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Topic 1 Crazy for famous brand among college students


?题目要求Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Craze for Famous Brand among College Students by commenting on college students’ pursuit for famous b rands. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


[1] It’s quite common to hear college students exchanging information about the brands they like and the products they use. Some students even spend all their pocket money on products of famous brands, regardless of the financial pressure caused.

[2] This craze for famous brand among college students results mainly from two factors. First, brand craze is a reflection of some students’ vanity and superficiality. In their mindset, only by using products of famous brands can they show their capa?bility and social status. Second,it is the peer pres?sure among college students that forces some of them to buy products of the same brands as what their classmates purchase, so that the y don’t feel in?ferior to others.

[3] From my point of view,college students should be mature enough to make their own deci?sions when it comes to the purchase of expensive products of famous brands. What’s more, we should always bear in mind that it is not the famous brand that makes us outstanding, but the knowledge and experience that we gain in our life.


本文是一篇议论文,讨论大学生中的“名牌热”的现象。文章内容安排如下: 第一段概述现象。








exchange information 交流信息

regardless of 不管

mindset 心态

social status 社会地位

force sb. to do 迫使某人做某事

bear in mind 牢记

pocket money 零花钱

vanity and superficiality 虚荣和肤浅

capability /.keipa'bilati/ n.能力

peer pressure同龄人压力

inferior to...比差


1. It’s quite common to hear...(提出现象句型)听到……,这是常有的事。

2. The craze for... among... results mainly from two factors. First,... Second,... (分析原因句型)


Topic 2 How to Create and Maintain a Topic 7 Harmonious Dormitory Life?



Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled How to Create and Maintain a Harmonious Dormitory Life?You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below.

1. 宿舍生活是大学生活不可缺少的一部分

2. 宿舍生活有很多益处

3. 如何营造和维持和谐的宿舍生活


[1] Each year,millions of college freshmen leave their families and venture into the unknown to live in dormitories. It is true that dormitory life has become an indispensable part of most students,college life.

[2] The advantages of dormitory life are self-evident To start with, for many students, living with fellow students from diverse back?grounds enables them to develop communication skills. Moreover, students can learn from others whose values and customs are different from their own, which helps to broaden their visions.

[3] As college students, we should try hard to create and maintain a harmonious dormitory life. Firstly,we have to adapt ourselves to dor?mitory life and try to get rid of our bad habits. Secondly, when something annoying arises, we should learn to tolerate each other and try to get along. Dormitory life can be comfortable and re?warding when we fulfill our responsibilities for the benefits of all the dormitory members.














venture into 敢于去做

an indispensable part 不可或缺的一部分

self-evident a.不言自明的

diverse a.多种多样的

communication skill 沟通技巧

broaden one’s vision 拓宽某人的视野

harmonious a.和谐的


get rid of..摆脱

annoying a.不愉快的,恼人的

get along 相处

rewarding a.有益的


The advantages of... are self-evident. To start with,... Moreover,...(阐述优缺点



Topic 3 On Drunk Driving



Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled On Drunk Driving.You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below.

1. 尽管政府明令禁止,醉酒驾车仍时有发生

2. 谈谈这种现象的影响

3. 在你看来,应如何进一步杜绝醉酒驾车


[l] For the past few years, drunk driving has been deemed as the major factor of road accidents. In response, the government has constituted relevant laws to ban it. Today, however, we can easily notice that drunk driving is still a serious problem even though it’s legally prohibited nationwide.

[2] It’s heart-struck that drunk driving has caused enormous losses to those in?volved. First of all,those who are hit in the accidents usually get hurt, paralyzed, or even killed, thus making life harder for them and their families. Second,the drunk drivers may also risk their lives, and if not, they cannot escape the punishment they deserved.

[3] It is wise for the government to issue a ban on drunk driving, and carry it out strictly. And I believe there will be less drunk driving if our government educates people through more propaganda. Only when people are fully aware of the terrible consequences resulted from drunk driving will they stop doing so.





本文是一篇议论文,要求就醉酒驾车这一话题做阐述。文章内容安排如下: 第—段引出话题。








be deemed as被认为是

relevant laws 相关法律

heart-struck a.痛心的

paralyze v.使瘫痪

carry out 执行

result from 由造成

constitute v. 制定

prohibit v. 禁止

enormous a. 巨大的

issue a ban 颁布法令

propaganda n. 宣传


1. For the past few years,... has been deemed as the major factor of...(提出现象句型)


2. It’s heart-struck that... has caused enormous losses to those involved. First of all,... Second,...(分析不良后果句型)


Topic 4 On Chinese Fever



Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled On Chinese Fever. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below.

1. 世界上学习汉语的外国人越来越多

2. 谈谈汉语热的原因

3. 作为大学生,我们应该……


[1] It is reported that there are about 40 million people learning Chinese worldwide besides Chinese people, which proves that Chinese is gaining its popularity all over the world.

[2] This phenomenon can be attributed to several main reasons. First, as China continues to enjoy fast economic growth and extensive contact with the rest of the world, many foreign enterprises wish to expand or develop their business in China, thus employees who can speak Chinese are greatly welcomed. Second,many foreigners see a great future in Chinese market and want to get involved in it. Third,some foreigners are interested in the various values and legends in Chinese culture whose history has been continuous for about 5000 years.

[3] As a college student, I am inspired by the mushrooming of foreign friends’ interests in Chinese. I think we should, therefore, study hard to improve both our mother tongue and English, so that we could make contributions to the spread and prosperity of our language and culture.


[2]第二段分点阐述汉语热的成因。在阐述中使用了Firsts Second, Third这样的序数词,使文章条理清晰,层次分明。













worldwide a. 世界范围(的)

gain popularity 变得流行

economic growth 经济增长

continuous a.持续的

mushroom v.迅速增长

prosperity / n.繁荣

attribute... to...把归因于

get involved in...参与到中

be inspired by...被所鼓舞

mother tongue 母语


1. It is reported that...(提出现象句型)据报道,……。

2. This phenomenon can be attributed to several main reasons. First,... Second,... Third,...(分析原因句型)这个现象可归因于几个主要原因。首先,……。其次,……^再次,……。

Topic 5 Aging Problem in China



Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Aging Problem in China. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below.

1. 人口老龄化正困扰着中国

2. 人口老龄化带来的问题包括……

3. 应采取怎样的应对措施


[1] In many countries, the trend that fewer young people and more senior people is very obvious. China is one of these countries suffering from the aging problem.

[2] The issue of aging has brought about many problems. The first problem to note is that an aging society means slower growth of population and thus a shrinking workforce. Consequently, the productivity of the whole society may be affected. Second, with more and more senior people in a family, it becomes more difficult for the young to take good care of the aged family members. Third, our government may fail to bear the financial burden to sustain the retired population if the situation becomes worse.

[3] In view of the problems listed above, it is urgent that the government adopt some effective measures. For the aging generation, the government can consider extending their retirement age. Meanwhile, family care and community services should be enhanced.















senior people 老年人

bring about带来,引发

consequently ad. 结果

fail to do sth. 没能做某事

sustain v.供养

extend v. 延长

the aging problem 人口老龄问题

shrinking a.下降的,缩水的

productivity n.生产力

financial burden 财政负担

adopt some measures 采取一些措施

retirement age 退休年龄


The issue of... has brought about many problems. The first problem to note is that... Second,... Third,...(引出问题句型)


Topic 6 Package Tour or Self-service Travel?



Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Package Tour or Self-service Travel? You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below.

1. 有人喜欢跟团游,有人喜欢自助游

2. 我的选择是……


[1] When it comes to travelling, some people like to join package tours while others choose to travel on their own. For me, I prefer self-service travel.

[2] In the first place, self-service travel would probably work out well for most of people because you don’t have to worry about having food you don’t like or staying in a hotel you are not satisfied with. Secondly, you can plan your own route according to your interests, like watching famous artworks at the museum, or just spending time in a local park. In other words, travelling alone is like driving a private car—you can go and stop whenever and wherever you like.Thirdly, self-service travel will be much more impressive, enjoyable and unforgettable as you are doing almost everything by yourself.

[3] Based on the reasons listed above, I would choose to go for a self-service tour rather than a package tour.














When it comes to...说到时

work out 实行

plan one’s route安排某人的行程


1. When it comes to..., some people like to... while others choose to...(引出不同观点句型)


2. For me, I prefer... In the first place,... Secondly,…Thirdly,...(发表个人观点并论证句型)

就我而言,我比较喜欢.... 。首先,...

。此外,... 。最后,... 。

TopiC 7 Go to Work or Furt her one’s Study?



Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Go to Work or Further one’s Study? You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below.

1. 临近毕业时,许多大学生面临工作和深造的艰难抉择

2. 一些大学生认为应工作,另一些大学生则认为应深造

3. 我的看法是……


[1] Many college students will be faced with a dilemma when approaching graduation: to go to work or further one’s study?

[2] There is no consensus of opinion among college students. Some believe that it is necessary to further their study. With the competition in the job market getting fiercer and fiercer, college graduates today possess little advantage when an increasing number of Masters are competing with them. On the contrary, others hold that it is more advisable to go to work. For one thing,a higher degree is no longer a guarantee of a better job as most companies nowadays attach more importance to one’s working ability instead of a diploma. For another,the job choices left to higher-degree holders may be fewer than those they had as graduates.

[3]In my opinion,to go to work or further one’s study after graduation depends on each individual’s practical situation. If a higher degree is what one need, he can consider further study; otherwise he can begin his job hunting as early as possible.














dilemma n.进退两难的困境

further one’s study 深造

guarantee n.保证

diploma n.毕业证书

approach v.接近

consensus n.共识

attach importance to 重视

practical situation 实际情况


1. There is no consensus of opinions among... Some believe that... contrary, others hold that...(引出两种不同观点句型)


2. In my opinion, ...(引出作者观点句型)


Topic 8 On New Words Prevailing in the Internet



Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short es entitled On New Words Prevailing in the Internet. You should write at le 150 words following the outline given below.

1. 如今,网络新词很流行,如杯具、给力等

2. 对这种现象有人表示欢迎,有人表示批评

3. 作为大学生,我的看法是……


[1]Nowadays, the Internet is flooded with a variety of new words, such as “beiju”,“geili”and so forth. While well-received by lots of people, such phenomenon is also widely criticized.

[2] Those who are keen on new Internet words find it very interesting and humorous to add fashionable words to their online or daily communication. Furthermore, they believe that new Internet words enrich their vocabulary and expressions, which is in line with modern people’s pursuit for novelty and innovation.

[3] Others suppose those new words are misleading, for it might confuse the younger generation in terms of language study and usage. In fact, with frequent appearance of those words, children tend to be misguided to use them in formal occasions, which is unacceptable currently. Besides, generation gap between parents and children may be widened because children tend to communicate with peers who use the same lan?guage rather than with their parents.

[4] As a college student,I consider the emergence of those new words as an irresistible trend. Nevertheless, we should be aware that they can only be applied in casual


[1] 首段阐述现象,并概述人们的不同看法。

[2] 第二段具体阐述网络新词支持者的观点。

[3] 此段具体阐述反对者的意见。

[4] 最后表述个人观点---人们要谨慎使用。











be flooded with...被充斥着

be widely criticized 饱受批评

be in line with...与相符

misleading a.误导性的

misguide v.误导

be aware that...意识到

well-received a.深受欢迎的

be keen on热衷于

novelty n.新鲜玩意

tend to do sth.倾向于做某事

an irresistible trend无法阻挡的趋势

casual occasions非正式场合


1. Those who are keen on... find it... Furthermore, they believe that... Others suppose... Besides,…(阐述正反双方观点句型)


2. As a college student, I consider... as an irresistible trend.(表明作者观点句型)作为一名大学生,我认为……是一种不可阻挡的趋势。

Topic 9 On Social Networks



Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled On Social Networks. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below.

1. 社交网络日渐流行

2. 社交网络带来的好处和坏处

3. 如何合理使用社交网络


[l] The past decades have witnessed a great development in networks owing to the progresses in science and technology. As a

result, a variety of networking sites come into our sight, with the social networks being the hottest one.

[2] As is the case with many issues, the so?cial networks have both positive and negative sides. On the positive side, the social networks provide us an opportunity to make friends, ex?change ideas and so on,so it almost becomes an inseparable part of our social life. On the negative side, many people, especially students, may spend so much time on the social networks that they neglect their study or work. What’s worse, some people even may use these social networks to spread rumors and fake news.

[3] As I see it, the advantages of the social networks definitely overweigh the disadvantages. The crucial point is how to use the social net?work reasonably. Firstly, we should not indulge in it. Secondly, the government should perfect the legal system to strengthen the supervision of the social network.














witness v.见证

science and technology 科学技术

an inseparable part不可分割的一部分

fake news虚假新闻

overweigh v. 比...更重要

strengthen supervision 加强监督

owing to归功于

spread rumors散布摇言

indulge in...沉迷


1. The past decades have witnessed a great development in... owing to...(阐述现象句型)


2. As is the case with many issues,…have both positive and negative sides. On the positive side,... On the negative side,...(陈述利弊句型)



3. As I see it,...(发表个人观点句型)


Topic 10 Study Home or Abroad?



Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Study Home or Abroad?You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below.

1. 如今越来越多学生选择出国留学

2. 有人对此表示赞同,也有人认为在国内上学益处更多

3. 我的看法是……


[1] Nowadays more and more students choose to study in such developed countries as the U.S.A., the U.K., France, etc. Concerning this phenomenon, people hold different views.

[2] Many people hold that it is advisable to study abroad as studying abroad enables overseas learners to grasp advanced knowledge in developed countries. Besides, many domestic enterprises are willing to provide preferential treatment to those with overseas learning experience. On the contrary, others believe that studying home does more good to students in that many domestic universities nowadays are as advanced as foreign ones, which ensures the quality of their graduates. Moreover,they emphasize that when studying in one’s own country, students can gain more insights into the ongoing economic and social situation, which adds more weight to them in their job hunting.

[3] In my view, it is not where we go studying but what we can learn that matters. As long as students are provided with an access to more knowledge and valuable experiences, the place where they go studying doesn’t really matter.














developed country 发达国家

enable sb. to do sth.使某人能孩某事

grasp v.抓紧,获得

domestic enterprises 国内公司

be willing to do sth.愿意做某事

preferential treatment 优惠待遇

gain insights into对...有深刻理解

ongoing a.正在进行的

add weight to...使更有利

be willing to do sth. 愿意做某事

preferential treatment 优惠待遇


1. Nowadays more and more... choose to...(提出现象句型)


2. Concerning this phenomenon, people hold different views. Many people hold that... On the contrary, others believe that...(引出不同观点句型)


Tnnir 11 Creating a Low-carbon Society



Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Creating a Low-carbon Society. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below.

1. 近年来人们提倡低碳生活

2. 这样做的原因

3. 作为大学生,我们应该……


[1] In recent years, low-carbon lifestyle is vigorously advocated around the world. Each and every action conducive to the reduction of carbon dioxide is bound to catch people’s attention.

[2] Why does such phenomenon occur? For one thing, frequent disastrous global climate changes, which have threatened human health, security and survival, aroused people’s attention. We have realized that our infinite desire and excessive consumption of high-carbon products are immensely increasing carbon dioxide emissions, thus worsening global climate. For another, low-carbon lifestyle encouraging people to lower consumption of resources and energy helps to realize sustainable development in our society.

[3] As college students, we can exert our efforts to reduce carbon emissions by doing some simple things. For example, never use disposable chopsticks or cups; turn off the lights when we are leaving the classroom or dormitory; make full use of every piece of paper and so on. If everyone keeps a low-carbon lifestyle, we can make a big difference, as every little makes a mickle.















vigorously ad.有力地,大力地

advocate v. 主张,提倡

be conducive to 有助于

be bound to 一定会

disastrous a.灾难性的


arouse one’s attention 引起的关注

infinite a.无限的

excessive consumption 过度消费

carbon dioxide emission 二氧化碳排放

sustainable development 可持续发展

exert efforts to 尽力做

disposable a. 一次性使用的

make full use of 充分利用

every little makes a mickle 积少成多


1. In recent years,…is vigorously advocated around the world.(提出现象句型)近年来,全世界大力提倡……。

2. Why does such phenomenon occur? For one thing,... For another,...(分析原因句型)


3. As college students, we can exert our efforts to...(发表作者观点句型)


Topic 12 On Energy Conservation



Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled On Energy Conservation.You should write at least 150 words follow?ing the outline given below.

1. 近年来不少国家出现能源短缺现象

2. 导致此种现象的原因

3. 如何节约能源


[1] In recent years, many countries, especially industrial countries, are faced with different levels of energy shortage.

[2] Why does such phenomenon occur? The primary reason is the increasing demand for energy because of the development of modern industries.Another important reason is that many people tend to ignore that energy reserves in the world are limited. For this reason, the excessive use and waste of energy is common, thus accelerating the exhaustion of the valuable energy.

[3]In order to ensure that our descendants could find sufficient resources to support themselves, It is time that effective measures be taken for energy conservation. Most importantly, technologies should be improved to reduce the energy usage in industries. What’s more,people should try hard to save energy in their daily life. For example, the lights should be turned off if nobody is in the room, and the air conditioners should be set at no lower than 26 degree in summer. All in all,it is time that people do something to conserve energy.














industrial country 工业国家

primary reason 主要原因

excessive use 过度使用

exhaustion of energy 能源枯竭

descendant n.后裔,子孙

energy shortage能源短缺

energy reserve 能源储备

accelerate v. 加速

ensure v.确保


1. Why...? The primary reason is... Another important reason is...(分析原因句型)


2. In order to..., it is time that effective measures be taken for... Most importantly,... What’s more,...(引出解决方法句型)


Topic 13 How to Reduce Damage Caused by Natural Disasters?


Directions : For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled How to Reduce Damage Caused by Natural Disasters?You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below.

1. 人类经常面对可怕的自然灾害

2. 为减少自然灾害造成的损害,我们可以……


[1] Human beings are often faced with natural disasters such as eaithquakes, floods, hurricanes, and tsunamis which cause serious losses. It’s important for us to work out effective measures to reduce dame and casualty.

[2] What can we do concretely? First, prevention is vital. Protecting the environment is a top priority to prevent natural disasters while reducing carbon emissions is a good measure to prevent global warming. Second, be well-prepared. Improvement in early warning systems, such as technique of earthquake prediction, is very important for people to survive in disasters.Third, the government should perfect the coping mechanism in disaster management. Stronger coordination is needed among all governmental departments and nongovernmental organizations so that we can better deal with all kinds of natural disasters.

[3] To sum up,besides thinking of relief after a disaster, making full prevention, preparation and planning ahead of time are very essential to reduce damage and casualty.

[1] 首段提出灾害频发的现象,呼吁采取有效措施应对自然灾害。

[2] 第二段以设问开头,引人思考,随后从三方面逐一分析可有效应对自然灾害的措施:保护环境预防灾害;改进灾害预警系统;改进政府灾难处理机制等。

[3] 结尾总结全文,必须全方面防范和治理自然灾害,才能减少损失。


本文是一篇议论文,讨论如何减少自然灾害造成的损失。文章内容安排如下: 第一段提出现象,呼吁人们采取应对措施。








be faced with 面临着

work out制定出

concretely ad.具体地

top priority应优先考虑的事

global warming 全球变暖

coping mechanism 应对机制

coordination n.调节,协调

make full preparation 做好充分准备

ahead of time 提前

tsunami n. 海啸

damage and casualty 损失和伤亡

carbon emmission 碳排放


1. What can we do concretely? First,... Second,... Third,...(引出解决方法句型)我们具体可以做些什么呢?首先,……。其次,……。再次,……。

2. To sum up,…(做总结句型)


Topic 14 To Work for a Large Company or a Small One?



Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled To Work for a Large Company or a Small One?You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


[1] These days young graduates, more often than not, are left with one question: to work for a large company or a small one? When asked about this question, people vary in their opinions.

[2] As far as I am concerned, I prefer to work for a large company. First, a large company has more market share and higher market value, so it is in a better financial state. This often means better benefit packages and job security for its employees, compared with that of a small company. Second, a large company is in a better position to improve employee’s skills and develop his or her potential. Third, large company can provide

its employees with more professional training and better instructions, which is meaningful for the employee’s career development.

[3] In conclusion, in view of the advantages a large company boasts, I have made up my mind to work for a large company.





本文是一篇议论文,讨论去大公司还是小公司工作的话题。文章内容安排如下: 第一段说明现象,引出话题。








more often than not 时常

financial state 财政状况

job security工作安全感

develop one’s potential开发某人的潜力


1. As far as I am concerned, I prefer to…First,…Second,…Third,…(表明个人观点并论证句型)


2. In conclusion,…(做总结句型)



英语六级作文预测范文30篇 热点作文1 .. 1)目前社会上有许多人喜欢购买彩票 2)分析产生这种现象的原因 3)提出你的建议 【思路点拨】 本题属于提纲式文字命题。提纲第1点指出一种现象,提纲第2点要求分析产生这种现象的原因,提纲第3点要求“我”针对该现象给出建议,由此可判断本文应为现象解释型作文。 根据所给提纲,本文应包含以下内容:描述当前社会上人们热衷于购买彩票的现象;分析导致人们购买彩票的原因;针对购买彩票提出一至两点“我”的建议。 【参考范文】 Why Do People Like to Buy Lotteries? Nowadays, there exist all kinds of lotteries in our society, such as welfare lottery, sports lottery, computer lottery, and so forth. Anyone, whether men or women, the young or the old, may buy lottery tickets. But why do so many people like buying them? The following reasons can account for the popularity of lotteries. First of all, most people are trying their luck on lottery tickets. They have a long-cherished dream of making big money overnight. In addition, there are some people who want to make donation to public welfare by buying lottery tickets. Besides, some people buy them just for fun.


Topic 1: My View on the Post-graduate Craze Every year, millions of college students sit in for the post-graduate entrance examination. More and more students regard the pursuing of a master's degree as an indispensable part of their education. Why are students so enthusiastic about obtaining a post-graduate diploma? First, it is the demand of the time. In an age of knowledge updating and information explosion, what we have learned in college can hardly meet the demand of society. Whereas, those equipped with the latest knowledge and skills, especially those with a master degree, are badly needed. Second, we all recognize that the more education we have, the more likely we are to succeed. Compared with those without a master degree, post-graduates enjoy more preferential treatment, for example, better salaries, or more opportunities for training and promotion. A post-graduate degree can sometimes guarantee a more promising career. Last but not least, with the graduation of a large number of college students, competition for jobs becomes more and more fierce. One way to gain some advantage over others is to have a higher academic degree. So no wonder millions of students will consider pursuing a post-graduate degree. As for me, I would like to join them to study for a higher degree, taking the above-mentioned advantages into consideration. Topic 2: Should We Help Strangers? Helping strangers has always been considered a treasured virtue of human kind. On the one hand, we need help from others throughout our life, no matter when we travel to other places or stay at home. On the other hand, helping others brings us tremendous happiness. We feel great joy when we are trusted and needed by others. Therefore, it is highly recommended that we help strangers when possible. However, some people are cautious and would rather not help strangers because it can sometimes put us into trouble. They say some strangers are just cheats who pretend to be pitiful in order to take advantage of our sympathy. Helping them would put us in danger. Furthermore, sometimes we are not able to provide the help needed. For example, if we can't swim, it is dangerous to help someone being drowned. In my opinion, we should still try our best to help strangers if possible, though we should also learn to protect ourselves from being harmed in the process.


1)我的书包My Backpack I have a backpack. It is large and it is blue. It is a birthday gift from my parents. I love it very much. It is very "hard-working", because I keep all my school things in it. It is very heavy. It is with all the time during school days. It is a good friend of mine. (2)我的房子My House I have a house. It is big and new. There are eight rooms in it. They are a living-room,a kitchen,three bedroom,one study and two bathrooms. I watch TV in the living-room. I do my homework in the study. I have dinner in the kitchen. This is my house. I like it. (3)今年暑假(This vacations) In this vacations Igo to travel in some famous places and i go to visit my grandparents in the village.i learn something difenrent.like example:Iknow people work in the village it is so hard and so tired,they are grow the vegetable,rice and something else it is very dificult. (4)小学的最后一个暑假(the last summer in my elementary school) the last summer in my elementary school is very unforgetable,i remember i will go to another school and have to leave my friends and teachers,i feel sad ,but i learned to get together with them to remember the friendship between us,we have a good time and swear to study hard in order to have a bright future. (5)今天的经历(Today's experience) It was a fine day today and the sun was bright . I visited Beijing Zoo with my classmate , Zhang Hong .


全国大学英语六级作文范文(一) 热点作文1 1)目前社会上有许多人喜欢购买彩票 2)分析产生这种现象的原因 3)提出你的建议 【参考范文】 Why Do People Like to Buy Lotteries? Nowadays, there exist all kinds of lotteries in our society, such as welfare lottery, sports lottery, computer lottery, and so forth. Anyone, whether men or women, the young or the old, may buy lottery tickets. But why do so many people like buying them? The following reasons can account for the popularity of lotteries. First of all, most people are trying their luck on lottery tickets. They have a long-cherished dream of making big money overnight. In addition, there are some people who want to make donation to public welfare by buying lottery tickets. Besides, some people buy them just for fun. As far as I am concerned, there are some risks in buying lotteries. People never should count on making big money by buying lotteries. Furthermore, lotteries to some extent are similar to gambling, so people should not spend too much money and energy on them. In a word, people should keep a clear head when buying lotteries. 热点作文2


1、为了交流学习经验,提高学习效率,《中学生英语辅导报》举行了一次以How to be a good learner?为题的征文比赛活动,请写一篇80词左右的短文谈谈你的看法。 1、How to be a good learner? As a good learner, we should have good habits and ways of learning. We need to get ready for our lessons before class and always listen carefully in class. It’s good to study in groups and help each other. We should do more reading in our free time. If we have some problems, we’d better ask others for help. As a student, working hard is important, but don’t forget to do sports and keep healthy. I think all these above will be helpful to us. 2、亲爱的同学,你的初中学习生活马上就要结束了,请你以“My English Study”为题,谈一下三年以来学习英语的心得体会。 要求:1.要点包括你在英语学习中所遇到的困难、解决的方法以及学习感悟;2.词数80左右。

2、My English Study How time flies! My three-year middle school life will be over soon. Looking back, I have many memories of my English study. When I entered the middle school, I had so many difficulties with my English. I was not able to understand the teacher in class, and I couldn’t master the words and phrases. For a time I wanted to give it up. Later, with the help of the teacher and my classmates, I listened to the teacher carefully in class, kept on reading English every day and spoke as much as possible. Step by step I made great progress in English. In a word, only when you develop interest in studying English can you learn it well.


中考英语作文必背十篇经典范文 中考英语作文必背经典范文一How to learn English well?As we know , English has become an international language. It is more popular than any other language in China . English is widely spoken in the world and it is the most useful language around the world . But how to learn it well ? The best way is to use it all the time . If we can talk in English , think in English we can learn it well . At school , we should learn to hear , speak, read and write carefully . We should spend enough time in practicing English . If we keep on working hard at English , we will be able to be good at it one day . 中考英语作文必背经典范文二Plans For the Summer Holiday The summer holiday is coming. I’m going to have a good rest and learn torelax myself.I will read more books,because reading can not only make me clever,but also make me get more knowledge. What’smore,I will try to spend more time chatting with my parents and helpthem to do some housework. I am going to take part in socialactivities so that I can know more about t he society. If possible, I’dlike to go to visit Shanghai. I’m sure I’ll have an interesting and meaningful summer holiday .中考英语作文必背经典范文三Great changes in my hometown More than twenty years ago, my hometown was just a small , old and poor town. Most of people were farmers. There were few factories. The


英语作文范文必背 你是Alice,你的朋友Bonnie很快就要到你的乡间小屋拜访,但你却要出去一会儿。留一张便条给她,告诉她食品在哪儿,告诉她一个人在屋里时应注意些什么。 May 18,2002 Dear Bonnie: I will be away for a while. The key to the cottage is under the doormat, and the food is in the refrigerator. After entering the house, lock the door from inside at once. The cottage is far away from the nearest town, and the area is not quite safe from burglars. So I think the saying is right “Where there is precaution,there is no danger”. Have a nice stay here. Yours, Alice 你是张浩,一位办公室职员。有时感到乏味,很容易疲倦。你想加入一个俱乐部,改变一下这种状况,以便闲暇时间过的更快活。写了一封信给俱乐部经理介

绍你的嗜好和兴趣。 Dear Club Manager: I am writing to ask to join your club to enjoy my free time. I am a clerk. I often feel tense and become tired easily. Perhaps, I need to relax myself a bit. I hope to become a member of your club. I have many hobbies and interests. For example, I like photography, calligraphy and painting, dancing and singing. And I like going fishing, collecting stamps and raising flowers. Besides, I am good at playing Chinese chess and cards. Please write back and tell me if there are some formalities that I will have to go through. Thank you very much in advance. Looking forward to your reply. Yours, ZhangHao 你是Helen,要写一封信给Julie,对她和她的丈夫昨日请你和你丈夫吃饭表示感谢,表示要回请他们,以答谢他们的盛情款待。



1.大学英语六级作文模板大全 优点5:举例证明优点二6:说明XX优点三影响相应作文: The importance...写作模板——提纲式作文1. 对立观点式 A. 有人认为X 是好事,赞成... I)说明原因型模块 Currently, XX has been the order of the day. This does demonstrate the theory --- nothing is more valuable than XX It is clear that (1). If you (2), as a result, your dreams will come true. On the contrary, if you (3).Failure will be following with you. It turns out that all your plan falls through. No one can deny another fact that (4).You don't have to look very far to find out the truth, in respect that we all know (5).It will exert a profound influence upon (6).With

reference to my standpoint, I think (7). 注释:1:XX第一个优点2:支持XX做法3:不支持XX做法4:XX第二个优点5:举例证明优点二6:说明XX优点三影响 相应作文: The importance of self-confidence Currently, self-confidence has been the order of the day. This does demonstrate the theory --- nothing is more valuable than self-confidence. It is clear that (self-confidence means trust in one's abilities). If you (are full of self-confidence, it will bring your creative power to play, arouse your enthusiasm for work, and help you overcome difficulties), as a result, your dreams will come true. On the contrary, if you (have no confidence in yourself, there is little possibility that you would


高考英语考前必背优秀作文 一:假定你是李华。近日有网友在推特贴出了中国大妈带领美国大妈在新泽西大跳广场舞的照片,你的美国朋友David看过后,很想了解中国流行的广场舞(square dance)的相关情况。请你用英语给他写封回信,要点包括: 1)广场舞跳的时间、地点、参与人员等; 2)广场舞流行的原因; Dear David, I am writing to tell you something about the square dance in China. As can be seen from the name, square dance usually takes place at the square, where there is large space for lots of people to get together. In the morning or after dinner, people, especially elderly women, will gather in squares to dance to popular music. With its popularity, more and more young people are also joining in . There are many reasons behind its popularity. First of all, with social and economical development people have more time and energy to enjoy and relax themselves . Besides, i t provides people with a platform to make new friends and doing the square dance is a good way for people to keep fit. If you want to know more about the square dance ,welcome to China to experience it by yourself. Li Hua 二、假设你是李华,你的朋友Tom 刚被牛津大学录取,邀请你去参加今周六举行的庆祝party,你刚好不能参加,请回信说明理由。内容要点: 1. 祝贺录取 2. 不能前往的原因 3. 祝福 Dear Tom, Congratulations on your being admitted to Oxford University! I’m grateful and honored to be invited to your celebration party to be held this Saturday evening. However, much to my regret, I have to decline your kind invitation. As you know, a Chinese Poetry Competition is being held in our school and I have successfully entered the final round competition, which happens to be scheduled on this Saturday and will not end until late into the evening. It’s a great pity that I can’t make it to your party. But I’ve prepared a gift for you and hopeful you will like it. May your party be a great success and enjoy yourself that day! Yours Li Hua 三、假设你是李华,你校学生会将在下个学期在学校每周举行文化周活动,先向同学们征求意见,请向学生会写一封信,内容包括: 1. 你的态度 2. 你的建议 3. 活动意义


1、缺水问题已经非常严重 2、产生此问题的原因 3、你的看法 On Water Shortage No one can deny the fact that water shortage is a grave problem (严肃的问题) with which the whole world is confronted(面对). Actually, it has become so widespread that it has severely affected people’s daily life and hindered(阻碍)the development of the global economy. A number of factors could account for the problem, but the following might be the critical (关键性的)ones. Firstly,the ever-increasing (不断增长的)population is a leading cause of water shortage. As populations increase, the demand for water grows accordingly. secondly, people everywhere waste water without even realizing it(毫无意识的):showers last too long,taps are left running and so forth. Last but not least,the industrial production will cause water contamination (水污染)and it will also decrease the existing water resources (现有的水资源)further more. In view of the seriousness of the problem, effective measures must be taken before things get worse. For one thing, it is essential that laws and regulations be worked out and enforced(制定和执行)impose a heavy penalty on those who waste or contaminate waster deliberately . Secondly, a large-scale education campaign should be launched to inform the public of the significance of economizing on(节约)water. With these measures taken, it is reasonable for us to believe that this problem can be perfectly solved in the near future . 如何建立节约型社会? 1.relevant laws and regulations should be made and implemented to impose heavy penalty on those who waste resources deliberately. 2. a large-scale education campaign should be launched to arouse the public’s awareness that economizing on resources is of great significance. 3.The public should bear in mind that building a economical society is everybody’s duty. 1、目前网络教育形成热潮。 2、我认为这股热潮的原因是。 3、我对网络教育的评价 the newly-coined word“online education”may by no means(不)sound strange to most people. During the past several years, hundreds of online education colleges have sprung up (涌现)around China. Why could online education be so popular in such a short period of time?(短时间内)For one thing, If we want to catch up with the development and the great pace of (快的步伐) modern society, we all should possess an urgent and strong desire(急切而强烈的欲望)to study, while most people nowadays are under so enormous pressures that (处在如此大的压力下以至于) they can hardly have time and energy(时间和精力)to study full time at school. Furthermore, online education enables them to save a great deal of time on the way spent on the way between home and school. Last but not least, the quick(快速的)development of internet,which makes possible(使之成为可能)all our dreams of attending class on the net,should also be another critical(关键的)reason. Personally, I appreciate this new form of education. It’s indeed a helpful complement (补充)to the traditional educational means(方式,方法). It can provide different learners with


必背高考英语作文范文五篇 高考必背五篇作文范文 一. As we all know, there are three stages in studypreview, study in class and review, among whichreview is the most important. From my experience, I'd like to talk about the importance andsteps of review. Firstly, make a review plan with certain contents of subjects at acertain time.Secondly, carry on the review plan regularly. Thirdly, examine what has been reviewed andmake supplement in time. One thing to remember is to keep notes all the time. I follow myreview plan strictly and have made progress in my study. It turns out to be good enough. Ofcourse, there is more than one way to review. So long as we review regularly, we can find moreways to improve our studies. 我们都知道,学习有三个环节:预习、课堂学习和复习,三者中复习是最重要的。我愿意从我的经验谈复习的重要性和步骤方法。首先,制定复习计划,确定在某段时间里复习课程的具体内容。其次,有规律地执行复习计划。第三,检测所复习的内容,及时弥补。有一件事必须记住,就是要时时记笔记。我严格遵循复习计划,在学习上取得了进步,证明复习是可取的。当然,不只有一种复习办法。只要我们有规律地复习,我们可以找到更多改善学习的方法。 二. Spring is tht best season of the year. The weather gets warmer and warmer. My clas i'amates and I took a one-day sightseeing around our city.The scene was pretty. But when we saw the rivers along our city, I felt very sorry, and thoughit a lot. With the development of modern agriculture and industry, more and more waste water is being poured into rivers. It has caused



On the importance of a name 第一篇(王迈迈) In recent years, many people become more and more concerned about the importance of a name. They choose very carefully the names for their children and sometimes even for the shop, restaurant or the company they run. They consider that a name can influence a person’s whole life. What’s more, some people believe that sometimes a good name would bring good luck. However, people’s view varies from person to person. Not everyone thinks a deliberately chosen name really means so much. They argue that a name is just a name, to which people shouldn’t attach too much superstitious ideas. Success depends much more on hardworking and down-to-earth attitude than how you name a shop or a person. As far as I am concerned, I favor the latter opinion. Although a carefully chosen name can tell the best wishes of the elder for the young generation, we still ought not to rely on the fortune a name can bring, nor can we blame our occasional bad luck on it.


英语六级写作必背范文20篇 范文赏析(一) View on Fake Commodities 1. 假冒伪劣商品的危害。 2. 怎样杜绝假冒伪劣商品。 My View on Fake Commodities Nowadays fake commodities have flooded almost every inch of the market. Wherever you are, whatever you do, it seems that you can hardly have fallen prey to them. In other words, it is highly probable that you have bought some of those fake goods or products of inferior quality. Needless to say, fake commodities have already done great harm to our society. On the one hand, they will ruin the good reputation of genuine products and disturb the balance of the market. On the other hand, the prevalence of such products has hindered interpersonal relationship and resulted in the decline of public morality. As a consequence, they have wasted exhaus tible resources, endangered people’s precious life and health, and in the long run eroded public trust. Then, what should be done to do away with fake commodities To start with, the government needs to tighten its inspection program and strengthen its enforcement policies. Secondly, honest businessmen should modify some long-accepted practices at the protection of their intellectual property right. Most important of all, we consumers will have to do a better job of learning how to distinguish between the genuine and the phoney and definitely say no to the fake ones. In one word, the coordinated effort of the whole society will put an end to fake commodities. in the Ownership of Houses 要求:1、根据上图描述该市住房产权的变化; 2、分析产生这些变化的原因; 3、说明这些变化对个人和社会产生的影响。 Changes in the Ownership of Houses As is shown in the chart, great changes have taken place in the ownership of houses in the city. There has been a steady decline in the percentage of state-owned houses from 75 in 1990 to 20 in 2000. On the contrary, the percentage of private houses has been on the rise. Several factors may account for the trend. For one thing, owing to the policy of reform and opening to the outside world, the past decade witnessed significant improvement in people’s standard of living.In other words, they have had the means to purchase houses of their own. For another, people’s ideas about consumption have undergone some radical changes. In the past, they were reluctant to spend, but now they are willing to buy. Anyway, it is much more comfortable to

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