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She reversed her car into a parking space.

"Hah! I've finally prevailed!" shouted the girl in red.

The wedding was very fancy; there were flowers everywhere.

There were few survivors of the plane crash.

Abortion ends unwanted pregnancies. 流产终止了意外怀孕

The elephants are approaching us.

In America, the Congress writes laws.在美国,由国会制定法律。

I hope the guy holding this rope is reliable.我希望攥着绳子的这家伙是可靠的. This facility contains many different kinds of products.


Biking is an exercise activity.骑自行车是一种锻炼活动。

My mom instructs me how to play golf.我妈妈教我怎么打高尔夫。

The court will make fair judgments.法院会做出公平的判断。

I have never seen such an unusual incident in my life.


The tower transmits the TV signal.这座塔负责传送电视信号。

The law prohibits spitting in public.该法令禁止在公共区域随意吐痰。

He almost died from exposure to cold temperatures.


"Will anybody volunteer to clean the park up?" "I'll do it!"


That politician's a liar! Don't believe him! 那个政客是个骗子!别相信他!"This math problem is so difficult it makes my head hurt!" she complained.


In the brief moment when the meteor flashed across the sky, she made her wish.


They accused each other of being wrong.他们相互指职责对方做错了。

Sort your garbage into different bins.请把你的垃圾分类放入不同的垃圾桶。

Let's go see the Picasso exhibit [?ɡz?b?t]tomorrow. 我们明天去看毕加索的展览吧。They contributed food to help feed hungry people.他们捐出食物来帮助饥饿的人。Now, I'll apply some cream to your face.现在,我会涂一些面膜在你脸上。

Nothing in life is permanent, but a diamond comes close to it.


He tried to add more capital to his business. 他打算对他的生意继续增加投资。

He climbed to the peak of the mountain to watch the sunset.他爬到山顶去看日落。Despite the fact that my parents hated her, I still asked her to marry me.


I'd love to be the first to explore another planet.我想成为探索其他星球的第一人。

A policeman has to pursue criminals who try to escape.警察得去追尝试逃跑的罪犯。We decorate the tree to celebrate Christmas.我们装饰了这棵树来庆祝圣诞。

Why would you risk your safety like that?你为什么要冒着生命危险那样做?

The garbage truck is automatic, so you don't have to lift the trash can yourself.


This plant generates electricity for the entire city.这间工厂产出电力供全城使用。

The salesman persuaded us to buy a car. 这个销售员在说服我们俩买辆车。

The mother is very efficient; she can watch her kids and do her work at the same


I want a lot of people involved so we can finish the task quickly.


The stadium is filled with numerous sports fans.体育场边坐满了体育爱好者。

Your idea sounds feasible--I think it would work.你的想法听起来可行,我觉得这能成。We signed the contract and I bought the house.


I gave a 10 euro donation to the homeless man.我为那个无家可归的人捐了10欧元。You should have insurance to pay for your medical care.


I want that specific peach--the one right there!我要那个桃子,就是那个!

If they keep fighting she will ask for a divorce.如果他们继续闹下去,她会提出离婚的。She observes the liquid very carefully.她观察液体时十分仔细。

All the pipes are of a consistent size.所有的管子都是一样的尺寸。

Dogs are the most faithful, loyal pets you can have.狗是你最忠实的宠物。

He criticised me for not doing my work very well.

The people of China and India have worked hard for their economic success.


It's her job to assess her patient's health.她的工作就是评估病人健康。

The line chart shows one thing, whereas the bar chart shows another.


The boss pays me minimum wage; I wish he would pay me more!


I promise that I am telling you the truth.我保证我所言非虚。

He perceived the sound even though he was far away.


The man installs a ceiling fan.这男人把吊扇装上了。

I didn't understand, so I asked him to clarify what he wrote.


This lens helps me see small things.这块镜片可以帮我看到很小的东西。The woman will undergo surgery to cure her disease.


In chess, the contrast between black and white is easy to see.


This is the newest edition of the book.这是这本书最新的版本了。Every week I measure my waist to see how much weight I've lost.


Computers are so complex--I can't understand them at all.


There are tens of thousands of different species of birds.


They all approve of my good performance.他们都称许我良好的表现。The executives of both companies discussed the issue in depth.


The suggestion given was relevant to our problem.


She was very good at her job, so her boss promoted her to a higher position.她工作表现很棒,所以她的老板把她升到了更高的位置。

His behavior in class has improved a lot over the past month.


These panels capture the sun's radiation to make electricity.


The Yin-Yang is a symbol of harmony.阴阳是和谐的一种象征。

The road was closed by a barrier.这条路设置了路障,被封锁了。

Both of these children need to be taught better conduct.


Our on-line community connects us all to each other.


"Is the news current?" "No, it's from yesterday."

“这是最新的新闻吗?” “不,这是昨天的了。”

Please contact me by phone or email.请通过电话或电子邮件与我联系。Technology is progressing at a rapid pace. 科技发展日新月异。

The sun is the ultimate source of energy.太阳是能量的终极来源。Sometimes we should respect the limitations imposed on us.


The sales representative sold me a car.这个销售代表卖给我一辆车。

:I have a preference for fruit.我对水果有偏爱。

I'll transfer these files from one folder to the other.


Please revise your paper - it needs some corrections and improvements.


All the members of the council were given equal importance.


The patient is in critical condition--move quickly!病人处境非常危险,动作要快!The sign alerted me that there was poison in the neighborhood.


The bill was paid from my account.我用我的户头支付了账单。

It's smart to compare products when you go shopping.


This inflation is crazy; apples cost double what they did a year ago!


I am filled with anxiety about finishing my work.要完成工作让我感觉很焦虑。They coordinate all the house's colors so the colors will match well.


The presents were distributed to everyone at the party.礼物派发给了派对上的所有人The lawyer advocates for his client, but only because he is getting paid.


Don't lose your grip on the mountain--you don't want to fall.


Fingerprints are unique to each individual.每个人的指纹都是独一无二的。

Wow, this cell phone has so many cool features!


The little boy has so much confidence in himself that he decided to be a superhero!


What happened to my money to make it shrink so much?


Only invited wedding guests are entitled to sit here.


The basement is musty and has a strange smell to it.这地下室发霉了有股奇怪的味道。All the people on the earth have their fundamental humanity in common.


I gave the survey to 1,000 people, and most said that the product was good.


If you see dark clouds, it's likely that it will rain.如果你看到乌云,可能会下雨。

The computer is so expensive because it has a high resolution display.


You committed the crime, and now you're liable for the consequences!


We met at a convention to talk about our different businesses.


I use these implements to take care of my garden.我用这些工具来整理我的花园。

The science teacher explained what all the compounds were.


She must find the answer in a reference book, like a dictionary.


Try to keep your speed in the 40 to 80 kilometers per hour range.


The stamp certifies that the product is genuine and not a fake.


This small car is very economical on gasoline.这种小型车辆非常节省汽油。

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