当前位置:文档之家› 初一英语作文练习





Name Jim

Country Canada

Age 12

Class six

Sex boy

Things Two pens , an eraser , a pencil , a pencil

case ,ten crayons

Friends Li Ming (boy ) and Zhang Hong (girl )

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 2.请你根据下面Zhang Hua 的个人小档案,介绍一下Zhang Hua 的情况。

Name Age Telephone Number Job

Zhang Hua 12 010- 86300036 Student

School Favorite color Favorite Clothes No.2 Middle School in Tonghua Red pants

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3 根据中文提示,写一篇50 词左右的短文。文章中要求包括所提供的所有信息,可适当发挥。

假如Kate 是你的朋友,今年13岁。她是英国人,长着长长的金发,蓝色的大眼睛,小鼻子,身高1.6 米。她最喜欢的衣服是裙子。她爸爸是一位教师,妈妈是一位护士。

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4. 下表显示的是你家人喜爱的三餐(three meals)食谱,请以“My family ‘s favorite food ”为题写一篇短文,介绍你和家人的饮食习惯(包括他们喜欢的食物水果等)。词数50 词左右。

meals Favorite food Favorite fruit

breakfast coffee , chicken grapes , pears

apples , bananas

lunch dumplings with meat and

cabbage , rice with chicken

supper cereal , beef oranges ,watermelons

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 5. 根据提示,发挥想象力,写一篇短文介绍一下你的好朋友。

提示:1. 她是加拿大人,名叫珍妮。

2. 她有一双蓝色的大眼睛,她最喜欢蓝色,她喜欢穿白色的毛衣和蓝色的裤子。

3. 汉堡包是她最喜欢的食物,她早餐吃汉堡包和鸡蛋。

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6. 每个人的家庭都是温馨的,请你以I love my family 为题写篇文章来介绍一下自己的家庭,如成员职业爱好等,可适当发挥,50词左右。


_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 7. 假设你们班在周五下午去动物园玩,在动物园里,你们见到了许多动物,请你根据下面的表格提示写一篇短文,介绍一下当时的情况。





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8. Jack 很喜欢中国,也很想了解中国的四季情况和人们在不同季节里喜欢做的运动。请根据以下提示,给Jack写一封电子邮件,向他介绍一下中国的四季。

要点:1. 季节和月份

2. 不同季节的天气状况

3. 不同季节人们喜欢做的运动

Dear Jack,

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________


Wu Yu 9. 请根据卡片内容向你的英国朋友Eric介绍一下北京的情况。






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10. 假设你是Kate Brown ,想寻找笔友。请根据下面的表格,发送一封介绍你自己的电子邮件。

Name Kate Brown

First Name Kate

Last Name Brown

Age 14

From Canada

Language English

Appearance (外貌) big blue eyes , long hair , round face

Favorite Sport football

Favorite Subject Biology (生物)

Favorite Movie Danger Zone

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1.Hello,boys and girls . My name is Jim , I’m from Canada . I’m 1

2. I’m

a boy . I have two pens , an eraser , a pencil and ten crayons in my pencil case . And I have two new friends . They are Li Ming and Zhang Hong . Li Ming is a boy and Zhang Hua is a girl . We are all in Class Six .

2.I have a good friend . Her name is Zhang Hua . She’s 12, she’s a student in No. 2 Middle School in Tong Hua . Her favorite clothes are pants and her favorite color is red. Her telephone number is 010 - 86300036. She ’s a good student .

3.Kate is my friend . She is thirteen . She is English. Her father is a teacher . Her mother is a nurse . Her favorite clothes are skirts . She has big blue eyes . She has long blond hair . Her nose is small . She is 1.6 meters tall . She is a nice girl . She is very lovely .

4. My family’s favorite food

In my family , we have different kinds of food for three meals . We like coffee and chicken for breakfast . After breakfast , we eat some grapes and pears . We usually eat dumplings with meat and cabbage or rice with chicken for lunch . Then , we sometimes eat some apples and bananas .

For supper , we like cereal and beef . After supper , we usually eat eat some oranges and watermelons . And the watermelon is my favorite fruit. Dumplings are my favorite food .

5. I have a good friend . Her name is Jenny . She is from Canada . She has long brown hair . Her eyes are big and blue . She likes to wear a white sweater and blue pants . Her favorite color is blue . Hamburgers are her favorite food . She has hamburgers and eggs for breakfast. She is a good girl. I like her .

6. I love my family

There are four people in my family . My father is a policeman . He likes to play football and plays it well . My mother is a doctor . She is very busy every day . But she often cooks for us after work . I have a little brother . He and I like to play ping-pong very much . After school , we often play together and we are very happy . My father and mother are nice to us . My family is warm .I love my family .

7. Today is Friday . We go to the zoo this afternoon . There are many animals in the zoo. Look !The monkeys are very cute and happy . They are running and climbing the trees. The tiger is lonely and hungry . He is eating meat over there . The panda is very cute and quiet . She is friendly

to us . She is eating bamboos. The lion is tired and sad . Maybe he is sick . He is sleeping and dreaming. I think he is missing the forest .

I love all these animals . I hope they are all happy !

8. Dear Jack ,

There are four seasons in a year in China . They are spring , summer , autumn and winter. March , April , May are spring months . It’s warm and windy in spring. We like to fly kites in spring . June , July and August are summer months . It’s hot and sunny . We like to swim in the river . September , October and November are autumn months . The weather is cool and cloudy .

December , January and February are winter months . It’s very cold and snowy in winter . I like to play in the snow .

How is the weather in the U.K. ? What do you like to do ? Can you write to me soon ?

Yours ,

Wu Yu

9. Hi , Eric ! Do you want to know something about Beijing ? Let me tell you .

Beijing is in the North of China . It’s the capital of China . Do you know what color the China’s flag is ? Well , it’s red and yellow . It has five

yellow stars . And people here speak Chinese . The weather is cold in winter and hot in summer . There are lots of places of interest in China , such as the Palace Museum and the Great Wall . Would you like to come to Beijing ?

10. My name is Kate Brown . I’m 14 years old and I’m from Canada . I have a round face , big blue eyes and long hair . I speak English . I play football after school . It’s my favorite sport . I like biology class at school . It’s fun . My favorite film is Danger Zone . Do you know it ? The movie is very exciting .

Please write to me soon and tell me something about you .

Yours ,



最新最齐全的初中英语作文万能模板 一、阐述主题题型 要求从一句话或一个主题出发,按照提纲的要求进行论述. 1. 阐述名言或主题所蕴涵的意义. 2. 分析并举例使其更充实. 中考英语作文万能模板:解决方法题型 要求考生列举出解决问题的多种途径 1. 问题现状 2. 怎样解决(解决方案的优缺点) In recent days,we have to face I problem-----A,which is becoming more and more serious. First,------------(说明A 的现状).Second,---------------(举例进一步说明现状)

Confronted with A,we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation. For one thing,---------------(解决方法一). For another -------------(解决方法二). Finally,--------------(解决方法三). Personally,I believe that -------------(我的解决方法). Consequently,I’m confident that a bright future isawaiting us because --------------(带来的好处). 二、说明利弊题型 这种题型往往要求先说明一下现状,再对比事物本身的利弊,有时也会单从一个角度(利或弊)出发,最后往往要求考生表明自己的态度(或对事物前景提出预测) 1. 说明事物现状 2. 事物本身的优缺点(或一方面) 3. 你对现状(或前景)的看法


初中英语作文带翻译范文大全初中英语作文:糟糕的一天My Sad Day Today, when I went home after school, I saw the delicious snack, so I wanted to buy one of the snacks, then I could not find my wallet, I searched it many times, at last, I had to admit that my wallet was lost. I felt so worried, so I turned back to find my wallet, I watched the road carefully, suddenly, a black dog was in front of me, I felt so scared. The hog yelled at me, so I ran, the dog run after me, I run into the shop and got rid of the dog. I have to went home because of it was dark, my mother came out and told me I forget to bring my wallet, how stupid I am. 翻译:今天,当我放学回家后,我看到了美味的小吃,因此我想要买一些小吃,然后我找不到钱包,我搜索了很多遍,最后,我不得不承认我的钱包弄丢了。我很着急,所以我返回去找我的钱包,我一路仔细查找,突然,一条黑狗在我前面,我很害怕。那条狗朝着我叫,所以我跑了,狗追赶我,我跑进了一家商店,摆脱了那条狗。由于天色已暗,我不得不回家,我的妈妈出来,告诉我我忘记了拿钱包,我是多么的愚蠢啊。初中英语作文:我身边的噪音The Noises Around Me I live in the school now, I will go home on the weekend, at first, I thought living in school could make me focus on my study, while the fact is not. At noon, when I take a snap, the noise from the building machine is so loud, our school is under construction now, so the workers work day and night. But I couldn’t sleep well, my head aches, without not good sleep, I can’t focus my mind to study. What’s more, some students are playing games in the corridor, they laugh so loudly that do not realize they are bothering us. I hope the school could let the workers stop working at noon for two hours, so that it will be good to students. 翻译:我现在在学校住,我会在周末回家,刚开始,我以为住在学校能让我集中精力学习,然而事实并非如此。在中午,当我午睡的时候,建筑的机器发出很大的噪音,我们学校现在正在建造中,因此工人日以继夜地工作。但是我无法好好入睡,我的头很痛,没有好的睡眠,我就无法集中精力学习。而且,一些学生在走廊外玩游戏,他们笑得如此的大声,没有意识到打扰了我们。我希望学校能让工人在中午停工两个小时,这样对学生好。初中英语作文:杜绝浪费Never Wasting the Food When I was small, I like to eat a lot of food, but I have a habit, I will not eat up all the food, I just like to taste all of it. When my mother saw this, she felt bad for me, she told me that all the food was the farmers’ hard work, I should not waste it. Thinking about this, I felt so shameful about my bad behavior, I decided to eat up the food. Wasting the food should be condemned, especially in the cities, people like to waste the food, they want to keep thin and only eat small portion. Now, the government advocates people clean the plate, this movement is welcomed by the public, more and more people have the idea not to waste the food. 翻译:在我小的时候,我喜欢吃很多东西,但是我有一个习惯,我不会把东西吃完,我喜欢浪费食物。当我的妈妈看到这些,她对我感觉不好,她告诉我所有的食物都是农民辛勤劳作的,我不应该浪费食物。想到这些,我对自己的坏习惯感到惭愧,我决定吃完所有的食物。浪费食物应该受到谴责,特别是在大城市,人们喜欢浪费食物,他们想要保持苗条,只吃小部分。现在,政府提倡人们光盘,这个做法得到了大众的肯定,越来越多的人意识到不浪费食物。初中英语作文:北京三日游A Three-day Tour to Beijing Last month I went to Beijing to visit one of my friends, because we haven’t seen each other for about two years and I got a holiday meanwhile. It is my first time to visit Beijing, which is always the dream city for all the Chinese. All the information about the city came from the books and TV, now I could see and get know of it by myself, how excited I am! There were so many tourist areas in my plan list, like Tian’anmen Square, Forbidden City, the Great Wall, t he Perking University and so on. However, due to my short holiday I only visit several places of my list, with my friend’s companion. I will take a long tour to Beijing next time if I have the chance.翻译:上个月我去北京看望我的一个朋友,因为我们有将近两年没见,而我刚好有假期。这是我第一次游览北京,这座全中国人都向往的城市。我对北京的所以认知都来自电视和书本,而现在我有机会亲自来看


怎样提高初中英语的写作技巧和方法 西畴县逸夫中学-----杨宗粉 【摘要】:培养学生写作能力须:打好词汇量基础;熟练记住单词;熟练使用简单句;加强听力训练,;书写规范,促进写作;注重听、说、读能力的同步发展;重视课外练习。注重学生平时的单词拼写与组句能力,提醒学生积累常用表达方式,要求阅读背诵精彩段落,同时教师要利用教材话题资源,结合多种训练与评价方式,提升学生思维能力,强化写作专项指导,使学生养成英语书面表达的习惯,最终达到英语作为语言交际的目的。 【关键词】:写作技巧;词汇量;写作方法;单词拼写组句能力;阅读背诵;常用表达方式 听说读写是构成英语语言交际能力的重要组成部分,其中要求较高的是“写”的能力。《英语课程标准》对各个年级学生“写”的技能提出了明确目标对于我们农村地区的学生来说,英语写作非常困难。尤其在每一次的英语考试中,英语写作题型总是必不可少的,而且占到 15-20分左右,可见写作在英语考题中占的比例还是较大的。但一提起写作学生们就犯愁,甚至一字不写,有的干脆放弃。写一篇像样的英语作文多80%的学生来说是“难于上青天”。针对这种现象来分析学生存在的问题和解决的办法: 一、学生写作过程中出现的现状 1.词汇量太少 词汇是英语写作必不可少的基本要素,要写好一篇作文以表达自己的思想,必须以足够的词汇量为基础,但实际上大多数学生掌握的词汇

量都达不到规定的要求,因而在写作时也就不能随心所欲地表达自己的思想。出现的问题往往有拼写错误,影响理解;词语误用,表达不准确;某一词语反复使用,语言表达缺乏变式,文章显得单调乏味;文章中出现大量“造词”,让人看了啼笑皆非等。 语法规则和句型句式是英语写作涉及的另一基本要素。学生英语写作中出现的“大错”又多半是由语法错误引起的,学生在写作中语法不规范、句子结构混乱、含义不清等情况屡见不鲜,Chinese English 现象更是不乏其中,所以词汇量和语法问题是中学生英语写作时首先要解决的问题。 2.词汇错误较多 学生在写作的时候,中式英语Chinglish :如There are many people would like to go on a vacation. I by bike to school every day. 2、词汇错误:错别字、近义词混淆、词性误用3、词组、句型使用不正确,缺乏重点句型的使用:如I spent one hour to read the book yesterday. 4、时态、语态、人称把握不正确(审题不正确)。思维模式总是先汉语,后转化为英语,可能他想到了句子该怎样写,句型也知道的,但却有个别单词不会。如:“对我来说学英语是困难的”这个句子可能他想到了,句子结构“it is+adj for sb to do sth”也知道,但里面的形容词difficult不会写,导致句子表达含糊,以至于整篇文章错词百出,面目全非。 3.写出的长句达不到表达效果 一般的英语应试作文,总会给出汉语提示,学生写作也是从提示


1.沉迷网络游戏 题目:李华沉迷于电脑游戏中,影响了学习。作为他的好朋友,你打算怎么帮他呢?请用下面所给的提示词写一篇不少于80字的短文。字迹工整,语言流畅。 提示词:give up, concentrate on, be (become)interested in ★范文Li Hua spent too much time playing computer games and he fell behind others. As a good friend of his, I must do something to help him. Firstly, I think it’s very important for him to learn lessons well. He should spend most of his time on his study instead of computer games. Secondly, I must tell him that playing computer games too much is bad for his health, especially for his eyes. So he must give it up. I can play more sports with him after school. Maybe he will become more interested in sports than computer games. And then I'll ask him to concentrate more on his study. Of course, I will try my best to help him with all his subjects. I think I can do it in many fun ways and let him find much fun in studying. At the same time, I'll ask both his parents and our teachers to help him, too. If I try these, I'm sure he will make great progress soon.


初中英语作文写作技巧 一、掌握常用过渡性词语 叙事文常用的句子间连接词 at first; at last; in the end…then / next/ after that… when / while/as soon as/not…until… at the same time; at times; once in a while; so that To one’s surprise/joy Luckily/fortunately/unluckily/unfortunately…in a word/in all 议论文常用连接词 表示并列:either…or; neither…nor; both…and; not only…but also; 表示递进的:besides; what’s more; what’s worse; (moreover); 表示原因的:because; for…; because of…; thanks to…; (for the reason that…); 表示结果的:so; as a result; so…that…; therefore; 表示目的的:so that…; in order that…; (in order) to…; for…; 表示对比的:while; on the one hand + on the other hand; Each coin has two sides.; prefer…to…; would rather do…than do…; 表示转折的:however; but; 表示举例的:for example; for instance; such as…; like…; that is to say… 表示总结的:in all/short; in a word; in brief/ total; last but not least; last; 表示利弊的:be good/bad for sb.; be harmful to sb.; do harm to sb.; …have great/much influence on sb.; sth. benefit sb.; sb. benefit from sth. affect; have an effect on sb.; 表示喜爱的:love/like/enjoy…; be fond of…; be interested in…; show great interest in…; lose oneself in…; put one’s heart into…; be good at; be poor at; be weak in; 表达个人想法的: I think/believe…; (as) for me; in my opinion/view; as a student; from the bottom of my heart; personally; 其他: in general; generally speaking; to be short; to be honest; to tell the truth; as we know; make up one’s mind to do; in a way; 二、记住作文万能句式I will work hard to make my dream come true. I hope your dream will come true one day. It takes sb. +时间+to do… Sb. spend(某种人称时态)+时间/钱+on sth./ (in) doing sth. It’s important/necessary/useful/useless/common…(for sb.) to v… It’s nice/kind of sb. to v.. It’s time for sb. to do sth. It’s a waste of time to… It’s …years/days since sb. +ved It’s great fun to do=sb. have great fun doing It’s a pity that…It’s an honor to…


初中英语作文万能模板 作文,是语言能力的综合体现,也是考查重点。提高写作的途径有很多,阅读、练习等,无论哪一种归根结底都被叫做积累。积累什么呢?这话问到点子上了,我们高中阶段对于英语写作的积累包括:句型,单词和词组,谚语,名人名言,甚至写作思路也是看的多了、写的多了、积累的多了才会逐渐清晰的!所以,要想写好作文,必须积累! 一. 开头句型 1. As far as...is concerned 就……而言 2. It goes without saying that... 不言而喻,...... 3. It can be said with certainty that... 可以肯定地说...... 4. As the proverb says, 正如谚语所说的, 5. It has to be noticed that... 必须注意到,...... 6. It's generally recognized that... 普遍认为...... 7. What calls for special attention is that... 需要特别注意的是...... 8. There's no denying the fact that... 不可否认......

9. Nothing is more important than the fact that... 没有什么比......更重要 二. 衔接句型 1. A case in point is ... 一个典型的例子是...... 2. As is often the case,... 正如通常情况下,...... 3. As stated in the previous paragraph, 如前段所述, 4. But the problem is not so simple. Therefore,... 但是问题并非如此简单,所以,…… 5. But it's a pity that... 但遗憾的是…... 6. For all that... 对于这一切...... In spite of the fact that... 尽管事实...... 7. Further, we hold opinion that... 此外,我们坚持认为...... 8. However , the difficulty lies in... 然而,困难在于...… 9. Similarly, we should pay attention to... 同样,我们要注意...... 10. In view of the present station, 鉴于目前形势, 11. As has been mentioned above, 正如上面所提到的, 12. In this respect, we may as well say... 从这个角度上我们可以说......


初一英语作文大全 There are some photos on the wall. They’re very beautiful. In the middle of the room, there is my bed. It’s not so big, but it’s very comfortable. Every night, I lay on the bed and have a good dream. On the right of the bed, there is my desk and chair. They’re in front of the window. My computer is on the desk. There is a lamp on the desk, too. I can do my homework here and play computer games. My bookshelf is on the left of the bed. There are a lot of storybooks and picture books in the shelf. I like them very much. Not everyone has a bedroom. I’m very lucky, because I have a very beautiful bedroom. I’ll try my best to keep it clean and tidy. 1. Our School

Our school is in the west of the city. It is very big with a tall teaching building. There are thirty classrooms, a modern library, a dinning hall and a gym. There is a big playground where we often have sports. There are lots of trees and flowers beside the playground. There are more than five hundred students and teachers in our school and we all work hard. Our school is so beautiful that we all like it very much. 2. How did you spend your summer vacation I had a busy and interesting summer vacation. I did my homework every day so I finished doing my homework ten days before the new term. I also played table tennis and basketball with my friends every day. I sometimes went movies and went to the parks with my friends. I surfed the internet, read books and watched TV every evening. I visited my grandparents and helped them with the housework, too. I helped my parents clean the room and


初一上学期英语写作指导 一、如何进行人物介绍和能力描述 人物介绍包括自我介绍和对他人进行介绍。在进行介绍时,可从姓名、年龄、年级、班级、工作、籍贯、爱好、朋友等多方面进行表述,常用的句型有: 1. I’m …. / My name is …. / His name is …. 我是……。/ 我叫……。/ 他叫……。 2. I’m / He’s / She’s from…. 我/他/她来自于……。 3. I’m / He’s / She’s …… years old. 我/他/她……岁。 4. I’m / He’s / She’s Chinese. 我/他/她是中国人。 5. I’m / He’s / She’s in …. 我/他/她在……班。 6. I / He / She can … and he / she can …. 我/ 他/ 她会…. 和…。 7. I / He /She can … , but he / she can’t …. 我/ 他/ 她会…. 但不会…。 二、如何描述物体所在的位置 一般描述物体位置可以按空间顺序描写,运用适当的介词说清物体的具体位置, 常用的句型有: 1.This is …. 这是……。 2.There is / are …. 有……。 3.The … is in front of the classroom. …在教室前面。 4.The … is behind / next to / under the …. …在…的后面/ 隔壁/下面。 5.Next to the… is …. 挨着……是……。 6.There are some … in my school. 我的学校有一些…。 三、如何描述和介绍家庭情况、职业 可先介绍家庭的总体情况,然后再分别介绍家庭中各个成员之间的关系,最后可以发表一下对家庭的感受或做适当的评价。可用以下句型: 1.There are ……people in … family. …家有……口人。 2.They are ……. 他们是……。 3.I / He / She have / has got …. 我/ 他/ 她有……。 4.I / He / She haven’t / hasn’t got any …. 我/ 他/ 她没有……。


初中英语作文万能模板范文万能句子 篇一:初中关于环保的英语作文 为人格教育的项重要内容来抓。每个人都要履行保护环境的责任和义务。 Harmony with the environment is that we live in on Earth, who is a natural son, and not only to natural persons as the conqueror, as we all know, there is only one earth and the mountains on Earth, the animals. Plant human cells, if it damaged, destroyed nature organizations, to the eradication of mankind. Therefore, the environment must be linked with social ethics, character education and practice acts as an important element of it. Everyone must fulfil its responsibilities and obligations to protect the environment. Man and His Environment(人和环境)Man and His Environment

Throughout history man has changed his physical environment in order to improve his way of life. With the tools of technology he has altered many physical features of the earth. He has transformed woodlands and prairies into farms and made lakes and reservoirs out of rivers for irrigation purposes or hydroelectric power. Man has also modified the face of the earth by draining marshes and cutting through mountains to build roads and railways. However, man's changes to the physical environment have not always had beneficial results. Today, pollution of the air and water is an increasing danger to the health of the planet. Each day thousands of tons of gases come out of the exhausts of motor vehicles. Smoke from factories pollutes the air of industrialized areas and the surrounding areas of the countryside. The pollution of water is equally harmful. The whole ecological balance of the sea is being changed and industrial wastes have already made many rivers lifeless.


初一英语作文大全1. Our School 我们学校 Our school is in the west of the city. It is very big with a tall teaching building. There are thirty classrooms, a modern library, a dinning hall and a gym. There is a big playground where we often have sports. There are lots of trees and flowers beside the playground. There are more than five hundred students and teachers in our school and we all work hard. Our school is so beautiful that we all like it very much. 我们学校在城市的西部。这是非常大的一个高大的教学楼。有30间教室,一个现代 化的图书馆,食堂和健身房。有一个大操场,我们经常有运动。有许多树木和花草操场旁边。有超过500的学生和教师在我们的学校,我们都努力工作。我们学校是如此的美丽,我们都非常喜欢它。 初一英语作文大全2. How did you spend your summer vacation 如何过暑假 I had a busy and interesting summer vacation. I did my homework every day so I finished doing my homework ten days before the new term. I also played table tennis and basketball with my friends every day. I sometimes went movies and went to the parks with my friends. I surfed the internet, read books and watched TV every evening. I visited my grandparents and helped them with the housework, too. I helped my parents clean the room and cook meals. The most important was that my parents and I went to Hannan Island and spent a week there. 我有一个忙碌而有趣的暑假。每一天我做功课,所以我完成了新一届十日前做我的功课。我每天也打乒乓球和篮球与我的朋友。我有时去的电影,去和我的朋友们的乐园。我使用过互联网,看书看电视,每天晚上。我到外婆家和帮助他们做家务了。我帮我父母打扫房间和做饭。最重要的是,我的父母和我去汉南洲,花了一个星期在那里。 初一英语作文大全3. A happy Day 快乐的一天 It was sunny and very hot today. I got up early and helped my parents cook breakfast. Then I washed the dishes and cleaned the room. After a short rest I did my homework in the morning. In the afternoon I went swimming in the nearest


初一上学期英语写作指导 仅作参考,供有自学能力的学生学习,时间匆忙,未仔细校 版) 如何进行人物介绍和能力描述 人物介绍包括自我介绍和对他人进行介绍。 在进行介绍时,可从姓名、年龄、年级、班级、工作、籍贯、爱好、朋友等多方面进行 表述,常用的句型有: 1.1 ' m …./ My name is …./ His name i我是..... …./我叫....... 。/他叫 2. I 7 m / He 7s / She 7s f ro我/他?/她来自于... 。 3. I 7 m / He 7s / She 7s ..... years/他她....... 岁。 4. I 7 m / He 7s / She 7s C hir我se他/她是中国人。 5. I 7 m / He 7s / She 7s i n我/他/她在........ 班。 6. I / He / She can … and he / she can 我/ …他. / 她会…. 和…。 7. I / He /She can …,but he / she can 我7他… 她会….但不会…。 例一: 假设你有一位来自美国的朋友Smith,请你根据下面的提示写一篇短文介绍他。提 示: 1. 他是第十一中学的学生; 2. 他在一年级六班; 3. 他会弹钢琴但不会踢足球. 4. 他还有一位好朋友叫贝蒂; . 我们在同一所学校上学。 范文: I have a good friend. His name is Smith. He comes from America. He s a student in No. 11 Middle School. He 7 s in Class 6, Grade 1. He can play the piano but he can t play football. He another good friend. Her name is Betty. We are in the same middle school. We all like our school. 二、如何描述物体所在的位置 一般描述物体位置可以按空间顺序描写,运用适当的介词说清物体的具体位置,常用的句型有: 1. This is ?这 是

七年级英语作文 12篇

新目标英语七年级上册作文范文: 1. My Friend(我的朋友) I have a good friend. Her name is May. She is 12 years old.Her telephone number is 87634966 Her birthday is March 5th. She is good at English and Chiese.She often plays the piano. She likes reading books and listening to the music. Her hobbies are reading and listening to music. She is a nice girl. We often help each other. We are good friends. 1.我有一个好朋友。她的名字叫梅。她12岁。她的电话号码是87634966 。她的生日是3月5日。她擅长英语和汉语。她经常弹钢琴。她喜欢看书和听音乐。她的爱好是读书和听音乐。她是一个好女孩。我们经常互相帮助。我们是好朋友。 2.假设你是李枚,下面的照片是你的全家福,请你写一篇文章介绍你的家庭。Hello,everyone!I'm LiMei.Look! This is my family photo. This is my grandmother. She is 58. This is my father. He is a teacher. He is 36. and my mother is 36, too. Who’s that boy? Oh, he is my brother. He is 13 and I am 12. My brother and I are students. 2.大家好!我是LiMei.看!这是我的全家福。这是我的祖母。她58岁。这是我的父亲。他是一名教师。他36岁。我的母亲也是36岁。那个男孩是谁?哦,他是我哥哥。他13岁,我12岁。我的哥哥和我都是学生。 3.假设这是TOM的房间,请你用80词左右介绍他的房间。 Look! This is Tom’s room. His photos are on the wall. His T-shirt is on the bed. His baseball bat is behind the dresser. The keys are in the drawer. The computer is on the desk. Where is Tom’s baseball? Oh, It’s under the bed. What is on the floor? They are Tom’s shoes, socks and computer games. What do you think of Tom’s room? 3. 瞧!这是汤姆的房间。他的照片挂在墙上。他的T恤在床上。他的棒球棒在梳妆台后面。钥匙在抽屉里。计算机在书桌上。汤姆的棒球在哪里?哦,在床底下。地板上是什么?它们是汤姆的鞋子,袜子和电脑游戏。你觉得汤姆的房间怎么样?


初一英语写作指导 一、如何进行人物介绍和能力描述 人物介绍包括自我介绍和对他人进行介绍。在进行介绍时,可从姓名、年龄、年级、班级、工作、籍贯、爱好、朋友等多方面进行表述,常用的句型有: ’m…./Mynameis…./Hisnameis….我是……。/我叫……。/他 叫……。 ’m/He’s/She’sfrom….我/他/她来自于……。 ’m/He’s/She’s……yearsold.我/他/她……岁。 ’m/He’s/She’sChinese.我/他/她是中国人。 ’m/He’s/She’sin….我/他/她在……班。 He/Shecan…andhe/shecan….我/他/她会….和…。 He/Shecan…,buthe/shecan’t….我/他/她会….但不会…。 二、如何描述物体所在的位置

一般描述物体位置可以按空间顺序描写,运用适当的介词说清物体的具体位置, 常用的句型有: 1.Thisis….这是……。 2.Thereis/are….有……。 3.The…isinfrontoftheclassroom.…在教室前面。 4.The…isbehind/nextto/underthe….…在…的后面/隔壁/下面。 5.Nexttothe…is….挨着……是……。 6.Therearesome…inmyschool.我的学校有一些…。 三、如何描述和介绍家庭情况、职业 可先介绍家庭的总体情况,然后再分别介绍家庭中各个成员之间的关系,最后可以发表一下对家庭的感受或做适当的评价。可用以下句型: 1.Thereare……peoplein…family.…家有……口人。 2.Theyare…….他们是……。 3.I/He/Shehave/hasgot….我/他/她有……。 4.I/He/Shehaven’t/hasn’tgotany….我/他/她没有……。 5.Thisisabig/smallfamily.这是一个大/小家庭。 6.My/His/Herdad/mumisa…….我/他/她爸爸/妈妈是……。

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