当前位置:文档之家› 2017年八年级下册英语期末复习提纲






1 太多

2 躺下

3 a 看牙医

4 做个X光检查

5 ’s 量体温

6 …在…上敷药

7 a 发烧

8 玩电脑游戏

9 整个周末

10 a 休息

11 没多想

12 看医13 下车

14 送某人去医院

15 等待

16 ’s 使…惊讶的;

17 多亏;由于18 与时

19 考虑

20 a 患有心脏病

21 到达22 立刻;马上23 造成麻烦(或烦恼)24 做正确的事

25 摔倒26 踢足球27… .把…放在某物上

28 几个;少数29 进来

30 被打击/晒伤

31 对…感兴趣

32 习惯于33 因为

34 a 冒险

35 ’s 失去生命

36 ()用完;耗尽

37 切除 38 离开;从…出来

39 a 做决定

40 掌管;管理

41 考虑42 放弃

43 去爬山


1 .需要去做某事

2 . .看见某人正在做某事

3 .询问某人某事

4 .() .期望某人做某事

5 .同意做某事

6 .() .帮助某人做某事

7 .想要做某事

8 . .告诉某人去做某事

9 () .

10 .习惯做某事

11 . .用某物去做某事

12 .好像做某事

13 .继续做某事

14 .介意做某事



1 打扫(或清除)干净

2 (使)变得高兴起来;振奋起来

3 分发

4 曾经…;过去…

5 赠送;捐赠

6 建起;设立

7 a 影响;有作用

8 想出9 推迟

10 张贴11 打电话给

12 帮助…摆脱困难

13 照顾;照看 14 放弃

15 参加选拔 16 实现

17 用光 18 与…相像19 修理 20 与…相似【用法集萃】

1 .需要做某事

2 .制定计划做某事

3 .() .要求某人不要做某事

4 .过去常常做某事

5 时间 .放弃时间去做某事

6 a …有…感觉

7 .决定做某事

8 .() .帮助某人做某事

9 a 对…产生影响

10 .




1 洗餐具

2 倒垃圾

3 出去

4 待在外面;不在家

5 帮助完做某事

6 至少

7 扔下 8 频繁;反复

9 惊讶地 10 一…就…11……在…花费(金钱或时间)

12 为了

13 . .向某人提供某物

14 依赖;信赖

15 照顾;照看16 进入

17 保持它干净和整洁

18 照顾19 a 结果【用法集萃】

1 .做完某事

2 . .想要某人做某事

3() .尽力(不)做某事

4 . .让某人做某事

5…() .花费…做某事

6 .介意做某事

7 .学会做某事

8 .学会怎样做某事




1 太多(修饰不可数名词)

2 (修饰可数名词)

3 闲逛

4 a 争吵

5 去睡觉

6 .()给某人打电话

7 擅长

8 谈论

9 在电话中

10 浏览;翻阅;仔细检查

11 归还

12 .生某人的气

13 重要的事 14 没问题

15 解决;算出

16 .与某人和睦相处

17 感到孤独

18 .与某人交流

19 今后;从今以后 20 下次

21 交朋友 22 担心23 害怕… 24 在…前面

25… 不再… 26 做运动

27 .与某人竞争

28 那么29 上课

30 去购物31 删除;删去

32 几个;少数33 各种各样的34……比较;对比

35 .同意某人(的想法)

36 ’s 依…看

37 一些安静的事

38 调小


1 .允许某人做某事

2 ’t .你为什么不做某事呢?

3 .想要做某事

4 . .发现某人正在做某事

5 .告诉某人做某事

6 .拒绝做某事

7 让某人做某事

8 .主动提出做某事

9 .介意某人做某事10……直到…才…

11 .想要某人做某事

12’s .该做某事了

13’ .做某事是…的

14 继续做

15 …?你认为…怎么样?



1 等候

2 寻找

3 (闹钟)发出响声

4 a 洗澡;淋浴

5 接电话

6 务必;确保

7 玩得开心

8 入睡;睡着

9 逐渐变弱;逐渐消失

10 醒来;叫醒

11 a 凌乱不堪;乱七八糟

12 打扫干净;整理

13 在困难时期

14 拍照;照相

15 弹钢琴 16 打开

17 听收音机

18 立刻;马上19 到达

20 a 看 21 因为

22 ’s 行走;前进

23 沉默地;无声地

24 摧毁;拆卸;记下

25 说实话26 指出

27 消失;离开 28 也29 a 一周三次 30 喊出【用法集萃】

1 .忙着做某事

2 . .看见某人或某物正在做事

3 .开始做某事

4 .努力去做某事

5’ .做某事是…的

6 () .做某事是有困难的



1 从事

2 一…就…

3 … 拿走,带走



5 有点儿

6 放弃

7 似乎有可能

8 赞同某人

9 不同的观点

10 主要人物

11 a 从前

12 平时;有时

13 72 做出72种变化

14… 变成

15 隐藏它的尾巴

16 出现;出版;结果是

17 弱者18 a 做衣服19 爱上某人20 结婚21 打开

22 出生23 想出方法

24 全世界

25 听起来愚蠢

26 在森林里

27 整个家庭

28 a 制定一个计划

29 安静30 去睡觉31 起床32 沿路33 迷路34 醒来35 出去36 面包片37 不要紧38… 找出

39 在房子里面

40 了解41 因为


1 设法做某事

2 完成做某事

3 继续做某事

4 让某人做某事

5 一直做某事

6 代替做某事

7 能够做某事

8 对做某事感兴趣




11 没时间做某事

12’t 禁不住做某事

13 听见某人正在做某事

14 带领某人去某地

15 把某物遗忘在某地

16 向某人展示某物

17 喜欢做某事



1 吸入;吞入(体内)

2 面对(问题,困难等)

3 出生时

4 谈论

5 正如你所看到的

6 I 据我所知

7 登山

8 放弃9… 直…到

10 …… 为…准备…11 撞到12 摔倒

13 照顾;照看

14 死于…… 15 砍倒

16 大约,左右17 将来

18 因为19 处于危险之中


1 +名词复数其他任何一个……

2 就…随便问某人某事

3 形容词最高级+可数名词复数最…之一

4’s + 形容词最高级+ ?世界上最……是什么?

5 …?……有多高


7 成功做某事

8 …… 花费…做某事

9 … 有某人/物正在做某事

10 教某人有关…内容

11 派某人去做某事



1 出海

2 充满

3 长大4… 放下;记下5 50 在50页 6 至少7 赶快8 在岛上

9 什么也没有

10 带回到某地

11 放弃12 等待

13 砍树

14 … ……的痕迹

15 在沙子上

16 之后不久

17 一艘坏船

18 一块陆地

19 在海的中间

20 遗忘;留下

21 看电影

22 超出23 有点儿无聊

24 与……争吵;争斗

25 充满感情

26 通过收音机27 考虑

28 逐渐意识到

29 从那时起

30 一种31 例如32 金钱和成功的重要性

33 属于34 彼此35 做一些研究

36 变得出名

37 找出;查出

38 在一天结束的时候


1 完成某事

2 到达某地

3 学习/学会做某事

4 看见某人正在做某事

5 帮助某人做某事

6 给某人取名为…

7 教某人某事

8 用某物做某事

9 喜欢做某事

10 对某事/做某事感兴趣

11’t 迫不与待做某事

12 过去常常做某事

13 对某人友好

14’s + n + 做某事是……的

15 + 形容词最高级+名词复数


16 希望做某事

17 有时间做某事



1 游乐园

2 某个不同的地方

3 a 玩得高兴,过得愉快

4 乘地铁

5 了解

6 搭建;支起

7 大得多

8 a 用如此快递的方式

9 更好10 会,能够

11 不同种类的

12 考虑13 在将来,未来14 少数;几个15 听说

16 a 兜风

17 重要的东西

18 数以千计的;许许多多的

19 在东南亚

20 a 度假21 一方面

22 超过,多余

23 四分之三24 另一方面

25 一个说英语的国家

26…… 不管…还是…

27 在晚上

28 在白天

29 醒来

30 一年到头,中年

31 靠近

32 离……远


1 一个做某事的好方法

2’s … 很难相信…

3 观看某人做了某事

4 鼓励某人做某事

5…… 和……一样

6 喜欢做某事

7 想要做某事

8 看见某人正在做某事

9 ()做某事很费劲


11 做某事的最佳时间

12 选择做某事

13 告诉某人做某事



1. 多久,多长时间

2. a 举行庭院拍卖会

3. 捐赠;赠送

4. 不再

5. …欢迎到…

6. a 一点儿,稍微

7. 棋类游戏

8. 观察;查看

9. a 面包机10. 长大

11 收拾,整理12. a 许多13 不再;不复14. 起初

15 例如

16. a 一套轨道火车

17 … 至于…… 18. 放弃

19 说实在的

20. 在周末21 至少

22. a 一年一两次

23 数百万的24. 寻找

25 依据;按照

26. 在……对面

27 ’s 依……看

28. 为了【用法集萃】

1. ’.( .) .(对某人来说)做某事是……

2. .想要做的事

3. .喜欢做某事

4. .决定做某事

5. 地点在某处呆了很久

6. .希望做某事

7. 形容词最高级+可数名词复数最……之一

8. .过去常做某事

9. .需要做某事


2017学年度初二上新目标英语期末模拟检测 一、选择题(共30小题,每小题1分,满分30分) ()1. ―Why don’t you want to live in a big city? ―Because the traffic there is much _______ than that in a small town. A. bad B. worse C. worst D.bader ()2. ―When was he born? ―He was born ________ September 10, 1987. A. at B. in C. on D.for ()3. Look! The fourth falls down,but he gets up quickly and _____ running. A. goes on B. holds on C. turns on D.make on ()4. ―Happy birthday to you, Elsa! ―__________. A. The same to you B. Thank you all the same C. Thank you so much D.Sorry ()5. ―Do you want to be a businessman when you ________? ―I don’t think so. It’s too hard and busy. A. grow up B. come up C. get up D.make up ()6. ―Are you free today? ―No. I have ______ work to do today than yesterday. A. many B. much C. more D.most ()7. The teacher often tells us to keep windows ________ after class. A. open B. opened C. opening D.to open ()8. I couldn’t find my dictionary. Who________ it away? A. got B. brought C. took D.kept ()9. ―How was your school trip? ―It was exciting. I ________ my uncle’s house. He ________ in a beautiful village. A. visited;lives B. visit;lived C. visited;lived D. visits;lived ()10. ―What are you going to do this year? ―Well. I’m going to take acting lessons. ―________ interesting. I’m going to get a part-time job. A. Sound like B. Sounds like C. Sounds D. Sound likes ()11. ―________ did you learn Spanish? ―For nearly four years. A. When B. How long C. How D.How ofen ()12. ―Which clothes store is ________, Bill’s or Jason’s? ―Bill’s. But Green’s is the ________ in the town. A. cheaper;cheapest B. cheapest;cheapest C. cheapest;cheaper D. cheaper;cheaper ()13. Henry is good at ________ basketball. He wants ________ a professional basketball player in the future. A. playing;to be B. play;to be C. playing;be D .play; be ()14. ―Where is Peter?

学英语报 深圳七年级下册43期答案

7B 学英语报43期 第二版必备词语 a packet of in a way be connected to power station washing machine switch off tidy up air conditioner at least make sure a moment later flow through provide sb with sth be careful with share with take a bath switch on/turn on on time go out alone be ready to do sth 第三版 wires foolish tidy batteries replies connected electricity wind power look foolish go out alone give sb power flow through a moment later under the street

a conversation about electricity inside batteries safety rules electricity wires test cooker connect fridge lock touch moment batteries CABAB in a way come from power station a packet of make sure tidy up switch off air conditioner is connected to washing machine electricity electrical someone anyone on the way in the way sentences BCABA use water power to use electricity safely reply to his letter is ready to go out the outside of the cook wait for a moment


U n i t1C a n y o u p l a y t h e g u i t a r 1、在某方面帮助某人你能帮孩子们(kids)游泳吗? help sb. with sth Can you help kids with swimming 2、帮助某人做某事我姐姐帮助我学英语。 help sb. (to) do sth My sister helps me (to) learn English. (My sister helps me with my English.) 3、善于应付...的;和……相处的好这个老师和孩子们(kids)相得很好。 The teacher is good with the kids. be good with 你和老人(old people)相处的好吗? Are you good with old people 4、擅长 be good at 我擅长英语。I am good at English. 他擅长游泳。He is good at swimming. 5、和某人谈论(某事)(两个短语)他和我谈论足球。He talks with me about soccer. talk to sb /talk with sb (about sth.) 6、告诉某人某事 tell sb. sth. 我告诉他真相(the truth)。I tell him the truth. 7、讲故事 tell stories 8、play the violin/guitar/drums/piano 弹奏…(乐器) 9、一点 a little 我会讲一点英语。I can speak a little English. 10、want的用法: 想做某事 want to do sth 我想踢足球。I want to play football. 想要某物 want sth 我想要一台钢琴。 I want a piano. 11、like的用法:我喜欢打篮球。I like to play basketball./I like playing basketball. like to do sth./like doing sth 我喜欢与人们交谈和做游戏。 I like to talk and play games with people. 12、too 与also的区别: also 常放在句中,


Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? 第一课时 Section A (1a- 1c) 1.重点单词: guitar , sing , swim , dance ,chess , draw , 2.重点短语: play chess , speak English , play the guitar , 3.重点句式: Can you swim ? Yes , I can./No , I can't. I want to join the art club. 1. play the guitar ,play chess , speak English 2.含情态动态 can 的一般疑问句及简略回答 speak , join , club art club ,music club

Step 1 情景导入 Hello, everyone. We all know that Jay Chou is a very famous singer. He has many talents, he can sing, he can dance and he can also play the guitar. Can you sing? Can you dance? Can you play the guitar? Please tell us your talents. 环节说明:由学生感兴趣的歌手周杰伦过渡到询问对方的才艺,让学生在轻松愉悦的氛围中接收到关于 教学目标的信息。 Step 2 完成教材1a-1c 的任务 1. 利用图片,呈现词汇(si ng, swim, da nee, drum)及新句型Can you...? (3分钟) 2. 听1a录音,学生跟读并模仿语音语调,并将活动和图片中的人物匹配。(3分钟) 3. 听1b录音,并将按你所听到的顺序编号。(2分钟) 4 ?听1b录音,核对答案并给予做对的学生掌声鼓励。(2分钟) 5. 小组练习,让学生模仿1a,1b。使用Can you... ? Yes, I can./No, I can't.编对话,并表演。(5分钟)参考案例 1. A : Can you swim?


2017-2018学年八年级英语下学期教学水平模拟试题 第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共110分) 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节:(共5个小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题.从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后你都有l0秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。 1.When will the man return the magazine? A. On Monday B.On Tuesday C. On Wednesday 2. What's Tom's favorite ? A. Playing football. B Singing. C.Playing the guitar. 3. Where is the man going? A.To the beauty shop. B. To the restroom. C. To the fast food restaurant. 4. Why won't the woman go to see the film? A. Because she will go to visit her grandparents. B. Because she has to do some housework. C. Because the film is scary. 5. How does the man plan to go to work? A. By bus. B. By taxi. C. On foot. 第二节:(共15个小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。在听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至8三个小题。 6. Where does the conversation most probably take place ? A. In a physics lab B. In a hospital C. In a classroom. 7. What is the man? A.A student. B.A teacher C. A doctor. 8. what does the woman ask the man to do? A. To stay in bed for three days. B. To prepare for the final exams. C.To be relaxed. 听第7段材料,回答第9至11三个小题。 9. When will the man fly to Shanghai? A. At 8:50. B. In the morning. C. On July 15th. 10. What will the man do in Shanghai? A. See his wife. B. Have a vacation. C. Have a meeting. 1l. How much will the man pay for the two tickets? A.1,700 yuan. B.1,680 yuan. C. 850 yuan. 听第8段材料,回答第12至15四个小题。 12. What is the woman busy doing? A. Painting her new house. B. Visiting her old friends.


1.名词所有格是我们口语交际中常用到的一种形式,根据下面句子思考: 如果词尾有字母s ,怎么写它的所有格? “名词所有格”和“名词性所有格”是一个意思吗? 为什么? The two students’ homes are in the same building. The postcards’ colour is red . This cap is Daniel’s . That one is mine. 上5个问句都用到“belong to ”, belong to 后跟人称代词那种形式?(A. 主格,B.宾格, C.形容词性所有格 D.名词性所有格)举例证实你的选择。 ___________________________________________________________ __________ 四.达标检测六 (一)单项选择 1. Are these _______ photos ? A. you B. your C. yours 2. -----Whose pen is this ? … It’s _______ . B. mine C. my 3. He teaches ________ Chinese . A. us B. our C. ours 4. _______ name is Polly . A. It B. Its C. It’s

5. _________ father is a bus driver. A. He B. Him C. Jim’s 6. ______ pen on the teacher’s desk is ________. A. A, her B. A, hers C. The , hers 7. _______ the book belong to _______? A. Is , he B. Does , him C. Does , his 8. Kate is ________ English girl . ______ is from London. A. an , She B. the , She C. the, Her 9. Most of _______ come from China . A. they B. them C. theirs 10. These ______ trees belong to those farmers .


Unit 1 Where’s your pen pal from? 一、词组 be from= come form 来自... pen pal=pen friend 笔友 like and dislike 好恶;爱憎live in….在...居住 speak English 讲英语play sports 做体育运动 a little French 一些法语go to the movies 去看电影 an action movie 一部动作片on weekends 在周末 Excuse me 对不起,打扰get to 到达、抵达 beginning of 在...开始的时候at the end of 在...结束的时候 arrive at /in 到达(at 用于小地点,in用于大地方) 二、句型 (1)、Where主+be+主语+from? === 主语+be+from+地点. (2)、Where do/does+主语+live? 主语+live/lives in… (3)、What language do/does +主语+speak? 主语+speak/speaks…. (4)、主语+like/likes+doing… 三、日常交际用语 1-Where is your pen pal from? -He’s from China. 2-Where does she live? -She lives in Tokyo. 3-Does she speak English? -Yes,she does/No,she dosen’t. 4-Is that your new pen pal? -Yes,he is /No,he isn’t. 5-What language does she speak? -She speaks English. Unit 2 Where’s the post office 一、词组 post office 邮局pay phone 投币式公用电话 next to 在...隔壁across from 在...对面 in front of 在...前面between…and…在...和...之间 on a street 在街上in the neighborhood 在附近 on the right/left 在右边/在左边on one’s rig ht/left在某人的右边/左边 turn right/left 向右/左转take a walk 散步 have fun 玩得开心the way to …去...的路 take a taxi 打的/乘出租车go down(along)…沿着...走 go through...穿过.. have a good trip 旅途愉快 二、句型 (1)、Is there a bank near here? Yes,there is .It’s on Centre Street. / No,there isn’t. (2)、Where’s the sumpermarket?It’s next to the library. (3)、Bridge Street is a good place to have fun. (4)、I hope you have a good trip. (5)、If you are hungry,you can buy food in the restaurant. (6)、Talk a walk though the park.. (7)、enjoy后接名词或动词-ing形式. Do you enoy(=like) your work? Do you enjoy(=like) living in the city? 三、日常交际用语 (1)、Is there a ….?句型Eg: -Excuse me.Is there a hotel in the neighborhood?


Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? Jane: Hi, Bob. What club do you want to join? Bob: I want to join a sports club. Jane: Great! What sports can you play? Bob: Soccer. Jane: So you can join the soccer club. Bob: What about you? You’re very good at telling stories. You can join the story telling club. Jane: Sounds good. But I like to draw, too. Bob: Then join two clubs, the story telling club and the art club! Jane: OK, let’s join now. Hello, I’m Peter. I like to play basketball. I can speak English and I can also play soccer. Hi, I’m Ma Huan. I can play ping-pong and chess. I like to talk and play games with people. My name’s Alan. I’m in the school music club. I can play the guitar and the piano. I can sing and dance, too. Help for old people


七年级英语学习报-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1

1.名词所有格是我们口语交际中常用到的一种形式,根据下面句子思考: 如果词尾有字母s ,怎么写它的所有格“名词所有格”和“名词性所有格”是一个意思吗为什么 The two students’ homes are in the same building. The postcards’ colour is red . This cap is Daniel’s . That one is mine. 2.P33 上5个问句都用到“belong to ”, belong to 后跟人称代词那种形式(A. 主格,B.宾格, C.形容词性所有格 D.名词性所有格)举例证实你的选择。 _____________________________________________________________________ 四.达标检测六 (一)单项选择 1. Are these _______ photos A. you B. your C. yours 2. -----Whose pen is this … It’s _______ . A.me B. mine C. my 3. He teaches ________ Chinese . A. us B. our C. ours 4. _______ name is Polly . A. It B. Its C. It’s 5. _________ father is a bus driver. A. He B. Him C. Jim’s 6. ______ pen on the teacher’s desk is ________. A. A, her B. A, hers C. The , hers 7. _______ the book belong to _______ A. Is , he B. Does , him C. Does , his 8. Kate is ________ English girl . ______ is from London. A. an , She B. the , She C. the, Her 9. Most of _______ come from China . A. they B. them C. theirs 10. These ______ trees belong to those farmers . 2


初一下期末总复习资料(2013) Unit 1 Can you play the guitar ?(P111) 1、can+动词原形,它不随主语和数而变化。 (1)含有can的肯定句:主语+can+谓语动词的原形+其他。 (2)变一般疑问句时,把can提前:Can+主语+动词原形+其他? 肯定回答:Yes,主语+can。否定回答:No,主语+can't. (3)含有can的否定句:主语+can't+动词的原形+其他。 (4)含有can的特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+can+主语+动词原形+其他? 2、may+动词的原形。(may为情态动词)一般疑问句是把may提前, 肯定回答是:Yes,主语 +may。否定回答是:No,主语+mustn't。或please don't。join+某个组织,俱乐部,party,参军,党派等“加入” Join sb. “参加到某人中” join in (doing)sth “加入做......,参加某个活动” Join in=take part in +活动,比赛 3、说某种语言:speak+语言 4、play+球、棋、牌;play+the+乐器。 5、擅长于(做)什么:be good at +名词/动ing 6、帮助某人做某事:help sb. (to ) do sth. help sb. with sth. 7、我能知道你名字吗?May I know your name? 8、想要做什么:want to do sth 例如:I want to learn about art. Unit 2 What time do you go to school? 1、what time和when引导的特殊疑问句。 (1)对时间提问用what time,也可以用when。询问钟点时用what time,询问日期、月份、年份时用when。 (2)询问做某事的时间时,两者可以互换。 (3)其他询问时间的句子: What's the time? =What time is it? 现在几点了? 时刻表达法:顺读法和逆读法。 (1)顺读法:“钟点+分钟”直接读数字。 (2)逆读法:借助介词past或to表示,要先说分再说钟点。 A.当分钟不超过30分钟时(包括30分钟),即<或=30,用past表示。其结构为:“分钟+past+整点”意为“几点过几分”。 B.当超过30分钟时,即>30,用to表示。其结构为:“所差分钟(即60—所 过分钟数)+to+下一个整点”,to译成“差”,差几分钟到几点。 C.当分钟为30分钟用half表示,当分钟为15分钟用a quarter。 2、always 总是>usually 通常>often常常>sometimes 有时> seldom很少> hardly ever几乎不> never从不 3、Watch+TV、球赛“观看,观赏”,特指长时间注视。 See+电影、医生“看见”,强调看的结果。 Look “看”,强调看的动作,look后接宾语时要用介词at。 Read+书刊、杂志“阅读” 4、listen to +宾语 5. Go to +地点名词如:go to school go+地点副词Unit 3 unit3 How do you get to school?重点知识详解 1.take +a/an/the+表示交通工具的名词,乘……去某地,是动词短语,在句中作谓语。


2017新人教版八年级英语上册重点总复习资料 Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? 重点短语: (1)go on vacation 去度假(2)stay at home 呆在家(3)go to the mountains 去爬山(4)go to the beach去沙滩(5)visit museums 参观博物馆(6)go to summer camp 夏令营(7)quite a few 相当多,不少(8)study for……为…而学习(9)go out 出去(10)most of the time大多数时间 (11)taste good 尝起来不错 (12)have a good time过得愉快 (13)feel like 感受到 (14)go shopping 去买东西 (15)in the past 在过去 (16)walk around…..四处走走 (17)too many 太多 (18)because of+短语因为 (19)one bowl of 一碗。。。 (20)find out 查明,弄清 (21)take photos照相 (22)something important 重要的事情 (23)up and down 上上下下 (24)come up 上来,出现 (25)of course 当然 (26)come down 下来 重点语法: (1)Where did you go on vacation? I went to New York City. (2)Did you go out with anyone? No, No one was here. Everyone was on vacation. (3)Did you buy anything special? Yes, I bought something for my father. (4)How was the food? Everything tasted really good. (5)Did everyone have a good time? Oh,yes. Everything was excellent. 习惯用法: (1)buy sth for sb./ buy sb. sth 为某人买某物 (2)taste + adj. 尝起来…… (3)nothing ….but + V.(原形) 除了…之外什么都没有(4)seem + (to be) + adj 看起来 (5). arrive in + 大地方 arrive at + 小地方到达某地 (6)decide to do sth. 决定做某事 (7). try doing sth. 尝试做某事 (8)try to do sth. 尽力做某事 (9)try one`s best to do sth尽力做某事 (10)enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事(11)want to do sth.想去做某事 (12)start doing sth. 开始做某事 (13)stop doing sth. 停止做某事 stop to do sth 停下来做某事 (14)look + adj 看起来 (15)dislike doing sth. 不喜欢做某事 (16)Why not do sth. 为什么不做…….呢? (17)so + adj + that + 从句如此…以至于 (18)tell sb. (not) to do sth. 告诉某人(不要)做某事(19)keep doing sth. 继续做某事 (20).forget to do sth. 忘记去做某事(未做)forget doing sth忘记做过某事(已做) 词语辨析: ○1anywhere 与somewhere 两者都是不定副词。anywhere 在任何地方,常用于否定句和疑问句中。I can’t find it anywhere. somewhere 在某处,到某处,常用于肯定句。 I lost my key somewhere near here. ○2seem + 形容词看起来…..You seem happy today. seem + to do sth. 似乎、好像做某事 I seems / seemed + that看起来好像…;似乎…. seem like ….好像,似乎….. It seems like a good idea. ○3decide to do sth.决定做某事 They decide to visit the museum. decide + 疑问词+ 动词不定式 He can not decide when to leave. ○4start doing sth = start to do sth. 开始,可与begin 互换。He started doing his homework. ○5over 介词,多于,超过,在…以上(表示数目、程度)= more than My father is over 40 years old. ○6. too many 太多,后接可数名词复数: Mother bought too many eggs yesterday. too much 太多,修饰不可数名词,修饰动词作状语。We have too much work to do. Don’t talk too much.


寒假专版参考答案 第1版寒假作业(一)词汇与句型篇 词汇运用 Ⅰ. 1-5 cdeba Ⅱ. 1. German 2. age 3. hobbies 4. mountains 5. friendly 6. never 7. Geography 8. break 9. guitar 10. together Ⅲ.1-5 ACACD Ⅳ. 1. is from 2. look like 3. lives with 4. eating out 5. arrive at 6. helping; with 7. am good at 8. on the Internet 9. go to bed 10. take the bus 句型演练 Ⅰ.1. teeth 2. playing 3. friendly 4. elder 5. German 6. to be 7. to go 8. running 9. playing 10. listening Ⅱ. 1. enjoy/like 2. seldom 3. elder; dreams 4. by bus 5. favourite sport 第2版寒假作业(二)语法专练 Ⅰ. 1-5 DBACA 6-10 DACBD Ⅱ. 1. Does Kate want 2. Which man 3. doesn’t play 4. How often 5. Yes; he does 6. When is 7. Does Peter take 8. parents’ ages 9. How many flats 10. No; they don’t Ⅲ. 1. Germany 2. hobbies 3. playing 4. friends 5. twice 6. goes 7. to be 8. Does; doesn’t 9. times 10. likes Ⅳ. 1. an ice cream 2. seldom goes out 3. wants to be 4. twice a week 5. helps me buy Ⅴ. 1. D a改为an 2. A long改为often 3. A not之前加do 4. A Which改为What 5. B wash改为washes 第3版寒假作业(三)读写综合篇 补全对话 A篇1-5 FDEAC B篇1-5 GEFBD 完形填空 1-5 ABDDB 6-10 CACCB 阅读理解 1-5 BCDCD 书面表达 One possible version: Pleasant Goat and Force Goat are good friends. They both help Slow Goat a lot. But they


七年级英语(下)复习提纲 Unit 1 Where’s your pen pal from? 一.短语: 1 .be from = come from 来自于---- 2.live in 居住在--- 3.on weekends 在周末 4 .write to sb = write a letter to sb 给某人写信;写信给某人 5.in the world 在世界上 6. in China 在中国 7.pen pal 笔友 8. 14 years old 14岁 9. favorite subject 最喜欢的科目 10.the United States 美国 the United Kingdom 英国 New York 纽 11.speak English 讲英语 12. like and dislike 爱憎 13.go to the movies 去看电影 14. play sports 做运动 二.重点句式: 1. Where’s your pen pal from? = Where does your pen pal come from? 2. Where does he live? 3. What language(s) does he speak?

4. I want a pen pal in China. 5. I can speak English and a little French. 6. Please write and tell me about yourself. 7. Can you write to me soon? 8. I like going to the movies with my friends and playing sports. 三.本单元的国家,人民、语言对应。 1. Canada---- Canadian---- English / French 2. France------ French------French 3. Japan------Japanese----Japanese 4. Australia----Australian----- English 5 the United States------ American---- English 6 the United Kingdom---British----- English Unit 2 Where’s the post office? 一.Asking ways: (问路) 1.W here is (the nearest) ……?(最近的)……在哪里? 2.C an you tell me the way to ……?你能告诉我去……的路吗?3.H ow can I get to ……?我怎样到达……呢? 4.I s there ……near here / in the neighborhood? 附近有……吗?5.W hich is the way to ……?哪条是去……的路?二.Showing the ways: (指路) 1. Go straight down / along this street. 沿着这条街一直走。 2. Turn left at the second turning. 在第二个路口向左转。

七年级下册英语 课文翻译

七年级下册英语课文翻译 第一课你会弹吉他吗? Section A 2b 1. 莉萨想加入国际象棋俱乐部,但她不会下国际象棋。 2. 鲍勃想加入英语俱乐部。他喜欢说英语。 3. 玛丽喜欢音乐。她会唱歌和跳舞。鲍勃也喜欢音乐。他们想加入音乐俱乐部。 2d 简; 你好,鲍勃。你想加入什么俱乐部? 鲍勃:我想加入运动俱乐部。 简; 棒极了!你会玩什么运动? 鲍勃:足球。 简:这么说你可以加入足球俱乐部。 鲍勃:那么你呢?你非常擅长讲故事。你可以加入讲故事俱乐部。 简:听起来不错。但我也喜欢画画。 鲍勃:那就加入两个俱乐部,讲故事俱乐部和美术俱乐部。 简:好的,让我们现在去加入吧! 语法聚焦 Section B 2a 你好,我是彼得。我喜欢打篮球。我会说英语,我也会踢足球。 你好,我是马欢。我会打乒乓球和下国际象棋。我喜欢与人们交谈和做游戏。 我的名字是艾伦。我在学校音乐俱乐部。我会弹吉他和钢琴。我也会唱歌和跳舞。 2b 我们老人之家需要帮助。在七月份你有空吗?你会与他们说话。做游戏吗?他们会给你讲故事,你们可以交朋友。它既有趣又好玩!请在今天拨打电话689-7729 与我们联系! 放学后你忙吗?不忙?你会说英语吗?是吗?那么,我们需要你帮助说英语的学生做运动。这是轻松的,容易的?请来学生运动中心吧。拨打电话293-7742 联系布朗先生。 你会谈钢琴或拉小提琴吗?在周末你有时间吗?》学校需要帮助教音乐。它不难!请拨打电话555-3721 联系来勒太太。 第二课你几点去上学? 2d 采访者:斯科特有一份有趣的工作。他在一家广播电台工作。斯科特,你广播节目在几点? 斯科特:从晚上十二点到早上六点。 采访者:你通常几点起床? 斯科特:晚上八点半。然后我九点吃早饭。 采访者:那是个有趣的吃早饭的时间! 斯科特:是的。之后,我通常在十点二十左右锻炼。 采访者:你什么时候去上班/ 斯科特:在十一点,所以我工作从不迟到。 语法焦距


吴忠二中2017—2018学年第一学期期中学生学业水平检测 八年级英语 命题人:鲁桂芳 一.听力部分(15分) I.听句子,选出最符合题意的图片。(每小题 1分,共5分。) ( )1. A. B. C. ( )2. A. B. C. ( )3. A. B. C. ( )4. A. B. C. ( )5. A. B. C. II.听句子,选出正确的应答语,并将其序号填入题前括号内。(每小题1分,共 5分。) ()6. A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t. C. Xi’an ( ) 7. A. It’s a city of England. B. It’s in the east of England. C. It’s famous for the university. ( ) 8. A. All right. B. I think so. C. Never mind. ( ) 9. A. Yes, very often. B. I dislike travelling. C. I don’t know. ( )10. A. Thanks a lot. B. I t’s difficult to understand but interesting. C. I agree with you. Ⅲ.听短文,然后根据所听内容完成16-20小题。在短文中空白处填写适当的单词, 使句子意思与所听内容一致。(每词1分,共5分。Module 5Unit 2) Lao She was born in Beijing in 1899. His mother sent him to a teacher’s school in 1913. After 11____ school, he became a head teacher. In 1924, Lao She left home and went to England to study further. Five years 12____, he returned to China. He wrote many plays, 13______ and short stories about people’s lives, and he was 14 “People’s Artist”. But unluckily, he died in Taiping Lake in 1966. Lao She is one of the 15_____ Chinese writers of the 20th century. 二、单项选择(每小题1分,共10分。) ( )16. Let’s try to speak English as ________ as we can. A. much B. many C. more D. most ( ) 17.Wuzhong is a beautiful city _______ the south of Ningxia. A. on B. in C. at D. to ( ) 18. Nothing is ___________ than playing tennis. A. enjoyable B. more enjoyable C. most enjoyable D. the most enjoyable ( ) 19. What is the _________way to travel? A. good B. well C. better D. best ( ) 20.I wanted ________ the Beijing Opera. A. look B. to look C. see D. to see ( ) 21.Here are some mistakes in your homework, _____ and correct them. A. write down it B. write it down C. write down them D. write them down ( ) 22.This is one of songs this year. We all like it very much. A. less popular B. the more popular C.the most popular D.more popular

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