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同长对话一样,短文的开头一般会负载着主题信息,结尾也往往归纳或重申作者的观点。因此,短文听力的一头一尾常设置考点,值得加倍留意。【例1】A)The fierce competition in the market.

B)The growing necessity of staff training.C)The accelerated pace of globalisation.D)The urgent need of a diverse workforce.[2009.12/T30]【录音】One of the biggest challenges facing employers and educators today is the rapid

advance of globalization.The market place is no longer national or regional,but extends to all corners of the world.And this requires a global?ready workforce...Q:What is one of the biggest challenges facing employers and educators today?


C 中的accelerated pace 是文中rapid advance 的近义表达。[答案:C]

【例2】A)Reflective thinking is becoming critical.

B)The labour market is getting globalised.C)Knowing a foreign language is essential.D)Globalisation will eliminate many jobs.[2009.12/T32]【录音】...Students themselves,however,may not realize that when they graduate,they

will be competing in a global labor market.And universities need to raise awareness of these issues amongst undergraduates.

Q:What should college students realize according to the speaker?




【例3】A)By finding sufficient support for implementation.

B)By taking into account their own ability to change.C)By constantly keeping in mind their ultimate goals.D)By making detailed plans and carrying them out.[2007.6/T27]【录音】...It’s not that change is impossible but that it won’t last unless our resolutions

are supported with plans for implementation.We have to make our intentions manageable by detailing the specific steps that will carry us to our goal...Q:How can people turn their new year’s resolutions into reality?

【解析】考点体现出“语义重点出题”的原则。It’s not that...but that 结构有强烈的对比含

义,We have to...进一步补充说明前一句的意思。此处的by 结构不应该漏听。原文谈到“我们必须通过细化能够把我们带往最终目的的步骤,从而使我们的打算变得可执行”,D 是原文by detailing the specific steps...的同义表达,D 正确。[答案:D]

【例4】A)Major European airlines will go bankrupt.

B)Europeans will pay much less for traveling.

C)Traveling time by train between major European cities will be cut by half.D)Trains will become the safest and most efficient means of travel in Europe.


【录音】...If their proposal becomes a reality,it will revolutionize train travel in Europe.

Journeys between major cities will take half the time they take today...Q:What will happen when the proposal becomes a reality?


提议成为现实的话,欧洲的火车旅行将发生革命性的变化,欧洲主要城市之间的旅行时间将会缩短一半。”选项C 正确。[答案:C]

【例5】A)He disliked being disciplined.B)He was expelled by the university.

C)He couldn’t pay his gambling debts.D)He enjoyed working for a magazine.


【录音】As an unskilled game player,he often lost money.Since he couldn’t pay his

gambling losses,he left the university and began working for magazines.Q:Why did Edgar Allen Poe leave the University of Virginia?

【解析】本题符合“语义强调处出题”的规律,since 表因果关系。原文说:因为爱伦坡无法

还赌债,所以退学了,C 正确。[答案:C]三、举例、引用处常考

短文常常通过举例或引用某人的话来说明某一问题或观点;当听到for example/instance,such as,first,second 等词时,应特别留意。

【例6】A)Ancient people were better at foretelling the weather.

B)Sailors’sayings about the weather are unreliable.C)People knew long ago how to predict the weather.



D)It was easier to forecast the weather in the old days.[2008.12/T27]【录音】Sailors took note of this long ago,and came up with the saying,“The farther

the sight,the nearer the rain.”...Sounds bounce off heavy storm clouds and re?turn to earth with increased force.An old saying describes it this way,“Sounds traveling far and wide,a stormy day will be tied”...

Q:What does the speaker want to show by quoting a couple of old sayings?

【解析】短文两次提到谚语时用的是long ago 和old saying,这与C 中的People knew long

ago 对应,两句谚语的内容都体现了怎么预测天气,故选C。[答案:C]四、解释说明处常考

短文在陈述某一现象后,接着进一步补充说明,帮助读者理解。解释说明处,也是短文的常考命题点。当听到that is,which means 等词时,应特别留意。【例7】A)Expensive drugs may not prove the most effective.

B)The workings of the mind may help patients recover.C)Doctors often exaggerate the effect of their remedies.D)Most illnesses can be cured without medication.[2007.12/T32]【录音】...Evidence from a 1997study at the University of California shows that several

patients who received such substances were able to produce their own natural drug,that is,as they took the substance their brains released natural chemicals that act like a drug...

Q:What evidence does the 1997study at the University of California produce?

【解析】由effective,recover,effect,cure 关键词看出,选项讨论药效问题。关键词that is

后面的内容对前面作进一步补充说明,为听音关键。短文说:“1997的研究证明,几个服用这样的物质的病人体内能够自己产生天生的药物,也就是说,当他们服用该物质时,他们的大脑释放出产生出药一样效果的天然化学物质。”言下之意,大脑对身体康复具有积极作用,所以B 正确。[答案:B]五、比较处常考

短文中出现形容词、副词比较级或最高级,同级比较as...as...,in comparison,by contrast,whereas,compared with 等引出的比较结构,以及出现两种情况的对比时,这些地方常是命题重点。

【例8】A)Pretend to be in better shape.

B)Have more physical exercise.

C)Turn more often to friends for help.D)Pay more attention to bodily sensations.[2008.12/T34]【录音】...In addition,people are more likely to pay attention to certain bodily sensations

such as aches and pains when they are under stress and to think that they are sick...

Q:What are people more likely to do when they are under stress?




Train travel will prove much more comfortable than air travel.B)Passengers will feel much safer on board a train than on a plane.C)Rail transport will be environmentally friendlier than air transport.D)

Traveling by train may be as quick as,or even quicker than,by air.


【录音】...If businesspeople can choose between a three?hour train journey from city?

center to city?center and one?hour flight,they’ll choose the train,says an execu?tive travel consultant.They won’t go by plane any more.If you calculate flight time,check?in and travel to?and?from the airport,you’ll find almost no differ?ence.And if your plane arrives late due to bad weather or air traffic jams or strikes,then the train passengers will arrive at their destination first...

Q:Why will businesspeople prefer a three?hour train journey to a one?hour flight?


车和乘飞机进行了比较,提到,若算上飞行时间、登机时间和往返于机场的时间,乘火车与乘飞机几乎没有什么区别;若因天气等原因造成飞机延误的话,坐火车还更快。D 与此一致。[答案:D]六、数字、地名等信息处常考

短文中的数字、地名、时间常用来说明观点,是细节中的重点。根据选项内容,听音时注意标记表示年份、年龄、价钱、时间等的数字。【例10】A)Germany.B)Japan.C)The U.S.D)The U.K.


【录音】...Today,it exceeds every country but Japan where industrial employees log

2,155hours a year,compared with 1,951in the US and 1,603in the former West Germany...

Q:In which country do industrial employees work the longest hours?

【解析】but、表比较句式compared with...以及一连串的数字预示听音重点。原文说,“如

今,除了日本以外,美国比任何国家的工作时间都长。”短文还具体列出日本、美国、西德三地工人一年的工作时间予以比较。B 正确。[答案:B]

【例11】A)In 1981.B)In 1989.C)In 1990.D)In 2000.


【录音】...France introduced the first 260?kilometer?per?hour highspeed train service be?

tween Paris and Lyons in 1981,the trains have achieved higher and higher speeds...

Q:When did France introduce the first high?speed train service?


公里的火车”,故A 正确。[答案:A]




Test 1

Passage One

26.A)People’s admiration for their great emperor.

B)An Indian emperor’s eternal love for his wife.C)The strong power of the ancient country.

D)The permanent reign of the brilliant emperor.27.A)She saved him from an attempted assault.

B)She prevented many civil wars.

C)She educated all his children on her own.D)She advised him on national affairs.28.A)In the Taj Mahal.B)In a foreign hospital.

C)In prison.D)In an isolated building.Passage Two

29.A)It is a modern city with a gentle pace of life

B)It combines western and eastern cultures perfectly.C)All residents speak fluent Cantonese and mandarin.D)All shopping centers provide a lively atmosphere.30.A)Busy schedules.B)Fast food stands.

C)Churches.D)Modern buildings.31.A)It costs less to buy new commodities than repairing old ones.

B)Shops are open 24hours a day in Hong Kong.C)Varieties make it hard to decide what to buy.D)Prices of merchandise are low and competitive.Passage Three 32.A)Doubtful.B)Guilty.C)Sad.D)Pessimistic.33.A)Because he benefited a lot from people’s advice.

B)Because he always held up to his dreams.C)Because he was in fact a versatile genius.D)Because he got great help from his followers.34.A)His body was too strong and his name too long.

B)He never made any movie poster with his name.C)His face was too ugly and his brain too simple.D)He played too many Nazi roles on the screen.35.A)Fabulous fortune.B)Faith in himself.

C)Larger circle of friends.D)Vision of serving people.


Passage One

If there is a building which symbolizes a country—such as the Eiffel Tower for France and Sydney Opera House for Australia—then it has to be the Taj Mahal for India.“Taj”means crown and “Mahal”means palace.And the story behind the build?ing is just as great as the Taj itself.[26]It has been described as the greatest monu?ment ever built for love.It was set up by Emperor Shah Jahan in 1653in memory of his wife,Mumtaz Mahal.From the time they got married,they would not be separated.[27]She followed him to wars,advised him on affairs of state,and was loved by his people for her good work.But she died in 1631during childbirth,after producing 14children.[26]The emperor was heartbroken and had the Taj Mahal built as a sign of his eternal love.It took more than 20years for the Taj to be built.Workers were brought in,not only from all over India,but from central Asia too.A total of 20,000people worked on the building.In 1657Shah Jahan fell ill,and in 1658his son,Au?rangzeb,took the chance to imprison his father and seize power.[28]Shah Jahan stayed in prison until his death in 1666.It is said he spent the last days of his life staring into a small piece of glass at the reflection of the Taj Mahal,and died with the mirror in his hand.He was finally buried there with the wife he could never forget.

26.What did Taj Mahal represent?


纪念皇后而建的,故B 为答案。高频出现的词汇往往是答题关键,B 项的核心词eternal love 和wife 在文中多次提及。

27.What did Mumtaz Mahal do to support Emperor Shah Jahan?

[D]【解析】短文提到,Mumtaz Mahal 跟随丈夫南征北战,对国事出谋划策等,故D 为

答案。列举处是常见的出题点。对于这种题,最有效的方式试边听边记。本题符合听力短文“听到什么选什么”的答题原则。28.Where did Emperor Shah Jahan eventually die?

[C]【解析】原文提到,Shah Jahan 在狱中一直待至去世,故C 为答案。A 是Shah Jahan

与皇后Mumtaz Mahal 合葬的地方。Passage Two

[29]Hong Kong is an exciting mix of east culture and west culture.The majority of people here are Chinese and speak Cantonese.[30]But added to this Chinese universe are western symbols.Churches share their landscape with Buddhist temples and for?eign restaurants stand out on streets filled with Cantonese food stands.The city is en?riched by the colorful traditions of ancient Chinese culture.But it is also an exciting,busy and modern place.It has something for everyone—wonderful sights,many different islands and of course,great shopping.“Shop till you drop”is what many visitors to



Hong Kong say to themselves as they walk up and down the crowded streets.[31]Be?cause it has no taxes on its goods,Hong Kong offers endless chances for shoppers.From the street markets to small designer shops,there is something to suit every taste and every bank balance.Imported goods,such as Japanese cameras and electronic de?vices,can be found for almost the same price as in Western countries.And what makes Hong Kong shopping shine is its variety—for the same kind of product you have a lot of alternatives to choose from and from simple daily use commodity to more so?phisticated equipments,you can find whatever you want.Some people even say if you can’t find something here,it probably doesn’t exist in the world!Markets are a way of life in this city.If you ever want to pursue great shopping and a lively atmosphere,you should go to the Temple Street Night Market,Ladies Market,and the ever popular Stanley Market.

29.What is people’s general impression of Hong Kong?

[B]【解析】短文首句点出香港是一个东西方文化融合的地方,B 是对原文的同义转换,

故为答案。C、D 选项出现了很绝对的说法all,通常都不会是正确选项,可直接排除;另外背景知识辅助判断,A 和C 都是错误的描述,所以确定B 为答案。短文的首句为考点,这在听力短文中屡见不鲜。

30.What are the “western symbols”mentioned in Hong Kong?


为正确答案。But 转折往往是考点所在。

31.Why can shoppers “shop until they drop”in Hong Kong?


税价格便宜,商品种类也丰富,极大地刺激了游客的购买欲。故D 为答案。原文中出现了because,此时需高度注意其后的内容,这往往是考点所在。Passage Three

The first time Arnold Schwarzenegger went to the United States,he was competing in the World Championships in Body building.[32]He lost,felt devastated and cried because he thought he disappointed his friends and himself.But the next day he got his act together,and said,“I’m going to learn from that lesson.”And from then on,he continued.His career took off,and everything that he wanted to do he accomplished.[33]All of this happened because of his dreams.Even though other people told him that those dreams were crazy,he held on.

In Hollywood,they said,“You will never make it.You have a German accent.No one in Hollywood has ever made it with a German accent.Maybe you can play some Nazi roles,but you cannot become a leading star with an accent.[34]Plus your body is overdeveloped.You have all these muscles.They did Hercules movies 20years ago,but that’s outdated.[34]And your name,Schwarzenegger,it is too long to fit on a movie poster.Forget it,you will never make it.Go back to body building.”Well,the rest is

history.After Terminator 3,he became the highest paid movie star in Hollywood.

When he ran for governor people said,“Arnold,you will never become governor of California.What do you know about government?”Well,he continued campaigning.He listened to his dreams,and the rest also is history.He became the governor.So those dreams carried him on.So body building gave him the confidence,movies gave him the money,[35]and public service and being a governor gave him a purpose larger than himself.

32.How did Schwarzenegger feel when he lost in the bodybuilding competition?


伤心欲绝,大声痛哭,C 中的sad 是对原文devastated 的同义转换,故为答案。如果没有听到或者不理解devastated,从cried 和其后解释原因时提到的disappointed 等词也可选出答案C。

33.Why did Schwarzenegger later accomplish all the things he wanted to do?


想,敢想敢干,故B 为答案。本题符合短文听力“听到什么选什么”的答题原则。34.What do some people list as disadvantages for Schwarzenegger to become a movie star?[A]【解析】短文提到,每一次施瓦辛格冲击梦想时都遭到很多人的劝阻,他们说他身

材过于健硕、有德国口音和名字太长等。故A 正确。选项B、C、D 分别是对施瓦辛格的歪曲,文中并没有提及或暗示。

35.What did he get from his successful political experiences?

[D]【解析】短文提到,从政使施瓦辛格懂得要服务他人。故选D。A 是电影带给他的;B

是健美运动带来的;C 所说的广交朋友,没有在文中提及。

Test 2

Passage One

26.A)The schools want to maintain the orders of the class.

B)The schools want to reduce students’study pressure.C)The police are trying to protect students against crimes.D)The police are keeping the trace of a criminal.27.A)Any suspect on campus.B)Anyone on campus.

C)Students without ID cards.D)Visitors to the campus.28.A)Supportive.B)Frightened.C)Doubtful.D)Indifferent.Passage Two

29.A)It is a symbol of modern beauty.

B)It is a controversial cosmetic.C)It helps keep the lips moist.D)It reflects the wearer’s taste.30.A)A kind of red fruit.

B)Flower petals.C)A sort of rare fat.

D)A natural dye.

31.A)They were inconvenient to use.

B)They were hard to manufacture.



C)They were used up too soon.D)They were too fragile to keep.32.A)It is easier to use.

B)It can last longer.C)It becomes colorful.D)It becomes delicate.

Passage Three

33.A)Cold temperature.B)Reduced daylight.

C)Lack of sleep.D)Hard working.34.A)Because you can breathe more fresh air.

B)Because it can do good to the eyes.C)Because you can have more light.D)Because that can heat up the room.35.A)Sleeplessness.B)Headache.

C)Mental disorder.D)Winter blues.


Passage One

[26]POLICE in the UK have launched a stop and search program around three Manchester universities this autumn in a bid to reduce the number of crimes against students.Since recently there have been more criminal activities happening on campus than ever before,universities have become more concerned.The new program covers the campuses of Manchester and Manchester Metropolitan Universities and the Manchester Institute of Science and Technology.A great many uniformed police officers have been deployed around these areas to keep order.[27]They are being allowed to stop and search anyone without grounds of suspicion around the campuses.The plans will be in force for the first three weeks of every term.A police spokesman said that it was very important for students to be aware of the increased risks of crime directed at them.[28]The policy was welcomed by many at the beginning of this term,when thousands of new students descended on the city.Over 62,000violent crimes were recorded last year by the police in Greater Manchester area,which covers 500square miles,that is 1,280square kilometers,and has a population of 2.58million.Dan Sims,21,a UK student who is majoring in English language and literature,was definitely in favor of the scheme.“Manchester has such a high crime rate and [28]anything to reduce this would be beneficial to and welcomed by both students and the whole area in general.”Sims said.

26.Why is the stop and search program proposed?

[C]【解析】分析选项,从schools,police,protect,criminal 等关键词可知文章的主题为

警察对校园的保护。原文提到,英国的警方实行了一项stop and search 行动,其目的是为了减少针对学生的犯罪。故C 正确。

27.What kind of people can the police stop and search?


查任何人,即使没有怀疑的理由也可以这样做。故B 为答案。28.What is the students’attitude toward the program?


为答案。welcome 在短文中出现过两次,抓听该词并不难,正确选项A 中的supportive 是同义替换。Passage Two

[29]Lipstick plays an important role in sexual attraction and can even protect the lips from drying out in harsh weather:No wonder it’s the most important item in a woman’s cosmetics bag.Around 50per cent of all women wear lipstick.Coloring the lips is certainly not a new idea.Evidence suggests it was practiced as early as 3,500BC.[30]In the past,a natural dye was used to paint lips.It was not until the 17th century that lipstick manufacturing really took off.The lipstick was made of mixtures that included pig fat and red sandalwood.It was kept in tiny pots and applied with a coloring stick.Lipstick was invented and first shown by Parisian perfumeries in Amsterdam.[31]But these “little red sausages”were less than practical.They were wrapped in silk paper and the ends had to be broken off before each use.They also did not come cheap.Over the years the sticks became less expensive and new colors were developed.But it was not until 1950that lipstick was accidentally re?invented—this time by the Americans.Today there are so many types of lipsticks and shades that it is hard to keep track of them.Faced with the large number of choices in the cosmetic departments,it is easy to forget that there is a whole science to manufacturing them.The basic ingredients are colors,oils and waxes.But they can contain up to 30different materials.Lipstick manufacturers have to achieve a delicate balance.[32]They need a thicker oil to make the lipstick last longer,but a thinner one to make it easy to apply.[29]Different oils also provide protection for sensitive lips,preventing them from drying up.

29.What can be learned about lipstick from this passage?

[C]【解析】这篇短文一头一尾都提到protect the lips from drying,也就是强调它的保

湿功能,C 项是其同义表达,故为答案。解答短文听力题必须要紧扣原文:A 错在modern,短文提到给嘴唇上色不是一种new idea;B 中的controversial(有争议的)没有原文根据;D 推理过度。本题再次印证短文听力的开头和结尾往往是命题之处的规律。

30.What did people use to paint lips in the past?

[D]【解析】短文提到,人们过去用一种天然的染料来描绘嘴唇,故D 为答案。正确选项

D 是原文再现,本题符合短文听力“听到什么选什么”的答题原则。张冠李戴是设置干扰项的常用手法。A 中的red 在文中不是修饰fruit;文中提到了pig fat,而不是C 中的rare fat。


31.What was one of the disadvantages of the first lipsticks?


掉,可见其缺点之一是使用不便,故A 为答案。原文所提到的had to be broken off 并不能推理出C 和D,这两项属于过度推理。But 转折之处是常考点,本题又是一个例证。

32.How is the lipstick if a thicker oil is employed in the materials?

[B]【解析】文章尾部提到制造商需要更浓的油使口红使用的时间更持久,故B 为答

案。Passage Three

Seasonal affective disorder,or the so?called SAD,is a type of winter depression that affects millions of people.[33]It usually starts in late fall,with the decrease in daylight hours,and ends in spring when the days get longer.SAD symptoms can include sleep problems,changes in appetite,depression,fatigue and loss of sexual desire.The most successful treatment for SAD is light therapy:you may spend anywhere from 30minutes to two hours in a tanning room.But,since those are not available at home,here are some easier things to try.[34]You may move your desk or kitchen table closer to a window so that you can catch all the light that a winter day can offer.Make sure you get regular exercise.You should try exercising outdoors,if possible.A mid?afternoon hour?long walk can be very beneficial to your health and mood.Furthermore,you should also get on a regular sleep schedule,avoid staying up late and try to eat a well?balanced diet.To keep a healthy diet you may avoid eating too many sweets and starches.[35]Not everyone who suffers from difficulties in the winter has SAD.Some may just have the winter blues which is a psychological problem more than a physical problem.But if you’re in a gloom,take a cue from some of the SAD research and try the following:turn on more lights in your home or office;wear bright colors to cheer yourself up and those around you;or bring fresh flowers into your home whenever possible.

33.What may be the cause of SAD?

[B]【解析】短文提到,SAD 通常发病于在白天时间缩短的晚秋时节,等到春天白天时

间变长就消失。由此可知其病因与白天的时间长短相关,故答案为B。随后在治疗的部分反复强调如何增加接触光线的机会,利用反向思维,可以推断答案是B。C 是症状,不要误选。

34.Why is it suggested to move the desk and kitchen table close to the window?[C]【解析】短文提到,移动桌子到窗边以便多吸收光线。故C 为答案。35.What is the illness mentioned similar to SAD?


winter blues。故D 为答案。本题符合听力短文“听到什么选什么”的答题原则。

Test 3

Passage One

26.A)It was named after a French king.B)It was named after a place.

C)It was named after its inventor.D)It was named after a factory.27.A)By putting sugar into grapes.B)By human feet stamps.

C)By simple machines.D)By beating with shoes.28.A)It tastes a little bitter rather than sweet.

B)It is manufactured in more wine?producing areas.C)It is made of rice instead of grape juice now.D)It boasts more varieties and better quality now.29.A)It causes problems occasionally.B)It stands for romance.

C)It seems to be a kind of life necessity.D)It is only for breakfast.Passage Two

30.A)Because Amery Ice Shelf is the largest and most typical ice shelf.

B)Because they wanted to challenge themselves in extreme climate.C)Because they desired to collect stuff to study global warming.D)Because they were curious of the living conditions there.31.A)Taking advantage of rare sunshine.

B)Putting up with annoying bears.C)Having access to nutritious food.D)Protecting themselves from coldness.32.A)Small.B)Changing.C)Remote.D)Unbearable.Passage Three

33.A)The colors around them.B)The sun.

C)The body odors.D)The moonlight.34.A)They need to lay eggs in certain places.

B)There is a lack of food in Mexico.C)They have a magic instinct to do so.

D)They can’t bear the cold winter in the north.35.A)The second.B)The third.C)The fourth.D)The fifth.


Passage One

French wine?making began more than 2,500years ago.The world’s oldest type of vine grows in France and always produces a good quality wine.Today France produces one?fifth of the world’s wine,and some of the most famous varieties.The top wine?producing areas are Bordeaux,Burgundy and the Loire Valley.[26]Champagne,a drink used in celebrations,is named after the place where sparkling wine was first



produced in 1700.Wine is made from the juice of freshly picked grapes.It is the sugars that turn into alcohol.

[27]Traditionally,people used to take off their shoes and crush the grapes with their bare feet to bring out the juice.Nowadays,this practice is usually carried out by machines.Each wine?producing region has its own character,based on its type of grapes and soil.The taste of wine changes with time.[28]Until 1850,all French champagne was sweet.Now,both wine and champagne taste slightly bitter.

The drink has always been linked with riches,romance and nobleness.[29]Yet the French think of it in more ordinary terms.They believe it makes daily living easier,less hurried and with fewer problems.[29]Wine drinking has become part of the French lifestyle,just like tea has for the Chinese.For a Frenchman,it is possible to start drinking wine at breakfast,carry on until the early hours of the next morning,and still be able to walk in a straight line.

26.How was the name “Champagne”given?

[B]【解析】四个选项中都包含name after,由此猜测问题是问it 的得名由来。原文提

到,汽酒“香槟”得名于1700年首次生产时的产地,故答案为B。27.How was the juice of grapes brought out in the past?


和used to 比较关键,暗示了这是人们以前的做法,故B 为正确答案。28.How has French champagne changed over more than a century?


苦涩。所以A 是答案。原文关于其有否增加产地、改变用料则没有提及,故B、C 不对;而D 的概括过于笼统。

29.What does “wine”mean to French people?


日常的饮料,葡萄酒已成为法国人生活方式的一部分,由此可知C 为答案。A 的干扰主要来自于problems,这个词在原文有出现,但原文是相反的意思fewer prob?lems,所以A 与原文相悖。B 的干扰来自于文章的主题“法国人”和“葡萄酒”的联系,很容易使人陷入常识性的理解“法国是一个浪漫的民族”。D 中有一个限制范围的词only,一般选项中出现这样绝对的修饰词,往往不会是正确答案。Passage Two

The Chinese Antarctica expedition returned to Shanghai on March 20following a month living on the ice.It was the first time Chinese scientists had visited the Amery Ice Shelf—the longest ice shelf in the world.[30]The team collected ice samples and data on temperatures,which are necessary for research on global warming.So far,about 27countries have visited Antarctica for scientific research.Although the living condi?tions are very hard,many scientists have to stay there for long periods of time.So,how do they manage their lives on the ice?

During the summer,the temperature in Antarctica reaches about -20℃.It falls to about -60℃in winter.So,even if there are 24hours of sunshine,[31]scientists must keep wearing all the correct clothes to protect them from the cold.These clothes in?clude jeans,running shoes,jackets,long underwear,boots and woolen socks.Although highly technical clothing provides much protection against the extreme cold,scientists often need to go outside when there is an icy wind blowing and the temperature is -30℃.Natural protection such as facial hair can also help.“That’s why many re?searchers wear a beard.It really does keep you warm,”says German explorer Arved https://www.doczj.com/doc/365582273.html,ually,the polar researchers have good meals.Some even have feasts on holi?days like Christmas and New Year’s Day.Vegetables are always welcomed and usually finished the quickest.[32]Life on the ice means living with other researchers in tight living spaces.Most people sleep in dorm?style rooms.More remote field camps use separate tents.So,at least some researchers don’t have to put up with annoying snor?ers.

30.Why did researchers visit Amery Ice Shelf?

[C]【解析】原文提到,人们到Amery Ice Shelf 为研究全球变暖搜集冰块样本和数据,

故C 为答案。

31.What is the matter that researchers care most for living in Antarctica?

[D]【解析】短文提到,科学家们必须穿合适的衣服防寒,故答案为D。A 错在rare,且不

具概括性;B 误将snorers 理解为bears;C“获得有营养的食物”根本不是他们担心的事,因为文中说他们吃得很好。

32.What best describes the living space of most researchers on the Amery Ice Shelf?[A]【解析】原文提到,由于居住空间紧张,大多数人住在宿舍式房间里。tight living

spaces 表明居住空间比较拥挤,故A 为答案。原文提到较远的营地使用分开的帐篷,所以C“遥远的”并不能回答问题;虽说空间不大,但也不至于达到D“无法容忍”的程度;B 的干扰作用最大,因为这是对科学考察人员居住地的常规理解,但原文没有提到这一点。Passage Three

One of the greatest mysteries in biology—how the monarch butterfly travels thousands of kilometers on its yearly migration—has just been solved.[33]Monarch butterflies use the sun to set their body clocks and make their journeys,according to US scientists.No other butterfly in the world migrates like the orange and black monarchs of North America.[34]They cannot live for long periods in cold weather.Each autumn,thousands travel up to 3,000km to spend winter in the mountains of Mexico.There are so many that they almost block out the sky.And you can hear their wings beating.It usually takes the butterflies two months to reach Mexico.After five months of staying,they head back up north in the spring.But not one butterfly finishes the whole round?trip.



They lay eggs along the way and die.Three generations of butterflies will live and die during the spring journey alone.[35]The fourth and final generation of the year is born in early autumn and will reach the north.But it hardly gets to rest before starting the long journey south to Mexico.The most amazing thing about these butterflies is that they return to the very same tree in Mexico that their great?great?grandparents used the winter before.[33]This new study now shows that the insects use a body clock as part of their sun compass.In laboratory tests,monarch butterflies were found to fly in the right direction under normal daylight hours.But those flying in 24?hour light headed straight towards the sun.They no longer had any sense of time.

33.What plays an important role in setting up the sense of time in Monarch butterflies?[B]【解析】文章提到研究结果发现是太阳帮助霸王蝶建立时间感,而且这个信息在短

文中出现了两次,一次是在文章的开头部分,另一次在文章的中间,以this study shows 来引导。故B 为答案。注意,反复出现的词往往是答题的关键。34.Why must Monarch Butterflies migrate each autumn?



35.Within a migration round?trip,which generation will finally return back to the north?[C]【解析】原文提到,第四代也就是最后一代蝶才能返回北方,故选C。原文中与

fourth 并列出现的还有一个同位语final,也就是强调霸王蝶一年中一共孵化四代,由此可排除强干扰项D。

Test 4

Passage One 26.A)30.B)42.C)62.D)80.27.A)Potential of human endurance.B)Superpower of magicians.

C)Communication with supernatural forces.D)Street magic.28.A)He took advantage of his large circle of friends.

B)He attempted all sorts of adventures worldwide.

C)He combined fantastic magic with successful publicity.D)He never made any mistake in his performances.29.A)All were concerned about boxes.

B)All were demonstrated with celebrity.

C)All were demonstrated longer than a week.D)All were live telecast.Passage Two

30.A)A real book.

B)A computer file.C)A handled device.

D)A piece of paper.


Government may stop it as abnormal competition.B)Writers won’t always be happy to gain exposure.C)The websites do not make profits in this way.D)Some people may misuse the websites.


They’re still searching for effective ways blindly.

B)They’re at a loss how to make e?books small enough.C)They’ve lowered the price of e?books greatly.

D)They’ve progressed much in making e?books like real ones.

Passage Three

33.A)It is being swallowed by the Atlantic Ocean.

B)It is gradually sinking into the rising sea.

C)Its islands are being invaded by another country.D)Its citizens are in desperate need of food supply.34.A)The long history shatters its ground.

B)The canals under it begin to collapse.C)It is getting increasingly warmer.

D)It is flooded far more often than before.

35.A)They produce greenhouse gases by burning fuels.

B)They pollute the environment by cutting plants.C)They add more and more wastewater to the sea.D)They take up larger and larger living space.


Passage One

American magician David Blaine is to be suspended in a glass box over the River Thames in London [26]for six weeks without food.The 30?year?old New Yorker is famed for spectacular feats like being frozen in ice.He is to be placed in solitary confinement on September 5in what he calls “the most extreme exercise in isolation and physical deprivation ever attempted.”Against the background of London’s Tower Bridge,he will spend six weeks suspended by a crane in a clear box “with no food,no communication and no distractions of any kind.”He will have one tube to give him water and another for urinating.[27]“We are all capable of infinitely more than we believe,”said Blaine.His endurance test will be shown live on British television.

Blaine rose to fame with his “street magic”displays in New York.This will be the first time he attempts a major feat outside the United States.[28]Over the last decade Blaine has become famous with a combination of breathtaking magic and sharp publicity feats,using television specials,celebrity friends and unusual tests of endurance to earn millions of dollars and thousands of fans.In May 2002,for example,Blaine climbed an 80?foot pillar,about 25meters,in New York City and stood on a



platform the size of a large pizza box for 35hours before jumping into a pile of boxes.Other recent feats have included standing for 62hours in a giant cube of ice in 2000and a week?long stay in a buried coffin in 1999.[29]All were shown live on television.26.How many days will David be suspended in a glass box?

[B]【解析】文中首句就提到David 将在玻璃盒中待上6周,后文详细介绍时又一次提

及six weeks,故B 为答案。A 是他的年龄,后面的单位是year,C 是文章最后提到的数据,后面的单位是hours,D 后面的单位是foot。27.What is David’s major feat meant to demonstrate?

[A]【解析】文中先引用David Blaine 的话说“我们都比自己以为的有能力得多”,随后

说他的endurance test 由英国电视台直播,说明他的举动旨在展示人的耐力,即A。比较或类比是常设的考点。

28.How did David establish his fame in New York?

[C]【解析】David Blaine 得以成名靠的是惊人的魔术技巧和精明的宣传技巧相结合。C

正确。B 中的worldwide 与文中“这是他第一次在美国之外演出”不符。A 和D 分别说了问题的一个方面,都不全面。

29.How did David increase the attraction in his recent feats?


意力的方法,D 正确。Passage Two

E?books are bringing about a profound revolution in the way books are read.In the future it’s likely we’ll get used to clicking instead of flipping to read the next page.[30]An e?book,short for “electronic book,”is any published work—containing text and/or graphics—[30]stored as a computer https://www.doczj.com/doc/365582273.html,ers can read them by downloading the files onto a desktop computer,laptop or portable device such as a personal digital as?sistant (PDA).They can also use a handheld gadget designed specifically for reading digital books.Downloading books onto a desktop or handheld device is becoming more and more common.Books can be downloaded from the Internet at a much lower price than it would cost to buy paperbacks.Some websites even offer downloading free?of?charge as many writers and websites are happy just to gain some exposure.[31]But ex?perts believe these services won’t remain free for long,as it is not the way to make profits.

Handheld e?book devices certainly have a long way to go before gaining widespread acceptance.Some book lovers say they are used to paperbacks and that the cold,clumsy machines are uncomfortable to the touch,not to mention the loss of the pleasure of holding a book in the soft,yellow glow of a bedside light.[32]E?book de?velopers and producers are aiming at improving the technology to make e?books more like real books to attract more readers.They have been making great strides.

30.What is an e?book like?

[B]【解析】短文开头即对电子书下定义,指出它是以电脑文档的形式出现的,故B 为

答案。根据常识可排除A 和D。C 是强干扰项,事实上,a handheld device 只是阅读电子书籍的手段。

31.Why did experts believe downloading free?of?charge would not last long?


故C 为答案。注意考点内容由but 引导:但专家指出,这种做法将不会久远。然后由as 引导的原因状语从句指出原因。可见,重要信息出场前的信号词对于确定正确答案功劳不小。

32.How well have e?book developers and producers been doing to attract more readers?[D]【解析】原文提到,开发者和制造商都致力于把电子书做得更像真书,并且取得了

长足的进步,故D 为答案。C 中的price 在前文提到过,但是电子书的价钱本身就比纸质的书低,不是解决问题的根本。A、B 是对开发人员和制造商发展方向的错误理解。Passage Three

TUVALU,a tiny country in the Pacific Ocean,has asked for help [33]as it fears it will be swallowed up by the sea.Storms and huge waves are a constant threat and none of Tuvalu’s nine little islands is more than five meters above sea level.Salt water is already entering the country’s drinking water supply,as well as damaging plants that produce fruit and vegetables.Without urgent help,the country’s days are numbered.But Tuvalu is not the first place to face sinking into the sea.Venice,a historic city in Italy best known for its canals,has sunk about 24cm over the past 100years.Experts say that it will have sunk another 20?50cm by 2050.[34]A century ago,St.Mark’s Square,the lowest point in the city,flooded about nine times a year.Nowadays,it happens more than 100times.While Venice is slowly sinking into the mud on which it stands,Tuvalu’s rising sea level is caused by global warming.The average global temperature has increased by almost 0.5degree centigrade over the past century.Scientists expect it to rise by an extra 1?3degrees over the next 100years.Warmer weather makes glaciers melt,adding more water to the ocean.The warmer temperatures also make water expand,so it takes up more space,causing the sea level to rise.The sea level has risen about 10?25cm in the last 100years.[35]The main cause of global warming is human pollution.Through burning coal,oil and gas,people have been increasing the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere,such as CO 2.This adds to the power of the greenhouse effect,making the planet even warmer.

33.How is Tuvalu endangered?

[B]【解析】文中首句便说:Tuvalu 担心自己将被大海吞没。B 正确。听完全文即应知道,

本文主旨讲海水平面上升,可排除C、D。若A 正确,则B 必然正确,由此可在预读选项时先排除A。



34.What is the problem with St.Mark’s Square?

[D]【解析】原文提到,St.Mark’s Square 现在遭受水灾的次数比一个世纪前多得多,故

D 是答案。

35.Why are human beings responsible for the mentioned disaster?


增加温室效应气体二氧化碳,故A 正确。听到原文说the main cause(主要原因)时,应引起重视,因果关系处常设考点。

Test 5

Passage One

26.A)Women would like to stay at home.B)

People were more friendly.

C)Students paid for their board.D)Immigration was encouraged.27.A)There are too many of them.B)

They have a bad reputation.C)They don’t pay taxes.D)They are not cooperative.

28.A)Paying the families who volunteer.

B)Appealing to all sorts of families.

C)Giving compulsory orders to young couples.D)Arranging homemakers for those families.29.A)Trouble.B)Youthful feeling.C)


Passage Two

30.A)Growing number of people making calls over the Internet.

B)Increasing cost due to lack of technology progress.

C)Customers’appealing of cutting the price of long distance call.D)Intense competition among the existing phone companies.31.A)Integrating software with traditional telephone.

B)Combination of computer and telephone.

C)Software application with Internet connection.D)Connecting microphones with the computers.32.A)It undermines the pricing system.B)It triggers a price?cutting.

C)It needs to be further researched.D)It breaks down the telephone traffic.Passage Three

33.A)A water current struck his ship violently.B)A wave carried his ship far away.

C)Great noise came down from the sky.D)Rough storms suddenly occurred.34.A)Kidnap by aliens.

B)Kidnap by ghosts.

C)Attack from sea creatures.

D)Transportation to other times and places.

35.A)Fast currents sweep away the wreckage caused by terrible weather.

B)The magnetic power draw them down to the ocean bottom.

C)Some planes or ships lose contact with their remote controllers.D)Icebergs destroyed the passing vehicles and enclosed them.


Passage One

Laura Straub is a very worried woman.Her job is to find families for French teenagers who expect to live with American families in the summer.It’s not easy,even desperate.“We have many children left to place:40out of 75,”said Straub,who works for a Paris?based foreign?exchange program called LEC.[26]When exchange programs started 50years ago,family life was more accommodating.For one thing,more mothers stayed home.But now,increasing numbers of women work outside the home.Exchange?student programs have struggled in recent years to sign up host families for the 30,000teenagers who annually come from abroad to spend an academic year in the United States,as well as the thousands more who participate in summer programs.[27]School systems in many parts of the U.S.,unhappy about accepting non?taxpaying students,have also strictly limited the number of exchange students they accept.At the same time,the idea of hosting foreign students is becoming less appealing.In searching for host families,who usually receive no pay,[28]exchange programs are increasingly broadening their appeals to include everyone from young couples to retirees.“We are open to many different types of families,”said Vickie Weiner,eastern regional director for ASSE,a 25?year?old program that sends about 30,000teen?agers on academic?year exchange programs worldwide.[29]For elderly people,exchange students “keep us young—they really do,”said Jean Foster,who is hosting 16?year?old Nina Porst from Denmark.

26.Why were exchange students more welcome by families 50years ago?


不外出工作,故A 为答案。比较级在短文听力中经常被设为考点,必须留意。27.Why are exchange students no longer popular in the U.S.?



28.How do the exchange programs attract more hosting families?


所有家庭:从年轻夫妇到退休人员。故B 为答案。同义替换是短文听力里最常见的解题技巧之一。本题B 项appealing to all sorts of family,就可以与原文中broadening their appeals to include everyone from young couples to retirees 意思接近。

29.What may exchange students bring to elderly hosting people?




住宿家庭后,出现双赢局面。一方面解决了交换生的住宿问题,另一方面交换生使老年人感到年轻,所以给他们带来的是年轻的感受,故B 为答案。Passage Two

[30]The growing phenomenon of people who are making cheap or free long?distance calls over the Internet,particularly in China,[30]is forcing phone companies around the world to rethink how they should charge for similar services.Internet Protocol Telephony,or in other words the IP phone,is the key issue facing policy?makers,regulators and the industry.Internet Protocol Telephony—the technical term for Net?based telephone and data services—is rapidly changing the way people communicate.

Use of the Internet for voice messages started around 1994,[31]when it became possible for computer users to talk to one another,provided that each had the same software and logged on at the same time.Advances in technology by 1996made it possible for a PC user to call a regular telephone user.By 1997phone?to?phone Internet had become possible.The traditional phone companies are eyeing a market of more than 1.5billion phone,fax and cell?phone users worldwide.Telecom providers continue to use traditional telephone networks for most long?distance calls,but International Telecommunications Union research shows rapid growth over the Net:from no significant international telephone traffic in 1997to just over 35per cent by 2002.The ITU research estimates that by 2008up to 50per cent of international telephone traffic will be Net?based.[32]It’s a technology that undercuts the pricing policies and business models of existing operators.Price and cost savings are forever driving the market.30.What forces the phone companies to rethink their charge for phone service?


使得许多电话公司不得不重新思考收费这一问题,故A 为答案。31.What made it possible for computer users to talk to each other?


可以彼此交谈了,故C 为答案。表示逻辑关系的连接词往往是听音关键。对于这一题,关键词是provided that,它引出条件状语从句,可以解释用户利用计算机进行交谈的前提。

32.How does the Internet Protocol Telephony influence the telephone industry?

[B]【解析】短文末尾指出,网络电话这门技术使定价政策和运营商系统削价,故B 为

答案。原文提到D 项中的traffic,但事实是电话的交通会转向以网络为基础,而不是D 项所说的“搞垮”交通。短文还提到C 项中的research,但没有提到对网络电话的进一步研究,而是强调目前的研究所显示的互联网的迅猛发展。A 和B 项都跟价格有关,通过同义替换,原文的undercut(削弱,以低价竞争)应理解为B 项的降价,而不是A 项的undermine(破坏)。

Passage Three

The Bermuda Triangle is one of the greatest mysteries of the sea.In this triangular area between Florida,Puerto Rico and Bermuda in the Atlantic,ships and airplanes seem to disappear more often than in other parts of the ocean.And they do so without leaving any sign of an accident or any dead bodies.It is said that Christopher Columbus was the first person to record strange happenings in the area.His compass stopped working,a flame came down from the sky,and [33]a wave 100to 200feet high carried his ship about a mile away.The most famous disappearance in the Bermuda Triangle was the U.S.Naval Air Flight 19.On December 5,1945,five bomber planes carrying 14men took off on a training mission from the Florida https://www.doczj.com/doc/365582273.html,ter that day,all communications with Flight 19were lost.They just disappeared without a trace.The next morning,242planes and 19ships took part in the largest air?sea search in history.But they found nothing.Some people blame the disappearances on supernatural forces.[34]It is suggested the missing ships and planes were either transported to other times and places,kidnapped by aliens or attacked by sea creatures.There are also natural explanations,though.The U.S.Navy says that the Bermuda triangle is one of two places on earth where a magnetic compass points towards true north instead of magnetic north.Therefore,planes and ships can lose their way if they don’t make adjustments.The area also has changing weather and is known for its high waves.[35]Storms can turn up suddenly and destroy a plane or ship.Fast currents could then sweep away any trace of an accident.

33.What happened when Columbus sailed across the Bermuda Triangle?


将他的船冲出了很远,故B 为答案。注意,数字以及与它相伴的信息常常伴随着考点。34.Which assumption is not mentioned in the passage to explain the disappearances of

ships and planes?


猜测,包括向其他时空的转移和被外星人虏走或海怪袭击等,故B 为答案。短文中的列举容易被设为考点,故听音时尤其注意要听清所有列举。35.What’s the official explanation for the disappearances?


迹。A 与此相符。文中没有提到C、D 中的controller 和iceberg,故可排除。文中说到magnetic,只是说磁针方向有变化,没说磁力有多大,故B 错。Test 6

Passage One

26.A)He helped her find a job.

B)He fought with her about little things.C)He gave her encouragement and support.



D)He scolded her in front of their friends.


She was too busy to pay attention to her own image.

B)She couldn’t afford new clothes with the pay from her new job.C)Her husband was unhappy when she spent much on clothes.

D)Her husband felt unbalanced as she was more successful than him.28.A)

She feels guilty of not being a good wife.

B)She is in a dilemma between family and career.C)She has no desire for her career any more.D)She insists of being a career woman.

Passage Two

29.A)Local clubs.B)Concerts.C)Countryside.D)Big cities.30.A)100squares.



D)Only one big square.

31.A)Selecting partners for dancers.

B)Playing the rhythm for dancing.C)Giving orders and teaching dancers.D)Honoring the best square dancers.32.A)Match making.B)Entertainment.


Fit keeping.D)Fashion show.

Passage Three

33.A)He intended to make trouble.B)He was an amateur yachtsman.

C)His self?made yacht was out of control.D)He went through the wrong channel.34.A)Informing the Coast Guard of his departure from the port.

B)Having a talk with the Coast Guard after he is helped out.C)Keeping in touch with the Coast Guard while he is sailing.D)Paying for what has been spent in rescuing him.35.A)He needed a sense of responsibility.

B)He needed better sailing skills and yachts.C)He was the luckiest sailor they’ve saved.

D)He was the most courageous man they’ve met.名师点评

Passage One

For the first ten years of our marriage,I was very happy to stay home and raise three children.Then four years ago,our youngest child went to school and I thought I might go back to work.My husband thought highly of my idea and helped me to make my decision.[26]He did all the housework I used to do,and said he thought I could be a great success in business.After several weeks of job?hunting,I found my present job,which is working for a small public relations firm.At first,my husband was very proud of me and would tell his friends,“My clever little wife can run that company she’s working for.”But later my husband stopped talking to me about my job.I have

received several promotions and pay increases,and I am now making more money than

him.I can buy my own clothes and a new car.[27]Because of our incomes,my hus?band and I can do many things that we always dreamed of doing,but we don’t do those things because he is very unhappy.We fight about little things and my husband is always scolding me in front of our friends.For the first time in our marriage,I think there is a possibility that our marriage may come to an end.[28]But I love my husband very much,and I don’t want him to feel inferior,but I also love my job.My desire to be a good wife is no less than the desire to be a career woman.26.How did her husband respond when the speaker wanted to work again?


这证明他对她从家庭妇女重返职场变成职业女性的支持,故C 是答案。录音直接提到过B 和D 所述的两种情况,但要注意这两种情况出现的时间是在女主人公在工作上获得嘉奖、导致丈夫心理不平衡后,而问题是问她一开始重返职场时丈夫的反应,所以排除B 和D。A 项说丈夫帮助她找到了工作,而原文指出他只是帮她做所有的家务并且鼓励她,工作是妻子花了几周时间自己找的,所以排除A,剩下C 是答案。

27.How does her husband behave when the speaker begins to earn more money

than him?


友面前损“我”。可见丈夫心理不平衡了,D 正确。28.How would you describe the speaker’s emotional state?


的情感状态是矛盾重重,故B 是答案。短文结尾处两个but 引导的内容表明她既爱丈夫又爱事业。选项A、C、D 均只谈其中的一个方面,而B 则兼顾两项,故正确。dilemma“困境,左右为难”。Passage Two

In the United States the most popular form of folk dancing since the early days has been square dancing.[29]In early times,when men and women worked in groups to harvest crops,they danced when their work was done.The music came from the violin for the most part,but if there was no one to play a musical instrument,clapping was used to produce the rhythm.The early settlers danced in a store or in a farm kitchen.[30]A square is formed by four couples who stand facing the center of the square.Each couple stands on one side of the square,the boy on the left and the girl on the right.[31]The caller is an important part of the dance,since he tells the dancers which steps to do.If the dancers do not know the steps,he teaches them.It takes time to learn to be a good caller,and good callers are always in demand.These are the names of some of the steps the dancers do:Form a square;Circle;Honor your partner;Swing your partner;Form a star.[32]They dance for nothing but https://www.doczj.com/doc/365582273.html,rge or


small numbers of people can dance at one time.Sometimes 800or 1,000people may be dancing at the same time.Special clothes are worn by some who square dance.This makes the dance more colorful to watch.The special clothes vary from place to place.Women often wear full skirts of various colors with a pretty blouse.Men have colored shirts and western trousers.

29.Where did the square dance originate from?


庄稼的场所是乡村,故C 为答案。原文中的关键词harvest crops 是明显的答题依据,A、B、D 三项的场所均与此不吻合,不难排除。

30.How many squares could be formed when 800people danced together?

[A]【解析】原文提到,一个方块由four couples(即8个人)组成。800人同时跳舞,8人


31.What is the responsibility of “the caller”during square dancing?


舞技,故C 是答案。

32.What’s the function of the square dance in the US?

[B]【解析】原文提到,人们跳方块舞纯粹为了找乐子,故答案是B。A、C 均未提及;D 很

搞笑:跳舞穿花衣服,当然不能称为“时装秀”。Passage Three

The British Coast Guard on Thursday had to rescue a sailor for the tenth time in a year after [33]the inexpert yachtsman,who controls the yacht using a road map of Britain,got stuck on the seashore again.Just one day after the Coast Guard had a serious talk with Eric Abbott,asking him to use proper professional charts,his homemade boat stuck on the shore again.The British Coast Guard had intended to get in touch with him but did it on the wrong radio channel,and by the time two rescue boats reached him,his yacht had become stuck.Officials of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution say he has cost them over £30,000in rescue efforts over the past year.A Coast Guard and Marine Agency spokesman said:“[34]Yet again Mr.Abbott failed to file a traffic report to us before setting sail,which is what any captain knows he should do.You would think,after being rescued another time and after being given a serious talk,he would not go to sea again.[35]This man is irresponsible,and something has been done to see if there is anything we can do.”Mr.Abbott first came to the attention of the Coast Guard in Liverpool on July 23last year.A day later,he was pulled ashore.Mr.Abbott once told Liverpool guardsmen that he could not find the Isle of Man.

33.Why did Mr.Abbott’s yacht frequently get stuck?

[B]【解析】故事开始提到主人公时即称之为“inexpert yachtman”,B 正是其同义表达。

该家伙酷爱出海,却总是遇到麻烦,似有“找岔子”之嫌;但全文都说他如何地“业余”(通讯频道错误,用公路图而不是航海图,等等),因此A 不对。34.What is the routine for a yachtsman according to the passage?

[A]【解析】短文中说:任何驾船的人都知道,出海前应该向Coast Guard 填一份报告,

而Abbott 先生没有这么做。A 正确。原文用Yet again 来引出考点内容,也属于语义强调之处。要对这样的地方特别敏感。

35.Which of the following can best describe the spokesman’s opinion about the yachts?


[A]【解析】原文提到,发言人认为事故肇事者是个不负责任的人,故A 是答案。发言人

对该肇事者是批评的态度,可以排除C、D。B 中所说固然有理,但发言人并未提及。











【例1】the instructor’s talking about road construction in ancient Rome,and nothing could

be more boring [2007.12/T44]【听音关键】talking about,road construction,ancient Rome,boring

【例2】Your blank expression and the faraway look in your eyes are the cues that be?

tray your inattentiveness [2007.12/T45]



【听音关键】blank expression,look,the cues,betray,inattentiveness





【例3】Your blank expression and the faraway look in your eyes are the cues that be?

tray your inattentiveness [2007.12/T45]【答案重构】Your blank expression and look in your eyes show that you are absent?minded 【例4】What’s more,the study of language acquisition offers direct insight into how hu?

mans learn [2006.12/T45]【答案重构】Moreover,the study of language learning can help us understand how hu?

mans learn 四、检查拼写和语法格式



success,value,focused,necessary,recommend 等词,音节之间的辅音,有的是一个字母,有的是两个字母,平时记忆时要根据发音规律记牢。有的还与词形变化有关,如:write 的现在分词和过去分词分别为writing 和written。


①某个元音(比如/I /),该用哪一个元音字母?在不同的单词中,a,e,i,o,u 都可以发/I /,如language,college,dolphin,business。

②是否含有元音重出(指拼写中有ia,ie,io 等两个元音字母连在一起)?比如,diary,experience,couple,variety,ruining,species,mysterious 等词,错误往往就在元音部分。


不可漏写不发音的字母,比如,island,exhausted,comb 等词中的s,h,b。5.词尾的变形





Test 1

If you want your life to stand for peace and kindness,it’s helpful to do kind,peaceful things.One of my (36)ways to do this is by developing my own helping rituals.These little acts of kindness are (37)to be of service and reminders of how good it feels to be kind and helpful.We live in a (38)area of the San Francisco Bay Area.Most of what we see is beauty and nature.One of the exceptions to the beauty is the litter that some people throw out of their windows as they are driving on the country roads.One of the few (39)to living in the countryside is that public services,such as litter collection,are less (40)than they are closer to the city.A helping ritual that I practice (41)with my two children is picking up litter in our (42)area.We’ve become so (43)to doing this that my daughters will often say to me in animated voices,“There’s some litter,Daddy,stop the car!”And if we have time,we will often pull over and pick it up.(44)

.Once I even saw a complete stranger

picking up litter close to where we live.He smiled at me and said,“I saw you doing it,and it seemed like a good idea.”(45)

.You might

like holding a door open for people,visiting lonely elderly people in nursing homes,or shoveling snow off someone else’s driveway.(46)

.Everyone wins.名师点评



【解析】根据空格前的are 判断,此处应使用可数名词的复数形式,表示“机会”。38.【答案】rural


【解析】根据空格前的one of the few 判断,此处应使用可数名词的复数形式。该词表示“缺点,短处”。40.【答案】available

【解析】根据空格前的less 可知此处需要多音节形容词。该词表示“可得到的”。41.【答案】regularly






【解析】be/become accustomed to 为固定用法,表示“习惯于……”。

44.【答案】It may seem strange,but we actually enjoy it.We pick up litter in parks,

on sidewalks,practically anywhere

【听音关键】seem strange,enjoy,pick up,litter,parks,sidewalks,practically

45.【答案】Picking up litter is only one of an endless supply of possible helping rituals

【听音关键】picking up litter,endless supply,helping rituals

46.【答案】Think of something that seems effortless yet helpful.It’s fun,personally

rewarding,and sets a good example

【听音关键】think,seems effortless,yet helpful,fun,personally rewarding,good example Test 2

All over the country these days,electronic mail messages are concluded with this odd little punctuation sequence or one of its many variants.These are “smileys,”so?called because when you (36)your head to the left they look like little faces with a colon for eyes and a hyphen for a nose.It was 20years ago that Scott Fahlman taught the Net how to smile.He was a computer scientist who (37)his professional life to artificial intelligence,the practice of teaching computers how to think like humans.But the (38)scientist is perhaps best known for a flash of (39)that helped to define Internet culture.By the early 1980’s,the Computer Science community was making heavy use of online bulletin (40)or “BBS”.A good many of the posts were (41).The problem was that if someone made a (42)remark,a few readers would fail to get the joke.This problem caused some people to suggest that maybe it would be a good idea to (43)mark posts that were not to be taken seriously.After all,when using text?based online communication,we (44)

.So on Sept.19,1982,Fahlman

typed :?)in an online message.“(45)


he later wrote.The “smiley face”has since become a staple of online communication.This convention (46)



【解析】此处需及物动词作从句的谓语,主句用的是一般现在时,故该词为原形。由其后的head to the left 可猜测该词应表“偏”或“倾斜”之义。37.【答案】devoted

【解析】此处需填入及物动词,充当从句的谓语。由主句的was 可知该词为过去式形



【解析】此处需要形容词或分词,修饰scientist。注意/IE /音的拼写为字母组合ear。该词意为“有胡须的”。39.【答案】inspiration

【解析】空格前的介词of 表明此处需填入名词。a flash of inspiration 意为“一丝灵感”。40.


【解析】根据同义成份BBS 可知,此处需填入的词应与bulletin 一起,表示“电子告示板”。注意该词要使用复数形式,不要漏了词尾的s。41.


【解析】此处需要作表语的形容词成分,语义上应与下文的the joke 相关,很可能是“好笑的,幽默的”。42.【答案】sarcastic



【解析】此处需要副词,修饰其后的动词mark。注意/s /是由字母c 发出的。该词意为“清楚地,清晰地”。


【答案】lack the body language or tone?of?voice cues that convey this informa?tion when we talk in person or on the phone

【听音关键】lack,body language,cues,convey,information,talk in person,on the phone


【答案】I had no idea I was starting something that would soon pollute all the world’s communications channels

【听音关键】no idea,pollute,world’s communications channels


【答案】caught on quickly and soon spread via the primitive computer networks of the day

【听音关键】caught on spread,via,primitive,computer network

Test 3

The Revolutionary War,which began officially on April 19,1775,dragged on for more than six bitter years.It was a conflict fought by the colonials for the honorable cause of securing freedom from (36)British intervention in American affairs.When legal restrictions were implemented by both the British and the colonists in 1775,nearly all American overseas commerce abruptly (37).By mid?1775,the colonies faced (38)shortages in such military (39)as powder and knives.Even salt,shoes,woolens,and linens were in short https://www.doczj.com/doc/365582273.html,te in 1775,Congress (40)limited trade with the West Indies,mainly to buy arms and ammunitions,and trade with other non?British areas was on an (41)basis by the spring of 1776.Nevertheless,the British maintained a (42)effective naval blockade of American ports,especially during the first two years of the war.Yet the


colonies engaged in international trade despite the blockade.Formal (43)of commerce with France in 1778and with Holland and Spain shortly thereafter stimulated the flows of overseas trade.(44)


those years ,France ,Holland ,Spain ,and their possessions all actively traded with the colonies.(45)

.Smuggling and legal trade with

overseas partners only partially offset the drastic trade reductions with Britain.Even coastal trade was curtailed by a lack of vessels,by blockades,and by wartime freight rates.(46)




【解析】分析句子结构,commerce 为主句的中心词,主句缺少谓语且该动词为不及物动词。该词意为“停止”。根据句中表示过去的确切时间状语in 1775判断,动词应使用一般过去式。38.【答案】acute



【解析】由powder 和knives 可知填入的词肯定是它们的总称,再由military 可判断可能是“军需品”。essentials 通常以复数形式出现,表示“必需品”。40.【答案】authorized


【解析】此处需填入形容词修饰后面的名词basis。该词意为“不受限制的,无限制的”。根据空格前的不定冠词an 判断,空格内应填入一个以元音开头的词,因此不要因为连读而漏掉前缀un?。42.【答案】fairly


【解析】由of 可知填入的词应为名词且为句子主语的中心词。该词表示“条约,协定”,根据后面可知,签订了不止一个treaty,故应注意用名词复数形式。

44.【答案】Between 1778and early 1782,American wartime commerce was at its

prime time

【听音关键】1778,early 1782,American wartime commerce,prime time

【答案重构】Between 1778and early 1782,American wartime commerce was at its best 45.【答案】Even so,the flow of goods in and out of the colonies remained well be?

low prewar levels

【听音关键】even,flow,goods,in and out,colonies,remained,below,prewar levels 【答案重构】Even so,fewer goods were sold in and out of the colonies than before the war

46.【答案】British?occupied ports,such as New York,generated some import ac?

tivity but little or nothing in the way of exports

【听音关键】British?occupied ports,New York,generated,import activity,little,noth?ing,exports

【答案重构】British ?occupied ports like NY dealt in some import business but almost no export business Test 4

Hong Kong has taken over from Tokyo as the world’s most expensive city,accord?ing to a lifestyle survey.It also (36)the gap between the costliest and cheap?est cities is narrowing.Moscow (37)in at second place in the survey,re?leased by Mercer Human Resource Consulting,with Tokyo third.At the other end of the scale,Johannesburg (38)Blantyre,Malawi as the cheapest city on the planet.Mercer said the (39)between those at the top and the (40)of the pile had narrowed by nearly 15percent in the 12months to March 2002.The research took New York as the base city with a nominal score of 100points.Hong Kong scored 124.2;the South African metropolis just 34.4.It measured the (41)cost of over 200items such as housing,food,clothing and (42)goods as well as transport and (43)in 144cities worldwide.St.Petersburg in Russia and London (44)

,followed by Los Angeles,Chicago and San

Francisco.Elsewhere,Buenos Aires had the most dramatic fall.(45)


New Zealand and Australian cities continued to show they are probably the best bet for cheap but high quality living.(46)





【解析】此处需要不及物动词作谓语,根据全文使用的主要时态判断,应使用一般过去时,故不要漏了词尾的?d。muscle in 为固定搭配。表示“硬挤进”的意思。38.【答案】replaced



【解析】空格前的the 表明此处需要名词。根据其后的between...and 以及动词谓语had narrowed,可知该词为“差距”或“鸿沟”之义。40.【答案】bottom

【解析】此处需要名词,between...and 结构表明该词与top 为反义,表示“底部”的含义。41.【答案】comparative



【解析】此处需要形容词,修饰名词goods。该词虽然是一个合成词,但是中间不需要连字符连接,书写时应特别注意。household goods 意为“家用物品”。43.【答案】entertainment

【解析】根据and 和名词transport 判断,此处应填入名词。该词意为“娱乐”。


【答案】were the two most expensive cities in Europe,while in the U.S.,New York was far and away the costliest city

【听音关键】2most expensive,Europe,while,the U.S.,New York,costliest


【答案】It plunged from 23rd to 133rd following the economic crisis and deval?uation of its currency

【听音关键】plunged,23rd,133rd,economic crisis,devaluation,currency

【答案重构】It dropped from 23rd to 133rd after the economic crisis and deprecia?tion of its currency


【答案】Their scores are consistently around 50or below,while at the same time ranking in the top 30for quality of life in another Mercer survey released in March 2002

【听音关键】scores,consistently,50,below,at the same time,ranking,top 30,quality of life,another,survey,March 2002

【答案重构】Their scores are always not more than 50,and meanwhile,they rank in the top 30for quality of life in another Mercer survey released in March 2002

Test 5

The signs of American influence on Central America are everywhere:McDonalds and KFC,movies and clothes.Less easy to (36)is an export that has had a devastating effect on the (37):gang culture.Immigrants who (38)crimes in the U.S.have been allowed to return to their countries for the last six years.This has led to the (39)to Central America of thousands of gang members who arrived in the U.S.as children with their parents.Back in Central America they are keeping their old ways.Gang “franchises”have taken hold in countries there.The

influence of U.S.gang culture is (40)in some poor neighborhoods across Central America.There are local (41)on a dress code of baggy clothes,baseball caps and chains,a (42)taste in music,hand signs,and a slang using (43)words like “broderes”(brothers)and “homies”(friends).(44).In Guatemala,with a population of 13million,the police believe there are more than 300gangs with a total membership of 200,000.In Honduras,with a population of 6million,there are said to be 60,000gang members.(45)

.The spread of the gangs (46).In the early 1980s,more than a million refugees fled to the U.S.during

El Salvador’s civil war,which killed 75,000people.



【解析】根据空格前的动词不定式符号to 判断,此处应使用动词原形该词在此表示“发现”的含义。37.【答案】region

【解析】此处需要名词。由上文可知其所指为“Central America”,因此很可能为“地方”、“地区”之义。38.【答案】committed

【解析】此处需要及物动词的过去式作谓语,且能与crime 构成搭配,表示“犯罪”。注意commit 是以重读闭音节结尾的单词,其过去式应双写t 再加?ed。39.【答案】deportation

【解析】根据短语led to 中的介词to 及the 判断,此处应填入名词。该词意为“放逐”。


【解析】此处需要形容词或分词作表语。该词由动词notice 变化而来,拼写时不需要去掉词尾的字母e,而是直接加上形容词后缀?able。41.【答案】variations

【解析】根据空格前的系动词are 判断,此处应使用名词的复数形式。注意∕I ∕音是由字母i 发出的,不要写成y。该词表示“变化的种类”。42.【答案】defined

【解析】此处需要形容词,修饰taste。a defined taste 指“明确的品味”。43.【答案】imported

【解析】此处需填入形容词,修饰名词words。imported words 指“外来词”。

44.【答案】Most damaging is a fashion for extreme violence that has easily found

a home in countries with violent histories

【听音关键】most,damaging,extreme,violence,easily,found home,violent histories



45.【答案】Local branches of major international gangs are involved in serious crimes

from smuggling drugs and weapons,to kidnapping and car theft

【听音关键】local,branches,major,international gangs,involved,serious crimes,smug?gling,kidnapping,car theft

46.【答案】has its beginnings in the conflicts that have been common in Central Amer?

ica during the last 25years

【听音关键】beginning,conflicts,common,Central America,last,25years

Test 6

Why we dream still remains one of the great mysteries.But in answer to the question of how we dream,scientific researchers have come up with some important answers.According to dream researcher Michael Schredl,dream consciousness and consciousness are (36)the same.This (37)the experience people have every night that what happens in dreams,no matter how fantastic,confusing and (38)in reason or logic,is felt to be (39)as real as life is when a person is (40).A discovery in 1953called “REM (rapid eye movement)sleep”(41)found that dream phases (42)by rapid eye movements are (43)by the brain stem.(44)

.This led

American sleep researcher Allan Hobson to conclude that dreams were a coincidental product of various actions of the nerves.(45)


Dreams can be produced not from primitive,but rather from higher regions of the brain—those which handle things like motives,emotions,memory and sensory experience.(46)



【解析】此处需要副词修饰其后的the same。此词表示“结构上”。37.【答案】confirms


【解析】此处需要与fantastic 和confusing 并列的形容词。lack 后面常常与介词in 连用,表示“缺少……,没有……”。39.【答案】exactly





【解析】根据此空后的by 可知此处需要及物动词的过去分词,作phases 的后置定语。该词表示“伴随”。accompanied 有两个c 字母,注意不要漏写。43.【答案】guided

【解析】根据空格前的be 动词are 和空格后的介词by 判断,空格内应使用及物动词的过去分词,表示被动。

44.【答案】This is the region of the brain which regulates a person’s breathing and body

warmth,but has little involvement with consciousness

【听音关键】region,brain,regulates,breathing,body warmth,little involvement,con?sciousness

【答案重构】This part of the brain controls a person’s breath and body warmth,but has little to do with consciousness

45.【答案】REM could be a mechanism which triggers dream events,but one can also

dream without this boost

【听音关键】REM,mechanism,triggers dream events,without,boost

46.【答案】There is no gender difference in dreams,but only a difference in wak?

ing experience,which then is reflected again in the dream

【听音关键】no gender difference,dreams,waking experience,reflected again


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