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51、"Education will be truly effective only when it is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student."


Ts: A debate over individualism and uniformity of education has existed long. In my opinion, 同样重要individualism of education is as important as uniformity. though education needs to take account of the students' taste, a great number of required courses are needed in order to provide students with a broad education. 课程总称curriculum

正:让步承认符合学生兴趣student-centered education带来的好处。when education takes into account the specific needs and interests of each student, students will feel centered and appreciated, therefore be more motivated to study. 定义真正的教育genuine education is not inserting the stuffing of information into a person, but rather eliciting knowledge from him; it is the drawing out of what is in the mind. The sausage-casing view of education. Pupils are more like oysters than sausages. There are pearls in each of us , if only we knew how to cultivate them with ardor and persistence.一,兴趣激发学习的激情;In such an educational system, students, feeling centered and appreciated, will be more motivated to study. Fully develop their distinct potential and talent.二,高等教育阶段,术业有专攻,为以后专业工作准备,否则都是浅尝辄止,没有核心。Higher education is a time for specialized study to qualify the individual for professional activity or for employment in higher positions in bussinees, industry, and government. A student who merely dabbles in a hodge-podge of academic offerings, without special emphasis on any one , becomes a dilettante-lacking enough knowledge or experience in any single area to come away with anything valuable to offer.

反:需要广泛的教育。many basic required courses need to be offered, though they can't meet everyone's interests and needs. A comprehensive/general curriculum

提供扎实的基础,基础教育阶段,为以后专业学习准备。The purpose of the elementary school is to introduce children to the skills, information, and attitudes necessary for proper adjustment to their community and to society. The purpose of the secondary education is to expand knowledge of subjects already studied. Mastery of any specific area requires some knowledge about a variety of others.举例,科幻小说家science fiction,a writer of science fiction can not accomplish a great work without some knowledge of science and technology that shape the story line, and without understanding the various psychology to shape character.除了需要文学基础,还需要科学知识。So in order to succeed in a specific field, students should be compelled to learn many basic required courses to get a broad education.

反:符合每个人的胃口不现实。Furthermore, it is unreasonable for education to meet everyone's interests and needs. 一,不是所有人已开始都知道自己的爱好。有些兴趣在学习中发现,改变的;many students even don't know what they are interest in or definitely in at first. so they need to learn a comprehensive curriculum, and then change or form their interests. The more they learn, the clearer their interests are. Nicolaus Copernicus found that astronomy fascinated himselves through the study of medicine.二,限于学校能力,不现实;compared limited educational resources with the numerous demands, it's impossible for the school to satisfy everyone. For instance, someone enjoys playing golf, but few schools have golf course.三,我们随意的选择课程,不一定合理。granted that educational resources abound, specifically designed education may bring about a negative impact on students. They are left, like shoppers in a giant supermarket, to wander the aisles, picking products at random, never sure that their selections will add up to a nutritious. 放任主义Laissez-faire may work in the economy, but it’s no way to education.反例For example, those who are addicted to the computer games consider playing computer games as their interest, and refuse to learn other useful knowledge. After graduation, they will find hard to adjust to the society. Education with too much emphasis on satisfying everyone's taste is harmful to students.


In sum, schools need to try their best to offer comprehensive education so as to meet the demands of the majority of the students. But it is unwis e to design education to meet everyone's

taste. "Truly effective" education requires a balance between required courses and students' demand.

144、"It's the artist, not the critic, who gives society something of lasting value."



Personally, both of the artist and the critic provide great value to the society.

正:让步,艺术家们给社会留下了很多有价值的实物。并且随着时间的流逝,价值持续。列举艺术带来的价值。Admittedly, the artist provides us lots of visible and audible works, which provide inspiration, lift our spirits and incite our creativity and imagination. Any form of art, when we encounter it, can conjure up our feeling such as pleasure, a sense of beauty and evoke inner reactions. 举例音乐or instance, when we hear Mozart's music, we feel comfortable, soothing, and peaceful. 美术FOr consider Van Gogh’s “sunflowers”, through the bright colors, it brings an impact on our senses, spirits and souls. 这些都不会随时间流逝。Moreover, art will produce a far-reaching impact on society, inspiring people in the future as well as at present. 结论Hence, the artist can give us works of lasting value-that is aesthetic appreciation. communicate ideas; to explore the nature of perception;


However, we can not ignore the importance of critic. 帮助我们理解It is the critic who has profound knowledge and experiences of aesthetics and a taste in art that enhances a layman's appreciation and understanding of art.展开Commonly, the critic is familiar with a particular artist and his or her work, and can give a certain insight into the work. With the help of the critic, we can not only feel ostensible emotional impulse incited by the work, but also have an insight into the work, understanding the artist's passion and spirit. 举例For example, Picasso's later pictures are so abstract that few of us can understand it without the guidance of the critic. And we are lucky that so many critics form various, ample, and all-sided interpretations that nearly each of us can understand the Picasso's art objective. 要让步,一句带过,会有受到社会局限,(观点饱满)Though sometimes the critic is limited by the narrow confines of old and established parameters, and not able to make correct evaluation, 拉回,点睛there’s no denying that most of the critic appropriately evaluates the art and shows us a way to look insight into art.

Hence, the critic gives us valuable things too.

反:评论家另一大价值,对于艺术家,刺激好的作品的出现,发现艺术家的缺陷,这种作用将使长久的。Furthermore, the critic can benefit the artist in some respects. 分类说好处First, many nameless artists are discovered by the critic, ultimately are made known to the public. Secondly, the critic gives feedback such as constructive criticism to the artist, and helps them to recognize their work's flaws/deficiency and guide them to accomplish better works. Lack of essential criticism made by the critic, most of the artists can not make such great achievements. For example, due to the critic, Dante accomplished Divine. 让步(观点饱满),过分约束会妨碍创作Though, to some extent, excessive criticism will constrain the artist’s creativity, spoil his or her creative impulse, 拉回,点睛most of criticisms are appropriate and practical. Hence, the critic plays a vital role in the development of art, and brings about a lasting positive effect.

结尾: 两者皆有价值

In sum, the artist and the critic supplement each other. While the artist gives the society a large amount of works, whose value is not changed as time goes by, the critic forms a all-sided aesthetic theory, and commits many useful criticisms influencing not only works of today but also of tomorrow. Both of them give society long-term valuable things.

48、"The study of history places too much emphasis on individual. The most significant events and trends in history were made possible not by the famous few, but by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten."



The author asserts that groups of faceless people made the most significant events and trends in history instead of the famous few, and the study of history shouldn't place so much emphasis on individuals. In my opinion,I agree with the claim insofar as long-term sociological trends and significant historic events were made by the ma sses. However, the famous few always provided the initial spark for those trends and events. Then they managed to consistently remain in limelight, therefore the memories of them is immortalized by history. When we study history, so many details were recorded about the great figures instead of groups of people that we are compelled to concern individuals.


Admittedly, the masses played a vital role in history, making the most significant events and trends in history.考虑历史变革Consider the revolution in history, it's the cumulative efforts of all members of groups that have sparked it. The efforts of one man are not sufficient to cause a paradigm shift in the well-being of humanity. 美国独立战争For instance, in the American Revolution, groups of people rallied and attempted to gain independence from the British Empire. Through efforts of groups instead of few individuals, American Declaration of Independence has been achieved. 考虑人工奇迹Or consider history's greatest architectural and engineering wonders, they are all attributed to the efforts of large groups of workers. 长城金字塔Either the Great Wall in China or the pyramids in Egypt was made by the nameless groups, rather by the famous few who only had whims. 总结Hence, the most famous events and trends in history were possible because of group efforts.


However,feats of the famous few can not be ignored. It was always the egos or ideals of the famous few that provide the driving force behind the accomplishments. They provide the vision of future and the groups then bring the vision to fruition. The initial spark provided by individuals was extremely crucial. 蝴蝶效应说Just as butterfly effect, in the initial condition of the system, small variations caused by the famous few might bring out large variations in the long term behavior of the history system. 成吉思汗For example, assuming that Genghis Khan,a yuan emperor, died a few years later, he would continue to expand his land, and the history of Eastern Euorpe might be totally changed. 结Hence, the key individual who provided the necessary impetus for the development of history deserved to be memorized by history.

散:个体的引人注目,使得历史记录更多的个人。历史研究也被迫的重在了个人。Furthermore, because the famous few individuals had superior leadership skills, and got a huge share of the limelight, they were easy to be immortalized by history, while these people who are behind the scenes never find any mention in history. It is understandable that when it comes to the study of history, we are compromised to put emphasis on indi viduals. After all, history is written by man, and we can not record everything or everyone, but the few individuals in history. Even if we want to study the masses whose identities have long been forgotten, so few information was mentioned in history that it seems impossible. Thus, we always reconstruct the

past and the fruition of groups of people through the study of the great figures, and it is reasonable for us to place emphasis on individuals.


In sum, by drawing inspiration from the famous few, the groups of people made the significant events and trends in history. Nowadays, we need to record the voices of the forgotten majority, as well as the famous few, strike a balance between the study of the famous few and groups of people.

36、"The greatness of individuals can be decided only by those who live after them, not by their contemporaries."

Ts:太绝对Can the greatness of individuals be recognized only in retrospect, by those who live after them? In my opinion, whether the feats of individuals can be decided by their contemporaries or not should base on a case-by-case analysis.

正:历史能沉淀一个人的功与过。Admittedly, right and wrong, or merit and demerit are both recorded in history, and the history provides a mirror for us today to gaze into for insight and appreciation of the greatness of people in the past. 当局者迷,旁观者清。Since some people in the past wanted to mask the truth, or to cheat their contemporaries, the ir lies will be exposed only by those who live after them. Besides, some brilliant minds exceeded the contemporaries' understanding and tolerance, they must endure the test of time and can only be appreciated by people living after them.梵高死后,才成名For instance, Van Gogh rece i ved reputation only after his death. The judgment of people, his contemporaries, is limited by the narrow confines of old and established parameters. And his greatness was ignored in the past. 布鲁诺提倡日心说,必是众矢志的,招徕杀身之祸Or consider Btuno, he challenged the authority by forming a new theory that claimed the earth was not the center of the universe. New theory changed people's cognition of the world and undermine the sense of security, therefore they reacted in terms of resistance and outrage. At last, Btuno was burned at stake as a heretic. 基于现在人们对太空的认识,人人都承认日心说Nowadays, we all can recognize the greatness of Btuno. 例后再论Greatness always should be tested over time before it can be confirmed-any scientific theory might be disproved tomorrow, or the theory might withstand centuries of rigorous scientific scrutiny. 拉回主题中心Hence, in some respects, people who live after the famous individuals instead of their contemporaries can decide the greatness of individuals.

反:在某些领域,同时代的能很快被认可。However, in other respects, people who were the contemporaries of the famous individuals can realize great achievements of individuals immediately. 如商业比尔盖茨In the realm of business, Bill Gates is the role model for us. We all admit his victory, and have a dream to be a man like Bill Gates. /He fulfilled the dream of most people who want to earn a big money.钢琴王子Or in the realm of art, Li Yundi, the victor in 2000 at renowned Warsaw Chopin Comp et ition, 华沙肖邦钢琴大赛is confirmed to be the youngest and greatest pian i st. 宫崎骏Moreover, Hayao Miyazaki, a director of many famous animated feature films, is known by contemporary people all over the world. 拉回观点,点我的主题句Hence, we should not be blind to the point that sometimes the greatness of individuals can be de c ided by their contemporaries.

反:此外,有时候,也只有同代的人能够客观、公正的评判一个人。Furthermore, in some cases, only contemporaries of the individuals can judge them justly, objectively and correctly, 因为,他们有着相同的历史环境。because contemporary people live in the same social and cultural conditions, 此外后代回顾历史,总是带上个人主观色彩了and when people today review history, it can't avoid some subjective opinions.第一,由于国家政治的需要,有些时候历史资料的记载未必是真实全面的。On one hand, in many countries, the subject taught in school or showed in TV under the name "history" is censored for political reasons.日本教科书删掉了南京大屠杀For example, in Japan, mention of the Nanking Massacre has been removed from textbooks in primary and secondary schools. 学生们培养了扭曲的世界观Students who are taught such history believe what they learn as the real history, actually develop a distorted worldview.(补充一些可以用的例子in Russia under Stalin, history was rewritten to conform with communist party doctrine; and in the United States the history of the American Civil War is censored to avoid giving offense 冒犯to White Southerners)另一方面,由于历史背景,价值判断标准不一样,后人做出的评判并不客观,非常草率。On the other hand, a value judgment evolve s to keep pace with the development of the changing moral standards and collective sense. In the past, base on the old standards, individuals would be regarded as great men, while today when people reconstruct quite remote遥远pasts with new social values, they will not.成吉思汗Considering Genghis Khan, people in the past regarded him as a hero. Today, one of our collective senses is anti-war, so we regard him as a warmonger. His greatness only can be objectively decided by his contemporaries.拉回观点So sometimes the judgment of individuals done by

those who live after them is not correct and objective.

总结:In sum, we should base on a case-by-case analysis to decide the greatness of individuals. It's unreasonable to assert the feats of individuals can be recognized only by those who live after them, or only by their contemporaries.

130、"How children are socialized today determines the destiny of society. Unfortunately, we have not yet learned how to raise children who can help bring about a better society."

(前后两句,两个层次的意识,一关于社会化,另一个关于教育,用社会命运联系在一起) Ts:我们有责任教育好下一代,但是下一代也有能力靠自己的力量来建设社会。父母不需要太担心。Society’s destiny hinges on how children are socialized, but not exclusively determined by it. In my opinion, both adults and children should take the responsibility to bring about a better society. And with the help of public education, children should create a new and better society marked with their own characteristics.

正:让步,社会化包含的内容,技能和思想,和社会命运的关系,我们教育的必要性。社会化的定义Admittedly, children as new generations of citizens should be socialized and prepared to function in society, by mastering basic survival skills: communication, logical thinking, analysis, and creative problem-solving. Besides, they should possess democratic values, such as justice, liberty, and equality.社会化和社会命运And how children are socialized is crucial for the destiny of society. 我们有义务As adults, we have the obligation to guide children to gain life skills, have correct collective values, and ultimately bring about a better society. 让步It is true that in the modern society, more and more new knowledge and skills should be taught to children, while we are busy with our work, having little time to concern children.孩子的不足. Since many children has less time to play and communicate with peers, more and more children lack social compassion, become solitary, and avoid pressures from competition. 我们有责任教育好下一代It is our duty to develop and cultivate their character and interpersonal skills. 拉回观点,承认某些现状。So, to some extent, we are not prepared to raise children properly, and children’s socialization plays a vital role in the development of society.

反:反驳第一层意思,很多决定社会命运的不只是社会化。However, there are many other factors as important as children's socialization contributing to the destiny of society, such as personal conviction, individual responsibility, and raw intelligence. Such factors together

determine the destiny of society.举例,爱因斯坦,原子弹消灭纳粹Consider Einstein, a genius, his mass-energy equivalence contributed to invent A-bomb which defeated German in the World War II. His brilliant minds determined the destiny of society. 马丁路德金,民权运动Or consider Ma r tin Luther King, a leader of the American Civil Rights Movement, due to his personal conviction, people begun to fight for equality and aimed to eliminate racial discrim ination. His personal conviction brought about a better society. 拉回观点Hence, many factors including socialization together determine the future of society.

反:反驳第二句,我们有能力教育好下一代,同时下一代有自己的思想,能自我学习,进步。Furthermore, granted that we think we have not yet learned how to raise children to develop a better society, actually we have raised children properly, besides children need to take their own responsibilities to build a beautiful future, not just accept a preparation for the next step.第一,家长们一直以为自己教育不好的,其实已经教育的很好了. On the one hand, we do have the capability to raise children, and our children do not disappoint us too.婴儿潮成为美国的中坚力量For instance, the baby boomers in America were raised with televisions at home, who were regarded to be doted on by their parents. People at that time thought they avoided much long term planning, and were not socialized enough. However, today, the generation boomers become mainstay of society. One of their contributions is the expansion of individual freedom. Clinton and Bush, baby boomer presidents, do bring about a better America. (They often are associated with the civil rights movement. Baby boomers presently make up the lion's share of the political, cultural, industrial, and academic leadership class in the United States. )递进,(道德教育的哲学境界)家长们要做的只是做好自己,树立榜样,其它的就不用管了。Moreover, adults only have to set a good example to children, who will imitate us unconsciously. Children will not take messages about rules or morality seriously, unless they adults take those rules seriously in their day-to-day affairs. Certain must be said, certain limits laid, and certain examples set. There is no way other. 另一方面,孩子们要自己试验成功的道路On the other hand, children need to experience the process to create their future, trip and fall, ultimately find the proper way, and bring about a society marked their own characteristics.

总结In sum, many factors incl uding children’s socialization determine the destiny of society. And our primary task is setting good examples to children, and letting them to experiment, and create a better society of themselves.


41、"Such nonmainstreams areas of inquiry as astrology, fortune-telling, and psychic and paranormal pursuits play a vital role in society by satisfying human needs that are not addressed by mainstream science."



正:admittedly, non-mainstream areas have survived for thousands of years and still hold considerable influence over the masses for several reasons.主流思想无法解释的问题,非主流思想很好的满足人们各种需要,作用不小。there are many problems that the mainstream sciences cannot explain and solve, which provide the space for the non-mainstream pursuits.第一、非主流思想给了我们一个不正确但是课接受的解释,让大家更有激情去幻想探索。Some so-called non-mainstream pursuits today may become mainstream fields of science tomorrow.布鲁诺Giordano Btuno,曾被认为异端邪说,最后日心说成为了主流using Copernican principles in formulating his cosmic( 宇宙) theory of an infinite universe, chose to be burned at the stake to defend his theory, as a heretic异教徒。比如,超能力Supernatural abilities,UFO.我们相信宇宙里人类并不孤独,有了这些精神上的信仰,我们不断的探索太空。第二,非主流思想也满足了人类对未来无知的恐惧和好奇心。People are born curious, want to know their fate and future, whether good or bad. Be ignorant of the true causes of natural phenomena科幻电影越来越火。人们对此津津乐道。并不是说大家就相信,只是满足了人类好奇心。有了看问题的新视角,很新奇,很兴奋。非主流思想能带来一些产物,辅助治疗。non-mainstream pursuits 追求afford many people psychological solace安慰in life, and address certain human needs.也就是心理学上的心理疗法,心里暗示。Faced with infinite choices, we experience uncertainty, insecurity, and confusion; and we feel remorse, regret, and guilt when in retrospect our choices turn out be poor ones. Understandably, to prevent these bad feeling many people try to shift the burden of making difficult choices and decisions to some nebulous authority占星outside themselves-by relying on the stars or on a stack of tarot cards for guidance. Our awareness that we are mortal凡人必死brings a certain measure of pain that most people try to relieve by searching for evidence of an afterlife.比方,通灵,很多时候很多人在亲人好友死后心中念念


反:非主流被一些人利用,愚弄百姓。these pursuits are not rooted in reason, they are favorite pastimes of charlatans江湖骗子and others who seek to prey on dupes愚人driven by the aforementioned 上述psychological needs. when such pursuits serve as substitutes替代品for reason and logic, and for honest intellectual inquiry, participants begin to distrust不信任intellect as an impediment绊脚石to enlightenment启迪教化.

反:这一论断有个逻辑陷阱,如何说明起了vital 的作用。vital 如何定义,标准?并不是说大多数认可,或是普遍存在就重要,对社会进步,社会整体思想有决定性影响才是重要的话,那显然主流思想才是重要地位。道德values as a source of competitive advantage; values that 加强underpin corporate reputation and reinforce risk management风险管理; values that are part of the intangible assets 无形资产of the business法律the law protecting people's human rights The study of law raises important questions about equality, fairness, liberty and justice治国,规范人们道德标准,推动科技进步。非主流说不上重要Research is also the chief means by which we humans attempt to satisfy our insatiable不足的appetite for knowledge, and our craving 渴望to understand ourselves and the world around us.advances in the health sciences have enhanced our physical well-being, comfort, and life span.生命的源泉

advances in technology have enabled us to travel to more places, communicate with more people from different walks of life, and learn about the world from our desktops.桌上电脑


185、"Scandals-whether in politics, academia, or other areas-can be useful. They focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could."



正:社会监督机制会有盲点。It’s true that scandals expose some facts that cannot be seen in other ways for the speakers and reformers have to take responsibility for their public affairs丑闻的揭发自然有助于社会净化。increase the level of scrutiny监督and accountability责任to which our public officials are held, thereby working a significant and lasting benefit to our society.

丑闻把一些我们所忽视的问题摆到了桌面上。然后我们才想到去解决。这么说来丑闻确实还有用的。诸如,克林顿,Bill Clinton,Lewinsky scandal我想往后的总统估计都会避免犯同样的错误了。水门丑闻Watergate is a general term for a series of political scandals during the presidency of Richard Nixon

反:丑闻迷惑我们,让我们不关心功劳只重视失误。on the other hand, scandals can sometimes distract us from more important societal issues.The scandals make us confused and overemphasize their fault instead of treating their contribution fairly.领导的职责A politician’s job is to build, maintain, and expand the wealth, prosperity繁荣and political influence of his nation, district, county, state or what have you. nobody is utterly good or bad. It may be quite sensible 明智to look at President Clinton and his predecessors 前辈—or for that matter, any people currently in public life —and distinguish between their public selves and their private selves, evaluating each independently.

反:丑闻的真实性we should be avoid believing blindly in the reports about these scandals and be careful to establish the facts relating to them before making any judgements.传媒商业化的目的in pursuit of maximizing shareholder profits, the media are simply giving the public what they demand- a voyeuristic into the private lives of public figures.会带来一些负面影响,泛例子,政府的不信任,社会的动乱。

50、"In order to improve the quality of instruction at the college and university level, all fa c ulty should be required to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach."


Ts:教育应当和实践相结合,但并不是说所有老师一定要出去从事与教学相关的工作How to improve the quality of instruction at the college and university level has caused wide public concern. Common sense tells us that experience is the best teacher. Someone may assert that all faculty should be required to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach.In my opinion,whether faculty should be engaged in outside-academic works bases on a case-by-case analysis

正:了解与教育相关的工作,这对提高教学质量很重要。Admittedly, faculty's work experience relevant to the courses they teach will do good to the quality of instruction.第一,很多理论知识

来源于实践,在实践中学习理论,理解更深刻,老师上课也就更深入。First, as many knowledge stems from the practice, professors who actively work outside their academic world teach courses with fresh insights and a 感染力的contagious excitement about the subject at hand. Such instruction will inspire students, and inc i te them to learn deeper and broader.第二,老师们做的课题研究会找到新的突破点,一些方向错误了还能被纠正。Second, work experience in a certain field will help the professors to ferret out new or controversial subjects for further study and research. Such new views will lead to academic prosperity and development. And students who follow such faculty will have an opportunity to acquire the most advanced technology and knowledge.拉回观点There is no denying that in some respects, faculty should spend time to work outside academic world.

正:学生学习的目的是为了更好的工作。Furthermore, the function of education is to teach students to maintain some basic and necessary life skills, and to provide students a good position in job market.现状:很多书本的知识落后于时代。或者说很多书本知识没有实用价值。A s human has made great progress in knowledge and technology over the recent decades, knowledge in different fields are interconnected with each other, and many academic knowledge are out of date. However, most people still live under the illusion that they are learning useful and up-to-date knowledge. 反证法:假如教育和工作脱节,教育肯定是失败的。Once education can no longer prepare students to adapt to jobs, the education is a failure. 实践的好处Faculty with work experience in relevant professions will impart information about the current job market and help students adjust from campus to the job market. 拉回观点Hence, it is very important to require faculty to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach

反:但是,并不是一定要老师也出去工作,才能提高教育质量。However, in other respects, it doe not always wise for faculty to work in professions relevant to their academic study.第一,老师除去工作,耗时长,理解也未必深入,与工作人员交流,直接借鉴别人总结的讲演,来更好的教育学生。First, in certain fields, such means to gain work experience may be not effective or efficient enough. As we all know, to go too far means to waste time.Oftentimes, such experience can be gained from full-time workers, who give professors even more accurate things in detail, while sometimes faculty will find hard to discover valuable things personally or comprehend them exactly.其次,作基础教育的老师并不适合出去工作,没有什么工作是和教

学必然联系的。Second, some academic fields do not have outside professions relevant to them. 如哲学,语言学For instance, no work outside academy is there for phi lo sophy or ph i lo logy.第三,即使老师们有了工作经验,也未必能让教育质量提高。Finally, if students always passively accept such experience, the quality of instruction will not be significantly improved. 因为,还要看学生的接受能力和社会阅历。学生缺少工作经验,老师再牛,学生也未必能把知识掌握好。Many other factors should be considered to improve the quality of instruction. Students need experiment, trip and fall, and at last achieve the success. 拉回观点Hence, many other things should be required to improve the quality of instruction, and excessive emphasis on w orking outside academic will do harm to education.

总结In sum, we should require some faculty in some certain fields instead of all to be engaged in professions outside academic world relevant to classes they teach. And we should realize that too much emphasis will hamper to improve the quality of instructions.

38、"In the age of television, reading books is not as important as it once was. People can learn as much by watching television as they can by reading books."


Ts: though television has become an integral part of our daily lives, the role that books play is still irreplaceable and merits further advocation.

正:我们必须承认电视的出现,让我们能接受的信息量大增。in a few respects, television, including video, can be a more efficient and effective means of learning.电视节目多种多样,有娱乐的,有科普知识的。现在我们从电视那接受到越来越多的知识。Television gives us an option to traditional education trough reading and classroom teaching.第一,从视觉到听觉,有了突破,更易记忆。Indeed the vivid images it produces succeed in the education of children, who are much more inclined to accept visual information than abstract letters or characters.第二电视时效性强,很多知识紧跟时代,书本上往往没有。最新研究发现,政治动态走向。Television also raises our consciousness by providing the latest news and discoveries, extending our horizon by such documentary programs as “National Geographic” and “Discovery”, whose contents might otherwise be unapproachable in an entire lifetime.

反:但是电视永远替代不了书籍。in most respects, however, these newer media serve as poor substitutes for books when it comes to learning.第一,很多理论知识是电视不能提供的,诸如深奥的研究。Watching television can neither provoke abstract thinking, which is most crucial in

advanced scientific research, nor can it teach effective management and adequate control of written language. Written language carries the utmost importance inheritance and dissemination of knowledge. Books contain the collective human experience, knowledge and wisdom. Human talents of abstract thought, logical dialogue, philosophy and writing style can be acquired only through the reading, digesting, and rumination of novels, texts, essays and speeches.此外我们从书本上学习知识时,可以做笔记,可以拿出来反复复习。books readily enable readers to review and cross reference参考material.但电视是流水似的播过。注定只能传播大众的科普的娱乐的知识。电视让我们有了获取知识的新途径,但并不能给我们全面的知识。所以,读书依然是我们获取广博知识的途径。电视不能替代读书。第二,书可以随身携带,随时看。电视却不能。

反:电视上娱乐节目偏多。despite all these advantages, the shortcomings of televisions are equally, if no more, apparent. television programs are profit-based, and their commercial orientation drives them to be entertaining more so than educational, for the latter are typically less profitable.我们很多时候只是拿电视来消遣,shallow, short-sighted, entertainment programs offer no such enrichment而且接受起来是被动。filter过滤information in order to appeal to 吸引the widest viewing audience, and thereby maximize profit. an appeal to our emotions and basic instincts rather than our intellect and reasonableness.我们可以主动选择书本。

103、"The study of history has value only to the extent that is relevant to our daily lives."



正:当历史研究与我们生活相关时,很有价值。"History teaching by example" is one phrase that describes this use of learning about great human achievements of the past , the great men and women of history who successfully worked through moral dilemmas.

profoundly深深地,衷心地affect that student's every life-in school and beyond. emboldening 使有勇气us and lifting our spirits

provide motivation to face their own personal fears in life.

mistakes of the past can teach us a society how to avoid repeating those mistakes.

provide lessons in courage, diligence勤奋, or 建设性constructive protest主张

History also provides a terrain 地形for moral contemplation打算. Studying the histories of

individuals and situations in the past allows a student of history to test his or her own moral sense是非感, to hone 磨砺it against some of the real complexities 复杂individuals have faces in difficult settings. People who have weathered 经受住adversity 不幸not just in some work of fiction小说, but in real, historical circumstances环境can provide inspiration灵感.我们以史为鉴,避免犯前人犯过的错误。给今天的生活提供检验和建议。basic human nature-our desires and motives, as well as our fears and foibles弱点-has remained constant over recorded time. history also teaches us that our major social ills are here to stay, because they spring from human nature. For instance, crime and violence have troubled almost every society; all manner of reform, prevention, and punishment have been tried with only partial success举例,

反:但是与我们生活没有直接关系的历史研究也很重要。History, then, provides the only extensive 广泛的materials available to study the human condition. It also focuses attention on the complex processes of social change, including the factors that are causing change around us today.如研究战争史,让我们珍惜生命,珍惜和平history has other lessons to offer us as well. It helps us formulate informed valuables and ideals for ourselves, inspires 鼓励us to great achievements, points out mistakes to avoid, and helps us appreciate our cultural heritage. Studying history promotes提升national identity一致性,身份. Histories that tell the national story, emphasizing distinctive与众不同features特征of the national experience, are meant to 打算drive home使人理解an understanding of national values and a commitment义务to national loyalty. 。研究艺术史,感叹人类智慧,享受精神财富。History well told is beautiful. Many of the historians who most appeal to 吸引the general reading public know the importance of dramatic and skillful writing-as well as of accuracy. Stories well done are stories that reveal how people and societies have actually functioned, and they prompt提示thoughts about the human experience in other times and places. The same aesthetic and humanistic 人文主义goals inspire people to immerse沉浸themselves in efforts to reconstruct推想quite remote遥远pasts, far removed from 移开immediate, present-day utility.效用

和:历史研究不应追求功利。所有的研究都有其作用,存在就是合理的。83、"Government should preserve publicly owned wilderness areas in their natural state, even though these areas are often extremely remote and thus accessible to only a few people."



正:毫无疑问,人类对自然环境的改变大而广,我们有必要保护荒地,甚至是很偏远的。第一,荒地里保留的较为完整的生态系统,有科研价值。This has a significant meaning for researchers of biology and ecology. Researchers are likely to continue to seek the answers of the origination and evolution of life.第二,越远的荒地,说明人们对其破坏影响越小,越是适合野生动植物的生长,也就越值得保护。Nature has the ability to maintain balance; without human interference, the web of life will take good care of itself. 不然,人类很容易就改变那里的生态环境。

反:保护荒地这一决策受到很多客观条件限制。经济问题,政府需要发大量的财力物力坚持不断的去保护荒地。After all, expensive research always carries significant opportunity costs-in terms of how the money might be spent toward addressing society's more immediate problems that do not require research.

反:偏远就很难保证保护的力度。While emphasizing the importance of a government’s public propaganda, I insist that relevant laws against environmental destruction should be enacted.众所周知,中国的藏羚羊,Tibetan antelope也是在保护区内,为保护动物,由于地广人稀,管理员少,会遭到偷猎。Poaching Remains Main Threat to Tibetan Antelope

17、"There are two types of laws; just and unjust. Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and, even more importantly, to disobey and resist unjust laws."


A debate over whether every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and to disobey and resist unjust laws has existed long. Someone may think it is very important for people in democratic society to disobey and resist unjust laws. In my opinion, I think it is not simple to distingu i sh laws into two types: just and unjust, and whether people should disobey and resist unjust laws depends on a case-by-case analysis.

正:理想状况下成立的Admittedly, in ideal respects, every citizen has the obligation to obey just laws and the right to resist unjust laws.法律本身应该有自己的灵魂,反映人的社会本质:爱,公平,正义。法律的目的是保护人们的利益,规范大家的行为。The function of laws is to maintain the social stability, guarantee people's security and safety, ensure welfare of the majority of citizens. Besides, laws should represent equality, fairness, liberty and justice.一旦当法律已经失去了保护我们自身利益的功效,我们就没有责任去遵守了。If laws accord with the

above standards, we should obey laws. If laws no longer benefit the majority of the citizens, but do harm to individuals, everyone in a society need to disobey and resist unjust laws.就如,美国民族解放运动For instance,during the American Civil Rights Movement, people recognized laws are unjust, tried to resist it to get equality, ultim a tely contributed to ending racial discrimination. And laws today are more just.拉回观点So it is necessary to resist laws which are out-of-date, to protect people's rights.

反:什么是不公正的法律。However, to some extent, to distinguish laws into just and unjust is logically flawed. The assertion that laws are just or not is a subject claim.如果说公正就是符合大部分的利益。事实上世界上没有绝对公正的法律。People will judge the fairness of laws according to personal interests, besides it is impossible for laws to meet with every individual's interest s. Oftentimes, people are not so wise, and may do stupid things. For example, 苏格拉底之死Socrates was tried and convicted by the courts of democratic Athens on a charge of corrupting the youth and disbelieving in the ancestral gods. 人们的局限性People are limited by the narrow confines of personal interests or personal moral standards.我们不能因为它不好的一面就推翻,应该从更高的利益出发。Sometimes,real laws are entirely separate from narrow morality, for a good law is to protect the whole society's interest instead of every individual. 拉回观点So it is not easy to judge laws, especially by individuals’ standards.

反:法律本来就是强制的,而且一旦法律不合适,除了抵抗还有其他方法改进。Furthermore, the very function of laws is to bring stability and order to people that laws are forced upon, and once laws are out-of-date, ma n y other ways except resist a nce can be used to improve unjust laws.法律需要一定程度的稳定,使人遵守On one hand, some measure of consistency and stability of laws is vital for a society to function smoothly.法律本来就是个契约,需要大家来遵守Laws bring us rights, as well as obligation to obey laws. 否则形同虚设。不然,搞不好会变成无政府状态,结果带来社会的混乱,而不会更好的自由。If once people’s personal interests conflicts with laws, and they choose to disobey and resist laws, the society will be in stability. 事与愿违.Disobeying unjust laws often has the opposite affect of what was hoped for.另一方面,允许法律的进步On the other hand, laws should evolve to keep pace with the changing social values, moral standards and our collective sense of equality.当然这样的进步并不需要反抗,改革就行了However, the way to modify laws is not only resist a nce or disobeying. Reforming or adding new laws will be a good way to improve out-of-date laws. 拉回观点Hence, people should obey

laws to guarantee laws' solemnity, and try more other ways instead of disobeying or resisting to make laws more reasonable.

结尾:In sum, to judge the fairness of laws is not simple.In some respects, laws must be forced upon in order to ensure security and interests of the majority of people, while in other respects, laws should be flexible enough to satisfy individuals as many as possible. So individuals need to be more rational to judge laws and should take more rational reactions to unjust laws. 208、"The way people look, dress, and act reveals their attitudes and interests. You can tell much about a society's ideas and values by observing the appearance and behavior of its people."


Ts:我们可以从人民那初步了解这个社会,但要深入了解社会的价值观还要参考其他很多东西。The speaker asserts that…..In my opinion, to some extent, the appearance and behavior of individuals in a society reflect personal taste and social values, but sometimes they do not. After all, some social values are so deep and hidden that can not be accurately embodied by the exterior looking of people.

正:Admittedly, in some respects, most people choose their appearance and behavior according to personal attitudes and interests, which sometimes reveals hidden social ideas and values.有时,通过察言观色,确实能了解一个人的思想。Different people have different ideas, which affect people's out-expression.搞艺术得一般穿的很另类有个性。For instance, artists' dress is always strange, which may have exaggerative colors, unusual styles, and surprising cloth; while a professor always dresses like a gentleman.个人是社会的细胞。群众身上都有社会的烙印。Besides, since we live in a soc ie ty, we are influenced potentially by it. Sometimes our appearance and behavior reveals our society's ideas and values.中国人遇上节日festival喜欢穿大红色。西方人喜欢白色。For example, people in China will choose red clothes when they celebrate a festival, while people in Western countries will prefer white clothes.人们的举止、打扮受社会价值观的影响。It is true that we can view some shallow respects of the society from its citizens’ look, dress, and act. Hence, there is no denying that personal appearance and behavior not only reveals personal values but also presents the society's ideas and values.

反:反第一句:但有时人不可貌相。However, in many respects, the way people look, dress, and act is limited by some inside or outside parameters, which can not exactly indicate personal attitudes and interests. 一方面,很多人不是特别重视外形,从外貌你看不出他的态度和兴趣。

On one hand, some people do not care about the external appearance or behavior, and their primary concern is their business.举例,爱因斯坦的打扮像个糟老头,看不出睿智。For instance, Einstein always forgot to cut hair, and dressed like a poor man. At the first glance of him, no one will consider he is a great scientist. So it does not always work for us to judge individual's values according to external things.另一方面,人们的打扮受到外界因素的客观制约,不能反映人的态度和兴趣。很可能只是工作服、气候导致统一。On the other hand, oftentimes people are required or tend to dress similarly. People may have to dress or act according to the same standard due to the function of work environment. For example, in the Olympic Games, athletes from different countries dress sport suit of the required style; the announcers speak in required languages. 世界在全球化,打扮也在全球化。很多打扮、举止大家都差不多。追求一样的流行。Besides, as the world becomes global, people pursue the same view of popularity. For instance, if yellow is defined to be popular in this summer in Paris, people all over the world will prefer yellow this summer.拉回观点Hence, the way people look, dress, and act do not always indicate their attitudes or interests.

反:反第二句:光看人们的举止不能准确把握社会的价值观的。Furthermore, people's appearance and behavior is not repre se ntative enough to reveal a society's ideas and values.人们又自主选择的权利,所以很难反应一个什么统一的社会价值。In the modern society, people emphasis individuality, and prefer to manifest a particular externality, which far from reflect the social ideas and values.即便,人们的穿衣打扮流露出社会的价值观,作为观察者,我们能准确把握么?也许,我们能看出一些有价值的东西,但是我们的理解很肤浅,不深刻。Granted that their appearance and behavior marked with the society’s ideas and values, we are not sensitive enough to catch it, but always ignore it.所以我们只是能了解以下社会概貌而已。Hence, we can only see a society's ideas and values on the surface by observing the appearance and behavior of its people.

总结:In sum, as people maintain different views about their appearance and behaviors, the way people look, dress, and act will not always indicate neither personal attitudes and interest nor society's ideas and values. We should make our judgments on a case-by-case analysis.

43、"To be an effective leader, a public official must maintain the highest ethical and moral standards."


Issue题目难点(是非论证的文章) 1审题先熟悉题库中文意思 2内容不考内容背景,考逻辑分析能力 3语言标准书面语 三类难题:哲学类道德伦理文化文学只能放掉一类题目不用准备新G取消二选一该考为30分钟 按主题分类:纵向比较分类题库 1防止跑题 2★合并类似题目(新G改革要求1更加具体的细节深度>广度>范度2不能雷同)两道题的论点相似其论据论证过程可以相互使用 简易评分要求0-3分:审题和结构3-4.5分:论证过程Reasoning 4.5-6分:语言 多看6分文章不要模仿6分以下的文章 中心观点不能完全赞成或完全反对要从正反两方面论证 审题四步走 1中心观点在题目中寻找关键词主体词—确定主题(名词句子的主干)确定中心观点 限定词(adj adv 定语从句状语从句)用于确定论证角度(少数抽象题目没有限定词)2中心观点的分支观点现在将来问题有是非两个方面开头结尾是中心观点段中间4段(T+ T- F+ F-)3?分支观点的理由找限定词写issue 不要走向极端,要看整体框架 4 论据evidence 每一个分支观点理由------→分支论据归纳演绎方式观点论据比1:3---1:4---1:5 带到生活场景中去-----看题库本身 弊端:1斟词酌句浪费时间Issue看整体不看局部 Issue入门要求:先用基本单词练习关键是思路(下托福高频词表)先写再修改一气呵成不要写写停停 2临时找思路边想边写把能准备的尽量全准备 3临时发挥应用分类提纲事先准备 Step2先整理分类提纲-----整理单个提纲

Step3如何写分类提纲:先找主体词限定词---再归纳p11 是非两方面 分支观点理由—-限定词 论据善于归纳eg. 技术进步的3大种例子1交通2通讯交流(交流与人类的关系)3自动化 如何展开分析:演绎要展开包装---学术化 ★Issue的写作核心:具体问题具体分析的是非论证★ Step4 综上400-600字文章--→20-30个长句复杂句 Issue 作文的结构 开头段2-3句话提出中心句------结尾段2-3句话得出结尾句 中间展开部分1 TTF 大正小负2TFF大负小正3TF 平衡结构正文第一段都是先写正的先继承再批判(先扬后抑) 6-7句话写每段的主题句---过渡句(并列递进转折) 模板:1逻辑性的目标(迎合软件评分表准)2 写作习惯 模板包括:1 结构固定2 1 开头段的中心句1位置要求---每一个位置用什么句型做什么用End focus开头段末句中心观点 错误一:用问句结束开头(而要有明确的回答) 错误二:做报告式的开头The issue that lies in two points 2用何种句型写中心句:1 正反论证结构或有倾向的(TTF 大正小负TFF大负小正)用让步语气 2 平衡结构也可用平衡让步结果前后同等重要 The issue that calls for balance in which there are both A and B(现在将来感性理性正负两观点均可蓝色部分不可雷同同时使用) 2 开头段的写法╳B+P 背景+立场层层铺垫---铺垫型的罗嗦开头讲义P38 ╳E+P 例子+立场讲义P42


Issue 高频作文提纲,按频率排序,最前面是题号,并有题目类别标记。 1 是非判断类。人类依赖科技所以自己思考的能力恶化。 观点:很大程度上承认观点(to a large extent I agree )科技的确让人产生依赖性,变懒惰,但是只要合理利用(ensures the rational use)科技,科技反而能扩展人们的思维(intellection),提高创造力(ingenuity creativity)。 1 科技为人类生活提供了方便,减轻人类的负担。a 计算机的普及,让计算方式和 记忆方式发生了改变。以前非常难的计算问题,如今只需要在计算器上按下按钮就能得到答案。b 计算机推进了各个科学领域的发展,甚至成为研究工作必不可少的工具。C 科技使得人类能便捷地查找到需要的信息,帮助人类扩展思维和认知。 2人类习惯了依赖科技解决问题,很多情况下造成独立思维的下降.a 依赖计算机的计算和存储功能,使得运算和记忆memory能力下降。b 过度依赖计算机,习惯于求助计算机而造成懒于思考。c 过度沉溺于overindulge 虚拟virtual世界,而忽视了真实世界的交流需要,造成交流能力减弱。 3 但是科技仍然利大于弊outweigh。A 科技的确减退了人类某些方面的思维能力, 但是主要是在计算量和搜索的能力,并不会影响人的独立思考的能力。b 科技本身并没有错,只是人过度或者不当的使用了科技。C 部分能力的下降相对于获得的实际利益来说是值得的。 结论:虽然科技一定程度上造成了人类思维的懒惰和恶化,但是我认为只要合理利用科技,弊端是可以避免的,相反地它能极大提供便利,扩展人类的思维。 4 敌方看法类。丑闻有用 观点:偏向肯定。丑闻虽然有害处,但是只要避免不利,有益处。 1 丑闻有积极的意义。A 大部分媒体press偏向于粉饰(gloss over, varnish) 一些政府的失职dereliction of duty或阴谋conspiracy。丑闻能够让人们了解真相。 2 由于丑闻的存在,人们能充当监督者supervisor,政客politician会更加谨慎, 抑制不正当的行为injustice。 speakers 和reformers 通常不会发现自身错误,丑闻能警醒他们,修正自身的错误。 3 有些人会反对我(be opposed to,argue against, refute, disprove, defy), 因为丑闻有一些危害。A 丑闻会导致社会的恐慌和不信任,不利于社会稳定。B丑闻可能不是真实的,会误导大众。C不真实的丑闻可能对无辜的人造成伤害。但是我认为,即使丑闻有这些不利的方面,我们仍然不能够否定它的作用。首先,丑闻的危害可以被消除。如果增大社会透明度If increasing social transparency,公布 publish更多的信息,使得大众接触到真相,不真实的丑闻就会被纠正。其次,大众的判断力会随着经验累积accumulation而增长,对丑闻的真假会有更好的判断力。因此,丑闻的弊端是可以被避免的,而好处却是可以造福社会的。 结论:总的来说,to sum up尽管丑闻的影响仍然需要讨论,但是其作用是明显的。 Although the impact of the scandal is still to be discussed, its role is still obvious.if proper measures are taken,弊端是可以很大程度上被避免的,而利益将造福bring benefit to我们。 62是非判断类。领导者是由他们身上的需求创造的。 观点:中立。领导者部分是由需求创造,但是也与领导者的实现自身的价值有关。


think: contemplate For a time he contemplated a career as an army medical doctor... She contemplates leaving for the sake of the kids. As he lay in his hospital bed that night, he cried as he contemplated his future... suppose If you suppose that something is true, you believe that it is probably true, because of other things that you know. Suppose someone gave you an egg and asked you to describe exactly what was inside... Supposing he's right and I do die tomorrow? Maybe I should take out an extra insurance policy. It had been supposed that by then Peter would be married. assume Let us assume those clubs actually win something. Then players will receive large bonuses... In his dreams, the mountains assumed enormous importance. maintain If you say that someone maintains that something is true, you mean that they have stated their opinion strongly but not everyone agrees with them or believes them. He has maintained that the money was donated for international purposes... Not all feminism has to be like this,' Jo maintains... He had always maintained his innocence. insist My family insisted that I should not give in, but stay and fight... ponder I found myself constantly pondering the question: `How could anyone do these things?'... The Prime Minister pondered on when to go to the polls... I'm continually pondering how to improve the team. recommend recording gauge


模板: 开头:三部分:引述题目,表达正反两方面的观点,陈述自己的观点; 引述题目:反问法; 正反两方面的观点:用转折词,比如while、but、despite、although等,例如While some people can find beauty in the mosr common places, true beauty is only found in the exceptional. There can be no doubt that some of the world's most common things are beautiful, yet it' is ofthen the exceptional objects that possess the true beauty. 陈述自己的观点:例如: I believe that ……,because…… In my view……,this is because…… It is cleat that…… After weighing the evidence, it si certain that 三个例子: 1、The speaker asserts that……. It has some merits in terms of ……/from a normative standpoint. However, I disagree with the speaker for some reasons, including^/ as discussed below.适用于单纯观点,不涉及争论的话题。 2、Where/ does it / can we …….while/ even though/ there can be no doubt some people …… I would like to agree with that …… 3、The speaker asserts/considers that ___. While this claim seems plausible

GRE issue提纲—教育类

第三类教育 5. "A nation should require all its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college rather than allow schools in different parts of the nation to determine which academic courses to offer." 一个国家应该要求所有的学生在进入大学之前都学习由国家统一制定的课程,而不是允许由国家不同地区的学校去决定课程的安排。 反对 1.On the one hand, a national curriculum contributes to preserving a unified national culture and national cohesion. 2.Furthermore, a general curriculum decided by authority rather than by local schools avoids limiting students to a narrow scope of knowledge too early. 3.On the other hand, in a multi-cultural society, different ethnic communities should be given the opportunity to preserve and promote their traditional cultures. 4.It’s beneficial to grant local schools the freedom to offer students some elective courses, which can help the school to build its unique culture charisma. ----------------- 32. "A school or college should pay its teachers at the same rate in all disciplines, regardless of differences in salaries for related fields in the world outside of school. For example, entry-level teachers in mathematics and in the arts should receive the same pay, even if outside of school, math specialists earn a much higher salary on average than do specialists in the arts." 不管在校园外不同领域之间薪水的差异有多大,学校对于所有学科老师的待遇应该是一视同仁的。比如,低年级的数学和美术老师应该享有同样的收入,即便在校外,数学专家的收入一般是要比艺术家高得多。 1.The salary rate a teacher receives should be related not to his/ her discipline but his/her effort and contribution to the educational course. 2.Absolutely identical rate is unfair. Teachers of some disciplines have to assume more harsh work under worse circumstances. 3.If the differences in salaries for related fields in the world outside of school or college are dismissed, schools and colleges may have to face the loss of its staff. 孤立的校园 --------------------- 34. "Instead of requiring students to take courses in a variety of disciplines--that is, courses ranging from the arts and the humanities to the physical and biological sciences--colleges and universities should allow students to enroll only in those courses that will help prepare them for jobs in their chosen fields. Such concentration is necessary in today's increasingly


11"All nations should help support the development of a global university designed to engage students in the process of solving the world's most persistent social problems." 同意;但是需要注意一些问题 1.许多问题需要通力合作。 比如环境问题: 比如基因工程: 2.国家之间的合作和依赖太密切。 亚洲金融危机 反恐 3.问题:不同的文化会阻碍交流 各国家会优先考虑自己的问题 特定的社会问题要按每个国家的国情解决 政府会不会干涉尤其是社会问题 附:11.亚洲金融危机表明:世界间互相依存关系越紧密 The financial crash of October 1987 and the Asia Economic Crisis in 1998 demonstrate that the world's capital markets are more closely integrated th an ever before and that events in one part of the global village may be tran k Z smitted to the rest of the village-almost instantaneously. 17"There are two types of laws: just and unjust. Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and, even more importantly, to disobey and resist unjust laws." 1-法律的正义不正义没有绝对的定义is rarely a straight forward issue 0)很多法律没什么正义不正义 法律的一项功能:keep everything in order 比如:未满十六岁喝酒,吸烟 未满十八岁进网吧 未满二十二岁不能结婚法定年龄legal age: The age at which a person may by law assume the rights and responsibilities of an adult. 1)在不同观念和文化中不同 法律的功能:to govern a society , control the behavior of its members 比如:该不该判死刑death penalty 口香糖chewing gum 安乐死euthanasia 2)在不同利益者中不同 法律的一项功能是和平解决纠纷resolve disputes peacefully This is especially true when it comes to personal affairs. Even in a well-ordered society, people have disagreements and conflicts arise.

ISSUE写作 自整理提纲素材 61-80

61. People should undertake risky action only after they have carefully considered its consequences. 1.正:a、考虑风险选择是否行动;an old saying goes: More haste, less speed. 例如,爱因斯 坦曾经提醒美国总统研发核武器并将其用于战争。美国经过考虑,衡量了核武器的危险性与好处,研发了核武器。在二战时,就应用了核武器,加速了胜利。b、根据可能的结果修正行为。例如,例如航空航天,太空垃圾,现在尽量少丢垃圾。 2.反:a、情况紧急无法考虑,例如蜀国攻打秦国;b、结果非常复杂无法考虑,例如工业 革命时,如果总是考虑带来的环境污染或者人们的快节奏生活带来的压力,那么就会阻碍工业化发展;c、推测结果可能错误。但后果考虑得太多容易错过机会或因压力导致失败。想得太多,最后不敢冒险;太计较结果,给自己压力 3.交汇:并不矛盾:a、适当考虑同时勇于尝试(dare to challenge, adventurous);b、复杂 情况分段,考虑中间结果 4.结论:是风险(hazard)和结果的关系还需讨论,简单说必须充分考虑是不明智和不全 面的(incomplete)。只有正确认识,才能令两方共存并相互获利。 62. Leaders are created by the demands that are placed on them. 1.正:a、外部需要使人成为leader。例如,毛泽东。喜欢孙子兵法the art of war,抗日战 争。如果他生活在和平年代,那么就不一定成为一个领导者。;b、领导者重要目的是实现被领导者需求; 2.反:a、领导者自身意志,如邓小平,改革开放the reform and opening-up policy b、妥 协结果,不完全代表任何一方 3.交汇:情况多样:a、两者结合,又如Hitler;b、缺乏标准,不能区分自身意志和外部 需求;c、不同时代不一,如封建时代(feudal times)君主(sovereign,monarch)和民主时代(democratic times) 4.结论:尽管领导地位(leadership)和需求的关系still remains largely unknown,简单说需 求起决定作用(play a decisive role and lead to the creation of leaders)是不明智的。要全面看待,才能更准确。 64. The human mind will always be superior to machines because machines are only tools of human minds. 1.机器是由人类控制的。人类按照自己的意愿,用自己的智慧制造机器;人类使用机器; 机器为人类活动服务。尽管机器好,但不过是类科技的产物,它不会思考。 2.人类智能优于机器智能。虽然有机器具有很强的智能。深蓝(dark blue),但是建立在机 械计算基础上的,人可以综合各种因素判断,inspiration;机器没有主观独立思想,被人类控制,没有情感,不能创造music novel comment;机器的智能都是人类输入的,例如编程。机器的思考只是特定步骤的重复。例如,深蓝的胜利是由于其内部存储的billion 的chess games。其结果不一定正确 3.机器比人强:但是计算机在某些方面已经超过了人类,比如高速计算,比如数据分析, 人类不可能达到。机器的运算能力,机器的感觉能力,机器的控制能力 65. Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and to disobey and resist

gre作文题库 gre issue写作提纲思路与分析6

gre作文题库 gre issue写作提纲思路与分析6 很多参加gre的考生在做gre写作的时候都没有写提纲的习惯,这是非常不好的。提纲在gre写作当中起到了至关重要的作用。从今天起,我们将对gre issue进行分析,弄清写作思路,这样才能让gre issue得高分。下面针对gre issue写作提纲思路与分析进行说明。 Issue154 【题目】Both parents and munities must be involved in the local schools. Education is too important to leave solely to a group of professional educators. 【翻译】父母和社会都必须参与到地方的学校中。教育太重要了以至于不能把教育完全交给一群职业教育者。 【提纲】观点:不同意。参与当然可以,但要适度,而且从实际来讲,把教育的任务交给专业的教育者是有好处的。 1. 必须承认,父母对于教育起着至关重要的作用,他们是孩子的第一任老师。他们真心的为孩子着想,在这一点上胜过其他任何人。

至于社会,很容易知道有了社会的帮助,教育会得到诸多好处,如赞助,社会教育,人格塑造。 2. 然而,父母虽然一心希望孩子接受最好的教育,可是实际上他们往往并不知道什么对于孩子才是好的。比如schooling at home 虽然可以选择最好的老师,最好的教育条件,但是培养出来的孩子可能会与社会不相融。另一方面,如果父母社会都参与进来,很有可能结果是效率很低,做个决定先讨论争吵半天,可能是正常的教学被影响。 3. 而职业教育者,相对来说,有丰富的教学经验,知道什么对孩子才是好的,并且掌握科学的教育方法,可以成功的引导孩子正常的社会化,帮助孩子塑造人格,不断认识自己完善自己。从这个角度来说,家长和社会是可以放心把教育这项重任交给他们的。ww w.ExamW.CoM Issue130 【题目】


GRE写作Issue问题题库分析与提纲 第一类社会 2. "Competition is ultimately more beneficial than detrimental to society." 归根结底,竞争对于社会是利多弊少。 Generally speaking, competition contributes to progress in society. 1.Generally speaking, competition contributes to progress in society. 2.In democratic countries, when parties and candidates compete for power, the public benefits. 3.Admittedly, when competition gets out of the control of mores and laws, society will suffer. 竞争对于社会的优点和缺点 ------------------------------ 3. "It is more important to allocate money for immediate, existing social problems than to spend it on long-term research that might help future generations."与其花钱进行可能有助于后代的长期 性研究,还不如把钱花在迫在眉睫,已经存在的社会问题上。 Humanity should take into account both long-term interests and short-term interests when making budgets. 1.Naturally, each generation is most concerned about solving problems that immediately confront them. 2.However, what differentiates human beings from other animals is that humans have a sense of future and are morally responsible for the well-being of their descendents. 3.Therefore, as beneficiaries of previous generations, each generation should make its own contribution for the well-being of future generations. 当务之急和百年大计的关系 ------------------------------ 9. "Academic disciplines have become so specialized in recent years that scholars' ideas reach only a narrow audience. Until scholars can reach a wider audience, their ideas will have little use." 近些年来,学科已经细化到了相当的程度以至于学者们的理念只影响小范围的人群。除非学者们能拥有影响到大范围的人群,否则他们的理念将几乎毫无用处。 The speaker oversimplifies the issue of academic influence on society. 1.It is true that academic disciplines have become so specialized nowadays that some scholar’s seemingly idiosyncratic ideas only reach a narrow audience. 2.It is also true that social scientists’ failing to reach the large public makes it impossible for their ideas to contribute to society. 3.Nevertheless, scholars in certain realms are doomed to live in an isolated and purely academic world, which does not necessarily mean that their ideas will have little use. 过分专业化问题overspecialization ------------------------------ 15. "The stability of a society depends on how it responds to the extremes of human behavior." 一个社会的稳定取决于该社会对人们极端行为所作出的反应。It is true that how a society copes with the extremes of human behavior largely determines the society’s stability. 1.The extremes of human behavior--such as violence or strikes--usually dictate grave social troubles. 2.One solution to these social problems is suppressing, which proves effective in the short run and counterproductive in the long run. 3.The most effective way of responding to such problems is constructive communication and sometimes compromise. 抽象型题目 ------------------------------ 16. "Although many people think that the luxuries and conveniences of contemporary life are entirely harmless, in fact, they actually prevent people from developing into truly strong and independent individuals." 尽管许多人认为现代生活的奢华和便利是丝毫没有坏处的,但是这实际上让人们无法成为真正强大和独立的个体。 Agree 1.Consider first the effect of the automobile on our independence as individuals. In some respects the automobile serves to enhance such independence. 2.However, we have become slaves to the automobile. 3.Consider next the overall impact of the automobile on our strength as individuals, by which I mean strength of character, or mettle. 4.In contrast, there is a certain strength of character that comes with eschewing modern conveniences such as cars, and with the knowledge that one is contributing to a cleaner and quieter environment, a safer neighborhood, and arguably a more genteel society. 社会和个人之发展问题 ------------------------------ 17. "There are two types of laws: just and unjust. Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and, even more importantly, to disobey and resist unjust laws." 有两种法律:公正的和不公正的。每个社会成员都有责任遵守公正的法律,但是更重要的是,更应该不遵守和反抗不公正的法律。 Disagree: 1.First, whether a law is just or unjust is rarely a straightforward issue. The fairness of any law depends on one’s personal value system. 2.The fairness of a law also depends on one’s personal interest, or stake, in the legal issue at hand. 3.Disobeying unjust laws often has the opposite effect of what was intended or hoped for. 4.By justifying a violation of one sort of law we find ourselves on a slippery slope toward sanctioning all types of illegal behavior, including egregious criminal conduct. 社会和个人之法律公正么? ------------------------------ 19. "If a society is to thrive, it must put its own overall success before the well-being of its individual citizens." 如果一个社会要繁荣就必须将社会整体的成败置于单个社会 成员的幸福之上。 Disagree 1.The society is made up of individual citizens; therefore, the development of individual citizens is crucial for the development of the whole society. 2. A society that ignores the well being of individual citizens is bound to end up in social turmoil or revolution. 少数和多数之成功 ------------------------------ 20. "National governments should devote more of their social programs and services to children than to adults." 任何一个国家的政府都应该为孩子而不是为成人建设更多的 社会项目和服务。 1.No one would deny the fact that it is in the young generation that lies the future of our society. 2.Therefore, we should attach enough importance to the development of children.


学习类 1(1). "We can usually learn much more from people whose views we share than from people whose views contradict our own; disagreement can cause stress and inhibit learning." 通常,我们从与我们意见相同的人身上学到的要比从那些与我们意见相悖的人身上学的东西要多得多;(因为)意见不统一会带来压力并且阻碍学习。 (与我们)持相同意见者和持不同意见者对学习的作用 Topic:虽然从某种程度上来讲,不同意见会给我们带来压力,但这不是理由,我们从与我们意见相同的人身上学到的要比从那些与我们意见相悖的人身上学的东西要多得多; 1)我们很难从观点与我们相同或相似的人那儿获得新知识和受到启发。 2)相反,我们能从与我们观点相悖的人身上获取新视野,从而找到解决问题的方法eg 与此同时,我们能从与我们观点相悖的人身上发现自身的不足eg 3)历史告诉我们,无论是对个人还是社会,主要是通过不同意见的争论来获取进步,向前发展的。 4)诚然,不同意见会给我们带来压力,但正是这种压力才更好的促使我们去思考。 . 2(4). "No field of study can advance significantly unless outsiders bring their knowledge and experience to that field of study." 在任何一个研究领域当中,除非有该领域之外的人引进他们的知识和经验,否则该领域就很难获得巨大的发展。 Outsider: a person does not belong to a particular group 闭门造车,旁观者清 Topic:同意,知识领域的重大进展依赖于各学科的知识和经验,甚至能创造出一个新的学科。 1)不同领域的科学其内部是相互联系的,相互依赖的eg。管理学与统计学,考古学与分析化学 2)一个领域的重大发现往往依赖于其他领域的突破。Eg计算机对天文学和数学发展的影响3)更进一步讲,不同学科之间的交流甚至能创造出一个新的学科领域。Eg纳米科学的出现是:材料学,电子学,物理学,化学,机械工程,生命科学发展到一定的程度之后所提出的共同要求 ------------------------------ 3(14). "It is necessary for everyone to read poetry, novels, mythology and other types of imaginative literature." 每个人都应该阅读诗歌、小说、神话以及各种各样的想象文学。 想象文学与人 Topic:阅读诗歌、小说、神话以及各种各样的想象文学对我们是有好处的,虽然不一定是对每个人。 1)智慧结晶,丰富精神生活 2)培养想象力,培养应对社会复杂现象的能力 3)其他国家或宗教的文学和历史能帮助我们更好的理解差异,增进交流 4)但是建议每个人学习过于武断,有些人从事应用学科的研究,从中并没什么收益。。

ISSUE写作 自整理提纲素材 121-140

123. The best way for a society to prepare its young people for leadership in government, industry, or other fields is by instilling in them a sense of cooperation, not competition. 1.正:a、现代社会十分需要合作,合作是社会发展的一大趋势,合作提高效率;b、从小 培养形成深刻印象;c、过早强调竞争造不利发展 2.反:a、竞争意识也是很重要的,竞争可以促进社会进步、提高竞争力,也是领导者必 不可少的。现代社会充满了竞争。竞争是社会进步的动力:从政治角度,候选人之间的竞争使政治更加公开化,民主化,有利于选民;从经济角度,商家,产家之间的竞争促进产品质量的提高,消费者受益,比如各种不同手机厂家的竞争,使得手机的价格越来越低;从体育角度,individual 之间的竞争体现了人类超越自我的人性(Olympic spirit); b、其他能力也很重要。 3.交汇:并不矛盾,可以共存:a、竞争合作都需要;b、不仅促进领导力,还促进学习等 方面;c、方法很多,不仅竞争和合作,如道德、思维 4.结论:尽管竞争合作谁更重要的讨论还会继续,各自的(respective)利弊已经被部分知 道。要合理采用措施,才能削弱弊端,从两方受益。 130. Some people believe that corporations have a responsibility to promote the well-being of the societies and environments in which they are operate. Others believe that the only responsibility of corporations, provided they operate within the law, is to make as much money as possible. 1.正:a、公司有资金和技术推动福利,所有人,不论团体还是个人,都有保护环境的义 务。;b、公司利益来源于社会,要回馈(feedback)社会;c、福利提升公司形象 2.反:a、公司以盈利为目的,不应被要求;b、增加公司负担 3.交汇:a、收入是公司的目的,但不是唯一目的;b、公司活动影响环境、消耗资源,要 负责 4.结论:公司应该保护环境,但不必须造福社会。由于利弊已经被部分知道,公司应该合 理采取手段,才能获利同时造福(benefit)社会。 141. It is more harmful to compromise one’s own beliefs than to adhere to them. 1.正:a、信仰是根基,坚持信念可以走向成功。;b、坚持正确信仰维护利益,;c、信仰 长期积累,改变困难 2.反:a、自身认识有限,信仰错误,不能盲目的坚持,如果我们坚持的东西是错误的话, 否则必将走向失败;b、坚持错误信仰危害大,如Hitler发动战争;c、妥协是协商(consult),可能有新的观点 3.交汇:十分复杂,并不矛盾:a、个人认知有限,要互相交流;b、部分妥协是社会需要; c、短期长期伤害不清楚 4.结论:尽管坚持和妥协的影响尚需讨论,简单评价(evaluate)谁伤害大是不明智的。要 合理区分情况采用不同态度,才能削弱弊端,从两者中受益。

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