当前位置:文档之家› 有趣的英语数字习语




one hundred and one thanks万分感激

have one thousand and one things to do日理万机

a thousand and one ways to help千方百计

The third time is the charm第三次准灵

Number three is always fortunate三号一定运气好

All good things go by three一切好事以三为标准

seven virtues七大美德

seven deadly sins七宗罪

the seven gifts of the spirits七大精神

be in the seventh heaven表示非常幸福快乐)

the seventh son of a seventh son显要的后代

be at sixes and sevens乱七八糟

hit/knock sb. for six给某人以毁灭性打击

be six feet under死亡、入土

a nine days’ wonder轰动一时、过后即忘的事情

A stitch in time saves nine.及时医治一针省九针,及时处理事半功倍

be dressed up to the nines衣冠楚楚,打扮得很华丽;穿着讲究

to the nine十全十美

on cloud nine得意洋洋、高兴万分、心情非常舒畅

If you run after two hares you will catch neither.脚踏两条船,必定落空

One can not be in two places at once.一心不可二用

Better master one than engage with ten.会十事不如精一事

kill two birds with one stone一箭双雕

A fall into the pit,a gain in your wit.吃一堑,长一智。

One boy is a boy,two boy half a boy,three boys no boy.


Two heads are better than one. 三个臭皮匠胜过一个诸葛亮。

Look before you leap. 三思而后行

go fifty -to fifty 二一添作五

four-letter words 粗俗的下流话

four-letter man 专喜使用粗俗下流话的人

a catch-22 situation 进退两难的境况

at the eleventh hour 在最后一刻

a drop in the ocean 沧海一粟

When three know it,all know it. 三人知,天下晓。

A fence needs the support of stakes,and an able fellow needs the help of three other people. 一个篱笆三个桩,一个好汉三个帮。

An inch of time is an inch of gold. 一寸光阴一寸金。

Two is company,three is a crowd. 两人成伴,三人不欢。

by ones and twos 三三两两

be at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟

one after another 接二连三

in threes and fours 三五成群

six of one and half a dozen of the other 半斤八两five-finger 三只手

be in two minds 三心二意

ten to one 十有八九


If you snooze, you lose. 如果你不注意,就错过良机了。 Give me back my toy, or I will tell Dad on you. 把玩具还给我,不然我去向爸爸告你的状。 Keep your shirt on. He didn't mean to offend you. That's just the way he talks. 别发脾气。那只是他说话的惯常方式,他并非有意要冒犯你。 The seat is saved.这个座有人占了。这句话的意思是“座位已经有人了”,同义句是"The seat is taken." Since the seat is not saved, I can take a seat beside you then. 既然这里没人坐,那么我就坐在你旁边了 -May I sit here? 我可以坐这里吗? -Sorry, the seat is saved. 对不起,已经有人了。 Hey, man, Let's get something straight. 嘿,兄弟,让我们直率一点 First of all, let me get something straight.This is a journal, not a diary. 首先,我要说明一下,这是一本日志,不是日记。 She told me she loved me but I don't buy it. 她说她爱我,但我不信。 You have won the scholarship? I don't buy it. 你得了奖学金?我才不相信你的鬼话呢。 She is totally buying it. 她完全相信。 I don’t have a voice in the group. 我在小组内没有发言权。 People must have a voice. 人民必须有发言权。 No place else like Great Wall in the world. 长城是世上独一无二的。 -You are telling me! -那还用说 这里说的You're telling me!可不是“你告诉我”的意思,而是“我早就知道啦!”当别人和你说一件你很清楚的事情的时候,你就可以这么说哦! -Brush your teeth after meals is good for your teeth. 餐后刷牙对牙齿有益。 -You are telling me! I do it all the time. 早知道啦,我一直都是这么做的。


40个有趣的英语字谜游戏字谜题目 1. what letter is an animal? 哪个字母是一个动物? 2. What letter stands for the ocean? 哪个字母代表海洋? 3. what letter is a question? 哪个字母是一个问题? 4. what letter is your eye? 哪个字母是你的眼睛? 5. what letter is a vegetable? 哪个字母是一种蔬菜? 6. what stays hot even if put it in a fridge? 什么东西即使放到冰箱中也是热的? 7. what fruit is never found singly? 什么水果永远都不会是单数? 8. With which hand do you write? 你用哪只手写字呢? 9. what man cannot live in a house? 什么人不能住在房子里? 10. What never asks questions but has a lot of answers? 什么东西永远不问问题但是却有很多答案?11. What question can you never answer "Yes" to? 什么问题你永远也不能回答"是"? 12. You have it.You read it.There're some pictures in it. What is it? 你拥有它,你可以阅读它,它有些图片在里面,它是什么? 13. A mouse has a large pocket. What is it? 一种鼠有一个大袋子,它是什么?14. It has a head ,but no neck.It has a body,but no warmth.NO feet,but can travel. What is it? 它有头,但没有脖子,有身体,但不温暖,没有脚,却能旅行。 15. what will you break once you say it? 什么东西你说出来就打破了它? 16. why is the libray the highest building? 为什么图书馆是最高的建筑? 17. What do every couple have in common? 每一对夫妻都有的共同点是什么? 18. What word is pronounced wrong,even by the best of scholars? 哪个单词即使是最好的学者来念都念错? 19. What animal is taller sitting down than standing up? 什么动物坐着比站着高? 20. What is black when it's clean and white when it's dirty? 什么东西干净的时候是黑色的,脏的时候是白色的? 21. What 5-letter word has 6 left when you take 2 letters away? 哪个五个字母的单词当你去掉两个单词后还剩6个? 22. What has four eyes but cannot see? 什么有四个眼睛,但是看不见? 23. What's the beginning of eternity, the end of time and space; the beginning of end, and the end of every place?


英语习语大全 Final approval draft on November 22, 2020

1.Abadbeginningmakesabadending.不善始者不善终。 2.Abadcompromiseisbetterthanagoodlawsuit.吃亏的和解也比胜诉强。 3.Abadthingneverdies.坏事遗臭万年。 4.Abadworkmanalwaysblameshistools.拙匠常怨工具差,不会撑船怪河弯。 5.Abarkingdogisbetterthanasleepinglion.吠犬也比睡狮强。 6.Abirdinthehandisworthtwointhebush.一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林。 7.Aboasterandaliararecousins-german.吹牛与说谎本是同宗。 8.Abookthatremainsshutisbutablock.有书不读,书变木头。 9.Abullyisalwaysacoward.色厉内荏。 10.Aburdenofone'schoiceisnotfelt.爱挑的担子不嫌重。 11.Acandlelightsothersandconsumesitself.蜡烛照亮别人,却奉献了自己。 12.Acathasninelives.猫有九命。 13.Acatmaylookataking.小人物也该有权利。 14.Aclosedmouthcatchesnoflies.病从口入,祸从口出。 15.Aconstantguestisneverwelcome.常客令人厌。 16.Actionsspeaklouderthanwords.事实胜于雄辩。 17.Adversityleadstoprosperity.穷则思变。多难兴邦 18.Adversitymakesamanwisenotrich.逆境出人才。 19.Afairdeathhonorsthewholelife.死得其所,流芳百世。 20.Afaithfulfriendishardtofind.知音难觅。 21.Afallintoapit,againinyourwit.吃一堑,长一智。


lol---laugh out loud 表示对方说的很好笑 lmao---laugh my ass off 意思同上 thx---thank you ftw---f**k the world 但这个并不是骂人用的,而是宣泄自己的不满 brb---byebye wth---what the hell 表达见鬼的意思 imho,imo(in my humble opinion,in my opinion): 在我看来,常见于论坛. 2)idk(I don't know):我不知道. 3)thx(thanks):按照发音来看,thanks字尾的ks可以用字母X代替.(这个我倒是早就知道了,和在秦苏珊托福班的同学经常这么发,当然还有一种常用的是3Q,不知是不是中国人自创的, 4)plz(please):请.please 字尾是z 音,所以按照读音缩写为plz. 5)Imao(laughing my arse/ass off):笑死我了.遇到真正搞笑的事,可以这么说,不过有点粗俗. 6)rofl(rolling on the floor laughing):笑到摔到地上 7)roflmao(rolling on the floor laughing my ass of):前两个的结合版,也就是超级搞笑的意思. 8)lol(laugh out loud):大声地笑.这个缩写已经快被用烂了但我还是…..不知道(汗.)9)brb(be right back):很快回来.也就是I'll be right back 或I'm gonna be right back的简写. 10) jk(just kidding):开玩笑,别当真. 11) ttyl(talk to you later):下次再说. 12) g2g(got to go):要走了.原句是I've got to go. 13) btw(by the way):这个大多数人都会用,就是“顺便再说一句”的意思. 14)4ever = forever 15)B4 = Before 16)Cam = Web Camera 17)CIAO = Goodbye (in Italian) 18)CID = Consider It Done 19)CIO = Check It Out 20)CSL = Can’t Stop Laughing 21)F2F/FTF = Face To Face 22)IDKY = I Don’t Know You IDST = I Didn’t Say That IDTS = I Don’t Think So IFAB = I Found A Bug IFU = I Fed Up IGGP = I Gotta Go Pee IIIO = Intel Inside,Idiot Outside IIMAD = If It Makes An(y) Difference IIRC = If I Remember Correctly IIWM = If It Were Me


词汇学期末论文 吴亚丹外语系一班30号 浅谈英语中的习语 摘要:英语习语是英语词汇的重要组成部分,是人们经过长时间的使用提炼出来的含有特殊意义的固定词语组合,在人们的日常生活中广泛应用。本文主要从英语习语的来源,习语的特点,习语的分类以及习语的变异来浅谈一下英语中的习语。 关键词:习语,来源,特点,分类,变异 《牛津当代英语习语词典》导言中说:“熟悉大量的习惯用语,并能恰到好处地用于上下文,这是能象操本族语那样掌握英语的一个显著标志。”在英语中,习语的运用如此普遍,说话、写文章不用习语是很困难的。因此,习语学习是词汇学习必不可少的一部分。英语习语是在英语的发展过程中经过长期的社会实践提炼出来的独特的、固定的短语和短句, 是语言的精华。广义的英语习语包括成语、谚语、歇后语、典故、俗语等,是语言发展的结晶。英语习语是富于色彩的语言形式,具有生动形象、喻义明显、富于哲理的语言特征。在一定程度下反映了英语民族的文化特点。 一.英语习语的来源 (1)源于历史故事或历史事件 如:“Burn one’s boats ”,此习语中的“bridges”被美国人使用,原意是指古罗马朱力斯·凯撒大军船越过Rubicon后就把船烧了,以此来告诉士兵后路已断,只有前进,与汉语中的破釜沉舟意义很相近。 (2)源于《圣经》或神话故事 英美等国家人民主要信奉基督教,作为他们信奉的宗教经典,《圣经》在其宗教生活中扮演着非常重要的角色。因受到英美国家人民的喜爱而广为流传,成为大量英语习语的来源。如:“Achilles' heel” (惟一致命的弱点), “a Pandora’s box” (潘多拉之盒,即灾难、麻烦、祸害的根源), “As wise as Solomon” (像所罗门一样聪明, 比喻非常富有智慧等)。 还有一些习语源于神话故事或传说,如:“kill the goose to get the eggs”源于希腊寓言, 说的是有一个乡下人, 因为发财心切杀了自己饲养的那只能下金蛋的鹅, 以为如此就可一次获得全部想像中的金块, 但其结果一无所获。现比喻贪图眼前利益, 没有长远打算。 (3) 源于民间风俗 如: “a feather in your cap ”汉译为“值得荣耀的事、荣誉”, 源于广泛流行于亚洲和美洲印第安人中的一种风俗: 每杀死一个敌人就在头部或帽子上插一根毛, 以此来显示战绩与荣誉。 二.习语的特点 习语有两个最基本的特征:一是语义的统一性,二是结构的固定性,也就是说习语具有稳定的


1. what is the longest word in the world? key:smile. 谜语解析:因为两个S隔了一里(mile) 2. what letter is an animal? key --B(Bee) 哪个字母是一个动物答案:B 3. What letter stands for the ocean? key:C(sea) 哪个字母坐落在海边?答案:C(sea) 4. what letter is a question? key:Y 哪个字母是一个问题? 英语谜语答案:Y(why) 5. what letter is your eye? key:I 哪个字母是你的眼睛? 答案:I(eye) 6. what letter is a vegetable? key:P 哪个字母是一种蔬菜答案:P(pea)豌豆 7. what stays hot even if put it in a fridge? key:pepper 什么东西即使放到冰箱中也是热的? 答案:pepper(胡椒粉) 谜语解析:hot也有辣的意思8. what fruit is never found singly? key:pear 什么水果永远都不会是单数? 答案:pear(梨) 谜语解析:pear和pair(一双)读音相同 9. With which hand do you write? key:neither,i use a pen! 你用哪只手写字呢? 谜语答案:都不用,我用笔 10. what man cannot live in a house? 什么人不能住在房子里? 谜语答案:snowman(雪人) 11. What never asks questions but gets a lot of answers? 什么东西永远不问问题但是却能得到很多答案? 谜语答案:dictionary (字典) 12. What question can you never answer "Y es" to? 什么问题你永远也不能回答"是" 谜语答案:Are you dead?(你死了吗?)Are you asleep?(你睡着了吗) 13. Y ou have it.Y ou read it.There're some pictures in it? 你拥有它,你可以阅读它,它有些图片在里面,它是什么? 谜语答案:book(书) 14. A mouse has a large pocket.What is it? 一种鼠有一个大袋子,它是什么? 谜语答案:a kangaroo(袋鼠) 15. It has a head ,but no neck.It has a body,but no warmth.NO feet,but can travel? 它有头,但没有脖子,有身体,但不温暖,没有脚,却能旅行。 谜语答案:a car(汽车) 16. What gets larger,the more you take away? 什么东西你拿走越多,反而越大? 谜语答案:Ahole.洞 17. What goes on four legs in the morning,on two at noon,and on three in the evening? 什么走路开始用四条腿,后来用两条腿,最后用三条腿? 谜语答案:People.They crawled when they were babies and walked with two legs before they had to rely on a crutch in old age. 是人,他们刚生下来的时候用四肢爬行,后来用双腿走路,老年时又不得不依靠拐杖走。


1.every trade has its master:360行,行行出状元 2.one today is worth two tomorrow:一个今日胜过两个明日 3.a hard nut to crack:一件难以应付的事 4.no pains,no gains:一分耕耘,一分收获 5.an apple a day keeps a doctor away:一天一个苹果保持健康 6.the whole year's work depends on a good start in Spring:一年之计在于春 7.a day begins with a good start in the morning:一日之计在于晨 8.kill two birds with one stone:一箭双雕 9.there is no regret medicine in the world:世上没有后悔药 10.small potato:小人物 11.big potato:大人物 12.cough potato:爱看电视的人 13.duck soup:形容很容易的事情 14.in the soup:陷入困境 15.don't cry for the spilt milk:不要为撒了的牛奶哭泣 16.don't judge a book by its cover:不要以貌取人 17.swim with sharks:与鲨共舞,比喻很危险的事情 18.nothing is difficult for the man who will try:世上无难事,只要肯攀登 19.nothing is difficult for a willing heart:心之所愿,无所不成 20.nothing is difficult if you put your heart in:世上无难事,只怕有心人 21.nothing is impossible:一切皆有可能 22.a narrow escape:九死一生 23.every dog has its day:人人皆有得意日 24.it's raining cats and dogs:倾盆大雨 https://www.doczj.com/doc/3614532360.html,bat poison with poison:以毒攻毒 26.put a nail on the head:做错了事情 27.on minutes on the stage need ten years of practise off the stage:台上一分钟,台下十年功 28.no cross,no crown:不经历风雨,怎能见彩虹 29.there are more fish in the river:天涯何处无芳草 30.first thing is the first:头等大事先解决 31.study hard and make progress every day:好好学习,天天向上 32.take the rap for something/somebody else's mistake:替某人背黑锅 33.start off with something:开始做某事 34.let oneself go:让某人随意去做 35.you will see the mountains once you open the doors or windows:开门见山 36.a watched pot never boils:心急吃不了热豆腐 37.tighten one's belt:忍饥挨饿 38.give the monkey exactly what one wants:投其所好 39.there is no smoke without fire:无风不起浪 40.the early bird catches the worm:早起的鸟儿有虫吃 41.take the bulls by the horns:明知山有虎,偏向虎山行 42.a penny saved is a penny earned:有付出就有回报 43.all roads lead to Rome:条条大路通罗马 44.each man is the architect of his own life:每人都是自己命运的建筑师 45.constant dripping wears away a stone:水滴石穿,绳锯木断 46.a fish out of water:浑身不自在 47.practise makes perfect:熟能生巧 48.love me,love my dog:爱屋及乌 49.teach a fish to swim:班门弄斧 50.to be,or not to be:生存还是灭亡


必知英语高频习语表达 1. All in a day’s work Definition: nothing special, part of the routine. 不足为奇,常有的事情。 1)Don’t worry about it. It all in a day’s work. 2)Cooking is all in a day’s work 2.All in my hay Definition: when a person is all up in your business or conversation, has no clue of who what when where or why your talking about but keep asking questions while telling a story or talking about someone. 1)I was talking to Debbie about another person’s business when Joe butted in being newsy asking questions and who I was talking about. I told him to butt out! Your all in my hay! 3.All-nighter Definition: do something that lasts all night. (for instance a study session)熬夜,开夜车。 1)We pulled and all-nighter to get ready for the final exam. 4.All over something Definition: very fond of something. 非常喜欢某些东西或事情。 1)He’s all over the lasted fashions. 2)Peter’s all over antique furniture.


if two men ride on a horse, one must ride behind 一山不容二虎 a two-edged sword 双刃剑 no one can serve two masters 一仆难事二主 at the eleventh hour 最后关头 a fifth wheel 多余的人 first and foremost 首要的 give somebody five 击掌庆祝 nine to five周九晚五 have nine lives 大难不死 the whole nine yards everything or a situation with everything included go the whole nine yards 竭尽全力 have forty winks 白天打盹 on all fours 四肢着地 the four corners of the earth 世界各地 four-letter word 粗话 feel like a million dollars 感觉非常好 never in a million years 绝对未有 a nine days' wonder 昙花一现 possession is nine points of the law 拥有者在诉讼中通常占上风 talk nineteen to the dozen 滔滔不绝 ninety-nine times out of hundred 十之八九 have one's number 有某人的把柄 one's number comes up 交好运(如比赛中) there's safety in numbers 人多比较安全(人多势众,人多力量大) a cushy number 简单的工作;舒适的环境 one's opposite number a person who has the same situation as you in another country or situations public enemy number one 头号公敌 six feet under 死亡 it's six of one and half a dozen of the other 半斤八两 be in seventh heaven 快乐无比 the seven year itch 七年之痒 have one over the eight 稍醉 ten out of ten 百分之百 ten a penny 很便宜 three sheets to the wind 醉得东倒西歪 the third degree 逼供逮捕the first degree 入狱the second degree third time lucky 第三次运气变好 behind the eight ball 处境危险 the seventh son of a seventh son 非常重要的后代 be in two minds about sth 犹豫做某事 lesser of the two evils 两害相权取其轻 two can play at that game 以其之道还彼之身 two heads are better than one 可理解为三个臭皮匠订个诸葛亮


有趣的英语单词 初一年级英语组张娴、鲁宝珍,沈玲大写China 指“中国”;小写china指“瓷器”。 大写Japan指“日本”;小写japan指“日本式漆器”。 大写John指“约翰”;小写john指“厕所”。 大写Russia 指“俄罗斯”;小写russia指“俄罗斯皮革”。 大写Turkey 指“土耳其”;小写turkey指“火鸡”。 不少单词似是而非,千万不要望文生义,而误入陷阱。如: one-two 是“拳击中连击两次”,而不是一种“一二”。 Two-time是“对人不忠”,而不是一种“两次”。 In two twos是“立刻”,而不是一种“两两之间”。 Four o'clock是“紫茉莉或食蜜鸟”,而不是“四点”。 Four Hundred 是“名流、上层”,而不是“四百”。 Five-finger是“贼”,类似汉语的“三只手”,而不是一种“五指”。 At sixes and sevens是“乱七八糟”,而和“六”无关。 Seven-Hill City是“罗马”,而不是一种“七山市”。 Yellow book是“法国政府或议会的报告书”,而不是一种“黄色书刊”。 Green-eyed是“红眼病”,而不是“绿眼病”。 Green hand是“生手”,而不是“绿手”。 White lie是“善意的谎言”,而和“白色”无关。 Green back 是“美圆”,而不是“绿毛龟”。 Yellow back 是“法国廉价小说”,而不是“黄背”。 Green line是“轰炸线”,而不是“绿线”。 White smith是“银匠,锡匠”,而不是“白人史密斯”。 Black smith是“铁匠”,而不是“黑人史密斯”。 Chocolate drop是蔑称的“黑人”,而不是“巧克力滴”。 Black tea是“红茶”,而不是“黑茶”。 Brown sugar是“红糖”,而不是“棕糖”。 Green power是“金钱的力量”,而不是“绿色国家”。


学术之余积累下来的一些有趣的英语词汇 desk potato 桌边神游族 指整天坐在书桌边,却不见有任何事情完成的人;通常都是因为他们成天都在上网闲逛或玩游戏。 foodoir 食忆录 一种个人体验记录,着重描述食物,把食物作为表达个人体验的手段。 outfit clash 撞衫 (尤指明星)在同一场合穿了相同或非常相似的衣服。 password fatigue 密码疲劳 由于账号、密码过多,不得不记忆大量的密码而导致的精神疲惫和压力 face blindness 脸盲症 一种神经心理性疾病,表现为对熟悉面孔识别能力的降低或丧失。 third wheel 电灯泡 不发挥任何作用的人和事物,或是在两人约会时陪伴在旁的一个多余的人。omega male 绝世衰男 男人中,排在“最后一名”的人。 FOMO addiction 社交控(FOMO=Fear Of Missing Out) 人们在忙于眼前事的时候,总是害怕会错过更有趣或者更好的人和事。

office dwellers 赖班族 下班后,还赖在办公室不走的人们。 sunflower clan 向日葵族 那些像向日葵一样的人,他们总能看到生活积极的一面,信奉“知足常乐”。text purgatory 备受煎熬等短信 给心仪的人发邀约短信后,等对方回复的那种焦急等待的煎熬。 Singlism 单身歧视 人们惯有的对单身人士的一些负面印象,以及对单身人士的差别待遇。plasticine man 橡皮人 “得过且过”是越来越多疲惫的年轻白领的生活信条,他们被称为“橡皮人”。Teacup 茶杯型人 心理极其脆弱、不堪一击的人。 DINK exit clan 悔丁族 随着年龄增长后悔做“丁克”、想要孩子的那一群人。 Finlit 金融素养 financial literacy的缩写,是指理解与金融相关的术语和问题的能力。 Wikidiot 维基傻瓜 相信维基百科上的所有信息都是事实或者将其视为可靠来源的人。


趣味英语谜语及答案 篇一:英语趣味谜语 What animal has a head like a cat, eyes like a cat, a tail like a cat, but isn't a cat? A kitten.(小猫) What surprising things happen every 24 hours?Day breaks, but doesn't fall; night falls, but doesn't break. What can hear you without ears and can answer you without a mouth? An echo.(回声) What do you know about the kings of France? They are all dead. What question can you never answer 'yes" to" Are you asleep? Why do some old people never use glasses? They must prefer bottles to glasses. You play with this ——(ball) You eat with this ——(spoon) You drink with this ——(straw) You talk with this ——(mouth) You look with his ——(glasses) what man cannot live in a house? 什么人不能住


A bit much If something is excessive or annoying, it is a bit much. 如果某个东西过多了或某件事过于烦扰人了,就形容这个东西或这件事a bit much. 例:Isnt this a bit much? 这个太过了吧? Babe in arms A babe in arms is a very young child, or a person who is very young to be holding a position. babe in arms:是指一个非常小的小孩,也可指一个年轻没有经验的人。 例:I think Jason is just a babe in arms, and he?s not very capable of becoming the manager of this company. 我觉得Jason太年轻了,他恐怕不能胜任公司主管这个职位。 Call it a day If you call it a day, you stop doing something for a while, normally at least until the following day. Call it a day:今天到此为止、就此结束、到此结束 例:I think I?ll call it a day and go home. 我想收工回家了。 Good shape If somethings in good shape, its in good condition. If a persons in good shape, they are fit and healthy. 常跟in连用,如果用于物体上面,是指处于良好的状态、完整无损。但如果用在人身上,则表示健康情况良好、体格健壮。 例:His body may have seen better days but he remains in pretty good shape. 他的身体已不是最好的时候了,但他体型身材保持得还相当不错。 My way or the highway This idiom is used to say that if people dont do what you say, they will have to leave or quit the project, etc. My way or the highway指的是一种态度,就是认为自己的观点是最对的、最好的,别人的想法都是错误的、不好的。这个词组往往用来形容那些很自以为是、一定要别人接受自己观点的人。中文里最接近的说法应该是“唯我独尊”。比如:例:I dont like my boss. He always has this "my way or the highway" attitude going on. Its just too much. (我不喜欢我的老板。他老是有那种“唯我独尊”的态度,让人受不了。) Its my way or the highway! You can disagree with me but I dont give a shit about it. 意思就是我说了算,我说一不二,我说什么就是什么。 Pep talk When someone gives you a pep talk it is to build you up to help you accomplish something. In sports a coach might give a player a pep talk before the game to bolster his confidence. At work the boss might give you a pep talk to get you to do a better job. 鼓舞士气的讲话,打气动员鼓舞的话 例句My boss gave me a great pep talk before the big meeting.I think it really helped me to close the deal. 在会议之前,老板给我很多鼓励,这使我能够把单子签下来。 Angela needed a good pep talk after she didnt get asked to the prom. 没有人请Angela跳舞,我们该给她一点鼓励。


英语习语知多少:十个最常用的英语习语 某天,朋友跟一个老外说起自己刚分手的女友,对方看他难过,拍了拍他的肩膀对他说:“Don't worry about it man, girls like that are a dime a dozen!” 后来朋友跟我说起这件事仍然愤愤不平,说老外把她女友说成只值一块二毛钱! 其实,“dime a dozen”跟“一块二毛钱”没有半毛钱关系。它是一句常见的英语习语,指的是something that is common and easy to obtain(天涯何处无芳草)。 和中文的成语一样,英文中也有数量众多的idioms,如果望文生义,可能就会产生交流中的误会。 话不多说,下面我们就一起来看看英文中最常用、最有趣的十个习语: 1. Piece of cake 例句:The assignment I just finished was a piece of cake. 这个例句说的并不是我刚完成的作业是烤一块蛋糕,而是指作业非常简单,a piece of cake就是指轻而易举的事。 2. Cost an arm and a leg 例句:That Louis Vuitton bag costs me an arm and a leg. 如果在LV买个包包要砍下自己的胳膊和腿,那这个社会就太可怕了! 其实,在英语中,如果说到某个东西要cost an arm and a leg,它表达的是某个东西非常expensive。 3. Break a leg 在你即将要走进考场对付讨厌的微积分考试前,你们班上成绩最好的那个同学突然走过来对你说了句“Break a leg!” “这个傲娇鬼”,你忍不住在心里暗暗抱怨,“成绩好就可以这样诅咒别人吗?” 但其实那个学习好的傲娇鬼却并不是在诅咒你,因为在英文中,break a leg 其实是good luck的意思! 4. Hit the books 例句:The final exam is coming, I might need to go to the library and hit the books.

2020高考英语 习语汇总

1 与动物相关的习语 1、a big fish 大人物 In the city I was nothing, but in the country I was considered a big fish.在城里我并不是什么大人物,但是在乡下我被认为是个了不起的人物。 2、cat nap 打瞌睡 I try to take a little cat nap every Sunday afternoon. 我试着在每个周日的下午小睡一会儿。 3、monkey business 猢狲把戏 He told the boys to quit their monkey business, or he would call a teacher. 他告诉那些男孩子不要再胡闹,不然他就叫老师。 4、rat race 激烈的竞争 I’m so tired of the rat race. I’d love to retire and move to the country.这里竞争过于激烈,让人感到精疲力竭,我打算退休移居乡下了。 5、top dog 主要人物 Peter is the top dog at English in our class. 皮特是我们班英语成绩最好的人。

6、cash cow 摇钱树 Our company’s cash cow is the sales department, which makes enough income to finance the developers. 销售部是我们公司的摇钱树,向开发部提供了大量资助。 7、black sheep 败家子,害群之马 2 与颜色有关的习语 1、a golden opportunity 绝佳机会 Think carefully about what you’re going to do, this is a golden opportunity, and you don’t want to mess it up! 仔细想想接下来怎么做,这是个绝佳的好机会,可别搞砸了。 2、off color 精神不佳 He’s been really off color for the past few days, I think I might have to take him to the doctor. 过去几天,他一直状态不佳,也许我该建议他去看看大夫。 3、gray area 灰色地带 There is no gray area in Jerry’s world.

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