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综合教程第二册(Book 2)各单元课后翻译题参考答案

Unit 1

1.动物保护主义者强烈反对用动物做实验。(disapprove of)

Key: Animal conservationists strongly disapprove of experimenting on animals.


Key: Shelly walked into the museum under the stern gaze of the curator.


Key: After a spell in the advertising business, Jim began to work for a large insurance firm.


Key: It was estimated that 50000 people flooded into London over the weekend for the opening of the Commonwealth Games.

5.他冲进了热闹的大街,混入人群中,希望那样警察就认不出他了。(mingle with)

Key: He rushed into the busy street and mingled with the crowd, hoping in that way the police would not spot him.


Key: He tiptoed quietly out of the room so as not to wake her up.

7.他买那幅油画是作为一种地位的象征,而并非对艺术有特别的兴趣。( status)

Key: He bought the painting as a status symbol, not because he was particularly interested in art.

8.吉姆一直很失望他的儿子不愿子从父业,接管农场。( follow in one’s footsteps)

Key: Jim was always disappointed that his son never followed in his footsteps and took over the farm.

Unit 2

1.他承认他的失败是因为缺乏信心。(lack of )

Key: He admitted that his failure was caused by his lack of confidence.


Key: Visitors are required to sign their names on arrival.

3.我们已邀请他们来参加聚会,但因为孩子病了,只好改期。(put off)

Key: We’ve invited them to the party, but we’ll have to put it off because the baby’s sick.

4.我们必须采取措施帮助那些受伤者的家庭。(take steps)

Key: We must take steps to help the families of those who were hurt.

5.老师花了很大力气,确保我们每个人都理解课文的内容。(take pains )

Key: The teacher took great pains to make sure that we all understood the text.

6.我们集中讨论无家可归者的问题。(focus on)

Key: Today we’re going to focus on the issue of the homeless people.


Key: We wondered whether you would be so kind as to attend our end-of-the-year party.


Key: He assured his mother that everything was all right.

Unit 3

1.中东地区的人民都信奉伊斯兰教。(believe in)

Key: Most people in the Middle East believe in Islam.


Key: As the fire was destroying the building, we just stood and stared at all this.


Key: He relied more on intuition than logic in solving the case.

4.地震后这个国家经历着一个非常困难的时期。(go through)

Key: The country is going through a very difficult period, after the earthquake.


Key: Last week the board directors authorized the installation of a new computer system.


Key: This area has been the greatest beneficiary of a large restoration program.


Key: The government finances higher education with tax money.


Key: He insisted that what he said was true, even though the police refused to believe him.

Unit 4


Key: The new system will be introduced over a six-month transition period.


Key: The police officers claimed that their actions in the riots were purely defensive.

3.大约价值250 000 美元的医疗物资被分发到遭受流行疾病侵袭的家庭。(distribute)Key: About $250,000 worth of medical supplies has been distributed among families affected by the epidemic.


Key: The products used to be made locally, but they are mostly mass-produced in the Far East. 5.在联邦赤字问题上总统所持的立场得到了参议院众多议员的赞同。(endorse)

Key: The President’s position on the federal deficit was endorsed by a large majority of the Senate.

6.萨拉看看窗外,对街上正发生的一切向我们做实况报道。( commentary )

Key: Sarah was looking out of the window and giving us a running commentary of what was happening out in the street.

7.我们正面临历史上最严重的挑战,我们要依靠你们---我们盟友---的支持。(challenge)Key: We are now facing the most serious challenge in our history and are dependent on you, our allies, for support.


Key: There has been too much shown on TV and too much reported in newspapers of all kinds of crimes---described in such detail that even children know how to duplicate what they have seen or read.

Unit 5

1.上海被列为世界最繁华的城市之一。(rank as)

Key: Shanghai ranks as one of the most prosperous cities in the world.


Key: If you are walking in the mountains, strong boots and waterproof clothing are essential.


Key: Some teachers devote too much time to helping their students’ study but neglect their

sports activities.

4.在智力发展过程中,人的某些性格起十分重要的作用。(play a role in)

Key: Some personal charac ters play a vital role in the development of one’s intelligence.


Key: The President’s refusal to meet the press reveals just how serious the crisis is.


Key: It’s perfectly natural that parents feel protective towards their children, even when they have grown up.

7.他极想向某个人吐露他失败的感受。(confide in)

Key: He wanted desperately to confide in someone about his feelings of failure

8.有专家指出,有些职业的自杀率远远高于其他职业。(point out)

Key: As some experts point out, suicide rates are much higher in some occupations than in others.

Unit 6


Key: The road appears to get narrower as you look into the distance, but it’s just an illusion.


Key: The recent drought in Africa has had a devastating effect on its rural population.


Key: He gave copies of the report to all those present at the meeting, urging that they read it and digest its contents.

4.进餐时,他老朝门边看,显然是盼望着谁进来。(glance at)

Key: During the meal he kept glancing at the door, obviously expecting someone to walk in.


Key: The party was in complete confusion after its election defeat.

6.出国前我在这家公司断断续续的工作过两年。(off and on)

Key: I had worked in the company off and on for two years before I went abroad.

7.这家人本可以按时到达,不料遇上轮胎漏气。(meet up with)

Key: The family would have arrived on time, but they met up with a flat tire.

8.这是我第一次来纽约,但我还是设法找到了那家小公司。(find one’s way to)

Key: It was my first visit to New York, but I managed to find my way to the small firm.

Unit 7


Key: They were all staring at me---honestly, I had never felt so embarrassed in my whole life.

2.在做出正确选择之前,你需要更多的信息。(make a choice)

Key: Before you can make the right choice, you need a lot more information.


Key: The party failed to convince the majority of the voters that it was capable of governing the country.

4.为了保持苗条的身材,她克制自己不吃冰激凌。(deny oneself)

Key: To keep slim, she denied herself ice-creams.

5.最近他和两个坏孩子混在一起,这让他的父母非常生气。(take up with)

Key: Recently he has taken up with two bad boys, which makes his parents really angry.


Key: Have you read these newspaper reports? They totally contradict each other.


Key: In a number of professions, it is possible to continue working beyond the retirement age.

8.他心情好的时候,就会唱起他最喜欢的那首歌。(in the mood)

Key: When he is in the mood, he would sing his favorite song.

Unit 8

1.他和他弟弟在一起玩的时候很容易发脾气。(be inclined to)

Key: He is inclined to lose his temper when he is playing with his younger brother.

2.那次事故之后,他只能借助于拐杖走路。(with the aid of)

Key: Since the accident he’s only been able to walk with the aid of a stick.

3.我想那还是有几分正确性的,但情况并不是那么简单。(to a degree)

Key: I think that’s true to a degree, but the situation is not quite so simple.

4.父亲说如果我们相信某事时真的,就应该坚持。(hold on to)

Key: My father said that if we believed that something was true, we should hold on to it.


Key: He’s very disillusioned at the government’s handling of the economy.

6.听到这消息时,我们已准备去度假。(be all set)

Key: We were all set to go on vacation when we heard the news.


Key: The sun’s rays can penetrate the sea to a depth of 20 metres.

8.他的甜言蜜语是开口要钱的第一步。(lead up to)

Key: His flattering words led up to a request for money.

Unit 9

1.他抱起小男孩,逃离了大火。(scoop up)

Key: He scooped up the little boy and ran from the fire.


Key: The boss assigned me to check the quality of all the goods leaving the factory.

3.我们已经采取了一切措施防止那幅油画被盗。(take precautions)

Key: We have taken all the precautions we can against the painting being stolen.

4.那家公司正在出售他们的一些大楼以积攒基金。(in aneffect to)

Key: The company is selling off some of its buildings in an effort to accumulate capital.

5.学驾驶时,如有一位好教员指导,效果大不相同,(make a difference)

Key: When you are leaning to drive, having a good teacher makes a big difference.

6.谣传他在当地的一次袭击中被人杀害。(rumour has it that)

Key: Rumour has it that he was killed in a raid in the local area.


Key: Adam’s refusal to work overtime enraged his boss.

8.在那次晚会上一位老朋友突然出现,令我惊喜不已。(out of the blue)

Key: I was pleasantly surprised to see an old friend who appeared at the party out of the blue. Unit 10

1.大多数运动员在刚成年时进入顶峰时期。(at one’s best)

Key: Most sportsmen are at their best during their early manhood.


Key: I am not legally his mother, but I feel I have a moral responsibility to help him.


Key: The film was so compelling that I could scarcely take my eyes off the screen.


Key: They are destined by fate never to see each other again.


Key: Laurence’s novels were rejected at first, but they later came to be recognized as works of genius.


Key: Philip was often found sitting alone in front of the fire meditating quietly.

7.现代研究已使这个问题大为明朗化了。(shed light on)

Key: Modern research has shed great light on this question.

8.新经理的到来给公司注入新的生命,于是公司很快就兴旺起来了。(breathe life into)Key: The coming of the new manager breathed new life into the company, and soon it prospered. Unit 11

1.他因急性阑尾炎住院治疗,结果连期末考试都没考上。(with the result that)

Key: He was hospitalized with acute appendicitis, with the result that he missed the final examination.

2.前来听讲座的人远远超出原来的估计,分发给大家的讲义都不够了。(go round)

Key: As many more people came to the lecture than expected, there were not enough handouts to go round.

3.不管一天工作有多忙,他在睡觉前总要看一下电子信箱里有没有新邮件。(make a point of) Key: No matter what a long day he may have, he makes a point of checking his e-mail box before going to bed.


Key: Unemployment is found in all countries in the world, but the governments vary in their way to handle the problem.

5.第一次来到异国的人往往会感到自己周围的一切既陌生,又有趣。(be apt to)

Key: Anyone who has come to a foreign country for the first time is apt to find everything around him both strange and interesting.

6.球迷们对这场足球比赛中双方球员场上的表现感到十分失望。(disappointed at)

Key: The football fans were very disappointed at the performance of the players of both teams.

7.他的话,你得好好想一想,千万不要他说什么你就信什么。(take at face value)

Key: Never take what he says at face value. Think it over yourself.


Key: The doctor’s words removed his fears about the operation.

Unit 12

1.通常,我们每天摄入可卡路里中18%来自糖。(on average)

Key: On average,18% of our daily calories come from sugar.

2.由于罢工,福特汽车厂停工两个月。(shut down)

Key: Ford Automobile Plant was shut down for two months as a result of the strike.

3.他已经决定放弃经商,致力于慈善工作。(dedicate to)

Key: He’s decided to give up his business and dedicate himself to charity.


Key: The cultural life in the country cannot compare with that of a large city.

5.国家的独立庆典继续进行着,好像什么也没发生。(carry on)

Key: The country’s independence celebrations carried on as if nothing had happened.

6.该报告使读者能够对两种车子进行直接的比较。(make a comparison)

Key: The report allows the readers to make a direct comparison between the two types of car. 7.现有的煤的储备量应该能够满足来年的需要。(meet)

Key: The existing (present) stocks of coal should meet our needs for the coming year.


Key: He remained there for hours deep in thought, contemplating the mysteries of the universe. Unit 13


Key: Global climate change may have been responsible for the extinction of the dinosaur.


Key: Patients with incurable illness often seek alternative treatments such as homeopathy.

3.经济理论预言,商品降价会引起消费上升。(lead to)

Key; Economic theory predicts that a fall in the price of commodity will lead to an increase in consumption.

4.对于集团犯罪问题,人们要求国会采取有力的行动。(take action)

Key: The congress is expected to take strong actions on the problem of organized crime.


Key: The ever-present threat of unemployment makes workers less willing to go on strike.

6.老年人会面临一些由于失去了独立性而产生的心理问题。(result from)

Key: Elderly people may face some psychological problems that result from their loss of independence.


Key: The car industry, like most other industries, is feeling the effects of the recession.

8.在大学能否成功部分取决于你如何适应新的环境。(adapt to)

Key: Your success at college partly depends on how well you can adapt yourself to the new environment.

Unit 14

1.把领导人的政策与他们支持者的想法区分开是很重要的。(draw a distinction)

Key: It’s important to draw a distinction between the policies of the leaders and the views of their supporters.


Key: In Europe, the color white symbolizes purity but in Asia it is often the symbol of mourning.

3.旅游团只能进行计划内的活动。(confine to)

Key: The tour group is confined to the planned activities.

4.一旦谣言传开,他再也不会在这个镇上工作了。(get around)

Key: Once the rumour gets arou nd, he’ll never work in this town again.

5.他总是没等到发薪日就把钱用完了。(run out of)

Key: He’s always running out of money before payday.

6.他一生致力于世界和平,因此获得了诺贝尔和平奖。(be engaged in)

Key: He got the Nobel Prize for peace because he was engaged in the promotion of world peace all his life.

7.孩子们觉得很难适应住在公寓里—他们想要在院子里玩。(adapt to)

Key: The children have found it difficult to adapt to living in an apartment—they want a garden to play in.

8.一家瑞士公司发现一种将动物排泄物变为燃料的方法。(convert into)

Key: A Swiss company has found a way to convert animal waste into fuel.

Unit 15

1.我们搬进新房子后就开始倒霉了。(come upon)

Key: Bad luck has come upon us since we moved into the new house.


Key: Renovating your house can be a costly and time-consuming business.


Key: The government is planning to simplify the tax laws so that they are easier to operate.

4.移居国外之前他不得不舍弃收藏多年的最喜欢的书。(part with)

Key: Before moving abroad, he had to part with the favourite books that he had been kept for years.

5.铁路系统被剥夺了他们需要用于现代化的资金。(deprive of)

Key: The railways have been deprived of the fund they need for modernization.

6.这么多年来他都是辛辛苦苦的为别人干,现在他很高兴有机会为自己干。(toil and moil)Key: After so many years toiling and moiling for other people,he was glad to have the chance of working for himself.


Key: You can deposit your valuables in the hotel safe.

8.我们不得不动用我的存款去支付修理费。(draw upon)

Key: I have to draw upon my savings to pay for the repairs.

Unit 16

1.损失是由于他疏忽大意造成的,为此他必须受到惩罚。(pay for)

Key: The damage is due to his negligence, so he’ll have to pay for it.

2.这幢房子隐藏在一排高大的树木之中。(hide from)

Key: The house was hidden from view by a row of tall trees.


Key: When the results of the vote were announced, the Prime Minister acknowledged defeat. 4.我们必须勇于承担责任,而不应设法逃避。(face up to)

Key: We must face up to our responsibilities and not try to get out of them.

5.照我的话做,你就会获释。(set free)

Key: Do as I tell you and you shall be set free.


Key: That book is really worth readin g if you’re going to take the English exam.

7.有些政府官员一旦尝到了权力的甜头就不愿意自动放弃。(let go of)

Key: Some government officials would not let go of power once they have seen its benefits.

8.政府被推翻了,军方控制了国家。(keep under control)

Key: The government has been overthrown and the military has kept the country under control. 附注:本资料来源于新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材综合教程第二册教师用书的部分资料,具有较强的权威性,敬请放心使用。由于时间仓促,出现了许多错漏,现在基本修正,给读者带来不便,敬请见谅。如有错误和不足的地方,恳请读者批评指正,以便我们对本资料的进一步完善。谢谢!



Unit1: 1.那部关于古代战争的电影采用了先进的技术,令观众仿佛身临其境。(illusion)Thanks to modern technology, the film about that ancient battle gives the audience the illusion of being on the battlefield themselves. 2.在那场大火中,整个古城毁于一旦,但是这块石碑却幸运地保存了下来。(devastate)That ancient city was devastated by the fire, but fortunately the stone tablet survived. 3.他们看了那段录像,听了那位妇女的讲述,心里充满了对那位地震孤儿的同情。(fill with)The videotape and the story by the woman filled them with sympathy for the child who had become an orphan in the earthquake. 4.那场大地震中,我们听到过太多太多教师的事迹,他们拒绝离开学生自己逃生,献出了 自己的生命。(leave behind) In that earthquake, we heard many stories of teachers who had refused to leave their students behind and laid down their lives. 5.豫园的建造始于1558年,但由于资金短缺时建时停,1578年才建成。(off and on)The construction of the Yu Yuan Garden began in 1558, but it was not completed until 1578 because building went off and on for lack of money. 6.1980年我遇到她时,她刚从国外读完硕士回来。(meet up with) In 1980, when I met up with her, she had just returned from abroad with a master’s degree. 7.这是我第一次来纽约,但我还是设法找到了那家小公司。(find one’s way to) It was my first visit to New York, but I managed to find my way to the little firm. 8.在电影界要达到顶峰时非常困难的,但是作为一名导演谢晋做到了。(make it) It is hard to make it to the top in the movie industry, but as a director Xie Jin did it. U2: 1.如今许多爱慕虚荣的年轻人,尽管还不富裕,但却迷上了漂亮的小汽车。(vain, be obsessed with) Many vain young people are obsessed with fancy cars despite the fact that they are not rich enough to afford them. 2.当他的婚外恋被妻子发现后,他们的婚姻终于破裂了。(affair, fall apart) Their marriage finally fell apart when his affair with another woman was found out by his wife. 3.那位艺术家为了获得创作的灵感,在农村住了三年,放弃了生活上的许多享受。 (inspiration, deny oneself something) For artistic inspiration, the artist lived in the country for three years, where he denied himself


《综合教程2》翻译部分参考译文: Unit 1 1. 那部关于古代战争的电影采用了先进技术,令观众仿佛身临其境。(illusion) Thanks to modern technology, the film about that ancient battle gives the audience the illusion of being on the battlefield themselves. 2.在那场大火中,整个古城毁于一旦,但是这块石碑却幸运地保存下来。(devastate) That ancient city was devastated by the fire, but fortunately the stone tablet survived. 3. 他们看了那段录像,听了那位妇女的讲述,心里充满了对那位地震孤儿的同情。 The videotape and the story by the woman filled them with sympathy for the child who had become an orphan in the earthquake. 4. 那场大地震中,我们听到太多太多教师的事迹,他们拒绝离开学生自己逃生,献出了自己的生命。(leave behind) In that earthquake, we heard many stories of teachers who had refused to leave their students behind and laid down their lives. 5.豫园的建造始于1558年,但由于资金短缺时建时停,1578年才建成。 The construction of the Yu Yuan Garden began in 1558, but it was not completed until 1578 because building went off and on for lack of money. 6. 1980年我遇到她时,她刚从国外读完硕士回来。(meet up with) In 1980, when I met up with her, she had just returned from abroad with a master’s degree. 7. 这是我第一次来纽约,但我还是设法找到了那家小公司。 It was my first visit to New York, but I managed to find my way to the little firm. 8. 在电影界要达到顶峰是非常困难的,但是作为一名导演谢晋做到了。 It is hard to make it to the top in the movie industry, but as a director, Xie Jin did it. Unit 2 1. 如今很多爱慕虚荣的年轻人,尽管还不富裕,但却已经迷上了漂亮的小汽车。(vain, be obsessed with) Many vain young people are obsessed with fancy cars despite the fact that they are not yet rich enough to afford them. 2.当他的婚外恋被妻子发现后,他们的婚姻终于破裂了。 Their marriage finally fell apart when his affair with another woman was found out by his wife. 3. 那位艺术家为了获得创作的灵感,在农村住了三年,放弃了生活上的许多享受。 For artistic inspiration, the artist lived in the country for three years, where he denied himself many comforts of life. 4. 我不知道明天去崇明岛的远足活动能不能成行,因为这要取决于会不会下雨。 I’m not sure if we can have the excursion to Chongming Island tomorrow. It is at the mercy of the weather. 5. 他早年到日本学医,回国后却改变了主意,一辈子从事文学创作。 When he was young, he went to Japan to learn medicine, but after he returned to China he changed his mind and pursued a career as a writer all his life. 6. 她最近和一个足以做她父亲的老头好上了,这使她父母感到非常丢脸。(take up with)She’s taken up with a man old enough to be her father, which is a disgrace to her parents. 7. 1978年以来,我国经济发展迅速,相比之下,一些发达国家反而滑坡了。(witness)


U n i t1 1. 任何年满18岁的人都有资格投票。(be eligible to, vote) Anyone over the age of 18 is eligible to vote. 2. 每学期开学前,这些奖学金的申请表格就会由学校发给每一个学生。(apply for, scholarship) A form to apply for these scholarships is sent by the university to every student before the start of every semester. 3. 遵照医生的建议,我决定戒烟。(on the advice of) On the advice of my doctor, I decided to give up smoking. 4. 公园位于县城的正中央。(be located in) The park is located right in the center of town. 5. 这所大学提供了我们所需的所有材料和设备。(facilities) The university provides all the materials and facilities we desire. 1. 他们花了多年的时间寻找内心的平静,但是收效甚微。(search for) They spent many years searching for peace of mind, but with little success. 2. 这种新药的成功研制已经使许多疾病的治疗发生了根本性的变革。


李明是学化学的,性格开朗幽默,颇有魅力,但英语成绩不佳,每次只能勉强及格。老师警告他,英语不好会阻碍他拿奖学金,并亮出了自己的王牌:如果李明不努力,就让他考试不过关。老师还告诉他,学习英语不能只为了文凭,否则他即使大学毕业,也还是个半文盲。李明虽然保持镇定,但他明白,他的学业生涯正在攸关之际,必须安心下来埋头学习,坚持不懈。 Li Ming was a chemistry major, a charmer noted for his easygoing and humorous temperament. However, his English was so poor that he always barely got by. The teacher admonished him that his poor English would be an impediment to scholarship. What’s more, she showed her trump card: if Li Ming did not work hard. She would flunk him. He was also told that he should not learn English merely for the sake of his diploma, otherwise, even after graduation from university, he would still be semiliterate. Although Li Ming did not lose his composure, he was well aware that he had to settle down to work and follow through because his academic life was at stake. Unit 2 我的朋友琳达接受过良好的教育,既美丽又端庄,三十好几依然没有人向她求婚。究其原因,她的事业心极强,整日扑在工作上,每天来往于住处和公司之间,根本没有时间和异性交往。一想到女儿这么大了还单身一人,她父母就焦虑不安。他们不知道该如何是好,甚至还去咨询一些社会学专家。但是事情在上个月出现了转机,公司的总部调琳达到培训部。在新的工作岗位上,琳达遇到了第一个触动她心弦的男人。从此,他们几乎每天约会,琳达意识到她会不顾一切地爱这个男人。决定嫁人的时候,她告诉了我这个好消息。虽然琳达的爱情让人想起电影中才会有的浪漫故事,我也担忧未来究竟会怎样,但我还是表达了我由衷的祝福,并爽快答应在婚礼那天做他们的伴娘和伴郎随从中的一员。 Linda, my good friend, has received good education and is both beautiful and elegant. She was not proposed to even when she was well over thirty. The reason is that she, as a career –oriented woman, is devoted to her work. Navigating between home and the company, she had hardly any time to socialize with people of the opposite sex. Her parents were gripped by anxiety at the thought of their daughter still remaining single at such an age. They did not know what to do and even consulted with some sociologists. But the situation began to change last month, when the headquarters of the company transferred Linda to the training department. On the new post, Linda met a man who tugged on her heartstrings for the first time. Ever since then, they dated virtually on a daily basis, and Linda realized that she would love the man beyond all reason. When she decided to take the matrimonial plunge, she informed me. Though Linda’s love is reminiscent of the romance that we see only in movies and I don’t know what the future will hold for her, I give her my heart-felt wishes and agree readily to be a member of the entourage of bridesmaids and groomsmen.


Unit1: 1)我们像在暖房里种花那样养孩子是错误的。我们必须让他们接触各种社会问题,因为不久他们就将作为公民来应对这些问题。 It is wrong to raise our children the way we grow flowers in the greenhouse. We must expose them to all social problems because very soon they will be dealing with them as responsible citizens. 2)随着时间的推移,我们不可避免地会越来越多地卷入国际事务。而冲突必然会发生,因为国家之间总有不同的观点和利益。 As time goes on we are inevitably going to get more and more involved in international affairs. And conflicts are sure to occur because there always exist different views and interests between nations. 3)我们为我们的成就而骄傲,我们有理由感到骄傲。但是我们永远不能变得狂妄,不然我们就会失去我们的朋友。 We are proud of our accomplishments, and we have reason to be. But we must never become arrogant. Otherwise we will lose our friends. 4)信息现在唾手可得。一个普通的电脑就能储存一个普通图书馆的信息。 Information is now easily available. An average computer can store the information of a small library 5)那家建筑公司没有资格操作这个项目。他们没有任何法律文件能证明他们具备必要的专门技术。 That construction company is not qualified to handle the project. They do not have any legal document to certify that they have the necessary expertise. We must find a company that specializes in building theatres. 6)这些智囊团不作决策。他们力图提出一些对决策者十分有用的新主意和深刻的分析。 These think tanks do not make decisions. They are out to generate new ideas and penetrating analyses that will be extremely useful for decision makers. 7)国内生产总值不是一切的。如果人民的生活质量没有真正改善的话,我们国家就并不能说已经现代化了。 The growth of GDP is not everything. Our country cannot be said to have been modernized unless the quality of our people’s lives is really improved. 8)虽然那时候我们在很多方面都很困难,但作为孩子我们仍然很幸福,因为有干净的空气、水;江河湖泊里有很多鱼、螃蟹、黄 鳝;田野里有花,有树,有鸟。 Poor as we were in many ways at that time, we were still quite happy as children, for there was clean air, clean water, a lot of fish, crabs and eels in the rivers, lakes, and ponds, and a lot of flowers, trees and birds in the fields. 9)只要给某一个人或某一群人以绝对权力,那这个人或这一群人就肯定会滥用权力,因为正如阿克顿勋爵所说,“权力使人腐败, 绝对权力绝对使人腐败。” Give absolute power to some individual or any particular group of people, and that person or group are sure to abuse that power because, just as Lord Acton says, “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” 10)在我们国家,传统上都认为,“万般皆下品,惟有读书高”。 Traditionally in our country school education was always said to be more important and useful compared with all other pursuits. Unit2: 11)我跟你说,从各方面考虑,当教师不失为一个好主意。事实上,我认为这个主意好极了。


1、伦敦是个非常国际化的大城市. London is a very cosmopolitan city. 2、她的母亲是在一个喧嚣的都市环境中长大的。 Her mother grew up in a hectic urban environment. 3、纽约被认为是一个充满旅游特色的城市。New York is thought of as a touristy city. 4、我几年前住过的那个城市是一个充满活力的城市。 The city where I lived a few years ago was a dynamic one. 5、那班火车非常拥挤。The train was very crowded. 6、英国人经常喝茶。The English / British often drink tea. 7、地球围绕太阳转。The earth moves round the sun. 8、去年我常去那些大学的图书馆。 Last year,I often went to the library of that university. 9、他十分钟前离开了。He left ten minute ago. 10、昨晚你去哪里了?Where did you go last night? 11、昨晚是谁打的电话? Who phoned / called last night? 12、昨晚发生了什么事情? What happened last night ? 13、你的哥哥是做什么 的? What does your brother do? 14、他正在与谁说话? Who is he talking with? 15、他们是什么时候离 开的? When did they leave? 16、现在的年轻人都喜 欢上网冲浪,获取各种 信息。 Nowadays,young people like to surf the net to get all kinds of information. 17、网络是一个大家可 以聊天交流的好地方。 The Internet is a good place where people can chat and exchange ideas. 18、这些天来,我一直 都在为我的论文寻找资 料。 These days I've been looking for materials for my paper. 19、每年人们都举行各 种活动庆祝元旦。 Every year,people organize various activities to celebrate New Year's Day. 20、他每件事情都有自 己独立做。 He does everything on his own. 21、我正在大街上漫步 时遇到了凯西。 As I was walking down the street ,I met Cathy. 22、我们正在吃饭时, 叔叔来了。 My uncle arrived while we were having dinner. 23、当他在看信时突然 听到有人敲门。 While he was reading the letter,he heard a knock at the door. 24、当我在花园里浇水 时,天开始下起雨来。 I was watering the garden when it began to rain. 25、我们正在聚会时, 灯熄灭了。 We were having a party when the lights went out. 26、当我还是个孩子时, 我就常收集邮票。 I used to collect stamps when I was a child. 27、过去人们通常是坐 公交汽车去上班。现在 很多人自己开车去。 People used to go by bus , but now many people drive to work. 28、过去我长期玩通过 写信和朋友联系,但现 在懒了,只是偶尔打打 电话而已。 I used to write to contact my friends, but now I am lazy and only make a call. 29、我的家乡曾经是个 美丽的地方,但现在空 气污染很严重。 My hometown used to a beautiful place, but now it is heavily air-polluted. 30、看见他时,我差点 没认出来。他以前很胖。 I hardly recognized him, when I saw him ,he used


作文翻译 Unit 1 李明是学化学的,性格开朗幽默,颇有魅力,但英语成绩不佳,每次只能勉强及格。老师警告他,英语不好会阻碍他拿奖学金,并亮出了自己的王牌:如果李明不努力,就让他考试不过关。老师还告诉他,学习英语不能只为了文凭,否则他即使大学毕业,也还是个半文盲。李明虽然保持镇定,但他明白,他的学业生涯正在攸关之际,必须安心下来埋头学习,坚持不懈。 Li Ming was a chemistry major, a charmer noted for his easygoing and humorous temperament. However, his English was so poor that he always barely got by. The teacher admonished him that his poor English would be an impediment to scholarship. What’s more, she showed her trump card: if Li Ming did not work hard. She would flunk him. He was also told that he should not learn English merely for the sake of his diploma. otherwise, even after graduation from university, he would still be semiliterate. Although Li Ming did not lose his composure, he was well aware that he had to settle down to work and follow through because his academic life was at stake. Unit2 我的朋友琳达接受过良好的教育,既美丽又端庄,三十好几依然没有人向她求婚。究其原因,她的事业心极强,整日扑在工作上,每天来往于住处和公司之间,根本没有时间和异性交往。一想到女儿这么大了还单身一人,她父母就焦虑不安。他们不知道该如何是好,甚至还去咨询一些社会学专家。 但是事情在上个月出现了转机,公司的总部调琳达到培训部。在新的工作岗位上,琳达遇到了第一个触动她心弦的男人。从此,他们几乎每天约会,琳达意识到她会不顾一切地爱这个男人。决定嫁人的时候,她告诉了我这个好消息。 虽然琳达的爱情让人想起电影中才会有的浪漫故事,我也担忧未来究竟会怎样,但我还是表达了我由衷的祝福,并爽快答应在婚礼那天做他们的伴娘和伴郎随从中的一员。 Linda, my good friend, has received good education and is both beautiful and elegant. She was not proposed to even when she was well over thirty. The reason is that she, as a career –oriented woman, is devoted to her work. Navigating between home and the company, she had hardly any time to socialize with people of the opposite sex. Her parents were gripped by anxiety at the thought of their daughter still remaining single at such an age. They did not know what to do and even consulted with some sociologists. But the situation began to change last month, when the headquarters of the company transferred Linda to the training department. On the new post, Linda met a man who tugged on her heartstrings for the first time. Ever since then, they dated virtually on a daily basis, and Linda realized that she would love the man beyond all reason. When she decided to take the matrimonial plunge, she informed me. Though Linda’s love is reminiscent of the romance that we see only in movies and I don’t know what the future will hold for her, I give her my heart-felt wishes and agree readily to be a member of the entourage of bridesmaids and groomsmen. Unit 3 食品供应商缺乏诚信已经成为当今社会的一大问题。部分企业欺骗公众,故意散布假消息,颂扬食品添加剂是食品工业的伟大成就,并声称适量的添加剂对健康有益无害。部分有良知的科学家对食品添加剂的含量和毒性展开了深入的病理学研究。研究结果表明,部分常见的食品添加剂经长期,可能会对健康产生危害,这被认为是食品安全研究方面极为重要的


2010年首都师范大学英语翻译基础真题答案 一、1. nuclear nonproliferation treaty《不扩散核武器条约》 2. comfort woman慰安妇 3. cultural industry文化产业 4. open economy开放型经济 5. non-profit organization非营利组织 6. Interior Ministry俄罗斯内务部 7. down payment首付 8. IMF:International Monetary Fund (联合国)国际货币基金组织 9. NATO北大西洋公约组织(North Atlantic Treaty Organization) 10. a stock exchange证券交易所 11.The State Council中华人民共和国国务院即中央人民政府, 12. Mount Everest埃佛勒斯峰(喜马拉雅山主峰之一,中国称珠穆朗玛峰) 13. anti-dumping反倾销 14. breaking news大事件,爆炸新闻;即时新闻。 15. national census全国人口普查 二、1.出口配额export quota 2.贸易逆差trade deficit,Unfavorable Balance of Trade 3.财政赤字financial deficits; budgetary deficit 4.中国人民政治协商会议the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC)

5.外资企业foreign-funded enterprise; foreign-invested enterprise 6.人才市场careers fair; talent market 7.珠江三角洲Pearl River Delta 8.网络犯罪network crime; cyber crime 10.生物恐怖主义: bioterrorism 11.美国参议员: senator. 12.联合国教科文组织United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization 14.美国国会Congress,United States 15.女权主义Feminism 三、1. A very large number of people cease when quite young to add anything to a limited stock of judgments. After a certain age, say 25, they consider that their education is finished. 很多人年纪轻轻,就不再去丰富自己有限的知识储备了。到了一定年龄之后,比如25岁,他们就认为自己的教育已经完成了。 2. It is perhaps natural that having passed through that painful and boring process, called expressly education, they should suppose it over, and that they are equipped for life to label every event as it occurs and drop it into its given pigeonhole. But one who has a label ready for everything does not bother to observe any more, even such ordinary happening as he has observed for himself, with attention, before he went to school. He merely acts and reacts. 经历过痛苦而乏味,所谓的明确教育,他们可能会很自然地认为教育已经完成了,自己已经有能力去归类生活中的每一件事,将其分门别类。但是,如果一个人可以把所有的事情都归为一类,那么他就没必要去


Unit 1 1) Our youngest, a world-class charmer, did little to develop his intellectual talents but always got by. Until Mrs? Stiffer. 我的小儿子是个世界级的力?人迷。学习不怎么动脑筋却总是能蒙混过关。直到遇到了史蒂夫老师。 2) No one seems to stop to think that一no matter what environments they come from—most kids don't put school first on their list uni ess they perceive something is at stake? 似乎没有人停下来想想看,无论孩子们来自何种环境,他们当屮大多数若不是发现情况到了危急关头,才不会把功课当做头等大事。 3) Of average intellige nee or above ,they eve ntually quit school, con eluding they were too dumb to finish. 这些学生智力水平至少也算小等,但最终都退学了,他们总结说自己太笨。 4) Young people generally don't have the maturity to value education in the same way my adult students value it. 年轻人往往不够成熟,不会像我的成人学生们那么重视教育。 5) It is an expression of confidence by both teachers and parents that the students have the ability to learn the material presented to them. 这表明老师和家长们都对学生有信心,相信他们能够学好发给他们的学习材料。 6) This means no more doing Scotfs assignments for him because he might fail. No more passing Jodi because she's such a nice kid. 这意味着再也不要担心因为斯科特不及格而替他做作业,再也不要因为朱迪是个乖孩了就放他过关。 Unit 2 1) I had always dreamed of being proposed to in a Parisian cafe, under dazzling stars, like one in a Van Gogh, knockoff that hangs in my studio apartment. In stead, my boyfriend asked me to marry him while I was Win dexi ng the bathroom mirror. 我一直有这样的梦想,在星光灿烂的晚上,在一家巴黎咖啡馆就像梵高所画的“一夜的咖啡馆”,我的工作室墙上就有一幅此画的翻木。然后我男朋友却在我用“稳得新”擦洗卫生间镜子的吋候叫我嫁给他。 2) But the more time a nd effort I put in, the more the universe tried to thwart me. The Greek band from Los Angels that I wan ted wasn't available. The stitchi ng I had requested for my cathedral veil was all wrong. My ivory silk gown was being quarantined somewhere in Singapore. 但是我投入的时间和精力越多,万事就越和我过不去,没有请到我想要的洛杉矶希腊乐队,我到教堂时戴的面纱的针线活也很糟,不是我原来要的,我订的彖牙丝绸也被隔离在新加坡


1.London is a very cosmopolitan city伦敦是个非常国际化的大城市。 2. Her mother grew up in the hectic urbon environment.她的母亲是在一种喧嚣的都市环境中长大的。 3 .New York is supposed to be very touristy.纽约被认为是一个充满旅游特色的城市。 4 .The city where I lived a few years ago was dynamic one.我几年前住过的那个城市是一个充满活力的城市。 5. Thetrain was crowded.那班火车非常拥挤。 6. The English often drink tea.英国人经常喝茶。 7 .The earth moves around the sun.地球围绕太阳转。 8 .Last year, I often went to the library of that university.去年我常去那所大学的图书馆。 9 .He left ten minutes ago.他十分钟前离开了。 10. Where did you got last night.昨晚你去哪里了? 11. Who phoned last night?昨晚是谁打的电话? 12 .What happened last night?昨晚发生了什么事情? 13. What does your brother do?你的哥哥是做什么的? 14. Whom is he talking with?他正在与谁说话? 15. When did they leave?他们是什么时候离开的? 16. Nowadays young people like to surf the net to get all kinds of information.现在的年轻人都喜欢上网冲浪,获取各种信息。 17 .The Internet is a good place where people can chat and exchange ideas.网络是一个大家可以聊天交流的好地方。 18 .These days I’ve been looking for materials for my paper.这些天来,我一直都在为我的论文寻找资料。

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