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Unit2 词汇课名师教学设计(一)

Book3 Unit 2 Healthy Eating

Period 2 Learning about language

Analysis of the teaching materials (教材分析)

This is the second period of unit 2, which centers on the vocabulary and grammar .After students read the stories Come and eat here I&II, they will learn words and exp ressions about healthy eating. This period will help them consolidate vocabularies the y learn in the story. For the grammar, the exercise will help students review the functi on of modal verbs and explain the meaning in context.

Analysis of the students(学情分析)

Students have learned the basic function of modal verbs in unit 1, so it will not b e too difficult for them to finish the task. Students learn a lot of words about various k inds of topic, but they have no idea of how to keep so many words in mind. In this per iod, a word bank will be recommended for them. They should learn to sort out the wor ds according to different topics and this will help them memorize vocabularies. Teaching objectives (教学目标)

At the end of the period, the students will be able to...

1. Language knowledge (知识目标)

learn to talk about what a healthy diet is by using the words and expressions: balanced , raw, diet, slim, energetic, lose weight...

2. Language skills (能力目标)

understand the functions of modal verbs in context and use modal verbs to express ne cessity, advice and ability.

3. Emotional cultivation (情感目标)

examine their own eating practices and see whether they are eating healthily

4. Learning strategies (策略目标)

solve the problem individually and accomplish the task cooperatively.

Teaching key points (教学重点)

To get the students to talk about keeping healthy and slim by using target words Teaching difficult points (教学难点)

To get the students to understand the functions of modal verbs

Teaching methods (教法):

Guided learning method: discover the structure with the help of the teacher. Learning methods (学法):

Set up a word bank and learn to categorize words

Teaching procedures (教学过程)

Step 1 Review and paraphrase

Review the words in the passage

1. Ask students to guess the words according to the pictures and description.

○1_____ (adj.) food is food that is eaten uncooked. ○

○2A __________(adj.) diet is a healthy diet with energy-giving food, body-building fo od, and protective food.

○3A _____(adj.) person has an attractively thin and well-shaped body. ○

○4Every time Pinocchio tells a ______(n.), his nose will grow. ○

○5A ________(n.) is someone who buys goods or services from a shop. ○

○6A ________(n.) is a reduction in the usual price of something. ○

○7_________(n.) is a strong wish to know about something. ○

○8The ________(n.) of something is the help that you get from it or the advantage tha t results from it.

○9If you are on a _____ (n.), you eat special kinds of food or you eat less food than u sual because you are trying to lose weight

Answers: raw, balanced, slim, lie, customer, discount, curiosity, benefit, diet

2. Ask students to fill in blanks with the words given.

raw benefit curiosity lie customer

When Wang Peng saw Yong Hui's sign, ________ drove him inside. Yong Hui's

menu has just rice, _____ vegetables, fruit and water on it. He thought he could not ha ve her getting away with telling people ______! After doing some research, he decide d to advertise the ______ of his food and wanted to win _________ back. Answers: curiosity, raw, lies, benefit, customers

3. Paraphrase the words (Ex1 on Page12)

When Wang Peng saw Yong Hui's sign, curiosity drove him inside. Yong Hui's menu has just rice, raw vegetables, fruit and water on it. He thought he could not hav e her getting away with telling people lies! After doing some research, he decided to a dvertise the benefit of his food and wanted to win customers back.

○1something that you say that you know is not true. ○

○2not to be punished for something ○

○3uncooked ○

○4the strong wish to know about something ○

○5someone who buys things or services from a shop, company, etc. ○

○6a particular quality that gives someone or something an advantage. Answers: lie, ge t away with, raw, curiosity, customers, benefit,

4. Set up a word bank


首先,通过借助图片和提示,让学生猜测词汇,丰富的图片可以激发学生的兴趣,同时给予一个直观的印象,而提示则通过挖空该词汇的英文解释,也提供了一定的语境,让学生更全面地了解该词汇的含义。引入本节课侧重所学的词汇后,让学生及时操练,用这些词汇完成短文填空,短文是对课文的故事情节的总结,通过填空也帮助学生回忆了课文故事的提要。在这个引入和操练的过程中,帮助学生学会根据话题建立一个word bank,归类话题相关词汇,同时针对这些词汇进行填空复述,巩固所学,最后完成课文第一个练习选择用英文解释词汇的含义,培养学生用英语思考的能力。

Step 2 Critical thinking

Critical thinking

Question 1: Can people become slim after eating Yonghui's food?

Finish Ex2 and read the story about Julie and you may know about the answer.

Julie wanted to become thinner. She knew she ________ eat more vegetables and fruit but little meat. However, as she was so afraid of being laughed at by her friends, she did not consult a doctor but lived on a _____ of rice, ____vegetables, bananas and lemons. Three weeks later, she found she weighed as much as ever. She felt so sad an d hopeless about herself and her behaviour changed. She didn't dare to face her boyfri end and she was unwilling to visit her friends any more. Luckily, her best friend Fred came to see her and encouraged her to exercise, eat a _______diet and enjoy life again . Soon Julie became amazingly ______ and _____! She felt very happy. Question: What did Julie eat? Can Julie become slim? What else did she have to do? Possible answers: She lived on a diet of rice, vegetables, bananas and lemons, just like the food in Yonghui’s restaurant. Julie ca n’t lose weight by living on a diet. She had t o do exercise as well.

Conclusion: A balanced diet with proper exercise will help.

Question 2: Why can Yonghui win a lot of customers? Read the lines picked from the passage and find the reasons.

Line 11: Wang Peng followed Li Chang into a small new restaurant.

Reason: Customers may go to a new restaurant out of curiosity.

Line12-15: Yonghui's sign

Reason: Customers will be attracted by a good advertisement.

Line 16: It(her restaurant) was full of people

Reason: Customers may follow the herd and lose interest in an empty restaurant. Line 23:

It cost more than a good meal in his(Wang Peng’s)restaurant.

Reason: Customers may think that expensive food tastes better.

Conclusion: Yonghui knows about customers’ need better.

Share business quotes:

(1)The customer is always right.

(2)Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.

(3)Don’t find customers for your products; find products for your customers.



Step 3 Guided-learning


1. must/mustn't/(don't) have to/needn't

must/have to

You _____ stay for supper. (because I want you to).

You _____ stay for supper. (because there's nowhere else to go)

negatives: mustn't/don't have to/needn't

You _____talk about people behind their backs. (this is a bad thing)

I _________ go to school today. (because it's holiday)

Answers: must; have to; mustn’t;needn’t

2. should/shouldn't/ought/oughtn't to

Next term, new students will join us in Wuxiang Campus. Please write down advice o n the things they should/ought to or shouldn't/oughtn't to do.

You should/ought to_______________________.

You shouldn't/oughtn't to___________________.

Answers: you should/ought to wear school uniform and shouldn’t play smart phones.

3. can/can't Riddles:

(1).What room can you eat but can't you enter? —Mushroom

(2). I can be made. I can be told. I can be played. What am I?—A joke (3).Why can't Kevin, who is now living in Canada, be buried in the USA?—He is still alive Rules:

Exercise:There is more than one possibility.

1.Sam: How can I grow thinner, Mum?

Mum: Well, you _________ eat food with plenty of fibre that helps you digest better. And you _______ stop drinking cola or eating sweet food. Sam: Does it mean I ____ _____ eat my favorite fried chicken any more? Mum: Not exactly, if you love fried chicken, you ______ give it up. Just eat it less often. You_________ worry too much:

a little fried chicken _______ do you good!

2. Doctor: You are sick because you've eaten poisonous mushrooms. Where did you g et them?

Lucy: I picked them in the forest. I know we _______ eat fresh vegetables. Doctor: Oh, but you _______eat them until you're sure they are not poisonous. Lucy: Thank you, doctor. I'll be more careful next time.

3. Charles: I wish I could see things clearly in the dark.

Tom: Eating carrots _________ help you see better. You_______ eat some every day. 设计意图:学生在老师的指导下分别体会情态动词在对应的语境之下的

含义和用法,了解他们表意功能,并根据他们的功能归类。其中表示necessity 的这一组(must, needn’t, have to),通过语境让学生自己观察并说出规则。而表示advice的一组情态动词(should, ought to),则是通过创设语境给予学生练习,贴近

学生实际生活,而表示ability的一组情态动词(can/can’t)则是给学生几个含有can和can’t的谜语,让学生在有趣的语境之下学习体会情态动词的功能,最后通过完成练习巩固所学。总结时通过概念图来展示情态动词的功能和表意。Step 4 Consolidation

1.Share a speech/lecture of TED(为什么节食减肥行不通?)

We know the importance of a balanced diet and exercise. Let’s watch a speech an

d tak

e professional advice.

2. What should we do to keep healthy and become slim? These tips will help you lose weight: ○

○1We ought to ……○

○2We needn't/don't have to ……○

○3We can ……○

○4We must ……

Possible version:

These tips will help you lose weight:

○1We ought to eat a balanced diet and do some exercise. ○

○2We needn't/don't have to give up food we love, ○

○3We can adjust our eating. ○

○4We must consult a doctor before taking medicine.


学生观看TED的演讲,获取更加专业的减肥意见,树立正确的饮食观念和健康生活方式。演讲中涉及更专业的词汇,还有神经学家的讲解和分析,语言流畅和地道,配有中英文字母,非常适合学生学习本课话题的语言,演讲之中也有情态动词的渗透。最后让学生对减肥和饮食的方式进行总结,并运用本节课侧重的情态动词和结合本节课所学词汇,总结如何保持身材和健康生活的做法。Step 5 Assignment


Write a composition to introduce your favorite dish and explain whether it is good for health.


Write a letter of advice on improving Yonghui's menu.

设计意图:通过布置写作练习,让学生进一步反思自身的饮食结构,升华主题。Blackboard design (板书设计)

Unit 2 Healthy Eating

Modal Verbs

Word Bank

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