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Test One

SectionⅠListening Comprehension (25 minutes)


This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English.

You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are two parts in this section, Part A and Part B.

Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first put down your answers in your test booklet. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you will have 3 minutes to transfer your answers from your test booklet onto your ANSWER SHEET 1.

If you have any questions, you may raise your hand. Now as you will not be allowed to speak once the test is started.

Now look at Part A in your test booklet.

Part A

You will hear 10 short dialogues. For each dialogue, there is one question and four possible answers. Choose the correct answer—A, B, C or D, and mark it in your test booklet. You

will have 15 seconds to answer the question and you will hear each dialogue ONLY ONCE.


You will hear:

W: Could you please tell me if the Beijing flight will be arriving on time?

M: Yes, Madam. It should be arriving about ten minutes.

You will read:

Who do you think the woman is talking to?

[A] a bus conductor

[B]a clerk at the airport

[C]a taxi driver

[D] a clerk at the station

From the dialogue, we know that only a clerk at the airport is most likely to know the arrival time of a flight, so you should choose answer [B]and mark it in your test booklet. Sample Answer: [A][B][C][D]

Now look at question 1

Part A

1. Where is the woman from?





2. Which one does the woman want to buy?

[A]better quality, expensive one

[B]cheaper one in this shop

[C]cheaper one in another shop

[D]better quality in this shop

3. Why is he going to talk to the lady over there?

[A]Because he wants to know the time.

[B]Because he wants to thank her.

[C]Because his watch was lost.

[D]Because the lady over there is waiting for him.

4. According to the dialogue, what kind of shirt is more expensive?

[A]those made of wool

[B]those made of nylon

[C]those made of cotton

[D]those made of silk

5. How does the woman feel at the end of the conversation? [A]angry




6. What does the man mean?

[A]The proofreading was better this time.

[B]It will be an interesting job.

[C]There will be more proofreading to do soon.[D]The job should be done as quickly as possible.

7. What does the woman say about Mary?

[A]She's always running.

[B]She's still in the race.

[C]She feels very comfortable.

[D]She still has a fever.

8. What does Linda mean?

[A]At last she enjoys campus life.

[B]School has changed little since last year.[C]She has many new friends.

[D]It's easier to find his way around this year. 9. What does the man mean?

[A]Bill is too tired to study any more.

[B]He told Bill not to study late at night.

[C]He had often advised Bill to study.

[D]Bill didn't hear the alarm.

10. What does the woman mean?

[A]She feels that the trip will take too long.

[B]The students haven't chosen a professor.

[C]Professor Goldsmith has to choose the destination first.

[D]It's not certain the trip will take place.

Part B

You are going to hear four conversations. Before listening to each conversation, you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it. After listening, you will have time to answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. You will hear each conversation ONLY ONCE. Mark your answers in your test booklet.

Questions 11—13 are based on a lecture about education in America.

11. What controls the public schools of the United States?[A]the national government

[B]the church authorities

[C]the local communities

[D]the state laws

12. How many percentage did the American young people graduate from high school by 1970?

[A]forty percent

[B]forty five percent

[C]seventy percent

[D]seventy five percent

13. Why is education made various in form in the United States?

[A]Because students vary in needs.

[B]Because schools offer different subjects.

[C]Because teaching methods vary greatly.

[D]Because there are different aids at school.

Questions 14—17 are based on a conversation you are going to hear.

14. Why did the man decide to go to the library?

[A]One of his classes finished early.

[B]He wanted to get some studying done.

[C]The library had a special display on the Industrial Revolution.

[D]His books were ten days overdue.

15. After getting the books, what did the man do?

[A]checked them out

[B]took notes on them

[C]returned them to the shelves

[D]put them in his book bag

16. According to the man, what happens to all the books in the library?

[A]They are marked with colored labels.

[B]They are specially coded.

[C]They are checked out.

[D]They are inspected by the guard.

17. According to the man, what does the librarian behind the desk do?

[A]copies down the name and the address of each borrower

[B]checks all books for missing pages

[C]demagnetizes the books as they are checked out

[D]helps students use the card catalog

Questions 18—21 are based on a conversation you are going to hear.

18. What does the man need to do at the travel agency?

[A]purchase her plane ticket

[B]change her plane ticket

[C]pick up a passport application form

[D]arrange for her accommodations in Europe

19. Why doesn't the woman want to give up her apartment entirely?

[A]She doesn't have time to move.

[B]She would have difficulty finding another apartment.[C]She's paid her rent for the summer in advance.

[D]She doesn't want to paint another apartment.

20. How long would the women be in Europe?

[A]three weeks

[B]one month

[C]three month

[D]over a year

21. What will the woman most likely do about her apartment?[A]leave it vacant

[B]rent it to the man she's talking with

[C]sublet it to Jim Thomas

[D]ask her landlord to sublet it

Questions 22—25 are based on a conversation you are going to hear .

22. Where does this conversation take place?

[A]at a hotel

[B]at a motel

[C]at a restaurant

[D]at a shopping centre

23. Why can the man and his family stay at this motel?

[A]They have a reservation.

[B]The motel has several vacancies.

[C]They are friends of the owner.

[D]Someone else cancelled a reservation.

24. When does the motel want its guests to pay?

[A]before they arrive

[B]while they register

[C]when they reserve a room

[D]just before their departure

25. What is the reason for the motel's policy on payments?[A]Some guests may not be honest.

[B]The policy is required by law.

[C]is a luxury unit.

[D]The owners are simply greedy.

Section ⅡUse of English (15 minutes)


Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C, or D on your ANSWER SHEET 1.

Many teachers believe that the responsibilities for learning lie with the student. ( D ) a long reading assignment is given, instructors expect students to be familiar with the 27D in

the reading even if they don't discuss it in class or take an exam. The 28B student is considered to be 29B who is motivated to learn for the sake of 30A, not the one interested only in getting high grades. Sometimes homework is returned 31B brief written comments but without a grade. Even if a grade is not given, the student is 32C for learning the material assigned. When research is 33C, the professor expects the student to take it actively and to complete it with 34A guidance. It is the 35A responsibility to find books, magazines, and articles in the library. Professors do not have the time to explain 36D a university library works; they expect students, 37 Agraduate students, to be able to exhaust the reference 38 Cin the library. Professors will help students who need it, but 39D that their students should not be 40A dependent on them. In the United States, professors have many other duties 41D teaching, such as administrative or research work. 42B, the time that a professor can spend with a student outside of class is 43B. If a student has problems with classroom work, the student should either 44D a professor during office hour 45A make an appointment.

26. [A]If[B]Although [C]Because [D]Since

27. [A]suggestion[B]context[C]abstract[D]information

28. [A]poor[B]ideal[C]average[D]disappointed

29. [A]such[B]one[C]any[D]some

30. [A]fun[B]work[C]learning[D]prize

31. [A]by[B]in[C]for[D]with

32. [A]criticized[B]innocent[C]responsible[D]dismissed

33. [A]collected[B]distributed[C]assigned[D]finished

34. [A]maximum[B]minimum[C]possible[D]practical

35. [A]student's[B]professor's[C]assistant's[D]librarian's

36. [A]when[B]what[C]why[D]how

37. [A]particularly[B]essentially[C]obviously[D]rarely

38. [A]selections[B]collections[C]sources[D]origins

39. [A]hate[B]dislike[C]like[D]prefer

40. [A]too[B]such[C]much[D]more

41. [A]but[B]except[C]with[D]besides

42. [A]However[B]Therefore[C]Furthermore[D]Nevertheless

43. [A]plentiful[B]limited[C]irregular[D]flexible

44. [A]greet[B]annoy[C]approach[D]attach

45. [A]or[B]and[C]to[D]but

Section ⅢReading Comprehension (40 minutes)

Part A


Read the following three texts. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET by drawing a thick line across the corresponding letter in the brackets.

Text 1

The dog, called Prince, was an intelligent animal and a slave to Williams. From morning till night, when Williams was at home, Prince never left his sight, practically ignoring all other members of the family. The dog had a number of clearly defined duties, for which Williams had patiently trained him and, like the good pupil he was, Prince lived for the chance to demonstrate his abilities.

When Williams wanted to put on his boots, he would murmur “Boots” and within seconds the dog would drop them at his feet. At nine every morning, Prince ran off to the general store in the village, returning shortly not only with Williams' daily paper but with a half ounce packet of Williams' favorite tobacco, John Rhiney's Mixed. A gun dog by breed, Prince possessed a large soft mouth specially evolved for the safe carrying of hunted creatures, so the paper and the tobacco came to no harm, never even showing a tooth mark.

Williams was a railwayman, an engine driver, and he wore a blue uniform which smelled of oil and oil fuel. He had to work at odd times —“days”, “late days” or “nights”. Over the years Prince got to know these periods of work and rest, knew when his master would leave the house and return, and the dog did not waste this knowledge. If Williams overslept, as he often did, Prince barked at the bedroom door until he woke, much to the annoyance of the family. On his return, Williams' slippers were brought to him, the paper and tobacco too if previously undelivered.

A curious thing happened to Williams during the snow and ice of last winter. One evening he slipped and fell on the icy pavement somewhere between the village and his home. He was

so badly shaken that he stayed in bed for three days; and not until he got up and dressed again did he discover that he had lost his wallet containing over fifty pounds. The house was turned upside down in the search, but the wallet was not found. However, two days later—that was five days after the fall—Prince dropped the wallet into William's hand. Very muddy, stained and wet through, the little case still contained fifty three pounds, Williams' driving license and a few other papers. Where the dog had found it no one could tell, but found it he had and recognized it probably by the faint oily smell on the worn leather.

46. How did the dog perform his duties?C

[A]He was delighted to show them off.

[B]He did his best but was not often successful.

[C]He did them quickly to get them over.

[D]He had few opportunities to do them.

47. What does the passage tell us about gun dogs?C

[A]They are the fastest runners of all dogs.

[B]Their teeth are removed when they are young.

[C]They can carry birds, etc. without hurting them.

[D]They breed well, producing many young dogs.

48. As a result of Williams' work .D

[A]he did not get enough sleep

[B]there was an oily smell from his clothes

[C]the dog grew accustomed to travelling by train

[D]the dog was confused about the time of the day

49. It upset Williams' wife and family when .B

[A]Williams had to go to work at night

[B]the dog made too much noise in the house

[C]Williams made them all get up early

[D]the dog would not let them see the newspaper

50. Williams did not realise his loss for several days because .


[A]he trusted the dog to find the wallet

[B]he was unconscious all that time

[C]he thought the wallet was in the house

[D]he had no occasion to feel in his pockets

Text 2

About ten men in every hundred suffer from colour blindness in some way; women are luckier only about one in two hundred is affected in this manner. There are different forms of colour blindness. A man may not be able to see deep red.

He may think that red, orange and yellow are all shades of green. Sometimes a person cannot tell the difference between blue and

green. In rare cases an unlucky man may see everything in shades of green—a strange world indeed.

In certain occupations colour blindness can be dangerous and candidates are tested most carefully. For example, when fighting at night, soldiers use lights of flares to signal to each other. A green light may mean “Advance” and a red light may mean “Danger! Keep back!”, You can see what will happen if somebody thinks that red is green! Colour blindness in human beings is a strange thing to explain. In a single eye there are millions of very small things called “cones”, These help to see in a bright light and to tell the difference between colours. There are also millions of “rods” but these are used for seeing when it is nearly dark. They show us shape but not colour. Wait until it is dark tonight, then go outside. Look round you and try to see what colors you can recognize.

Birds and animals which hunt at night have eyes which contain few or no cones at all, so they cannot see colours. As far as we know, bats and adult owls cannot see colours at all only light and dark shapes. Similarly cats and dogs cannot see colours as well as we can.

Insects can see ultra violet rays which are invisible to us, and some of them can even see X rays. The wings of a moth may

seem grey and dull to us, but to insects they may appear beautiful, showing colours which we cannot see. Scientists know that there are other colours around us which insects can see but which we cannot see. Some insects have favorite colours. Mosquitoes like blue, but do not like yellow. A red light will not attract insects but a blue lamp will.

51. Among people who suffer from colour blindness, .D

[A]some may see everything in shades of green

[B]few can tell the difference between blue and green

[C]few may think that red, orange and yellow are all shades of green

[D]very few may think that everything in the world is in green

52. When millions of rods in our eyes are at work in darkness we can see.C

[A]colours only

[B]shapes and colours

[C]shapes only

[D]darkness only

53. According to the passage, bats and adult owls cannot see colours.D

[A]because they hunt at night

[B]because they cannot see light

[C]because they have no cones and rods

[D]because they have no cones

54. According to the passage, dogs and

[A]as well as human beings can not see some colours [B]have fewer cones than human beings

[C]have less rods than human beings

[D]can see colours as well as human beings

55. Which of the following is not true about insects?C

[A]Insects can see more colours than human beings.

[B]Insects can see ultra violet rays which are invisible to men.

[C]All insects have their favorite colours.

[D]The world is more colorful to insects than to human beings.

Text 3

A child who has once been pleased with a tale likes, as rule, to have it retold in identically the same words, but this should not lead parents to treat printed fairy stories as sacred texts. It is always much better to tell a story than read it out of a book, and, if a parent can produce what, in the actual circumstances of the

time and the individual child, is an improvement on the printed text, so much the better.

A charge made against fairy tales is that they harm the child by frightening him or arousing his sadistic impulses. To prove the latter, one would have to show in a controlled experiment that children who have read fairy stories were more often guilty of cruelty than those who had not. Aggressive, destructive, sadistic impulses every child has and, on the whole, their symbolic verbal discharge seems to be rather a safety valve than an incitement to overt action. As to fears, there are, I think, well authenticated cases of children being dangerously terrified by some fairy stories. Often, however, this arises from the child having heard the story once. Familiarity with the story by repetition turns the pain of fear into the pleasure of a fear faced and mastered.

There are also people who object to fairy stories on the grounds that they are not objectively true, that giants, witches, two headed dragons, magic carpets, etc., do not exist; and that, instead of indulging his fantasies in fairy tales, the child should be taught how to adapt to reality by studying history and mechanics. I find such people, I must confess, so unsympathetic and peculiar that I do not know how to argue with them. If their

case were sound, the world should be full of madmen attempting to fly from New York to Philadelphia on a broomstick or covering a telephone with kisses in the belief that it was their enchanted girl friend.

No fairy story ever claimed to be a description of the external world and no sane child had ever believed that it was.

56. In the writer's opinion, a fairy tale .B

[A]cannot be read to children without variation because they find no pleasure in it

[B]will be more effective if it is adapted by parents

[C]must be made easy so that children can read it on their own

[D]is no longer needed in developing children's power of memory

57. According to the passage, some people who are openly against fairy tales argue that .C

[A]fairy tales are harmful to children in that they show the primitive cruelty in children

[B]fairy tales are harmful to children unless they have been adapted by their parent

[C]fairy tales increase a tendency to sadism in children


2019年公共英语三级考试作文试题 Direetions: Read the text below. Write an essay in about 120 words, in which you should summarize the key points of the text and make comments on them. Try to use you own words. The Princess of Cambridge has finally been revealed to the world as Charlotte Elizabeth Dianain a touching nod to her grandfather, her grandmother and her great-grandmother. The name has long tradition which can be traced hack to the royal background. Charlotte, derived from French name, pays tribute to her grandfather, prince of Wales. And Charlotte is also Kate's sister, Pippa Middleton's middle name. Kensington Palace revealed the royal baby's full name yesterday after days of speculation and close friends of Princess Diana immediately said the choice means the spirit of Prince William's beloved mother 'lives on'. William was, however, clear that his baby girl should not have Diana as a first name. "It would have been a millstone around her neck," said one of the princess' s longtime friends. Within minutes of the name being announced this afternoon, Diana's closest friend Rosa Monckton said: "Diana's spirit lives on in her sons, and now her name lives on in her granddaughter 'Charlotte Elizabeth Diana'. "Diana was the godmother of Mrs. Monckton's daughter Dominica The British citizens show their satisfaction with this name via Intemet. They said it is the perfect name for their lovely princess.


口试真题实战 Test 1 Part I (3 minutes) Interlocutor: Good morning /afternoon.My name is …and this is my colleague … He /She is just going to be listening to us. And your names are … and …? Give me your mark sheets please.(请把你们的登分卡给我。) Thank you. (hand over the mark sheets to the assessor.)(接过卡后递给专事评分的老师.) First of all we”d like to know something about you,Candida A, so I'm going to ask you some questions. T: May I know your job? A: I am a math teach. T: What does your job involve? A: I help students with their math. T: How do you like your job? A: I like it a lot. I like to talk to people and help them. And my hours are also very flexible. T: Do you want to change your job in the future? A: Yes,I want to find another job with a higher pay. Interlocutor:Thank you. Now,we”d like to know something


全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试英语三级笔译实务模拟试题 Part 1 English-Chinese Translation (英译汉) Translate the following passage into Chinese and write your translation on the ANSWER SHEET (60 points, 100 minutes). I leave the vault, and as the guard closes the door, a marine archaeologist asks if I want to see anything else. As an example he shows me an astrolabe, a navigation tool that preceded the sextant. Few have survived. "We have three of the oldest known," he says. He directs me to a paper on astrolabes written by a Cuban colleague, who quoted a 16th-century instruction: "He who wants to take the sun with an astrolabe at sea, must be seated near the main mast, the place where the boat oscillates the least and is quiet." I want to take the measure of Cubas past, so I tell the archaeologist I would like to go to the place where the plain things are. I am here not only to see treasures that glitter but also to see and touch objects that illumine moments of the past. Smiling, he takes me into storage rooms where he and other archaeologists preserve cargoes from four centuries of wrecks. Jumbled on these shelves is the stuff of Cubas long reign as counting house and command center for Spains New World colonies. I see knickknacks destined for one of the annual 18th-century trade fairs, where Cubans bought imports from Spain. I also see, pallid from centuries in the sea, dozens of little painted ceramic dogs, lions, cats, and deer later shipped from England. Stacked nearby are sets of dinner dishes, tankards, an hourglass, a bottle of very Old Spanish wine. On another day, in fading light, I walk the ramparts of El Morro, its lighthouse standing tall over Havanas harbor. The old fortress, by day a warren of tourist stops, changes by night, looming deeper into the shadows of Havanas past. As torches light the darkness, I watch Cuban soldiers, costumed as 18th-century Spanish sentries, march along the ramparts of the Castillo de San Carlos and fire a cannon that salutes


2019年下半年公共英语三级试题一及答案 Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes) Directions: This part is to test your reading ability. There are 5 tasks for you to fulfill. You should read the reading materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed. Task 1 Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 to 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Google, the Internet search-engine(收索引擎的) company, has announced it will give more than twenty-five million dollars in money and investments to help the poor. The company says the effort involves using the power of information and technology to help people improve their lives. Aleem Walji works for https://www.doczj.com/doc/3c6286168.html, -- the part of the company that gives money to good causes. He said the company’s first project will help identify where infectious (传染性的) diseases are developing. In Southeast Asia and Africa, for example, https://www.doczj.com/doc/3c6286168.html, will work with partners to strengthen early-warning systems and take action against growing health threats. https://www.doczj.com/doc/3c6286168.html,’s second project will invest in ways to help small and medium-sized businesses grow. Walji says microfinance (小额信贷) is generally small, short-


公共英语三级考试模拟题及答案(1)SectionⅠListening Comprehension (25 minutes) Directions: This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are two parts in this section, Part A and Part B. Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first put down your answers in your test booklet. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you will have 3 minutes to transfer your answers from your test booklet onto your ANSWER SHEET 1. If you have any questions, you may raise your hand. Now as you will not be allowed to speak once the test is started. Now look at Part A in your test booklet. Part A You will hear 10 short dialogues. For each dialogue, there is one question and four possible answers. Choose the correct answer—A, B, C or D, and mark it in your test booklet. You will have 15 seconds to answer the question and you will hear each dialogue ONLY ONCE. Example: You will hear: W: Could you please tell me if the Beijing flight will be arriving on time? M: Yes, Madam. It should be arriving about ten minutes. You will read: Who do you think the woman is talking to? [A]a bus conductor [B]a clerk at the airport [C]a taxi driver [D]a clerk at the station From the dialogue, we know that only a clerk at the airport is most likely to know the arrival time of a flight, so you should choose answer [B]and mark it in your test booklet. Sample Answer: [A][B][C][D] Now look at question 1 Part A 1. Where is the woman from? [A]Sweden [B]Italy [C]Sylvia [D]Wales 2. Which one does the woman want to buy?


2019年公共英语三级考试题及答案:写作 Directions: Read the text below. Write an essay in about 120 words, in which you should summarize the key points of the text and make comments on them. Try to use you own words. Beijing has extended its ban on operating outdoor barbecues from the city center outward to selected suburbs, according to municipal authorities. A year ago, Beijing banned restaurants from operating outdoor barbecues within the fourth ring road area. And now, the ban has extended to several suburbs, including Mentougou, Fangs- han, Tongzhou, Shunyi, Daxing, Pinggu and Miyun. The barbecue ban was announced to reduce Beijing' s air pollution, as barbecue has long been accused as one of the major contributors to haze. According to Wang Yuesi, a researcher from the Institute of Atmospheric Physics in Chinese Academy of Sciences, barbecuing can generate a lot of PM 2.5, harmful airborne particles measur- ing less than 2.5 microns in diameter. "Considering the seriousness of the air pollution in Beijing, we have to ban everything that may do harm to our environment!" Wang said. The issue has divided Chinese netizens, as half agreed with the policy while the other half called this grand plan nothing but "empty talk. "


2016年9月公共英语三级考试真题 SECTION I Listening ( 25 minutes) Directions: This section is designed to lest your ability to understand spoken English.You will hear a se-lection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them.There are two parts in this section,Part A and Part B. Remember,while you are doing the test,you should first put down your answers in your test booklet.At the end of the listening section,you will have 3 minutes to transfer all your answers from your test booklet to your ANSWER SHEET. If you have any questions,you may raise your hand no was you will not be allowed to speak once the test has started. Now look at PartAin your test booklet. Part A Directions: You wll hear 10 short dialogues.For each dialogue,there is one question and four possible answers.Choose the correct answer—A,B,CorD,and mark it in your test booklet You will have 15 seconds to answer the question and you wil hear each dialogue only once. 1.Where is George now? [A] In America. [B] Here. [C] In France [D] At home. 2.Where does this conversation probably take place? [A] At a laundry. [B] At a supermarket. [C] At a cafeteria. [D] At a movie theatre. 3.What does the man say about Tom?


公共英语三级考试习题及答案 1.-How about the book you are reading ? -Good , indeed . It ________many problems we have come across in our study. A. says B. talks C. covers D. refers 2. Id like to take my picture ________stands a high tower. A. where B. which C. that D. there 3. Id like to buy a house, modern and comfortable, and __________, in a quiet place. A. afar all B. above all C. in all D. for all 4. -Youve got a good result in your research, havent you? -Yes , but much ________ . A. remains to do B. is remains to do C. remains to be done D. has remained to do it 5. -I must be leaving now. Itll be 3 hours drive to get there. -__________. A. Good-bye B. Take care C. Take it easy D. What can I do for you 6. Nobody could have guessed , in those days , the place in history that Martin Luther King, Jr____. A. was having B. was to have C. had had D. had 7. The queen will visit the town in May , ________ she will open the new hospital. A. when B. then C. while D. but 8. Ill come , ________ I dont expect to enjoy myself. A. if B. since C. as D. though 9. You _________in such a hurry just now. Look, there is plenty of time left. A. dont have to do it B. neednt have done it C. wouldnt do it D. mustnt have done it 10. _____________is one of the five working language at U.N. , which _______ are very proud of. A. The Chinese, the Chinese B. Chinese language, Chinese C. Chinese, the Chinese D. Chinese language, the Chinese 11. -Whats your problem ? - I have lost sight of my mum and dad . I saw them ________ in front of me a moment ago. A. were walking B. to have walker C. walk D. walking 12. Children are tired of learning often because they are __________to do more than they can. A. expected B. suggested C. hoped D. wished 13. _________ concerts will be needed if we wanted to collect enough money to start a school. A. Some other ten B. Another ten C. Other ten D. Ten others 14. The door burst open and ________ , shouting with anger. A. in rushed the crowd B. rushed in the crowd C. the crowd tin rushed D. in the crowd rushed 15. We carved their names on the stone so that younger generations could know what their forefathers ____ for the nation. A. did B. were doing C. had don e D. have been doingKeys:


2009年3月公共英语三级真题 (总分85, 考试时间90分钟) Section ⅡUse of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C, or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. The United States is a confederation of states. Each state has the(26) to make laws with regard to the state. (27) , based on public opinion, states can(28) policies regarding education, and they may(29) a state income tax; they also determine the speed(30) , housing codes, and the drinking age. In most parts of the United States, you(31) be 21 years old to buy alcohol in a liquor store, bar,(32) restaurant. In some states you may buy beer in a grocery store. If a store sells alcohol to a minor, the(33) of the store is usually(34) a large sum of money.(35) , many areas have an open-container law,(36) means that people may not drink alcohol on the street or in a car. Anyone(37) with an open container of alcohol may be arrested. (38) , with all of these laws, the(39) of alcohol is a serious(40) in the United States and Canada. Drinking on college campuses,(41) there are many underage drinkers has(42) greatly. In fact, alcohol sales have gone up(43) the legal drinking age was(44) from 18 to 21. Some people believe that if there were no legal drinking age,(45) in some other countries, North American youth would drink less. 26.A privilege B advantage C right D tradition 27.A As a result B For example C In other words D In this case 28.A demand B disagree C discuss D determine 29.A collect B issue C demand D implement 30.A limit B control B control D regulation 31.A can B shall B shall D must 32.A and B or C also D not 33.A clerk Bsalesperson Cowner D host 34.A fined B charged C punished D suffered 35.A In addition B In fact C In reality D In general 36.A that B this C it D which 37.A exposed B suspected B suspected D detected 38.D detected B Anyway C Moreover D Therefore 39.A application B consumption C expenditure D usage 40.A condition B crisis C question D problem 41.A though B as C where D which 32.A raised B increased C peaked D climaxed 43.D climaxed B since C before D after 44.A shifted B upgraded C uplifted D changed 45.A same B for B for B for Section ⅢReading Comprehension Part A Directions: Read the following three texts. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A,B,C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.


2013年3月全国公共英语三级考试真题 1. 来源:环球英语网校(eng24) 笔试部分答题时间:1 20分钟 姓名—— 准考证号一 SECTION I Listening Comprehension (25 minutes) Directions: This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English.You will hear a se lection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them.There are two parts in this section~Part A and Part B. Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first put down your answers in your test booklet. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you will have 3 minutes to transfer all your answers from your test booklet to ANSWER SHEET l. If you have any questions, you may, raise your hand now as you will not be allowed to speak once the test has started. Now look at PartAin your test booklet. Part A Directions. You will hear 10 short dialogues~For each dialogue, there is one question and four possible answers.Choose the correct answer--A, B,C or D, and mark it in your test booklet.You will have 15 seconds to answer the question and you will hear


模考吧网提供最优质的模拟试题,最全的历年真题,最精准的预测押题! 公共英语三级考试试题(二十五) 一、Section Ⅱ Use of English (共20小题,共20.0分)Read the following text . Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A, B, Cot Don ANSWER SHEET 1. 第1题 An elderly woman died yesterday after being knocked down by a motorist. The driver had (1) no attempt to brake (刹车). When a policeman asked him, a man of 69, to read the number plate of a car parked on the (2) side of the road, the man said this was (3) , because it was foggy. In fact, it was a sunny day. (4) several attempts, even from (5) distance of two meters, the man (6) failed to read the number-plate (7) . He said he had never needed glasses, though he had been (8) in a similar accident the day before. The question (9) fitness to drive comes up every time some medical condition (10) to an accident like this. Last week traffic accidents (11) the death of two motorists, one of (12) died as a result of blackouts (眩晕) while driving. The (13) , a man whose car hit a tree, had (14) from blackouts gone for years. The second died (15) his sports car crashed at 60 m.p.h. He had a brain disease which caused him to (16) consciousness when he had a headache. With such cases (17) mind, it is not surprising that (18) prevention organizations are trying to (19) the government to introduce stricter (20) over drivers. A perfectly B definitely C correctly D exactly 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】


2011年全国公共英语三级模拟试题及答案 Section I Listening Comprehension(25 minutes) (略) Section ⅡUse of English(15 minutes) Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A, B,C, or Don your ANSWER SHEET 1. Text Most young people enjoy physical activities, walking, cycling, football, or mountaineering. These who have a passion 26 climbing high and difficult mountains are often 27 with astonishment. Why are men and women 28 to suffer cold and hardship, and to 29 on high mountains? This astonishment is caused, probably, by the difference between mountaineering and other forms of activities 30 which men give their leisure. There are no man-made rules, as there are for 31 as golf and football. There are, of course, rules of different kinds which it would be dangerous to 32 , but it is this freedom from man-made rules 33 makes mountaineering attractive to many people. Those who climb mountains are free to their own 34 . If we 35 mountaineering with other more familiar sports, we might think that one big difference is 36 mountaineering is not a “team work”. However, it is only our misunderstanding. There are, in fact, no :matches”37 “teams”of climbers, but when climbers are on a rock face linked by a rope on which their lives may 38 , obviously, there is teamwork. A mountain climber knows that he may have to fight with natural 39 that ate stronger and more powerful than man. His sport requires high mental and 40 qualities. A mountain climber 41 to improve on skill year after year. A skier is probably past his best by the age of thirty, and most international tennis champions 42 in their early twenties. But it is not 43 for men of fifty or sixty to climb the highest mountains in the Alps. They may take more 44 than younger men, but they probably climb more skill and less 45 of effort, and they certainly experience equal enjoyment.

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