:刘天情职称:助教 黑河学院教务处制

教学日历(学期授课计划) 周次起讫时间课次日/月节次学时内容纲要(章、节) 十三10.31—11.4 1 31/10 5—8 4 一、公共空间设计的基本概念与内 涵 1、空间的基本概念 2 1/11 5—8 4 2、空间的基本类型及组织方式 3 3/11 5—8 4 3、公共空间设计的内涵与特点 4 4/11 5—6 2 4、公共空间设计师的基本素质 十四11.7—11.11 5 7/11 5—8 4 二、办公空间设计 1、办公室的特点 6 8/11 5—8 4 2、办公室的平面布局与天花形式 7 10/11 5—8 4 3、办公室的消防、防盗与其他安 全因素 8 11/11 5—6 2 课堂练习 十五11.14—11.18 9 14/11 5—8 4 三、商业空间设计 1、商业空间的类型与特点 10 15/11 5—8 4 2、商业空间室内设计原则 11 17/11 5—8 4 3、商业空间功能组织 4、商业环境的形象塑造 12 18/11 5—6 2 课堂练习 十六11.21—11.25 13 21/11 5—8 4 四、餐饮空间设计 1、餐饮空间的购成和分类 14 22/11 5—8 4 2、餐饮空间的设计原则 15 24/11 5—8 4 3、餐饮空间的色彩运用 4、餐饮空间的装上陈设和照明设计 16 25/11 5—6 2 课堂练习 十七11.28—12.2 17 28/11 5—8 4 五、旅游空间设计 1、旅游空间的设计要点 18 29/11 5—8 4 2、酒店的大堂设计 19 1/12 5—8 4 3、客房的设计 4、宾馆空间设计实例分析 20 2/12 5—6 2 课堂练习 十八12.5—12.9 21 5/12 5—8 4 六、娱乐空间设计 1、娱乐空间的类型


年级九年级课题**投影 课型新授 教学媒体多媒体 教学目标知识 技能 1.了解投影的有关概念,能根据光线的方向辨认物体的投影. 2.了解平行投影和中心投影的区别. 3.了解正投影的含义,能根据正投影的性质画出简单的平面图形的正投影 过程 方法 通过探索物体与其投影关系的活动,培养动手实践能力,发展空间想象能力情感 态度 通过对物体投影的学习,提高学习热情,增强探究意识,应用意识. 教学重点了解正投影的含义及能根据正投影的性质画出简单的平面图形的正投影 教学难点归纳正投影的性质,正确画出简单平面图形的正投影 教学过程设计 教学程序及教学内容师生行为设计意图一、情境引入 物体在日光或灯光 的照射下,会在地面、 墙壁等处形成影子,影 子与物体的形状有密 切的关系. 二、自主探究 (一)基本概念 1.观察图片,尝试叙述:投影、投影线、投影面. 2.师明确叙述,生举生活实例. 3.简述皮影戏、日晷与投影. (二)投影分类 1.下图表示一块三角尺在光线照射下形成投影,观察图形,找异同. 2.师明确叙述中心投影、平行投影,辨别下图中哪个是平行投影,哪个是中心投影?二者有什么区别? 3.图(2)(3)的投影线与投影面的位置关系有什么区别? 结论:图(1)中的投影线集中于一点,形成中心投影; 图(2) (3)中,投影线互相平行,形成平行投影; 图(2)中,投影线斜着照射投影面; 图(3)中投影线垂直照射投影面〔即投影线正对着投影面). 指出:在平行投影中,如果投射线垂直于投影面,那么这种投影就称为正投影. 3.平行投影与正投影之间什么关系? (三)线、面、体的正投影 1、如图,把一根直的细铁丝(记为线段AB)放在三个不同位置: (1)铁丝平行于投影面; (2)铁丝倾斜于投影面, (3)铁丝垂直于投影面(铁丝不一定要与投影面有公共点). 教师提出问题,学生 举例 教师组织学生按照 探究要求进行活动, 并逐步完善对概念 的叙述. 生说皮影戏、日晷师 补充 在学生独立思考、讨 论的基础上给出中 心投影、平行投影的 概念. 教师进行必要点拨, 明确异同,学生聆 听,进一步完善探究 到的结论. 激起学生的好奇 心,探索欲望. 通过观察图片,建 立感性认识,再通 过语言描述建立理 性认识(概念) 了解中华文化 爱国主义教育 让学生亲自进行观 察,分析,探究, 得到结论,培养学 生的分析判断能力. 结合图片,对比辨 析加深理解和印象 让学生充分暴露自 己的问题,兵教兵、 广参与,同提高 51

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