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Dear Sir or Madam This is to certify that Ms./ Mr.被派遣人英文全名英文名必须与护照一致XXXX被派遣人职务of XXXXX 被派遣人所在学校/单位正式英文全称with a salary of RMB. XXXX被派遣人月收入will participate the ELT Teacher Training Programme in the United Kingdom for three weeks. Sincerely yours XXX校长/单位领导手写签名中文或英文均可XXX校长/单位领导姓名的英文打印字体非签名XXXXX校长/领导职务打印字体英文XXXXXX学校/单位正式英文全称Address: XX门牌号XX Street路名XX District区XX City 市XX Province省/自治区/直辖市P.R. China XXXXXX邮编学校/单位地址Tel: 86-区号-领导电话Fax: 86-区号-领导传真英文出国派遣函模板【中英文对照】兹证明姓名女士自时间起一直在公司工作。她在公司担任职位全年收入约RMB。This is to certify that Ms. name has been working in company since year she is working as position her annual income is around RMB. 我公司决定派遣姓名女士去国家做3天专业培训。培训内容关注于产品部分包括主题。培训结束后她将回国继续在公司工作。The company has decided to send Ms. name to go to country for 3 days professional training program the training program is about the product segments including subject. After her finish the training program she will come back to the company and continue her job in company. 我公司将支付其全部生活费和机票费。All the Living expenses air flight tickets will be paid by company. 如果你有任何其他问题请直接与我联系。Please contact me for free if you have any other questions. 签名职位公司电话传真signature position company Tel.: Fax: 公司派遣函是正式公函请用单位带英文抬头、地址、电话的信纸打印结尾加盖公章。二出国派遣函样本英文2007-04-17 11:55 请用单位的带有地址、电话的抬头纸打印出来CERTIFICATE OF GUARANTEE TO: the Embassy of 国家名in Beijing 或the Consulate General of 国家名in Guangzhou Date: Dear Sir or Madam: As invited by 邀请单位名称the delegation of XX people headed by Mr. Ms. XX 姓名the XX 职务of 工作单位名称are planning to go to your country in XX 月份for a XX day visit doing XXX 详细的访问目的with XXX 机构. The name-list of the delegation is as follows: Name Date place of Birth Service organization Title Working period Annual income All costs including medical insurance occurred during this trip will be covered by XXX费用承担方的单位名称and we guarantee that during this trip they will abide by the laws of your country and be back as scheduled. It will be grateful if you issue them visas an soon as possible Best Regards Sincerely yours ___________ 单位领导签字领导汉语拼音正楷打印注明职务公司全称加盖单位公章兹证明男身份证号码护照号码为旅游公司领队。现同意被上海旅行社有限公司借调受委派前往荷兰、瑞士担任领队职务为期天。特此证明准假天自2007年月日至2007年月日为止。我公司担保其旅行期间遵守当地法律并能按时返回中国回国后恢复其原职务继续担任旅游公司领队。特此证明。This is to certificate that maleID number is passport number is is the team leader of our company. he has been approved to be transfered temporarily to travel agence Co. Ltd and was sent to Holand Switzerland as a team leader for days. We hereby give him days of vacation from to . We guarantee that he will abide the local law and come back to China on time. After coming back he will continue to work as our team leader. September 292007 Certificate The Embassy of Korea in Beijing At the invitation of The Busan Metropolitan City Office of Education Mr. Li ShouminMaleDOB:13101960 Deputy-Director of the International Office of Education Department of Hebei Province will visit your country for the education visit from 23 to 28 October 2007. This is to certify that the Education Department of Hebei Province gives the permission on his visit in Korea and he will come back to China on time. To the consulate general of Holand shanghai China This is to certify that Date of Birth: Passport Number: titleof our

company will visit India from 18th May to 24th May 2008. He is expected to stay for 7 days to attend business meeting. During the journey all the costs and accommodations will be paid by our company. The salary of is RMB per month. We hereby guarantee to keep his position and that he will abide by all your laws and regulations and will come back to China on time. The person in charge of our company is 公司负责人姓名and our address is 公司英文地址. Tel: 公司电话. Fax:公司传真Yours sincerely 公司英文名称盖章Board Chairman 出国派遣函样本英文请用单位的带有地址、电话的抬头纸打印出来CERTIFICATE OF GUARANTEE TO: the Embassy of 国家名in Beijing 或the Consulate General of 国家名in Guangzhou Date: Dear Sir or Madam: As invited by 邀请单位名称the delegation of XX people headed by Mr. Ms. XX 姓名the XX 职务of 工作单位名称are planning to go to your country in XX 月份for a XX day visit doing XXX 详细的访问目的with XXX 机构. The name-list of the delegation is as follows: Name Date place of Birth Service organization Title Working period Annual income All costs including medical insurance occurred during this trip will b covered by XXX费用承担方的单位名称and we guarantee that durin this trip they will abide by the laws of your country and be back as scheduled. It will be grateful if you issue them visas an soon as possible Best Regards Sincerely your ___________ 单位领导签字领导汉语拼音正楷打印注明职务公司全称加盖单位公章_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 备注1. 本证明是送往外国驻华使领馆的正式公函务求字迹清晰、打印工整 2. 须用本单位的正式公函稿纸打印须注明中英文的单位名称、地址和电话号码CERTIFICATION OF DISPATCH We hereby confirm that Mr/Ms. Male/Female date of birth:DDMMYYYY is the General Manager of The Companys Name from MM YYYY his income is Now as a result of the company development and business needs RMB/M. The Companys Name will dispatch Mr/Ms. to The Countrys Name for a 15-day business visit between DDMMYYYY and DDMMYYYY.All the expenses including health insurance will be borne by The Companys Name I write to support the above-mentioned person to realize the visit to . I assure that he/she will return to his/her post in China right after this mission. The Countrys Name. . Name Board Chairman The Companys Name 中文翻译派遣证明兹证明我公司XXX先生/女士男/女XXXX年X月X日出生自XXXX年XX月XX日起任现因公司发展需要将派遣XXX先生/女士于XXXX年XX月XX日前往公司总经理一职至今其收入为XXXXX人民币/月。进行为期天的商务洽谈。XXX在贵国考察期间的所有费用包括医疗保险由此证明旨在帮助其能顺利获取贵国签证。公司支付。我保证他完成此次出访任务后按时回国并继续在我公司工作。董事长XXXX年X月XX日公司Statement of Certification 02 This is to certify the staff - 03 Passport No: 04 Date of Birth: 05 Position: 06 of 07 is allowed to make a business visit to Germany from 08. At the invitation of 09 the definite aim of this visit is to 10. It is our expected that he/she/they will get more advanced experience and find more opportunity of international trade during the period. All of expenses covering his/her/their visit including air tickets accommodation health insurance will be borne by our company. We further certify that he/she/they will obey the laws and regulation in Europe and return to China on time to continue his/her/their work. Your cooperation will be highly appreciated. Best wishes Company Seal 11 《单位派遣函样本说明》一中文大意今有我公司职员护照号码出生年月职位在年月日至年月日期间赴德进行为期周的商务访问活动。在公司的邀请下其此次出访的主要目的是相信通过此次商务考察其本人将会掌握更多先进经验并寻求新的国际间贸易合作机会。此次出访期间的所有费用包括机票、膳食、健康保险等均由本公司承担。我公司确保此人在出国访问期间遵守欧洲的法律法规并按时返回中国工作。此致敬礼领导签字及加盖公章二

填写说明01. 此处需正确填写签证申请人准备送签使馆的国内地址02. 此处需按照“日、月、年”的顺序填写此份派遣函的签发日期03. 此处需以汉语拼音的方式正确填写签证申请人姓名及其性别注A. 签证申请人姓名拼写方式与其所持有效护照一致B.“姓”与“名”之间用空格隔开且“姓”与“名”的第一个字母须大写04. 此处需正确填写签证申请人护照号码05. 此处需正确填写签证申请人生日06. 此处需正确填写签证申请人职务注此职务需与送签邀请函上职务一致07. 此处填写签证申请人单位名称注此单位名称应与“单位抬头纸”及邀请函上的单位名称一致08. 此处填写境外申请国家的停留长度及其大致时间注A. 此时间需与邀请函邀请时间或签证申请表格申请时间一栏一致 B. 建议表达方式为××月至××月为期一或两周09. 此处需正确填写境外邀请单位名称10. 此处填写出访目的内容与邀请函的主要内容相一致11. 此处加盖签证申请人的单位公章。注此公章应与“单位抬头纸”及邀请函上的单位名称一致三注意事项01. 此函需以团员公司标准信签打印并经单位领导签字盖章后方能生效02. 此函以派遣单位为一份如人数超过2人以上则将个人资料即第03 第06项以人员名单形式随件附后。03. 派遣函中he/she/they或his/her/their需根据签证申请人实际情况予以选择。范本送立陶宛大使馆的商务派遣函Visa Section Lithuanian Embassy B-30 Kings Garden Villas No.18 Xiao Yun Road Chaoyang Distrct Beijing 100016 Statement of Certification March 21 2008 This is to certify the staff Mr. Ge Binggao Passport No: G0******* Date of Birth: June 18 1973 Position: Sales Manager of Qingdao Yaqi The System Cold Engineering Co. ltd. is allowed to make a business traveling to Lithuania from March 28 2008 to April 11 2008 total 15 days. At the invitation of Lithuanian Holidays the definite aim of this visit is to have a business traveling. It is our expected that he will get more advanced experience and find more opportunity of international trade during the period. All of expenses covering his visit including air tickets accommodation health insurance will be borne by our company. We further certify that he will obey the laws and regulation in Europe and return to China on time to continue his work. Your cooperation will be highly appreciated. Best wishes Li Shuze General Manager Qingdao Yaqi The System Cold Engineering Co. ltd. 学生证明XXX 女/男19XX年XX月XX日出生护照号:xxxxxxxXX学校XX年级XX班学生学号为XXX。学制X年将于XXXX年XX月XX日毕业。现学校同意该生前往XX旅游。我校保证其按时回国并继续在我校读书。CERTIFICATE Dear Sir or Madam: Herewith we confirm that XXX学校英文名字student will intend to visit on purpose of vacation. She/He will go to XXX国家名from XX月2008 passport:xxxxxxx . All the cost of this trip will be paid by her/his parents. Her/His goes study to an my school. We will remain she/his study in my school after the trip and guarantee she/his will come back to China on schedule. Yours Sincerely XX学校负责人签字盖章XXXX-XX-XX TO: Consulate General of XXX in Shanghai/Beijing-选择其一CERTIFICATE 致领事馆签证官阁下: 兹有我公司XX先生/小姐性别x出生日期xx-xx-xxxx 护照号xxxxxx在我公司公司名称担任职位职务工作工龄年月薪4000元他将于xxxx年xx 月至xxxx年xx月-出访时间前往xxx目的地进行xx商务洽谈活动扩展相应的商务洽谈具体内容。此次所需费用由xx公司/邀请方承担。我公司保证其遵守贵国的法律法规按时回国并仍担任原职务。请贵领事馆给予签证的方便。Dear Sir or Madam: This letter is written to certify that Mr.s 姓名-性别Passport No.G护照号Date of birth出生日期is employed by DARDI INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION公司名称. as XXX职位. He has already got this job for 3工龄years and has a salary for 4000.00 RMB月薪a month. He will be assigned to travel to xx国家for business商务出访目的purpose from 23.Dec.2008 to 02 Feb 2009. 出访时间-回来时间ALL expenses including returning air tickets lodging and abroad health insurance will be covered by himself由公司承担也可以个人承担.And we also guarantee that he will

abide by the laws and come back on schedule and resume his position in our company.Please kindly issue he visa after your checking up. Yours truly Chen Bo负责人签名盖公司公章Chairman负责人职位XX XX XXXX日期DARDI INTERNATIONAL CORPORA TION公司名称

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