当前位置:文档之家› 初中常见近义词





①hope to do/that(有可能实现的愿望)

Jack hopes to be a teather in the future.

We hope that you could win first prize.


②wish to do sth./wish sb. to do sth./wish that


Many kids wished to fly a kite like a bird when were young.

I wish that I was as strong as Li Xiaolong.


Wish you happiness/a happy new year/a good trip.



②forget to do /doing类似的词还有:remember/stop/keep on/

go on

③forget 不能接具体的地点,而leave可以

Oh,dear!I left my schoolbag on the bus.

3.maybe/may be/perhaps/probably

①maybe adv.位于句首=perhaps

Maybe you are lost.


may be是由情态动词may+be构成

What he said may be right.

③maybe/may be可以互换

Maybe Kate is the best choice for the speech contest

=Kate may be the best choice for…….





①hardly“几乎不”常用any连用。但不可用no,nearly,nobody 等否定词连用。

hardly any+n复数/n不可数=almost+n复数/n不可数

hardly a +n单数=almost+no+n单数

There are harddly any books on the shelf.

There are almost no books on the shelf.

There is hardly a cloud in the sky.

There is almost no cloud in the sky.

②most adj./adv.→the most a most=very

She is the most beatiful girl in our school.

She is a most/very beautiful girl in our school.

most adv.much的最高级;修饰动词

I like summer most.


The students in our class are mostly girls.

I get up early every day,mostly on weekends.

④almost”几乎,差不多”后面接any/no/never,none,nothing, nobody,every,everyboay,everything……还常跟数词。但almost 不与not连用。

He had almost nothing to do that day.

Almost every student has come.

Almost everything likes the film.

The watch cost me almost 20 yuan.

She had almost no money.(对)

She had almost not money.(错)


I almost fell off my bike.

The car almost knocked the tree.

He is almost right.



The car hit child very nearly.

6.look after/take care of/be careful

①look after well=take good care of

Look after yourself when you are away from here.

We should take good care of the old.

②take care=be careful=look out”小心,注意”

Take care!The water is very hot.

7.be good for/at/to

①be good for对……有益→be bad for

Reading is good for us but reading in the sun is bad for our eyes.

②be good at=do well in→be weak in

Tom is good at singing while his brother does well in art.

I am a little weak in math.

③be ggod to 对……友好=be kind/friendly to

Jay is good to everyone around.


①make/let/have/help sb. do sth.

We made/let/had/helped Zhang Li sing the English song Yesterday Once More for us.

②have/get sth.done

I must have/get my homework finished every day.



职称英语阅读题中常出现近义词替换的现象:把英文短文句子里的单词用其近义词构造意义对应的句子,复习中要关注阅读中常见的近义词词组: 1.刚才:a momentago,justnow 2. 到达:arrive in/at,get to,reach 3.立刻、马上:at once,right now,right away,immediately 4.有时:at times,sometimes 5. 最后:at last,inthe end=finally 6.在那个时候:atthat moment,atthattime,justthen, 7.在诊所:at the doctor's,in the doctor's office 8.全世界:all over the world,across the world,aroundthe world,in the world 9. 总是:always ,all thetime 10.为……而着急:beanxious about=beworried about 11. 身体好: be fine,be well,be OK 12. 来自:be from,come from 13. 在家:be in,be at home 14.不在家: benotat home,be out 15.能……:beable to,can 16.应该:be supposed to, should 17. 装满了……:befull of,befilled with 18. 忙着干……: be busy doing sth.,be busy with sth 19.高兴:be pleased,be glad,be happy能……:be able to,can 20.给某人...: give sbsth.=give sth to sb,offer sbsth.=offer sth. to sb.……



初中英语同义词辨析 目录: 英语学习过程中经常遇到同义、近义词的辨析,这是英语学习的难点之一,也是中考考点之一,现在把自己整理的一些初中常见的同义近义词的辨析总结如下: 1、talk tell speak say 2、good well nice 3、look see watch read 一、maybe, probably , perhaps 二、few , a few , little , a little 三、each , every 四、when , while 和as 五、between, among 六、among , in the middle of 七、Such , so 八、Nobody , no one , none 九、idea, concept, conception, thought, notion, impression 十、identify, recognize, make out “认出,识别十一、idle, lazy 闲散,懒惰 十二、if, whether 十三、ignorant, illiterate无知的 十四、ill, sick 十五、illness, sickness, disease, complaint 十六、imagination, fancy, fantasy想象,幻想 十七、immediately, instantly, presently, directly, shortly, soon, at once, right away 十八、immerse, dip, duck, plunge, submerge沉浸,浸入 十九、improve, better, perfect, refine改进,改善 二十、indeed, really, truly, actually确实地,真正地 二十一、indispensable, essential, necessary, requisite必不可少的,必需的 二十二、induce, persuade, urge, convince, counsel, coax劝说,劝导,劝诱 1. feel like:想要做某事, 2. much too too much too many 3. few a few. little a little 6. both , all放在be动词的后面 7. enough 的用法:8.形容词修饰不定代词 9形容词变副词;通常是在词尾加ly 10. used to do sth be used to doing sth 11. look for 11\ find: find out 12. borrow lend: 13. have ( has ) been to :have ( has ) gone to 14. nobody : 代词,“没人”,不能用于of 结构中。 15. a number of the number of : 16. between : among 17. across through :cross Over 18. cost spend pay: take : 19. give up 和give in 20. such + a/an + 形容词+名词单数so +形容词+名词复数/不可数名词21. alone lonely 22. good短语:23. feel like 24. later after 25. quite : quite a + adj + n very : a very + adj + n 26. much too too much too many 27. arrive get to reach 28. all:whole 29. another more 30. few a few little a little 31. turn on turn off turn down turn up 32. in bed in hospital on the bed in the hospital 33. sports :修饰名词 35. bad luck good luck have good ( bad ) luck in doing something good ( bad ) luck with something good ( bad ) luck to somebody 36. in front ( of ) in the front ( of ) 37. class family , team 38. at the end of 39. both , all 40. enough 的用法 41.形容词修饰不定代词42. nearly , almost 几乎 43. it , one , that 均可代替上文提到的某物47. carry 运载、搬运、提、扛、抱、抬


中考语文常见近义词辨析 1. 鉴赏、欣赏、观赏 【同】都是动词,都是并列式的合成词,共同的语素“赏”有“欣赏、赞赏”之意,都可以指通过视觉享受美好的事物,领略其中的趣味。 【异】“鉴赏”含有“鉴定”的意思,指“鉴定和欣赏”的意思,多用于艺术品、文物等,适用围较小,多用于书面语。例:开放古老的房屋供旅游者鉴赏。 “欣赏”表示“享受美好的事物,领略其中的趣味”的意思,既能指视觉的享受,又能指听觉、味觉、嗅觉或精神上的享受,适用围较大,其对象可以是具体可见的事物(如欣赏雕塑作品),也可以是抽象的事物(如欣赏音乐),一切美好的事物以及值得赞美的事物都能用,兼用于口语和书面语。“欣赏”还有“认为好,喜欢”的意思,如:他很欣赏这种高原般粗犷的风格。而“鉴赏”没有这层意义。 “观赏”指“观看、欣赏”的意思,一般用于风景、场面、艺术表演和艺术品。此外,“鉴赏”附加语素“家”构成名词“鉴赏家”,“观赏”附加语素“者”构成名词“观赏者”,而“欣赏”则无此附加情况。 2. 宽敞、宽广 【同】都是形容词,都有面积宽大的意思。 【异】“宽敞”侧重在立体空间的宽绰,表示“宽阔、宽大”的意思,多形容土地、院子、房屋等,适用围较小。 “宽广”侧重在平面面积的广大,表示“面积或围大”的意思,可形容土地、水面、道路等具体事物,也可以形容领域、围、胸怀、眼界、知识面等抽象事物,适用围较大。 3. 雄伟、宏伟 【同】都是形容词,都有“雄壮、伟大”的意思。 【异】“雄伟”侧重于雄壮,多用于有气势的自然景物、建筑物等;也可用于气魄、事业等抽象事物,例:气势雄伟;还有“魁梧、魁伟”的意思,例:身材雄伟。 “宏伟”侧重于宏大,多用于抽象事物,例:气势宏伟;也可用于建筑、结构等具体事物,指


初中语文常考近义成语辨析(一) 1趁火打劫:趁别人有危难时去捞好处。亦作“趁火抢劫”。浑水摸鱼:比喻趁混乱的机会攫取不正当利益。 2惨无人道:惨,残酷狠毒。残暴得灭绝人性。 惨绝人寰:人寰,人世。世上再没有比这更惨的。形容惨到极点。 3心满意足:心愿满足。亦作“心满愿足”。 称心如意:完全合乎心意。亦作“趁心如意”。 4承前启后:承,承接。启,开创,引出。承接前人的,开创今后的。多用于事业、学问方面。亦作“承先启后”。 承上启下:接续上面的并引起下面的(多用于写作等)。 5三五成群:三个五个结成一群。 成群结队:聚集到一起,结成一群一伙。亦作“成群结伙”。

6胡思乱想:不切实际地瞎想。亦作“胡思乱量”。 痴心妄想:入迷的心思,荒唐的想法。形容一味幻想不切实际的事情。 7重整旗鼓:比喻失败后积聚力量,重新行动。亦作“重振旗鼓”。 卷土重来:卷土,人马奔跑时扬起尘土。形容失败后组织力量,重新猛扑过来。 8呕心沥血:形容费尽心思。 处心积虑:处心,存心。积虑,积久考虑。早已千方百计地谋算。多含贬义。 9粗心大意:做事不细心,马虎。 粗枝大叶:指文字或话语简略概括,也指做事不认真,不细心,马虎大意。 10大张旗鼓:比喻声势和规模很大。 雷厉风行:厉,猛烈。像打雷那样猛烈,像刮风那样迅速比喻政事法令的执行严厉迅速。也比喻行事声势威猛,动作迅速。

11当仁不让:当仁,指面临仁义之事。《论语?卫灵公》:“当仁不让于师。”后泛指遇到应该做的事,积极主动去做,不退让。 义不容辞:指顾全道义而不推辞。 12道貌岸然:道貌,正经严肃的外貌。岸然,高傲威严的样子。形容神态庄重严肃。现常用来形容故作正经,表里不一之状。多含讥讽之意。 一本正经:形容庄重规矩,非常认真(有时带有讽刺的意味)。 13一视同仁:同样看待,不分厚薄。多用于指人。 等量齐观:等,同等。齐,一样。不管事物间的差异,同等看待。多用于指物。 14牢不可破:牢固得不可摧毁,不可动摇。形容异常坚固。 颠扑不破:颠,跌。扑,敲。无论怎样倾跌敲打都不会破损。比喻理论正确,无法驳倒推翻。


为了方便同学们的单词归纳复习,万学海文英语教研中心现对常见近义词进行归纳讲解。 1、blunder,error,mistake 这一组词都表示"错误"。blundern.(因为无知、疏忽犯下的)大错,愚蠢的错误。IthinkthatIcommittedablunderinaskingherbecausesheseemedveryupsetbymyquestion.这位女士由于我的问题感到很难过,我感觉到犯了一个大错。errorn.指判断、计算或行为上的错误,也指智力或道义上的错误。Theaccidentwastheresultofhumanerror.这事故是人为的错误造mistaken.误会,误解;(粗心、遗忘所导致的)错误。Itookyourbaginsteadofminebymistake.我错拿了你的手提包。 2、brittle,fragile,frail,crisp,invalid都有"弱"的意思。brittlea.易碎的,易损坏的,通常是指坚硬的东西。Thebonesofelderlypeoplebecomebrittleandeasilybroken.老年人的骨头变得脆弱,很容易骨折。fragilea.常常修饰使用时必须小心才不会破碎的东西,也引申为体弱的,虚弱的。 He'sfeelingabitfragileafterlastnight'sparty.他参加了昨晚的聚会以后,现在感觉有些虚弱。fraila.(指人)体弱的,虚弱的,也可以指东西易碎的。 Hismotherhasgrownoldandfrail.他母亲已经年老体弱。crispa.指食品的松脆;清新的,爽快的;活跃的,有生气的,干净利落的。 crispbiscuit松脆的饼干 Thestudentgaveaclear,crispanswertotheteacher'squestion.学生干净利落地回答了老师的问题。invalida.不正确的,缺乏证据的;无效的,作废的。作名词时,表示病弱者,伤残者,久病者。 Yourideasaboutthefirsthumansareinterestingbutinvalid.你关于最早的人类的观点很有意思,但是缺乏证据。 Abadcaraccidentmadehimaninvalid.一次严重的车祸使他变成了残疾。3、boundary,border,frontier,rim,verge"边界"意思。boundaryn.边界;界线。多指作为界线的标识物等。 Thefencemarkstheboundarybetweenmylandandhers.这道栅栏是我的地和她的地的分界线。bordern.较宽的边缘,边界,多指两国或两地之间的分界处附近的边缘地区、边界地带;也可以指物体的边缘等。 WecrossedtheMexicanborderintotheUSA.我们穿过墨西哥边界进入美国境内。frontiern.边界,边境,边疆,指靠近边界(boundary)的区域;也可引申为"未开发的领域","(学术的)前沿"等。


初中英语近义词辨析专项练习 tell talk say speak tell 告诉,讲述可接双宾语 talk 交谈有talk with/to say 说强调说的内容,有say to sb speak 说某种语言其直接宾语为语言,若要对某人或物说,则用speak to 1 Can you _____ me the truth? 2 What language do you ____? 3 This is what they ____ yesterday. 4 Don’t ___in class,please be quiet. .look look at see watch look 看起来(系动词,接形容词作表语) look at 朝…看强调看的方向 see 看见强调看到的结果 watch 观看尤其指看电视,看球赛等 1 The coat ____ nice, I want to buy one for my daughter.

2 Please _______ the blackboard, can you ___ anything? 3 She doesn’t like ____ TV,but she likes _____ football game. .sound listen to hear sound 听起来(系动词,接形容词作表语) listen to 听强调听的动作与方向 hear 听见强调听的结果 1 ____ the radio, it says the flood is coming soon. 2 I can’t ____ you , because there’s something wrong with my ears. 3 What you said ____ interesting. .hear from hear of hear from 收到…的来信 hear of 听说…的消息 1 After ____ her sister, she read and soon wrote back. 2 Have you _____ the place called Shenglong? .receive accept


初中常考近义词辨析2 Say speak talk tell. 1. He to me, “I’m going to see a film.” 2. “May I to J ack?” “Hold on a moment, please!” 3. They with each other, but I don’t know what they are about. 4. He me he was not at home last night.. 5. Some Canadians can both English and French. 6. I t’s a bad habit to lies. 7. I have nothing to 8. I can’t the difference between the twins. 答案:1.says; 2.speak; 3.talk; 4.told; 5.speak; 6.tell; 7.say; 8.tell 注释:四个词都有“说”的意思,say强调说话的内容;speak to sb. 跟某人说话(常用用于电话用语中,如句2),speak 还可表示说某种语言;talk to/ with sb. 和某人聊天/ 谈话;tell“告诉”,常见句型——tell sb. sth告诉某人某事,在句8中表示“分辨,辨别”的意思。 Hundred hundreds of thousand thousands of million millions of 1. There are six people on the playground.. 2. birds are in the park. 3. butterflies are dancing. 答案:1.hundred/ thousand/ million; 2.hundreds of/ thousands of/ millions of; 3.hundreds of/ thousands of; millions of 注释:hundred“百”, thousand“千”, million“百万”,都是数词,在表示具体数量时没有复数形式;hundreds of“数以百计的,成百上千的”,thousands of“数以千计的,成千上万的”,millions of“数百万的” What who 1. “_____ is he?” “He is a teacher.” 2. _____ does he do? He is a teacher. 3. _____ is he? He is our English teacher. 4. _____ do your parents do? They are both teachers. 5. _____ do you think the lady is? Maybe she is a nurse, I think. 答案“1.what; 2.what; 3.who; 4.what; 5.who 注释:who询问某人的身份,常用于句型”who + be + 某人?”,即“某人是谁?”;what询问人的身份或职业,用于句型”what do/ does/ did + 某人+ do?”,即“某人是干什么的?” High tall 1. The tall boy jumps very_____ 2. He lives in a _____ building. 3. There are _____ mountains around my hometown. 4. Yao Ming is 2.26meters _____ 5. There is a _____ tree in front my house. 6. Look! Some birds are flying _____ up in the sky. 7. _____ price/ speed/ temperature. 答案:1.high; 2.tall/ high; 3.high; 4.tall; 5.tall/ high; 6.high; 7.high 注释:high, tall 都有“高”的意思,high只能指物高,tall能指人高也可指物高;高价格(速度,温度)山高都用”high”.


【初中语文】近义词辨析_诗词鉴赏常考表现手法 今天小编给大家带来【初中语文】近义词辨析_诗词鉴赏常考表现手法,希望可以帮助到大家。 近义词辨析 1.【安适】【安详】 在城市的大街小巷,我们时常可以看到老人们三五成群地凑在一起晒太阳、搓麻将、下棋,阳光洒在他们布满皱纹的脸上,看上去是那样从容而____。 安适强调环境舒适。 安详多用来形容人的面容、举止。 2. 【包含】【包涵】 中国是一个多民族国家,______汉族、壮族、满族、苗族、彝族等56个民族。 包含指里边含有。 包涵客套话,指请人原谅。 3. 【迸射】【迸发】【迸溅】 把不满表达成上进,把委屈升华为不屈,把失意改写成冷峻。从一时的压抑中酝酿出一生的执着,从一时的失意中______出一生的激情。 迸射强调射出的强烈。 迸发主要强调发出的突然。

迸溅主要用来指流体物质。 4. 【保障】【保证】 社会危害性通过发挥其在刑事立法、刑事司法和刑法解释上的功能,具有______人权的作用。 保障强调保护生命、财产、权力等,使其不受侵犯和破坏;或作名词,指起保障作用的事物。 保证指担保,确保既定的要求和标准不打折扣。 5. 【必须】【必需】 老师教育我们,答应别人的事情一定要做到并做好,如果做不到,______要学会拒绝。 必须副词,表示事理上和情理上的必要,有强调的语气,多作状语。 必需动词,指一定要有的,不可缺少的。 6. 【变换】【变幻】 纵观全球,政治风云______莫测。 变换事物的形式(内容)换成另一种,能带宾语。 变幻事物的形式(内容)不规则或奇异地变化,不能带宾语。 7. 【处事】【处世】 他______十分冷静,好几次都帮我们渡过了难关。 处事处理事务。 处世在社会上活动,与人相处交往。 8.【沉浸】【沉湎】


初中英语同义词辨析 英语学习过程中经常遇到同义、近义词的辨析,这是英语学习的难点之一,也是中考考点之一,现在把自己整理的一些初中常见的同义近义词的辨析放在这里,和朋友们交流,也供学生朋友选择学习。1、talk tell speak say speak 和talk 通常用作不及物动词,都有“说话”之意。在会议上发言用speak,名词为speech; 随便漫谈用talk,其名词还是talk; tell表示“讲述”或“告诉”; say表示“说”;例如: can we speak about plans for the holidays? 我们谈谈假期的打算好吗? the patient is too weak to speak. 病人太衰弱了,不能说话。 my father was talking with my teacher when i got home yesterday。昨天我到家时我父亲正在和我的老师谈话。 i always tell my daughter a story before she goes to sleep. 女儿睡觉之前,我总讲故事给她听。 it‘s impossible to tell who will win the next election. 下届选举谁能获胜无法预知。 she said nothing to me about it.

关于这一点,她什么也没有对我讲。 *speak 当及物动词用时,宾语一般是语言或词语之类的词。如: does anyone speak english here? 这儿有人会说英语吗? 2、good well nice good 形容词,好的,合适的,新鲜的,擅长的。 well 作形容词时,指"(身体)健康的”;还可用作副词,修饰动词。nice形容词,美好的,令人愉快的,可爱的,特指取悦感官的事物。she is good at english.她擅长英语。 this cake tastes good.这蛋糕好吃。 his mother is very well.他妈妈很健康。 she is a nice little girl.她是个可爱的小姑娘。 3、look see watch read 看 look通常为不及物动词,强调“看”的动作,指“认真看”,强调看的对象时,后须接介词at才能带宾语,即look at。 see是及物动词侧重于看的结果“看见,看到” watch 作动词,意为“观看,注视”,多指观看运动着的事物,如电视、比赛、表演等。 read 主要强调“读,阅读,朗读”,汉语中常译成“看”,多指看书、报、杂志。 look!the man is coming!看!那个男的来了。 look at the map .看这张地图。 can you see the dog over there?你能看见那儿的狗吗?


初中词义辨析练习 Many much more a lot a lot of (lots of) 1. How ______ bananas do you want? 2. How ______ fruit would you like to buy? 3. There aren’t ________ eggs in the basket. 4. There isn’t _______ milk in the glass. 5. I was ill yesterday. But I feel ____ better now. 6. We can learn ______ from the book. 7._______ of us like playing basketball. 8. Kate is ______ younger than Mary. 9. There is _______ rain in the spring than in the autumn here. 答案:1.many; 2.much; 3.many/a lot of; 4.much/ a lot of; 5.much; 6.a lot; 7.many; 8.much; 9.more 注释:many修饰可数名词复数;much修饰不可数名词;a lot of/ lots of 既可修饰可数名词也可修饰不可数名词;a lot 相当于名词,“许多”的意思;more更多的,用于比较级,通常和“than”连用。 Some any no 1.Are there _____ eggs in the basket? 2.There is _______ milk in the glass, and you can drink it. 3. “Would you like _______ bananas?” “No, thanks.” 4. “Do you have ______ idea about it?” “No, I have ____ idea.” 5. Look at the children. _____ are singing, ______ are dancing. 6. We study Chinese, English, math, and _______ other subjects. 7. Chinese is more popular than _____ other subject. 8. I am tired and I can’t go _____ further. 9. I don’t feel ______ better now. 答案:1.any; 2.some; 3.some; 4.any; 5.no; 6.some/ some; 7.some; 8.any; 9.any 注释:some“一些”,一般用于肯定句中,有时也用在疑问句中表示希望得到对方的肯定回答;any“一些”,用于疑问和否定句中;no“没有”。 What how 1.______ is the weather today? 2.______ is the weather like today? 3. I don’t know _______ to do. 4. I don’t know ______ to do it. 5. “______ do you like the food?” - “Very much.” 6. _____ do you think of this movie? 7._______ do you like about china? The people and the food. 8. He doesn’t know _____ to do with this broken bike. 9. Can you tell me _____ to deal with this problem? 10. “_____ is he like?” “He is serious and kind.” 11. “_______ does he look like?” “He is tall and has curly hair.” 答案:1.how; 2.what; 3.what; 4.how; 5.how; 6.what; 7.what; 8.what; 9.how; 10.what; 11.what 注释:询问天气有两个句型:how is the weather?/ What is the weather like? ; 3,4两个句子中从句部分,如果不定式”to do”后面不接任何名词或代词,从句引导词用”how”, 反之,则用”what”; 5句,询问程度用”how”; 6句,what do you think of + 某人/某事物——你觉得-----怎么样?;8,9句与3,4句做法相同;10,11句,固定句型:what is he like?他性格怎么样?/ what does he look like?他长什么样?


初中语文近义词辨析大全 暧昧:含糊、不明朗,不光明磊落,不便告人。 暗昧:同“暧昧”。还可表示不聪明,愚昧。 暴发:突然猛烈的发生或以不正当的手段发财。如山洪、流行病、雪崩。爆发:由于爆炸而突发或发生重大事变。如战争、火山、革命、大笑。 辨正:辨明是非,纠正谬误。如“辨正发音”,可写作“辩正”。 辨证:辨析考证,如“经学者多方辨证”。亦为中医术语,“辨证医治”。辩证:哲学术语,如“辩证唯物主义”。亦同“辨证”第一义。 哺养:喂养,使长大。 抚养:抚育、照料并教养。 不至[不至于]:不会达到某种程度,如“决不至于不知道”。 不致[不致于]:不会引发某种后果,如“决不致犯错误”。 苍茫:多指夜色、水域、等旷远、迷茫。引申为模糊不清。 苍莽:多指树林、山岭、等广阔无边。引申为意境心胸开阔。 长年:一年到头,整年。如“长年积雪”、“长年劳作”。

常年:终年、常期,如“常年坚持体育活动”。平常年份,如“常年产量200斤”。 规:过时的、不适用的规章制度,如“规陋习”。 成规:现行或行之已久的规则、方法,如“墨守成规”。 弛缓:放松、缓和,如“紧的情绪慢慢~~下来。 迟缓:缓慢,与”迅速”相对,如“~ ~地迈着步子”。 处世:指人事交往、参加社会活动,“~ 稳健”、“为人~”。 处事:办事、处理事务,如“~ 认真,从不马虎”。 醇厚:口味纯正浓厚;亦用于人的品质或风俗,此时同“淳厚”。 淳厚[纯厚]:只指品质风俗质朴敦厚。 伺候[ci.hou]:可用于人,不分地位高低;也可用于牲畜等。 侍候:用于对长辈或地位高者。 窜改:对文本、文件、成语、古籍等的改动。 篡改:用作伪的手段改动历史、理论、政策等。 度过:用于时间方面。 渡过:用于有水面的空间;难点、危机、困难时期。


雅思写作常见同义词/近义词归纳总结 解决(动词):Solve, deal with, cope with, handle, settle, resolve, address, tackle 问题(名词): problem, matter, issue 事件(名词): incident, affair, event 教育(名词): education, schooling 经济上的(形容词): economic, financial 释放(动词): relieve,emancipate 压力(名词): stress, pressure, strain, 强调(动词): lay stress on, lay emphasis on, emphasize, accentuate, put the accent on 忽略(有意)(动词): ignore, turn a deaf ear to 忽略(无意)(动词): neglect 意识(名词): awareness(外界信号所产生的), consciousness(自我的) 提高(动词): raise, facilitate, promote, boost up, enhance 完善(动词): better, improve 基本的(形容词): basic, fundamental, 损害(动词):Damage, hurt, injure, harm, undermine,spoil 给与(动词):Give, offer, render, impart, provide, supply, afford 培养(动词):Develop, cultivate, foster 优势(名词):Advantage, merit, virtue, benefit, strength, edge 缺陷(名词):Disadvantage, demerit, drawback, downside, weakness 大于,胜于(动词):outweigh, overshadow 利弊兼有(名词):pros and cons 使迷惑(动词):Puzzle, bewilder, perplex, baffle 重要的(形容词):Key, crucial, critical, important, significant, vital, substantial, indispensable, imperative 认为(动词):believe, insist, maintain, hold, argue, be convinced, be firmly convinced, be fully convinced 保护(动词):Protect, conserve, preserve 确保(动词):Assure, ensure, guarantee 有害的(形容词):harmful, detrimental 有益的(形容词):Useful, helpful, beneficial, profitable, rewarding,advantageous 帮助(名词): help, assistance 要求(名词):Request, demand, needs, requisition 消除(动词):Eliminate, clear, remove, clear up, take away 导致(动词):Lead to, bring about, result in, cause, generate, trigger, give rise to 因此(连词):therefore, thus, consequently, as a consequence, accordingly, as a result, 宣称(动词):Allege, assert, declare, claim 发生(动词):Happen, occur, take place 原因(名词):Reason, factor, cause 发展(名词):Development, advance, progress 影响(名词):Influence, impact, effect 强加(动词): impose…on,exert …on, put …on, place…on 明显的(形容词):Clear, obvious, evident, manifest, apparent 事实上:in practice,essentially,in essence,in reality,as a matter of fact,it is a fact that 换言之:Namely,that is to say,in other words,to put it like this,to put it differently,to put it from another way,to put it from another angle 比如:such as(A, B and so on), say (A), as it did in the case of,


1. too much / much too 1.The computer is ____ expensive. 2.Stop, Peter. You talked ____. 3.I’ve got ____ work to do. 4.Father, have a rest. You’ve ____ tired today. 5.Hurry up! You have wasted ___ time. 2. holiday/ vacation/ leave/ off 1.Christmas is a ____ for everybody. 2.The children will take their summer __ in half a month. 3.My father is on _____. 4.The manager gave the worker a day _____. 5.I have to ask you for half a day’s _____. 3. close/ shut off/ turn off 1.You’d better ____the motor. It is making too much noise. 2.All the shops are ____ now. 3.She didn’t __ the door and entered the house. 4.He ____ the lights before he left the lab. 5._____ the television, please. 4. instead/ instead of/ without 1.I don’t like this one; please give me that____. 2.He stayed at home studying English ___ going to the cinema. 3.Tom passed by me ___ saying hello to me.


初中语文40个常考“近义词辨析” 1. 履行、执行 【同】都是动词,都有按规定去做的意思。 【异】“履行”侧重指按事先约定的或规定的去实行,表示“实践(自己答应做的或应该的做的事)”的意思,适用范围较小,搭配对象较少,对象常是带约束性的事物,或双方或多方约定的,如条约、契约、协定、协议、合同、诺言、义务等,通用于书面语和口语,而较多用于书面语。 “执行”侧重指按规定去实行,带有强制性,表示“实施;实行(政策、法律、计划、命令、判决中规定的事项)”的意思,适用范围较大,适用对象萧广,常是上级规定必须做的事情,如命令、任务、法令、判决、纲领、政策、路线、方针、计划、决议、原则、纪律等,通用于书面语和口语。 2. 嘲笑、讥笑、讪笑 【同】都是动词,都是并列式的合成词,都有“因看不起而取笑别人”的意思,都含贬义。近义词有“嘲讽”“嗤笑”“讥讽”“讥刺”等。 【异】“嘲笑”意思是“用言辞笑话对方”,有“戏弄”的意味,侧重于“对对方言行的否定”,语意较轻,适用范围广,既可用于别人,也可用于自己。常用于口语,也可用于书面语。 “讥笑”有“讥讽和嘲笑”之意,侧重于“讽刺、挖苦”,在感情色彩上更带有轻蔑意味,语意比“嘲笑”更为尖刻,适用范围比“嘲笑”窄些,它只能用于对方,常见于书面语,也可用于口语。 “讪笑”就是“讥笑”之意,侧重于“戏弄”,适用范围比“嘲笑”“讥笑”窄,仅用于书面语。 3. 美丽、漂亮 【同】都是形容词,都是并列式的合成词,都表示“人或物好看,令人赏心悦目”的意思,都是褒义词,多用于口语,也可用于书面语。近义词有“好看”“俊俏”“潇洒”“秀丽”“美观”等。 【异】“美丽”着重指“使人看了产生快感的;好看”之意,修辞的对象常常是女性、风光、景物等。 “漂亮”着重指“好看、美观;出色”的意思,修辞的对象男女均可,还可用于动物、服饰、用具、建筑物等。另外,“美丽”有“美好、高尚”的意思,而“漂亮”没有;“漂亮”有“表面好看但不能兑现的东西”之意,而“美丽”没有。 4. 原因、缘故、缘由 【同】都是名词,都是并列式的合成词,都有“事情发生的条件”的意思。这三个词有时可以通用,既可用于口语,也可用于书面语。 【异】“原因”着重指“造成某种结果或引起另一事件发生的条件”,运用范围广,常用于重大的事物,也可用于一般的事物;可用于具体因由的前面,也可用在具体因由的后面。常与“结果”配合使用,运用的场合较郑重。 “缘故”着重指“引起事情发生的因素”,使用范围较“原因”窄,常用于一般事物,并多用在具体的原由之后,常与“因为”配合使用,还可构成“无缘无故”等词组。 “缘由”着重于“发生事情的条件、因素”,一般用在具体结果之后,使用范围比“原因”“缘故”窄。


请按开头字母点击检索: A B C D E F G H J K L M N O P Q R S T W X Y Z 常用同义词(近义词) 观——看寒——冷舟——船暖——热 鸣——叫入——进归——回遥——远 瞅——看藏——躲绝——尽叫——喊 望——看看——瞧铺——展去——往 来回——往返立刻——马上赶快——赶紧 突然——忽然寒冷——严寒坚决——果断 恐惊——恐惧暗香——幽香荒芜——荒凉 得意——自得听见——闻声农夫——农民 慈祥——慈爱飞翔——翱翔详细——具体 每天——天天赛过——胜过好像——似乎 闻名——著名满意——满足新居——新房 捕获——捕捉海疆——海域天涯——天边 结实——坚固遇到——碰到轻巧——轻便 整齐——整洁证明——证实评比——评选 注意——注重供应——供给辛苦——辛劳 认识——熟悉预报——预告舒畅——愉快 立刻——连忙突然——忽然四周——四面 精彩——出色笨重——粗笨直立——竖立


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