当前位置:文档之家› 英语五种基本句型





英语句子依其组合方式可分为以下五种基本句型,句子成分的表示法为:S:Subject(主语), V:Verb(动词),O:Object(宾语), IO : Indirect Object(间接宾语), DO: Direct Object(直接宾语), P:Predicative(表语), OC:Object Complement(宾语补足语)。



第1种S+V We work. (不及物)

第2种S+V+O He plays the piano.(及物)

第3种S+V+P We are students.(系动词)

第4种S+V+IO+DO She gave me a pen.(及物)

第5种S+V+O+OC He made the boy laugh.(及物)


Birds fly.鸟飞。


He runs in the park.他在公园里跑。


此句型是“主语+不及物动词”构成句子的主体部分。因为是不及物动词,后面当然不能带宾语了,但是可以有状语来修饰。例如上面例句中的in the park就是地点状语。

Class begins.(begin在句中是不及物动词)上课了。

We begin our class at eight.我们八点钟开始上课。


常见不及物动词(必背!):sleep睡觉walk步行swim游泳happen/take place发生go去come来work工作laugh笑sta呆在…arrive到达


My father read the book.我父亲读过那本书。

主语谓语(及物动词) 宾语


You must listen to me.你必须听我的。

(Listen是不及物动词。但加上to之后,listen to可以看成一个及物动词。)可以带宾语的动词是及物动词,可以充当宾语的有名词、代词、不定式、动名词及宾语从句等。

She likes English.她喜欢英语。(名词作宾语)

I know him very well.我非常了解他。(代词作宾语)


They want to go.他们想走。(不定式作宾语)

He stopped writing.他停下笔。(动名词作宾语)

The teacher advised that we learn English well.老师建议我们学好英语。(宾语从句)

三、第3种句型:S+V+P (主语+系动词+表语)

He became a scientist.他成为一个科学家了。



It grew dark.天变黑了。

They are honest.他们是诚实的。

His face goes red.他的脸变红了。

He became a scientist.他成为了一个科学家。

注意:在英语中,除了be动词和become属于系动词外,还有一些实义动词在表示状态存在或表示状态变化时也可以作系动词。这些词有:keep保持,look看起来,feel觉得,smell 闻起来,sound听起来,taste尝起来,grow/get/go/turn变得remain 仍然是

四、第4种句型:S+V+IO+DO (主语+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语)

He gave Tom a present.他给了汤姆一件礼物。

主谓(及物) 宾(间接) 宾(直接)

Give it to me.把它给我。

谓(及物) 宾(直接) 宾(间接)


We sent them a telegram.我们给他们打了个电报。

主谓宾(间接) 宾(直接)


He gave me an apple.→He gave an apple to me.他给我一个苹果。

My father bought me a bike.→My father bought a bike for me.爸爸给我买了辆自行车。

但如果直接宾语是人称代词如it或them时,必须把间接宾语置于直接宾语it或them之后。He passed it to the girl.他把它递给了那个女孩。

His mother made them for him.他妈妈为他制作了它们。



give给show给……看send寄,打电报bring带来read读……pass递给……lend借给……leave 留给……hand交给……tell告诉……return把…还给…write给…写信

B: 动词后加for:(为了某人而进行该动作)





【说明】常跟双宾语的动词“七给”(give, hand,lend, pass, show, send, write)和“一带”(bring)8个及物动词,在直接宾语前置时,必须在后面加上to。即:“vt.+something +to+somebody”。buy,draw,make三个动词,在直接宾语前置时,则必须在后面加for,构成“vt.+something +for+somebody”句型。

关于是否接to 或者接for ,一般都是语言习惯用法的问题,英文中习惯怎么用,就应该怎样来用,没有什么道理可讲。另外关于to, for 区分的基本原则:to (表示动作对什么人而做),for (表示动作为什么人而做) 。

Read the first paragraph to me.把第一段读给我听。(用to表示读的动作是对我而做的)


有些动词,后面跟复合宾语(在英语中,这样的动词也不多),也叫宾语补足语,是补充说明宾语在动词谓语的动作中作出进一步的行为动作来或产生某种状态。宾语跟宾语补足语是逻辑上的主谓关系,也就是宾语补足语的动作或状态是宾语执行或产生的。作宾语补足语的词很多,有名词、非谓语动词、形容词、介词短语、补足性副词等。所谓补足性副词是指带有趋向性质的副词,如:away, down, in, on, out, up等。

This placed her in a very difficult position. (介词短语)

What do you advise me to do?你建议我干什么?(不定式)

He found his new job boring. 他发现他的新工作乏味。(形容词)

They called their daughter Mary.他们不女儿取名为玛丽。(名词)

We thought him to be an honest man.我们原以为他是个老实人。(to be)

Did you notice him come in?你注意到他进来了吗?(不带to的不定式)

He believed her to be telling the truth.他认为她在撒谎。(不定式的进行式)

We went to her house but found her out.我们去她家那,但发现她外出了。(补足性副词)

He believed them to have discussed the problem.他相信他们讨论了那个问题。(不定式完成式)







【说明】“一感”指feel。“二听”指hear, listen to。“四看见”指notice, observe, see, watch。三个“小使役”指have, let, make三个使役动词。在这些动词后有不定式作宾补时,不定式的符号to往往要省去。

I saw her chatting with Nancy.我看见她在跟南茜聊天。(现在分词做宾补)

He watched the piano carried upstairs.他观看钢琴被抬到楼上去了。(过去分词做宾补)


He felt it his duty to mention this to her.他感觉到把这个向她提及是他的职责。

分析:it是形式宾语,his duty是宾语补足语,to mention this to her是真正的宾语。

I think it best that you should stay with us.我认为最好你应该跟我们呆在一起。

分析:it是形式宾语,best是宾语补足语,that you should stay with us是真正的宾语。


1. 习惯用语的使用


We are short of money.我们缺钱。(be short of中short做表语)

She is always making trouble for her friends.她老是给她朋友惹麻烦。(trouble做make的宾语) We are waiting for the rain to stop.我们在等雨停。(wait for后面的the rain是宾语,to stop是宾语补足语)

He has carried out our instructions to the letter.他把我们的指示都写到信里了。(our instructions 作词组carry out的宾语)

2. 在英语中,大多数动词既可以做及物动词又可以做不及物动词,而且还会有一些固定词组,因此一个动词可以用于几种句型。ask:

①She asked them their names.她问他们名字。(接双宾语)

②Did you ask the price? 你问价格吗?(直接接名词做宾语)

③I asked to speak to Fred.我要求同弗雷德谈话。(接不定式做宾语)

④Didn't you ask him in? 难道不能喊他进来?(在此句中和副词in连用)

⑤He has asked for an interview with the President.他要求采访总统。(组成固定词组ask for)

⑥I asked James to buy some bread.我要求詹姆斯买些面包。(接宾语加不定式做宾语补足语)

3. There be句型是一种特殊的句子,真正的主语在后面,含义为“某地方有……”


There is a television in the sitting room.起居室里有一台电视机。


There are two girls and a boy dancing in the hall.有两男孩和一女孩在大厅里跳舞。


There are a lot of difficulties facing us. There were many things to be done. 有许多问题面对我们;有很多事情要做。(此处也可以使用to do).


There will be a concert in the park tonight. There was little change in him.今晚在公园里将有一场音乐会;他没有什么变化。


There used to be a cinema here.这里以前有一家电影院。

Is there going to be any activity tonight?今晚将有任何活动吗?

There seems to be something the matter with her.她似乎有什么麻烦。

⑥there be句式变疑问句,把be提前;变翻译疑问句也要借助there。

Is there any hope of getting the job?有没有希望弄份工作吗?

There is nothing wrong with your watch, is there?你手表没有什么毛病,是吗?

⑦there be句型中也可以使用诸如:come, exist, follow, live, sit, stand等不及物动词:There came a knock at the door.有人敲门。

At the top of the hill there stands an old temple.山顶上有座庙。

Once upon a time, there lived a fisherman on the island.从前,岛上有个渔民。

⑧用于非谓语的情况下,有时用不定式的复合结构there to be或动名词的复合结构和独立主格结构there being:

There being nothing else to do, we went home.无事可做,我们回家了。(独立主格结构)

You wouldn't want there to be another war.你们不要想再来一次战争。(不定式的复合结构) The teacher was satisfied with there being no mistakes in his homework.他作业里没有错误老师很满意。(动名词的复合结构)



1. He is running.

2. The loud voice from the upstairs made him angry.

3. The little boy is asking the teacher all kinds of questions.

4. She seemed angry.

5. My father bought me a beautiful present.

6. Why do you keep your eyes closed?

7. Will you tell us an exciting story?

8. We must keep our classroom tidy and clean.

9. I heard the baby crying in the sitting room.

10. Can you push the window open?


1. 主语---动词

2. 主语---动词---宾语---补语

3. 主语---动词---宾语---宾语

4. 主语---动词----表语

5. 主语---动词---宾语---宾语

6. 主语---动词---宾语---宾语

7. 主语---动词---宾语---补语

8. 主语---动词---宾语---补语

9. 主语---动词---宾语---补语

10. 主语---动词---宾语---补语


Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the actors. I turned round. I looked at the man and the woman angrily. They did not pay any attention. In the end, I could not bear it. I turned round again. ‘I can't hear a word!’ I said angrily.

‘It's none of your business, ’the young man said rudely. ‘This is a private conversation!’Words生词

angry/’??g ri/ adj.生气的


angrily/’??g rili/ adv.生气地

attention/?’ten?(?)n/ n.注意

bear/be?/ v.容忍

business/’biznis/ n.事,生意

rudely/’ru:dli/ adv.无礼地,粗鲁地

private/’praiv?t/ adj.私人的

conversation/k?nv?'se??(?)n/ n.谈话

theatre/'θi?t?, 'θi:?-/ n.剧场

seat/si:t/ n.座位

play/plei/ n.戏

loudly/’laudli/ adv.大声地

Notes on the text课文注释

1 go to the theatre去看戏

2 got angry生气

3 turn round转身,也可用turn around

4 pay attention注意

5 I could not bear it.我无法忍受。其中的it是指上文中的那对男女大声说话又不理会作者的愤怒目光。

6 none of your business不关你的事






1.Last week I went to the theatre.上星期我去看戏。

(1). 句首的“Last week”点明叙述的事情发生的时间是上星期。因此整篇课文的时态基本上应是过去时(包括过去进行时),直接引语部分的时态除外。

(2). 动词go的原义是离开一个地方去另一个地方,与介词to连用后,常加上主语所要去的目的地来代表主语的动作目的。课文中go to the theatre = go to the theatre to see a play,即去剧场看戏。类似的还有go to the cinema = go to the cinema to see a film(去电影院看电影)。这种表达方式简明扼要。请注意在以下的短语中名词前通常不加冠词(表示干某事场所的名词不用特指,如果具体指某一个地方就用):

go to school上学

go to bed上床,睡觉

go to church上教堂,去做礼拜(at school, at church;have been to school/church)

He was in the hospital to look after his mother.他在那家医院照看他妈妈。

We used to study in that school when we were children.我们小时候在那所学校读书。

2.had a very good seat座位很好


the front seat of a car汽车的前座

Take a seat, please.请坐。

3.The play was very interesting.戏很有意思。



This is an interesting book/idea.这是一本有趣的书/一个令人感兴趣的主意。

4.…were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly.……坐在我的身后,大声地说着话。


5.I got very angry.我非常生气。

get在这里有“逐渐变得”的含义,接近become,是个表示过程的联系动词,表示状态的变化。而I was very angry则仅表示当时的状态是生气,并不暗示过程。

6.in the end最后,终于


She tried hard to finish her homework by herself. In the end, she had to ask her brother for help.她自己试图完成家庭作业,但最后她不得不请她兄弟帮忙。

7.none of your business不关你的事

(1). somebody's business指某人(所关心的或份内)的事:

This is none of his business.这根本不关他的事。

It is my business to look after your health.我必须照顾你的身体健康。

(2). 表示否定的代词none意义上相当于not any或no one,但语气较强:

She kept none of his letters.他的信件她一封也没有保留。

None of my friends left early.我的朋友没有一个早离开的。

none of这个短语有时可以表达一种断然、甚至粗暴的口气,


None of your silly remarks!别说傻话了!

8.a private conversation,私人间的谈话。

在西方文化中人们对private(私人的,个人的)这个概念很看重。这个词的名词形式privacy有“隐私(权)”的意思。所以课文中的小伙子会振振有词地说“This is a private conversation!”不过他忘了他是在一个public place(公众场合),而且他们的说话声太大,已经影响了别人。

语法Grammar in use

简单陈述句的语序(Word order in simple statements)

主语一般为名词、代词或名词短语,通常位于动词之前。动词必须与主语“一致”,所以主语决定动词的单复数形式(如I am, you are, he has)。宾语一般为名词、代词或名词短语。在主动句中,宾语一般位于动词之后。一个句子不总需要有宾语。状语的位置比较灵活。当一个句子里有一种以上的副词时,地点副词的一般位置是在方式副词之后、时间副词之前,如上面的最后一个例句。时间状语可以在句尾,也可以在句首:

Sam listened to the story quietly.萨姆静静地听着故事。

The man ran away quickly.那人很快跑掉了。(无宾语)

Last night Lucy went to the theatre.昨晚露西去剧院看戏了。

I heard a voice at the door just now.我刚才听到门口有声音。

词汇学习Word study


基本意义为“欣赏”、“享受”、“喜爱”,后面一般跟名词、代词(包括反身代词)或动名词形式。句型:enjoy doing something喜欢干某事。

Enjoy yourself! 好好玩吧!

We always enjoy ourselves.我们总是玩得很开心。

Jane doesn't enjoy swimming. She enjoys going to the theatre.简不喜欢游泳。她喜欢去剧



(1). vt., vi.支付(价款等):

I'll pay by installments.我将分期付款。

Have you paid the taxi-driver?你给出租车司机钱了吗?

I paid 50 dollars for this skirt.我花50美元买了这条裙子。

You can pay a deposit of thirty pounds…您可以先付30英镑的定金……

(2). vt., vi. 给予(注意等);去(访问):

They did not pay any attention.他们毫不理会。

We paid a visit to our teacher last Sunday.上星期天我们去拜访了老师。

(3). n. 工资,报酬:

I have not received my pay yet.我还没有领到工资。



Who will bear the cost? 谁来承担这笔费用?

Can the ice bear my weight?这冰能承受我的体重吗?

(2). 忍受(一般与can/could/be able to连用于疑问句及否定句中),句型bear to do/doing:

In the end, 1 could not bear it.最后,我忍不住了。

How can you bear living in this place?你怎么能受得了住在这个地方?

She eats too fast. I can't bear to watch/watching her.她吃得太快。我看着受不了。


1. The students got on the school bus.

2. He handed me the newspaper.

3. I shall answer your question after class.

4. What a beautiful Chinese painting!

5. They went hunting together early in the morning.

6. His job is to train swimmers.

7. He took many photos of the palaces in Beijing.

8. There is going to be an American film tonight.

9. He is to leave for Shanghai tomorrow.

10. His wish is to become a scientist.

11. He managed to finish the work in time.

12. Tom came to ask me for advice.

13. He found it important to master English.

14. Do you have anything else to say?

15. To be honest; your pronunciation is not so good.

16. Would you please tell me your address?

17. He sat there, reading a newspaper.

18. It is our duty to keep our classroom clean and tidy.

19. He noticed a man enter the room.

20. The apples tasted sweet.

五种基本句型训练答案(Keys for the Translating Practice)

1. 主+系+表

1) He is an athlete.

2) He turned out a teacher when he grew up.

3) This kind of food tastes bad.

4) It’s getting warmer.

5) That kind of food has run/gone bad

6) It proved true.

7) As long as you work hard,your dream will surely come true.

8) She became delighted at (hearing)the news.

9) Tom looks older than his real age.

10) Don’t make him appear a fool.

11) The letter lay on his desk.

12) He stood there still.

13) Seeing is believing.

14) The news sounded exciting.

15) She was staying in China in March.

16) The glass is broken.

17) He felt frightened when seeing the big dog.

18) We are satisfied with the result.

19) My wish is to be a writer.

20) My favorite entertainment is playing football.

2. 主+谓

1) The students are working hard.

2) The sun rises in the east.

3) He stopped in a sudden/suddenly.

4) My grandpa is now living in the city.

5) The accident happened yesterday.

6) The blue ball is moving.

7) The old man was gone/died last year.

8) There is no life on the Mars.

9) The train had already left when he arrived.

10) Jack apologized to John for the mistakes he had made.

11) He falls far behind others in study.

12) A painting hangs on the wall.

13) The clothes wash well.

14) The novel sells well.

15) The pen writes smoothly.


3. 主+谓+宾

1) I want a cup of tea.

2) You can put the books in the bag.

3) Yesterday,I saw a film called GONE WITH THE WIND.

4) I think she won’t come to our party tonight.

to do作宾语

1) All the boys wish to play football.

2) I hope to finish the job by myself alone.


1)You cannot imagine living in such condition./It’s impossible for you to imagine living in such condition.

2) Have you finished doing your homework?

3)We must avoid making such mistakes again.

4)Do you mind my smoking here?

5)We should practicing speaking English out of class.

4. 主+谓+间宾+直宾

1)Yesterday,her father bought her a bike as a birthday present.

Yesterday,her father bought a bike for her as a birthday present.

2)Please show me your painting./Please show your painting to me.

3) She offered me her seat./She offered er to me.

4) He gave me an apple./ He gave an apple to me.

5. 主+谓+宾+宾补

A. 不定式前带to

1) He asked me to go shopping with him.

2) The villages didn’t allow them to do so.

3) The teacher told him to come here at six this evening.

4) She persuaded her little brother to go to bed.

5) The Smiths invited me to have dinner at their home.

6)Mary reminded me to attend the meeting on time.

7)Father warned me not to smoke.

8)He wanted to work together with me.

9)I expected him to succeed in the exams.

10) I’d like you to stay here.

11) I hate him to come over here for dinner tonight.

12) The teacher required us to hand in our homeworkbefore 9 o’clock this evening.

13) What did John advised Mary to do?

14) The shortage of oil led the price to rise sharply.

15) My friend encouraged me not to give up.

16) The last bus had left, and I had to take a taxi.

17) Visitors are not allowed to take photos.

18) You can trust me not to talk about it to anyone.

19) She urged him to stay.

20) Can you help me to do that?

21)He got her sister to do the homework for him.

22) It’s forbidden to leave the room during the exam.

23) I’d like you to come here tonight.

24) Hunger led her to steal.

25) She begged him not to leave.

26) His words led me to find out the truth.

27) He instructed me to turn on the lights.

28)He intended to make his child to be a doctor.

B. 不定式前带不to

1) I found all the cups drop on the ground.

2) I,at last,made her change her mind.

3) I heard him singing in the room.

4) I made him clean the classroom.

5) I noticed walking into the factory.

6) I felt something crawling up my arm.

C.不定式为to be

1) The answer proved to be correct.

2) I think him to be a good student.

3) I believe him to be honest.

4) Can you imagine him to be a singer?

5) I found him to be mean.

6) I consider him to be stupid.

7) The president declared him to be the mayor.

8) We know them to be diligent.


1)I found the snake eating eggs.

2) I found the eggs eaten by the snake.

3) I found him beaten.

4) I found her house painted.

5) It’s too noisy here.I can’t make myself heard.

6) As my English is too poor,I can’t make myse lf understood.

7) I made/had got my bike repaired.

8)How long do you have your hair cut?

9) I left my work done.

10)I had the machine working/running all the night.

11) I heard someone calling me

12) I heard my name called.

13) I noticed the cup broken.

14) The teacher kept the students reading the test.

15) I kept the door.


1. Students should keep the classroom clean.

2) Don’t leave the door open.

4) I find talking with him interesting.

5) He set all the prisoners free.

6) I think it impossible to finish the homework.


1)I find him a clever student.

2) We elected him monitor.

3) The children called him Uncle thumb.

4)People elected him president.

5) The couple named their baby John.


1)You can never regard him as a selfish person.

2)They treated me as their daughter.

3)I looked on it as a difficult task.

4) Whom can we consider as our headmaster?

6. There be 句型

1)There is/will be no meetings tonight.

2)There used to be a well in the village.

3)There is a music teacher and an art teacher.

4) There were two Americans and two French men.

5) There will be strong wind in the afternoon according to the weather report.

6) The light is on,there must be someone in the office.

7) There had been a cinema here before the War.

8)There happen to be no one in the room at the time.

9) Long long ago,there lived an old fisherman in a village by the seaside.

10)There comes the bus.

11) There left only 20 dollars.

12) There stands a tall pine tree in front of the cave.

13) There goes the bell.

14) There are 28 days in February.

15) There live hundreds of people in the village.

16).There arrived the bus.

17) There exist many kinds of species on the earth.


英语中的五种基本句型结构 一、句型1:Subject (主语) +Verb (谓语) 这种句型中的动词大多是不及物动词,所谓不及物动词,就是这种动词后不可以直接接宾语。常见的动词如:work, sing, swim, fish, jump, arrive, come, die, disappear, cry, happen等。如: 1) Li Ming works very hard.李明学习很努力。 2) The accident happened yesterday afternoon.事故是昨天下午发生的。 3)Spring is coming. 4) We have lived in the city for ten years. 二、句型2:Subject (主语) +Link. V(系动词) +Predicate(表语) 这种句型主要用来表示主语的特点、身份等。其系动词一般可分为下列两类: (1)表示状态。这样的词有:be, look, seem, smell, taste, sound, keep等。如: 1) This kind of food tastes delicious.这种食物吃起来很可口。 2) He looked worried just now.刚才他看上去有些焦急。 (2)表示变化。这类系动词有:become, turn, get, grow, go等。如: 1) Spring comes. It is getting warmer and warmer.春天到了,天气变得越来越暖和。 2) The tree has grown much taller than before.这棵树比以前长得高多了。 三、句型3:Subject(主语) +Verb (谓语) +Object (宾语) 这种句型中的动词一般为及物动词, 所谓及物动词,就是这种动词后可以直接接宾语,其宾语通常由名词、代词、动词不定式、动名词或从句等来充当。例: 1) He took his bag and left.(名词)他拿着书包离开了。 2) Li Lei always helps me when I have difficulties. (代词)当我遇到困难时,李雷总能给我帮助。 3) She plans to travel in the coming May Day.(不定式)她打算在即将到来的“五一”外出旅游。 4) I don’t know what I should do next. (从句)我不知道下一步该干什么。 注意:英语中的许多动词既是及物动词,又是不及物动词。 四、句型4:Subject(主语)+Verb(谓语)+Indirect object(间接宾语)+Direct object (直接宾语) 这种句型中,直接宾语为主要宾语,表示动作是对谁做的或为谁做的,在句中不可或缺,常常由表示“物”的名词来充当;间接宾语也被称之为第二宾语,去掉之后,对整个句子的影响不大,多由指“人”的名词或代词承担。引导这类双宾语的常见动词有:buy, pass, lend, give, tell, teach, show, bring, send等。如: 1) Her father bought her a dictionary as a birthday present.她爸爸给她买了一本词典作为生日礼物。 2)The old man always tells the children stories about the heroes in the Long March. 老人经常给孩子们讲述长征途中那些英雄的故事。上述句子还可以表达为: 1)Her father bought a dictionary for her as a birthday present. 2)The old man always tells stories about the heroes to the children in the Long March. 五、句型5:Subject(主语)+Verb (动词)+Object (宾语)+Complement(补语) 这种句型中的“宾语+补语”统称为“复合宾语”。宾语补足语的主要作用或者是补充、说明宾语的特点、身份等;或者表示让宾语去完成的动作等。担任补语的常常是名词、形容词、副词、介词短语、分词、动词不定式等。如: 1)You should keep the room clean and tidy. 你应该让屋子保持干净整洁。(形容词) 2) We made him our monitor.(名词)我们选他当班长。 3) His father told him not to play in the street.(不定式)他父亲告诉他不要在街上玩。


英语五种基本句型 句子是由主语、谓语动词、表语、宾语、宾语补足语等组成的。英语句子有长有短,有简有繁,似乎千变万化,难以捉摸,但其实只有五种基本句型。所有英语句子都可以看成是这五种基本句型的扩大、组合、省略或倒装。因此掌握这五大句型,是掌握其他各种英语句子结构的基础。 英语句子依其组合方式可分为以下五种基本句型,句子成分的表示法为:S:Subject(主语), V:Verb(动词),O:Object(宾语), IO : Indirect Object (间接宾语), DO: Direct Object (直接宾语) , P:Predicative(表语), OC:Object Complement(宾语补足语)。 五种基本句型见下表(S=主,V=谓,O=宾,P=表,IO=间宾,DO=直宾,OC=宾补): 种类句型例句 第1种S+V We work. (不及物) 第2种S+V+O He plays (及物) the piano. 第3种S+V+P We are(系动词) students. 第4种S+V+IO+DO She gave(及物) me a pen. 第5种S+V+O+OC He made(及物) the boy laugh. 一、第1种句型:S+V(主语+不及物动词) 1、Birds fly. 鸟飞。主语+谓语(不及物动词) 2、He runs in the park. 他在公园里跑。主语+谓语+地点状语(不及物动词) 此句型是“主语+不及物动词”构成句子的主体部分。因为是不及物动词,后面当然不能带宾语了,但是可以有状语来修饰。例如上面例句中的in the park 就是地点状语。 3、Class begins.(begin在句中是不及物动词)上课了。 比较:We begin our class at eight. 我们八点钟开始上课。 该句则属于第2种句型,begin在句中是及物动词,由此可见有些动词既可作及物动词也可以作不及物动词。 只能当不及物动词的词(必背!): sleep 睡觉walk 步行swim 游泳happen(take place)发生go去 come来work 工作laugh 笑stay呆在……arrive 到达 二、第2种句型:S+V+O(主语+及物动词+宾语) My father read the book. 我父亲读过那本书.主语+谓语(及物动词)+宾语注意:有些不及物动词后面加上介词就可把它看成一个及物动词,后面就可以加宾语了。如: 4、You must listen to me. 你必须听我的。 (l isten是不及物动词。但加上to之后,listen to可以看成一个及物动词。)可以带宾语的动词是及物动词,可以充当宾语的有名词和名词的相当语(如代词、不定式、动名词及宾语从句)。如: 5、She likes English. 她喜欢英语。(名词作宾语) 6、I know him very well. 我非常了解他。(代词作宾语) (同第一种句型一样,本句型可以有状语、定语修饰) 7、They want to go. 他们想走。(不定式作宾语)


1)五种句型 1.基本句型一: S V (主+谓) 2.基本句型二: S V P (主+谓+表) 3.基本句型三: S V O (主+谓+宾) 4.基本句型四: S V o O (主+谓+间宾+直宾) 5.基本句型五; S V O C (主+谓+宾+宾补) 2)八大时态 一、一般现在时: 1.概念:经常、反复发生的动作或行为及现在的某种状况。 2.时间状语: always, usually, often, sometimes, every week (day, year, month…), once a week, on Sundays, 3.基本结构:动词原形(如主语为第三人称单数,动词上要加(e)S) 4.否定形式:am/is/are+not;此时态的谓语动词若为行为动词,则在其前加don't,如主语为第三人称单数,则用doesn't,同时还原行为动词。 5.一般疑问句:把be动词放于句首;用助动词do提问,如主语为第三人称单数,则用does,同时,还原行为动词。 6.例句:. It seldom snows here. He is always ready to help others. Action speaks louder than words. 二、一般过去时: 1.概念:过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态;过去习惯性、经常性的动作、行为。 2.时间状语:ago, yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week(year, night, month…), in 1989, just n ow, at the age of 5, one day, long long ago, once upon a time, etc. 3.基本结构:be动词;行为动词 4.否定形式:was/were+not;在行为动词前加didn't,同时还原行为动词。 5.一般疑问句:was或were放于句首;用助动词do的过去式did 提问,同时还原行为动词。 6.例句:She often came to help us in those days. I didn't know you were so busy. 三、现在进行时: 1.概念:表示现阶段或说话时正在进行的动作及行为。 2.时间状语:now, at this time, these days, etc. 3.基本结构:am/is/are+doing 4.否定形式:am/is/are+not+doing. 5.一般疑问句:把be动词放于句首。 6.例句: How are you feeling today? He is doing well in his lessons. 四、过去进行时:


五种基本句型 句子由主语和谓语两大部分组成。主语结构比较单一,谓语结构则不然,不同类别的谓语动词导致不同的谓语结构,从而形成了不同的句型(Sentence Pattern)。换句话说,不同的句型是由不同类别的谓语动词所决定的,因此,句型又被称为动词句型(Verb Pattern)。语法家们对句型的分类不尽相同,一般认为,现代英语的基本句型主要有五种: 1.“主----系-----表”(SLP)句型: 在这种句型中,谓语动词是以be为主的连系动词(Linking Verb),后面跟主语补语(Subject Complement),如: These oranges have kept fresh. 这些桔子一直很新鲜。 Mary is a student / here /in the room. 玛丽是个学生/在这儿/在房间里。 有的语法家把be后面的副词(短语)或介词短语视为状语,从而形成了“主----动-----状”(SVA)这一在五种基本句型之外的句型(见上面最后一个例句)。 2.“主----动”(SV)句型: 在这种句型中,谓语动词为不及物动词(Intransitive Verb),谓语部分通常只包括限定动词,即使有状语,也属任意性状语,即:去掉后并不影响句子结构和意义的完整,如:This bread won’t keep (for a long time). 这种面包不好(长期)存放。 Tom has left. 前面说过,有些句子中的状语是不可缺少的,这种状语被称为必具性状语,从而构成“主 ----动----状”(SVA)句型,但这仅限于少数几个动词的某些用法,因而不是一种主要句型,如: They are staying in a hotel. 他们暂住在一家旅馆里。 3.“主----动-----宾”(SVO)句型: 在这种句型中,谓语动词为只带一个宾语的及物动词,这种动词被称为单宾语及物动词(Monotransitive Verb),如: He kept the money. 他保存着这些钱。 They have left the hotel. 他们已经离开了那家旅馆。 在这种句型中,状语通常也不是必不可少的,但有少数几个及物动词的某些用法要求必具性状语,从而形成了“主----动-----宾-----状”(SVOA)这一在五种基本句型之外的另一种句型,如: The train leaves London at nine. 这列火车九点钟驶离伦敦。


教学目标: 1.让学生掌握英语学习中的五种基本句型; 2.学会分辨句子属于哪种句型; 3.懂得使用不同的句型造句; 教学重点与难点: 1.五种句型的分析与理解; 2.句型4(主+动+宾+补)与句型5(主+动+宾+宾)的掌握与比较; 教学方法: 1.ppt演示; 课堂练习: 一、下列的句子属于哪种类型 1. The sun rises 2. She is walking along the lake. 3. I like this book very much. 4. That man seems kind 5. He bought his sister a piano. 6. She kept us waiting for over three hours. 7. Let me give you a hand. 8. We tried to make her happy. 二、请说出五个句子,并说出属于哪种句型 家庭作业: 1.每个句型各举出3个句子 2.翻译句子

导入主题:我们现在能用英语写简单的作文,也可以用英语进行简单的交流与沟通,可是大家知道英语中有多少种基本句型吗?那这些句型分别是什么? (让学生自由思考、讨论,引出今天的课题,英语学习中的五种基本句型)1.Subject (主语) +Verb (谓语) 此句型的特点是:谓语动词是不及物动词,本身能表达完整的意思,后面不需跟宾语,但有时可跟副词、介词短语等作状语。如: He laughed. John has read widely. He lives in London. 2. Subject(主语) +Verb (谓语) +Object (宾语) 此句型的特点是:谓语动词是及物动词,不能表达完整的意思,必须跟有一个宾语。如: Our team beat all the others. 3. Subject (主语) +Link. V(系动词) +Predicate(表语) 此句型的特点是:谓语动词是连系动词,不能表达完整的意思,必须加上一个表明主语特征、身份、状态的表语。常见的系动词有:be(是),become(成为),get(变得),turn(变得),grow(变得),look(看起来),feel(感到),smell(闻起来),taste(尝起来),sound(听起来),seem(似乎),keep(保持),stay(保持)等。如: The rose smells sweet. 4. Subject(主语)+Verb (动词)+Object (宾语)+Complement(补语) 此句型的特点是:谓语动词虽然跟有一个宾语,但意思还不完整,必须加上另外一个成分(宾语补足语)对宾语进行补充说明。可以用作宾语补足语的有:名词、形容词、不定式、动名词、分词、介词短语等。如: We must keep our school clean. They made him their monitor. 5. Subject(主语)+Verb(谓语)+Indirect object(间接宾语)+Direct object (直接宾语) 此句型的特点是:谓语动词跟有两个宾语,这两个宾语都是动作的对象或承受者,其中指人的是间接宾语,指物的是直接宾语。当间接宾语放在直接宾语之后时,通常需要加介词for或to。可跟双宾语的动词 有:answer,bring,buy,find,get,give,lend,make,pass,pay,send,show,sing,take,teach,tell, write等。如: Mr. Li told us an interesting story. Would you please give this dictionary to Li Hua? 【注】S=Subject(主语). V=Verb(谓语动词). P=Predicative(表语). O=Object(宾语).


英语五种基本句型及练习附答案精 品 基本句型翻译练习 基本句型一 : 主+系 +表 基本句型二 : 主+谓 (不及物动词 ) 1. 1984 年至 1990 年我在光明小学学习。 2. 今天上午,我们在校门口会面然后一起去那里。 3. 时间很快过去了。 4. 这几年我们家乡发生了巨大的变化。 5. 小车没有停而是快速的开走了。 6. 在过去的 10 年间它的经济发展迅速。 7. 那个年轻人重重地摔倒在地。 8. 过去他早上习惯于早起。 基本句型三 : 主+谓 (及物 )+宾 1. 去年在学校电脑竞赛中我获得了一等奖。 2. 在业余时间我喜欢听流行音乐和收集邮票。 1. 当时他看起来不 高兴 2. 我喜欢的运动是游泳和滑冰。 3. 我擅长英 语。 4. 收到你的来信我很高兴。 5. 在公路对面有一栋新教学 楼。 6. 图书馆里有各种各样的书籍、报纸和杂志。 7. 那是在 2000年 2月 8 日早上 7:15. 8. 天变得越来越黑。 9. 这食物吃起来挺可口 的。 10. 这故事听起来很有趣。

3.几天前我和我兄弟骑自行车去看电影。 4.我们也在校园内和周围种上了许多树。 5.晚上时,我可以看电视新闻或看报纸。 6.在回家的路上他把钱给丢了。 7. 昨晚大约九点的时候,我正在做作业。 8.才艺展示(Talent Show )将于 6 月18 日在北京电视台举行。 9.下午,我将带你们转转,看一看一些名胜。 10.盼望能尽早见到你。 基本句型四: 主+谓(及物)+双宾(间宾+直宾) 1.去年王老师教我们英语。 2. 明天我要给他写封信,告诉他这个好消息。 3.他们给他提供了一份工作,但他拒绝了。 4. 在我14 岁生日时,爸爸给我买了一辆新自行车。 5. 昨晚我花了两小时才完成作业。 6. 对不起,能问你一个问题吗? 基本句型五: 主+谓(及物)+复合宾语(宾+宾补) 1.当时我看到那些孩子在河边玩。 2.我们正在使我们的国家变得越来越美丽。 3.当我到达教室时,我发现里边没有人。 4.昨天下午在公交车上我的钱包让人给偷了。 5.我注意到凯特整个早上都在图书馆里看书。


巫不民族学校2013-2014学年度第二学期 八年级英语复习资料2014.6.24 1.in front of在....前面注意区别:in the front of e.g. I was afraid to speak in front of my classmates. 2.ask sb. for sth.向...寻求... ask sb to do sth e.g. have you ever asked your teacher for help? 3.do sth by doing sth.通过(做)...(方式)做... e.g. I learning English by studying grammar. 4.too...to do..太...而不能做... e.g. I’m too tired to do well. 5.watch sb. do sth.看...做过了... e.g. I can watch the actors say the words. 6.see sb. doing sth.看见...正在做.... see sb do sth 看见...做过了.... e.g. Today after school I saw my mother cooking in kitchen. 7.get excited变得兴奋、激动 e.g. When we excited about something and then end up runing. 8.end up doing sth结束(做).... e.g. I spend two days ending up doing work. 9.finish doing sth. 完成(做)... e.g. I spend a lot of time finishing my homework. 10.end up with 以....为结束(告终) e.g. The dream ends up with the voice of alarm. 11.make mistakes in sth.在...(上)犯错 e.g. I often make mistakes in study. 12.be afraid to do sth害怕做.... e.g. The man who is not afraid to fail can be successful. 13.be afraid that +句子害怕... e.g. I’m afraid that he won’t come back tomorrow. 14.challenge sb. to 跟....挑战做.... 15.....one of ....之一 e.g. Studying grammar is one of the best ways to learn English. 16.make up of ...由...构成... e.g. The English words made up of twenty-six letters. 17.impress sb with sth 给...留下印象 e.g. I impressed my teacher with my honesty. 19.deal with 处理、应付 e.g. How do you deal with your problems in life ? 20.have an influence on/in 对...有影响 e.g. The weather will have a bad influence on the local people. 21.regard...as..把...视、看作... e.g. I usually regard problems as challenges. https://www.doczj.com/doc/3a8673553.html,ed to do过去常常做....(现在不做了) e.g. I used to be afraid of the dog. 23.be use to doing =get used to doing 习惯于做.... e.g. I’m used to reading books. 24.be used to do ...被用于做... 25.be used for doing被用于做.... e.g. A pen is used to write. e.g. A pen is used for writing. 26.sth be used by sb. ....被....使用 e.g. My motorbike is used by my brother. 27.be afraid of 害怕.... e.g. I can’t be afraid of swimming. 28.be sure of 对...有把握 e.g. I’m sure of becoming a English teacher. 29.be sure to do 肯定能做.... e.g. I’m sure to change my life. 30.be sure that+句子确信、肯定.. e.g. I am sure that he will make mistakes in study. 31.be interested in对...感兴趣interesting修饰物品 e.g. He is interested in the history book. 32.be terrified of害怕... e.g. Everyone is terrified of death. 33.be afraid to do =be afraid of doing 害怕做..... e.g. He is afraid to stay at home alone. e.g. He is afraid of staying at home alone. 34.spend time in doing sth花费时间、金钱做.... 35.spend time on sth花费时间、金钱在....上 e.g. I usually spend much time on study, but I still can not study well. e.g. She often spend much time in doing her homework. 36.not...any more..不再... e.g. Jim isn’t mad at me anynore. 37.in the last few years在过去的几年里(常用于现在完成时) e.g. Have you ever been changed in the last few years? 38.worry about =be worried about 担心、忧... e.g. Will you be worried about me? 39.make sb do sth让...做... 40.It’s much more difficult to do ....做....困难得多 e.g. It’s much more difficult to study grammar.


英语五种基本句型结构 发表时间:2010-11-30 19:51:36作者:钟超韫来源: 英语中的五种基本句型结构 一、句型1:Subject (主语) +Verb (谓语) 这种句型中的动词大多是不及物动词,所谓不及物动词,就是这种动词后不可以直接接宾语。常见的动词如:work, sing, swim, fish, jump, arrive, come, die, disappear, cry, happen等。如: 1) Li Ming works very hard.李明学习很努力。 2) The accident happened yesterday afternoon.事故是昨天下午发生的。 3)Spring is coming. 4) We have lived in the city for ten years. 二、句型2:Subject (主语) +Link. V(系动词) +Predicate(表语) 这种句型主要用来表示主语的特点、身份等。其系动词一般可分为下列两类: (1)表示状态。这样的词有:be, look, seem, smell, taste, sound, keep等。如: 1) This kind of food tastes delicious.这种食物吃起来很可口。 2) He looked worried just now.刚才他看上去有些焦急。 (2)表示变化。这类系动词有:become, turn, get, grow, go等。如: 1) Spring comes. It is getting warmer and warmer.春天到了,天气变得越来越暖和。 2) The tree has grown much taller than before.这棵树比以前长得高多了。 三、句型3:Subject(主语) +Verb (谓语) +Object (宾语) 这种句型中的动词一般为及物动词, 所谓及物动词,就是这种动词后可以直接接宾语,其宾语通常由名词、代词、动词不定式、动名词或从句等来充当。例: 1) He took his bag and left.(名词)他拿着书包离开了。 2) Li Lei always helps me when I have difficulties. (代词)当我遇到困难时,李雷总能给我帮助。 3) She plans to travel in the coming May Day.(不定式)她打算在即将到来的“五一”外出旅游。


LESSON ONE 句子的三种模式 导言本课的重点是掌握英语的三种基本句型,注意词性和词序,以及定语的位置,同时注意中英文表达上的相同和不相同的地方。三种基本句型虽然简单,但至关重要。掌握好它们,在今后的学习中有一通百通之效。 ▲主+系动词+表 注:*注意该结构中的名词,它们能被定语修饰。 1 这个人是一个老师。The man is a teacher. 主语系表语主语系表语(名词) 2 他(是)很忙。He is busy. 主语系表语主语系表语(形容词) ▲注意中文中的系动词经常被省略,而英文中绝不能省。 3 她(是)在教室里。She is in the classroom.

主语系表语主语系表语(介词短语) ▲定语只修饰名词,不破坏句子的基本结构。通常由形容词和介词短语充当,形容词放在所修饰的名词之前,而介词短语放在所修饰的名词之后,请注意英语与汉语词序的不同。看懂中文的定语是翻译好定语的关键。 介词短语 ---英国法学家波洛克 介词短语 Happiness is a station -----------Pollock, British jurist 形容词介词短语 5 形容词介词短语 man is a teacher 介词短语形容词

6.教室里。 形容词介词短语 The teacher is handsome. My book is 表语(介词短语)定语(介词短语) She is 介词短语即可以做表语也可以做定语,虽然它们词性相同,但由于词序不同,它们所起到的作用也不同,当在is的后面是表语,跟在名词的后面它就起到定语的作用。 课堂练习 1 1是


英语五种基本句型结构 英语中得五种基本句型结构 一、句型1: Subject (主语) +Verb (谓语) 这种句型中得动词大多就是不及物动词,所谓不及物动词,就就是这种动词后不可以直接接宾语。常见得动词 如:work, sing, swim, fish, jump, arrive, e, die, disappear, cry, happen等。如: 1) Li Ming works very hard、李明学习很努力。 2) The accident happened yesterday afternoon、事故就是昨天下午发生得。 3)Spring is ing、 4) We have lived in the city for ten years、 二、句型2:Subject (主语) +Link、V(系动词) +Predicate(表语) 这种句型主要用来表示主语得特点、身份等。其系动词一般可分为下列两类: (1)表示状态。这样得词有:be, look, seem, smell, taste, sound, keep等。如: 1) This kind of food tastes delicious、这种食物吃起来很可口。 2) He looked worried just now、刚才她瞧上去有些焦急。 (2)表示变化。这类系动词有:bee, turn, get, grow, go等。如: 1) Spring es、It is getting warmer and warmer、春天到了,天气变得越来越暖与。 2) The tree has grown much taller than before、这棵树比以前长得高多了。 三、句型3:Subject(主语) +Verb (谓语) +Object (宾语) 这种句型中得动词一般为及物动词, 所谓及物动词,就就是这种动词后可以直接接宾语,其宾语通常由名词、代词、动词不定式、动名词或从句等来充当。例: 1) He took his bag and left、(名词)她拿着书包离开了。 2) Li Lei always helps me when I have difficulties、(代词)当我遇到困难时,李雷总能给我帮助。 3) She plans to travel in the ing May Day、(不定式)她打算在即将到来得“五一”外出旅游。 4) I don’t know what I should do next、(从句)我不知道下一步该干什么。 注意:英语中得许多动词既就是及物动词,又就是不及物动词。 四、句型4: Subject(主语)+Verb(谓语)+Indirect object(间接宾语)+Direct object (直接宾语) 这种句型中,直接宾语为主要宾语,表示动作就是对谁做得或为谁做得,在句中不可或缺,常常由表示“物”得名词来充当;间接宾语也被称之为第二宾语,去掉之后,对整个句子得影响不大,多由指“人”得名词或代词承担。引导这类双宾语得常见动词有:buy, pass, lend, give, tell, teach, show, bring, send等。如:


五种基本句型 句子就是由主语、谓语动词、表语、宾语、宾语补足语等组成得,依其组合方式可分为五种基本句型,如下表所示: 注意句子成分得表示法S:Subject(主语) V:Verb(动词)O: Object(宾语) P:Predicative(表语) OC: Objectplement(宾语补足语) 五种基本句型见下表: 第1种S+V主+谓 第2种S+V+O主+谓+宾 第3种S+V+P 主+谓+表 第 4 种S+V+o(间接宾语)+O(直接宾语) 第 5 种S+V+O+OC 主+谓+宾+宾补 第 1 种句型:主语+不及物动词:S+V?Birds fly、鸟飞、----- --主语谓语(不及物动词) Heruns in the park、她在公园里跑、------ -------------主语谓语地点状语(不及物动词)? 此句型就是主语+不及物动词构成句子得主体部分。不及物动词,后面当然不能直接带宾语了,要补上相应得介词,但就是可以有状语来修饰。上例中得inthe park,就是地点状语。 Class begins、(begin 在句中就是不及物动词) 开始上课。 比较we beginOurclass at eight、我们八点钟开始上课。该句属于第 2 种句型,begin 在句中就是及物动词,由此可见有些动词既可作及物动词也可以作不及物动词。 第 2 种句型:主语+及物动词+宾语:S+V+O My fatherreadthebook、 我父亲读过那本书、?(及物动词)?注意有些不及物动词后面加上介词就可把它瞧成一个及物动词,后面就可以加宾语了。You must listen tome、您必须听我得。(Listen 就是不及物动词。但加上to 之后,Listen to可以瞧成一个及物动词) 后面直接带宾语得动词就是及物动词,名词与名词得相当语(如代词、不定式、动名词……)等都可充当宾语。Shelikes English、(名词作宾语) I knowhim verywell、(代词作宾语) (同第一种句型一样,本句型可以有状语、定语修饰)Theywant to go、(不定式作宾语) Hestoppedwriting、(动名词作宾语) ?第3 种句型:主语+系动词+表语:S+V+P He became a scientist、她成为一个科学家了?谓语(系动词) be 动词与bee 就是英语中常见得系动词,后面必须接表语,才能用来说明主语,表示“…… 就是……”,“……变成……”等意思。 表语通常就是名词或形容词等。They are honest、她们就是诚实得。 Hebecameascientist、她成为了一个科学家。 His face goes red、她得脸变红了。It grew dark、天变黑了。 注意在英语中,除了be动词与bee 属于系动词外,还有一些实义动词,当表示状态存在或表示状态变化时也可以作系动词。这些词有:keep、look 、


英语的基本成分有六种:主语(subject)、谓语(predicate)、表语(predicative)、宾语(object)、定语(attribute)和状语(adverbial) 主语:由名词、代词 (人称代词用主格 )他她它、动名词等充当 ,说明动作是“谁”发出的。如:The painter painted a very nice picture.画家画了一幅漂亮的画。画家就是主语 谓语:谓语就是一个句子当中作为连接动作发出者和动作承受者的那个动作。比如 Bill likes playing football.其中like就是句中的谓语。 宾语就是一个句子当中作为动作的承受者的词,比如 Bill likes playing football.其中playing football就是句中的宾语。 表语:用来说明主语的身份,特征或状态等.表语所采用的词类主要是名词,形容词和副词等 .Work is STRUGGLE. 工作就是斗争(名词作表语),struggle 就是表 语 宾语:放在谓语动词后面的名词.宾语是动作、行为的对象,是动作的承受者.I love you.I 是主语,动作的发出者.love是谓语动词.you是动作的对象,承受者,所以you是宾语. 定语:定语是用来修饰、限定、说明名词或代词的品质与特征的.she is a honest people. 诚实的就是定语,说明主人公的品质和特征。她是主语是是谓语人是宾语。 状语:表示状态的,如时间、地点状语.去掉状语部分,语句依然通顺.He speaks English very well. 他英语说得非常好“very well”是修饰“speak”的程度状语 英语五种基本句型列式如下: 基本句型一:Subject +Verb (主+谓) 基本句型二:Subject +Verb +Object (主+谓+宾) 基本句型三:S+LinkV+Predicative (主+系动词+表) 基本句型四:S+Verb +Indirect object +direct object (主+谓+间宾+直宾) 基本句型五:S+Verb +Object +object complement (主+谓+宾+宾补)

英语中五种基本句型,练习题及答案 人教版

高三英语导学案 课题;基本句型第3课时总第3课时 编制人:审批人:编制日期:2014-3-13 使用日期: 学习目标:让学生掌握高中英语基本句型 预习效果检测:请选出与下面句子结构一致的选项。 a.主-----系-----表 b. 主----动 c. 主-----动----宾 d. 主----动----间宾----直宾 e. 主----动-----宾-----补 1. The pain drove me mad. ( ) 2. Her explanation sounds crazy.( ) 3. She threw him a kiss. ( ) 4. Time flies. ( ) 5. The cat caught the little mouse. ( ) 6. Many people consider the astronaut a great hero. ( ) 7. He has grown very old. ( ) 8. Mike is healthy.( ) 9. Architects design buildings. ( ) 10. She offered me some cake.( ) 答案:1. e 2. a 3. d 4. b 5. c 6. e 7. a 8. a 9. c 10. D 疑难点拨及拓展 英语句子有长在短,有简有繁,从现象看,似乎千变万化,难以捉摸,但从实质看,可以发现其内在联系,找出其共同规律。英语句子的基本结构可以归纳成五种基本句型及其扩大、组合、省略或倒装。掌握这五种基本句型,是掌握各种英语句子结构的基础。 英语五种基本句型列式如下: 基本句型一:S +V(主+谓) 基本句型二:S +V +P(主+系+表) 基本句型三:S +V +O(主+谓+宾) 基本句型四:S +V +IO +O(主+谓+间宾+直宾) 基本句型五:S +V +O +C(主+谓+宾+宾补) 基本句型一 S +V(主+谓)

[1] 英语语法:英语六大基本句型

英文六大基本句型 一、主系表 1、she is from America -------- where is she from ? 2、The teacher is beautiful ------ how is the teahcer? 3、The teacher is my mother --- who is the teacher? How are you ? ---- I am fine 主系表句型结构:主语+系动词(be)+表语。 主语一般由名词(代词)构成; 表语由介词短语、名词、形容词构成。 注意:一系动词be是连接主语和表语的桥梁,写出的句子不能少了be;/二明白主语和表语的词性,随着学习的深入,以后它变出不定式、动名词、分词等。 二、主谓宾 1、I love you 2、Farmers grow vegetables. 3、Children plant trees 主谓宾句型的结构:主语+谓语动词(do)+宾语。主语一般由名词(代词)构成;宾语由名词构成 注意一,动词do是连接主语和宾语的桥梁,写出的句子不能少了do二,主语和宾语的词性,随着学习的深入,以后它变出不定式、动名词、分词等。 三、主谓 1、Spring comes 2、The accident happened 3、She apologized to me again 4、The teacher listens to the music 主谓句型的结构:主语+谓语动词(do)。这个句子一般没有宾语,因为动词do是不及物动词,不能带宾语。如果非要带宾语,要在不及物动词的后面加介词,比如第3句,第4句的apologize to, listen to.应注意:动词do是不能带宾语的,这种句型中的动词大多是不及物动词,常见的有:appear, apologize,arrive, come, die, disappear, exist, fall, happen, rise,等等,如果要带宾语,必须加介词,英语中的一些动词词组就是这么来的。词典中vi不及物动词必须加介词才能带宾语..vt及物动词 四、主谓宾补 1、He painted the wall white.他把墙漆成白色。 2、We found him an honest person.我们发现他是一个诚实的人。 3、She found the pen on the floor他发现那支笔在地上 主谓宾补句型结构:主语+谓语动词(do)+宾语+补语。相对于主谓宾,这个句子多出了一个补语,这是因为有些话光是主谓宾无法完整表达句子的意思。补语的形式,它可以是形容词,名词,介词短语。

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