当前位置:文档之家› 教你45秒看穿女人心(英语)





The female mind has always been a complete mystery to most men and their enigmatic thoughts and actions almost impossible to decode - until now。


Finally the closely-held secret of whether a woman fancies someone has been exposed and experts have found it is all in the eyes。


A new study looked at how and where women glance after a man makes initial eye contact and found this shows him all he needs to know about his chances of romance。


What happens in the 45 seconds after meeting makes it crystal clear if love is in the air or whether the hapless male suitor will get the cold shoulder, experts have said。

专家说,是爱情即将降临,还是不走运的男性追求者就要被拒绝,见面 45 秒后结果就清晰可见。

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Life coach Ali Campbell says in his book 'More than Just Sex' that the look men want to see is her looking down and then moving her eyes in a sweeping motion across the floor because it almost certainly means that she is attracted to you。

生活教练阿里?6?1 坎贝尔在他的书《不只是性》中写道,男人想看到的“动心”表现是女人往下看,然后视线在地上扫来扫去,因为这基本上表示女人对你有意思。

This glance means that she is checking her internal emotions, in short, she likes you but is working out how much。


And in a complete reversal the disinterested, shy or bashful look sideways a woman often gives is not the brush-off most men thought it was。


It is in fact the opposite。


If a woman looks away for up to 45 seconds and then stares you straight in the eye it is another sure sign that she is interested because she is thinking hard about whether you are a suitable partner。


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如果一个女人向一边看了 45 秒,然后又直直地正视你的眼睛,这确定无疑地表示她对你感兴趣,因为她正在努力思考你是不是一个合适的伴侣。

If after the man makes eye contact she instantly looks over his head or stares straight back at him it is almost certainly curtains。


Also if she touches her hair she is attracted to you and if she twirls the ends then she really likes you。


The female mind has always been a complete mystery to most men and their enigmatic thoughts and actions almost impossible to decode - until now。


Finally the closely-held secret of whether a woman fancies someone has been exposed and experts have found it is all in the eyes。


A new study looked at how and where women glance after a man

---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ makes initial eye contact and found this shows him all he needs to know about his chances of romance。


What happens in the 45 seconds after meeting makes it crystal clear if love is in the air or whether the hapless male suitor will get the cold shoulder, experts have said。

专家说,是爱情即将降临,还是不走运的男性追求者就要被拒绝,见面 45 秒后结果就清晰可见。

Life coach Ali Campbell says in his book 'More than Just Sex' that the look men want to see is her looking down and then moving her eyes in a sweeping motion across the floor because it almost certainly means that she is attracted to you。

生活教练阿里?6?1 坎贝尔在他的书《不只是性》中写道,男人想看到的“动心”表现是女人往下看,然后视线在地上扫来扫去,因为这基本上表示女人对你有意思。

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This glance means that she is checking her internal emotions, in short, she likes you but is working out how much。


And in a complete reversal the disinterested, shy or bashful look sideways a woman often gives is not the brush-off most men thought it was。


It is in fact the opposite。


If a woman looks away for up to 45 seconds and then stares you straight in the eye it is another sure sign that she is interested because she is thinking hard about whether you are a suitable partner。

如果一个女人向一边看了 45 秒,然后又直直地正视你的眼睛,这确定无疑地表示她对你感兴趣,因为她正在努力思考你是不是一个合适的伴侣。

If after the man makes eye contact she instantly looks over his head or stares straight back at him it is almost certainly curtains。


---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 地盯着他,这基本上就可以确定没戏了。

Also if she touches her hair she is attracted to you and if she twirls the ends then she really likes you。


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男人有时候从外表上看起来傻里傻气,但骨子里为了认识或追求心仪的女孩可是会使出浑身解数,不择手段。看看以下这些男人使用过的招式,也许有可借鉴之处! 如何吸引异性 “一旦我抓住这个女孩子的个性,我会故意说错话,让她来纠正我。这样一来,她在我面前可以很有自信,她也会发觉到我很欣赏她。这个技巧很好用,也不会让自己看起来跟白痴一样。”――23岁的伯特 “虽然我知道大家都知道这个道理,但我在这边还是要重申,追美眉的技巧就是:让她们过来接近你,不是你去死缠烂打。每次我在派对上看到一个还不错的女生,我就会故意走开,然后装有气质地望着窗望。这让我有点神秘感。”――29岁的彼得 “当初我跟我现任女友认识的时候是她先约我出去的,但是我故意装忙,跟她说之后两个礼拜我因为有其它的事情要做,所以没办法跟她出去。这么做是故意让她对我有期待的感觉。没想到事后我问她,她竟然跟我说当时她足足在家等我等了两个礼拜,不知道该穿什么衣服好,就只为了跟我出去。”――28岁的泰德 展开热烈追求 “第一次约会之后,我会故意跟她说我接下来的那个周末没有空,好让我自己看起来很忙碌,并不是成天只会追女孩的饭桶。如果我跟她说我周末没办法跟她出去的原因是因为要去帮我妈妈或是姐姐搬家,那女孩子会更动心,因为爱家的男人也会疼爱老婆跟女朋友。”――21岁的科特 “通常我不会在第一次约会完就马上要求跟对方第二天见面。唯一的例外就是我会装作不经意地在隔天早上打给她说,‘我跟我朋友待会要去海边,昨天我听你说你一直都很想要去散散步……’随便你怎么掰,只要听起来很随意就好。――24岁的达斯丁 约会怪癖 “我爸爸告诉我,如果一个女人吃东西嘴巴不闭起来,她也不会懂得体谅别人。到目前为止都还很准。”――22岁的兰恩 “如果她可以接受我看那些恐怖怪兽电影,那很好。但如果她连我玩电脑都能接受,那我就会觉得怪怪的。我会想,是不是好得有点假了!?”――23岁的丹 “如果女孩子家干净到一尘不染,我会觉得她可能是个很难应付的人。要是我以后真的跟她在一起了,我是不是都不能躺在沙发上吃薯片?”――28岁的菲力普


Part I Wisdom and Beliefs Unit 1 Confucian thought on heaven and humanity Confucius (551-479 BC), known in China as Kongzi, given name Qiu and alias Zhongni, was a native of Zouyi (present-day Qufu in Shandong Province) of the State of Lu during the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC). A great thinker, educator and founder of Confucianism, Confucius is an ancient sage to the Chinese people. His words and life story were recorded by his disciples and their students in The Analects (Lunyu). Confucius on Heaven: the source of Everything In the Shang (1600-1046 BC) and Zhou (1046-256 BC) dynasties, the prevalent concept of “Heaven”was that of a personified god, which influenced Confucius. Generally, however, Confucius regarded “Heaven”as nature. He said, “Heaven does not speak in words. It speaks through the rotation of the four seasons and the growth of all living things.” Obviously, heaven equaled nature, in the eyes of Confucius. Moreover, nature was not a lifeless mechanism separate from humans; instead, it was the great world of life and the process of creation of life. Human life was part and parcel of nature as a whole. Confucius on People: ren and li Ren and Li are the two core concepts of Confucius’s doctrine about people. When his students Fan Chi asked him about ren, Confucius replied, “love people”. This is Confucius’ most important interpretation of ren. Love for the people is universal love. Confucius further emphasized that this kind of love should “begin with the love for one’s parents”. He believed no one could love people in general if they did not even love their own parents. Confucius regarded “filial piety and fraternal duty”as the essence of ren. The Doctrine of the Mean (Zhongyong) quotes Confucius as saying, “ The greatest love for people is the love for one’s parents.” He also said, “Children should not travel far while their parents are alive. If they have no choice but to do so, they must retain some restraint.” He did not mean that children should not leave their parents at all. What he meant was that children should not make the parents anxious about them while away from home. Confucius said again, “Children should think often of the age of their parents. They should feel happy for the health and longevity of their parents. They should also feel concern for the aging of their parents.” By ren, Confucius meant universal love based on love for one’s parents. How should people love one another then? Confucius said, “One should be aware that other people may have similar desires as oneself. While fulfilling one’s desires, allow others to fulfill their desires as well.” He further said, “Do not do toward others anything you would not want to be done to you.” Thus from oneself to one’s family, from family to society, one should extend love to all people. Mencius (c. 372-289 BC), a great Confucian scholar, best summarized ren as, “loving one’s parents, loving the people, loving everything in the world.” Li refers to rituals, traditions and norms in social life. Of these, Confucius regarded burial rituals and ancestral worship rituals as the most important, because they rose from human feelings. He said, “A child should not leave his parents’ bosom until he is three years old.” He naturally love his parents. The ritual of wearing mourning for a deceased parent for three years was an expression of the child’s love and remembrance. Confucius on the State of life


Review Outline for "English Introduction to Chinese Culture Course" Overview & Introduction: See the picture on the right, and describe them in English. Video: This is China BBC: Wild China Full Name of China: PRC-People's Republic of China National Flag: the red five-star flag Party in power: CPC-Communist Party of China CPPCC-Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference National Emblem Key words: Forbidden City/ Imperial Palace; Temple of Heaven; Summer Palace; Ming Tombs; The world-renowned Badaling section of the Great Wall; to be added more... Enjoy videos: NBC北京奥运会片头 《北京欢迎你》 Geography Location Southeast Asia , the Pacific Ocean, the world‘s third largest country. 9.6 million square kilometers, 18,000 kilometers, a rooster. northern end: Mohe, Heilongjiang Province, south: Zengmu Ansha west: Pamirs east: the conjunction of the Heilongjiang (Amur) River and the Wusuli (Ussuri) River. Boundary East: Korea North: Mongalia Northeast: Russia Northwest: Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan West & Southwest: Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan South: Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam Marine-side neighbors include eight countries -- North Korea, Korea, Japan, Philippines, Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam. Topography Terrain


Confucius named Qiu styled Zhongni, a great thinker and educator in the late Spring and Autumn Period, and the founder of Confucianism. Confucius instructed more than 3000 disciples and some were from poor families. Confucius gradually changed the tradition that only nobilities had the right to receive education. In his later years , Confucius compiled many literary works of ancient times, including The Book of Songs ,The Book of Documents, and The Books of Changes. His saying and behaviors were compiled in The Analects of Confucius by his disciples. His ideology has been absorbed and carried composing the essential part of Chinese traditional ideology. It was also spread into the border regions and areas building up a circle of Confucianism. UNESCO labeled him one of the “Ten Culture Celebrities”. 孔子 孔子名丘字仲尼,春秋末期伟大的思想家和教育家,儒家学派创史人。孔子一共教授了三千多个学生,其中不乏贫困家庭的孩子,改变了只有贵族子女才有资格上学的传统。孔子晚年还编订上古书籍,《诗经》《尚书》《周易》等。孔子的言行被他的弟子们收集在《论语》中,他的思想也被后人吸收和发扬光大,成为中国传统思想最主要的组成部分,并逐渐传播到周边国家,形成了影响范围很广的儒家文化圈。联合国教科文组织曾将孔子列入世界十大文化名人之一。 Beijing Opera Beijing Opera is the most popular and influential opera in China with a history of almost 200 years. In development Beijing Opera has formed a number of fictitious props. For instance a pedal means a boat. Without any physical props involved , an actor may perform going upstairs or downstairs opening or closing a door by mere gestures. Though exaggerated those actions would give audience an impression with graceful movements. There are four main roles sheng dan jing and chou. A sheng or dan has the eyebrows painted and eyes circled. A jing and chou have their facial makeup ,for example, a red face depicts the loyalty and bravery and a white face symbolizes treachery and guile. 京剧 京剧是中国流行的最广泛影响最大的一个剧种,拥有两百多年的历史。在长期的发展过程中,京剧形成了一套虚拟表演动作,如一条桨就可以代表一只船。不需要任何的道具,演员就能表现出上楼、下楼,开门、关门等动作,虽然经赤了夸张但这些动作能给观众既真实又优美的感觉。京剧演员分生、旦、净、丑四个行当,生和旦的化痕迹要描眉、吊眉、画眼圈,净丑面部需要化妆,比如,红脸表示忠诚勇猛,白脸表示奸险。


https://www.doczj.com/doc/3916946079.html, 挽回技巧之教你如何吸引女人心 很多人对于爱情的经营只来源于电视剧和言情小说,认为当女朋友提出分手的时候,自己泪流满面的在大雨下演一场苦情戏就可以让对方回心转意了。倒不是说你寻死觅活的表现一点作用都没有,很可能你的女朋友是个善良的人,无奈之下同意和你复合,但是这并不是说你就万事大吉了。 相反,对方在继续和你相处的时候,依旧会找机会并下定决心离开你,一定会是这样,因为那个过去否面的你并没有消失,而且更加变本加厉(寻死觅活的行为)的让人厌恶。所以一切看似成功了的挽回并没有真正的挽回,只是在消耗你们所剩无几的感情基础,等对方彻底深恶痛绝的时候,你就再没有机会了,或者是你需要消耗非常大量的时间精力去挽回被自己搞砸的负面形象。 综上,死缠烂打等行为对于挽回都是饮鸩止渴的,而真正想要对方回心转意只能靠吸引,只有让对方主动地想要与你复合才是长久之计。 一、找出自己的缺陷 如果你想要挽回对方,就必须先要知道自己错在哪里,这个不能问对方,因为很多时候对方不会告诉你真实的原因,只会说:“你很好,我们不适合。”所以只能你自己想,通过回忆之前交往时的点点滴滴来思考哪些是对方不能容忍的缺点,哪些是你必须要做出改变的。 二、自信 你必须要自信,不能因为对方否定了你,你就一蹶不振,认为自己毫无价值。想要吸引回对方,你必须先在心理上真正的认同自己,不要对方一两句话就将你击垮了,表面上对方说什么你都认同他,但是内心深处依旧是自信的,你知道缺点并愿意改正,但这不影响你成为一个

https://www.doczj.com/doc/3916946079.html, 自信乐观的人。你不担心对方和其他男人来往、不担心对方被别人追走、不担心她的小性子,你坚信自己的魅力可以吸引到对方。 三、不要把重心放在对方身上 你有你自己的生活方式和行为规律,无须为他改变。比如说,你给她短信说:“十点了,你早点休息吧。”然后还以为是自己结束了对话展现了高价值,实际上正确的方式应该是:“很晚了,我明天还有个会要发言,我要休息了。”你要掌控一切,并不是围着她转。 一天发很多条短信,打很多通电话的事情不要做,你的骚扰只会加速对方远离你的决心,所以让自己忙起来,提升自己。 挽回女生的心,只能靠吸引


引导语:说到技能,也许你会把它和男人联系到一起。但作为新一代的女性,也有很多技能是你们必须掌握的。下面就让小编给各位女性朋友分享一下女人应该掌握的75项技能分别是什么吧。 ? 1.学会善待批评。女士们回应批评通常采取两种做法:她们跳到对立的一面为自己辩护,而不考虑对方是否提出了有建设性的批评能够对自己有所帮助;她们把批评埋藏在心底,结果导致自怨自艾,心里难受。当面对批评职责的时候,应该留意这些批评出自何处,批评你的人是出于何种目的和动机,同时也要考虑在这些批评当中是否有值得你学习改进的地方。 2.基本的汽车保养技术。保养汽车并不是独属男士的技能;你很可能在你的汽车上花了很多的时间,那么你应该至少对引擎盖下面有些什么有个大致的了解。同样,你应该知道如何更换轮胎和推助启动你的汽车。 3.懂得如何投资。智慧地投资一些东西,无论股票、债券、房地产、贵重金属,还是你觉得它虽然刚刚起步但它会成为下一个微软或者Google的公司。 4.获得果断自信地沟通的能力。果断自信地交流沟通意味着你一定头脑冷静,你知道你要的是什么,你面对面地向当事人而不是在他背后表达你的想法,你真实、明确、直接表达你的需求和感受——在恰当的时候。不要绕圈子。同时,不必要引起冲突。 5.懂得如何使用电动工具。没什么事情比能够在墙上钻一个洞并且把图画挂上更能完善自己的了。 6.参加一个自卫训练班。这可以教会你如何估计事件的情况从而采取最佳方式逃脱。希望你永远不需要用到你在课堂上学到的,但是知道如何保护自己会使你自信一个潜在的攻击者会因此认为你是个麻烦的目标。 7.喜怒不形与色。不要让别人看到你在冒冷汗。情绪在社交互动场合是一个重要的组成部分,能够交流沟通你的情绪和能够读懂别人的情绪将对你的成功产生重要的帮助。 8.学会微笑,为了显示愉快和喜悦,而不是为了取悦他人。在不恰当的时间微笑会被别人看扁。 9.乳房自我检查。这是长久以来所提倡的必不可少的为早期乳腺癌做检测。学习如何每月起码执行一次。 10.学会委托。时常问自己,摆在面前的任务会不会使你更接近你的目标,你是不是承担这个任务的合适人选。如果它不会让你更加地接近你的目标,而其他的人可以以最高的质量来完成这个特定的任务,那么你应该把任务交给他们。 ?


中国龙 对龙图腾的崇拜在中国大约已绵延了八千多年。中国龙是古人将鱼,蛇,马,牛等动物与云雾,雷电等自然天象集合而成的一种神物。中国龙的形成与中华民族的多元融合过程同步。在中国人的心目中,龙具有振奋腾飞,开拓变化的寓意和团结凝聚的精神。 Chinese Dragon Dragon totem worship in China has been around for the last 8,000 years. The ancients in China considered the dragon (or Loong) a fetish that combines animals including the fish, snake, horse and ox with cloud, thunder, lightning and other natural celestial phenomena. The Chinese dragon was formed in accordance with the multicultural fusion process of the Chinese nation. To the Chinese, the dragon signifies innovation and cohesion. 饺子 饺子是深受中国人民喜爱的传统特色食品。相传为古代医圣仲景发明。饺子的制作是包括:1)擀皮、2)备馅、3)包馅水煮三个步骤。其特点是皮薄馅嫩,味道鲜美,形状独特,百食不厌。民间有"好吃不过饺子"的俗语。中国人接亲待友。逢年过节都有包饺子吃的习俗,寓意吉利。对崇尚亲情的中国人来说,"更岁交子"吃饺子,更是欢度除夕、辞旧迎新必不可少的容。 Dumplings Dumplings are one of the Chinese people's favorite traditional dishes. According to an ancient Chinese legend, dumplings were first made by the medical saint-Zhang Zhongjing. There are three steps involved in making dumplings: 1) make dumpling wrappers out of dumpling flour; 2) prepare the dumpling stuffing; 3) make dumplings and boil them. With thin and elastic dough skin, freshen and tender stuffing, delicious taste, and unique shapes, dumplings are worth eating hundreds of times. There's an old saying that claims, "Nothing could be more delicious than dumplings." During the Spring Festival and other holidays or when treating relatives and friends, Chinese people like to follow the auspicious custom of eating dumplings. To Chinese people who show high reverence for family love, having dumplings at the moment the old year is replaced by the new is an essential part of bidding farewell to the old and ushering in the New Year. 针灸 针灸是中医学的重要组成部分。按照中医的经络理论,针灸疗法主要是通过疏通经络、调和气血,来达到阴阳归于平衡,使脏腑趋于调和之目的。其特点是"病外治"。主要疗法是用针刺入病人身体的一定穴位,或用艾火的温热刺激烧灼病人的穴位。以达到刺激经络,治疗病痛的目的。针灸以其独特的优势,流传至今病传播到了世界,与中餐、功夫、中药一起被海外赞誉为中国的"新四大国粹"。 Acupuncture Acupuncture is an important part of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). In accordance with the "main and collateral channels" theory in TCM, the purpose of acupuncture is to dredge the channel and regulate qi and blood, so as to keep the body's yin and yang balanced and achieve reconciliation between the internal organs. It features in traditional Chinese medicine that "internal diseases are to b e treated with external therapy"/ the main therapy of acupuncture involves using needles to pierce certain acupoints of the patient's body, or adopting moxibustion to stimulate the patient's acupoints so as to stimulate the channels


追女秘诀 女人是什么?如果男人是肉体,女人就是灵魂,多少男人为女人五体投地,为女人妻离子散,为女人失去得罪了多少朋友,女人是什么?为什么要又女人来操控我们男人的生活,男人不是为女人而生,是为世界而生。不要让女人控制了你的一切,,我们不要一直追着女人,今天我们要逆转这一切。 要追女人要学会了解女人,了解女人必须了解他们的心,再坚强的女人都有一颗软弱的内心,抓住它,她就是你的。如何抓住它?对不同女人就得不同方法。 首先第一眼看见一个女生时,你会有一种特殊的感觉,当然那不一定是爱,也可以确定的说应该是吧,呵呵。很多男生此时就不知所措了,其实真的很喜欢就是不知道怎么去表达去接近这个女孩,当然很多聪哥的男生就不一样了。作为一个内向型的男生此时的你应该勇敢一点,找机会接近她才有机会认识,认识了后来发生什么还得看自己的应变能力。 其实女孩子最害怕的是别人对她“好”,我们知道女人的内心是脆弱的,对所以人来说何尝不是,特别是当女人受到什么打击时,比如刚刚失恋,家庭因素等等,当她内心脆弱时你在她身边安慰照顾,呵护她,你会感觉彼此的距离拉近了一大步。有人说这是乘人之危,其实不然只是善于抓住女人

需要什么罢了。女人需要的不是多帅多有钱,而是多爱她,多在乎她,在她心里对她“好”的人就是她依偎一生的人。 其次对女生要保持魅力,忽远忽近,像是一种朦胧感,不能随意献殷勤,所有女生都讨厌献殷勤的男人。不是每次约会你都要去,你可以等她去了后,给她说自己因为某某原因无法去了,这时她不但不怪你还会关心,会担心。对于电话也是一样的。爱情是点点滴滴一步一步而成的速成的爱情结果往往是失败的,所以不要怕追一个女生的路途太长,越长她越爱你,越早答应你,分开就越快,因为爱情需要磨合,需要了解,需要考验,聪明的女生往往拥有甜蜜的爱情就是如此,当然坚持的男生也将拥有最美的女人。总结为爱情不是投入越多收获的就越多。 当然对女生还得学会欲擒故纵,看似放开其实抓的越紧,当你猛的对一个女生好一段时间后突然离开她的视线,也许他这段时间没有在乎你,可她绝对已经适应了你对她的好,就像你突然失去一样东西时你会觉得空空如也的感觉,女生也是如此,所以把握好时间的放开是拉近距离的倍效法。还有女生最爱吃醋,也爱嫉妒别人,别人拥有的她都想有,没有一个女生会否认这个心理运用这一心理,你也可以搞定一些女生,当然是她追你哦,呵呵,你好好的对一个女生,她闺蜜们就会羡慕嫉妒,此时机会来了,你再把自己在背后说的委屈一点我靠,她就会把原来的嫉妒心转化为同情心,此

中国文化 英文表达

1. 元宵节:Lantern Festival 2. 刺绣:embroidery 3. 重阳节:Double-Ninth Festival 4. 清明节:Tomb sweeping day 5. 剪纸:Paper Cutting 6. 书法:Calligraphy 7. 对联:(Spring Festival) Couplets 8. 象形文字:Pictograms/Pictographic Characters 9. 人才流动:Brain Drain/Brain Flow 10. 四合院:Siheyuan/Quadrangle 11. 战国:Warring States 12. 风水:Fengshui/Geomantic Omen 13. 铁饭碗:Iron Bowl 14. 函授部:The Correspondence Department 15. 集体舞:Group Dance 16. 黄土高原:Loess Plateau 17. 红白喜事:Weddings and Funerals 18. 中秋节:Mid-Autumn Day 19. 结婚证:Marriage Certificate 20. 儒家文化:Confucian Culture 21. 附属学校:Affiliated school 22. 古装片:Costume Drama 23. 武打片:Chinese Swordplay Movie 24. 元宵:Tangyuan/Sweet Rice Dumpling (Soup) 25. 一国两制:One Country, Two Systems 26. 火锅:Hot Pot


https://www.doczj.com/doc/3916946079.html, 抓住女人心,需要你懂得女人深入的需求 女人想要什么?这个问题似乎没有一个完整的答案。表面上来看,女人想要东西很多,更多的衣服、更多的物质、更多的爱、更多的优越感、更多的关怀,即使是一个同款的包包,颜色不一样的她都会想要多拥有一个。男人说女人贪心,因为自己好像永远也无法满足她的欲望。其实,你根本不了解女人,女人真正想要的是一个能够用自己的魅力征服她,并引导她去体验那些令她好奇的新鲜事物,去照顾她并帮她做一些决定的男人。 就像情感专家所说:“女人的物质需求高,有时是因为没有遇到可以引导她生活的男人。女人需要被男人带领,哪怕是强势的女人,内心深处也希望有一个比她强势的男人征服她带领她。”所以你需要读懂女人的想法,学会筛选她的追求。当女人遇到这样让她心仪的男人,自然就会降低其它的需求。 女人喜欢什么样的男人 不同的女人喜欢的男人类型都不一样,玉树临风、成熟稳重、有幽默感、懂情趣会浪漫等等类型多不胜数。但归根到底,女人都喜欢认真的男人,认真的男人让人感觉可靠,对生活和工作都认真的男人是有责任心的,而责任心又会给人安全感,女人要的其实就是一种安全感,并不是说你给予她很多物质她就会满足了。她在乎的就是一种真实的感觉,她渴望你的重视和关怀。当你足够强大,你的存在让她有可以依赖的信任感,让她对你的爱超越了一切其它的物质,那她自然会驯服于你并听从你的指引了。 如何让她更爱你 一段感情中,如果你的需求感越高,越不会被对方珍惜,相反需求感低的一方会被对方重视。当她对你投入得越多,她就会越在乎你,因为潜意识中她会把这个心理合理化为她非常非

https://www.doczj.com/doc/3916946079.html, 常爱你。所以想要一个女人更加爱你,你需要让她对这段感情不断地投入,当她为你投入得越多,就越离不开你。当然你也不能什么都不做,偶尔来点小浪漫,比如送鲜花到她上班的地方,接她下班看上一场爱情电影,女人都喜欢秀恩爱,没有什么比满足她在外人面前的小虚荣感更让她开心的了,当她越迷恋于你给的宠爱,自然会越来越爱你了。 做一个认真并让她有信心有期待的男人,读懂她并给予她真正需要的,才能牢牢地抓住女 人的心。


P a r t I W i s d o m a n d B e l i e f s Unit 1 Confucian thought on heaven and humanity Confucius (551-479 BC), known in China as Kongzi, given name Qiu and alias Zhongni, was a native of Zouyi (present-day Qufu in Shandong Province) of the State of Lu during the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC). A great thinker, educator and founder of Confucianism, Confucius is an ancient sage to the Chinese people. His words and life story were recorded by his disciples and their students in The Analects (Lunyu). Confucius on Heaven: the source of Everything In the Shang (1600-1046 BC) and Zhou (1046-256 BC) dynasties, the prevalent concept of “Heaven”was that of a personified god, which influenced Confucius. Generally, however, Confucius regarded “Heaven” as nature. He said, “Heaven does not speak in words. It speaks through the rotation of the four seasons and the growth of all living things.”Obviously, heaven equaled nature, in the eyes of Confucius. Moreover, nature was not a lifeless mechanism separate from humans; instead, it was the great world of life and the process of creation of life. Human life was part and parcel of nature as a whole. Confucius on People: ren and li Ren and Li are the two core concepts of Confucius’s doctrine about people. When his students Fan Chi asked him about ren, Confucius replied, “love people”. This is Confucius’ most important interpretation of ren. Love for the people is universal love. Confucius further emphasized that this kind of love should “begin with the love for one’s parents”. He believed no one could love people in general if they did not even love their own parents. Confucius regarded “filial piety and fraternal duty”as the essence of ren. The Doctrine of the Mean (Zhongyong) quotes Confucius as saying, “The greatest love for people is the love for one’s parents.” He also said, “Children should not travel far while their parents are alive. If they have no choice but to do so, they must retain some restraint.” He did not mean that children should not leave their parents at all. What he meant was that children should not make the parents anxious about them while away from home. Confucius said again, “Children should think often of the age of their parents. They should feel happy for the health and longevity of their parents. They should also feel concern for the aging of their parents.” By ren, Confucius meant universal love based on love for one’s parents. How should people love one another then Confucius said, “One should be aware that other people may have similar desires as oneself. While fulfilling one’s desires, allow others to fulfill their desires as well.” He further said, “Do not do toward others anything you would not want to be done to you.” Thus from oneself to one’s family, from family to society, one should extend love to all people. Mencius (c. 372-289 BC), a great Confucian scholar, best summarized ren as, “loving one’s parents, loving the people, loving everything in the world.” Li refers to rituals, traditions and norms in social life. Of these, Confucius regarded burial rituals and ancestral worship rituals as the most important, because they rose from human feelings. He said, “A child should not leave his parents’ bosom until he is three years old.” He naturally love his parents. The ritual of wearing mourning for a deceased parent for three years was an expression of the child’s love and remembrance. Confucius on the State of life


、 99个中华传统文化的英文表达 一、传统节日 1.传统中国节日:traditional Chinese festival 2.农历:lunar calendar 3.腊八节:Laba Festival 4.小年:Little New Year 5.除夕:Lunar New Year’s Eve 6.春节:the Spring Festival 7.正月初一:the lunar New Year’s Day 8.元宵节:the Lantern Festival 9.正月:the first month of the lunar year 10.二月二:Dragon Heads-raising Day 二、传统习俗 1. 喝腊八粥:eat Laba porridge 2. 扫尘:sweep the dust 3. 扫房:spring cleaning 4. 祭灶:offer sacrifices to the God of Kitchen 5. 守岁:staying up 6. 拜年:pay a New Year’s call 7. 祭祖:offer sacrifices to one’s ancestors 8. 祭财神:worship the God of Wealth 9. 春联:Spring Festival couplets 10.贴倒福:paste the Chinese character “Fu” upside down 11.去晦气:get rid of the ill-fortune 12.辞旧岁:bid farewell to the old year 13.兆头:omen 14.禁忌:taboo 15.烧香:burn incense

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