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1) In general [A],newspapers emphasize current news,whereas [B]magazines dealt [C]more with [D]background materials.

2) The adult mosquito usually lives for about [A]thirty days,although [B]the life span varied [C]widely with temperature,humidity,and other [D]factors of the environment.

3) Industrial buyers [A]are responsible [B]for supplying [C]the goods and services that an organization required [D]for its operations.


4) It is an accepted [A]custom in west countries that [B]men removed [C]their hats when a woman enters [D]the room.

5) Certain layers of the atmosphere have special names .

[A]which indicated their character properties

[B]whose characteristic properties were indicating

[C]what characterize their indicated properties

[D]that indicate their characteristic properties


6) The teacher told them since [A]light travels faster than [B]sound, lightning

appeared [C]to go before [D]thunder.

7) As [A] a child, I was told that [B]the planet earth, which has [C]its own satellite, the moon, moved [D]round the sun.

四、祈使句必须用动词原形,其否定结构用“don't+动词原形”,如:Go and fetch some water. /Don't do that.

五、在反义疑问句中,如果主句用肯定句,那么,反问句用否定形式;如果主句用否定形式,那么,反问句就用肯定形式。而且前后在时态上要一致。但祈使疑问句用won't you?进行反问。如:See a film tonight, won't you?

注:①祈使句后边可用附加疑问句,以加强语气。如果祈使句用肯定形式,附加疑问句用否定形式;如果祈使句用否定形式,附加句用肯定形式;如:Come here next Sunday, won't you? /Don't tell it to anyone, will you? ②但如果祈使句的前一句有了表示强烈[ZZ(]肯定[ZZ)]的语言环境,即使祈使句用了肯定形式,其附加成分也可以用“will you”(表示肯定,如果是在口语中用降调)。如:Give me the book, will you?


1) C错。“in general”表示“一般”,所以主句用一般现在时,并列从句的谓语也是表示一般性,所以C处也应用一般现在时,故将其改为deal,而不是过去时dealt。

2) C错。本句的主从句中的“usually”表示“经常”,用一般现在时;而让步状语从句的谓语也是表示同一情况,所以也应当用一般现在时。故把C处的varied改为varies。

3) D错。本句表述的是一般状况,前面的主句用的是现在时,后面的定语从句也应用现在时,应将required改为requires。

4) C错。这里“it”是形式主语,代表主语从句“that…”,既然主句表示习惯(“an accepted custom”),那么谓语就应当用一般现在时,而不能用过去时。所以将C处的removed改为remove。

5) D为正确答案。本句表述的也是自然现象,主句和从句都应用一般现在时,故A和B 都不对;C不合语法,以“what”引导的从句不能作定语,只有D正确,这里“that”引导定语从句,修饰前边的名词“names”。

6) C错。本句宾语从句所表述的是客观事实,即“…light travels faster than sound,”虽然主句谓语动词用的是过去式“told”,从句也要用一般现在时,所以把C处的appeared改为appears。

7) D错。虽然主句的主语用了过去时“was told”,其宾语从句表示的是“地球绕着太阳转”这一客观规律,所以将D处的moved改为moves。注意:不能将C处的has改为had,因为这也是表示客观事实,也得用一般现在时。






一、一般过去时主要表示过去某一时刻发生的动作或情况,句中通常有表示过去某一时刻的状语a day ago, last week, in 1996, during the night, in anceint times等,表示“过多少时间之后”用after, 但在现在完成时中用in, 如in the past few years等

1) How many people remember [A]listening [B]to Orson Welles' 1938 radio broadcast [C],“ The War of the Worlds”,which convince [D]thousands that space aliens(外星人) had invaded the Earth?

2) The instructor had gone over [A]the problems many times [B]before [C]the students will take [D]the final examination.

3) Anthropologists agree [A]that our primitive ancestors [B]who inhabit [C]the tropics probably have natural protection against [D]the Sun.


1) D错,改用过去时convinced,因此处表述的是过去(1938年)所发生的情况,而现在则不是这样。“which”引导的从句修饰“…1938 radio breadcast”。

2) D错。由于主句使用的是过去完成时,表示在过去的某一动作发生之前,本句中的“before…”从句引导一个表示过去的时间状语。所以状语从句的谓语应用过去时态,应把将来时“will take”改为一般过去时took,以便和主句的过去完成时呼应。

3) C错,改为inhabited,既然是“我们的祖先居住的热带地区”,“居住”这一动作发生在过去,所以要用过去时。这里也要提醒大家:做语法题不仅要看特定的提示词如时间状语等,关键还在于读懂句子的意思。如,虽然本句的主语还是同一表示过去的名词主语

“primitive ancestors”,其谓语动词就用现在时“have”。“我们的祖先有……”,这里的“有”,是现在我们看来的一种事实,所以用一般现在时。





III 一般将来时


1) But the weather experts [A]are now paying more attention to West Antarctic, which may be affected [B]by only a few degrees of warming: in other words, by a warming on the scale that would [C]possibly take place in the next fifty years from the burning [D]of fuels.(92年阅读理解题)

2) If traffic problems are not solved soon [A],driving [B]in [C]cities becomes [D]impossible.

二、在表示时间和条件的状语从句中,一般现在时代替一般将来时。这些时间副词有when, as soon as等,表示条件的连词有if,as long as等。

3 ) A desert area that has been [A]without water [B]for six years will still [C]bloom when rain will come [D] .

4) Come and see me whenever .(84年考题)

[A]you are convenient [B]you will be convenient

[C]it is convenient to you[D]it will be convenient to you

5) The task is extremely difficult. If no one able to do it, we will have to find somebody else.



注意:如果这些副词或连词引导的是名词从句作宾语而不是状语从句时,这些名词从句的谓语动词则用该用的时态:I don't know when he will come.而且表示将来的助动词will 还可以用以条件从句中,译为“愿意、肯”等。


We leave (are leaving) for California the day after tomorrow.


May I have your attention please. The plane for Wuhan is about to take off.


四、另外,“be +to +动词原形”也可表示打算做的事,还可表示责任、意向和可能性

You are to follow the doctor’s advice.你应遵从医嘱。

No shelter was to be seen.找不到避难处。


1) C错,改为will。本题有表示将来的时间状语“in the next fifty years…”,所以谓语用一般将来时。

2) D错。由于从句中有表示时间的状语“soon”(不久,不远的将来),主句的谓语也是在这一时间发生,所以要用将来时,那么D改为will become。

3) D错。本句主语是A desert area…will still bloom,状语从句是由when引导,表示“雨季到来时”,从句的谓语应用一般现在时表示将来,所以将C处的will come改为comes。

4) 正确答案为C。本题除了时态上的问题(即不用一般将来时)之外还涉及到主语和它的表语的逻辑问题。根据上述语法特点,首先排除B和D;题中“convenient”是“方便的”之意。虽然汉语“在你方便的时候”,似乎“方便”的主语是“你”,但在英语中就不是那么回事儿,“convenient”的英文的解释是“(sth) suited to personal ease or comfort or to easy performance of some act or function”(某事或物对某人来说感到舒适或容易作),其主语应是“物”而不是“人”。本题应选C。所以学英语时,不仅要懂英语单词的汉语译文,更重要的是掌握英语单词的内涵与用法。建议身边备一个“英英”字典,如Longman Dictionary of Comtempory English。

5) C为正确答案。理由同上。






IV 现在完成时

一、现在完成时的构成式是have(has)+动词的 ED分词

1) Research [A]in molecular(分子的) biology has demonstrate [B]phenomenal similarities [C]between [D]humans and apes(类人猿).

2) Gore Vidal has steadily pursue [A]a literary career [B]remarkable [C]for its productivity,versatility(多样性) and unpredictability [D](多变性).

3) For centuries large communities of people have living [A]on houseboats in parts [B]of the world where [C]the climate is warm and the waters are calm [D] .


4) Ninety eight percent of all animal species [A]in [B]history had [C]died out [D] .

5) The domestic [A]dog,considered to be the first tamed animal,is coexisting [B]with human beings since [C]the days of the cave dwellers [D](居住者).

三、如果句中有表示到现在为止这段时间的状语时,用现在完成时,这些时间状语有now, today, this week, this month, this year,现在完成时不和表示具体的时间状语连用,如yesterday, last year等,但可以和always, before, just, in/during the past(few weeks, years, fifty years)连用,这时in表示“过去多少时间”,不能用after

6) Industrial [A]management is the aspect [B]of business [C]management that was [D]most prominent in the United States in the past eight years.

7) Learning a foreign language is especially [A]difficult for those [B]who had [C]never learned one before [D] .

四、在有already, as yet, yet, ever, just, never 这类副词作状语的情况下,用现在完成时

8) In just [A]the last [B]few years,football is become [C]more popular thanbaseball in that country [D] .

9) Coupled with the growing quantity of information is the development of technologies which enable the storage and delivery of more information with greater speed to more locations than has been possible before.

[A]ever [B]everest


10) President Andrew Jackson was a controversial [A]figure in his own [B]day and is one [C]ever since [D] .


11) Jekyll Island has been one [A]of Georgia’s state [B]parks [C]in [D]1954.

12) He is [A]in this country now [B]for five years,but he makes [C]no attempt to speak [D]our language.

13) The Browns [A]are living a hard [B]life because Mr. Brown has been unemployed [C]since [D]half a year.


14) Smith is to study medicine as soon as he military service.

[A]will finish[B]has finished

[C]finish[D]would finish

15) Once you that brand of whisky, you will never want to drink any other.

[A]drunk[B]have drunk

[C]will drink[D]drank


1) B错,改为has demonstrated。

2) A错,改为pursued。

3) A错,改为have lived。

4) C错。本句的汉语意思是“历史上90%的动物种类已经灭绝”,表示到现在为止“已经”发生的事,而且还在延继下去。所以时态应该用现在完成时。表示在过去的某一时间之前已经完成的动作才用过去完成时,所以本题应把C处的had改为have。

5) B错。应改为现在完成时has coexisted,因为本句表示到现在为止这段时间内发生的情况(持续性的),最关键的是抓住句中的状语“since…dwellers”(自从…到现在)。

6) D错,改为has been。

7) C错,改为have。

8) C错,改为has become。

9) A为正确答案。

10) C错。since在本句中是副词,意思是“从那时到现在”,ever亦为副词修饰since,起强调作用,因此本句应用现在完成时,将“is one”改为“ has been one”。

11) D错。in 1954表示的是确定的某个时刻(过去),但由于句中的谓语动词所使用的是现在完成时,所以应将介词in改为“since”。“ since 1954”表示“从1954年以来”,本句的谓语动词用现在完成时。

12) A错,改为has been。

13) D错,改为for。

14) 正确答案是B。主句用的是将来时“…be about to”,时间状语从句由as soon as引导,四个选项中,用现在完成时表示将来要完成的动作最合适。所以B为正确答案。

15) 正确答案是B。由于主句用的是一般将来时,“Once…”引导的时间状语从句中应该用现在完成时,所以B为正确答案。







1) By the end of this month, the generating set for a whole year.

[A]will run[B]has run

[C]runs[D]will have run


2) Although she law for only a little over eight years,Florence Allen became in 1922 the first woman to sit on a state supreme court.

[A]will practice [B]practices

[C]had practiced[D]has been practicing

3) Before 1970 many [A]technological advances have been made [B]in the field of computer science,which [C]resulted in more efficient [D]computers.


1) 正确答案是D。“By the end of this month”表示将来的某一时间,到那时业已完成的动作应用将来完成时,所以选D为正确答案。

2) C为正确答案。本句的主句有表示过去某刻的时间状语in 1922,用的是过去时,而空白处应填入在1922年前已发生的动作(从事律师业8年多),故应使用过去完成时。

3) B错,改为had been made,因为本句明显表示过去某刻之前( before 1970)业已发生的情况。





VI 进行时态

一、现在进行时表示现在或现阶段进行的动作,但也和always, constantly, forever等频度副词连用表示一个经常进行的动作或现在存在的状态

1) Because of [A]the effects of tidal friction(摩擦力),the earth’s rotation,which forms [B]the basis for time units,is [C]gradually slow down [D] .

2) All things [A]consist of [B]atoms or molecules,which be [C]constantly moving [D] .

二、瞬间动词和一些表示状态及感觉的动词一般不用进行时,而用一般现在时或一般过去时代替。这些动词包括:appear(显然), arrive, be, come, desire, go, find, hate, hope, join, know, leave, like, love, join, possess, start, sail, see, suggest, taste, think(认为), understand等,类似的动词还有belong to,consist of,seem(似乎)等

3) He was seeing [A]somebody creeping [B]into the house through [C]the open [D]window last night.

4) Among [A]the most important [B]jazz innovators [C]in the twentieth century are being [D]Louis Armstrong,Fletcher Henderson,Duke Ellington,and Dizzy Gillespie.



5) They received the parcel that they for a long time.

[A]expected [B]have expected

[C]had been expecting[D]had expected

There is a well known incident in one of Moliere′s plays, where the author makes the hero express unbounded delight on being told that he had been talking prose during the whole of his life.(93年翻译)


1) D错。slow只有作为不及物动词用时才与up或down连用,表示“慢慢向上”或“慢慢向下”。所以我们说,这里的slow是动词而不是形容词,应将动词slow后边加上“ing”,改为(is) slowing down,构成现在进行时。

2) C错,改为are。

3) A错,改为saw。

4) D错,改为are。

5) C为正确答案



现在studystudies am studyingis studyingare studying have studiedhas studied have been studyinghas been studying

过去studied was studyingwere studying had studied had been studying

将来shall studywill study shall be studyingwill be studying shall have studiedwill have studied shall have been studyingwill have been studying

过去将来should studywould study should be studyingwould be studying should have studiedwould have studied should have been studyingwould have been studying

考试中出现的一般有以下几种。I、一般现在时一、表示一般性或经常发生的动作或状态1) In general [A],newspapers emphasize current news,whereas [B]magazines dealt [C]more with [D]background materials.2) The adult mosquito usually lives for about [A]thirty days,although [B]the life span varied [C]widely with temperature,humidity,and other [D]factors of the environment.3) Industrial buyers [A]are responsible [B]for supplying [C]the goods and services that an organization required [D]for its operations.二、表示习惯性动作和状态或普遍的现象或常识4) It is an accepted [A]custom in west countries that [B]men removed [C]their hats when a woman enters [D]the room.5) Certain layers of the atmosphere have special names .[A]which indicated their character properties[B]whose characteristic properties were indicating[C]what characterize their indicated properties[D]that indicate their characteristic properties 三、表示客观事实、客观规律和客观真理。在宾语从句中,即使主句的谓语动词用了过去时,只要从句表示的是客观真理,从句的谓语动词也要用一般现在时6) The teacher told them since [A]light travels faster than [B]sound, lightning appeared [C]to go before [D]thunder.7) As [A]a child, I was told that [B]the planet earth, which has [C]its own satellite, the moon, moved [D]round the sun.四、祈使句必须用动词原形,其否定结构用“don't+动词原形”,如:Go and fetch some water. /Don't do that.五、在反义疑问句中,如果主句用肯定句,那么,反问句用否定形式;如果主句用否定形式,那么,反问句就用肯定形式。而且前后在时态上要一致。但祈使疑问句用won't you?进行反问。如:See a film tonight, won't you?注:①祈使句后边可用附加疑问句,以加强语气。如果祈使句用肯定形式,附加疑问句用否定形式;如果祈使句用否定形式,附加句用肯定形式;如:Come here next Sunday, won't you? /Don't tell it to anyone, will you? ②但如果祈使句的前一句有了表示强烈[ZZ(]肯定[ZZ)]的语言环境,即使祈使句用了肯定形式,其附加成分

也可以用“will you”(表示肯定,如果是在口语中用降调)。如:Give me the book, will you?

六、例题解析1) C错。“in general”表示“一般”,所以主句用一般现在时,并列从句的谓语也是表示一般性,所以C处也应用一般现在时,故将其改为deal,而不是过去时dealt。2) C 错。本句的主从句中的“usually”表示“经常”,用一般现在时;而让步状语从句的谓语也是表示同一情况,所以也应当用一般现在时。故把C处的varied改为varies。3) D错。本句表述的是一般状况,前面的主句用的是现在时,后面的定语从句也应用现在时,应将required 改为requires。4) C错。这里“it”是形式主语,代表主语从句“that...”,既然主句表示习惯(“an accepted custom”),那么谓语就应当用一般现在时,而不能用过去时。所以将C处的removed 改为remove。5) D为正确答案。本句表述的也是自然现象,主句和从句都应用一般现在时,故A和B都不对;C不合语法,以“what”引导的从句不能作定语,只有D正确,这里“that”引导定语从句,修饰前边的名词“names”。6) C错。本句宾语从句所表述的是客观事实,即“...light travels faster than sound,”虽然主句谓语动词用的是过去式“told”,从句也要用一般现在时,所以把C处的appeared改为appears。7) D错。虽然主句的主语用了过去时“was told”,其宾语从句表示的是“地球绕着太阳转”这一客观规律,所以将D处的moved改为moves。注意:不能将C处的has改为had,因为这也是表示客观事实,也得用一般现在时。II一般过去时一、一般过去时主要表示过去某一时刻发生的动作或情况,句中通常有表示过去某一时刻的状语 a day ago, last week, in 1996, during the night, in anceint times等,表示“过多少时间之后”用after, 但在现在完成时中用in, 如in the past few years等1) How many people remember [A]listening [B]to Orson Welles' 1938 radio broadcast [C],“ The War of the Worlds”,which convince [D]thousands that space aliens(外星人) had invaded the Earth?2) The instructor had gone over [A]the problems many times [B]before [C]the students will take [D]the final examination.3) Anthropologists agree [A]that our primitive ancestors [B]who inhabit [C]the tropics probably have natural protection against [D]the Sun.二、例题解析1) D错,改用过去时convinced,因此处表述的是过去(1938年)所发生的情况,而现在则不是这样。“which”引导的从句修饰“ (1938)

radio breadcast”。2) D错。由于主句使用的是过去完成时,表示在过去的某一动作发生之前,本句中的“before…”从句引导一个表示过去的时间状语。所以状语从句的谓语应用过去时态,应把将来时“will take”改为一般过去时took,以便和主句的过去完成时呼应。3) C 错,改为inhabited,既然是“我们的祖先居住的热带地区”,“居住”这一动作发生在过去,所以要用过去时。这里也要提醒大家:做语法题不仅要看特定的提示词如时间状语等,关键还在于读懂句子的意思。如,虽然本句的主语还是同一表示过去的名词主语“primitive ancestors”,其谓语动词就用现在时“have”。“我们的祖先有……”,这里的“有”,是现在我们看来的一种事实,所以用一般现在时。III 一般将来时一、一般将来时表示将要发生的动作或状况1) But the weather experts [A]are now paying more attention to West Antarctic, which may be affected [B]by only a few degrees of warming: in other words, by a warming on the scale that would [C]possibly take place in the next fifty years from the burning [D]of fuels.(92年阅读理解题)2) If traffic problems are not solved soon [A],driving [B]in [C]cities becomes [D]impossible.二、在表示时间和条件的状语从句中,一般现在时代替一般将来时。这些时间副词有when, as soon as等,表示条件的连词有if,as long as等。3 ) A desert area that has been [A]without water [B]for six years will still [C]bloom when rain will come [D] .4) Come and see me whenever .(84年考题)[A]you are convenient [B]you will be convenient[C]it is convenient to you [D]it will be convenient to you5) The task is extremely difficult. If no one able to do it, we will have to find somebody else.[A]were[B]was[C]is[D]would注意:如

果这些副词或连词引导的是名词从句作宾语而不是状语从句时,这些名词从句的谓语动词则用该用的时态:I don't know when he will come.而且表示将来的助动词will还可以用以条件从句中,译为“愿意、肯”等。三、一些表示方向及变化的瞬间动词可用进行时或现在时表示将要发生的动作We leave (are leaving) for California the day after tomorrow.我们(计划)后天动身去加利福尼亚州。May I have your attention please. The plane for Wuhan is about to take off.请注意,飞往武汉的飞机就要起飞了。四、另外,“be +to +动词原形”也可表示打算做的事,还可表示责任、意向和可能性You are to follow the doctor’s advice.你应遵从医嘱。No shelter was to be seen.找不到避难处。五、例题解析1) C错,改为will。本题有表示将来的时间状语“in the next fifty years…”,所以谓语用一般将来时。2) D错。由于从句中有表示时间的状语“soon”(不久,不远的将来),主句的谓语也是在这一时间发生,所以要用将来时,那么D改为will become。3) D错。本句主语是A desert area…will still bloom,状语从句是由when引导,表示“雨季到来时”,从句的谓语应用一般现在时表示将来,所以将C处的will come改为comes。4) 正确答案为C。本题除了时态上的问题(即不用一般将来时)之外还涉及到主语和它的表语的逻辑问题。根据上述语法特点,首先排除B和D;题中“convenient”是“方便的”之意。虽然汉语“在你方便的时候”,似乎“方便”的主语是“你”,但在英语中就不是那么回事儿,“convenient”的英文的解释是“(sth) suited to personal ease or comfort or to easy performance of some act or function”(某事或物对某人来说感到舒适或容易作),其主语应是“物”而不是“人”。本题应选C。所以学英语时,不仅要懂英语单词的汉语译文,更重要的是掌握英语单词的内涵与用法。建议身边备一个“英英”字典,如Longman Dictionary of Comtempory English。5) C为正确答案。理由同上。



现在studystudies am studyingis studyingare studying have studiedhas studied have been studyinghas been studying

过去studied was studyingwere studying had studied had been studying

将来shall studywill study shall be studyingwill be studying shall have studiedwill have studied shall have been studyingwill have been studying

过去将来should studywould study should be studyingwould be studying should have studiedwould have studied should have been studyingwould have been studying


IV 现在完成时

一、现在完成时的构成式是have(has)+动词的 ED分词

1) Research [A]in molecular(分子的) biology has demonstrate [B]phenomenal similarities [C]between [D]humans and apes(类人猿).

2) Gore Vidal has steadily pursue [A]a literary career [B]remarkable [C]for its productivity,versatility(多样性) and unpredictability [D](多变性).

3) For centuries large communities of people have living [A]on houseboats in parts [B]of the world where [C]the climate is warm and the waters are calm [D] .


4) Ninety eight percent of all animal species [A]in [B]history had [C]died out [D] .

5) The domestic [A]dog,considered to be the first tamed animal,is coexisting [B]with human beings since [C]the days of the cave dwellers [D](居住者).

三、如果句中有表示到现在为止这段时间的状语时,用现在完成时,这些时间状语有now, today, this week, this month, this year,现在完成时不和表示具体的时间状语连用,如yesterday, last year等,但可以和always, before, just, in/during the past(few weeks, years, fifty years)连用,这时in表示“过去多少时间”,不能用after

6) Industrial [A]management is the aspect [B]of business [C]management that was [D]most prominent in the United States in the past eight years.

7) Learning a foreign language is especially [A]difficult for those [B]who had [C]never learned one before [D] .

四、在有already, as yet, yet, ever, just, never 这类副词作状语的情况下,用现在完成时

8) In just [A]the last [B]few years,football is become [C]more popular than baseball in that country [D] .

9) Coupled with the growing quantity of information is the development of technologies which enable the storage and delivery of more information with greater speed to more locations than has been possible before.





10) President Andrew Jackson was a controversial [A]figure in his own [B]day and is one [C]ever since [D] .


11) Jekyll Island has been one [A]of Georgia’s state [B]parks [C]in [D]1954.

12) He is [A]in this country now [B]for five years,but he makes [C]no attempt to speak [D]our language.

13) The Browns [A]are living a hard [B]life because Mr. Brown has been unemployed [C]since [D]half a year.


14) Smith is to study medicine as soon as he military service.

[A]will finish

[B]has finished


[D]would finish

15) Once you that brand of whisky, you will never want to drink any other.


[B]have drunk

[C]will drink



1) B错,改为has demonstrated。

2) A错,改为pursued。

3) A错,改为have lived。

4) C错。本句的汉语意思是“历史上90%的动物种类已经灭绝”,表示到现在为止“已经”发生的事,而且还在延继下去。所以时态应该用现在完成时。表示在过去的某一时间之前已经完成的动作才用过去完成时,所以本题应把C处的had改为have。

5) B错。应改为现在完成时has coexisted,因为本句表示到现在为止这段时间内发生的情况(持续性的),最关键的是抓住句中的状语“since…dwellers”(自从…到现在)。

6) D错,改为has been。

7) C错,改为have。

8) C错,改为has become。

9) A为正确答案。

10) C错。since在本句中是副词,意思是“从那时到现在”,ever亦为副词修饰since,起强调作用,因此本句应用现在完成时,将“is one”改为“ has been one”。

11) D错。in 1954表示的是确定的某个时刻(过去),但由于句中的谓语动词所使用的是现在完成时,所以应将介词in改为“since”。“ since 1954”表示“从1954年以来”,本句的谓语动词用现在完成时。

12) A错,改为has been。

13) D错,改为for。

14) 正确答案是B。主句用的是将来时“…be about to”,时间状语从句由as soon as引导,四个选项中,用现在完成时表示将来要完成的动作最合适。所以B为正确答案。

15) 正确答案是B。由于主句用的是一般将来时,“Once…”引导的时间状语从句中应该用现在完成时,所以B为正确答案。



1) By the end of this month, the generating set for a whole year.

[A]will run

[B]has run


[D]will have run


2) Although she law for only a little over eight years,Florence Allen became in 1922 the first woman to sit on a state supreme court.

[A]will practice


[C]had practiced

[D]has been practicing

3) Before 1970 many [A]technological advances have been made [B]in the field of computer science,which [C]resulted in more efficient [D]computers.


1) 正确答案是D。“By the end of this month”表示将来的某一时间,到那时业已完成的动作应用将来完成时,所以选D为正确答案。

2) C为正确答案。本句的主句有表示过去某刻的时间状语in 1922,用的是过去时,而空白处应填入在1922年前已发生的动作(从事律师业8年多),故应使用过去完成时。

3) B错,改为had been made,因为本句明显表示过去某刻之前( before 1970)业已发生的情况。

VI 进行时态

一、现在进行时表示现在或现阶段进行的动作,但也和always, constantly, forever等频度副词连用表示一个经常进行的动作或现在存在的状态

1) Because of [A]the effects of tidal friction(摩擦力),the earth’s rotation,which forms [B]the basis for time units,is [C]gradually slow down [D] .

2) All things [A]consist of [B]atoms or molecules,which be [C]constantly moving [D] .

二、瞬间动词和一些表示状态及感觉的动词一般不用进行时,而用一般现在时或一般过去时代替。这些动词包括:appear(显然), arrive, be, come, desire, go, find, hate, hope, join, know, leave, like, love, join, possess, start, sail, see, suggest, taste, think(认为), understand等,类似的动词还有belong to,consist of,seem(似乎)等

3) He was seeing [A]somebody creeping [B]into the house through [C]the open [D]window last night.

4) Among [A]the most important [B]jazz innovators [C]in the twentieth century are being [D]Louis Armstrong,Fletcher Henderson,Duke Ellington,and Dizzy Gillespie.



5) They received the parcel that they for a long time.


[B]have expected

[C]had been expecting

[D]had expected

There is a well known incident in one of Moliere′s plays, where the author makes the hero express unbounded delight on being told that he had been talking prose during the whole of his life.(93年翻译)


1) D错。slow只有作为不及物动词用时才与up或down连用,表示“慢慢向上”或“慢慢向下”。所以我们说,这里的slow是动词而不是形容词,应将动词slow后边加上“ing”,改为

(is) slowing down,构成现在进行时。

2) C错,改为are。

3) A错,改为saw。

4) D错,改为are。

5) C为正确答案。



英语中的语态分主动语态和被动语态两种。英语中只有及物动词、动词短语和某些成语才能构成被动语态。被动语态的构成形式为“be+动词的 ED分词”。在下列情况下用被动语态:不知道或不必要提出动作的执行者;强调动作的承受者;“get+动词 ED分词”是被动词的特殊形式;某些系动词用主动表示被动;表示状态或特征的及物动词没有被动语态。总之,主动语态和被动语态是有一定区别的。


被动语态的构成形式为“be+动词的 ED分词”,随时态的不同,“be”发生相应的变化,下表是be在英语八种被动时态中的变化形式





am,is,are + told

have(has) been + told

am,is,are + being told



had been + told

was,were + being told


will(shall) be + told


would(should) be + told



1) Colorful posters were in San Francisco in the 1960s to publicize rock shows.





2) The main [A]stream of a river frequently is dividing [B]into two or more [C]branches near its mouth [D] .


3) The tenor drum(小鼓) is used primarily in military bands and is normally with small felt sticks.



[C]to play


4) I’ll take down your name and address in case you as a witness.

[A]are needed

[B]will be needed


[D]will need

5) Cottage cheese,an American favorite [A],can made easily [B]at home [C]

from milk [D],lemon,juice,and salt.


6) The seating of musicians in an orchestra is arranged to produce the desired blend of sounds from the various musical sections.

A the conductor of

B from the conductor

C the conductor and

D by the conductor

7) The bridge was hitting [A]by a large ship during [B]a sudden [C]storm last [D]week.

四、“g et+ed分词”的被动语态,这时习惯固定用法,这种结构往往更强调动作的结果而非动作的本身

8) “Your daughter has two children, doesn’t she?”

“That’s right. She in 1970.”

[A]did marriage

[B]was married

[C]had married

[D]got married

9) Supposing you five bottles of beer, do you think you would get drunk?

[A]were drinking

[B]have drunk

[C]were to drink


五、主动形式表示被动意义,如某些系动词如cook, feel, prove, smell和taste等其主动语态表示被动的意义

10) The patted shoes that my wife bought me comfortable.



[C]was felt

[D]is felt

11) As [A]the proverb says [B], “ Good medicine is tasted [C]bitter to [D]the mouth.”

六、没有被动语态的词,表示状态或特征的及物动词如contain, cost, fit, have, lack, suit 等没有被动形式,另外,诸如happen, occur, take place, break out 等不及物动词或短语以及诸如result from(缘于),belong to, consist of等只用主动语态,而不用被动语态

12) Some critics maintain that when [A]a work of literature is lacked [B]reference to [C]the general experience of mankind,it fails as art [D] .

13) The book that I bought [A]the day before [B]yesterday is costed [C]me twenty and a half yuan [D] .

[注]除此之外,某些词如反身代词和相互代词以及 ING和不定式不能作为被动语态的主语;某些被动语态没有相应的主动语态如“I was born in 1966.”。另外有些 ED分词已失去了被动的含义,它们和主语及“be”一起构成了主系表结构,如:be interested in, be concerned about, be based upon, be qualified for, be surprised at 等。穿着某种颜色的衣服一般说“be dressed in”,而不说“dress black clothes”,但可以说“wear black clothes”。这些请大家在复习过程中也应加以注意。


1) C为正确答案。我们不清楚是谁印的“彩色海报”。

2) B错,改为is divided。具体是谁把它分成两三个分支,我们并不知道。

3) B对。其实演奏小鼓的应是军乐队的人,但我们没必要提出来。


江西省南昌市2015-2016学年度第一学期期末试卷 (江西师大附中使用)高三理科数学分析 一、整体解读 试卷紧扣教材和考试说明,从考生熟悉的基础知识入手,多角度、多层次地考查了学生的数学理性思维能力及对数学本质的理解能力,立足基础,先易后难,难易适中,强调应用,不偏不怪,达到了“考基础、考能力、考素质”的目标。试卷所涉及的知识内容都在考试大纲的范围内,几乎覆盖了高中所学知识的全部重要内容,体现了“重点知识重点考查”的原则。 1.回归教材,注重基础 试卷遵循了考查基础知识为主体的原则,尤其是考试说明中的大部分知识点均有涉及,其中应用题与抗战胜利70周年为背景,把爱国主义教育渗透到试题当中,使学生感受到了数学的育才价值,所有这些题目的设计都回归教材和中学教学实际,操作性强。 2.适当设置题目难度与区分度 选择题第12题和填空题第16题以及解答题的第21题,都是综合性问题,难度较大,学生不仅要有较强的分析问题和解决问题的能力,以及扎实深厚的数学基本功,而且还要掌握必须的数学思想与方法,否则在有限的时间内,很难完成。 3.布局合理,考查全面,着重数学方法和数学思想的考察 在选择题,填空题,解答题和三选一问题中,试卷均对高中数学中的重点内容进行了反复考查。包括函数,三角函数,数列、立体几何、概率统计、解析几何、导数等几大版块问题。这些问题都是以知识为载体,立意于能力,让数学思想方法和数学思维方式贯穿于整个试题的解答过程之中。 二、亮点试题分析 1.【试卷原题】11.已知,,A B C 是单位圆上互不相同的三点,且满足AB AC → → =,则A BA C →→ ?的最小值为( ) A .1 4- B .12- C .34- D .1-


大学英语语法系列讲座 情态动词 中国地质大学(武汉)外语系许峰 情态动词(Modal V erbs)又称为情态助动词(Modal Auxiliaries)。英语中助动词主要有两类:一是基本助动词,如have,do,be等;二是情态助动词,如may,must,need等。情态动词与其他动词连用表示说话人的语气,可表达建议、要求、可能、意愿等。情态动词没有人称和数的变化。在大学英语考试中,情态动词部分主要重点测试以下内容:情态动词+动词完成式。 情态动词must, should, may(might),ought to, can(could),need, would等都可以与动词完成式连用作谓语,其模式为“modal verb+ have+ v-ed”。这类结构表示对过去所发生动作的推测或判断。但是,不同的情态动词所表示的意思又有所不同。 1.must+have+v-ed和can't/couldn't +have+ v-ed “must+ have+ v-ed”表示对过去事情较有把握的、肯定性的推测,常译为“一定”,“准是”,“肯定”。当must用于推测意义时,其否定形式通常不是must not,而是can/could not。“can't/couldn't + have+ v-ed”表示对过去事情的否定性推测,常译为“决不可能”,“不太可能”。 例1:Since the ditch is full of water, it must have raine d last night.既然水沟里积满了水,可见昨天夜里一定是下过雨了。 例2:—You realize that you were driving at 100 mph, don't you? —No, officer, I couldn't have been. This car can't do more than 80. ——“你刚开车的速度为每小时100英里,不知道吗?” ——“不,警官先生,我不可能开那么快,因为这辆车每小时的速度不可能超过80英里。” 经典考点1:Mary's score on the test is the highest in her class; She have studied very hard.(CET-4,1989年6月) A)may B)should C)must D)ought to 巧解 本题应选C。must have v-ed表示推测过去某事一定发生了;may/might have v-ed 表示推测过去某事也许发生了;should/ought to have v-ed表示“本应该…”,表达的是对过去所发生的事情的一种责备、埋怨、反悔的情绪。C项符合题意。本题句意是:玛丽的考试分数是班上最高的;她一定学习非常用功。 经典考点2:You her in her office last Friday; she's been out of town for two weeks.(CET-4,1996年1月) A)needn't have seen B)must have seen C)might have seen D)can't have seen 巧解 本题应选D。can't have v-ed表示对过去发生事情的否定推测;D项符题意。needn't+ have v-ed表示过去做了本不必做的事。本题句意是:上星期你不可能在她办公室见到她,她去外地已经两个星期了。 经典考点3:Mary my letter; otherwise she would have replied before now.(考研,1991年)


英语基础语法知识(一) 第一节词类和句子成分 一、词类 能够自由运用的最小语言单位叫词。根据词的形式、意义及其在句中的作用所作的分类叫词类(parts of speech)。 英语的词通常分为十大类,即名词、冠词、代词、数词、形容词、副词、动词、介词、连词和感叹词。现分别叙述如下: (一)名词 名词(noun)是表示人、事物、地点或抽象概念的名称。例如: foreigner外国人 soap 肥皂Newton牛顿 law 法律freedom自由peace和平 英语名词可分为两大类: < 1。普通名词(common noun)是某一类人、事物、某种物质或抽象概念的名称。例如: teacher教师 market市场rice大米 magazine杂志sound声音production生产 2。专有名词(proper noun)是特定的某人、地方或机构的名称。专有名词的第一个字母必须 大写。例如: Hemingway海明威 Russia 俄罗斯 New York 纽约 United Nations联合国 名词又可分为可数名词(countable noun)与不可数名词(uncountable noun)两种。可数名词有单、复数之分。绝大多数名词的复数形式的构成是在单数名词的后面加-s或-es。例如: shop→shops商店 bus→buses 公共汽车 library→libraries图书馆

toy→toys玩具leaf→leaves树叶 英语中有一些名词的复数形式是不规则的。例如: man→men男人tooth→teeth牙齿datum→data数据 有关名词复数形式构成的具体规则,请参阅有关的英语语法书。 (二)冠词 冠词(article)放在名词之前,帮助说明该名词所指的对象。冠词分为不定冠词(indefinite article)和定冠词(definite article)两种。 不定冠词为a/an,用在单数名词之前,表示某一类人或事物的“一个”。a用在以辅音开头的名词之前,an用在以元音开头的名词之前。例如: a hotel 一家旅馆 a chance 一次机会 a double room一个双人间 a useful book一本有用的书 an exhibition一次展览an honest man一个诚实的人 冠词只有一个,既the,表示某一类人或事物中特定的一个或一些。可用于单数或复数名词前,也可用于不可数名词前。例如: · the TV programs那些电视节目 the house那座房子 the Olympic Games奥运会 (三)代词 代词(pronoun)是用来指代人或事物的词。代词包括: 1。人称代词,如:I, you, they, it等; 2。物主代词,如:my, his, their, our, mine, hers等; 3。反身代词,如:myself, yourself, itself, ourselves, oneself等; 4。相互代词,如:each other, one another等; 5。指示代词,如:this, that, these, those, such, same等;


大学英语语法专项练习题 大学英语语法专项练习题 一、时态 1. By the end of April Peter here for three months. A. will have stayed B. will stay C. stays D. has stayed 2. I'm awfully sorry, but I had no alternative. I simply _____ what I did. A. ought to have done B. have to do C. had to do D. must do 3. We ________our breakfast when an old man came to the door. A. just have had B. have just had C. just had D. had just had 4. Ever since the family moved to the suburbs last year, they________ better health. A. could have enjoyed B. had enjoyed C. have been enjoying D. are enjoying 5. I bought a new house last year, but I ______my old house yet, so at the moment I have two houses. A. did not sell B. have not sold C. had not sold D. do not sell 6. I decided to go to the library as soon as I ________. A. finish what I did B. finished what I did C. would finish what I was doing D. finished what I was doing 7. He _________when the bus came to a sudden stop. A. was almost hurt B. was hurt himself C. was to hurt himself D. was hurting himself 8. I suppose that when I come back in ten years' time all those old houses _______down. A. will have been pulled B. will have pulled C. will be pulling D. will be pulled 9. Bob's leg got hurt ________the Purple Mountains. A. while he is climbing up B. while we were climbing up C. while we climbed up D. while he climbed up 10. Pick me up at 8 o'clock. I _______ my bath by then. A. may have B. will be having C. can have had D. will have had 11. If you smoke in a non-smoking section people________. A. will object B. objected C. must object D. have objected 12. By the end of this month, we surely _______ a satisfactory solution to the problem A. have found B. will be finding C. are finding D. will have found 13. We __________to start our own business, but we never had enough money. A. have hope B. hope C. had hoped D. should hope 14. The gray building is where the workers live, and the white one is where the spare parts______ A. are producing B. are produced C. produced D. being produced 15. While people may refer to television for up-to-the-minute news, it is unlikely that television __________the newspaper completely. A. will replace B. have replaced C. replace D. replaced 16. It's reported that by the end of this month the output of cement in the factory ________by


小学英语语法汇总(蓝本) 可数名词与不可数名词“分家” 一、可数名词与不可数名词的区别 可数名词是可以按个数来计算的普通名词,分为个体名词(表示某类人或事物中的个体,如worker, farmer, desk, factory等)和集体名词(表示作为一个整体来看的一群人或一些事物,如people, family 等)。不可数名词是不能按个数来计算的普通名词,分为物质名词(表示无法分为个体的物质,如meat, rice, water, milk, orange 等)和抽象名词(表示动作、状态、情况、品质等抽象概念,如work, homework, time, health, friendship等)。 强调:不可数名词默认为单数,用is或者was;不要根据some、any、a lot of等词去作判断。 二、可数名词的家务事 可数名词有单数和复数两种形式。指一个人或一件事物时,用单数形式;指两个或多个人或事物时用复数形式。名词由单数形式变成复数形式的规则如下: 1. 一般的名词词尾直接加-s 。如:book → books house → houses day → days 读音:清辅音后读[s],浊辅音和元音后读[z]。 2. 以s,ss,ch,sh, x 结尾的在词尾加-es 。如:bus → buses glass → glasses watch → watches dish → dishes box → boxe s 读音:[iz] 3. 以"辅音字母+y"结尾的,将y改为i再加-es。如city → cities factory → factories 读音:[z] 4. 以f 或fe 结尾的,将f或fe改为v再加-es。如:half → halves leaf → leaves knife → knives wife → wives thief-thieves 读音:[z] 5. 特例(常考) ①child →children mouse→mice ②man →men woman→women policeman →policemen (规律:man →men) ③tomato →tomatoes potato → potatoes [注:黑人英雄土豆西红柿加es其余加-s,,如:photo → photos ] h ero →h eroes negro→negroes 读音:[z] ④foot → feet tooth → teeth [ oo变ee] ⑤sheep, Chinese, Japanese, fish单、复数同形 ⑥people单数形式表示复数意义,要求谓语动词用复数;people的复数形式peoples通常指"多个民族"。 三、不可数名词的家务事 1. 不可数名词没有复数,作句子主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。如:The food is very fresh. 2. 有的不可数名词也可以作可数名词,有复数形式,但意义发生变化。如:water (水) → waters (水域) orange (橘汁) → oranges (橘子) 3. 很多的不可数名词表示泛指时为不可数,表种类时就可数,意义不发生变化。如:fruit → fruits food → foods fish → fishes hair → hairs 4. 计算不可数名词的数量,要在数词和不可数名词之间加上“量词+of”如:a glass of water a piece of paper a bottle of juice 5.判断步骤: ↗如是am、is或was→原形 读句子→读该单词→认识该单词→理解意思→看be动词 ↘如是are或were→加s或es


初中英语语法专题讲座——冠词 【复习要点】 英语的冠词分为三种:不定冠词、定冠词和零冠词(即不用冠词)。 一、不定冠词: 英语中不定冠词有两个:a, an。a用于以辅音音素开头的词前,例如:a room, a red apple, a useful book;an用于元音音素开头的词前,例如:an egg, an old man, an hour。 1、不定冠词的基本用法: 不定冠词主要用于泛指和类指,有时也用于特指(如以下第⑵条)。 ⑴、表示“一个(one);每一个(each)”,例如:There is a table and four chairs in the room. 房间里有一张餐桌和四张椅子。He comes to visit me twice a year. 他每年来看我两次。 a和one有时可以互换,例如:There were nearly a / one hundred people at the meeting.有将近100人参加了会议。 但是,在一些习惯用语中,a和one是不可互换的。例如:once upon a time(从前)和one day(有一天)这两个短语中的a, one就不能互换;an hour or two 和one or two hours (一两个小时)这两个短语中的an, one也不能互换。 请注意: a (an) 虽表示“一个”,但不强调数量,而是强调类别;one则强调数量。 例:I bought a computer. 我买了一台电脑。(不是收音机和电视机)I bought one computer. 我买了一台电脑。(不是两台) ⑵、表示“某一个(a certain)”,例如:She went to buy a dictionary. 他去买了一本词典。(没有买别的东西)We used to live in a small house. 我们曾经住在一间小屋子里。 ⑶、表示一类中的任何一个,通常不必译成中文。例如:A horse is an animal. (= Horses are animals. / The horse is an animal.) 马是一种动物。 提示:表示某一类人或物时,可用下面三种方法: The dog is a faithful animal.(用定冠词)A dog is a faithful animal.(用不定冠词) Dogs are faithful animals. (用复数形式,不加定冠词) 2 、不定冠词的特别用法: 用在序数词前,表示“再一次,又一个”。例如:You’ll have to do it a second time. 你得再做一次。I don’t think we’ll need a third person. 我认为我们不再需要第三个人了。 二、定冠词: 定冠词只有一个:the其发音是:在元音音素前读/eI/,在辅音音素前读/e? /。 1、定冠词的基本用法:一般情况下,定冠词主要用于特指和类指,例如: ⑴表示前面提到过的人或物,例如:There is a chair in the room. An old man is sitting on the chair.房间里有一把椅子,椅子上坐着一位老人。 ⑵表示谈话双方都知道的人或物。例如:I don’t know the man. Is he your English teacher?我不认识那个人,他是你们的英语老师吗?


大学英语语法专项练习题 一、时态 1. By the end of April Peter here for three months. A. will have stayed B. will stay C. stays D. has stayed 2. I'm awfully sorry, but I had no alternative. I simply _____ what I did. A. ought to have done B. have to do C. had to do D. must do 3. We ________our breakfast when an old man came to the door. A. just have had B. have just had C. just had D. had just had 4. Ever since the family moved to the suburbs last year, they________ better health. A. could have enjoyed B. had enjoyed C. have been enjoying D. are enjoying 5. I bought a new house last year, but I ______my old house yet, so at the moment I have two houses. A. did not sell B. have not sold C. had not sold D. do not sell 6. I decided to go to the library as soon as I ________. A. finish what I did B. finished what I did C. would finish what I was doing D. finished what I was doing 7. He _________when the bus came to a sudden stop. A. was almost hurt B. was hurt himself C. was to hurt himself D. was hurting himself 8. I suppose that when I come back in ten years' time all those old houses _______down. A. will have been pulled B. will have pulled C. will be pulling D. will be pulled 9. Bob's leg got hurt ________the Purple Mountains. A. while he is climbing up B. while we were climbing up C. while we climbed up D. while he climbed up 10. Pick me up at 8 o'clock. I _______ my bath by then. A. may have B. will be having C. can have had D. will have had 11. If you smoke in a non-smoking section people________. A. will object B. objected C. must object D. have objected 12. By the end of this month, we surely _______ a satisfactory solution to the problem A. have found B. will be finding C. are finding D. will have found 13. We __________to start our own business, but we never had enough money. A. have hope B. hope C. had hoped D. should hope 14. The gray building is where the workers live, and the white one is where the spare parts______ A. are producing B. are produced C. produced D. being produced 15. While people may refer to television for up-to-the-minute news, it is unlikely that television __________the newspaper completely. A. will replace B. have replaced C. replace D. replaced 16. It's reported that by the end of this month the output of cement in the factory ________by about 10%. A. will have risen B. has risen C. will be rising D. has been rising 17. Until then, his family___________ from him for six months. A. didn't hear B. hasn’t been hearing C. hasn't heard D. hadn't heard


中考英语语法丨形容词专题讲座 形容词修饰名词,说明事物或人的性质或特征。通常,可将形容词分成性质形容词和叙述形容词两类,其位置不一定都放在名词前面。 1)直接说明事物的性质或特征的形容词是性质形容词,它有级的变化,可以用程度副词修饰,在句中可作定语、表语和补语。例如:hot。 2)叙述形容词只能作表语,所以又称为表语形容词。这类形容词没有级的变化,也不可用程度副词修饰。大多数以a开头的形容词都属于这一类。例如:afraid 害怕的。 按其结构,可分为单个形容词和复合形容词。前者由一个单词(如good, short, happy)构成,而后者则由两个以上的单词(如well-known, kind-hearted, five-year-old)构成. 形容词的分类: 1. 品质形容词英语中大量形容词属于这一类,他们表示人或物的品质,如:

He’s the happiest man on earth. 他是地球上最快乐的人。 The play was boring. 那出戏很枯燥乏味。 You have an honest face. 你有一张诚实的脸。 这类形容词一般都能用于比较级,如bigger, simpler, younger. 2. 类属形容词这类形容词表示属于哪一类,如:These subjects reflect our daily lives. 这些题材反映我们的日常生活。This medicine is for external use only. 此药仅供外用。 这类形容词一般都不能用于比较级。 3. 颜色形容词有少数表示颜色的形容词,如:His face went purple with rage. 他的脸气得发青。 She had on a blue coat. 她穿了一件蓝色的外套。


语法课教案 I. Teaching aim . 1.Aims on the knowledge : Enable students take in the grammar and related knowledge; 2.Aims on the ability : Develop their abilities of speaking and can use new knowledge to communicate with others in daily life . 3.Aims on the emotion : develop Ss' interest in English and let them love their life. II. Important points: Ss understand the grammar and learn about other related sentence structure . III.Difficult points. Ss take in the grammar and put it into practicing speaking about their daily life and use in express their ideas . IV.Teaching procedure . Step1: Warm-up : at the beagining of class,we can start a game, gusing words . Step2: Presentation . 1. Show students new sentences of grammar and explain for them ; 2. Show students related sentences and words . Let Ss read it by themselves . Step3: Practice. 1. Group member talk about “look, there is a…in/on/nea r…” “look, there are some…in/on nea r…” 2. Everyone can hand up and express their ideas sentences structures . Step4: Product . Combine grammar and some related sentences which teacher show to Ss . Ss have a try to have a dialogue in class with their partners . V. Blackboard design. 1.Show new sentence students at the lift side on the blackboard ; 2.Show some related sentence at the right side on the blackboard . VI. Homework. https://www.doczj.com/doc/3611145743.html,municate with classmates about their Sunday or Saturdays using new sentences structure ; 2.Finish some tasks on the workbook which is about grammars . VII.Summary. 1.Ss may feel difficult about the grammar, teacher need to pay much attention to focus on the reflection of Ss and take actions to help them to understand grammar ;


英语的时态问题 英语的时态可以分为:“时”(time) 和“体”(aspect)(又称为态)。时是指动作发生的时间,体是指动作发生时的状态。时间与体就象是坐标里的横轴和纵轴,它们的结合交织出了瞬息万变的时空,也构成了英语动词的时态问题。 时间分为:过去,现在,将来,过去将来 体分为:一般(在某个时间点), 进行(延续某个时间段), 完成(完成某个时间段) 完成进行(延续某个完成的时间段) 如此以来,英语中就有16种时态变化,现在就用动词为write例,看看它们的形式。 注意:里面的斜体字部分,由于时态过于复杂,几乎没有人真正去应用它们,可以忽略不记。 下面就常用的12种时态,(其中还有三种相对用的较少的,请注意)。具体分析一下。 一.一般现在时 表示现在的时间“点”上发生的动作或者状态,常用于以下的情况 1、经常重复发生的动作或存在的状态,多与often, always, usually, sometimes, everyday, 等时 间状语连用。 He takes a walk after supper everyday My mother and father work at the same company. 2、表示性格,特征,能力。 Mr. Smith hates fish and never eats any. 3、表示客观真理或者普遍事实。

The sun rises in the east. 二.一般过去时 表示过去某时发生的动作或者状态,常和表示过去某个时间“点”的时间状语(yesterday, last week, 3 years ago, in 1987)连用 She bought a car last week. He came to help me at that time. 三.一般将来时 表示将来的时间“点”上发生的动作或者状态。 The train will arrive soon. We shall know the news tomorrow. 四.过去将来时 过去某个时间“点”上将要发生的动作或状态。 I asked her where she would spend her holiday. I told my father that I should go home next Monday. 五.现在进行时 表示现在的时间“段”上正在延续进行的动作或者状态。 I’m doing some washing. What are you doing? 六.过去进行时 在过去某一个时间“段”正在延续进行的动作。 I was working in my office at eight o’clock yesterday evening. He was making a phone call when I saw him. 七.将来进行时 在将来某个时间“段”正在发生的动作,一般表示一种猜测和未来的计划,一般不太常用。What will you be doing at 3 o’clock tomorrow afternoon? (明天下午三点你将在做什么哪) 八.现在完成时 表示动作在一个时间“段”的完成,而且这个时间段是从过去某一点延续到现在的。经常跟时间状语since 1987,for 10 hours , by the last year相连。 My brother has been ill for 3 days. I have not seen her since 1991. 九.过去完成时 在过去的某个时间“段”里动作的完成,从过去的一点再到过去的另一点。或者称为过去的过去。 He said that he had written her a letter. Helen rang me up after I had gone to sleep.


大学英语语法专项练习题及答案 一、时态 1. By the end of April Peter here for three months. A. will have stayed B. will stay C. stays D. has stayed 2. I'm awfully sorry, but I had no alternative. I simply _____ what I did. A. ought to have done B. have to do C. had to do D. must do 3. We ________our breakfast when an old man came to the door. A. just have had B. have just had C. just had D. had just had 4. Ever since the family moved to the suburbs last year, they________ better health. A. could have enjoyed B. had enjoyed C. have been enjoying D. are enjoying 5. I bought a new house last year, but I ______my old house yet, so at the moment I have two houses. A. did not sell B. have not sold C. had not sold D. do not sell 6. I decided to go to the library as soon as I ________. A. finish what I did B. finished what I did C. would finish what I was doing D. finished what I was doing 7. He _________when the bus came to a sudden stop. A. was almost hurt B. was hurt himself C. was to hurt himself D. was hurting himself


v1.0可编辑可修改 英语语法基础知识大全 第一节词类和句子成分 一、词类 能够自由运用的最小语言单位叫词。根据词的形式、意义及其在句中的作用所作的分类叫词 类( parts of speech)。 英语的词通常分为十大类,即名词、冠词、代词、数词、形容词、副词、动词、介词、连词 和感叹词。现分别叙述如下: (一)名词 名词 (noun) 是表示人、事物、地点或抽象概念的名称。例如: foreigner 外国人 soap肥皂Newton 牛顿 law法律freedom 自由peace 和平 英语名词可分为两大类: 1。普通名词 (common noun) 是某一类人、事物、某种物质或抽象概念的名称。例如: teacher 教师market 市场 rice大米 magazine 杂志sound 声音 production生产 2。专有名词 (proper noun) 是特定的某人、地方或机构的名称。专有名词的第一个字母必须 大写。例如: Hemingway 海明威Russia俄罗斯 New York 纽约United Nations联合国 名词又可分为可数名词(countable noun) 与不可数名词 (uncountable noun) 两种。可数名词有单、复数之分。绝大多数名词的复数形式的构成是在单数名词的后面加-s 或 -es 。例如:shop→shops 商店bus→buses 公共汽车library→libraries图书馆 toy →toys玩具leaf →leaves树叶 英语中有一些名词的复数形式是不规则的。例如: man→men 男人 tooth →teeth牙齿datum→data数据 有关名词复数形式构成的具体规则,请参阅有关的英语语法书。 (二)冠词


小学英语语法入门(一) 接数字要大写首字母的单词 有些单词接数字时必须大写首字母,并且数字的首字母也要大写,这样的单词有lesson、grade、class、team、row、number等。如Lesson One第一课,Class Two, Grade Three三年级二班,Team Four第四组,Number Five第五号。但是它们不接数字时不大写首字母。 Be动词的一般用法 be动词包括am、is、are,其用法如下: 1. am只用于I的后面,如:I am a girl. I am ten. 2. is只用于she/he/it或其他单数第三人称后面,如: It is a big apple. A girl is in a bus.(a girl 一个女孩,单独一个人是单数第三人称) Mike is in Team Three.(Mike一个人名是单数第三人称) An apple is in a box.(an apple一个苹果,一个东西是单数第三人称) A book is in a desk.(a book 一本书,也是单数第三人称) 3. are只用于you、we、they或复数人称后面。如: You are Number Thirteen. They are in Grade Nine. We are at home. Mike and a girl are in a bus. (Mike and a girl Mike和一个女孩两个人是复数人称) Six boys are in Team Six.(Six boys六个男孩,多于两个人也是复数人称) A book and a box are on a desk.(A book and a box一本书和一个盒子,两个物是复数人称) Three pencils are in the pencil-box.(Three pencils三支铅笔,多于两个物也是复数人称) 如何变一般疑问句(一) 1. 提前原句中的be动词is、are,Be动词首字母要大写,原句首字母恢复小写,照抄剩余部分,然后加问号。 e.g. 1. Tom is in Grade One. Is Tom in Grade One? Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t. 2. This is an egg. Is this an egg? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.(an egg是物,所以用it来回答) 3. That is Rose. Is that Rose? Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t.(Rose是女孩,所以用she回答)

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