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关键词:非易失性,存储器,热电子注入,隧道效应,可靠性,保存,存储干扰,EEPROM,Flash EEPROM。

存储器分为两大类:易失性存储器和非易失性存储器。易失性存储器在掉电后会失去其所存储的数据,故而需要继续不断的电源才能保存数据。大部分的随机存取存储器(RAM)都是易失性的。非易失性存储器则在掉电后不会丢失数据。一个非易失性存储器(NVM)本质上是一个MOS管,由一个源极、一个漏极、一个门极,以及一个浮栅。与常用的MOSFET 不同的是,NVM多了一个浮栅,浮栅与其它部分是绝缘的。非易失性存储器又细分为两个主要的分类:浮栅型和电子俘获型。Kahng 和Sze在1967年发明了第一个浮栅型器件。在这种器件中,电子受隧道效应的影响,通过一个3nm厚的二氧化硅层,从一个浮栅中转移到基层中。通过隧道效应,非易失性存储器可以更容易地被擦除或改写,通常隧道效应只在厚度小于12nm的氧化物中存在。浮栅中存储电子后,可以使得阈值电压被降低或者提高,而阈值电压的高低也就分别代表了逻辑值1或0。

在浮栅型存储器件中,电子(也即是数据)存储在浮栅中,故而掉电后,数据不会丢失。所有的浮栅型存储器件都是一样的存储单元结构,如下图1所示,一个存储单元由门极MOS 管堆叠而成。第一个门是浮栅门,被埋在栅氧化层(Gate Oxide)和内部多晶硅绝缘层(IPD)之间,位于控制门(Control Gate)的下方。内部多晶硅绝缘层将浮栅隔绝起来,它可以是氧化物,或者氧化物-氮化物-氧化物层(ONO)。SiO2绝缘层将MOS管包围起来,作为保护层,使其免受划伤和杂质污染。第二个门极是控制门,这个门是可以被外部所接触到的。浮栅门常用在EPROM里(Electrically Programmable Read Only Memory)和EEPROM 里(Electrically Erasable and Programmable Read Only Memory)。


电子俘获型器件最早于1967年发明,是最早的电改写(Electrically Alterable)半导体器件。在这类器件中,电子(即数据)存储在分立的氮化物陷阱中,并且掉电后仍能保持。电子俘获型器件通常用在MNOS (Metal Nitride Oxide Silicon,金属氮-氧化物半导体) [3], [4], SNOS (Silicon Nitride Oxide Semiconductor硅氮-氧化物半导体) [5], 和SONOS (Silicon Oxide Nitride Oxide Semiconductor硅氧化物-氮化物-氧化物半导体) [6]中。典型的电子俘获型存储器结构可参考图2。

图2 :MNOS存储单元



尽管早在1970年代,UV擦除、电编程的存储器件成功商业化,但制造一种电擦写的存储器件(EEPROM)仍有相当大的吸引力。H.lizuka等人发明了第一只可电擦写的NVM,即层叠式雪崩注入MOS存储器件(SAMOS,专业名词,翻译不准,还是尽量搜英文吧)。SAMOS 由一个外部控制极,两个多晶硅极组成。外部控制极使得电擦除成为可能,并且能提高擦除效率。EEPROM可以通过电来改写数据,从而取代了UV照射方法,相比UV照射来说,EEPROM 的优势在于更便宜的封装价格、更方便的擦写。劣势就是EEPROM的存储单元的体积相比EPROM要大上两三倍,所以EEPROM的晶粒体积更大。EEPROM存储单元由两个晶体管组成,一个浮栅晶体管,一个选择极晶体管,如图3所示。当要改写数据时,通过选择极晶体管来选择或反选某个浮栅。再加上纠错电路或者冗余电路,晶料的体积又变得更大了。


在20世纪80年代,一种新的非易失性存储器被发明出来,它就是Flash EEPROM。这个产品最初只不过是把EPROM改变了一下,使其变得可以电擦写而已。这种器件通过热电子注入效应来进行写入,通过隧道效应进行擦除。Flash EEPROM不能按位擦写,每次都只能擦除整片芯片或者其中某一个扇区。由于Flash不需要EEPROM进行位擦除所需要的选择极,故而Flash移除了选择极,因此flash的存储单元比EEPROM小两到三倍。这种类型的Flash EEPROM的单元结构与图1的类似。



针对浮栅型和电子俘获型器件,编程需要将电子分别注入到浮栅或氮化层中。要改变NVM 中的电荷(或者说数据),有两个基本的方法可以使用:薄氧化物中的FN隧道效应(厚度小于12nm)或者是热电子注入。




如上图:e c和e v分别为传导带和化合带,E g是能隙(对于硅材质来说为1.1电子伏带),f b 硅-二氧化硅能量垫垒(对电子来说是3.2电子伏特,对空洞来说是4.7电子伏特)。施加电压V cg产生的电场形成电位势。对于基带中的电子来说,势垒提供了一个隧道,最被电子通过栅氧化物,聚集到多晶硅浮栅中。对于IPD和栅氧化层来说,它们的能带是不一样的,这主要是因为他们的材料厚度差异所导致。IPD厚度在般在25到45nm之羊,而栅氧化层只有5~12nm。浮栅中的电子会产生一个隧道电流,如下式:










= h/2


V app氧化物隧道的跨导电压;

V fb表示平能带电压;

t ox表示隧道氧化层的厚度;









当浮栅完全充电后,门电流Ig会减少到零为止。这是因为氧化物电场电压Eox开始排斥电子(在注入过程中,是吸引电子)。一般来说,Vcg给浮栅充电,而Vd增加编程的速度。正如图8所示的跨扇区NVM热电子注入过程。Vcg和Vd分别为15V和10V,而Vs和Vsub 为地电位。图中P面也有显示,它也是分离N沟道和P型MOS管的必要步骤。









1, UV照射











在隧道热电子注入(CHE)编程方法中,电子产生于耗尽沟道和漏之间的强场效应区。具有足够能量的电子被注入到浮栅,从而达到编程的效果(此时阈值电压Vt也增加为正电压)。由于注入效率的问题,这种编程方法速度比较慢中,其编程速度主要取决于三个方面。热电子注入会在漏极产生碰撞电离效应,从而产生少载流子(电子)和多载流子(空穴)。具有高能量的多载流子会聚焦到基层上,产生基层电流(Isub),而少载流子会聚集到漏极,产生漏极电流(Ids)。如果氧化物电场(E ox)的方向与电子注入方向一致,则少载流子会越过氧化物极的能量势垒,同时产生热电子注入门电流(Ig)。至于浮栅型存储器,这些注入的电子会给浮栅层充电。










l r = 改变方向的平均自由路=92nm;

L eff = 浮栅晶体管的有效沟道长度(cm)

I ds = 漏-源极电流(A)



DV T = V T (Programmed) - V T (Initial)

DQ fg = Q fg (Programmed) - Q fg (Initial) = Change in floating gate charge.







图13显示了编程、初始或擦除状态的典型特性。此图显示Ids-Vcg曲线与其它曲线相互平行。Ids-Vcg曲线从初始状态到擦除状态到编程状态的位移等同于DQ fg/ C fg



非易失性存储器有一些非常重要的功能特性,通过这些特性可用来评估存储单元的性能。这些特性分为两个主要的类型:耐久力和保持力。为了理解这两个特性,必须要理解与氧化物层和内部多晶硅绝缘层(IPD)相关的基本要素。陷阱是MNOS、SNOS和SONOS存储器的数据存储位置,他们也容易导致EPROM、EEPROM、Flash EEPROM的可靠性失效。氧化物层和IPD质量都会对耐久性和保持力产生影响。









非易失性存储器可能频繁地进行擦写,而这样做的代价就是会给氧化层引入损伤,如氧化层击击穿或结合键断裂。所以,编程次数并不是无限的。比如,大部分商用EEPROM器件的保证编程寿命为100万次。在编程过程中对存储单元的损伤一般称为退化,而存储器能耐受的编程次数称为耐久力。阈值电压窗口关闭发生在编程和擦除操作的阈值电压不能区分开的时候。由于氧化层在注入电子之前已经存在电子,从而会导致阈值窗口关闭的现象。而由于编程和擦除操作过程中的高电场强度(E inj)的影响,陷阱也会不断产生。因此,为了耐受得住编程过程中的热电子注入或FN隧道效应所产生的强电应力,氧化层必须要保证很高的品质。





其中dQ FG, C FG, 和dV T分别代表浮栅电荷损失、浮栅电容、浮栅电压漂移。等式9显示了了电子损失的数量,而10式则显示了电子损失数量与漏电流和保持时间的相关性。




在漏电流为2.85x10-22 A时,NVM产生3V的阈值电压漂移,需要10年。




在上图中,存储阵列通过列线连接到每个单元的漏极(COL 1, COL 2, and COL 3),这些线代表位线,是用来选择或者反选存储单元。存储阵列也有组线连接到控制极(ROW 0 and ROW 1),这些代表字线,也是用来选择或者反选存储单元的。从之前的热电子注射讨论中可以看出,位线和字线必须都加上电压,存储单元才能被编程。如果其中某一条没有上上,则热电子并不会被注入。


1),DC擦除:这种干扰发生在存储单元已经编程的时候(Cell A),当(COL 2 和ROW 1)交叉的单元被编程的时候,这些已经编程的单元也在同一条字线上(ROW 1),在编程过程中,ROW1上的电压会被提高到15V。由于IPD上的电压,会产生很强的电场强度,有可能引起导致电子从浮栅中传导到基层中去。这些电荷损失,以及随之而来的编程阈值电压的降低,有可能引起严重的数据损失。

2),DC编程:正如刚才所提到的状况一样,当存储单元没有被编程的时或者刚刚被擦除过的时候(Cell B),这些没有编程的单元也与正要编程的单元(COL 2 + ROW 1)也在同一条字线上(ROW 1)。这时未编程单元的浮栅上只有很少的电子,和很低的阈值电压Vt-。当ROW1升高到15V的时候,横跨沟通层介质的电强强度有可能强到使电子产生隧道效应,从而电子会从基层进入到浮栅中去,进而增加阈值电压Vt-,这样的话,这个并不想要编程的单元就被编程了,这种情况称之为软写。

3)编程干扰:情况如上,当一个已经编程的单元(Cell C)与将要编程的单元(COL 2+ ROW 1)共用一条地址线(COL 2)时,这个单元也会在浮栅和漏极之间产生强的电场强度。这可能引发隧道效应,使电子从浮栅中跑到漏极去,遂减少阈值电压Vt-;



NVM概论是从非易失性存储器的背景及NVM工业所使用的技术开始介绍的。NVM编程通用的两种方法:热电子注入以及隧道效应。在隧道效应中,氧化层的厚度必须小于12nm,而在热电子注入的情况下,这个厚度并没有严格界定。用来擦除数据的两种方法是:UV照射和隧道效应。UV照射一般用于EPROM,而隧道效应一般用于EEPROM和Flash EEPROM。后两种器件氧化层厚度必须小于12nm。相比隧道效应,UV照射所用的时候更长。一般的UV擦除时间为10分钟,而隧道效应擦除为1ms到10ms之间---根据施加电压的不同而不同。最快的编程方法是热电子注入法,一般只需要100ms。为了更好的理解热电子注入,我们介绍了幸运电子模式,这个模式介绍了如何评估不同事件下的工作电流。尽管热电子注入的效率较低,但它的速度比较快---这得益于它较高的电场强度。对于每个器件来说,可靠性都是必须要面对的问题,除了耐久力和保持力,编程和擦除过程中的存储干扰也必须被考虑到。



A Nonvolatile Memory Overview

By Jitu J. Makwana, Dr. Dieter K. Schroder

E-mail: j.makwana@https://www.doczj.com/doc/363061981.html,, *schroder@https://www.doczj.com/doc/363061981.html,

This paper presents a basic nonvolatile memory (NVM) overview. Section I begins with the introduction including a brief background of NVM's and the common terms used in the memory industry. The description and explanation of how an NVM is programmed (adding electrons) using hot-carrier injection is covered in section II. Section III covers the erasing or removing of electrons from floating gates of NVM's. A brief mechanism of Fowler-Nordheim tunneling is covered. Section IV introduces the model that can be used to predict the NVM programming characteristics. The hot-carrier injection model addressed is the "Lucky Electron" model. Section V covers the reliability aspects of NVM's. The common reliability issues an NVM encounters are the data retention, endurance, and disturbs.


Memory can be split into two main categories: volatile and nonvolatile. Volatile memory loses any data as soon as the system is turned off; it requires constant power to remain viable. Most types of random access memory (RAM) fall into this category. Nonvolatile memory does not lose its data when the system or device is turned off. A nonvolatile memory (NVM) device is a MOS transistor that has a source, a drain, an access or a control gate, and a floating gate. It is structurally different from a standard MOSFET in its floating gate, which is electrically isolated, or "floating". Nonvolatile memories are subdivided into two main classes: floating gate and charge-trapping. Kahng and Sze proposed the first floating gate device in 1967 [1]. In this memory, electrons were transferred from the floating gate to the substrate by tunneling through a 3 nm thin silicon dioxide (SiO2) layer. Tunneling is the process by which an NVM can be either erased or programmed and is usually dominant in thin oxides of thicknesses less than 12 nm. Storage of the charge on the floating gate allows the threshold voltage (V T) to be electrically altered between a low and a high value to represent logic 0 and 1, respectively.

In floating gate memory devices, charge or data is stored in the floating gate and is retained when the power is removed. All floating gate memories have the same generic cell structure. They consist of a stacked gate MOS transistor as shown in figure 1. The first gate is the floating gate that is buried within the gate oxide and the inter-polysilicon dielectric (IPD) beneath the control gate. The IPD isolates the floating gate and can be oxide or oxide-nitride-oxide, ONO. The SiO2 dielectric surrounding the transistor serves as a protective layer from scratches and defects. The second gate is the control gate which is the external gate of the memory transistor. Floating gate devices are typically

used in EPROM (Electrically Programmable Read Only Memory) and EEPROM's (Electrically Erasable and Programmable Read Only Memory).

Figure 1. A typical floating gate memory structure.

Charge-trapping devices were invented in 1967 [2] and were the first electrically alterable semiconductor devices. In charge-trapping memory devices, charge or data is stored in the discrete nitride traps and is also retained when the power is removed. Charge-trapping devices are typically used in MNOS (Metal Nitride Oxide Silicon) [3], [4], SNOS (Silicon Nitride Oxide Semiconductor) [5], and SONOS (Silicon Oxide Nitride Oxide Semiconductor) [6]. Figure 2 shows a typical MNOS charge-trapping memory structure. Figure 2. An MNOS memory cell structure.

The charges in MNOS memories are injected from the channel region into the nitride by quantum mechanical tunneling through an ultra-thin oxide (UTO) which is typically 1.5- 3 nm.

The first EPROM, a floating gate device, was developed using a heavily doped polysilicon (poly-Si) as the floating gate material known as the floating gate avalanche-injection MOS memory (FAMOS) [7]. The gate oxide thickness was of the order of 100 nm to prevent weak spot or shorting path between the floating gate and the substrate. Charging of the EPROM was achieved by biasing the drain junction to avalanche breakdown where the electrons in the avalanche plasma were injected from the drain region into the floating gate. The FAMOS could only be erased by ultraviolet (UV) or x-ray. The EPROM was

perceived as a tool for system prototyping before a design was committed to Read Only Memory (ROM). Today, one can obtain EPROM's in either a ceramic package with a quartz window that allows for UV exposure or a plastic package without a quartz window. These memories are known as one-time-programmable (OTP) EPROM's. OTP's are inexpensive, however, additional testing after assembly is not possible. EPROM's in ceramic packages with a quartz window are expensive but do allow additional testing since the memory can be erased using UV light.

Although the 1970's saw the UV-erasable, electrically programmable memories become commercially successful, there was an ever-present attraction toward making the EPROM's electrically erasable, EEPROM. H. Iizuka et. al [8], proposed the first electrical erasing NVM known as the stacked gate avalanche-injection MOS (SAMOS) memory. SAMOS memory consisted of double poly-Si gates with an external control gate. The external control gate made electrical erasability possible and as a result improved the erasing efficiency. The EEPROM's basic approach with electrical means of restoring the charged floating gate to its original uncharged status replaced UV emission approach. Cheaper packaging and a greater ease of use were the first advantages of EEPROM's over their UV-erasable counterparts. The disadvantage of EEPROM's was the cell size that was two to three times the size of an EPROM cell that resulted in a larger die size. EEPROM cells consist of two transistors, one, a floating gate transistor and the other, a select gate transistor, as shown in figure 3. The select gate transistor is used to select or deselect floating gate transistors for programming or erasing. Die size was further increased to incorporate error correction circuitry or redundancy circuits.

Figure 3. An EEPROM with select gate transistor.

During the 1980's, a novel nonvolatile memory product was introduced, referred to as Flash EEPROM [9]. The first products were merely the result of adapting EPROM's in such a way that the cell could be erased electrically as well. These devices used hot-electron injection for programming and tunneling for erasing. This new genre of Flash EEPROM's could not be erased by bytes but could only be erased by the entire chip or large sections of the chip. Since the need to erase by bytes as in EEPROM's was no longer needed in Flash EEPROM's, the select transistor was removed from the cell

structure. Thus the Flash EEPROM's were two to three times smaller than earlier EEPROM cells. The generic cell structure of a Flash EEPROM is similar to a generic cell structure shown in figure 1.

Below is a nomenclature or a list of memory terms (not exhaustive) used in the literature, industry, and education fields:

?Bit - The basic unit of memory, "1" or "0".

?Byte - A group of 8 bits.

?Cell - The physical semiconductor structure that stores one bit of data.

?Array - Repetition of memory cell in a two-dimensional matrix.

?RAM - Random access memory is fast, temporary storage for your computer

?ROM - Read-only memory is fast, permanent storage for your computer.

?Program - The operation of adding or removing electrons from the storage medium** of a memory cell. Sometimes called "Write". Charge is altered in the storage medium and thus the threshold voltage.

?Erase - The operation of adding or removing electrons from the storage medium** of a memory cell. Charge is altered in the storage medium and thus the threshold voltage.** Floating gate (1st Polysilicon) or discrete nitride traps.

?Read - The process of determining the state of the bit cell.

?Endurance - Write/erase cycles a memory can endure before failure, typical

guarantee is 10 K cycles.

?Injection - Common terms HCI: Hot-carrier Injection, HEI: Hot-electron

Injection, CHEI: Channel Hot-electron Injection. Process of adding charge using high fields.

?Tunneling - Process of adding/removing charge but does not require high fields.

Gate oxides are thin < 12 nm.

?Data Retention - Typically a time value pertaining to a memory cell's ability to

retain data.

?Disturb - Charge gain or loss in a memory cell, gate disturb, read disturb,

program disturb, etc.

?EPROM - Electrically programmable read-only memory.

?EEPROM - Electrically programmable and erasable read-only memory.

?Flash - Term used to describe erasing of a memory in large sections.


In both the floating gate and charge-trapping memories, the charge needed to program the device has to be injected into the floating gate or into the nitride layer respectively. In order to change the charge or data content of NVM';s, two major mechanisms have been shown to be viable: FN tunneling (F-N) through thin oxides (< 12 nm) [10] and channel hot-electron injection (CHE) [11].

IIa. Fowler-Nordheim (FN) Tunneling

One of the most important injection mechanisms used in NVM's is FN tunneling. When a large voltage Vcg is applied at the control gate during programming, its energy band structure will be influenced as shown in figure 4.

Figure 4. Energy band diagram of a floating gate memory during programming by FN tunneling.

In the figure, e c and e v are the conduction and valence bands respectively, E g is the energy band gap (1.1 eV for silicon), f b is the Si-SiO2energy barrier (f b is 3.2 eV for electrons and 4.7 eV for holes). The applied V cg creates the electric field resulting in a potential barrier. This barrier provides a path for the electrons in the substrate to tunnel through the thin gate oxide (typically less than 12 nm) and eventually be collected in the n+ poly-Si floating gate. The bending of the energy bands of the IPD and the gate oxide are different due to the thickness differences between them. The IPD ranges from 25 nm to 45 nm while the gate oxide ranges from 5 nm to 12 nm. The electrons collected at the floating gate leads to a tunneling current density and is given by [12].







h = Planck's constant

= Energy barrier at the injecting surface (3.2 eV for Si-SiO2)

q = Charge of a single electron (1.6x10-19 C)

m = Mass of a free electron (9.1x10-31 kg)

m* = Effective mass of an electron in the band gap of SiO2 (0.42 m)

= h/2

?inj = Electric field at the injecting surface = (V/cm)

V app = Voltage applied across the tunnel oxide (V)

V fb = Flat band voltage (V)

t ox = Tunnel oxide thickness (cm)

Equation 1 shows that tunneling current density is exponentially dependent on the applied voltage, V app, which influences the electric field, ?inj, across the gate oxide.

Figure 5 shows a cross-section of an NVM with electrons tunneling uniformly with V cg at positive potential while the source (V s), the drain (V d), and the substrate (V sub) are at ground potential.

Figure 5. Uniform tunneling to program Flash EEPROM.

An optional method that can be used to program Flash EEPROM's is given in figure 6 which is called drain-side tunneling. Drain-side tunneling is sometimes preferred over the uniform tunneling due to the programming speed as a result of higher tunneling current density due to smaller injecting area.

Figure 6. Drain-side tunneling to program Flash EEPROM.

IIb. Hot-carrier Injection (HCI)

NVM's can also be programmed by hot-carrier injection. The method of programming is by hot-electron injection for n-type NVM's built on p-substrates and by hot hole injection for p-type NVM's built on n-substrates. Hot-hole injection is very slow due to the hole mass as well as the Si-SiO2 energy barrier of 4.7 eV for holes, which is why all NVM's manufactured today are

n-type on p-substrates.

The memory cell is programmed by charging the floating gate via the injection of hot-electrons from the drains pinch-off region. The hot-electrons get their energy from the voltage applied to the drain (V d) of the memory cell. They are accelerated by the lateral electric field (E lat) along the channel into even higher fields surrounding the drain depletion region. Once these electrons gain sufficient energy they surmount the energy barrier of 3.2 eV between the silicon substrate and the silicon dielectric layer or gate oxide.

With positive V d and channel voltages, electrons injected into the oxide of an n-channel memory cells return to the substrate unless a high positive V cg is applied to pull the electrons toward the floating gate. The energy band structure for NVM programming by hot-electron injection is shown in figure 7.

Figure 7. Energy band diagram of a floating gate memory during programming

by hot-electron injection.

As the floating gate becomes fully charged, the gate current (I g) is reduced to almost zero because the oxide electric field (E ox) (in the beginning of the injection process E ox was attractive to the electrons) is now repulsive to the electrons. In general, to the first order, V cg increases the charge on the floating gate while V d affects the programming speed. Figure 8 shows a cross-section of an NVM with hot-electron injection programming. V cg and V d are at positive potential of 15 V and 10 V respectively while V s and V sub are at ground potential. The p-well is also shown, as it is the process needed to separate n-channel and p-channel MOS transistors from NVM's devices.

Figure 8. Hot-electron injection mechanism for programming in NVM's.


Section II covered the two programming schemes, namely, FN tunneling and hot-electron injection. In order to reprogram an NVM, it first has to be erased. This section will cover the erasing schemes commonly employed in the industry.

The electrons that are injected into the floating gate are trapped by the high gate to oxide energy

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