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论文提交日期2015 年月日论文答辩日期2015 年月日

20 年月日







电脑黑屏是比较容易出现的现象,尤其在一些较老的电脑或组装电脑中。电脑黑屏的故障原因有多种,如显示器损坏、主板损坏、显卡损坏、显卡接触不良、电源损坏、CPU 损坏、零部件温度过高等。也有的是人为的造成电脑黑屏。目前造成计算机黑屏的原因主要有两个,一是硬件的故障,二是软件的冲突,而二者的区别主要在于发生黑屏的位置,即是在开机时发生黑屏,还是在正常启动机器后,在使用的过程中出现黑屏。

当然,造成黑屏现象大多数是因为PC上的硬伤在作怪,但也并不是绝对如此,软伤害有时可能更容易蒙蔽用家。在我们使用计算机的过程中,某些黑屏现象也可能是进入了WINDOWS 98/WINME/WIN2000甚至WINXP系统之后出现的软性故障。如果用户发现在机器组装完成后,安装操作系统等软件的过程中总出现莫名其妙的问题,甚至突然出现黑屏死机的情况。这里我们有必要排除病毒的原因,因为系统运行中由于病毒作怪而导致黑屏的情况虽然不少,但解决办法却是唯一的,那就是杀病毒,没有什么可以多说的。相反,由于程序在运行中的报错或黑屏才更应该引起我们的足够重视。这里最明显的就是由于硬件的驱动问题而引发的程序运行故障。该类问题频繁地发生在一些3D加速显示卡、PCI声卡、网卡、SCSI卡、RAID卡等第三方板卡上,而这类问题最多、最明显的表现方式也就是在应用程序、游戏软件等运行过程中频频死机而导致黑屏。


Topic: Studyonthefaultandpreventionofblackscreencomputer Professional: the network technology

Student: Zhang Yuhui signature:

Instructor: Li Cuihong signature:


Computer black screen is easy to appear the phenomenon, especially in some older computers or computer. Computer black screen failure for various reasons, such as damage, damage to the motherboard, display, graphics card damage, power supply is damaged, CPU, graphics card, bad contacts, the high temperature parts. Also have a plenty of man-made cause computer black screen. Currently there are two main reasons that cause computer black screen, one is hardware failure, 2 it is software conflict, but the difference lies mainly in the location of the black screen, which is in the boot screen, or after normal boot the machine, in the process of using a black screen.

Of course, most black screen phenomenon because of shortcomings in on PC, but not absolutely, soft damage likely to blind sometimes with family. In the process of we use the computer, some black screen phenomenon can also be entered into a WINDOWS 98 / WINME WIN2000 WINXP system even after the soft breakdown. If the user found the machine assembly is complete, install the operating system and other software always puzzling problems in the process, even sudden black screen freezes. Here it is necessary for us to eliminate the virus, because in the operation of the system as part of the virus caused the blackout situation although many, but the solution is unique, it is kill the virus, there is nothing to say more. Due to an error in the program is running or

blank screen, on the other hand, more should cause our enough attention. Here is one of the most obvious problems caused by hardware drive program malfunction. This kind of problem frequently occurred in some 3 d acceleration display card, PCI sound card, network card, the SCSI card, RAID card on a third party such as the card, and most of this kind of problem, also is one of the most obvious form of expression in applications, games, software and so on caused by frequent crashes during the operation of black screen.【Key words】motherboard damage to display soft fault hardware virus


引言 (5)

第1章电脑黑屏的概述 (6)

1.1 基本概述 (6)

1.2 “黑屏”事件起源 (6)

第2章电脑出现黑屏的原因 (7)

2.1 硬件原因 (7)

2.2 软件原因 (7)

第3章电脑黑屏故障检查及检修 (10)

3.1 电脑黑屏故障的检查 (10)

3.2 检查步骤 (10)

3.3 电脑黑屏故障的排除 (10)

第4章常见电脑黑屏故障 (13)

4.1 全黑、主机、显示器均不亮 (13)

4.2 显示器指示灯亮但主机不亮 (14)

4.3 显示器不显示 (14)

4.4 显卡接触不良造成的黑屏故障 (15)

第5章电脑黑屏的实例分析及解决 (17)

5.1 常见的实例及解决 (17)

第6章电脑黑屏的预防 (21)

6.1 软件预防黑屏的方法 (21)

6.2 硬件预防黑屏的方法 (21)

结论 (24)

结束语 (25)

参考文献 (26)

附录I:英文原文 (27)

附录II:译文 (30)

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