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新标准大学英语4 B4U6教案

新标准大学英语4 B4U6教案
新标准大学英语4 B4U6教案

Unit 6 All in the past

(Book 4, New Standard English)

Section 1 Lead-in

Activity 1 Historical events

1066 the Norman Conquest

1415 the Battle of Agincourt

1588 the Defeat of Armada

1805 the Battle of Trafalgar

1889-1902 the Boer War

1915-1916 the Battle of Gallipoli

1940 Dunkirk Evacuation

the Battle of Britain

the Blitz

1066: the Norman Conquest

The Norman conquest of England began in 1066 with the invasion of the Kingdom of England by the troops of William, Duke of Normandy from France (later he was called William the Conqueror), and his victory at the Battle of Hastings in the south coast of England.

1415: The Battle of Agincourt

The battle was a major English victory in the Hundred Years' War. King Henry V's victory against a numerically superior French army crippled France and started a new period in the war during which Henry married the French king's daughter and then Henry's son, Henry VI, was made heir to the throne of France.

1588: the Defeat of Armada

1588: the Armada, a Spanish fleet attempting to invade England, was defeated by the army of Elizabeth I. This event had changed the balance of power in the 16th century Europe.

1805: the Battle of Trafalgar

1805: the Battle of Trafalgar, a naval battle in Trafalgar, a seaport in south-west Spain was won by the British Admiral Lord Nelson.

1889-1902: the Boer War

1889-1902: the Boer War in South Africa between British and Dutch settlers (Boers), won by the British.

1915-1916: the Battle of Gallipoli

1915-1916: the Battle of Gallipoli in Turkey during World War I, between the Allied

Forces (同盟国) and the old Ottoman Empire of Turkey, with support from the Central Forces (协约国), with huge casualties (伤亡人数)on both sides.

1940: Dunkirk Evacuation

The British force had to retreat from Dunkirk, a French channel port. All the soldiers were rescued, many by small fishing boats, and this was seen as a triumph.

1940: the Battle of Britain

A series of air battles in World War II, which fought over Britain from August to October 1940. The British defeated the German air force, and stopped Hitler’s plan to invade the UK.

The Blitz (German: lightning)

The Blitz (German: lightning): the bombing of London in from September 7, 1940 to May 10, 1941 by the German air force during World War II. London was bombed for 76 consecutive nights, with more than 1 million houses destroyed or damaged and about 20,000 civilians (平民) killed.

Activity 2 Listening in: Winston Churchill

His multiple identities:

a statesman, an officer in the British Army, a historian, a writer and an artist.

His personality:

?rebellious Nobel Prize winning writer vs. poor academic performance at school

?speech impediment vs. an eloquent speaker

Activity 3 Listening in ---- Winston Churchill’s speech

Which of the lines did Churchill say in a speech?

√(a) I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.

(b) Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.

(c)In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.

Listen & fill in the blanks.

Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat

May 13, 1940 First Speech as Prime Minister to House of Commons

I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat. We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind. We have before us many, many long months of struggle and of suffering.


You ask, what is our policy? I can say: It is to wage war, by sea, land and air, with all our might and with all the strength that God can give us; to wage war against a monstrous tyranny, never surpassed in the dark, lamentable catalogue of human crime. That is our policy.


You ask, what is our aim? I will answer in one word: victory, victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory, however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival.


Let that be realised; no survival for the British Empire, no survival for all that the British Empire has stood for, no survival for the urge and impulse of the ages, that mankind will move forward towards its goal.


But I take up my task with buoyancy and hope. I feel sure that our cause will not be suffered to fail among men. At this time I feel entitled to claim the aid of all, and I say, "come then, let us go forward together with our united strength."


Section 2 Passage Learning

Winston Churchill

1. Text organization

Part 1 (Para. 1-3) W. Churchill defined what it meant to be British.

Part 2 (Para. 4-12) Life stories of W. Churchill.

Para. 4 His early years & schooling.

Para. 5-10 His career as a soldier, journalist & statesman.

Para. 11 W. Churchill & 1940.

Para. 12 War time leader & peace time need.

Part 3 (Para. 13) W. Churchill was the symbol of Britain.

2. Information Analysis


1. Do you know any of the stereotypes of the British people?

Tolerant, long-suffering, conservative, reserved, serious…

2. “At that crucial time, one man, Winston Churchill, defined what it meant to be British.”

In what way do you think Churchill defined Britain?

Through his leadership and example, his courage and determination to defend the democracy and freedom.


3. You ask what is our policy? … You ask what is our aim? (Ex. 10-2, P87)

? Who asks these questions? Who answers them? What effect does this have?

?The MPs and the British people.

?By answering the questions Churchill shows his leadership, courage and determination.

The questions also give the speech form and rhythm.


4. But self-belief was something he maintained despite rather than because of his family.

?Where does his self-confidence come from?

- Not coming from his great family.


5. What was Churchill’s life like in his school years?

-not good looking or clever

sickly with a lisp and a stammer

bound to be bullied

6. What was Churchill’s father’s prediction about him?

“degenerate into a shabby, unhappy and futile existence”

? His life would get worse and he would have an uninteresting, unrespectable, sad and pointless life.



7. What did he benefit from his experience as a war correspondent?

Key words: hero, renowned, set

? When he returned, he was renowned as a hero and all set to become an MP.

In other words, the experience has laid a good foundation for his future career.


8. How would he deal with suffragettes, trade unionists and anyone who challenge the system?

He would use the army /resort to forces.

“His weapon of the first resort would be the army.”


9. What was his military career like?

-In 1911, he experienced delight

-In 1915, he tasted defeat and depression

-In WWI, he retrieved happiness.

“He was a man made for war.”


10. What was the contrast between his 1920s and 1930s?


11. “It had been a lo ng wait, but destiny had arrived.”

?What does this sentence mean?

destiny: the things that you will do, or the type of person that you will become, in the future

He has been waiting for the opportunity to serve his country for long. Finally, fate favored him. 译:为这一天他等了很久,但上天最终还是把大任交给了他。


12. “People talk of 1066, of the Armada, of Trafalgar. But 1940 was the most important year in British history. It was the year of Dunkirk, the Battle of Britain, the Blitz.”

The first set of battles covered more than 700 years of British history. The second set all happened in 1940. What is the effect of putting these lists together? (Ex. 10-4, P87)

It shows how much was packed into that one year of total crisis. It was equal to all that went before.


12. . “Cheer Churchill, Vote Labour.”

? What did the Labour Party do in the post-war election campaign ?

-They did not attack Churchill personally.

-They showed their respect, saying it was correct to like and admire him.

-BUT they called on people not to vote for his Party which didn’t have good policies

13. “The very democracy that Churchill was prepared to lay down his life to defend was the same democracy that knew the difference between the needs of peace and the needs of war.”?Where does the irony lie?

-Churchill fought hard and bravely to keep Britain a democracy.

-BUT he was removed from the power by a democratic vote after the war.

-BECAUSE the British knew that a great leader may not be a good peacetime leader.


14. “If Britain –its eccentricity, its strength of character, its big-heartedness –had to be summed up in one person, it was him.”

?What qualities are valued by the British?

-Eccentricity, strength of character, and big-heartedness.

They value individuals who:

-behave in their own way,

-are not easily persuaded to do what they do n’t want to

-accept others in a spirit of generosity.

3. Theme Discussion

Work in groups and discuss the questions. (Ex. 11, P87)

1). What characteristics does a national leader need to have?

A national leader needs to have such characteristics as strength of will, imagination, a vision of what the country should be trying to achieve, an understanding of what people want and an ability to communicate.

2). Does a national leader need to have similar characters as those of people they lead, or should they be very different?

?I think a bit of both. The leader must seem to be in tune with the people, or there will be no support or cooperation: A pacifist cannot lead an aggressive society.

?But if the leader is too much like the people, one wonders who is leading and who is following. A great leader needs to see more than the people and understand other values as well.

4. Summary

Churchill believed that he was (1) destined to lead his country. He fought as a soldier in World War I and led the country to victory in World War II. It seems ironic that a leader of such (2) renowned as Churchill could not count on the (3) loyalty of voters in 1945.

However, in a (4) democratic country, electors cannot be (5) bullied, and he had to (6) tolerate political defeat after military victory, and went once more to his country (7)retreat,

5. Useful expressions

1.面临外敌入侵,孤立无援 1. stand alone on the brink of invasion

2.宽容而坚忍的 2. tolerant and long-suffering

3.冷漠、拒人于千里之外的 3. cold and distant

4.兼任战地记者 4. double up as a war correspondent

5.热衷于党派斗争的人 5. a Party animal

6.军事攻势 6. military offensive

7.丢掉了饭碗7. cost sb. his/her job

8.严重的抑郁症8. major bout of depression

9.弥补过失9. make amends for one’s mistake

10.为战争而生的人10. a man made for war

11.身居高位11. hold high office

13.如释重负地松了一口气13. the sighs of relief

14.天降大任于斯14. destiny has arrived

15.工作起来不要命15. limitless capacity for hard work

16.为丘吉尔喝彩16. Cheer Churchill

17.进入摇滚乐时代的英国17. the rock-and-roll Britain

Section 3 Unit Project

A report on a historical figure I most admire

Directions: Collect information and write a report on a historical figure you most admire in no less than 400 words based on the following outline.


1) A brief account of his / her life. (30%)

2) The qualities which make him/her an important historical figure. (40%)

3) The influences of the historical figure on you. (30%)

Section 4 Active Reading 2

The history and its facts

1. Useful expressions

1.历史的基石 1. the backbone of history

2.两点评论意见 2. two observations

3.准确是本分 3. accuracy is a duty

4.基本职能 4. essential function

5.辅助科学 5. auxiliary sciences

6.解读一段意义隐晦的铭文 6. decipher an obscure inscription

7.原始素材7. raw materials

8.事先做出的判断8. a priori decision

9.事实不言自明9. facts speak for themselves

10.现身说法10. give the floor

11.不塞点东西进去就立不起来11. won’t stand up till you’ve put something in it

12.对现实认知取向的一种选择性体系12. a selective system of cognitive orientations to reality

13.用更简单的话来表述13. put more simply

14.难以根除14. hard to eradicate

15.史实15. a fact of history

16.值得一提16. worthy of mention

17.等待附议者17. await seconder

18.确定无疑的史实18. well-established historical facts

19.故态复萌19. relapse into

2. Difficult Sentences

1) To praise a historian for his accuracy is like praising an architect for using well-seasoned timber

or properly mixed concrete in his building. (Para 1)


2)It is precisely for matters of this kind that the historian is entitled to rely on what have been called the “auxiliary sciences” of history –archaeology, epigraphy, numismatics, chronology, and so forth. (Para 1)


3) In spite of C. P. Scott’s motto, every journalist knows today that the most effective way to influence opinion is by the selection and arrangement of the appropriate facts. (Para 1)

尽管C.P.斯科特的那句箴言深入人心, 但是现在每一名新闻记者都知道要影响大众舆论,最有效的方式就是对特定的事实进行选择和剪接。

4) The fact that you arrived in this building half an hour ago on foot, or on a bicycle, or in a car, is just as much a fact about the past as the fact that Caesar crossed the Rubicon. (Para 1)


5) It may be that in the course of the next few years we shall see this fact appearing first in footnotes, then in the text, of articles and books about 19th-century England, and that in 20 or 30 years’ time it may be a well-established historical fact. (Para 2)


Language in Use

5 Translate the paragraphs into English.

para.1 为保证校园的安全,校方最近发布了一项新的规定,禁止小商贩进入校园。校长呼吁学生在这件事上与学校合作。学生们表示强烈反对,几百名学生在学校的BBS上表达了他们的愤怒。他们说,因为校园离市中心很远,校内商店里的货品又不多,把小贩赶出校园就无异于把学生扔到孤岛上。有些人提出,正是在这样的事情上,学校应该听取学生的意见和需求。有些学生认为,这项规定能让校园更安全的想法是错误的。

(it’s for matters of this kind; get sth. wrong)

para.2 学生的反应让校长感到震惊,为弥补过失,他宣布学校将重新考虑这项规定。他对学生说,他们完全有权力过上方便、舒适的生活,但校园的安全也同样重要。他还提议在校园里建一个大超市,在宿舍楼附近开一些便利店(convenience store),这样就能大大方便学生们的生活。(make amends; be entitled to)


To make the campus safer, the university authorities recently released a new regulation that forbids any vendors from entering the campus, and the president called on the students to

cooperate with the university on this matter. But the students’ oppositio n was strong, and hundreds of them expressed their anger on the university BBS. They said that to keep vendors off campus was like deserting students on an isolated island, as the university was far away from the downtown and the shops on the campus did not provide enough commodities. Some claimed that it was precisely for matters of this kind that the university should listen to students’ opinions and needs. Some students thought the university had got it wrong in believing that this regulation will ensure safety on campus.

Shocked by students’ reaction, the president tried to make amends for this mistake by announcing that the university will look into this new regulation again. He told students that they were entitled to live a convenient and comfortable life, but safety was just as much an important concern as that. He proposed to build a big supermarket within the campus and some convenience stores near dormitory buildings, which would certainly make students’ life much easier.


诺曼征服(Norman conquest)或诺曼征服英格兰指1066年法国诺曼底公爵威廉对英格兰的入侵及征服。这次征服改变了英格兰的走向,从此英格兰受到欧洲大陆的影响加深,诺曼征服战争是11世纪中叶法国诺曼底公爵威廉同英国大封建主哈罗德为争夺英国王位进而征服英国的一场战争。这场战争既是诺曼人对外扩张的继续,又是西欧同英国之间的又一次社会大融合。它以威廉的胜利而告终,对英国历史的发展产生了深远的影响。诺曼征服整个改变了英格兰的文化,甚至是其语言。






1) 英国盎格鲁-撒克逊时代结束,诺曼底王朝建立。古英语的发展进入低谷。由于诺曼底人在建国之初,就对法国国王承诺臣服法国、说法语,因而诺曼征服后的政府用语为法语。


2) 诺曼底征服之后,封建制度在英国确立。威廉一世之后,英国的每一个国王都是他的直系后代子孙,英国开始了世袭的君主制。

3) 文化方面,英国当时的文化与诺曼-法国文化水乳交融,大量新词进入英语,使得英国语言得到长足发展。同时英国的教会与罗马教会的联系变得更为紧密。

4) 英法关系








the Defeat of Armada 无敌舰队战败






于英军指挥、战术及训练皆胜一筹,法兰西联合舰队遭受决定性打击,主帅维尔纳夫被俘,21艘战舰被俘。英军主帅霍雷肖·纳尔逊海军上将也在战斗中阵亡。此役之后法国海军精锐尽丧从此一蹶不振,拿破仑被迫放弃进攻英国本土的计划。而英国海上霸主的地位得以巩固。布尔战争(Boer War)英国人和布尔人之间为了争夺南非殖民地而展开的战争。战争背景






敦刻尔克大撤退(英语Battle of Dunkirk)是第二次世界大战初期的1940年5月,英法联军防线在德国机械化部队快速攻势下崩溃之后,英军在敦刻尔克这个位于法国东北部靠近比利时边境的港口城市进行的当时历史上最大规模的军事撤退行动。这项代号为“发电机计划”的行动使英国最终得以利用各种船只撤出了大量的部队。虽然这次大规模的撤退行动成功的挽救大量的人力,可是英国派驻法国的远征军的所有重型装备都丢弃在欧洲大陆上,造成英国本土地面防卫发生严重的问题。





伦敦大轰炸(The Blitz)是指在第二次世界大战中纳粹德国对英国首都伦敦实施的战略轰炸。德国对英国的轰炸发生在1940年9月7日至1941年5月10日间,轰炸范围遍及英国的各大城市和工业中心,但以伦敦受创最为严重。一直到不列颠战役结束,伦敦已被轰炸超过76个昼夜,超过4.3万名市民死亡,并有约10万幢房屋被摧毁。伦敦因此成为第二次世界大战期间遭受轰炸最为严重的三座城市之一(其他分别是柏林和重庆)。


7 Translate the paragraphs into Chinese. If you ask me, real life is not all it’s cracked up to be. Twelve years at school and three years at university, teachers banging on about opportunities in the big wide world beyond our sheltered life as students, and what do I find? Try as I might to stay cheerful, all I ever get is hassle, sometimes with people (especially boys, god, when will they grow up?), but mostly with money. It’s just so expensive out here! Everyone wants a slice off you. The Inland Revenue wants to deduct income tax, the bank manager wants repayments on my student loan, the landlord wants the rent, gas, water, electricity and my mobile bills keep coming in, and all that’s before I’ve had anything to eat. And then some bright spark calls me out of the blue, asking if I’m interested in buying a pension. At this rate, I won’t even last till the end of the year, let alone till I’m 60.(?翻译时可以根据上下文增译,即增加原文暗含了但没有直接表达出来的意思。如最后一句译文加了“领养老金”,点出了与上一句的关联。)依我看,现实生活与人们想象的不一样。我们上了12年的中、小学,又上了3年的大学,这期间老师们一直在没完没了地谈论在安宁的学生生活之外那个广阔天地里的各种机会,可我遇到的又是什么呢? 无论我怎么想保持心情愉快,麻烦事总是接踵而来:有时是跟人争吵(尤其是跟男孩,天哪!他们什么时候才能长大?),但通常是为钱发愁。这个地方什么东西都很贵!人人都想从我身上拿点钱去:国税局要收个人所得税,银行经理要我偿清学生贷款,房东催我交房租、燃气费、水费、电费,手机账单也不断地寄来。所有这些还没算上吃饭的钱。更可气的是,不知从哪里冒出一个自作聪明的家伙冷不丁地给我打电话,问我要不要买养老金。照这样下去,我连今年都活不过去了,更别提活到60岁领养老金了。 6 Translate the paragraph into Chinese. Indubitably the vast majority of books overlap one another. Few indeed are those which give the impression of originality, either in style or in content. Rare are the unique books – less than 50, perhaps, out of the whole storehouse of literature. In one of his recent autobiographical novels, Blaise Cendrars points out that Rémy de Gourmont, because of his knowledge and awareness of this repetitive quality in books, was able to select and read all that is worthwhile in the entire realm of literature. Cendrars himself – who would suspect it? – is a prodigious reader. He reads most authors in their original tongue. Not only that, but when he likes an author he reads every last book the man has written, as well as his letters and all the books that have been written about him. In our day his case is almost unparalleled, I imagine. For, not only has he read widely and deeply, but he has himself written a great many books. All on the side, as it were. For, if he is anything, Cendrars, he is a man of action, an adventurer and explorer, a man who has known how to “waste” his time royally. He is, in a sense, the Julius Caesar of literature. (几处倒装句应灵活处理,以体现原文语气。every last book the man has written 等于all the books he has written。注意这段话的逻辑关系。If he is anything, he is a man of…一句中的if 从句起强调作用,说明他不是一个书生或思想家,而是一个行动家。此处需灵活翻译。) 不容置疑的是,大多数书都互相重复,在文体或内容上让人感到具有独创性的书实在是少之又少。在整个文学库藏中,或许只有极少数作品——不到50本——是独具一格的。在最近出版的一部自传体小说中,布莱斯·桑德拉尔指出,雷米·德·古尔蒙之所以能够选择并通读文学领域中一切值得读的书籍,就是因为他知识渊博,了解书的这种重复性。没有人会怀疑桑德拉尔本人就是一个博览群书的人,他阅读了大部分独具个性的作家的作品。不仅如此,一旦他喜欢上一个作家,就会阅读这个人写的每一本书,包括他的书信以及所有有关他的书籍。我猜想,在当


大学英语教学大纲 依据教育部2007年7月高教厅【2007】3号文件《大学英语课程教学要求》(简称《课程要求》),特制定本大纲指导我校非英语专业本科生英语教学。 一、课程基本概况 课程名称:大学英语 College English 课程编码: 课程总学时:216学时(其中读写 160学时,听说50学时,辅导6学时) 课程性质:必修课 课程学分:12 学分 开设学期:第一至第四学期 开课院系:外国语学院 开课对象:非英语专业本科一、二年级学生 二、课程性质和任务 大学英语是我校非英语专业本科学生必修的一门公共基础课程,也是我校“成人、成才、成功” 教育理念的体现。大学英语视听说改进原来的以教师讲授为主的单一课堂教学模式,充分利用现代化 信息技术,以学生为主体,教师为主导,采用多媒体和课堂相结合的大学英语视听说教学模式。大学 英语视听说的教学目的是培养学生英语综合应用能力(听、说、读、写、译),特别是加强听说能力,扩大知识面,提高文化素养。使他们在今后工作和社会交往中能用英语有效地进行口头和书面的信 息交流,同时增强其自主学习能力、提高综合文化素质,以适应我国经济发展和国际交流的需要。 三、课程的目的与基本要求 根据《大学英语课程教学要求》的规定,大学英语的教学目标是“培养学生的英语综合应用能力,特别是听说能力,使他们在今后工作和社会交往中能用英语有效地进行口头和书面的信息交流,同时 增强其自主学习能力,提高综合文化素养,以适应我国社会发展和国际交流的需要。”通过大学英 语视听说教学,学生应打下扎实的语言基础,掌握良好的语言学习方法,增强其自主学习能力,提 高文化素养,以适应我国经济发展和国际交流的需要。 我校各学院、各专业学生英语基础存在一定差异,因此,大学英语教学贯彻分类指导、因材施教 的原则,将教学要求分为以下两个层次: 1. 一般要求 1.1 听力理解能力:能听懂英语授课,能听懂一般性英语谈话和一般性题材讲座。能基本听懂英语 国家慢速英语教学节目,语速为每分钟130词左右,能掌握其中心大意,抓住要点和有关细节。能运 用基本的听力技巧帮助理解能够。 1.2 口语表达能力:能在学习过程中用英语与老师、同学进行交流,并能就某一主题进行讨论。能 就日常话题和来自讲英语国家的人士进行交谈。能就所熟悉的话题经准备后作简短发言,表达比较清楚,语音、语调基本正确。能在交谈中使用基本的会话策略。 1.3 能以中等速度(每分钟70词)基本读懂语言难度中等、一般性题材的文章,理解其大意及主要 细节。能以较快速度(每分钟100词)阅读篇幅较长、语言难度略低的文章。能借助词典阅读本专业 的英语教材和题材熟悉的英文报刊的文章,掌握中心大意,理解主要事实和有关细节。 1.4 能填写常见表格如注册表、申请表、问卷调查表等。能写给或回复他人祝贺卡、生日卡、邀请信、便条、短信、通知等。能写出简单的指示语、个人广告、社团海报、个人简历等。 1.5 词汇量:掌握的总词汇量应达到4500个单词和700个词组,其中2000个单词和500个词组为积极 词汇,即要求学生能够在认知的基础上学会熟练运用,包括在口头表达以及书面表达两个方面。 2. 较高要求 2.1 听力理解能力:能够基本听懂来自英语国家人士的谈话和讲座,能基本听懂题材熟悉、篇幅较 长的国内英语广播或电视节目。能基本听懂外国专家用英语讲授的专业课程。能掌握其中心大意,抓 住要点。 2.2 口语表达能力:能够和来自英语国家的人士进行比较流利的会话,较好地掌握会话策略,能基 本表达个人意见、情感、观点等,能基本陈述事实、事件、理由等,表达思想清楚,语音、语调基本


Book 2 习题答案(unit 1-unit 5) Unit 1. Inside view 2. They have decided on: 2, 5 and 5 5, 1, c; 2. C; 3. b; 4. A; 5.d 6. 1.Maybe I should 2. Supposing 3. everything’s organized, isn’t it 4. I’ve arranged for people to 5. I’ll count it all up 6. We’d better 7. I’ve got a suggestion 8. How about Outside view 2. The true statements are 3 and 5 3. 1, one of the best universities 2. most talented students 3. well-known around the world 4. have open doors 5. good social life 6.you want it to be 7. on another campus 8. it’s a fun place 9. go to concerts 10. during the week Listening in 8. 1. b; 2. D; 3. D; 4. B ; 5, a Unit 2 Inside view 2. Kate; Kate; Janet; Janet; Janet; Janet; Kate 3 4-1-2-7-3-5-6 6. 1. b; 2, a; 3. D; 4, d; 5. D;


第一单元 大学已经不再特别了 有这么一种说法:“要是你能记得20 世纪60 年代的任何事情,你就没有真正经历过那段岁月。”对于在大麻烟雾中度过大学时光的那些人,这话可能是真的。但是,20 世纪60 年代有一件事人人都记得,那就是:上大学是你一生中最激动人心、最刺激的经历。20 世纪60 年代,加州的高校把本州变成了世界第七大经济实体。然而,加州大学的主校园伯克利分校也以学生示威、罢课以及激进的政治氛围而著名。1966 年,罗纳德·里根竞选加州州长,他问加州是否允许“一所伟大的大学被喧闹的、持不一意见的少数人征服。”自由派人士回答说,大学之所以伟大正是因为它们有能力容忍喧闹的、持不同意见的少数人。在欧洲的大学校园里,大学生以新的姿态和激情地投入到自由和正义的事业中去,大规模的社会主义或共产主义运动引发了他们与当权者之间日益升级的暴力冲突。许多抗议是针对越南战争的。可是在法国,巴黎大学的学生与工会联盟,发动了一场大罢工,最终导致了戴高乐总统辞职。 20 世纪60 年代大学生活的特点并不仅仅是激进的行动。不论在什么地方,上大学都意味着你初次品尝真正自由的滋味,初次品尝深更半夜在宿舍或学生活动室里讨论人生意义的滋味。你往往得上了大学才得以阅读你的第一本禁书,看你的第一部独立影人电影,或者找到和你一样痴迷吉米·亨德里克斯或伦尼·布鲁斯的志同道合者。那是一段难以想象的自由时光,你一生中最无拘无束的时光。 可如今那份激情哪儿去了?大学怎么了?现在,政治、社会和创造意识的觉醒似乎不是凭借大学的助力,而是冲破其阻力才发生的。当然,一点不假,高等教育仍然重要。例如,在英国,布莱尔首相几乎实现了到2010 年让50%的30 岁以下的人上大学的目标,(即使愤世嫉俗的人会说,这是要把他们排除在失业统计数据之外)。不过,大学教育已不再是全民重视的话题了。如今,大学被视为人们急于逃离的一种小城镇。有些人辍学,但大多数已经有些麻木,还是坚持混到毕业,因为离开学校实在是太费事了。 没有了20 世纪60 年代大学生发现的令人头脑发热的自由气氛,如今的大学生要严肃得多。英国文化促进会最近做了一项调查,研究外国留学生在决定上哪所大学时考虑的因素。这些因素从高到低依次是:课程质量、就业前景、学费负担、人身安全问题、生活方式,以及各种便利。大学已变成实现目的的手段,是在就业市场上增加就业几率的一个机会,上大学本身不再是目的,它给你提供一个机会,让你暂时想象一下:你能够改变世界。童年与大学之间的距离已缩小了,大学与现实世界之间的距离也缩小了。其中的一个原因可能是经济方面的。在一个没有保障的世界里,现在的许多孩子依赖父母资助的时间比以前的孩子更长。21世纪的学生大学毕业后根本无法自立门户,因为那太昂贵了。另一个可能的原因是通讯革命。儿子或女儿每学期往家里打一两回电话的日子一去不复返了。如今,大学生通过手机与父母保持着脐带式联系。至于寻找痴迷无名文学或音乐的同道好友嘛,没问题,我们有互联网和聊天室来帮助我们做到这一点。 “在那黎明时分活着是至福, 但年轻就等于身在天堂!” 华兹华斯的诗句说的可能是法国大革命,但是对于20 世纪60 年代的大学生而言,这样的诗句同样真实生动。可是为什么对于如今的大学生来说,它们怎么就不真实了呢? Active reading (2) 后一切的一代 弗兰克·托马斯是普林斯顿大学二年级学生,主修文学理论专业。他希望当人权律师。我从没指望通过上文学理论课来了解我这一代人的特征,或了解美国大学是如何在变化的。这门

新标准大学英语综合教程二 unit1 课后习题答案

综合教程二unit1 课后习题答案 Active reading(1) 3).Match the words in the box with their definitions. 1 a subject that people discuss or argue about (issue) 2 a chance to do something (opportunity) 3 the most important and powerful people in the country (establishment) 4 an area of land containing all the main buildings of a university (campus) 5 something such as a meeting or public statement by people who strongly disagree with a policy, law etc (protest) 6 to start a major activity (launch) 7 chances of success, especially in a job or a career (prospects) 8 work that you are paid regularly to do for a person or company (employment) 4). Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in Activity 3. What are the most important (1) issues for students today? Is the university (2) campus really such a different place compared to what it was 40 years ago? Perhaps, as the passage suggests, there are fewer (3) protests by students against the (4) establishment than there used to be. And of course, improving your (5)prospects of being competitive in the (6) employment market is a major concern for students everywhere, since a good university degree is the means by which you can (7) launch your career. But in spite of all this, the role of the university is the same as it always has been. It is the place where you have the (8) opportunity to learn to think for yourself. 5).Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words and phrases in the box. You may need to make other changes. 1 There were fights between police and protestors outside the US Embassy. (clashes) 2 The two parties formed a temporary political arrangement to respond to the problem. (alliance) 3 I’ve always considered myself as someone who is tolerant of other people’s idea. (liberal) 4 The chief official of an American state has a lot of power. (governor) 5 The financial situation of Western European countries rapidly improved in the 1960s. (economy) 6 The 1960s were associated with a new type of popular music. (characterized) The 1960s were characterized by a new type of popular music. 7 Mark left college without finishing the course and joined a rock band. (dropped out) 8 For many people, listening to their music was an experience which made them feel free. (liberating) For many people, listening to their music was a liberating experience. 9 For some people, an interest in politics went hand in hand with a strong enthusiasm for music. (passion) 6) . Answer the questions about the words. 1 (b) not very clearly? 2 (a) active?

新标准大学英语_综合教程3_课后答案unit 3

Unit 3 Language points 1 For lack of a better terminology, one might name these: (1) the sensuous plane, (2) the expressive plane, (3) the sheerly musical plane. (Para 1) The expression for lack of a better terminology is used to introduce rather inexact terms. It means since we don’t have any exact terms, I’m going to use these rather rough terms. The word sensuous suggests physical pleasure which relates to your physical senses rather than to your emotions and thoughts. A plane is a level of thought, development or existence. The word sheer is used to emphasize the amount or degree of something. The sheerly musical plane refers to the level of the musical material, melodies, rhythms, harmonies etc. The sheer pleasure (Para 2, Line 2) means great or pure pleasure. 2 The only advantage to be gained from mechanically splitting up the listening process into these hypothetical planes is … (Para 1) The word hypothetical means to be based on situations or events that seem possible rather than on actual ones. Here, the planes are not real, they are just part of a model for analysis and discussion. 3 One turns on the radio while doing something else and absent-mindedly bathes in the sound. A kind of brainless but attractive state of mind is engendered by the mere sound appeal of the music. (Para 2) To bathe means to swim or wash yourself in a bath, river or lake. To bathe in the sound means to immerse yourself in the sound, like in water. To engender means to cause a feeling or attitude to exist. The expression engendered by the mere sound appeal means to be created only by the appeal or attraction of the sound. 4 Music allows them to leave it ... dreaming because of and apropos of the music yet never quite listening to it. (Para 3) The expression apropos of means relating to; it is used to introduce something else about the subject you are talking about. The expression is derived from French, and the final -s is silent in pronunciation. Unit 3 Art for art’s sake


Unit1 reading2 if you ask me This is an informal and personalized account of an economic graduate who gets a job in a pub for a year and then has an opportunity to be successful (a lucky break). Since her family can’t support her to further study, she has to work. She has financial problems and feels lonely. She tells her troubles to Tony, a regular customer of the pub, who talks to some friends and gets her a loan to set up a business. With this help she has her master’s degree and her own company. however, unluckliy,Tony is disabled after an accident and needs the repayment of the loan to adapt his house for his disability. She pay back Tony’s help, and Tony thinks that investing in people gives the best return you can ever hope for. Unit2 reading1 Reading is a life-changing activity. It helps us enter a new world and liberate us from the real world we come from; it stimulates our emotions and allows us enjoy and celebrate the variety and difference from books; it aids us to get out of confusion in a material world and to discover the real meaning of the life. Simply put, books are supremely influential in the way we live. Homerun book might be the answer for the book that everyone should read. It describes the first reading experience that


新标准大学英语综合教程2 课后参考翻译 第一单元课后翻译: 现在中国大学生参加志愿活动已成为常态。他们到社区为老年人服务,到山区助学,举办爱心捐赠活动,或到世博会(World Expo)或奥运会等重要国际活动担任志愿者。参加志愿活动有助于学生获取专业技能,丰富社会经验,提高道德水平。多数大学生都认为参与志愿服务是自己应尽的社会责任和义务,希望能做一些有意义的事情来回报社会,积极推动社会和谐发展。 Volunteering has now become the norm for college students in China. The volunteers may provide community services for senior citizens, support students in mountain areas in education, organize fundraising activities to help those in need, or work for major international projects such as the World Expo and the Olympic Games. Doing volunteer work is a useful way for students to enhance their professional skills and social experience as well as promoting their moral development. The majority of college students believe that it is their duty and obligation to participate in volunteer activities. They hope that they can do something meaningful and promote the development of social harmony. 第二单元课后翻译: “不以物喜,不以己悲”出自北宋文学家范仲淹的名著《岳阳楼记》,意思是凡事都要以一颗平常心看待,不因外部事物的好坏和自己的得失而或喜或悲。它是一种思想境界,体现了中国的传统道家思想,教导人们追求一种淡然(detached) 平静的心态。在物质文明高度发达的今天,保持这样的心态仍显得十分重要。当你拥有了这种心境,生活就会多一些阳光,多一些快乐。 Be not pleased by external gains, nor saddened by personal losses is a statement from the essay Remarks of Yueyang Tower by Fan Zhongyan, a writer of the Northern Song Dynasty. The statement means one should look at and accept things as they are, and remain unbothered by external matters or personal gains or losses. It is a mental outlook that reflects the traditional Taoist ideas of China, instructing people to become calm and detached. Even today, when we have a highly developed material civilization, keeping such a state of mind is still important. When you possess such a state of mind, you will be able to live a brighter and more joyous life. 第三单元课后翻译:


Unit 1 Outside view Activity 1 Activity 2 one of the best universities most talented students well-known around the world have open doors good social life you want it to be on another campus it's a fun place go to concerts during the week Activity 3 library system online three / 3 four / 4 Brian leisure purposes the libraries listening in

Passage 1 1.2 2. 6 3.1 4.5 5.3 6.4 to Passage 1 again and rearrange the answers in the right column to match those questions in the left column. Ceahbgdf Passage 2 OC/O/C/O/C/C/O/C/O/OC to Passage 2 again and choose the best way to complete the sentences BDDBA Test CCBBD CDBCB C Unie 2 Outside view Activity 1 the video clip and match the speakers with the statements. K/K/T/S/T/K/S/K Activity 2


word formation: compound words 1 Find more examples of each use of hyphens in the passage We are all dying .? I’ve double- and triple-checked it. (compound verb) ? budding crypt-kickers (compound noun) ? a rear-view mirror (compound adjective) ? the once-a-year holiday to Florida or Spain (compound adjective) ? back-burner stuff (compound adjective) ? standing at the corner of the Co-op (compound noun) ? a sepia-coloured relative that no one can put a name to (compound adjective) 2 Rewrite the phrases using compound adjectives. 1 a party which is held late at night (a late-night party) 2 a library which is well stocked (a well-stocked library) 3 a professor who is world famous (a world-famous professor) 4 some advice which is well timed (some well-timed advice) 5 a population which is growing rapidly (a rapidly-growing population) 6 an economy which is based on free market (a free-market economy) 7 a boat trip which lasts for half an hour (a half-hour boat trip) It’s what / how … that … 3 Rewrite the sentences using It’s what / how … that … 1 What other people think of us is determined by how we behave. It’s how we behave that determines what other people think of us. 2 What sort of job we are going to end up doing is usually determined by our character. It’s what our character is that usually determines what sort of job we are going to end up doing. 3 What we do as a career isn’t always determined by the marks we get at university. It isn’t always what marks we get at university that determine what we do as a career. 4 How we react to life’s problems is often determined by our childhood experiences.



英语翻译 Unit one Nine to five passage1 大学毕业找工作的第一要义:别躺在沙发上做梦 今年夏天,超过65 万的大学生毕业离校,其中有许多人根本不知道怎么找工作。在当今金融危机的背景下,做父母的该如何激励他们? 1 七月,你看着英俊的21岁的儿子穿上学士袍,戴上四方帽,骄傲地握着大学荣誉学位证书,拍毕业照。这时,记忆中每年支付几千英镑,好让儿子吃好、并能偶尔参加聚会的记忆开始消退。但现在,你又不得不再考虑钱的问题。 2 等到暑假快要结束,全国各地的学生正在为新学期做准备的时候,你却发现大学毕业的儿子还歪躺在沙发上看电视。除此之外,他只是偶尔发发短信,浏览社交网站Facebook,或者去酒吧喝酒。这位属于“千禧一代”的年轻人一夜之间变成了“抱怨一代”的成员。他能找到工作吗? 3 这就是成千上万家庭所面临的状况:今年夏天,超过65万的大学生毕业,在当今金融危机的背景下,他们中的大多数人不知道自己下一步该做什么。父母只会唠叨,而儿女们则毫无缘由地变成了叛逆者。他们知道自己该找份工作,但却不知道如何去找。 4 来自米德尔塞克斯郡的杰克·古德温今年夏天从诺丁汉大学政治学系毕业,获得二级一等荣誉学士学位。他走进大学就业服务中心,但又径直走了出来,因为他看见很多人在那里排长队。跟他一起住的另外5个男孩子也都跟他一样,进去又出来了。找工作的压力不大,虽然他所认识的大多数女生都有更明确的计划。 5 他说:“我申请政治学研究工作,但被拒绝了。他们给的年薪是1.8万镑,交完房租后所剩无几,也就够买一罐豆子,可他们还要有工作经历或硕士学位的人。然后我又申请参加快速晋升人才培养计划,并通过了笔试。但在面试时,他们说我‘太冷漠’了,谈吐‘太像专家政治论者’。我觉得自己不可能那样,但我显然就是那样的。” 6 打那以后,他整个夏天都在“隐身”。他能够轻松地复述出电视剧《交通警察》中的若干片段。他白天看电视的时间太长,已经到了影响健康的地步。跟朋友谈起自己漫无目标的日子时,他才发现他们的处境和自己一样。其中一位朋友在父母的逼迫下去超市上货,其余的则都是朝九晚五地“无所事事”,晚上则去酒吧喝酒打发时间。要么,干脆就在酒吧工作?这样还可以挣些酒钱。“我不想在酒吧工作。我上的是综合学校,我拼命读书才考上了一所好大学。到了大学,我又埋头苦读,才取得一个好学位。可现在我却跟那些没上过大学的做无聊的酒吧侍应的朋友处在同一个水平线上。我觉得自己好像兜了一圈,又回到了原来的起点。” 7 他的母亲杰奎琳·古德温替他辩护。她坚持认为她的儿子已经尽力找工作了。但由于她自己中学毕业后一直都在工作,所以她和她的丈夫发现,建议儿子如何继续找工作是件很棘手的事情。她说:“我一直都不得不工作。而现在的年轻人很难做到这一点,因为如果你有了学位,学位就会为你提供新的机会,至少你自己会这么想。” 8 虽然目前她对儿子的态度还比较温和,但是她心里很清楚,去南美度三星期的假之后,他的休假就该结束了。他可能还得付房租,并分担家庭开支。 9 她说:“在某个时候孩子们总要长大成人。我们已经帮他交了大学的学费,

新标准大学英语4 B4U7教案

Unit 7 No Place Like Home (New Standard English, Book 4) Section 1 Lead-in Activity 1 Home on the Range Directions: Listen to the song and fill in the blanks with the missing words. Oh, give me a home where the buffalo roam Where the deer and the antelope play Where seldom is heard a discouraging word And the skies are not cloudy all day Home, home on the range How often at night when the heavens are bright I see the light of those flickering stars Have I laid there amazed and asked, as I gazed If their glory exceeds that of ours Activity 2 Design My Sweet Home Directions: Watch the video. Work in pairs. Imagine your ideal home and discuss the questions. 1 Where in the world would you like to live? --I would like a tropical island –Hai’nan would be s uitable 2 What would it look like from the inside and outside? --Outside: a swimming pool , a big balcony , trees and plants, a blue roof.

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