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Unit 1

Text B Family-unfriendly Policies

1.…, even after a significant reform of the welfare system, the single welfare

mother has become the public symbol of much of what is wrong with America’s social service programs. (para 8)



a. Though a major reform of the welfare system has been carried out, the policies of aiding the single mother is still a demonstration(a good example) to show that the American social service programs have fundamental problems.

b. Even after a major reform in welfare system, the single mother still enjoy too much benefits, which is always regarded as the main problem in America’s social service programs.

2.Federal aid should give incentives for couples to form and sustain healthy

marriages, not encouragement for single parenthood and nonmarital birth.

(para 8)



a. The government should encourage couples to set up and keep healthy marriages, not encourage households with one parent and give birth to children out of wedlock.

b. Federal government should encourage couples to marry and keep healthy marriage and discourage giving birth to kids by single parents and unmarried parents.

3.Public policy should not contribute to an a la carte menu of sex, love, and

childbearing. It should emphasize the benefits for all from the package deal of marriage. (para 9)



a. The policy for the public should not promote individually(separately) sex, love and childbearing, but should focus on the interests of the whole of marriage for all the people.

b. Public policy should not be helpful to the separation between sex, love and childbearing. It should stress the benefits of all the married couples.

Unit 2

Text B Deep water Drilling

1.Deep waters that were once off limits to oil explores are suddenly accessible,

partly because of advances in floating rigs. ( para 19)




a. Deep water exploring oil had once been impossible before, but now it becomes practicable in part because the floating rigs have developed much.

b. Oil explorers are now suddenly able to operate in deep waters where they couldn’t get to, in part because there are developments in floating rigs.

2.Everywhere, the quest is for speed and lightness. The last hurrah for the old

guard may be the 4.2 billion Hibernian oil projects on Canada’s Grand Banks. (para 22)



a. Anywhere in deep water drill field, high Speed and light weight is pursued forever. The last acclamation for the completion of the old typed fixed production platform may be the 4.2 billion Hibernian oil projects on Canada’s Grand Banks.

3.Now, oil-rich countries that once spurned Western oil companies as

imperialists realize that they’re missing out on a good thing. (para26)


a. Oil rich countries, which regarded the western oil companies as imperialists and rejected them, now get to know (realize) that they are failing to make use of their investment.

4.Add all that up and you have the recipe for a possible explosion in oil

production. (para 27)



a. If we gather all the factors above, we have reasons to believe it is possible to have a explosion in oil production.

b. Taking all these factors of technology and foreign capital into consideration, you may get the idea why there is a large oil production(why a large oil production is possible).

Unit 3

Text A The New Frontier of Biomedicine

1. A liver cell has a different job from a blood cell and proteins to match. (para 3)肝细胞与血液细胞分工不同,而且与之匹配的蛋白质也不同。


A liver cell plays a different role compared with a blood cell and the proteins inside a liver cell are different from those inside a blood cell.

2. But as the plasma proteome project shows, there will be a pay-off even at the

stage of cataloguing proteins. (para 8)



But as the plasma proteome projects indicates, people will benefit even during the period of making a list of proteins.

3.And if the unexpected technological leaps made in fiercely competitive race for the human genome are anything to go by, they will arrive faster than we might think.(para 8)



a. Because there is much competition in the human genome research and technology develops so fast, mapping the millions of proteins in our bodies will be completed more quickly than we can imagine.

b. If we judge by the unexpected technological advances achieved in human genome which involves fierce competition, the achievements in the field of proteomics will be accomplished more quickly than we might think.

Text B Clones Makes a Man?

1. A controversial area of science that has hardly been out of the spotlight since the birth of its leading lady, Dolly, the sheep, is cloning. (para 1)



a. Since the first cloned sheep Dolly was born, a lot of public attention has been drawn to cloning, which has caused a great deal of argument.

b. Since the leading lady Dolly the sheep was born, cloning has long been(seldom escaped from) the focus of attention(has always received a lot of public attention) as a much-debated area of science.

2. Certainly it is the view of every serious scientist that it would be madness for anyone to attempt to clone a person today, on the grounds of safety alone. (para 3)



Just taking safety into consideration, a serious scientist would say that it’s crazy to try to clone a person today.

3. This suggests that there is a great deal of plasticity in the growing embryo that still allows it to develop successfully even when a significant proportion of its genes are malfunctioning. (para 4)



It can be concluded from the cloning studies that the growing embryo bears a lot of plasticity which enables it to develop successfully even under the condition that there are a great proportion of malfunctioning genes.

4. Personally I think it would be a very dangerous path to follow first of all, could we really be sure until it was too late that we were not creating people with a range of serious abnormalities? (para 5)



In my opinion, it would be very dangerous to clone a person. Because we are not sure whether we are producing people with variously serious defects and diseases. It will be too late when we realize the dangers.

5. It might be a very useful practical test of the importance of genes versus the environment, but would it be fair to subject a real human individual to such a test? (para 5)



It could probably be a very useful practical experiment in relation to the importance of interaction going on between genes and environment, but would it be fair to get a real human individual involved in such a dangerous test?

6. Assessing how serious a possibility someone attempting to clone a baby is has not been helped by the various cranks and charlatans who have been making exaggerate claims in this respect. (para 6)


a. The weird people and fake experts who have been boasting(making) unreal and impractical declaration in this field of cloning have not helped in evaluating how possible the cloning baby is.

b. There are various weird people and fake experts who have been making unreal and impractical declaration that they would try to clone a baby. However, these could not help us to judge how possible the cloning baby is.

7. An increasing problem is that pioneering research findings made only after years of careful work with public funds then have their potential squandered and distorted by private interests that the public have no control over. (para 8)




A growing problem is that without public control, private interests would be likely to waste and misuse pioneering research findings which have been obtained after many years of careful work and supported by public funds.

Unit 4

Text A Design Plan for Freedom Tower

1.In addition, the Freedom Tower will further its distinction as a world-class

model of energy efficiency and environmental sustainability. (para 1)


The Freedom Tower will place greater emphasis on its features as a world-class example in making better use of energy and protecting the environment.

2. This spectacular addition to our skyline will be a commanding architectural symbol while addressing the security concerns we face in today's world. (para 4)天际间增添了这座雄伟的大楼,景色甚为壮观,它将成为一个权威性的建筑符号。它传达了我们对当今世界安全问题的重视。


While taking security into account, the accession of the Freedom Tower to our skyline will be a dominating architectural symbol.

3. Generous open spaces, filled with trees, water and places of respite that enliven the surrounding streets, connect the tower with the adjacent neighborhoods and allow views and access into the memorial. (para 6)



There are wide green areas with trees, pools and resting places which add to the vitality of the nearby streets. These areas connect the Freedom Tower with the surroundings and enable people to see and enter the memorial.

4. The redesigned Freedom Tower speaks to the government and private sector’s deep and abiding commitment to rebuild New York City to the highest architectural, environmental and safety standards. (para 7)



The new design of the Freedom Tower reflects public and private strong and lasting pledge which aims to rebuild New York City on the basis of the highest standards of architecture, environment, and safety.

5. Environmental quality will also extend to construction of the Freedom Tower, which will feature waste reduction through recycling of construction materials. (para 11)



By decreasing waste through recycling of construction materials, the construction of Freedom Tower will also make progress in improving environmental quality.

Text B After the Fall

1. After all, who wants to work or live in a grand, iconic structure that stands out in a crowd and thus makes an inviting target? (Para 1)



After all, no one wants to work or live in such an obvious, huge and symbolic building which is accordingly likely to be attacked(in a huge and symbolic building which is so distinguished as to be easily attacked.)

2. A lot of great buildings get erected because somebody wants to make their mark on the skyline. (para 2)



Lots of grand buildings are constructed as the developers want to become well-known (outstanding) with those impressive symbols on the skyline.

Unit 5

Text A Top Issues in Space Exploration

1. In reality, this latter decision was implied in 2004 by the budget projections released together with the VSE plan, and has never been explicitly countermanded. (para 3)



a. In fact, the latter choice was publicly given out in the 2004 financial plans with the VSE plan, and this choice has, so far, not been clearly reversed.

b. What really happened was that, predicted together with the VSE plan in the 2004 budget prediction, this latter decision has never been clearly cancelled.

2.The signal regarding the stability of a close alliance with future US space plans sent to the world governments, space communities, media, and general public, would be very negative. (para 3)




This is a message concerning the continuity of a close association with future US space plans. When sent to governments, the aerospace industries, media and the ordinary people all over the world, it would be a bad signal.

3. No other country has a major, expensive program similar to the space shuttle to end so that it can support exploration within existing budget allocations. (para 4)



No nation but the USA has a big, costly project like the space shuttle which could be sacrificed in favor of exploration, so other partner countries can support the space exploration plans financially without changing the total space program budget allowances.

4. They believe that they will bring to discussions of their participation in the VSE more bargaining power than has been in the case historically. (para 8)

相对于以往,他们坚信在新太空计划的参与权上会拥有更多讨价还价的砝码。注:VES:the new Vision for Space Exploration (美国)新太空计划Paraphrase:

They feel that they will have more negotiating strength in the discussion of their involvement concerning the VSE program than in the past.

Text B Dark Side of the Moon

1.One of the distressing features of coming to terms with the reality of capitalist society is learning that events which inspired us as children were based on quite different motives than we perceived at the time. (para 1)



a. One of the sad features of compromising with the reality of(that) we are unwilling to accept about capitalist society is recognizing the events that greatly encourage (prompt) us at our childhood have quite different purposes from what we imagined (realized) at the time.

b. To accept unwillingly the reality of capitalist society may bring about many painful qualities; one of them is to find out events that inspired us in our childhood were driven by fairly different incentives compared to what we thought at that time.

2. What helped to change this attitude was the very practical wartime demonstration, by the German V-2 missile, that rockets could be powerful weapons of mass destruction. (para 3)



a. What had actually happened in war changed the negative attitude towards rocketry. Judging by the performance of the German V-2 missile, the establishment knew that rockets could be powerful weapons of mass destruction.

b. Since the German V-2 missile presented powerful performance during the war, the establishment began to change their negative attitude and to realize that rockets could be powerful weapons of mass destruction.

3. The fact that the missiles had left 2,770 Britons dead and 21,000 wounded made any advances that the British government would have liked to have made towards von Braun and his team a little awkward. (para 4)


a. Since the war time, the German missiles killed 2,770 and hurt 21,000 British people. It embarrasses the British government(makes the British government embarrassed), if the government would like to show friendly attitude with V on Braun and his team after the war.

b. The British government would have liked to make friends with von Braun and his team, however, because the German missiles killed 2,770 and hurt 21,000 British people during the war, their efforts seemed rather awkward.

4.It also suggested that this potential be deliberately underplayed, the emphasis being put instead on the peaceful uses of this “remarkable technological advance.” (para 5)



a. It is also suggested(advised) that this potential be lightly dealt with on purpose with stress being put on the peaceful uses of this great technological progress.

b. It was also implied in the report that the military potential of the satellite should be played down on purpose, while the peaceful uses of this “remarkable technological advance” should be emphasized.

5. It seemed certain that the US would be making all the running in the race into space. (para 6)



There seemed no doubt that the US would lead the way to compete in space exploration.

6. One factor in this was that there were other, more terrestrial distractions.

(para 10)



One reason of reduced interest in lunar landing was the Vietnam War which diverted people’s attention from the moon.

Unit 6

Text A The Myth of the Paperless Office

1. … making paper copies of anything is a primitive use of machines and violates their very spirits. (para 1)



Using machines to make paper copies is backward and against the concept of the development of machines.

2. Technologies have emerged one after another to help us do away with what Egyptians first made out of riverside reeds several millennia ago, including electronic date books, ever-shrinking laptops, and the never quite-ready e-book. (para 2)



Many new inventions are coming out to help us to get rid of paper, which was invented in ancient Egypt and made of water plant leaves, including e-calendars, smaller and smaller notebook computers and e-books which are not quite yet ready. 3. A primary pile of papers, adjacent to the open workspace at the center of the desk and probably next to the phone, contains what they call hot files, documents to be acted on immediately. (para 4)



An important pile of documents including those urgent ones, which should be dealt with at once, is put next to the open workspace at the center of the desk and possibly close to the phone.

4. Cold files, the great preponderance of documents that don’t need immediate attention, fill file drawers farther away. (para 4)


As most documents are daily(regular) files that don’t have to be dealt with immediately, they are stuck in the drawers farther away.

Text B Will We Still Turn Pages?

1.Washington and Wall Street are bedeviled by a specter –the specter of dot-com start-ups and the rise of the nerd class. (Para 1)



a. The government and financial world in USA are troubled by a dreadful thing---by the setting up of web firms and the increasing number of the web fans.

b. A danger is haunting the political and financial center of the US, which comes from newly opened web firms and the emerging class of netizens.

2.Surprisingly, the outcome of this conflict has a lot to say about whether we will still turn pages as we read. (Para 1)


It is surprising that the result of battle between the paper culture and the screen culture fully illustrates (reveals) whether we will still turn pages when we read.

3.Screen culture is a world of constant flux, of endless sound bites, quick cuts and half-baked ideas. (para 4)



Screen culture is filled with continuous changes, never-stopping sound bites, rapid editions and deletions and immature thoughts.

4.Notions don’t stand alone but are massively interlinked to everything else; truth is not delivered by authors and authorities but is assembled by the audience. (para 4)



Ideas don’t exist separately but are closely related with every thing else, the truth is not expressed by authors and authorities but is gathered and organized by the audiences(readers).

Unit 7

Text A Competition Is Destructive

1. This is a particularly unsettling line of inquiry for athletes or parents. (para 4)这是一个使运动员和父母感到特别困扰的问题。


The way of asking such a question especially causes athletes or parents to feel worried.

2. The underlying theory is simple: All games involve achieving a goal despite the presence of an obstacle, but nowhere is it written that the obstacle has to be someone else. (para 6)



a. The basic/fundamental theory is simple: All games have something to do with reaching a goal in spite of the presence of an obstacle, but there are no written documents to show that the obstacle has to be a person.

b. There is a simple theory beneath: The rule of all games is to reach a goal even thought there is an obstacle, but it is never clearly indicated that this obstacle has to be someone else.

3. If a large number of people insist that we can’t do without win/lose activities, the first question to ask is whether they’ve ever tasted the alternative. (para 10)



If many people still hold the idea that we cannot live without activities involving winning and losing, the first thing we should ask is if they have ever tried the other way.

4. Studies have shown that feelings of self-worth become dependent on external sources of evaluation as a result of competition; your value is defined by what you’ve done and who you’ve beaten. (para 11)



According to studies, because of competition, the feelings of self-esteem gradually rely on assessments from the outside; your value is decided by the things you do and the people you defeat.

Text B Competition: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

1.Furthermore, an element of score keeping is evident in the most innocent of children’s games. (para 3)



Moreover(What’s more), score keeping, as a feature(characteristic) of winning in competition is clear(obvious) in the least sophisticated of children’s games.

2. This was a response to an attempt to recognize participation ahead of winning or losing at 4-H events, and was perceived by party leaders as promoting socialism. (para 4)



Joining in 4-H activities was a reaction to an attempt to realize(admit/accept) that participation is more important than winning or losing, and was regarded by party leaders as improving socialism.

3. As soon as this is established, they can refine and specialize their skills. (para 5)一旦找到合适的机会,他们就会对他们现有的技能精雕细琢,精益求精。Paraphrase:

Once they find their proper(appropriate) social position, the young people can improve and major in their skills.

4. The bulk of this research points to the improved social conditions associated with cooperation as opposed to competition. (para 7)



The majority of this research suggests(indicates) that cooperation rather than competition improves social condition(cooperation improves social conditions, but competition does not).

5.The context of the competition seems to excuse or suspend normal expectations of civility. (para 12)



The setting of competition appears to make people behave impolitely as usually(normally) wished(expected) and pardon their ugly behaviors.

Unit 8

Text A Power to the People

1.Solar power, wind turbines and other sources of clean power---the preserve of

visionaries and enthusiasts little more than a decade ago---are now poised on the brink of the mainstream, helped in no small part by the environmental deficiencies of fossil fuels. (para 2)


Largely because there are not enough fossil fuels in the environment, Solar power, wind turbines and other sources of clean power are now fully ready to replace the mainstream sources of power, which used to be the field for people with great visions and enthusiasm to explore only about 10 years or so ago.

2.Already a billion-pound business, projections indicate an annual growth rate

for the next decade of 14 percent. (para 6)



Although the solar program is already worth billion pounds, people still predict that for the next 10 years, it will keep growing with a rate of 14% each year.

3.High hopes are pinned on the fuel cell, a technology forecast to reshape the

world energy economy and odds-on to power transport systems of tomorrow by replacing petrol. (para 21)



Fuel cell is a technology predicted to transform the world energy economy and it is very likely to take the place of petrol to give power in the future transport systems; as

a consequence, people put a lot of hopes on it.

4.Again, its green credentials are indisputable: fuel cells release nothing more

damaging into the atmosphere than water vapor. (para 21)



Again, you cannot argue with the green quality of the fuel cell because the material it lets out into the atmosphere is as damaging as water vapor(that is, without damage).

Text B Solar Energy Goes to School

1.The solar panels provide an exciting demonstration for the campus

community of the power of cutting edge technology…(para 5)


Excitingly, the solar panels display in front of people on campus the power of a technology that is at the very frontier…

2.As laboratories for learning and natural gathering centers for the community,

schools are an excellent venue to demonstrate the viability of solar technologies. (para 6)



Since schools can act like the laboratories for learning and the place for people in the area to gather together(assemble), they are a perfect place to show the possibility we can have with solar technologies.


研究生复试面试常见问题汇总 在研究生复试面试这一环节,很多老师会习惯性的问一些问题,这些问题出现的频率较高,为了确保考生们的复试万无一失,面试网小编今天准备了一些高频问题,并且给出条理清晰的解答思路,希望对考生的您有所帮助。 一.我们需要知道,面试的老师,最想听到什么? 不管你是硕士还是博士,老师都希望听到你的科研能力,科研能力,科研能力,尤其是博士。有的博士生或硕士生,一上来介绍自己的家庭背景。除非你的家庭出身非常坎坷,极其励志,否则,老师往往对此是没兴趣的。此外,有的博士生谈的全是自己做过的项目。不可否认,做项目的能力对于硕士面试,或找工作面试比较重要,但对博士来说就不同了。老师更愿意听到的,是你做科研的能力和发表论文的能力。 如果是硕士复试的同学,你也应该突出“科研潜力!”例如: (1)你的点子很多; (2)你的基础知识很扎实; (3)编程能力强; (4)对很多问题的理解很深; (5)能够和导师顺畅的交流并理解他的意思; (6)能够迅速的把导师的想法实现;

(7)可以独立承担项目并有很强的责任感等等。 二.要清晰地了解自己的优势和劣势 尤其是劣势,不要试图通过优势去掩盖自己的劣势。要知道,台下的老师通常能一眼看到你的缺点,然后他们会抓住这个点追问。所以,一定要提前做足功课,想想如何说明。例如: (1)你已经工作很多年了,为什么还要回来读研?难道你愿意放弃现在的职位么? (2)你为什么跨专业?你计算机的专业课上过几门啊?我们担心你跨专业后跟不上。 (3)你硕士期间只是在做项目,没发几篇论文,你到底有没有科研能力呢? 有些劣势,出于政治正确,老师们一般不会主动开口,例如:你的本科院校很差,究竟潜力如何啊?但是,他们不开口,绝不代表你不去准备,你应该知道他们脑子里是有这些问题和顾虑的。在准备简历或介绍自己时,要重视这些不好意思开口的问题,以合适、不尴尬的方式消除老师们的疑虑。 三.最常见的面试问题。例如: (01)你为什么读硕士;


大学生调研报告3000字【三篇】 篇一 一个不读书的民族,是没有希望的民族。随着我们国家经济的发展以及人们生活水平的提升,各种各样的阅读资料向人们扑面而来。 上世纪末至今,随着海量资讯时代的到来,大众文化取代精英文化成 为市场的主流,阅读对象也不但仅是文字,更涵盖了影像、画面等等 一切传统阅读并未包含的东西,似乎我们已经进入了浅阅读的时代。 而作为今后国家建设中坚力量的中国当代大学生,他们的阅读状况如何呢?为了了解大学生的阅读情况,我们就云南民族大学职业技术学院的学生实行了调研,发现了一些问题,并探讨了其中的原因,找 了一些解决方法。现将具体调研情况做如下报告。 本次调研对象为云南民族大学职业技术学院80名大学生,共发出80份问卷,收回76份有效问卷。调研主要针对大学生的课外阅读量、阅读目的和动机、阅读态度、阅读媒介、阅读爱好等。 现在,随着海量资讯时代的到来,大众文化取代了精英文化成为市场的主流,搜索式阅读、标题式阅读、跳跃式阅读、网络阅读和手 机阅读成为阅读的主要形式,名著通俗本、精简本、口袋本的盛行, 财经、励志类图书以股市语言行文代替学术说理,以及各地书店中通 俗读物高居畅销排行版前列的现象,多媒体、博客、电子小说代替纸 质图书潜进大学生的生活,种种现象表明,这是一个“浅阅读”的时代。什么是浅阅读?为什么会产生浅阅读?要如何看待浅阅读? 一、什么是浅阅读? 浅阅读它是指一种浅层次的、以简单轻松娱乐性为追求的阅读形式。内容上,以无厘头式的消遣、娱乐或感官的刺激为上,充满了游 戏精神及荒诞不经的色彩;方式上则以动漫、图像、影像等为主,文字为辅。相对于品茗式的传统阅读来说,这种快餐式文化追求的是横向 的广度,即所谓的“碎片式的语言,拼盘式的内容”。


可编辑 英语常用词组4249个(详细版) 薛建菠 A 1.a fraction of 一部分 2.a matter of concern 焦点 3.a series of 一系列, 一连串 4.abandon sb to sth (不顾责任、义务等)抛弃,离弃 5.abandon sth to sb 不得已而放弃 辨析 abandon:迫于不得已而停止(支持,帮助);放弃义务,信念,责任 stop:停止某行为 give up doing:放弃做某种行为 6.ability to do sth(注:不加of doing)有能力做某事 7.to the best of one’s ability 尽其所能 辨析 ability:具备做某事的能力(用法:ability to do sth(注:不加of doing)) capability:具备做某事所需的能力或素质(用法:capability to do sth/也可加of doing)) 8.be able to do sth 能够 辨析 able:强调通过努力而获得的能力(用法:be able to do sth) can:表示本身具有的一般能力 capable:(用法:capable of doing) 9.be about to do …when… 打算 10.abound with/in 富于、充满… 11.above all 近义词:especially 尤其是, 最重要的 12.be absent from 缺席 13.absence of mind 近义词:being absent-minded 心不在焉 14.absent oneself from sth 不在 15.absolve sb from 赦免某人… 16.be absorbed in 近义词:be engrossed in;be lost in;be rapt in;be concentrated on be focused on;be centered on 全神贯注于… 17.abstain from 避开(免)… 18.be abundant in 近义词:be rich in;be well supplied with 富于,富有 19.abundant in 富于 20.accept sth 同意某事 21.accept sb into sth/ accept sb as sth 接纳某人 22.accept that… 相信/认为… 23.access to (不可数名词) 能接近,进入 辨析 accept:表示主观意愿 receive:表示客观事实(用法:receive sth from sb/sth) 24.by accident 偶然 辨析 accident 通常指“不幸的”意外事故,如车祸,摔伤,砸伤等,多指无意或偶然造成的。 精品文档


考研复试篇 复试面试常问问题及答案摘选: 答:(1)请你简单做个自我介绍。问题分析:该问题几乎是必问题目。每个参加复试的学员 都务必准备好该问题的答案!回答的重点,涉及本科学校、专业,本科学习情况和毕业论文方向等。 (2)你看过那些书,是不是考研就背了几本专业课书,就考了个高分问题分析:有些问题 老师问的时候,可能是随意问的,但你不能随意回答。老师问你这个问题时,可能对你带有 一点偏见的,你就认真的,很老实的回答,用事实说话,让他感觉到,你的确不是那种考试 型的人,你的考研不是背教科书考上的。 (3)你为什么考我们这个学校答案要点:兴趣+该校该专业名气和实力+该专业老师的实力。 (4)你认为自己本科专业和现在所考的专业有什么互补性或者借鉴性问题分析:这是一个 即将准备复试的学生问我的问题,也具有针对性,大部分的学生都是跨专业考的(实际上老师也很喜欢跨专业的,因为有多学科的背景),希望你能够针对自己的专业说一些与新闻传 播专业相关的东西。 (5)你认为跨专业的优势和劣势是什么参考答案:复试前需思考,根据自己所学专业和所 考专业之间展开论述。另外整理出了一篇结论稿,同学们可以参考: 1:题目范围——知道与不知道的。 关于考研问的专业问题,不会问的太难太刁钻,但是,就算问题简单,在你的问答里也可以挑出许多毛病。所以还是要记得千万不要胡乱扩展吹夸,对自己不了解的东西,一定要抱以谨慎的态度。 如果他问的问题你实在不知道,也不要慌张,更不要胡扯一通的乱解释,只说:这个问题我 目前还欠研究,虽然现在不了解,但是上研以后,一定跟随老师好好把这个问题钻研清楚。 表示虽然现在你有不足,但是你今后会非常勤奋。在中国,态度问题,总是第一位的。 2:题目范围——联系实际关注热点。 很多老师喜欢问一些很实际的问题,尤其是经济管理等联系实际紧密的专业。也有老师喜欢联系现在的热点问题,比如美伊战事。 3:基本范例问题——对教授的采访报告。 A:为什么会报考这个专业,以及今后的打算。所以最好稍微准备一个小型的研究计划很简 单的那种,比如你喜欢的感兴趣的方向。如果你是跨专业考的,请问你以前的相关专业课程,请阐述和现在专业的联系与对你以后研究的影响等等。 B:对于你所报考的专业,你曾看过什么著名的书,作者,成书的朝代或者时间,书的编目 方式,以及该本书的主要学术思想,有哪一条对你印象最为深刻,并请简单阐述。 问题: 1、你是那个学校毕业的学的什么专业为什么选择考这个学校 2、研究生教育和本科教育有什么不同 3、我是哪里人,父母是做什么的,家乡有什么风景名胜 4、自己的兴趣是什么,有什么爱好,以及我选择这所学校、这个专业的原因是什么 5、为什么报考本专业,读研后在相关领域的短期、长期规划是什么 6、英口问题的类型也很多,类似于“introduce yourself”、“what causes have you learned in your college”、“what have inpressed you most”


2019考研已经过去了一段时间,我在被录取之后,还是很激动的,因为自己的复习较晚,在这里要特别感谢身边研友的陪伴。就从考研备考来说,我将把自己的一些经验总结总结,分享给大家。 首先,我想跟大家说,一定要提前想好要不要考研。在暑假之前,我是没有打算复习考研的,内心想着文科生还是能找到工作的,并准备暑假去实习。实习了半个月,实在干不下去了。我就在想,大学毕业说不定也就是实习的样子,待遇也好不到哪去。经过自己内心的灵魂拷问,我决定:辞去工作,考研。那么问题来了,考哪呢?又是一番挣扎,因为那个时候很多人都已经复习了一段时间了,我还没有怎么关注过考研信息。我就找了我的室友,问了下考研的流程,最后选择了武汉大学中国古代文学。原因是学校离家近,专业也在大学期间学过一些,也方便以后找工作。因为选择的晚,前期复习起来总是手忙脚乱的。但是我告诉自己,不能乱,选择了复习就是了,拼上一把。中国古代文学有三个方向:魏晋南北朝隋唐五代文学、宋元文学、明清文学,都是全日制,招收二十多个人。当然,很多文科专业都是类似的,甚至招的人更少。竞争还是有的,所以有意考研的一定要做好充分的准备。 中国古代文学考试范围:政治、英语一、业务课一是文学理论与中国现当代文学、业务课二是中国古代文学与外国文学。接下来我将分公共课和专业课两块来谈谈我的一些经历。 政治英语几乎是所有考研人都要考的,如果英语特别不好的话,可以选择别的语言。因为自己开始复习的晚,自己的英语水平又不高,但其他语言也没有基础,所以我报了一个英语辅导班。背了《一本单词》,辅导班虽然是大班授课,但是我仍然是学到了不少,尤其是用词根词缀记忆单词。此外,我在上课以外的时间也会和班上别的同学交流,加上老师的鼓励,使我对英语复习越来越有信心了。就这样一天天的跟着学习,我的英语词汇语法越来越好了。后来就是集中的练题,做了《木糖英语真题手译》,但是真题没有一套套做,是按照老师整理好的分类进行练习的。政治,暑假我是都没想复习,因为听说政治复习早晚最后的分数差别不大。所以,我就想晚点开始,先把别的复习复习。在国庆之后,我才开始复习政治。我是直接看的《李凡政治新时器》,做做看看答案,解析也是认真的看,因为没有时间看别的资料了。李凡配套题既是我的练习册又是我的参考


大专毕业生自我总结3000字 紧张有序的学习生活即将与我们告别,在这个离别之际我们都 要写一份自我总结。下面是搜集整理的大专毕业生自我总结3000字,欢迎阅读。更多资讯尽在自我总结栏目! 当我进入即将毕业踏入社会的这一阶段时,作为应届毕业生的 我深刻体会到三年的校园生活是那么的短暂。回顾在这三年的校园生活,其实都是很平凡、很平淡的事情。从刚跨入大学时的兴奋与迷茫,到现在即将走上工作岗位的从容、坦然。我知道,这是我们人生中的一大挑战——角色的转换。这除了有较强的适应能力和乐观的生活态度外,更重要的是得益于大学期间的学习积累和技能的培养。 在毕业之即,我对自已在学校的三年期间做了如下的总结: 首先,在思想品德上,这学年以来我对自身严格要求,始终把 耐得平淡、舍得付出、默默无闻作为自己的准则,始终把作风建设的重点放在严谨、细致、扎实、求实、脚踏实地埋头苦干上;并且我本 人遵纪守法,有良好的道德修养,爱护公共财产,团结同学,乐于助人。并以务实求真的精神热心参与学校的公益宣传和爱国主义活动,积极地向党组织靠拢。 在学习上,大学时代是学习现代科学知识的黄金时代,因此在 平日的学习中我会抓住这个有利的时机,用知识来武装自己的头脑并勤奋地学习本专业的相关知识,同时不断去学习其他相关领域的知识,这样越是学习,就越能发现自己所学的知识是有限的,进而就会不断的鞭策自己,做到不懂就问,不清楚就去查资料,尽可能的多去了解

身边的新生事物并给予客观、公正的评价。不断学习别人的长处,虚心请教,同时去伪存真,拒绝一些不健康,思想不进步的报刊书籍。我在学习经验方面主要有如下体会:①学习体会式;经过三年的努力 终于毕业了。回顾在校的这三年,我感受到了每一位学生从艰辛到成功的历程。在这所大学里,我懂得了在学习的过程中确定自己学习方法的重要性。首先是要培养对自己专业的感情;第二是培养自己的自 学能力,并根据课程和时间适当地提前预习;第三是全面了解书中的 基础知识,并在理解的基础上加以总结和巩固;第四是多做习题,以 适应考试的形式。另外,有明确的学习目的,学习是为更多更好地掌握知识,在考试失败时要增强自信心,永远保持乐观、向上的精神。 ②学以致用式;随着社会的不断进步与发展,人类的整体素质也在不 断地提高。为了工作的需要,也为了提高自己自身的修养。在学习的道路上我深深地体会到“书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟”这句古话。在学习的过程中,我对自己所学的专业知识除了有深刻的认识以外,课余时间我还阅读了许多名人传记,从伟人的经历中获取养分,更进一步地充实自己。同时我也阅读了大量的文学作品,提高了自己的鉴赏水平。并在这期间,学习到了为人处世伦理哲学,以提高自己的道德修养。虽然我没担任过学生干部职务,但我积极参加班级、院系组织各类公益活动和社会活动,并在活动中积极工作,使我积累了许多宝贵的办事经验,从而大大提高了自己的组织能力、协调能力、交际能力和处事应变能力;在专业技术方面,我熟悉掌握了Photoshop、Illustrator、Flash、Indesign、Dreamweaver等作图和网页制作软


考研是一场持久战,不仅战线长,而且在这场战斗中要付出很多的努力,所以坚持是非常重要的。每次向中国传媒大学研究生学长学姐请教考研经验以及自己看中国传媒大学考研论坛上的经验贴时,很多时候得到的答案只有两个字“坚持”。在准备考研的过程中,可以在两个星期或一个月抽出半天或一天的时间去放松一下,这样有助于帮助大脑休息,提高学习效率。但是如果你在你形成的良好的学习规律中懒惰了好几天,你可能会花比较长的时间来重新来适应你的学习规律,这对考研复习是非常不利的。 我周围有好几个同学在最后2个月的复习中松懈下来,结果考的不理想。有个小建议,你可以将你考研的动力写出来,时不时的拿出来激励自己,或者直接贴在醒目的地方来提醒自己。我在考研期间,将我自己的开心的不开心的心情或者自己困惑等记录在了手机便笺上并且标注日期,这不仅是一种很好的发泄方式,还是一种提醒,也是对考研路程的一种标记。 在考研学习的过程中,要形成一套自己的学习方法,在其中借鉴别人的方法,多和同学互相交流,取长补短,事半功倍,达到良好的学习效率。可能找到自己做题的方法需要一段时间,但是不要灰心,多多的汲取经验,自己去尝试,一定能找到自己的方法! 总之,用正确的学习方法付诸实践,并且加以实践,你一定能成功! 一、初试 复习中国传媒大学专业课主要就是复习通信系统原理,通信原理的学习指南,真题。(看着三个就够了) 9月份开始看樊昌信的那本书(原来上课时用的,为了先大致把书本的内容过一遍,所以先看的这本),看完之后再看中传出的那本通信原理,通信原理课本有些地方有错误,需要仔细的看;然后看学习指南,学习指南上面的例题很经典,要反复的看,后面的填空最好也看看;最后做真题,真题是个宝贝,考研的题型和真题差不多。课本的课后题我没有都做,做完真题后对照着真题找出课后题相似的题型再去看,这三个部分要反复看了好几遍。 二、复试 笔试:笔试包括信号与系统和英语听力。相对于初试的专业课,信号与系统显得相对简单,它考的都是最基本的题。信号系统把课本看了几遍,把例题和课后题做熟了就没问题了,信号与系统也有本学习指南,两者结合起来看。英语听力都是选择题,练习六级听力就可以了。 面试:这次面试最大的感受是,除了准备好专业知识外最重要的就是找好导师,最好在分数下来之后就去联系导师,越早联系越好,联系导师主要是以邮件为主,导师的邮箱都在交大电信学院的网站里。光波组招的人比较多,相对来说比较好进。 考研其实不难,勇敢往前冲,希望大家努力复习,都能有一个好的结果,在复习过程中和同学交流讨论,问考过的学长学姐也非常重要哦。预祝大家都一个好的结果。 https://www.doczj.com/doc/3815967517.html,/



提出问题——在面试快结束的时候,一般老师都会问,你有没有什么要问的(Do you have any questions to ask)。一般不适合说“I don’t have any question。”可以问考官一两个你关心 的问题。 问考官几个问题: 1、Could you give some advice about how to make self better and how to balance the daily life and the study? 2、Could you recommend[,rek?'mend] some books for I can adapt to the study more easily 1英语面试准备的材料—自我介绍 morning ,dear professors, I feel so glad to meet all of you here (个人简要信息)I am yanjinbin,21 years old,I am graduating from MIE this june,my major is biotechnology,Now all my hard work has got a result since I have a chance to be interview by you. (表明自己的兴趣)I am obsessed with the life and the science ,so I want to continue to explore it in the biology fields,and broaden my horizons[h?'raiz?n], Morever,some famous people graduating from here,such as the founder,he is a man of great charm, xxxxx,he is one of the chinese academy of science, Both of them are the people who characterize the spirit of zhejiang unversity ---seek the truth, and that’s why I choo se to pursue advanced studies in…..,…….. Well,the ………..is my favourite field,because it can make a big difference in our daily life,though we can not 性格适合搞研究(性格能力说明你适合搞研究) 独立 I am an independent man,when I argue with others ,I will adhere to the truth under any condition 善于分析 Morever,I am good at analysis,I will become better every times I failed to finish the experiment,I will find the error and make an adjustment in times 善于交际和团队工作My interactive personal skills and teamwork spirits will be appropriate for the future study, 在实验上的,My training in the experiment about ……..can polished my abilities, 毅力Most of important,my /………..and carefulness qualify me for advanced study and the scientific research Not only I like do researches,but also do some sports, In my lesuire time, (喜欢运动)I like to do some sports,for building my body and relaxing myself ,such as riding biycle, play badminton, watch movies and listen some light music, . seek the balance between the research and the life 追星 My admirable celebrity is the NBA player,Dwyane Wade,who is one of the Miami Heat team, He helped the Miami Heat win the first NBA Final champion in 2006, I was impressed by His huge courage and perseverance, I learn from him ,nothing can stop you achieving the goal you set,unless you give up,and we should try our best .



目 第一编先秦文学 诗经:关雎、桃夭、汉广、黍离、溱、蒹葭、七月、鹿鸣 国风周南关雎 关关雎鸠,在河之洲。窈窕淑女,君子好逑。 参差荇菜,左右流之。窈窕淑女,寤寐求之。 求之不得,寤寐思服。悠哉悠哉,辗转反侧。 参差荇菜,左右采之。窈窕淑女,琴瑟友之。 参差荇菜,左右芼之。窈窕淑女,钟鼓乐之。 国风周南桃夭 桃之夭夭,灼灼其华。之子于归,宜其室家。 桃之夭夭,有蕡其实。之子于归,宜其家室。 桃之夭夭,其叶蓁蓁。之子于归,宜其家人。 国风周南汉广 南有乔木,不可休息。汉有游女,不可求思。

汉之广矣,不可泳思。江之永矣,不可方思。 翘翘错薪,言刈其楚。之子于归,言秣其马。 汉之广矣,不可泳思。江之永矣,不可方思。 翘翘错薪,言刈其蒌。之子于归。言秣其驹。 汉之广矣,不可泳思。江之永矣,不可方思。 国风王风黍离 彼黍离离,彼稷之苗。行迈靡靡,中心摇摇。 知我者,谓我心忧;不知我者,谓我何求。 悠悠苍天,此何人哉? 彼黍离离,彼稷之穗。行迈靡靡,中心如醉。 知我者,谓我心忧;不知我者,谓我何求。 悠悠苍天,此何人哉? 彼黍离离,彼稷之实。行迈靡靡,中心如噎。 知我者,谓我心忧;不知我者,谓我何求。 悠悠苍天,此何人哉? 国风郑风溱zhen洧wei 溱与洧,方涣涣兮。士与女,方秉蕑jian兮。 女曰“观乎?”士曰“既且。”“且往观乎!”洧之外,洵訏且乐。 维士与女,伊其相谑,赠之以勺药。 溱与洧,浏其清矣。士与女,殷其盈兮。

女曰“观乎?”士曰“既且。”“且往观乎!”洧之外,洵訏且乐。 维士与女,伊其将谑,赠之以勺药。 国风秦风蒹葭 蒹葭苍苍,白露为霜。所谓伊人,在水一方。 溯洄从之,道阻且长。溯游从之,宛在水中央。 蒹葭萋萋,白露未晞。所谓伊人,在水之湄。 溯洄从之,道阻且跻。溯游从之,宛在水中坻。 蒹葭采采,白露未已。所谓伊人,在水之涘。 溯洄从之,道阻且右。溯游从之,宛在水中沚。 小雅鹿鸣 呦呦鹿鸣,食野之苹。我有嘉宾,鼓瑟吹笙。 吹笙鼓簧,承筐是将。人之好我,示我周行。 呦呦鹿鸣,食野之蒿。我有嘉宾,德音孔昭。 视民不恌,君子是则是效。我有旨酒,嘉宾式燕以敖。 呦呦鹿鸣,食野之芩。我有嘉宾,鼓瑟鼓琴。 鼓瑟鼓琴,和乐且湛。我有旨酒,以燕乐嘉宾之心。 国风豳风七月 七月流火,九月授衣。一之日觱发,二之日栗烈。 无衣无褐,何以卒岁?三之日于耜,四之日举趾。 同我妇子,馌彼南亩。田畯至喜。


大学生自我总结3000字 时光匆匆,不知不觉大二整个学期已经结束。回想自己在大二生活,颇有感慨总体来说比刚刚入学的时候强了很多,它让我知道了很多,不仅是课本上的,更多的是学会了很多做人的道理。我想有必要总结一下整个学年的各方面情况,大概可以归纳以下几个要点。 一、学习上,比起大一,在认知程度和态度上有了很大的进步。大一的时候由于是刚来到大学校园,由于整个时间由自己支配,感到无所是从,时间经常转瞬即逝,总感觉自己是在虚度光阴。经过大一整个学期的适应,这个学期基本上都能充分利用自己的时间。课余时间,我经常去学校的图书馆,学习一点自己感兴趣的课程,以求提高自己的知识面,拓宽自己思考问题的角度,除了去图书馆学习之外,我还组织同学们去户外活动,增加同学之间的友谊。在学习上,我认为有一样东西非常重要,那就是学习态度!俗话说的好,态度决定一切。我以前总感觉自己不比别人差,问题能自己解决就自己解决,很少向别人请教。而现在,我开始养成一种谦虚、勤问的学习态度。因为我知道学习上的东西来不了弄虚作假,是不懂就不懂,绝不能不懂装懂!孔夫子说过“三人行,必有我师”,我想道理就在这里。 我基本上都可以和同学们友好相处,和睦共处,互帮互爱,自己的事情自己做,形成独立自理自立的良好品德。宿舍是一个大集体,八个人生活在同一个空间里面,但是各自的生活习性都不相,这就需要大家互相理解和迁就,只有这样才能和好相处,为我们的学习创造一个良好的学习和休息环境。这个方面我们宿舍就做得比较好。我初中就已经到外面读书,因此很早就过着一种集体生活,所以我比较会理解别人,当然,我们宿舍的融洽和谐关系还很大归属于我们每一个宿友。可是最我我觉得自豪的是,进大学以来,我从来没有一次光顾洗衣部,即使是在寒冷的冬天,我也坚持自己洗衣服,不给自己偷懒的机会。因为我知道惰性这样东西是培养出来的,只要不给它一次机会,它就永远没有可能成为现实中的东西了。还有的是,我在生活中,始终保持干净的作风,做到勤清洁,勤洗手,养成良好的卫生习惯。 二、生活上,这是我感触最深的,社会不只是你自己的舞台,自己一个人很难


考研复试英语面试常见问题答案 复试要想表现好一定得提前准备准备,尤其是部分,老师会问哪个问题,大家不妨提前演练一下。下面是关于考研复试常见问题答案的内容,欢迎阅读! 传统(Sample Traditional Interview Questions) 1、What can you tell me about yourself? ( 关于你自己,你能告诉我些什么? ) This is not an invitation to give your life history. The interviewer is looking for clues about your character, qualifications, ambitions, and motivations. 这一问题如果面试没有安排的时间的话。这是一个必问的问题。考官并不希望你大谈你的个人历史。是在寻找有关你性格、资历、志向和生活动力的线索。来判断你是否适合读MBA。 The following is a good example of a positive response. In high school I was involved in competitive sports and I always tried to improve in each sport I participated in. As a

college student, I worked in a clothing store part-time and found that I could sell things easily. The sale was important, but for me, it was even more important to make sure that the customer was satisfied. It was not long before customers came back to the store and specifically asked for me to help them. I m very competitive and it means a lot to me to be the best. 下面是一个积极正面回答的好例子:在高中我参加各种竞争性体育活动,并一直努力提高各项运动的成绩。大学期间,我曾在一家服装店打工,我发现我能轻而易举地将东西推销出去。销售固然重要,但对我来说,更重要的是要确信顾客能够满意。不久便有顾客返回那家服装店点名让我为他们服务。我很有竞争意识,力求完美对我很重要。 2、What would you like to be doing five years after graduation? (“在毕业以后5年内你想做些什么?”) Know what you can realistically accomplish. You can find out by talking to others MBA about what they accomplished in their first five years with a particular company after graduation. I hope to do my best I can be at my job and because many in this line of work are promoted to area manager, I am planning on that also. 你要清楚你实际上能胜任什么。你可以事先和其他的MBA交


南京师范大学考研一本通 中国古代文学

本人的考研历程 一年的考研路,说长不长,说短不短,现在回想起来,依旧很怀念考研那段时间,虽然很枯燥乏味,却异常充实和平静。于是我决定记下一些经验和体会,与后来人共享共勉。说是经验,其实是算不上的。不如说是过去“一年的路程”吧,每个人的或许都有不同,不一定适合其他人,算是总结,也算是一种纪念吧。 “越美好,越害怕得到”,记得去年这时候,我在考研教室的标记姓名的红色纸片上这样写道,作为座右铭。一年过去了,我想到的仍然还是这句话。 在初试之前,从未想过自己能够考上,虽然学校距离南师只有几个小时的距离,但我离南师的距离却不是按照天就可以数完的,一直觉得很远很远。大概是专业课老师听到我要考南师后的一句“不可能”令我担心,亦可能是看到中国古代文学的真题,什么也不会的迷茫,令自己感到南师太过遥远。那种远,很难想象的那种远。 初试成绩出来后,仍然很担心过不了复试,只要录取比例不是1:1,就可能被刷,担忧一直到拟录取名单出来,其实拟录取名单出来后,还是不太敢相信,万一公示十天内发生什么别的事呢?万一老师分数核算错误呢?万一有很多,每一个带来的都是天翻地覆。好在结局最终尘埃落定,拿到这一纸通知书对我来说意味着太多东西。我感谢那段时间不顾一切奋斗的自己。 考研并不是期末考试,不是你熬夜突击几晚就能出成绩的,所以贵在坚持,贵在每天的进步。如果你下定决心考研,那么你得做好心理准备,接下来一年你不再有周末,不再有寒暑假,你只能抓紧每一分每一秒去学习,因为你玩的那一刻,你的对手可能甩你一大截了。 考研是一场持久战,只要你坚持到最后,你便是英雄。记得高中时老师给我们念过一篇文章,是一个差生逆袭北大之路,虽说是属于心灵鸡汤类,但她说的有一句话,却是鼓励我坚持到最后,即“忍不住的时候再忍一下”。考研期间真的会遇到各种诱惑和问题,我们是社会关系中的一部分,自然是无可避免的。例如闺蜜过生日,一起逛街,还有论文相关事情,你要想获得一个绝对安静的环境,真是难之又难。可能这时候你必须权衡一下,对于闺蜜来说,真正为你考虑的人,不会因为你暂时的冷落而离开你,所以考研的话,你必须学会拒绝,就算自己想要出去玩的话,也要告诉自己“忍不住的时候再忍一下”。我本身是一个极贪玩

个人工作总结 大学生实习个人总结3000字范文

大学生实习个人总结3000字范文毕业生通过社会实习,是一次提高自己工作能力的很多途径。下面是为大家带来大学生实习个人总结3000字,供你参考。 大学生实习个人总结3000字篇1 为期一周半的生产实习结束了。这半个月来,我们经历了很多,学到了很多,同样也领悟了很多。生产实习可以分为四部分:聆听专题报告讲座、校外参观、生产实习实验、总结。 一、聆听专题报告讲座 我们先听了水产行业协会的秘书长范守霖,介绍了水产品资源市场发展的现状,目前,全世界的水产品年产量维持在1.2亿吨左右。由于国际社会对环境和渔业资源的关注越来越高,各国都加强了对渔业资源的保护力度,对于公海的渔业资源也通过国际间的合作加以保护。在此情形下,海洋捕捞水产品的产量增长乏力,甚至出现负增长。今后水产品的供给量对养殖业的依赖性会有所提高,水产养殖品种的国际贸易也将越来越会受到国际社会的重视和发展。 上海水产行业协会为本市远洋渔业、海洋捕捞、水产养殖、水产加工、海洋药业、水产品流通、批发市场、进出口企业、休闲渔业、水族观赏鱼、科研机构、大专院校、渔业管理部门等企事业单位自愿组成的跨部门、跨所有制、非营利性的行业性社会团体法人。协会现有团体会员170多家。 二、校外参观 然后上周四的下午我们和曲映红老师,陈舜胜老师一起去了华东

理工大学实力可的实验室。通过曲映红老师的校友和销售、生产主管的介绍我们了解到上海实力可商品检验有限公司是法国梅里埃营养科学有限公司集团在中国实力可集团(法国梅里埃集团旗下5大公司之一)下控股公司之一,专业从事食品安全检测与技术服务。作为通过国际iso17025认证的检测和咨询实验室,实力可集团在全世界10个国家拥有40个实验室。我们的使命是为全球的食品生产商、零售商和服务商提供完善的食品安全和质量方面的科学的解决方案。实力可历史1967年,dr. john h. silliker凭借其在食品安全和检测领域内的技术优势,创立了实力可集团。 我们在曲映红老师同班同学的带领下参观了实力可公司的检验实验室,检验实验室位于5楼的办公区,实验室共分为两边,一边是检验实验室,另外一边是理化实验室。每个实验室都有各种各样新鲜的仪器,吸引了我们得眼球。 三、生产实习实验 可溶性甲壳素的提取 接下来的一周我们是在学校实验室实习的,在第一天6月22日的上午,我们11食品科学二班的单号的学生在施文正老师的带领下开始了可溶性甲壳素的提取,我们从中了解到了如何从虾和蟹当中提取可溶性的甲壳素,甲壳素又称甲壳质、壳蛋白,是一种含氮多糖物质。为无脊椎动物甲壳的主要构造成分,脱去甲壳素分子中的乙酰基即为可溶性甲壳素。可溶性甲壳素是利用虾蟹壳为原料,经酸碱处理后,除去壳内的钙质。蛋白质、脂肪、色素等,再用40%以上的氢氧


考研备考各阶段复习必看的建议 考研备考各阶段复习必看的建议 考研备考是个很漫长的过程,各阶段的复习都不能够放松,要吸取别人的建议。下面为大家整理了一些考研备考各阶段复习建议,希望对大家有所帮助! ?整体复习建议 ?建议一:尽早着手开始复习。 ?建议二:要制定好复习周期,制定阶段性目标,并严格完成。 第一阶段:基础学习阶段 2.此阶段要做到对各科基础知识有整体印象,全面细致的了解知识点。 3.这个时期做模拟题都是无意义的,不如打好基础,再好好研究真题。还没决定学校和专业的童鞋,一定要在此阶段尽快定下来。 第二阶段:强化阶段 1.此阶段要清晰地了解各科的一级重要知识点,建立一个完整的逻辑框架,并根据重点、难点进行攻克。 2.同学们也可以选择适合自己的网络课程,强化公共课基础,专业课复习也可以开始构建基本的知识框架。 第三阶段:提升阶段 1.关注各招生单位的招生简章和专业计划,各位考研的同学应全面收集最新复习资料,同时根据最新变化调整专业课复习计划。 2.认真回顾暑期强化笔记,启动习题练习。

3.政治在这个阶段占复习时间的比例要有所提升。 4.秋招正当时,这段时间要稳定心态,不要被周围不相干的人和事过多地打扰,安心地备考。 5.十月底,考生要进行总结、梳理、查漏补缺,让自己实现由量到质的变化。 每年的十月,都会有超过15%的考生因为对自己复习状态的不自 信而放弃考试;为迅速突破这一心理怀疑期,考生一定要学会调整自 己的状态,为后期的冲刺复习奠定良好的心理基础。 第四阶段:冲刺阶段 1.对各门课的知识进行认真的梳理,有效地整合,在头脑中形成对整个章节的知识框架图。 2.开始进行考场模拟训练,每天固定时间做整套试卷。 3.每天要抽出一定时间对重点和高频考点进行强化记忆。 4.这段时期可能大家都进入了复习疲倦期,要知道这是很正常的,不用过多地感到焦急,可以适当出去走走。 5.这一阶段,各位考研的同学要做到专业课扎实,巩固公共课。准确把握今年考研最新命题规则与动态,有效提升综合复习阶段的 复习效果。 1.前期准备要一切就绪 考研目标的确定、复习资料的.准备、复习计划的制定、考研与 上课及论文关系的处理......尽量处理好一切相关事项,然后"雷打 不动"去复习。 2.备考复习要稳扎稳打 英语、政治、专业课,依计划向前推进。静心复习,踏踏实实每天有效推进,不断积累。 3.初试需专注极致



考研复试篇 复试面试常问问题及答案摘选: 答:(1)请你简单做个自我介绍。问题分析:该问题几乎是必问题目。每个参加复试的学员都务必准备好该问题的答案!回答的重点,涉及本科学校、专业,本科学习情况和毕业论文方向等。 (2)你看过那些书,是不是考研就背了几本专业课书,就考了个高分?问题分析:有些问题老师问的时候,可能是随意问的,但你不能随意回答。老师问你这个问题时,可能对你带有一点偏见的,你就认真的,很老实的回答,用事实说话,让他感觉到,你的确不是那种考试型的人,你的考研不是背教科书考上的。 (3)你为什么考我们这个学校?答案要点:兴趣+该校该专业名气和实力+该专业老师的实力。 (4)你认为自己本科专业和现在所考的专业有什么互补性或者借鉴性?问题分析:这是一个即将准备复试的学生问我的问题,也具有针对性,大部分的学生都是跨专业考的(实际上老师也很喜欢跨专业的,因为有多学科的背景),希望你能够针对自己的专业说一些与新闻传播专业相关的东西。

(5)你认为跨专业的优势和劣势是什么?参考答案:复试前需思考,根据自己所学专业和所考专业之间展开论述。另外整理出了一篇结论稿,同学们可以参考: 1:题目范围——知道与不知道的。 关于考研问的专业问题,不会问的太难太刁钻,但是,就算问题简单,在你的问答里也可以挑出许多毛病。所以还是要记得千万不要胡乱扩展吹夸,对自己不了解的东西,一定要抱以谨慎的态度。 如果他问的问题你实在不知道,也不要慌张,更不要胡扯一通的乱解释,只说:这个问题我目前还欠研究,虽然现在不了解,但是上研以后,一定跟随老师好好把这个问题钻研清楚。表示虽然现在你有不足,但是你今后会非常勤奋。在中国,态度问题,总是第一位的。 2:题目范围——联系实际关注热点。 很多老师喜欢问一些很实际的问题,尤其是经济管理等联系实际紧密的专业。也有老师喜欢联系现在的热点问题,比如美伊战事。 3:基本范例问题——对教授的采访报告。 A:为什么会报考这个专业,以及今后的打算。所以最好稍微准备一个小型的研究计划很简单的那种,比如你喜欢的感兴趣的方向。如果你是跨专业考的,请问你以前的相关专


2020年考研文学类热门专业:中国古代文学 专业简介: 中国古代文学是中国传统文化中魅力的一个组成部分。这个专业 以古代文学发展的历史、文学体裁的演变、历代作家作品、文学流派、文学现象、典籍、文论、各个时期文学承前启后的关系等为研究对象,因而要求考生具有一定的古文功底和对文学作品的鉴赏水平,熟悉某 一段历史阶段的文学发展情况。 研究方向: 先秦两汉文学、魏晋隋唐文学、宋元文学、明清及近代文学、分 体文学史、古代文论等。 所学课程: 校雠学、诗经研究、楚辞研究、史记研究、杜诗研究、先秦两汉 文学史、六朝诗歌流变、唐代文学研究、宋代文学研究、元明清小说史、近代文学研究、近代学者治学方法、中国戏剧史、中国古代文学 史料学、中国文学批评史等。 参考书目: 《中国文学史》袁行霈主编,高等教育出版社; 《中国文学史》游国恩等编,人民文学出版社; 《古代汉语》王力,中华书局; 《中国历代文学作品选》朱东润编,上海古籍出版社; 《中国古代文学作品选》罗宗强、陈洪主编,高等教育出版社。 就业前景:

近年来兴起的“国学热”使中国古代文学专业重新焕发活力,此专业招生人数较多,毕业生多从事教学、文化宣传、学术科研、新闻出版采编等方面的工作。 推荐院校: 复旦大学、北京大学、南京大学、南京师范大学、南开大学、中山大学、苏州大学、首都师范大学、四川大学等。 报考热度:★★★★ 很多古代文学专业的研究生认为,选择这个专业是因为兴趣,而不是它的实用价值。事实上,从近几年的形势来看,对古代文学的兴趣似乎已经成为整个社会的取向。这使原本热度稳定的古代文学专业越来越火,2007年北京大学的录取比例高达3∶100

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