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一、单项选择 (共15题;共30分)

1. (2分)Jessica's parents always encourage her out her opinions.

A . speak

B . speaking

C . to speak

D . will speak

2. (2分)Don't forget the lights before you go to bed.

A . turn off

B . turning off

C . to turn off

3. (2分)In order to make Dandong more beautiful, more trees and flowers ________ every year.

A . will plant

B . should plant

C . should be planted

D . must plant

4. (2分)Lucy promised to go to the concert, but she didn't ______ when the concert was on.

A . turn up

B . take up

C . wake up

D . put up

5. (2分)He said that ________the English club at school was the best way_______ his English.

A . joining; to improve

B . join; of improving

C . joining; improved

D . join; improving

6. (2分)Dora's dream is ________ an English teacher when she grows up.

A . for being

B . to being

C . to be

D . be

7. (2分)He says he the Great Wall twice.

A . has been in

B . has been to

C . has gone to

D . has been for

8. (2分)You ________________ study hard if you want to get good grades.

A . are suppose

B . are supposed

C . are supposed to

D . suppose

9. (2分)Can I eat ________ bread, Mum?

A . any

B . some

C . a

D . many

10. (2分)You won't pass the exam ______ you work harder than ever.

A . if

B . when

C . unless

11. (2分)Thanks for ______________ us ________ on the school trip.

A . let, go

B . to let, to go

C . letting, go

D . letting, going

12. (2分)In the end, we completed the work on time and got the praise (称赞) from our boss.

A . Finally

B . Really

13. (2分)The meat is too big. Let's cut .

A . them up

B . it up

C . up it

14. (2分)This Unit has new words, so it is very difficult for me.

A . few

B . little

C . much

D . many

15. (2分)—Can you tell me _____ now?

—At a local restaurant.

A . where was Ruby working

B . where did Ruby work

C . where Ruby is working

D . where Ruby worked

二、完形填空 (共1题;共15分)

16. (15分)阅读短文,从每题所给选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项

The students in Shanghai No. 3 Girls High School have a flower-arrangement (插花) lesson every week. The course is the first of its kind among middle schools in Shanghai. It helps the students to enjoy the 1of flowers better. That's why the course has become very popular 2the students.

The teachers of the course are all specially trained(专门地培训). They are 3 at this art and work hard at passing on the skill 4students. So far, many students in the school have 5a lot of prizes in this field. In order to further 6the students’ skills, the teachers usually play 7while students are arranging flowers. Students are 8with the music, and they 9more good ideas for flower-arrangement.

Besides, the teachers 10teach the students other skills at the 11 time. For example, they ask the students to 12compositions(作文) about flowers. In this way, students not only 13 art education but also improve(提高) their writing skills.

Several months ago, some foreign teachers 14 the school. When they saw common flowers become more lively and meaningful, they were amazed and interested. They made videos and would play them in class for their own 15after they returned home.


B . beauty

C . smell

D . shape (2)

A . between

B . around

C . among

D . about (3)

A . well

B . nice

C . great

D . good (4)

A . with

B . for

C . to

D . in (5)

A . beaten

B . hit

C . won

D . struck (6)

A . drop

B . decide

C . develop

D . train


A . music

B . games

C . jokes

D . sports (8)

A . happy

B . popular

C . careful

D . angry (9)

A . think of

B . run out of

C . hold on

D . put off (10)

A . always

B . never

C . hardly

D . seldom (11)

A . different

B . same

C . another

D . other (12)

A . read

B . play

C . write


A . get

B . give

C . make

D . take


A . arrived

B . went

C . got

D . visited


A . parents

B . friends

C . students

D . classmates

三、阅读理解 (共3题;共28分)

17. (10分) I have some boxes. One is small . It's blue . One is full(满的)of books .It's red. The third is new. There is nothing in it . There are some old bottles in a big blue box. Today, I want to put the red box in the car, but I can't carry it. My mother helps me. And she can put the box in the car.

(1)I have _____boxes.

A . one

B . two

C . three

D . four

(2)I want to put the____ box in the car.

A . blue

B . small

C . new

(3)The____box is empty.

A . red

B . small

C . new

D . blue

(4)The red box is ____,so I can't carry it.

A . heavy

B . light

C . old

D . small

(5)_____helps me put the red box in the car.

A . Father

B . Mother

C . Nobody

D . My friend

18. (10分)阅读短文,下列问题


If you walk along any street in London, you will see the famous black taxis and the red buses. You will also see the policemen in their famous uniforms, the beautiful parks and people from every country. You can even visit Chinatown, a few streets in the centre of London. Many Chinese families live there. The Chinese New Year celebrations in Chinatown are very popular in London and many English people go to watch them.

For the Millennium Year (千禧年) 2000, two new places were built in London for visitors, the London Eye and the Dome. The Dome was only open for a year, but you can still see the unusual round building now.

(1)What colour are the taxis in London?

A . Black.

B . Red.

C . Green.

D . Yellow.

(2)What does the underlined word "Chinatown" mean in Chinese?

A . 中国

B . 唐人塔

C . 唐人街

D . 中国旧址

(3)What is popular among English people in Chinatown?

A . Chinese movies.

B . Chinese visitors.

C . Chinese families.

D . Chinese New Year.

(4)How many new places were built in London for visitors in 2000?

A . One.

B . Two.

C . Three.

D . Four.

(5)How long was the Dome open?

A . A year.

B . All the time.

C . Two years.

D . We don't know.

19. (8分)阅读理解

In America there are many more cars than in China. Maybe the number of cars in California is the same as the number in China. But there are fewer traffic jams and accidents in America than in China. We hardly see traffic police in the street, but all drivers obey strictly traffic rules, and people hardly find that someone does not obey traffic rules in the street.

About American traffic rules, there are many better terms, such as:

Stop line:There are stop lines in all crossing without traffic light(some have two stop lines and others have four stop lines);all cars must stop while meeting the stop line.

Traffic lights:There are traffic lights in the crossing of the road. Cars may almost turn every direction;the traffic lights can give signals step by step including U—rum. There is a kind of middle lane of turning left. When a driver wants to turn left in the road. he may enter into the middle lane

(车道)of turning left and give a signal of turning left. when he thinks it's safe, he may turn left.

Specific item:Such as parking, there are three kinds of lines(its colors are white, blue or red)in the roadside. Every line may park different kinds of cars. There are many streets in some residential areas(住宅区), and no car can park at any time or any period of time.

About the priority(优先权)of passengers and cars:At any case, passengers have the

priority to cars. But only after passengers have passed the road and gotten the top of sidestep, cars may go ahead. In general, traffic rules of America are very specific, convenient and safe.

(1)If you meet a stop line while driving a car in the crossing without traffic lights, .

A . you must stop

B . you can go ahead

C . you can turn left

D . you can have a u—turn.

(2)What color is NOT included in the paring lines in America?

A . White.

B . Yellow.

C . Blue.

D . Red.

(3)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A . At any case. cars have the priority to passengers.

B . Traffic policemen are often seen in the street in America.

C . You can easily find that a driver does not obey traffic rules in the street in America.

D . While given a signal of turning left and being safe , you can turn left in the middle lane ofturning left.

(4)What does this passage mainly talk about?

A . Stop line.

B . Traffic lights.

C . American traffic rules.

D . The priority of passengers and cars.

四、补全对话 (共2题;共10分)

20. (5分)任务型阅读根据短文内容按要求完成任务。Passage A 根据短文内容完成文后的图表。

Hillary is one of the most famous women in America. Born in 1947, she lived a happy childhood. Her parents were open to anything that interested her. But they were also strict with her. When young Hillary got A grades at school, her father said the school must have been too easy. When she ran home from a bad school boy, her mother wouldn’t let her in. “Go back and face up to him. There is no room in the house for a coward(懦夫)!”

Years later, young Hillary put all of her energy into politics(政治). As a student leader, she often discussed and researched social problems. In 1969, Hillary entered Yale Law School, where she met Bill Clinton. The two soon became partners in political activities and the journey of love.

Even after Bill was elected(选举)as president in 1992, Hillary didn't want to just be the president's wife. She worked on US healthcare. However, she was not popular with those against her husband. At that time, some people said she was too interested in politics. But Hillary kept her head held high, When she takes on a project, she works tirelessly until it is completed,”said Betty Lowe, an ole friend of the Clintons. "It's that kind of determination(决心)that will help her win the White House."She has made a decision that she will take part in the election of the next president in 2016。

Doctor: Good morning! ________

Tom: Tom.

Doctor: ________

Tom: I'm not feeling well. I have a toothache and I can't eat anything.

Doctor: When did it start?

Tom: ________

Doctor: Let me examine you. Open your mouth and say "Ah", please.

Tom: Ah……Is it serious?

Doctor: ________ Just stop eating candies and take the medicine. You will feel better soon.

Tom: How often should I take the medicine?

Doctor: ________

Tom: Thank you.

五、选词填空 (共1题;共10分)

22. (10分)根据短文内容,从方框中选出恰当的单词或短语填空,使语意通顺完整。每个选项只能使用一次,每框有一项剩余。

Personality is about ________ people think, behave and react in different ________. So what makes people think behave and react in certain ways?

Part of the reason is that people are ________like this A baby gets its blood type, genes, and ________physical things when it's still inside its mother. These things may help decide the baby will be like.

For example, if you don't know how to make friends, find ________the reason Is it because you're too shy? Tell yourself to smile at people. Start talking to people using ________greetings.

However it's not easy to change lifelong habits in one night. Don't give yourself a hard time .Keep working at it .One day you'll see that you can turn over a new leaf and to be a new you.

六、书面表达 (共1题;共5分)

23. (5分)你叫肖宏, 是一名中学生。你的美国朋友John想了解你在中国的家庭生活, 请你写一篇短文介绍自己的家庭生活。

内容提示: 1)简要介绍家庭成员。2)说说你有什么个人财产或物品。3)你是否做家务。4)你和家人一起的活动。5)是否有家规, 是什么?6)关于你的家庭, 你最喜欢的是什么?

注意: 1)条理清晰, 意思连贯, 语句通顺, 标点正确, 逻辑严谨; 2)80词左右;可适当扩展。

提示词: 个人财产possession

Dear John,

I'm glad to tell you my family life in China

I hope you can come here to experience my life with me.

Yours sincerely,

Xiao Hong


一、单项选择 (共15题;共30分)
















二、完形填空 (共1题;共15分)


三、阅读理解 (共3题;共28分) 17-1、














四、补全对话 (共2题;共10分)



五、选词填空 (共1题;共10分)


六、书面表达 (共1题;共5分)



2018--2019年度第一学期第一次月考测试题 八年级英语 (时间:90分钟满分:100分) 一`听力部分(20分) I、听对话,根据对话内容选出正确答案。(每小题1分,共10分) 听第一段对话,回答1-2小题。 ( )1. Where did Jane go on vacation? A. Sydney. B. Tokyo. C. New York City. ( )2. How were the people there? A. They were hard-working. B. They were busy. C. They were friendly. 听第二段对话,回答3-4小题。 ( )3. When did Bob go to the Summer Palace? A. Last weekend. B. Last month. C. Last year. ( )4. Who did Bob go with? A. His family. B. His classmates. C. His friends. 听第三段对话,回答5-6小题。 ( )5. How was Sarah’s vacation? A. It was tiring. B. It was terrible. C. It was pretty good. ( )6. What did Sarah do during her vacation? A. She had seafood in a restaurant. B. She went to the beach. C. She visited many museums. 听第四段对话,回答7-8小题。 ( )7. What’s Alice’s favorite sport? A. Football. B. Swimming. C. Basketball. ( )8. How many hours does Mike spend watching TV every day? A. Two hours. B. Three hours. C. Four hours. 听第五段对话,回答9-10小题。 ( )9. How often does Gina eat junk food? A. Once a week. B. Once a month. C. Once a year. ( )10. Does Gina like milk? A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesn’t. C. We don’t know. II、听短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。(每小题1分,共10分) A:听第一篇短文,回答11-15小题。 ( )11. Mrs. Green is _____. A. a doctor B. a teacher C. Bill’s s ister ( )12. Mrs. Green does n’t like _____. A. milk B. vegetables C. junk food ( )13. Mrs. Green _____ once a week. A. drinks coffee B. drinks milk C. eats junk food ( )14. On weekends _____ often plays baseball with Mrs. Green.


八年级下册期末英语试卷及答案 一、单项选择: ( ) 1. Mo Yan is one of most popular writers in the world. He was honest boy when he was child. A. a; a B. a; an C. the; a D. the; an ( ) 2.I’m a teenager and I don’t play with soft toys any longer. A. no longer; / B. no; longer C. / ; no longer D. no; any longer ( ) 3. ---How long your uncle this personal computer ? --- Since ten years ago. He wants to buy a new one. A. have; had B. has; bought C. have ; bought D. has; had ( ) 4. Hurry up! The piano concert for five minutes. A. had begun B. has been on C. has begun D. began ( ) 5. --- Long time no see your father! Where has he ? --- He has Beijing for a month. He’ll be back next week. A. been; been in B. gone; been C. been; been to D. gone; gone to ( ) 6. My mother used to the song “Where’s time going?” . Now she is used to it. A. hating; listen B. hated; listened to C. hate; listening to D. hating; listening


辽中县2014年9月八年级英语阶段测试题(满分:100分)Ⅰ.基础知识与运用(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) A) 选择并抄写单词。 1. From an early age, he showed great ___________ability. (artistic, artist) 2.Is there ___________ (anything, something) on the blackboard? 3.The king ___________(ordered, made) his men to collect a bag of rice 4.With the ten numbers, we can count things ___________ (easy, easily). 5.The spinning wheel was a Chinese ____________ (inventor, invention). B) 根据汉语提示,写出单词的正确形式。 6.Ludwig Von Beethoven was a great _____________(音乐家). 7.The winner will get an English-Chinese dictionary as a __________(奖品). 8.I’d like to ___________(挑战) myself to make greater progress. 9.There are many kinds of ____________(恐龙) on Earth. 10.The book ___________(包括)some beautiful photos. They are part of the book. C)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 11.We __________ the football match yesterday. (win) 12.The doctor ordered me ___________ a rest for a month. (take) 13.He put one grain on the first square, four on the ________, and so on. (three) 14.There are many __________ in Disneyland Park. ( attract) 15.It is always _________ to have an English- Chinese dictionary. You should buy one. (use) Ⅱ.按要求完成下列各题(共15题,每小题2分,满分30分) A) 选择填空 ( ) 16. Da Vinci was ____Italian painter and one of his paintings, the Mona Lisa, is ____ most famous in ____ world. A .an, a, the B. a, the, the C. an, the, the D. the, a, the ( ) 17. Nanjing isn’t so large as Shanghai. ____it is the second largest city in East .China. A. But B. However C .Because D. So ( ) 18.____ is impossible, if you put your heart into it. A .Something B. Anything C. Everything D. Nothing ( ) 19.------Is ____ here? ------No, Bob and Tim have asked for leave. A. anybody B. somebody C. everybody D. nobody ( ) 20.____ are very important to the farmers in Australia. A . Sheeps B. Sheep C. A sheep D. The sheeps ( )21.Abraham Lincoln was ____ president of the United States. A. 16 B. the 16 C. 16th D. the 16th ( ) 22.Our school is not very big. There are only____ students. A. nine hundreds of B. nine hundred C. nine hundreds D. nine hundred of


织金二中高三第四次月考(文) 英语 第一部分阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) 第一节:阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A An 80-year-old man was sitting on the sofa in his house along with his 45-year-old highly educated son. Suddenly a crow(乌鸦)perched on the tree near their window. The father asked his son, ''What is this? '' The son replied, ''It is a crow. '' After a few minutes, the father asked his son the 2nd time, ''What is this? '' The son said, ''Father, I have just now told you 'It's a crow'. '' After a little while, the old father again asked his son the 3rd time, ''What is this? '' ''It's a crow, a crow, a crow.'' said the son loudly. A little after, the father again asked his son the 4th time, ''What is this? '' This time the son shouted at his father, ''Why do you keep asking me the same question again and again? 'IT IS A CROW'. Are you not able to understand this? '' A little later the father went to his room and came back with an old diary, which he had kept since his son was born. On opening a page, he asked his son to read that page. When the son read it, the following words were written in the diary: ''Today my little son aged three was sitting with me on the sofa, when a crow was sitting on the window. My son asked me 23 times what it was, and I replied to him all 23 times that it was a crow. I hugged him lovingly each time he asked me the same question again and again for 23 times. I did not at all feel annoyed; I rather felt affection for my innocent child. '' 1. What does the underlined word ''perched'' mean in the passage? A. knocked B. flew C. hit D. landed 2. In what tone did the son say to his Father ''It's a crow, a crow, a crow. ''? A. hurried B.excited C.impatient D. surprised 3. Why did the Father ask the same question again and again? A. Because he wanted to see how patient his son would be. B. Because he was too old to remember anything. C. Because he wanted to make his son angry. D. Because he couldn't understand what his son said. 4. What is the most suitable title for the passage? A. A crow. B. An old man. C. An old dairy. D. Father's love. B During the past Spring Festival, many children may have received red packets from their families. But Xing Pu, a 40-year-old economist, is asking the government to give red packets to every Chinese citizen.


第一次月考测试题 八年级英语 (时间:90分钟满分:100分) 一`听力部分(20分) I、听对话,根据对话内容选出正确答案。(每小题1分,共10分) 听第一段对话,回答1-2小题。 ( )1. Where did Jane go on vacation? A. Sydney. B. Tokyo. C. New York City. ( )2. How were the people there? A. They were hard-working. B. They were busy. C. They were friendly. 听第二段对话,回答3-4小题。 ( )3. When did Bob go to the Summer Palace? A. Last weekend. B. Last month. C. Last year. ( )4. Who did Bob go with? A. His family. B. His classmates. C. His friends. 听第三段对话,回答5-6小题。 ( )5. How was Sarah’s vacation? A. It was tiring. B. It was terrible. C. It was pretty good. ( )6. What did Sarah do during her vacation? A. She had seafood in a restaurant. B. She went to the beach. C. She visited many museums. 听第四段对话,回答7-8小题。 ( )7. What’s Alice’s favorite sport? A. Football. B. Swimming. C. Basketball. ( )8. How many hours does Mike spend watching TV every day? A. Two hours. B. Three hours. C. Four hours. 听第五段对话,回答9-10小题。 ( )9. How often does Gina eat junk food? A. Once a week. B. Once a month. C. Once a year. ( )10. Does Gina like milk? A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesn’t. C. We don’t know. II、听短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。(每小题1分,共10分) A:听第一篇短文,回答11-15小题。 ( )11. Mrs. Green is _____. A. a doctor B. a teacher C. Bill’s sister ( )12. Mrs. Green does n’t like _____. A. milk B. vegetables C. junk food ( )13. Mrs. Green _____ once a week. A. drinks coffee B. drinks milk C. eats junk food


五、单项选择(15 分) () 21. I think _____ is meaningful for us to help other people. A. it B. that C. this D. it's ()22. - Who joined Oxfam Trailwalker last year, Sam? - Mile _____. A. joined B. would C. did D. was ()23. People over 18 can group____ into a team of four people and join the charity walk. A. they B. their C. theirs D. them () 24. They should plan ____ during the walk. A. what are they going to carry B. what they are going to carry C. how are they going to carry D. how should they carry () 25. If you finish the walk ____ two hours, you will receive a certificate. A. within B. for C. since D. after () 26. Which team is ____, yours or theirs? A. popular B. more popular C. most popular D. the most popular () 27. I wish that I ____ a bird. A. am B. is C. was D. be ()28. Mr Li,our maths teacher,was ill this morning ____ he didn't come to school today. A. so B. because of C. because D. but ()29. They need ____ together to finish the hike because only the team's finishing time will be recorded. A. walk B. walking C. walked D. to walk () 30. It is wrong ____ some people look down on blind people and it is necessary for ____ ____ help them. A. that; us; to B. that; we; to C. that; you; too D. /; us; to 六、完形填空 ( 每小题 2 分,共 12分 ) Now it is the summer holiday. Time always 31 fast. In the holiday, the weather is hot and I can't do much 32 , but I live happily. The afternoon is hot, 33 I do my homework in the morning. I get up at 6:30 and take a walk in the park for half an hour. After breakfast,I begin to34 English and Chinese, and do some maths exercises. I work very hard. I spend the afternoon outside. I go to the beach. I like to 35 in the sea. It is very funny, I will not go home until it is about five or six o'clock. Sometimes a friend of mine will come to see me and we will spend a few hours 36 songs. In this way I spend my holiday happily. 31.A. stops B. flies C. sleeps D. walks 32.A. work B. rain C. food D. wind


楚州区教育教学第三协作片期中统考八年级 英语学科试卷 命题人:潘福平 一、选择题。(20 分) ( )1. It’s UFO. A. a B. an C. the D./ ( )2. Is there in today’s newspaper? A. something interesting B. interesting something C. anything interesting D. interesting anything ( )3. a day do you feed your pet? Twice a day. A. How often B. How long C. How many D. How many times ( )4. My dog is animal of all. A. clever B. cleverest C. cleverer D. the cleverest ( )5. --- Is the English book yours? --- No, it Simon’s. A. can B. can be C. maybe D. might is ( )6. –---Why don’t we? ---------- It’s a good idea . A . going fishing B . to go fishing C . go fish D . go fishing ( )7. The woman enjoys . A. sing and dance B. sings and dances C. singing and dancing D. singing and dances ( )8. It took half an hour his homework. A. her, do B. him, do C. him, to do D. him, doing ( )9. interesting story it is! A. What B. How C. What a D. What an ( )10. A person cannot sneeze and his eyes at the same time. A. lets, open B. keep, open C. lets, close D. keep, close ( )11. Remember to your homework to school tomorrow. A. take B. bring C. buy D. worry ( )12. is important fish fresh water. A. That; to give B. It; to give C. That; giving D. It; to giving ( )13. You be polite to the old man. A. should B. can C. need D. may ( )14. –Must I return the book right now? –No, you . A. mustn’t B. don’t have to C. needn’t D.B and C ( )15. Timmy plays with his pet for every day. A. sometime B. some times C. sometimes D. some time ( )16. Don’t read the sun and it’s bad your eyes.


绝密*考试结束前 浙江省十校联盟2020年10月高三联考 英语试题卷 考生须知: 1.本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)。满分为150分,考试时间为120分钟。 2.请用黑色签字笔将学校、班级、姓名、考号分别填写在答题卷和机读卡的相应位置上。 第I卷 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题纸上。 第一节:(共5个小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A.幻9.15. B.炒.15. 答案是B。 1.What kind of film does the man like? A.A comedy. B.A drama film. 2.What is the woman's red jacket best for? A.The warm days. B.The windy days. 3.What are the speakers mainly talking about? A.A forest. B.A unique plant. 4.What did the man buy with the gift card? A.Make-up. B.Clothes. 5.When did the man get up?C.£9.18. C.A detective film. C.The rainy days. C.A piece of furniture. C.Jewel ry. A.At 6:45. B. A t 7:45. C.At 8:30. 第二节:(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6.What language does the man speak? A.Scottish. B.Italian. 7.What did the man do in Germany? A.He tested cars. B.He designed cars. 听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。C.Irish. C.He built car factories.


三校2015~2016学年度第一学期第三次月度联考 八 年 级 英 语 试 题 (考试时间:120分钟 满分:150分) 成绩 第一部分 选择题(共80分) 一、听力(20分) Ⅰ.听对话回答问题,录音读两遍。(10分) ( ) 1. Which girl is Sandy? A. B. C. ( ) 2. Which is the sign? A. B. C. ( ) 3. What ’s the weather like? A. B. C. ( ) 4. Where will they go? A. B. C. ( ) 5. What season does the boy like best? A. Summer. B. Spring. C. Winter. ( ) 6. Where does the girl read English every morning? A. At home. B. In the garden. C. In the classroom. ( ) 7. What was the boy wearing? A. A red sweater and black jeans. B. A white shirt and blue jeans. C. A brown jacket and white jeans. ( ) 8. What does the woman mean? A. She doesn ’t like to drive now. B. She spends much time practicing. C. She likes driving. ( ) 9. What was Tim doing when the girl called him last night? A. He was reading a book. B. He was watching TV. C. He was cleaning 学校 班级 姓名 学号_________ 试场号__ ___ __ __ 密 封 线 内 不 要 答 卷 …… … … … … … … … … … …… … … … … … … …装 … … …… … … 订…… … … … … … 线 … … … … … …… … … …… … … … … … … …… … … …


2017年暑假新概念培训学校英语测试卷 一、单项填空(10分) 从每小题A、B、C、D中选出能填入句中空白处的最佳选项。 1. It’s interesting, but ________ difficult for me. B. a little C. a few D. few 2. Everyone ______ here last Monday. C. are D. was 3. Did Julie study _______ exams B. for C. have D. at 4. It was a ___ day yesterday. B. raining C. rainy D. to rain 5. There are also many fast food restaurants in ______ parts of our city. B. others C. another D. the others 6. You needn’t ______ your English. I will help you.

about about 7. —___does you mother go to the supermarket—By bus. B. When C. How 8. It’s time ____class. have B. have C. to have D. to having 9. He helped his mother clean the rooms and then ____ his homework yesterday afternoon. A. do C. does D. did 10. —Is that ________ interesting book —Yes, but it is ___________ difficult. , a little B. a, a bit , a little D. an, little 11. —When did you see the film —__________. hours ago. an hour hours D. In two hours ago 12. How about _________ the supermarket


英语参考答案·第1页(共7页) 英语参考答案 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 1~5 CCBAA 6~10 CBBAB 11~15 CACAC 16~20 ACBBC 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 21~25 ACCBD 26~30 ACDCB 31~35 BBDCA 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 36~40 DECGB 第三部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 41~45 CADCC 46~50 ABABC 51~55 DADAB 56~60 CDCBB 第二节:语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 61.who 62.twenties 63.on 64.was driven 65.it 66.how 67.values 68.to push 69.handsomely 70.more/better 第四部分:写作(共两节,满分35分) 第一节:短文改错(满分10分) Dear headmaster , I ’m Li Hua ,the student from Grade 3. Now I ’m writing to discuss the traffic problem near our ①a school gate. With so many parents came to pick up their children ,traffic jams are frequent near the school gate , ②coming causing much inconvenience to us and passer-by. ③passers-by I strongly recommend some effective measures must be taken. First of all ,students should be ④改为should 或去掉 encouraged to ride a bike or walk to school by them instead of taking a car ,since not only did it help ⑤themselves ⑥does reduce the jam ,but it benefits students ’ health as well. It is also a good idea to let Grade 1 and 2 leave school 30 minutes early than Grade 3. Therefore ,it ought to be urged that parents ’ cars should ⑦earlier ⑧Besides/Moreover/Lastly ∧be allowed to park within a 15-meter range near the school gate. ⑨not 或将within 改为beyond I do hope my suggestions can be taken into account and the problem solve soon. ⑩solved Yours , Li Hua 第二节:书面表达(满分25分) 【参考范文】 Notice Dear fellow students , An English lecture will be held in the school Music Pavilion at 4:30 on the afternoon of December 15th. The lecture ,whose theme concerns Cambridge Curve Wreckers ,is to be given by Dr. Osbert ,who ,graduating from Cambridge ,comes from England and now is working as a foreign professor in a university in Kunming. All students are required to be present at the lecture ,after which ,each of you is expected to


2015-2016学年第二学期八年级英语第一次月考试卷 (时间:120 满分:120 命题人:xxx) 亲爱的同学们,让我们认真答卷,测测你这个月的收获吧! 一.单项选择。(每小题2分,共30分) ( )1. ---___________________? ---He’s a headache. A. What’s the matter B. What’s the wrong C. What’s trouble D. What’s the matter with he ( )2. Jack used to _______up early, but now he is used to _______up late. A. get, get B. get, getting C. getting, get D. getting, getting ( )3. He stopped when he saw an old man ________on the side of the road. A. lie B. lying C. lied D. to lie ( )4. ________the doctor, the boy was saved. A. Thanks B. Thanks to C. Thank for D. Because ( )5. I think you _________to go to the hospital. A. should B. could C. need D. must ( )6. ---Should we go to the doctor? ---No, you _________. A. shouldn’t B. can’t C. mustn’t D. couldn’t ( )7.--Could you please sweep the floor? -- _____.I have to do my homework. A. Yes, sure. B. Why not? C. Sorry, I can’t. D. Sorry, you can’t. ( )8. Nancy, thanks for _______care of my dogs. A. take B. takes C. taking D. took ( )9. Mr. Smith didn’t have money, but he had good friends. . A. much much B. much many C. many many D. many much ( )10. Could I _______ ten yuan from you? A.borrow B.give C.send D.help ( )11. His foot was hurt and he had to give up _______soccer. A. play B. to play C. playing D. played ( )12. David, many thanks for helping me ________when I was in trouble. A .on B .off. C. out D. in. ( )13. Jack agreed ________to Wuhan with us. A. go B. going C. to go D. went ( )14. He finds a part-time job, He helps ________publicity materials.(宣传品) A.hang out B. stay up. C. fix up. D. hand out. ( )15. Some people plan to ______ a volunteer group to help the disabled children. A. put up B. think up C. set up D. cheer up 二.完型填空:(每小题1分,共10分) Dear Aunt Chen, My cousin is 36 age as me. She’s really nice, and we get on 37 , but she always 38 my things. Last week, she 39 my math book from me and didn’t 40 it. So I 41 do my homework. I don’t want 42 my cousin, 43 she’s my best friend. I don’t know 44 . Could you please give me some 45 ? ( ) 1 A. same B. as C. the same D. so ( ) 2 A. well B. good C. better D. best ( ) 3. A. borrowed B. lends C. borrowing D. borrows ( ) 4. A. borrowed B. lends C. borrowing D. borrows ( ) 5. A. gave B. gives C. return D. returns ( ) 6. A. can’t B. couldn’t C. didn’t D. don’t ( ) 7. A. to have a fight with B. have a fight with C. to have a fight D. have a fight ( ) 8. A. so B. though C. because D. but ( ) 9. A. how to do B. what to do C. where to do D. what do ( ) 10. A. advices B. advice C. an advice D. many advices 三.阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分) A “Do you know the story about Vince? It was a true story. Vince was an English boy and he was eight years old. He didn't like soap or water. Three or four times a day his mother said to him, “Vince, your hands are very dirty again.” Go and wash them. ” But Vince never washed them well. He only put his hands in the water for a few seconds and then took them out again. Vince’s uncle and aunt lived in another city. One day they ca me to stay with Vince’s parents, and they brought their small son, Toby, with them. Toby was seven years old and he didn’t like soap or water, either. The boys sat with their parents for a few minutes and then they went outside. When they were playing, Vince looked at Toby's hands and then went back to Toby’s parents and said proudly (骄傲地),“Toby’s hands are dirtier than mine, ”“Of course they are,”Toby said angrily. “You are one year older than I am! ” ( )1. Vince’s mother asked him to ______ three or four times a day. A. wash his hands B. do his homework C. clean his bedroom D. wash his teeth ( )2.When Vince saw Toby’s hands, he felt ________.

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