当前位置:文档之家› 病理学名词中英文对照




Acidophilic body:嗜酸性小体


Amniotic fluid embolism:羊水栓塞

Anemic infarct:贫血性梗死


Apoptotic bodies:凋亡小体

Arteriolar nephrosclerosis:细动脉性肾硬化

Aschoff cell:阿少夫细胞



Ballooning change:气球样变

Borderline tumor:交界瘤

Brain hernia:脑疝

Bridging necrosis:桥接坏死

Brown atrophy:褐色萎缩

Brown induration:褐色硬化


Caisson disease:沉箱病

Caput medusae:海蛇头;脐周静脉曲张


Carcinoma simplex:单纯癌


Carcinoma in situ:原位癌

Caseous necrosis:干酪样坏死

Caterpillar cell:毛虫状细胞

Cervical intraeptithelial neoplasia:子宫颈上皮内瘤变(CIN)Chloroma:绿色瘤


Chronic cor pulmonale:慢性肺源性心脏病

Clear cell carcinoma:透明细胞癌

Coagulative necrosis:凝固性坏死


Concentric hypertrophy:向心性肥大

Cor villosum:绒毛心


Crossed embolism:交叉性栓塞Decompression sickness:减压病Degeneration:变性


Disease :疾病


Dystrophic calcification:营养不良性钙化Ectopic endocrine tumor:异位内分泌肿瘤

End-stage kidney:终末期肾

Eosinophilic abscess:嗜酸性脓肿

Fatty infiltration:脂肪浸润

Fatty liver:脂肪肝



Goodpasture’s syndrome:Goodpasture综合征Granulation tissue:肉芽组织


Growth factor:生长因子

Growth fraction:生长分数


Heart failure cell:心力衰竭细胞Heterogeneity:异质性

Hyaline change:玻璃样变性

Hyaline thrombus:透明血栓

Hydatidiform mole:葡萄胎


Hypertensive crisis:高血压危象

IgA nephropathy: IgA肾病

Inflammatory cell infiltration:炎细胞浸润Inflammatory mediator:炎症介质

Intestinal metaplasia:肠上皮化生Karyolysis:核溶解


Keratin pearl:角化珠;癌珠

Linitis plastica:皮革胃

Lipoid nephrosis:脂性肾病

Lobular pneumonia:小叶性肺炎

Mallory’s body:Mallory小体

Medullary carcinoma:髓样癌Metaplasia:化生


Mirror image cell:镜影细胞

Mitral stenosis:二尖瓣狭窄

Mural thrombus:附壁血栓Myofibroblast:成肌纤维细胞

Nabothian cyst:那鲍氏囊肿


Nephrotic syndrome:肾病综合征

Nodular goiter:结节性甲状腺肿

Nutmeg liver:槟榔肝


Paget’s disease:佩吉特病


Phlegmonous inflammation:蜂窝织炎Piecemeal necrosis:碎片状坏死

Pipe stem cirrhosis:门脉性肝硬化Precancerous lesions:癌前病变

Primary complex:原发综合征

Proto-oncogene:原癌基因Pseudolobule:假小叶Pseudomembranous inflammation:假膜性炎Pseudotubercle:假结核结节Psychosomatic disease:心身疾病Pulmonary carnification:肺肉质变Pulmonary emphysema:肺气肿

Purulent catarrh:脓性卡他




Retrograde embolism:逆行栓塞

Septic infarct:败血性梗死

Signet-ring cell:印戒细胞

Silicotic nodule:矽结节

Simmond’s disease:

Spider nevi:蜘蛛痣

Subcutaneous nodule:皮下结节

Sudden coronary death:冠状动脉性猝死





Typhoid nodule:伤寒小结


Ventricular aneurysms:室壁瘤

Verrucous endocarditis:疣状心内膜炎

Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome:暴发型脑膜炎球菌败血症,沃-弗综合征

NBA 篮球专业术语(英汉对照)

篮球术语 Jump ball 跳球 Travering 走步 Technical foul 技术犯规 3-second violation 3秒违例 Point scored 罚球 Personal foul 个人犯规 3-point shot 3分球 3-point line 3分线 Sideline 边线 Endline 端线 Midcourtline 中线 Center court 中场 Backboard 篮板 Free throw lane 罚球区 Offense 进攻 Defense 防守 Passing the ball 传球 Receiving the ball 接球 Shoot 投篮 Dunk 扣篮 Lay-up 檫板入蓝 Jump shot 跳投 Hook 勾手投篮 Dribbling 运球 Block off 防堵 Steal the ball 抢断球 Rebound 抢篮板球 Half-court offense 前场进攻 Fast-break offense 快攻 Playing big 高大中锋战术 Playing small 小个子战术 Spreading the court 拉开进攻 Setting up plays 组织进攻 Screen 掩护 Pick and roll 掩护转身切入 Give and go 传切上篮 Posting up 策应 Three-point shooting 三分球战术Isolations 孤立打法 Drawing a foul 导致对方犯规Blocking out 抢篮板时将对方挡在外面Man to man 人盯人


财务专业术语中英文对照表 英文中文说明 Account Accounting system 会计系统 American Accounting Association 美国会计协会 American Institute of CPAs 美国注册会计师协会 Audit 审计 Balance sheet 资产负债表 Bookkeepking 簿记 Cash flow prospects 现金流量预测 Certificate in Internal Auditing 部审计证书 Certificate in Management Accounting 管理会计证书 Certificate Public Accountant注册会计师 Cost accounting 成本会计 External users 外部使用者 Financial accounting 财务会计 Financial Accounting Standards Board 财务会计准则委员会 Financial forecast 财务预测 Generally accepted accounting principles 公认会计原则 General-purpose information 通用目的信息 Government Accounting Office 政府会计办公室 Income statement 损益表 Institute of Internal Auditors 部审计师协会 Institute of Management Accountants 管理会计师协会 Integrity 整合性 Internal auditing 部审计 Internal control structure 部控制结构 Internal Revenue Service 国收入署 Internal users部使用者 Management accounting 管理会计 Return of investment 投资回报 Return on investment 投资报酬 Securities and Exchange Commission 证券交易委员会


印刷中英文术语对照 Woodfree paper 書紙 Matt paper 啞粉紙 Glossy paper 光粉紙 1.GSM与LBS( pound)的转换: English paper grade to grammage conversion Grammage Paper Grade (LBS.) 44 gsm 30 lb. text 59 gsm 16 lb. bond, 40 lb. text 67 gsm 45 lb. text 89 gsm 24 lb. bond, 60 lb. text 104 gsm 70 lb. text 118 gsm 80 lb. text 148 gsm 67 lb. bristol, 100 lb. text 162 gsm 60 lb. cover 163 gsm 90 lb. index 176 gsm 65 lb. cover 178 gsm 80 lb. bristol 199 gsm 110 lb. index 216 gsm 80 lb. cover 219 gsm 100 lb. bristol 253 gsm 140 lb. index 263 gsm 120 lb. bristol

270 gsm 100 lb. cover 307 gsm 140 lb. bristol 308 gsm 170 lb. index 325 gsm 120 lb. cover 2.印刷品中英文对照 日历:calendar 台历:desk calendar 挂历:wall calendar 精装书: Case bound, hard bound, cloth bound, hardback, hardcover book 小册子:brochure 纸相架:Paper frame 纸板书: Board book 纸匣: paper tray 螺旋簿: spiral book 合订本:bound book 书芯纸印的封面。小册子的所有纸张(包括封面)采用同一类或相同克重的纸张,称为简装本(self-cover brochure)。 翻页书: flipbook 3.纸张中英文对照 铜版纸,又称涂布印刷纸:Coated Art Paper(or Board), Coated Woodfree; Art paper;Art printing pape;Copper printing paper 双铜纸: both sides coated art paper 亚粉纸: dull finished art paper,matt art paper


1.设计指标:statistics 用地面积:site area 建筑占地面积:building foot print 总建筑面积:total area 建筑面积floor area,building area 地上建筑面积:ground area 地下建筑面积:underground area 整体面积需求: Demand for built area 公共绿地:public green land 备用地用地:reserved land 容积率:FAR 建筑密度:building coverage 绿地率:green ratio 绿化率:green landscape ratio 建筑高度:building height 层数:number of floors 停车位:parking unit 地面停车:ground parking 地下停车:underground parking 使用面积:usable area 公用面积:public area 实用面积:effective area 居住面积:living area 计租面积rental area?租用面积 得房率:effien 开间bay 进深depth 跨度span 坡度:slope,grade 净空:clearance 净高:clear height 净空(楼梯间下):headroom 净距:clear distance 套内面积:unit constraction area 公摊面积:shared public area 竣工面积: 辅助面积:service area 结构面积:structural area 交通面积:communication area,passage area 共有建筑面积:common building area 共有建筑面积分摊系数:common building area amount coefficient 公用建筑面积:public building area 销售面积:sales area 绿化覆盖率:green coverage ratio 层高:floor height 净高:clear height 公用建筑面积分摊系数:public building area amount coefficient 住宅用地:residential area 其他用地: 公共服务设施用地:land for public facilities 道路用地:land for roads 公共绿地:public green space 道路红线:road property line 建筑线(建筑红线):set back line 用地红线:property line,boundary line 第一轮:1st round 计划和程序:schedule and program 工程进度表:working schedule 构造材料表:list of building materials and construction 设计说明:design statement 图纸目录和说明:list of drawings and descriptions 项目标准:project standards 总结:conclusion 文本及陈述: 封皮:cover 目录:content 技术经济指标:technical and economical index 概念规划设计:conceptual master paln and architectural design 基地分析:location analysis 项目区位分析图:description of the region site and city space view analyze 概念构思说明:chief design concept 指导思想(设计主旨):key concepts 概述:introduction 宗旨:mission statement 愿景及设计效果:vision and design concept 城市空间景观分析:urban space landscape identity 绿化景观分析:landscape analysis 交通分析:traffic analysis 生态系统:ecological system 地块A:area A 模型照片:model images 案例分析:case study


N B A术语中英版文档编制序号:[KKIDT-LLE0828-LLETD298-POI08]

场上用语: a flat shot:一个弧线低平的投篮 alley-oop:空接扣篮 Arena:比赛场;竞技场。比如Seattle的主场名叫Key Arena arc:三分线 Arm in the rim dunk :手肘插进篮筐的灌篮 Air ball:“三不沾”,投出的球什么都没碰到 Alley-oop:空中接力。一个运动员把球抛向空中,另一个队员在空中接住球把球扣入篮筐 ankle-breaker:脚踝终结者。指的是一些球员在告诉交叉运球过程中将防守队员弄到并导致其受伤。 and one:打进加罚,即加罚 a strong finish:有力的结束。球员强力灌篮后,解说员的解说词 away game:客场比赛 baby hook:小勾手 backcourt:后场 back to the basket:背筐 bank shot:擦板球 Baseline:底线。球场两端的边界线 behind-the-back:背后运球 between-the-leg:胯下运球 bounc:反弹传球 Box out:抢篮板球挡人,即抢篮板球时站在对手和篮之间,用身体挡住防守队员的动作backdoor cut:从两边底线往篮下的战术 Back pass:背后传球 backcourt violation:回场违例 baseball pass:快攻时的长传 baseline driver:底线切入的球员 be sidelined:不能上场,退出比赛 beat the shot clock:在出手时限结束之前(完成出手投篮的动作)。在出手时限结束之前(完成出手投篮的动作).NBA规定进攻一方必须在内24秒出手投篮,但在球过中线以后在前场的发球后,必须在 14 内秒出手投篮,否则违例。 behind-the-back dribble:背后运球 Bench:替补队员 bench warmer:上场时间很少的球员,通常在场下把板凳都坐暖了 blocking foul:阻挡犯规 block out:卡位 Bounce pass:击地传球 Box out:抢篮板球挡人,即抢篮板球时站在对手和篮之间,用身体挡住防守队员的动作brick:球打在篮筐或篮板上被崩出来,许多公牛队的球迷在客队罚球时都手执一块上写“Brick”的牌子在罚球队员的眼前不停的晃动,扰乱他的视线,以达到干扰罚球的目的。 bury a shot:投篮命中 Buzzer beater:零秒出手,即投压哨球


各种专业名称英语词汇中英文对照表 哲学Philosophy 马克思主义哲学Philosophy of Marxism 中国哲学Chinese Philosophy 外国哲学Foreign Philosophies 逻辑学Logic 伦理学Ethics 美学Aesthetics 宗教学Science of Religion 科学技术哲学Philosophy of Science and Technology 经济学Economics 理论经济学Theoretical Economics 政治经济学Political Economy 经济思想史History of Economic Thought 经济史History of Economic 西方经济学Western Economics 世界经济World Economics 人口、资源与环境经济学Population, Resources and Environmental Economics 应用经济学Applied Economics 国民经济学National Economics 区域经济学Regional Economics 财政学(含税收学)Public Finance (including Taxation) 金融学(含保险学)Finance (including Insurance) 产业经济学Industrial Economics 国际贸易学International Trade 劳动经济学Labor Economics

统计学Statistics 数量经济学Quantitative Economics 中文学科、专业名称英文学科、专业名称 国防经济学National Defense Economics 法学Law 法学Science of Law 法学理论Jurisprudence 法律史Legal History 宪法学与行政法学Constitutional Law and Administrative Law 刑法学Criminal Jurisprudence 民商法学(含劳动法学、社会保障法学) Civil Law and Commercial Law (including Science of Labour Law and Science of Social Security Law ) 诉讼法学Science of Procedure Laws 经济法学Science of Economic Law 环境与资源保护法学Science of Environment and Natural Resources Protection Law 国际法学(含国际公法学、国际私法学、国际经济法学、) International law (including International Public law, International Private Law and International Economic Law) 军事法学Science of Military Law 政治学Political Science 政治学理论Political Theory 中外政治制度Chinese and Foreign Political Institution 科学社会主义与国际****主义运动Scientific Socialism and International Communist Movement 中国共产党党史(含党的学说与党的建设) History of the Communist Party of China (including the Doctrine of China Party and Party Building) 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育Education of Marxist Theory and Education in Ideology and Politics 国际政治学International Politics 国际关系学International Relations 外交学Diplomacy 社会学Sociology


N B A必备英文词汇Last revision on 21 December 2020

看NBA必备的篮球词汇大全球队一览: Eastern Conference 东部联盟 Boston Celtics 波士顿凯尔特人 New Jersey Nets 新泽西网 New York Knicks 纽约尼克斯 Philadelphia 76ers 费城76人 Toronto Raptors 多伦多猛龙 Chicago Bulls 芝加哥公牛 Cleveland Cavaliers 克里夫兰骑士 Detroit Pistons 底特律活塞 Indiana Pacers 印第安纳步行者 Milwaukee Bucks 密尔沃基雄鹿 Atlanta Hawks 亚特兰大老鹰 Charlotte Bobcats 夏洛特山猫 Miami Heat 迈阿密热火 Orlando Magic 奥兰多魔术 Washington Wizards 华盛顿奇才 Western Conference 西部联盟 Denver Nuggets 丹佛掘金 Minnesota Timberwolves 明尼苏达森林狼Oklahoma City Thunder 俄克拉何马城雷霆

Portland Trail Blazers 波特兰开拓者 Utah Jazz 犹他爵士 Golden State Warriors 金州勇士 Los Angeles Clippers 洛杉矶快船 Los Angeles Lakers 洛杉矶湖人 Phoenix Suns 菲尼克斯太阳 Sacramento Kings 萨克拉门托国王 Dallas Mavericks 达拉斯小牛 Houston Rockets 休斯敦火箭 Memphis Grizzlies 孟菲斯灰熊 New Orleans Hornets 新奥尔良黄蜂 San Antonio Spurs 圣安东尼奥马刺 球队组成: assistant coach:助理教练 backcourt:后卫组(包括控球后卫及得分后卫) backup:后备(替换,支持)球员 bench:(指全体)后备(替换,支持)球员 bench player:(指个人)后备(替换,支持)球员center:中锋(又称5号位置球员) coach:教练 frontline:锋线(包括大前锋,小前锋,中锋) GM(general manager):球队经理


设备材料名称Equipment description 高炉设备BF equipment 炼铁工艺设备Technological equipment for iron making 储矿槽Stock bunkers 运矿胶带机Iron ore belt conveyer 碎矿胶带机Crushed iron ore belt conveyer 大倾角返矿胶带机Big-inclining angle belt conveyer for returning iron ore 振动筛Vibrator screen 2.5m3料坑漏斗 2.5m3 hopper in skip car pit 矿石焦炭称量漏斗Iron ore, Coke weighing hopper 碎矿、碎焦仓电液推杆扇形闸门Electrical/hydraulic pushing rod type sector valve for crushed iron ore and coke breeze 振动给料机Vibrator feeder 炉顶系统及上料系统BF top system and charging system 无料钟装料设备Bell-less charging equipment 料车卷扬机Skip car winch 2.5m3料车 2.5m3 skip car 探尺卷扬(直流)Probe winch(DC) ¢1200绳轮¢1200 rope wheel 炉顶及槽下液压站Hydraulic station for BF top and equipment below stock bunkers 7.5t手动单轨小车7.5t manual single rail car 7.5t环链手拉葫芦7.5tn Ring chain manual hoist 煤气自动分析仪Automatic gas analyzing instrument 高炉炉体系统BF proper system 炉喉钢砖BF throat amour steel bricks DN600炉顶人孔DN600 BF top manhole 风口设备Tuyere equipment 铁口Tap hole 探孔Probing hole 球墨铸铁镶砖冷却壁Nodular cast iron staves with lining bricks inserted 炉缸冷却壁Staves for BF hearth 高炉炉体给排水系统Water supply and draining system for BF proper 高炉进风装置BF blast blow-in unit 热风围管吊挂Hanger for BF bustle 煤气取样装置Gas sampling unit 风口平台、出铁场Tuyere and platform, cast house 10t单梁起重机10t single-beam hopist KD75液压泥炮(含液 压站) KD75 hydraulic mud gun (including hydraulic station) 液动开铁口机Hydraulic tap hole driller 渣沟铁槽Slag runner iron chute 轴流风机Axial flow fan 炉前液压站Hydraulic station for the cast house


1、the airframe 机身,结构 2、The front (fore) part 前部 3、The rear (aft) part 后部 4、port 左旋(舵) 5、starboard 右旋(舵) 6、the inboard engine or inboards 内侧发动机 7、the outboard engine or outboards 外侧发动机 8、the nose 机头 9、the belly 腹部 10、the skin 蒙皮 11、the windscreen or windshield 风挡 12、the wing 机翼 13、the trailing edge 机翼后缘 14、the leading edge 机翼前缘 15、the wing tip 翼尖 16、the control surface 操纵面 17、ailerons 副翼 18、flaps (inboard flap,outboard flap,leading edge flaps) 襟翼(内侧襟翼,外侧襟翼,前缘缝翼) 19、spoilers (inboard\outboard spoiler)(spoiler down\up) 阻力板,扰流板(内、外侧扰流板)(扰流板放下、打开) 20、slats 缝翼 21、elevators (elevator control tab) 升降舵(升降舵操纵片) 22、rudder (rudder control tab) 方向舵(方向舵操纵片)

23、flap angle 襟翼角 24、flap setting 襟翼调整 25、the full flap position 全襟翼位置 26、a flapless landing 无襟翼着陆 27、the landing gear 起落架 28、stabilizer 安定面 29、the nose wheel 前轮 30、gear locked 起落架锁定 31、the wheel well 起落架舱 32、the wheel door 起落架舱门 33、a tyre 轮胎 34、to burst 爆破 35、a deflated tyre 放了气的轮胎 36、a flat tyre 走了气的轮胎 37、a puncture 轮胎被扎破 38、to extend the flaps (to retract the flaps) 放下襟翼(收上襟翼) 39、gear extention (gear retraction) 起落架放下(起落架收上) 40、The gear is jammed. 起落架被卡死。 41、The flaps are jammed. 襟翼被卡死。 42、the emergency extention system 应急放下系统 43、to crank the gear down 摆动放下起落架 44、the brakes 刹车


NBA 各种投篮方式 (slam) dunk:(强力)灌篮 bank shot:擦板球 double pump:拉杆式投篮(verb) fade-away shot:后仰式跳投 hook shot:钩射投篮 jump shot:跳投 layup:带球上篮 perimeter shot:中距离投篮 set shot:立定投篮 three-point shot:三分球 NBA 各种统计术语 assist:助攻 block shot:阻攻,盖火锅儿 defensive rebound:防守篮板球 field goal percentage:投球命中率 field goal:投球命中 free throw percentage:罚球命中率 free throw:罚球offensive rebound:进攻篮板球rebound:篮板球 scoring:得分 steal:抢断

three-point shot percentage:三分球命中率 turnover:失误 NBA场地装备 backboard:篮板 back court:后场 freethrow lane:罚球圈,禁区 freethrow line:罚球线 front court:前场 game clock:比赛用时钟 halftime:中场休息时间 hoop:篮框,篮圈 mid-court:中场 net:篮网 painted area:罚球圈,禁区 restricted area near the basket:禁区内篮框下的小圆圈区域 rim:篮框,篮圈 scoring table:记录台,记分台 shot clock:时限钟(进攻方在24秒内必须投篮,并且球必须触及篮框,否则即违例) three-point line:三分(球)线 top of the circle:靠近禁区顶端之三分(球)线附近 wing:(左、右两边)底线区域 NBA规则



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各种专业名称英语词汇中英文对照表 哲学Philosophy 马克思主义哲学Philosophy of Marxism 中国哲学ChinesePhilosophy 外国哲学ForeignPhilosophies ?逻辑学Logic?伦理学Ethics 美学Aesthetics 宗教学Science of Religion?科学技术哲学Philosophy of Science andTechnology?经济学Economics?理论经济学Theoretical Economics ?政治经济学PoliticalEconomy ?经济思想史History ofEconomic Thought ?经济史History of Economic 西方经济学WesternEconomics?世界经济World Economics ?人口、资源与环境经济学Population,Resources andEnvironmentalEconomics 应用经济学Applied Economics 国民经济学National Economics?区域经济学Regional Economics ?财政学(含税收学)Public Finance (includingTaxation) 金融学(含保险学) Finance (including Insurance)?产业经济学Industrial Economics ?国际贸易学International Trade 劳动经济学Labor Economics ?统计学Statistics ?数量经济学Quantita tive Economics ?中文学科、专业名称英文学科、专业名称 国防经济学National Defense Economics?法学Law 法学Science of Law ?法学理论Jurisprudence?法律史Legal History ?宪法学与行政法学Constitutional Law and Administrative Law 刑法学Criminal Jurisprudence 民商法学(含劳动法学、社会保障法学)Civil Law and Commercial Law (i ncluding Science of LabourLawand Science ofSocial Sec urityLaw)?诉讼法学Science of ProcedureLaws ?经济法学Sc ience ofEconomic Law ?环境与资源保护法学Science ofEnvironment andNatural Resources Protection Law 国际法学(含国际公法学、国际私法学、国际经济法学、)Internationallaw (including International Public law, International PrivateLaw a


印刷专业用语 纸料: 260g粉灰260g grey back MC board 300g粉灰300g grey back MC board 350g粉灰350g grey back MC board 350g单粉咭(白芯/灰芯)350g single side coated board (white liner/grey liner) 350g双粉咭(白芯/灰芯)350g both sides coated board (white liner/grey liner) 80g书纸80g W/F PAPER 80g色书纸80g color W/FPAPER 157g双粉纸157g art paper 157g哑粉纸157g matt coated paper 防潮纸Moisture Proof paper 铜板不干胶Raflacoat self-adhesive 双铜纸glossy paper/ coated art paper 双胶纸offset paper 轻涂纸Light Weight Coated Paper 无光铜版纸matt art paper 光面铜版纸gloss paper 灰底白板卡纸CCNB的全称是Clay Coated News Back 牛底白板纸板CCKB(Clay Coated Kraft Back) 白底灰芯纸板CCWB(Clay Coated White Back)

铜板卡纸/白芯粉咭SBS(Solid Bleached Sulphate) 合成纸Synthetic paper 根据表面涂布情况SBS又分为单粉咭C1S(coated one side)和双粉咭 C2S(coated two sides)。根据表面涂布效果分为Matte(哑光纸)和Glossy(光面纸)。 坑纸: BEE-flute (125g牛咭+110g芯纸) WE-flute (140g白牛咭+110g芯纸) B3-flute (125g牛咭+115g芯纸) A3-flute (175g牛咭+115g芯纸) K3-flute (250g牛咭+115g芯纸) W3-flute (140g白牛咭+115g芯纸) A3B9-flute (175g牛咭+115g芯纸+125g牛咭+110g芯纸)K3B9-flute (250g牛咭+115g芯纸+125g牛咭+110g芯纸)印刷 印油Transparent ink 印光油Gloss Varnishing 印哑油Matt Varnishing 印专色Printed in spot color 表面处理 磨光Calendaring 磨光吸塑油Blister-calendaring varnish 过光油Varnishing


航天技术专业名词中英文对照表 安全性safety 拜科努尔发射场Байконуркосмодром 备用着陆场alternate landing site 舱外活动extravehicular activity 测地卫星geodetic satellite 测控通信网communication network for tracking, telemetering and control system 测量飞机instrumentation aircraft 超重医学hypergravity medicine 乘员舱大气环境crew cabin atmosphere environment 冲压式发动机ramjet engine 重复使用运载火箭reusable launch vehicle 垂直起降火箭vertical lift off and vertical landing rocket 磁环境试验magnetism environment test 单级入轨火箭single stage to orbit rocket 单组元火箭发动机mono propellant rocket engine 导航卫星navigation satellite 导航卫星系统navigation satellite system “导航星”全球定位系统Navstar global positioning system,GPS 登月舱lunar module

等效性原理的卫星试验satellite test of the equivalence principle,STEP 低轨道low earth orbit 低轨道运载火箭low earth orbit launch vehicle 地面模拟飞行试验ground simulated flight test 地球辐射带radiation belts of earth 地球观测系统Earth Observing System,EOS 地球同步轨道geosynchronous orbit 地球信息系统Earth Observation System Data and Information System,EOSDIS 地球资源卫星earth resources satellite 地外文明extraterrestrial civilization 电磁相容性试验electromagnetic compatibility test 电弧加热设备arc heater 电火箭发动机electric rocket engine 动力学环境试验dynamics environment test 对地观测技术earth observation technique 多级入轨火箭multi-stage to-orbit rocket 俄罗斯航天测控网Russian spacecraft tracking, telemetering and control network 俄罗斯全球导航卫星系统Russian global navigation satellite system,GLONASS


微积分英文词汇,高数名词中英文对照,高等数学术语英语翻译一览关键词:微积分英文,高等数学英文翻译,高数英语词汇 来源:上海外教网|发布日期:2008-05-1617:12 V、X、Z:? Valueoffunction:函数值 Variable:变数 Vector:向量 X-axis T:? S:? Scalar Secantline:割线 Secondderivative:二阶导数 SecondDerivativeTest:二阶导数试验法Secondpartialderivative:二阶偏导数 Sector:扇形 Sequence:数列 Series:级数 Set:集合 Shellmethod:剥壳法 Sinefunction:正弦函数 Singularity:奇点 Slantasymptote:斜渐近线

Slope:斜率 Slope-interceptequationofaline:直线的斜截式Smoothcurve:平滑曲线Smoothsurface:平滑曲面Solidofrevolution:旋转体 Space:空间 Speed:速率 Sphericalcoordinates:球面坐标SqueezeTheorem:夹挤定理Stepfunction:阶梯函数Strictlydecreasing:严格递减 Sum R:? Right-handlimit:右极限 Root:根 P、Q:? Parabola:抛物线 Paraboliccylinder:抛物柱面 Paraboloid:抛物面 Parallelepiped:平行六面体 Parallellines:并行线 Parameter:参数


包装印刷中英文专业术语大全 刀版die plate 菲林printing film/artwork 数码印刷digital printing 印前工序prepress process 包装种类 包装盒 packaging 天地盖盒lid and base box 彩盒color printing box 储物盒storage box 展示盒display stand 翻盖盒/可折叠盒folding paper box 珠宝盒Jewelry box 茶叶盒tea box 鞋盒shoe box 盒Box 纸盒 paper box 硬纸盒rigid paper box 瓦楞纸盒corrugated paper box 木盒Wooden Box 铁盒Iron Box 塑料透明盒 Plastic Transparency Box 苯乙烯盒 Styrol Box 礼盒presentation box 礼品盒gift box 展示盒showing box

箱Case 纸箱Carton 外箱master carton 瓦椤纸箱Corrugated Carton 旧瓦椤纸箱Old Corrugated Carton (O.C.C.) 木箱Wooden Case 板条箱Crate 木条箱Wooden Crate 竹条箱Bamboo Crate 胶合板箱Plywood Case 三层夹板箱3--Ply Plywood Case 镀锡铁皮胎木箱Tin Lined Wooden Case 集装箱Container 袋Bag(Sack) 布袋Cloth Bag 草袋Straw Bag 麻袋Gunny Bag/Jute Bag 旧麻袋Used Gunny Bag/Old Gunny Bag 新麻袋New Gunny Bag 尼龙袋Nylon Bag 聚丙烯袋Polypropylene Bag 聚乙烯袋Polythene Bag 塑料袋Poly Bag 塑料编织袋Polywoven Bag 纤维袋Fibre Bag 玻璃纤维袋Glass Fibre Bag 玻璃纸袋Callophane Bag 防潮纸袋Moisture Proof Pager Bag 乳胶袋子Emulsion Bag 三层牛皮纸袋3=ply Kraft Paper Bag 锡箔袋Fresco Bag 特大袋Jumbo Bag


场上用语: a flat shot:一个弧线低平的投篮 alley-oop:空接扣篮 Arena:比赛场;竞技场。比如Seattle的主场名叫Key Arena arc:三分线 Arm in the rim dunk :手肘插进篮筐的灌篮 Air ball:“三不沾”,投出的球什么都没碰到 Alley-oop:空中接力。一个运动员把球抛向空中,另一个队员在空中接住球把球扣入篮筐ankle-breaker:脚踝终结者。指的是一些球员在告诉交叉运球过程中将防守队员弄到并导致其受伤。 and one:打进加罚,即加罚 a strong finish:有力的结束。球员强力灌篮后,解说员的解说词 away game:客场比赛? baby hook:小勾手 backcourt:后场 back to the basket:背筐 bank shot:擦板球? Baseline:底线。球场两端的边界线 behind-the-back:背后运球 between-the-leg:胯下运球 bounc:反弹传球 Box out:抢篮板球挡人,即抢篮板球时站在对手和篮之间,用身体挡住防守队员的动作backdoor cut:从两边底线往篮下的战术 Back pass:背后传球 backcourt violation:回场违例? baseball pass:快攻时的长传 baseline driver:底线切入的球员? be sidelined:不能上场,退出比赛? beat the shot clock:在出手时限结束之前(完成出手投篮的动作)。在出手时限结束之前(完成出手投篮的动作).NBA规定进攻一方必须在内24秒出手投篮,但在球过中线以后在前场的发球后,必须在14 内秒出手投篮,否则违例。 behind-the-back dribble:背后运球? Bench:替补队员 bench warmer:上场时间很少的球员,通常在场下把板凳都坐暖了 blocking foul:阻挡犯规 block out:卡位? Bounce pass:击地传球 Box out:抢篮板球挡人,即抢篮板球时站在对手和篮之间,用身体挡住防守队员的动作brick:球打在篮筐或篮板上被崩出来,许多公牛队的球迷在客队罚球时都手执一块上写“Brick”的牌子在罚球队员的眼前不停的晃动,扰乱他的视线,以达到干扰罚球的目的。bury a shot:投篮命中 Buzzer beater:零秒出手,即投压哨球 catch-and-shoot:接球就投 cross-over:交叉过人?

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