当前位置:文档之家› 59.The Audacity[n.大胆,厚颜] of Hope 有希望则无所畏惧

59.The Audacity[n.大胆,厚颜] of Hope 有希望则无所畏惧

59.The Audacity[n.大胆,厚颜] of Hope 有希望则无所畏惧
1.On behalf[n.利益] of the great state[n.国家;(美国的)州] of Illinois[n.伊利诺州],crossroads[n.十字路口,汇集地] of a nation[n.民族;国家],Land of Lincoln[n.林肯],let me express[vt.表达;表示] my deepest gratitude[n.感激,感谢] for the privilege[n.特有的权利或利益] of addressing this convention[n.习俗,惯例]. Tonight is a particular[adj.特殊的;特别的] honor[n.荣誉;尊敬;敬意] for me because,let's face it,my presence[n.在场] on this stage[n.舞台;时期;阶段] is pretty[adj.漂亮的;俊俏的] unlikely. My father was a foreign student,born and raised[(raise):vt.使升高;饲养 vt.饲养] in a small village in Kenya[n.肯亚]. He grew up herding[(herd):n.兽群,牧群 vt.放牧] goats[(goat):n.山羊],went to school in a tin-roof shack[n.简陋的小屋,棚屋]. His father-my grandfather-was a cook,a domestic[a.家里的;国内的,本国的 n.家仆,佣人] servant[n.仆人] to the British[adj.英国的;英国人的].
2.But my grandfather[n.祖父;外祖父] had larger dreams[(dream):vt.&n.梦;梦想] for his son. Through hard work and perseverance[n.坚持不懈,不屈不挠] my father got a scholarship[n.奖学金] to study in a magical[a.魔术的;神奇的] place,America,that shone as a beacon[n.灯塔;指向标] of freedom[n.自由] and opportunity[n.机会] to so many who had come before. While studying here,my father met my mother. She was born in a town on the other side of the world,in Kansas[n.堪萨斯州]. Her father worked on oil[n.油] rigs[(rig):vt.操纵,垄断 n.钻井架,塔台] and farms through most of the Depression[n.沮丧;消沉]. The day after Pearl[n.珍珠] Harbor[v.怀有,怀着 n.港口,港湾] my grandfather[n.祖父;外祖父] signed up for duty; joined Patton's army[n.军队],marched across Europe[n.欧洲]. Back home,my grandmother[n.祖母,外祖母] raised[(raise):vt.使升高;饲养 vt.饲养] a baby and went to work on a bomber[(bomb):n.炸弹] assembly[n.装配] line. After the war[n.战争],they studied on the G.I. Bill[n.(美)钞票;纸币],bought a house through F.H.A.,and later moved west all the way to Hawaii[n.夏威夷(美国州名)] in search[n.&v.搜寻;搜查] of opportunity[n.机会].

3.And they,too,had big dreams[(dream):vt.&n.梦;梦想] for their daughter. A common dream[vt.&n.梦;梦想],born of two continents[(continent):n.大陆;大洲]. My parents shared[(share):vt.分享;共同使用] not only an improbable[adj.奇异的] love,they shared[(share):vt.分享;共同使用] an abiding[(abide):vi.遵守;vt.忍受] faith[n.信仰;信念] in the possibilities[(possibility):n.可能;可能性] of this nation[n.民族;国家]. They would give me an African[adj.非洲的;非洲人的] name,Barack,or "blessed[(bless):vt.保佑;祝福]," believing[(believe):vt.&vi.相信;认为] that in a tolerant[adj.宽容的,容忍的] America your name is no barrier[n.障碍] to success[n.成功]. They imagined[(imagine):vt.想象;设想] me going to the best schools in the land,even though they weren't rich,because in a generous[adj.慷慨大方的] America you don't have to be rich to achieve[vt.完成;达到] your potential[n.潜在性,可能性]. They're both passed away now. And yet,I know that on this night they look down on me with great pride[n.自豪].
4.They stand here and I stand here today,grateful[adj.(表示)感激的] for the diversity[n.差异,多样性] of my heritage[n.遗产,继承物],aware[a.知道的,意识到的] that my parents' dreams[(dream):vt.&n.梦;梦想] live on in my two preci

ous[a.宝贵的,珍贵的] daughters. I stand here knowing that my story is part of the larger American story,that I owe[vt.欠(债等)] a debt[n.债务;欠款] to all of those who came before me,and that,in no other country on earth,is my story even possible. Tonight,we gather[vi.&vt.聚集;采集] to affirm[v.证实,确认] the greatness of our nation[n.民族;国家],not because of the height[n.高;高度] of our skyscrapers[(skyscraper):n.摩天大楼],or the power[n.力;动力;电力] of our military[n.军方],or the size of our economy[n.经济]. Our pride[n.自豪] is based[(base):n.根据地;基地] on a very simple premise[n.前提,假设,房产],summed[(sum):n.一笔钱] up in a declaration[n.宣布,宣言;申诉]2 made over two hundred years ago,"We hold these truths[(truth):n.真相;实际情况] to be self-evident[a.自明的],that all men are created[(create):vt.创造;造成] equal[adj.平等的;均等的],that they are endowed[(endow):vt.资助;赋予,授予] by their Creator[创造者] with certain[adj.某种;一定的] inalienable[a.不可分割的,不可剥夺的] rights,that among these are Life,Liberty[n.自由 n.权利] and the pursuit[n.从事的事务,研究] of Happiness[n.幸福;愉快]."
4.今天他们站在这里,我站在这里,为我血液里流淌着多样遗传基因而满怀感激,我知道我父母的梦想正在我的两个宝贝女儿身上延续。我站在这里,知道我的故事是更宏大的美国故事集里的一部分,也知道我应该感激那些在我之前来到这里的先辈们,更知道我的故事在这个世界的任何其他地方都不可能发生。今晚,我们欢聚一堂,更加坚定地相信我们国家的伟大,这个伟大并不在于我们的摩天大楼有多高,也不在于我们的军备实力有多强,更不在于我们的经济规模有多大。我们对这个伟大的国家的自豪感建筑在一个相当简单的前提之上,用两百多年前先辈们写就的《独立宣言》里的话概括起来就是:“我们坚信以下真理不言而喻:人人生而平等。造物主赋予他们某些不可剥夺的权利,包括生命权、自由权和追求幸福的权利。”5.That is the true genius[n.天才] of America,a faith[n.信仰;信念] in simple dreams[(dream):vt.&n.梦;梦想],an insistence[n.坚持] on small miracles[(miracle):n.奇迹]; that we can tuck[v.塞(好),掖(好)] in our children at night and know that they are fed[(feed):vt.喂(养);饲(养)] and clothed[(clothe):vt.给…穿衣服] and safe from harm[v.伤害]; that we can say what we think,write what we think,without hearing a sudden[a.突然的] knock on the door; that we can have an idea and start our own business without paying a bribe[n.贿赂 vt.向…行贿]; that we can participate[v.参与] in the political[adj.政治的] process[n.过程;步骤] without fear[n.害怕,恐惧;担忧] of retribution[n.(由于伤害等)应得的惩罚

或赔偿],and that our votes[(vote):vi.选举;投票] will be counted-at least[n.最少量;最少] most of the time.3
6.This year,in this election[n.选举] we are called to reaffirm[vt.重申,再肯定] our values[(value):n.价值;益处] and our commitments[(commitment):n.承诺],to hold them against a hard reality[n.现实] and see how we're measuring[(measure):vt.&vi.量] up to the legacy[n.遗产] of our forbearers and the promise[vi.&vt.允诺;答应] of future[n.将来] generations[(generation):n.代;一代]. And fellow[n.同伴;伙伴] Americans,Democrats[(Democrat):n.(美)民主党党员],Republicans[(Republican):n.(美)共和党党员],Independents[(independent):a.独立的,有主见的],I say to you tonight: We have more work to do-more work to do for the workers I met in Galesburg,Illinois[n.伊利诺州],who are losing their union[n.联合;联盟] jobs[(job):n.工作] at the Maytag plant that's moving to Mexico[n.墨西哥],and now are having to compete[vi.比赛;竞赛] with their own children for jobs[(job):n.工作] that pay seven bucks[(buck):n.美元] an hour; more to do for the father that I met who was losing his job[n.工作] and choking[(choke):v.说不出话来] back the tears[(tear):vt.&vi.扯破;撕开],wondering[(wonder):vt.想知道] how he would pay 4,500 dollars a month for the drugs[(drug):n.药;药物] his son needs without the health benefits[(benefit):n.好处] that he counted on; more to do for the young woman in East St. Louis[n.路易斯],and thousands more like her,who has the grades,has the drive,has the will,but doesn't have the money to go to college[n.学院].

7.Now,don't get me wrong. The people I meet-in small towns and big cities,in diners[(diner):n.食客] and office parks- they don't expect[vt.盼望;认为] government[n.政府] to solve[vt.解决;解答(难题)] all their problems. They know they have to work hard to get ahead,and they want to. Go into the collar[n.衣领;硬领] counties[(county):n.郡,县] around Chicago[n.芝加哥(美国城市)],and people will tell you they don't want their tax[n.税 vt.对......征税] money wasted[(waste):n.&vt.浪费],by a welfare[n.福利] agency[n.某种机构] or by the Pentagon[n.五边形]. Go into any inner city neighborhood[n.邻近地区],and folks[(folk):adj.民间的] will tell you that government[n.政府] alone can't teach our kids[(kid):v.开玩笑,取笑] to learn; they know that parents have to teach,that children can't achieve[vt.完成;达到] unless[conj.除非,如果不] we raise[vt.使升高;饲养 vt.饲养] their expectations[(expectation):n.期望] and turn off the television[n.电视;电视机] sets and eradicate[v.摆脱,消灭] the
slander[n.&vt.诽谤,诋毁] that says a black youth[n.青春;小伙子] with a book is acting[(act):vi.(戏)表演 vt.扮演(角色);演出(戏)] white. They know those things. People don't expect-People don't expect[vt.盼望;认为] government[n.政府] to solve[vt.解决;解答(难题)] all their problems. But they sense[n.感觉;意识],deep in their bones[(bone):n.骨,骨头],that with just a slight[adj.微小的] change in priorities[(priority):n.优先考虑的事],we can make sure that every child in America has a decent[adj.合适的] shot[(shoot):vt.射击;射中;发射] at life,and that the doors of opportunity[n.机会] remain[vt.余下;留下] open to all. They know we can do better. And they want that choice[n.选择;抉择].

8.John Kerry[n.黑色的小乳牛] believes[(believe):vt.&vi.相信;认为] in America. And he knows that it's not enough for just some of us to prosper-for alongside[ad.在旁边 prep.和…在一起;在…旁边] our famous individualism[n.个性(独立思考、行动的原则或习惯)],there's another ingredient[n.要素,成分] in the American saga[n.传说,英雄事迹,冒险故事],a belief[n.信念;信条] that we're all connected[(connect):vt.&vi.连接;把......联系起来] as one people. If there is a child on the south side of Chicago[n.芝加哥(美国城市)] who can't read,that matters to me,even if it's not my child. If there is a senior[adj.高级的;较高的] citizen[n.公民;居民] somewhere[ad.在某处] who can't pay for their prescription[n.药方] drugs[(drug):n.药;药物],and having to choose between medicine and the rent[n.租金],that makes my life poorer,even if it's not my grandparent[n.祖父(母),外祖父(母)]. If there's an Arab[n.阿拉伯人 adj.阿拉伯的] American family being rounded up without benefit[n.好处] of an attorney[n.(业务或法律事务上的)代理人;辩护律师] or due[adj.预期的;约定的] process[n.过程;步骤],that threatens[(threaten):v.威胁,恐吓] my civil[adj.国内的] liberties[(liberty):n.自由 n.权利]. It is that fundamental[a.基本的,根本的] belief-I am my brother's keeper. I am my sister's keeper-that makes this country work. It's what allows[(allow):vt.允许,准许] us to pursue[v.(继续)从事或忙于(某事物)] our individual[n.个人,个体] dreams[(dream):vt.&n.梦;梦想] and yet still come together as one American family. "E pluribus unum." Out of many,one.

9.In the end,that's what this election[n.选举] is about. Do we participate[v.参与] in a politicsof cynicism[n.犬儒主义] or do we participate[v.参与] in a politics[n.政治] of hope? I'm not talking about blindoptimism here-the almost willful[adj.任性的,固执的] ignorance[n.无知] that thinks unemployment[n.失业;失业人数] will goaway if we just don't think about it,or the health care crisis[n.(重病的)转折点;危机] will solve[vt.解决;解答(难题)] itself if wejust ignore[v.忽视] it. That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about something moresubstantial. It's the hope of slaves[(slave):n.奴隶] sitting around a fire singing freedom[n.自由] songs; thehope of immigrants[(immigrant):n.移民] setting out for distant[adj.远的;遥远的] shores[(shore):n.滨;岸]; the hope of a young navallieutenant bravely[(brave):adj.勇敢的] patrolling[(patrol):n.巡逻 v.巡逻] the Mekong[n.湄公河] Delta[n.三角洲]; the hope of a mill[n.工厂] worker's sonwho dares[(dare):v.aux.敢;敢于] to defy[v.(公然)违抗,藐视;使不可能] the odds[n.可能性;机会]; the hope of a skinny[adj.极瘦的] kid[v.开玩笑,取笑] with a funny[adj.有趣的;滑稽的] name whobelieves that America has a place for him,too. Hope in the face of difficulty[adj.困难;费力]. Hopein the face of uncertainty[n.不肯定的事]. The audacity[n.大胆,厚颜] of hope!4
9.一言以蔽之,这才是这次选举的意义:我们投入愤世嫉俗的政治还是参与满怀希望的政治?我不是在谈盲目的乐观主义。不要以为如果我们不讨论失业问题它便会自动消失,不要以为只要是我们无视医疗保险中存在的问题它就会自行解除,那是一厢情愿的无知。我要说的不是这个,我在此谈论的都是实质性问题。我谈的是希望,希望就是奴隶们围坐在篝火旁吟唱自由的歌曲;希望就是移民们背井离乡驾船出发驶向遥远的彼岸;希望就是年轻的海军上尉勇敢地在湄公河三角洲巡逻;希望就是一个工厂工人的儿子对厄运的不屈抗争;希望就是一个有着怪怪名字的、干瘦的小孩也相信美国会有一片属于他的天地。有希望则无所畏惧!10.In the end,that is God's[(god):n.神;(大写)上帝] greatest gift to us,the bedrock[n.基础,基石] of this nation[n.民族;国家]. Abelief in things not seen. A belief[n.信念;信条] that there are better days ahead. I believe[vt.&vi.相信;认为] that wecan give our middle class relief[n.(痛苦等)减轻,解除] and provide[vt.提供] working families with a road toopportunity. I believe[vt.&vi.相信;认为] we can provide[vt.提供] jobs[(job):n.工作] to the jobless[a.失业的],homes to the homeless[a.无家的,无养主的],and reclaim[n.认领] young people in cities across America from violence[n.暴力行为] and despair[n.绝望]. I believe[vt.&vi.相信;认为] that we have a righteous[a.

公正的,正义的,正直的] wind at our backs and that as we stand on the crossroads[n.十字路口,汇集地] of history,we can make the right choices[(choice):n.选择;抉择],and meet the challenges[(challenge):n.考验(人或事物)的能力,激发] that face us.

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