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Some people argue that immigrants should adopt the local culture when immigrating to a new country. An alternative view is that they can adapt to a new environment by establishing a minority community. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


Accepting the local culture is a good starting point for immigrants to interact with locals, especially in the workplace.


A migrant to a new country should recognize the cultural differences and observe local conventions, which is helpful to avoid embarrassment and bring a sense of comfort.


The coexistence of different minority communities benefits both immigrants and locals, because it enables them to counteract the stress that results from cultural shock.


Some people think history is of little use to us. While others believe that studying history is very important. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


History is a summary of past experiences and lessons, which helps to prevent us from taking a wrong path.


History means revelation of culture, and this plays vital role in reminding fellow citizens of their national identity.


Some conceptions passed down by history are outdated and may create obstacles for young people to make innovations.


Many historical materials demand further proof because they are recorded by people who are in favor of rulers from each dynasty.


Some people think that computers will replace public libraries. Do you agree or disagree?


Computers can exert certain effect on improving the efficiency when searching information. For example, some technologies, such as Google and yahoo searching engines, as well as some other online digital databases, can be of great help.


In urban areas, government can easily afford computers or related costs, while their counterparts

in rural areas are capable only of supplying a library of inferior quality.


Traditional public libraries have played a pivotal role in our society and numerous residents have got accustomed to them. Like a sacred treasure of knowledge, libraries and their collections help us learn knowledge and skills passed down through ages from our ancestors.


Reading an interesting book in a quiet environment is an amusement and entertainment, while searching information in front of a computer is stressful and tired. Not only has a library supplied a place for readers to seek knowledge, but help them relax their body and ease their mind.


Some people think inviting foreign companies to set up factories in developing countries is helpful for improving local economy, while others believe that foreign companies should not be allowed to do so and local companies should be encouraged instead. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


Inviting companies abroad to open their branches in developing countries is apparently helpful for

meeting growing demand for commodities of higher quality.


Aggressive foreign investment may impose chains on the independence of local economy, which can be a threat to domestic development in the long term.


Some people think that teachers and government should decide the subject that students should study at the university, while others think that students should make decisions by themselves. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Teachers and government:

-Ensure fair competition and evaluation criterion

-Take variations among different areas into consideration

-Know what skills are needed in the society


-Foster students’ learning interests and enthusiasm

-Benefit individual career development


Some employers are giving more importance to people of good social skills, while others think good qualifications are more important. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


Academic qualification is regarded as a must in many professions such as surgeon or a scientist, which cannot be done by people without relevant degrees or qualifications.


It is also important for some job-takers to have interpersonal skills. Effective relationship with one's managers, clients or colleagues can help a person to enhance the possibility of promotion in his career life.


Some people think technology is better for improving the environment than living simpler life. Do you agree or disagree?


Technical means makes it possible for us to conquer existing environmental problems.


The development of alternative energy driven by scientific progress brings hope for

reducing our reliance on fossil fuels.


Living a simpler life reduces our consumption of natural resources and emissions of pollutants.


Many people try to balance their life and work, but few people can achieve it. Why? How can we overcome this problem?


Many people are having a difficult time finding balance in their lives because there have been cutbacks or layoffs where they work.


To pursue higher profits and faster development, many employers tend to put their staff on a 24-hour working timetable.


When we plan our week, we should make it a point to schedule time with our family and friends.


The government should put restrictions on working hours by enacting relevant laws and regulations.


Some people think that to have a successful life you have to have university education, while others think it’s not that important. Discuss both views and give your opinion based on personal experience and knowledge.


Students are able to acquire a wide range of theoretical and practical knowledge from those sophisticated professors, which helps to lay a solid foundation for one’s future career development.


Through attending sessions and seminars in various forms on campus, students can be well developed in critical thinking and problem-solving skills.


Universities are homes to friends and people of the same preferences, and this provides opportunities for them to build up social networking.


Only by getting involved in a job can work experience and professional skills be accumulated and enhanced.


Competitiveness and resilience, which are often regarded as key factors for success, are shaped by individuals’ setbacks and experiences rather than imparted by college teachers.


Sometimes success demands a bit of luck, and this is obviously something that universities find it difficult to offer.


In some cultures, old people are more valued, but in other cultures the youth are more valued. What’s your opinion?


Old people are considered beings of the past, out-of-date individuals. However, this wasn’t always like this. In other civilizations they were deemed sources of wisdom and this gave them a significant role within the everyday life of the societies they belonged to.


Ambition is an important characteristic of people in today’s society. How important do you think it is for people who want to succeed in life? Is it a positive or negative characteristic for success?


If people are ambitious in your job, they will be looking for ways to move up the ladder of success. They will put out an extra effort to make a mark in their job and to get a promotion. Employers like ambitious workers.


A tendency of news reports in the media focus on problems and emergencies rather than positive developments is harmful to the individual and to society. Do you agree or disagree?


People have the right to get informed of what is happening in the world and the public can work together with the government to think about solutions to possible problems.


Excessive negative reports tend to push people to lose the confidence and trust for the government and the society.


Some people think that spending a lot on holding wedding parties, birthday parties and

other celebrations is just a waste of money. Others, however, think that these are necessary for individuals and the society. Discuss both views and give you opinion.


Why and how we hold those marriage and birthday celebrations is an expression of our culture and traditions.


Events in our personal life are often regarded important occasions now for a break in our daily routine. Also, celebrating together can create cohesion among guests and it can be a good way to keep in touch with relatives and friends.


Those celebrations provide opportunities for us to show our concern for people that matter to us: the person we marry or the friend, who holds a birthday party. Parties bring extended families together or help us meet friends we have not seen for a long time.


Lavish celebrations can come with high costs, even leaving the hosts in debts.


Then, some parties are only held to impress guests rather than share happy moments in one‘s life.


Celebrating should not overstretch the means of the hosts. It would be wiser to scale down the event to the affordable budget.


Some people think children should not be allowed to watch TV regularly in school and at home. Do you agree or disagree?


Broaden our horizon=enrich one’s experiences=expand our scope of knowledge


Watching TV makes it possible for children to acquire information about what’s happening all over the world. 时事Current affairs, --了解get informed of, learn about


Watching TV provides an exciting way for children to get relaxed in their free time.


Watching is time-consuming and may dampen children’s academic performance.


Children watching too much television are at risk of contracting various health problems and ending up as short-sighted and couch potatoes.


Some TV programs contain a wide range of information concerning violence and pornography, which may result in distorted values of children.



It will pose a challenge to the development of children’s imagination and language skills because watching TV gives too many stereotypes of reality.


Some people think the country should spend money on weapons to improve national defense, others believe that we should spend more money on disadvantaged groups. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


A nation’s ability to repel invaders provides a guarantee for social stability and economic development.


Governments are based on revenues collected from taxpayers, so they should be responsible for ensuring the living standard of each citizen especially those disadvantaged groups.


Some people think all new doctors and teachers should go to work in rural areas, while others argue that people should go where they like. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


Sending new doctors and teachers to rural areas is important for fostering the advancement of rural areas’ education and medical care, and this can bridge the disparity between urban areas and rural counterparts.


Working in rural areas is a rewarding process, in which new doctors and teachers are able to promote their professional skills and work experience.


It will clear obstacles for the resolution of diverse city problems such as housing shortage and unemployment if an increasing number of new doctors and teachers choose to seek their fortune in rural areas.


Rural lifestyle is probably too big a jump for new doctors and teachers who used to be city dwellers and this may put them in a negative mood towards new environment.


Some people think students can benefit from private secondary schools. Others believe they have negative effects on the society as a whole. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


Private secondary schools are able to provide students with education of higher quality because they have better teachers and facilities.


Smart class adopted by most private secondary schools can do a better job in meeting students’ individualized needs and foster students’ well-rounded development.


The prevalence of private secondary education may contribute to the imbalance in allocation of educational resources and enlarge the disparity between the wealthy and the impoverished.


Children who are brought up in families which do not have a great amount of money are better prepared to deal with the problems of adult life than children who are brought up by wealthy parents. Do you agree or disagree?


Children of poor family are better developed in their independence and adaptability.


Children of poor family are blessed with stronger aspirations to succeed and they have sufficient will power to overcome difficulties in life/they have more resilience to resist setbacks.


Children of wealthy family are able to enjoy a wider range of learning sources and better education, which provide them with diverse experiences and capabilities.


The government should spend money on the prevention of diseases rather than on the treatment of patients. Do you agree or disagree?


Prevention is a more cost-effective way to ensure public health.


Treatment of patients is necessary sometimes because health problems are inevitable.


Men and women employed in full-time jobs have to share evenly household chores and caring for children at home. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?


Making chores equally shared is beneficial for bringing family members closer and building up a proper family bond. Also, this enables men to develop a better sense of responsibility, so they will not take wives’ care and contributions for granted any more.


Men are not to blame for doing less housework than women since women are born to be more capable of performing tasks such as doing the dishes and taking care of children. And the traditional role for men to play in family is to earn bread and butter instead of sweeping the floor or doing the cooking.


Rote learning is widely used in many education systems. Do the advantages outweigh its disadvantages?


Rote learning helps to nurture students’ resilience and memory.


Rote learning plays a critical role when students prepare for examinations.


Rote learning may dampen the development of students’ creativity and imagination.


Some people think that the best way to improve road safety is to give road offences stricter punishment. Do you agree or disagree?


More investments can be channeled into infrastructure projects, which is cricical for improving road conditions and road safety.


The government should impose more training on would-be drivers before they get a driving license, and this plays a vitla role in ensuring the level of their driving skills.


Stricter punishment helps to impress road offenders powerfully, which can prevent them from making the same mistakes again.


The age of books is over, and written words are unnecessary for the spread of information. Do you agree or disagree?


Books not only serve as tools for the spread of information but also revelation of traditional culture.


Media in electrical forms saves consumption of natural resources and can be spread more easily.


Some people prefer to provide help or support directly to the local community. Others prefer to give money to national or international charitable organizations. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


Providing needy people with direct support helps to prevent corruption and embezzlements.


Direct assistance serves as a more efficient way to help local victims when disasters like earthquake hit the homeland.


Charitable organizations are able to collect and allocate more resources in a well-organized way.


Some people think all students should learn a foreign language. Others believe students without the talent should not learn. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


Learning a foreign makes it easier for us to communicate with foreigners.


It will provide students with a better career development if they are able to use a foreign language.


Forcing students without the talent to learn a foreign language is money-consuming and takes time.

Architects should not worry about designing a building as a work of art. Do you agree or disagree?


Beautiful buildings serve as an important part of cityscape and promote a city’s status in the whole world.


Architectures with well-designed appearance often serve as attractions for commercial opportunities and investment.


It will pose a threat to buildings’ functions and practicality if too much attention has been paid to their appearance.


Child caring is very important today. It is suggested that all mothers and fathers should take childcare training courses. Do you agree or disagree?


Taking such courses can be an arduous process, because it demands a commitment of money and time.


Stereotype and biases are inevitable in childcare courses, and this may pose a threat to the development of kids’ individuality and creativity.


Parents are able to acquire professional knowledge and experience about how to look after children, which is critical for having a better understanding of children’s actual needs.


Some people think technological development increases the gap between the rich and the poor, while others believe it has the opposite effects. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


The increase in working efficiency and productivity driven by scientific development enables enterprise-owners to pursue more profits with a lower cost.


Human power is replaced by automation and machinery, which results in more severe unemployment problems.


Scientific development provides the poor with more opportunities to seek their fortune.


To what extent do you think nature produces crimes? What can we do to prevent crimes?


Undoubtedly, most criminals are not well-educated in terms of laws and character. In addition, the reason why people end up as criminals is that they are trying to make a living. Of course, some unlawful deeds are more likely to be committed by certain types of people whose personality contains relevant negative factors.


In order to resolve this problem, I believe we must provide free education and medical care to those disadvantaged groups. In addition to this, schools are obligated to enforce training about laws and regulations among teenagers. It is also necessary for us to put restrictions on the content that children are possibly exposed to in mass media.


Some people think the best way to improve public health is to increase the number of sports facilities. Others believe we need other measures. Discuss.


Undoubtedly, making efforts to improve the quality of medical care services serves as a more effective way to build up public fitness.


Also, citizens will be able to enjoy a healthier living environment if all forms of pollution can be eliminated from air, water or farms.


On the other hand, it will provide individuals with more opportunities to participate in sporting activities if they have a higher access to sports facilities.


Nowadays, young people are admiring media and sports stars even though they don't set a good example. Do you think this is a positive or a negative development?


Some media and sports stars do manage to set a good example for correct way of thinking and behaviors. They get married and have children and, although they have to work hard, they still spend time with family. Victoria and David Beckham are just one example of a happy celebrity couple.


Those celebrities are a source of incentives for an ordinary person to work hard. Rola, a new face in Japanese A V sector, is one of my bosom friends’ idol. The only reason why he takes lessons about the Japanese language is that he desperately desires to comprehend what those characters in Rola’s videos are talking about when spending his happy hours of the day.


Those who share the same idols are more likely to admire each other, which provides additional opportunities for individuals of different ages, backgrounds and colors to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.


Some stars end up drinking too much or taking too many drugs. The actress Elizabeth Taylor, for example, has been in clinics many times for these problems. The divorce rate is also very high among celebrities. Often their marriages last only a short period of time and they re-marry very quickly but the same thing happens again.


Getting stuck with those gossips or news about celebrities is time-consuming, and this may distract young people from more important things in life such as schooling and family.


The gap between urban areas and rural areas is increasing. Discuss the reasons and give solutions.


City residents have a higher access to good education and employment opportunities. City residents always have a superior attitude toward themselves and this brings more conflicts.


The government should provide rural residents with free education and medical care; Preferred policies in various forms to foster rural areas’ development are also required.


Some believe that an easier hobby is more beneficial than a difficult hobby. Do you agree or disagree?


Some people relax by watching movies, reading or surfing the internet. People who have physically demanding jobs may find these types of activities easier hobbies. If you are a nurse or builder, you may feel that doing a five-kilometer run after work is really a difficult hobby.


The opposite is true in the cases of people who do very sedentary jobs. Computer analysts, for example, may spend all day sitting in front of a computer screen. At the end of the working day, they may be keen to stretch their limbs and improve their health by swimming or going to the gym.


Another factor that influences our choice of leisure pursuit is whether we like it or not. Our inner preference for a hobby, which is probably taken by others as a tedious task, helps to eliminate the difficulties it may bring about.


Many experts hold the opinion that the increasing demand for oil and gas means people should look for new sources of energy for the future. Others feel that the damage to the land would be a major disadvantage of such search. What is your opinion?


Efforts to exploit traditional forms of energy such as oil and gas pose a potential threat to geologic structure and are reported to be a forcing house of earthquake. But search for alternative energy such as solar and nuclear power offers a better way out.


Looking for a stable alternative energy source for oil and gas seems impossible in the short term, while to encourage the use of public transportation by increasing the price of fossil fuels sounds like a better choice in the present.


Individuals and countries can not help everyone who need help in the world, so we should be only concerned about our own communities and countries. Do you agree or disagree?


In general, it is plausible to suppose that Individuals and countries should take the interests of local communities and mother countries into account first, because government is made of local people, by local people and for local people. Nowadays, the whole human kind is confronted with the danger of natural resources loss and nuclear weapons, but only by international cooperation and mutual understanding between different societies can such problems be resolved efficiently. The concept of “local community or nation state” is losing its importance at a rapid speed, but “global village” and “international community” are gaining momentum instead. Therefore, only focusing on local community will be a futile attempt to pursue further development and welfare.


Although there are limits to individuals and countries’ strength if they are required to concentrate

on more than local affairs and citizens, does this give us a reasonable reason to restrict our efforts to help people in another country? We are not alone on the earth, and the whole human kind should be one family.


Nowadays some secondary schools give children general education in a range of traditional disciplines, while others claim to be more specialized and pay attention to some particular classes, excluding some general ones. Which of two school types is better for children and why?


Enterprise owners nowadays prefer to employ graduates who are qualified for a wide range of jobs rather than a particular area. A teacher, for example, is encouraged to master many skills, ranging from teaching methodologies and psychology to abilities such as singing and dancing.


Concentrating on a particular area makes it possible for secondary school students to get rid of a heavy work load, and this can increase their motivation for schooling and provide more opportunities for further exploration in their favorite fields.


In many cities, planners have separated schools, homes, shops, offices in specific areas which were widely separated from each other. Do you think advantages of this policy overweigh disadvantages to the city residents?


As a whole, city dwellers see public facilities as performing a triple function: educational, economic and recreational. If buildings concerning those aspects are constructed in separate places, it will not interfere with the performance of each function.


More land can be conserved for building public parks and gardens which act as “green lung” for our city.


Probably the most significant flaw for this policy is that people have to spend too much time on the road and are at risk of facing possible traffic congestion.


Most people think it is important to protect the environment, but they take no actions. Give reasons and solutions.


Citizens are not motivated to take actions.

Regulations for dealing with behaviors of polluting the environment are absent.


Give a stricter punishment to those individuals and enterprises who bring about environmental pollution.

Provide highly polluted industries with enough compensation for them to close down


Clearly, the land in the map of 1780, which was next to a river laid in the west, can be divided into three main regions: houses, farms and forests. Located in the northeast was a village, which included 100 houses. Between the river and the village were four farms, which were located in the centre of the land. A large amount of forests were grown in the southeast.

Several changes are to be found in the map of 2020. The number of homes will increase to 500 and the preceding farms are planned to be reconstructed to build a road for connecting the village and the river. The former forests are to be replaced by a road and two schools. One school will be surrounded by two sports fields and the other by only one sports field. A bridge is to be built over the river. And next to the river, several shops are to be set up. At the end of the river, a wetland for birds is to be built.



Topics of Task 2 (2008~2009.11.21) 一、教育(共25题,占%) 1. In countries where there is a high rate of unemployment, most pupils should be offered only primary education. There is no point in offering secondary education to those who have no hope of finding a job. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? (08.01.26) 不同意: 中学教育是一个重要的德育阶段,如果在这个时候中断,带来的不仅仅是失业这样的问题,还有青少年犯罪等社会问题vital stage for moral education. If it was interrupted, numerous of social problems/headaches may create as juvenile delinquency. (正如马克吐温说:你每关闭一所学校,你就必须开设一座监狱。Every time you stop a school, you will have to build a jail ) 教育能够帮助培养个人素质;提高劳动力的素质,从而提高生产效率,推动社会发展,从根本上解决失业的问题。do a favor to/be beneficial(advantageous, preferable) to personal quality, enhance/boost/promote the quality of the labor force, thereby increase production efficiency, social development, solve the problem of unemployment 从长远来看,如果受过更高的教育,则有更多的机会找到好的工作。In a long run/term, if pupils could receive better education, they may have far more opportunities to find better jobs. 教育的作用不仅仅应当局限在找工作,而是为了将来更好的发展。The function of education should be not only focused on \limited in job hunting, but also for a better development. **失业的原因是综合的comprehensive/complicated,例如经济原因:经济衰退或者不景气economy recession/depression,就业岗位剧减,导致市场对于劳动力的需求整体下降 a fall in the overall demand for labor;社会原因,个人原因等 2. Most countries spend much money on education, as they start to realize the importance of education. In your opinion which subject is the most important for young people and which one is the least important? Subjects: Literature Sports Mathematics Economy Physics History Music Geography (08.03.01) 整个题目可以分为理论科目和实践科目两种: 理论科目的好处:智的角度 实践科目(音乐、体育)的好处:美、体、劳的角度 E.g.: What does sports benefits your academic? Any sport will have a positive effect on academic performance simply because exercise is good for the brain, and teamwork and strategy that are focal to most sports are applicable as well to many academic areas. 理论科目的坏处:枯燥、单调、需要长时间的学习、结合实践时较为困难 体育、音乐的坏处:需要天赋;需要大量时间和金钱的投入;就业范围小,职业生涯短 3. Schoolteachers used to be the source of information, however, some people argue that teachers are not as important as before as the increasing variety of information resources. What is your opinion? (08.0 4.24) 和以前一样重要:(也就是说老师的重要性) 学校教育更加有利于学生的道德培养,尤其对于年龄较小的学生。老师可以帮助学生建立自信心,培养能力,塑造良好的性格最终成为一个有利于社会的人。Teachers could help the students to build up confidence, shape upright character and ultimately grow a full man beneficial to the society. 通过老师的讲解,能够更加容易接受知识。By lectures, students are more easily to receive knowledge.可以根据学生的需要而改变teach students in accordance with their own characteristics and differences 学生在学校里能够参加体育锻炼,有利于身体的健康和成长 学校教育给了学生一个交流、沟通、合作的机会,有利于团队精神team spirit、合作精神cooperation、创新能力innovation的培养foster/cultivation。 其他信息途径的好处(远程教育的好处) 提供了一种更为新颖有效的教育形式an original and effective educational model;增加人们接受教育的机会increase the opportunities of being educated;提高参与者的科技能力develop technology competencies、拓展技术面broaden skill set,从而提高就业机会job opportunity。 为地处偏远和行动不便的人、工作时间不稳定的人提供了受教育的机会those with restricted mobility, such as elderly, disabled, injured, irregular work schedule. 可以同时和全国各地甚至全世界各地的人进行交流和学communicate and interact with students all over the country or even the world 文档和资料容易储存、易提取、打印和阅读documents and materials are easily recorded, retrieved, printed and read 远程教育的缺点: 缺乏和老师面对面的交流lack of in-person contact with faculty members很难及时接受到老师的反馈wait for a long time before receiving feedback about assignments 不能像传统教育那样和同学之间更多地接触,没有机会提高口头交流能力和合作能力等have no chance to enhance oral communication skills and cooperation skills 精力和注意力会被很多东西分散many distractions at home 并不是所有的行业都承认网络教育的学历,缺乏就业认可。not all work industries acknowledge online degrees 4.Schools should teach children some academic subjects, which will be beneficial to their future careers. Therefore, other subjects such as music and sports are not important. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? (08.0 5.22) 同第2题 5.University students always focus on one specialist subject, but some people think universities should encourage their students to study a range of subjects in addition to their own subject. To what


2013年4月雅思写作权威预测 杨涛 老师简介:杨涛,雅思核心教育组成员,6年雅思教学经验,写作预测独树一帜,自由撰稿人。独创“解构写作法”,思维缜密,见解独到,讲究实用教学法,一切从考试和实战出发,多年培养过众多的雅思高分考生,课堂旁征博引,深受学生爱戴。著有《剑桥雅思真题解析集》,《杨涛雅思写作-议论范例70篇》。 本月预测重点: 环球雅思写作主讲杨涛老师4月雅思写作权威预测,相关书籍,请参照《9分雅思写作——杨涛经典范文70篇》。未经授权,不得任何转载和出版,违者必究。

A类小作文:折线图,柱状图,饼状图 G类小作文:道歉信,邀请信 1、With the development of modern media, people believe that there is no room for teachers in the classroom. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 2、In some western nations, the population aged over 65 years is increasing greatly, which leads to some social problems. What are the effects on both individuals and the community as a whole? 3、Some people believe that rich countries should provide more financial aid to the undeveloped areas. However, others believe there are other ways to do so. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion. 4、The current energy crisis requires people to discover something new and efficient such as solar system, wind and nuclear power. To what extent do you agree or disagree? What are other methods to solve this issue? 5、Facing the extinction of animals and plants, people should protect the dying species only. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 6、The charge of traveling is reducing recently, which enables more people to enjoy their vacations. What are the effects on the tourists? What problems should we prevent? 7、Some people believe that public places like the museum should be used in educative way. However, others believe that it is a good place for entertaining functions. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion. 8、Some people believe that the local government should invest money in basic facilities such as primary education and public health care. However,others think national defense is vital for the authorities. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion. 9、With the invasion of international food supply, the local agriculture is threatened in many aspects, so some people encourage that only the local food should be sold in a certain place. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


一.雅思大作文的15大考察内容 考察频率最高专题: ? 1. 教育:儿童,中学,大学教育体制和方法 ? 2. 科技发展对生活的影响 ? 3.文化的组成因素和保护 ? 4.生活方式的转变和社会观念 ? 5. 全球化及其影响 ? 6. 环境问题和环境保护 ?7. 政府投资 考察次重点专题: ? 1. 艺术的价值 ? 2.媒体的作用 ? 3.广告的影响 ? 4.动物的保护和动物实验 ? 5.城乡差距和城市化 ? 6.犯罪 ?7.弱势群体:妇女的权利,妇女参军 ?8.体育 雅思写作错误检查表(10条) 1.使用了正确的语法结构:时态语态,主谓一致,从句,用词准确(名词,动词,形容 词的形式),介词,冠词 2.句式有变化 3.使用了一定量的词汇 4. 拼写没有错误 5. 观点明确,语意精准不模糊 6. 每段主题句都表明了该段中心思想,所有拓展句支持句都紧扣主题 7. 大量的过渡性词语(逻辑连接词),使句子间和段落间都具有逻辑性和条理性 8. 提供了足够的细节,例子或论据 9. 每一段话都得到充分展开 10. 每一段话都紧扣文章主题 如何应用: a.1347当做检查项目,其他当做考前提醒 b.时间紧,就改第一段和每段的前两句话 三.大作文首段基本写作策略---三步走 1.转述背景,扩展题目(setting/ background information ):把题目所提供的背景再用自 己的话拓展转述同义替换一下 题目:It is generally believed that some people are born with certain talents, for instance for sports or music, and others are not. However, it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to be a good sports person or musician. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 考官写的开头段: The relative importance of natural talent and training is a frequent topic of discussion when people try to explain different levels of ability in, for example, sports, art or music. 2. 说明意图(statement of purposes):


1 Films and computer games containing violence are popular now. Some people think they have a negative effect and should be banned. Other people think they are just a harmless relaxation . To what extent do you agree or disagree? 2 Charities cannot help everyone in the world, so they should only try to help people in their own communities and countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 3 People who immigrate to a new country should accept the new culture as their own rather than live as separate minority groups with different lifestyles. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 4 When students study a foreign language, they should also study the culture and lifestyles of the people who speak the language. Do you agree or disagree? 5 It is increasingly common for parents to send their children to boarding schools. What are the causes of this trend? Do you think this is a positive or negative development? 6 Schools should only offer subjects that are beneficial to students’ future careers. Other subjects, such as music and sports, are not important. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 7 In some countries, school subjects and course contents are decided by the government. Many people argue that students should decide these for themselves. What is your view? 8 The rate of youth crime is rising in many countries. What are the causes of this trend? Suggest some possible solutions to it. 9 Many children today prefer to watch television rather than do creative things. What are the causes of this and how can this be solved? 10 Some people think that men and women have different qualities. Some jobs are more suitable for men while other jobs are more suitable for women. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 11 The time and money spent on the protection of wild animals should be spent on improving human lives instead. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 12 Public museums and galleries are not necessary because people today can see the historical objects and works of art in those places on the Internet. Do you agree or disagree? 13 Young people today tend to find mobile phones and the Internet very helpful. However, it is not common for elderly people to use them. In what ways can mobile phones and the Internet be useful to elderly people? How can elderly people be encouraged to use them? 14 In some countries small town-centre shops are increasingly replaced by the huge out-of-town


雅思写作基础段课程 补充讲义资料 赵光伟


雅思写作基础词汇翻译练习(有提示版) 001. 现在,越来越多的孩子都是从小学开始学习外语,而不是中学。 002. 在许多国家,青年人通常要用四年时间完成本科学习,两年以上时间完成研究生学习。

004. 大学的课程总体是由必修课和选修课组成的。 005. 诸如经济学(economics)之类的科目是大学商科类(business)课程的重要组成部分。 006. 大学应当为学生同时提供理论性知识和实践性知识。 007.在大学的第一年学习中,学生主要获取公共基础知识,而不是专业知识。 008. 有优秀(excellent)学习成绩的学生通常都对基础的理论和原理有比较好的掌握。 009. 以学生为中心的教学方法很关注学生的实际需求(real needs)。 010. 教师应当鼓励学生积极地(actively)参与到课堂活动中来。 011.网络资源(online resources)可以有效(effectively)激励学生对学习外语的兴趣。 012. 各个学校应当尽最大努力(make every effort to)培养孩子们的全面发展。 013. 孩子们的身心健康和他们的学习成绩是同等重要的(of equal importance)。(倒装结构) 014. 鼓励独立思考(independent thinking)能帮助培养孩子们的创造力和解决问题的能力。 015. 道德教育能帮助孩子们形成(shape)积极的(positive)性格特征。 016. 雄心,热情和坚持是我们事业成功的三个重要因素(important factors to)。 017. 对于应当培养(foster)孩子们的合作意识(a sense of )还是竞争意识一直存在争论(there exists a debate)。018. 家长和学校应当一齐努力(make a concerted effort to)教育孩子们分辨是非。 019. 被家长溺爱的孩子会在长大后缺乏(without)对他人的尊重。 020. 家长也应该为孩子设立适当的行为准则,以防止(prevent)行为问题(behavioral problems)的发生。 021.老师应当多关注(pay more attention to)一下那些缺乏自律性的学生。 022.糟糕的家庭教育会导致孩子产生各种行为问题(behavioral problems)。 023.家长应当给予孩子更多情感的关怀与支持,而不是以物质的方式(in material ways)满足(meet)他们的需要。024.学校有责任(have a responsibility for)教育(educate)学生成为良好的社会成员。 025.大学的基本功能(basic function)之一是教授与工作相关的知识和技能。


2019年1-6月雅思A类写作机经 2019年1月5号 Task one The chart below shows how four European countries deal with their cities waste in four different ways. Four countries: Netherland,Italy,Spain,UK Four ways:landfill,recycle,biologically treated,burnt Task 2 Some peopl e think the fittest and strongest individuals help to achieve success in sports. Others believe success is much related to mental attitud e. DG 2019年1月12号 Task 1 类型 扇形图 题目 The charts below show the hours male and female workers work a week in government institutions and private companies. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Task 2 There are more new towns nowadays, it is more important to include public parks and sports facilities than shopping centers for individuals to spend their free time. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 2019年1月17号 Task one The chart below shows the number of visitors to the main attractions in a Europe country between 1981 and 2001 Task Two In some countries, peopl e waste a l ot of food which is bought in shops and restaurants. What d o you think are the reasons? What can be d one to solve this problem? 2019年1月26号 Task One

文波雅思 - 2016年2月雅思写作预测

显然大作文出题是比较接地气的,自去年发生各类恐怖事件后,犯罪类话题的出现率就有明显上升; 反观大陆地区,小作文出现了地图题,大作文则是交通类和政府类复合难题“In some cities, the governments have tried to reduce traffic .For instance, they imposed a congestion tax during rush hour. Do you think this development is positive or negative?”结合阅读的难题回忆,我们推测大陆地区单独出题后有意在给考生增加难度,所以在预测上的难度更大变数更多,国内的烤鸭们一定要有直面变态难题的心理准备! 放眼猴年第一次考试,教育虽然是头号热门话题,由于此前教育类已经出现两次且30日的题目也内含教育内容,考生应当在下次考试前重点准备另外几类常见热门话题;生活科技很可能成为隐藏回归的出题热门领域;另外A类考试需警惕近年频率升高的抽象类难题。 综合各类数据,2月13日出现可能性较大的写作题型包括: 1)小作文柱图概率大,但当心复合图表格和流程图,尤其大陆地区! 2)大作文生活科技类、老人弱势群体类和抽象类话题。大陆地区警惕文化教育抽象结合题。 最后提前祝大家猴年行大运! 参考练习题: 1.Today, more and more people are living in big cities. What are the causes of this trend? What problems has it caused? 2.As most people spend a major part of their adult life at work, job satisfaction is an important element of individual well-being. What factors contribute to job satisfaction? How realistic is the expectation of job satisfaction for all workers?


2019 年10 月19 日雅思写作专业预测 作者:上海环球教育 更多写作真题范文、预测范文可以扫二维码 10 月 19 日写作预测一 Taking care of children is important, so both mothers and fathers should take childcare training courses. Do you agree or disagree?(2013/01/19) 范文: Both positive and negative effects of childcare have proven to be long lasting. Therefore,there has been a surge of interest in arranging childcare courses for parents. Although it seems to be overreaching to require both parents’ participation in professionally organized childcare training, personally, I believe that both parents’ participation is advisable for the sake of providing growth-oriented environment for children. The notion that the role of parents is to provide a safe place for children to relax, cater for child’semotional and physical needs, and provide consistent and responsive care is narrow and superficial. Instead,a lot more are expected from the role of


Unit 1 雅思IELTS 考试写作简介 雅思考试写作部分在听力和阅读后进行,由两部分组成,TASK1和TASK2。要求考生在60分钟内完成两篇文章的写作。普通培训类和学术类考生在写作的考试内容上有一些区别。两类写作TASK2题目类型基本相同,考试的结构和要求也大体相同,要求在40分钟完成250字左右的议论文。类似英美国家学校里任课教师布置的课堂讨论作文。一般要求考生根据自己的知识和经验就一个现象阐明自己的态度和见解,或就一个观点发表自己赞同或反对的观点。 学术类写作TASK 1(ACADEMIC TRAINING MODULE)要求考生对题目中给出的各类图表加以观察和分析,并根据已知的图表和资料写一篇不少于150字的小短文。考得较多的有曲线图、柱状图、饼状图、表格、饼图等。也有可能考到两种不同种类的图。另外,流程图和示意图也偶尔考到。时间20分钟。 普通培训类写作TASK1(GENERAL TRAINING MODULE)则要求考生就某个假设的场景写一封信. 到目前为止,出现较多的书信种类有投诉信、请求信、建议信、寻找失物信、邀请信等。20分钟内完成150个字的文章。 总之,就题目的难度而言,GENERAL TRAINING MODULE 普通类写作比ACADEMIC TRAINING MODULE学术类写作稍微简单一些。 评分标准 The examiner reads your answer and awards band score of between 1(did not answer the question) and 9 (native speaker-like ) according to these criteria: ? 1.Task Response (i.e. how fully and appropriately the candidate has answered all parts of the task; the extent to which the candidate's ideas are relevant, developed and supported; the extent to which the candidate's position is clear and effective) ? 2.Coherence and Cohesion (i.e. how well the information and ideas are organized and presented i.e. paragraphing; how well the information is linked) ? 3.Lexical Resource (i.e. the range of vocabulary used, how accurately it is used and how appropriate it is for the task) ? 4.Grammatical Range and Accuracy (i.e. the range of structures used, how accurately they are used and how appropriate they are for the task) The band scores are then added together divided by 3 and rounded to determine your band score for this task. Writing Overall Band = 1 / 3* Task1 + 2 / 3*Task2 For example: Task1 =6 Task2 =7 Overall Band = 1 / 3* 6 + 2 / 3*7= 6.5


1-5 科技类同不同意题型 Some people think that people who prefer to read for pleasure will have better imagination and language skills than people who like watching TV. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 1-10 抽象类同不同意题型 The most important thing of people's life is his or her work. Without satisfying career, the life is meaningless. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 1-12 教育类利弊分析题型 In some countries, the parents expect children to spend long time in studying both in and after school and have less free time. Do you think it has positive or negative effects on children and the society? 1-19 教育类同不同意题型 Caring for children is probably the most important thing of the society. It is suggested that all mothers and fathers should be required to take the childcare courses. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement? 2-2 科技类+教育类双边讨论题型 Some people think watching TV is bad for children, while others think that watching TV has more beneficial effects on children. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion 2-14 工作类双边讨论题型 Some people believe that young people should be free to choose his or her job, while others think that they should be realistic and think about their future. Discuss both views and give your own opinion


一、概括: 1.写作考试介绍: Time: 60mins 20mins TASK1 150words 40mins TASK2 250words 2.考试题型: TASK1 Process 和Introduction 题目罕见出现。 TASK2 I. Discuss Eg: 2005年7月9日 Some people think the government should pay for health care and education, but other people do not think it the government’s responsibility. Discuss both and give your opinion. II. Advantages and Disadvantages Eg: 2005年5月14日 Some school leavers go to travel or work for a period of time instead of going directly to university. What are the advantages and disadvantages for their studies? III. Agree or Disagree Eg: 2005年6月25日 People think that the news media has influenced people’s lives nowadays, and it is a negative development. To what extent do you agree or disagree? IV. Your Opinion Eg: 2005年3月5日 Some academic subjects are useful for children’s future career while others such as music and sports are not so useful. What is your opinion. Give your reasons. V. Problem, Reasons and Solutions Eg: 2005年1月22日 Statistics suggest that nowadays an increasing number of crimes are committed by the young people. Explain the reasons for this and give solutions. 二、小作文解析(T ASK 1): 1.通用格式: ⑴OPENING—1SENTENCE--- A. Paraphrase 5W & B. Overall trend Ⅰ.Line phases Ⅱ.Pie classification Ⅲ.Bar the gap between A&B e.g. The graphs and charts tell us a clear overview of the characteristics and trends of…… It can be seen from the table that….. 详细见白书P6/下,“Referable IELTS Writing opening &writing” ●RULE 1: A.不可以抄题目 B.不可以写“According to ….”,只能写“In that figure….” C.不可以写“below/following” D.不可以写“that/this” E.第一段不出现数据

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