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(Sample essay on reflection and summary of college English teaching)

大学英语教学一直在改革与非议中前行,近年来由于英语学习的重要性的不断突出,其更是成为人们关注的焦点。下面是我整理的一些关于大学英语教学工作反思总结,供您参考。(College English teaching has been advancing in reform and criticism. In recent years, the importance of English learning has become more and more prominent, and it has become the focus of attention. Below is a summary of some reflections on college English teaching that I have compiled for your reference.)

大学英语教学工作反思总结范文一(Summary of Reflections on College English Teaching)

非常荣幸来到会山中学,我捧着一颗火热的心踏上讲台。开始我的教学生涯。也非常感谢学校领导和老师们对我工作的支持与帮助。在这半年里我深刻体会到了做老师的艰辛和快乐,我把自己的青春倾注于我所钟爱的教育事业上,倾注于每一个学生身上。一个学期的工作已经结束,收获不少,下面我把一学期来的工作作一总结:(It is a great honor to come to Huishan Middle School. I stepped onto the podium with a fiery heart. Start my teaching career. I am also very grateful to the school leaders and teachers for their

support and help in my work. During the past six months, I have deeply experienced the hardship and joy of being a teacher. I poured my youth into my beloved education and every student. The work of a semester has ended, and I have gained a lot. Let me summarize the work of the semester:)

一、教学工作(1. Teaching)

这学期主要担任一年级的生物、八年纪的生物和九年纪的化学的教学及其中一个班的班主任工作。因为第一次上岗,对学生的思想、学习以及家庭情况等我都不清楚,必须得摸索教材,所以工作起来很吃力。新人就是新人。由于经验的缺乏,我的教学水平与其他有经验的老师相比是有差距的,这一点在考试中就显现出来了。第一次月考以及期中考试,我带的帮成绩都很不理想:二班和一班相比,差距都比较大。所以,我自身感到压力也很大。从这两次考试中,我认真总结了经验和教训。我认识到,光靠课堂教学是不可能很好地提高学生的成绩的。我为了教学经常找他们谈心、交朋友,使他们懂得老师没有把他们"看扁",树立起他们的信心和激发他们学习的兴趣。(This semester is mainly responsible for teaching first-year biology, eight-year biology, and ninth-year chemistry, as well as the head teacher of one of the classes. Because I didn't know the students' thinking, study, and family situation when I first started working, I had to explore the teaching materials, so it was very difficult to work. The newcomer is the newcomer. Due to the lack

of experience, there is a gap between my teaching level and other experienced teachers. This was revealed in the exam. In the first monthly exam and mid-term exam, the results of the helper I brought were very unsatisfactory: Compared with the first class, the gap between the second class and the first class was relatively large. Therefore, I feel a lot of pressure myself. From these two exams, I seriously summed up the experience and lessons. I realize that it is impossible to improve students' performance by relying solely on classroom teaching. For the purpose of teaching, I often talk to them and make friends, so that they understand that the teacher does not "look down on them", build up their confidence and stimulate their interest in learning.)

二、要提高教学质量。(2. To improve the quality of teaching.)

(1)课前准备:备好课。((1) Preparation before class: prepare the class.)

① 认真钻研教材,对教材的基本思想、基本概念,每句话、每个字都弄清楚,了解教材的结构,重点与难点,掌握知识的逻辑,能运用自如,知道应补充哪些资料,怎样才能教好。(① Study the textbook carefully, understand the basic ideas and concepts of the textbook, every sentence and every word, understand the structure, key points and difficulties of the textbook, master

the logic of knowledge, be able to use it freely, know which materials to add, and how To teach well.)

② ②了解学生原有的知识技能的质量,他们的兴趣、需要、方法、习惯,学习新知识可能会有哪些困难,采取相应的预防措施。(②

②Understand the quality of students' original knowledge and skills, their interests, needs, methods, habits, and what difficulties may be encountered in learning new knowledge, and take corresponding preventive measures.)

③ ③考虑教法,解决如何把已掌握的教材传授给学生,包括如何组织教材、如何安排每节课的活动。(③ ③Consider teaching methods and solve how to teach the teaching materials that have been mastered to students, including how to organize the teaching materials and how to arrange the activities of each class.)(2)课堂上的情况。((2) The situation in class.)

组织好课堂教学,关注全体学生,注意信息反馈,调动学生的有意注意,使其保持相对稳定性,同时激发学生的情感,使他们产生愉悦的心境,创造良好的课堂气氛,课堂语言简洁明了,克服了以前重复的毛病,课堂提问面向全体学生,注意引发学生学数学的兴趣,课堂上讲练结合,布置好家庭作业,作业少而精,减轻学生的负担。(Organize classroom teaching, pay attention to all students, pay attention to information feedback, mobilize students' intentional attention to maintain relative stability, and at

the same time stimulate students' emotions, make them happy mood, create a good classroom atmosphere, and the classroom language is concise and clear. Overcoming the previous repetitive problems, classroom questions are oriented to all students, pay attention to arouse students' interest in learning mathematics, combine lectures and exercises in class, arrange homework, homework is few and precise, and reduce the burden on students.)

三、领班工作。(3. Foreman work.)


育。经过一个的努力,我们班的各项常规工作像早读、卫生、课堂纪律等都抓得比较好。(In terms of the work of the head teacher, I attach great importance to the ideological education of students. Through class meetings, morning meetings, ideological and moral classes, and combining various subject materials, students are given ideological education such as loving the motherland, loving the people, loving the collective, loving the old, loving learning, etc. Enable students to develop a good class style and study style. The class leader is the right and left hand of the teacher, so I regard the training of a capable class leader as an important part of the work of the class teacher. I trained a capable monitor. These class cadres can manage the class's study and discipline well, and reduce the burden for me. I set a goal for them to get a civilized class every week, and each will take responsibility.

I often give regular meetings to class managers to learn about their work and encourage them to work boldly. Enable class leaders to establish prestige among classmates and become a model for classmates to learn. I had a few fights with other classmates this semester. I could only do ideological work with him with all my heart, and slowly transform him. The phenomenon of violating disciplines in slow fights has been greatly

reduced. I can observe discipline in class and answer questions very actively. , Academic performance is also excellent. But some negative thoughts still appear from time to time. In order to do a good job in the routine work of the class, I insist on going to the classroom before 7 o'clock in the morning every day to learn about the students' morning reading situation in the class, and to educate the students in the morning meeting. After a hard work, our class's routine tasks such as morning reading, hygiene, classroom discipline, etc. are all handled well.)

通过一个学期的工作,我认识到,作为一个没有经验的新老师,想要把课上好,把教学搞好,把学生的成绩搞上去,就必须付出更多的劳动,花更多的时间。由于我教学经验的逐步积累,对学生辅导力度的加大,终于将学生的成绩逐步提高了上来。其实,我们这些新老师在上学期的工作中,都十分认真负责,我在其中并不能算是最好的,还有很多新老师也都取得了相当优异了成绩。和其他有经验的老教师相比,我还是有差距的,在新的学期里,我将继续努力,争取取得更好的成绩,成为一名合格的教师。(Through a semester's work, I realized that as a new teacher with no experience, if you want to do a good job in class, improve teaching, and improve students' grades, you must put in more work and spend more time. . Due to the gradual accumulation of teaching experience and the

intensified tutoring of students, I finally improved the students' performance gradually. In fact, our new teachers were very serious and responsible in their work last semester. I am not the best among them. There are many new teachers who have achieved excellent results. Compared with other experienced teachers, I still have a gap. In the new semester, I will continue to work hard to achieve better results and become a qualified teacher.)

大学英语教学工作反思总结范文二(Sample essay 2 of reflection and summary of college English teaching work)

本人20xx-20xx学年第二学期担任20xx级社工专业、小学教育专业和国际经济与贸易专业的大学外语课的教学工作。20xx级学生是实行"新课标"之后的第一届学生,大学外语教学也要进行相应的改革,以配合学生的需要。在备课方面,早在开学接课之前,我就对本学期教材进行了通读,对课堂课件进行了学习和修改。开学之后,依照校历和教学工作安排制订了教学工作进度表。(In the second semester of the 20xx-20xx school year, I have been teaching foreign language courses for 20xx-level social engineering majors, primary education majors, and international economics and trade majors. The 20xx students are the first students after the implementation of the "New Curriculum Standards". College foreign language teaching should also undergo corresponding

reforms to meet the needs of students. In terms of lesson preparation, I read through the textbooks of this semester and studied and revised the classroom courseware as early as before the beginning of class. After the school started, a teaching schedule was drawn up in accordance with the school calendar and teaching work arrangements.)

在教学过程中,本人积极将备课内容结合学生特点投入到教学之中,定期收集学生对教学的反馈情况。课堂中灵活运用多媒体进行教学,充分调动学生学习的积极主动性,鼓励他们多参与教学活动,实现教与学的真正互动。(During the teaching process, I actively integrate the content of lesson preparation into the teaching based on the characteristics of students, and regularly collect feedback from students on teaching. In the classroom, multimedia is used flexibly for teaching to fully mobilize students' initiative in learning, encourage them to participate in teaching activities, and realize the real interaction between teaching and learning.)


二课堂"活动,并亲自参与,尽可能多地给予学生以帮助和指导。(After class, communicate with students more, carefully check students' learning tasks, carefully correct students' homework,

and actively discover problems and solve them in time. Encourage and actively cooperate with students to carry out "Second Class" activities, and personally participate, and give students as much help and guidance as possible.)

此外,本人还开设了校内公选课,将自己专业方向领域内的知识系统整合,拓宽学生的知识面,提高学生学习积极性。(In addition, I also set up public elective courses on campus to integrate the knowledge system in my professional field, broaden students' knowledge and improve students' learning enthusiasm.)

在科研方面,认真收集自己学科领域内的一手资料,精心研读专业书本,为将来的科研工作打基矗于本学年内往中国期刊网上提交了两篇学术论文,均已发表。(In terms of scientific research, earnestly collect first-hand information in one's own disciplines, carefully study professional books, and lay the foundation for future scientific research work. During this academic year, two academic papers were submitted to the Chinese journal online, and both have been published.)

本人应单位各位领导和同事们的信任,继续担任大学外语教学研究部第一教研室教研室主任工作。任职期间听从领导的安排,顺利完成了教研室的相关工作。工作中虽然遇到了很多困难和挫折,但大都尽力克服。但同时由于经验不足,工作中也有疏漏之处,希望以后能竭力避免,不在同一个地方摔倒两次。(In response to the trust of the

leaders and colleagues of the unit, I continue to serve as the director of the first teaching and research section of the foreign language teaching and research department of the university. During the tenure, he obeyed the leadership's arrangement and successfully completed the related work of the teaching and research section. Although I encountered many difficulties and setbacks at work, most of them tried their best to overcome them. But at the same time, due to lack of experience, there are also omissions in the work. I hope that I can try my best to avoid it in the future and not fall twice in the same place.)

综观本年度的岗位职责完成情况,本人做得既有好的一面,也有不足的一面。希望在来年的工作中能扬长避短,更上一层楼!(Looking at the completion of the job responsibilities this year, I can see that I have done both good and inadequate. I hope that I can use my strengths and avoid weaknesses in my work in the coming year, and get to the next level!)

大学英语教学工作反思总结范文三(Model Essay 3 Summary of Reflections on College English Teaching)


方面做了一定的努力.下面我把这一学期的工作做简要的汇报总结。(In this semester, I have done a good job in education and

teaching, and actively completed various tasks assigned by the school. Now I will make a brief report and summary of the work of this semester.)

一、师德表现(1. Teacher Ethics Performance)


国内外大事,注重政治理论的学习.配合组里搞好教研活动。每周按时参加升旗仪式,从不缺勤,服从安排。(Usually actively participate in the school's faculty and staff meetings, carefully study the superior documents issued by the school, care about major issues at home and abroad, and pay attention to the study of political theory. Cooperate with the team to do a good job in teaching and research activities. Participate in the

flag-raising ceremony on time every week, never absent from work, and obey the arrangement.)

二、教育教学情况(2. Education and teaching situation)


知规律的教学方法及教学形式。注意弱化难点强调重点。教案编写认真,并不断归纳总结提高教学水平。(1. I earnestly prepare, attend, listen to, and evaluate lessons, promptly correct and comment on homework, do a good job of after-school tutoring, extensively study various knowledge, form a relatively complete knowledge structure, strictly require students, respect students, and promote teaching democracy , So that students can learn and continuously improve, so as to continuously improve their teaching level and ideological awareness, and successfully complete the education and teaching tasks. In the teaching work, I pay attention to the following points: prepare each lesson thoroughly and carefully. In preparing lessons, I carefully study the teaching materials, strive to accurately grasp the difficult points and difficulties, and pay attention to refer to various materials, sort out a knowledge clue that fits my students, and formulate teaching methods and teaching methods that conform to the cognitive laws of the students in this school. Pay attention to weakening the difficulties and emphasizing the key points. The lesson plans are carefully written, and the teaching level is constantly summarized and summarized.)



的质量。(2. Take every class seriously. In class, we focus on the training of students, focus on the display of students’ initiative, diverge students’ thinking, focus on the cultivation of comprehensive abilities, consciously cultivate the rigor and logic of students’ thinking, improve students’ thinking quality in teaching, and ensure every The quality of the lessons.)

3、认真及时批改作业,注意听取学生的意见,及时了解学生的学习情况,并有目的的对学生进行辅导。(3. Correct the homework seriously and timely, listen to the opinions of the students, understand the students' learning situation in time, and provide guidance to the students with purpose.)

4、坚持听课,注意学习组里或组外其他有老师的教学经验,努力探索适合自己的教学模式。本学期平均每周听课一到二节。(4. Persist in listening to the class, pay attention to the teaching experience of other teachers in or outside the study group, and strive to explore the teaching mode that suits you. This semester averages one to two lessons per week.)

5、注重教育理论的学习,并注意把一些先进的理论应用于课堂,做到学有所用. 通过开公开课,使自己的教学水平得到很大的提高,但也

使我意识到了自己在教学方面的不足之处,从而更促进了英语教学。(5. Pay attention to the study of educational theories, and pay attention to applying some advanced theories to the classroom, so that the learning can be useful. Through open classes, my teaching level has been greatly improved, but it also made me realize that I am teaching The shortcomings in this aspect have further promoted English teaching.)

6、加强与备课组老师的合作,团结共进,精诚协作,经过一个学期的努力,我终于较好地完成了学校交给我的教学任务。(6. Strengthen the cooperation with the teachers of the lesson preparation group, unite and work together, and cooperate sincerely. After a semester of hard work, I finally completed the teaching tasks assigned to me by the school.)

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