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News Item1

There has been no agreement Tuesday but there has been a commitment to come by Wednesday and try once again.The South Korea defense ministry tells CNN that the working level military talks between north and south Korea ended this Tuesday just after7p.m.local time.But they wouldn't say much more.Pre-representatives from both countries appeared am?icable as they met at the truth village of Panmunjom on the border.The hope is if the talks are successful on Wednesday,then they will move to a higher level,potentially even ministerial level.The two defense ministries of the countries haven't actually met since2007.

News Item2

More snow in frigid temperatures.The planes in parts of the Midsouth are bracing for a powerful weather system.It's forecast for8states and could bring several feet of snow to the mountain west and up to12inches in parts of Oklahoma where there is still digging out from last week's storm.Parts of central Texas could see two to four inches of snow and sleet.The system is also expected to bring rain and snow to the deep South later in the week before deliv?ering a wintry mix along parts of the East coast on Thursday.

News Item3

Some of you Second City students might have watched our show from home yesterday;you certainly weren't in class.Chicago shut down its schools for the first time in12years. That's what you do when a huge winter storm dumps almost two feet of snow on the city. Snow,sleet,freezing rain:All that hit30different states!Officials estimate that this mega-storm has affected one out of every three people in America.For a lot of folks,this has been a winter of our discontent.Richard Roth hit the streets of New York to gauge people's frosty frustrations.

News Item4

President Mubarak is the leader of a country that's in the middle of a political uprising. Protests against the government have been going on all across Egypt,and experts think there could be a lot more demonstrations starting today.The Muslim Brotherhood,the largest group of protesters,is speaking out against President Mubarak's government.It's telling its followers to protest in the streets after today's weekly Muslim prayers end.

In some cases,pro testers have fought with police officers.They've thrown things at the security forces.And those forces have used tear gas to try to break up the crowds.At least three protesters and one police officer have been killed this week.Social networking is playing a role in all of this,too.A lot of the protests are being organized on blogs and sites like Twitter

and Facebook.

News Item5

One of the players in the big game is gonna be Hines Ward.He's a wide receiver and someone who has a lot of fans;not just in the U.S.,but halfway around the world as well. Mr.Ward is using his popularity and his personal background to try to make life better for some kids in South Korea.Paula Hancocks catches us up on the details.Hines Ward is a hero in South Korea,less for throwing an American football and more for breaking down biracial discrimination.The NFL player has an American father and a Korean mother.His visit to South Korea four years ago,his first since he was a baby,captivated the nation.The sporting superstar met with biracial children,sparking an internal debate on how to stop ethnic preju?dice.

News Item6

We're reporting on a bomb that went off at the busiest airport in Moscow,Russia.This happened yesterday around4:30in the afternoon local time.Russia's president called it a ter?rorist attack.There were reports that it was done by a suicide bomber.And when we put this show together yesterday,no one had claimed responsibility for the attack and Russian authori?ties hadn't named any suspects.This video that was posted on YouTube shows what the airport looked like after the bombing.You can see a lot of smoke still in the air here.Dozens of peo?ple were killed in this blast.More than150others were injured.One terrorism expert said that airports usually are a pretty secure location.So,for an attack like this to happen at an airport and for the result to be so devastating,he says it means that the attack was very well planned.

News Item7

The government of Ireland is under pressure because it asked for a financial bailout,after it insisted for a long time that it didn't need one.In the U.S.,there are two main political par?ties.But in Ireland,there are a lot of political parties.And right now,the Irish parliament is controlled by a coalition,a merger of several of those parties.That coalition seems to be falling apart.Yesterday,the Green Party announced that it's pulling out of the coalition government. That could lead to early elections in the country.The Green Party's announcement coming one day after the current prime minister,Brian Cowen,said that he's not planning to lead his party after upcoming elections.Cowen said part of the reason he's stepping down is because of criti?cism of his leadership from inside his own party.

News Item8

Republican John Boehner is currently serving in the role as speaker of the House.And earlier this week,he oversaw a House vote to repeal President Obama's controversial health care reform law.This law is widely considered to be President Obama's biggest U.S.accom?plishment while he was president.And House Republicans are working to come up with some

replacement plans for the law.But as Samantha Hayes explains,the idea of repealing the exist?ing law altogether might not go any further than it already has.It may turn out to be largely symbolic,but House Republicans,along with three Democrats,voted Wednesday to repeal the health care law championed by President Barack Obama and Democratic leaders in Congress. The vote,245to189,was mostly along party lines.It's the culmination of a campaign promise Republicans made ahead of the November midterm elections.The next step for the newly pas?sed legislation is all but certain:the Senate likely won't even take it up.Earlier Wednesday, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor challenged his Democratic counterpart in the Senate,Ma?jority Leader Harry Reid,to consider the bill.

News Item9

It was just after noon here at the Caribe Hotel where Jean-Claude Duvalier emerged from the third floor hotel room where he has been staying.He came over to the railing at the edge and he waved to the crowd of people,mostly journalists here and camera crews,and flanked by police and S.W.A.T.Team members from the Haitian authorities.When he got down he was placed in a police vehicle and then the caravan of vehicles made their way down the hillside here and off to a place called the parquet,which is the Haitian court.The Preval government had said back in2007,that if he ever returned,that they would charge him with embezzle?ment.But no formal charges had ever been brought against Duvalier in this country,not up to this point.

News Item10

The people of Tunisia seem to want total change.They don't want any relation to the past regime.The former government party RCD was part of the Ben Ali's whole political regime for the past23years and the people of Tunisia want total change.The game is now in the hands of the president.He is to decide whether he dissolves this government and calls for a new one with a new name.These political parties at the unions are under the pressure from the people.They are convinced to some extent that they need to continue with some of the former government party's officials,but on the other hand they are under pressure from the troops.

News Item11

Comcast is the country's biggest cable company,and what's going to happen here,the FCC announced,is it's going to be acquiring controlling interest-that's51percent-of NBC Universal from General Electric.And what this deal would do,it would combine Comcast In?ternet and cable services with NBC's broadcast stations.That includes MSNBC,channels like Bravo,and also an ownership stake in that online video service that we all talk about so much,Hulu.The big worry with this deal is about media consolidation and stifling competition,espe?cially with online video.But,you know,reports are that Comcast has agreed to a bunch of con?ditions with this deal.

News Item12

The number of people left homeless or displaced by the floods has in thousands.Agenda Brasil,the official Brazilian news agency,reports that nearly75,000people in this mountain?ous area are without power.Civil Defense officials report there have been at least30mudslides in the region in the last two days.Meanwhile,in the state of Sao Paulo,at least24people were killed as heavy rains continued to batter ground already soaked.To complicate matters even more,a dam gave way,flooding streets in Sao Jose dos Campos near the city of Sao Paulo. Non-stop rains have been pounding the region since the beginning of the year and forecasters expect storms to continue until the end of this week.

News Item13

We know that there is not a substantial body of evidence that shows credible correlation between the vaccines and the disease process.And I think it has damaged our system in terms of having fewer parents willing to give kids vaccines and that puts more kids at risk.And we still don't know what the cause is for Autism.And there's probably different causes for Au-tisms,what we're trying to find out is what are some of those causes and so you have to look at the science over time so you follow where the science lead to immunizations,then we would have followed down the path.But it hasn't.

News Item14

Several hundred dead red-winged black birds,starlings,sparrows,and grackles have now turned up in Louisiana near Baton Rouge.It's not clear what killed them just yet.So far,no one will say this bird kill is related or linked to one just360miles north of Beebe,Arkansas. But the similarities are right there.Up to5,000of the same types of birds pretty much fell out of the sky over the weekend in Beebe.It's not clear just yet what killed them,either.Early re?ports say that massive trauma,not disease.But people in the town aren't buying some of the theories.Here's CNN's Ed Lavandera.

News Item15

More winter misery for Western Europe.Snow,ice and bitter cold are delaying travellers's racing to get home before Christmas.Germany's Dortmund Airport has shut its doors,Dusseldorf Airport is back open but reporting cancellations.Amsterdam's Schiphol Air?port is also reporting delays and cancellations.Only one run way is in use at Brussels's airport. Hundreds of flights at Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris have been cancelled.Authorities have also evacuated terminal2E for those were familar with Charles de Gaulle to clear heavy snow from the roof.

News Item16

A quick check of where things stand with some high-profile proposals in Congress.The tax cut deal:Thursday afternoon,that was with the House of Representatives.Some Democrats

were indicating that it would probably pass,despite being controversial.If that happens, everyone's taxes will stay at this current rate,where they are right now,for the next two years. The Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty,or START,a new nuclear treaty between the U.S.and Russia.Treaties like this have to be approved by the U.S.Senate,and that group was getting ready to begin debating this proposal yesterday.

News Item17

The president wants to improve the relationship between the federal government and N-ative American communities.He met with the leaders of565tribes at the White House confer?ence yesterday to try and work on that.President Obama said he wants to get more input from the tribes about ways the https://www.doczj.com/doc/349569197.html,ernment might be able to help them.That could include sup?porting education and health care on Native American reservations,for example,or making changes to the criminal justice system there.He says there's been some progress,but there needs to be more.

News Item18

Just a few minutes ago,a Manhattan federal judge approved a settlement agreement be?tween my office and the estate of Jeffrey Picower.Monies we now know were the proceeds of the largest Ponzi scheme in all of history.The settlement represents the largest forfeiture recov?ery in U.S.history.More importantly,this settlement provides a significant measure of hope for the many victims of Bernard Madoff s horrific crimes,crimes which Judge Denny Chin de?scribed as extraordinarily evil.This settlement is the most substantial step to date in the ongo?ing effort to make the Madoff victims,whole.With the close to$10billion now recovered, we have together collected close to50percent of the principle that victims lost to Madoff s Ponzi scheme.

News Item19

A lot of protests took place around the city's centre,around parliament,we did have some violence riot at this time,and it started with protesters throwing Molotov cocktails,and the po?lice so responding,things escalated for a while,and the parliament minister is getting attacked by a group of protesters as he was leaving the parliament.This was one of the largest protests that we had in a long time.It's the7th general strike,so far this year,a lot of angry and a num?ber of others uh,that we have government speak,since this summer.The reason for that seems to be the new labor laws.What they will do,is,they make a lot easier for employers to fire people and they've put a cap on salaries in the public sector.

News Item20

The United States has filed the civil lawsuit in the United States District Court in New Or?leans against nine defendants.In a complaint the United States alleges violations of federal safety and operational regulations,the national interaction that we had often to say that the

investigation on criminal side is pretty serious,it's ongoing,as involved attorneys from mean justice as well as attorneys from US attorney's office in New Orleans and that matter was pro?ceeding.

News Item21

Mr.Assange will have to stay behind bars because he will eitherbe staying behind bars because there is an appeal and will be in court either late tomorrow or early Thursday.Or,be?cause we haven't got200,000pounds which we can deliver to this court in cash.The Swedes won't abide by the umpire's decision and they want to put Mr.Assange through yet more trou?ble,more expense,more hurdles.They clearly will not spare any epense but to kept Mr.As?sange in jail.This is really turning in to a show trial and we will be in court again within the next48hours.

News Item22

That massive winter storm,we've been talking about for the last couple of days,is mov?ing east now.There's also a deep freeze across the east all the way into the deep south. Where,here in Altanta,is colder today than it is in Philadephia.But look at this,out West,very different problems all together.Rain and flooding and mudslides.Rivers in nine counties in Washington states.As Washington state have already crested at or above flood stage on the weekend.Amtrak said its service between Seattle and Vcancouver,Canada,has already been down since Saturday.It's going to remain halted for at least two more days because of mud?slides.

News Item23

The federal government will have more of a say in some of the foods you get in school. President Obama signed a new law yesterday that will overhaul child nutrition standards.This is part of first lady Michelle Obama's"Let's Move"program,which aims to fight childhood o-besity.During the signing ceremony at a Washington-area elementary school,the president said this law is about"giving our kids the healthy futures they deserve.”

News Item24

In the study published in Pediatrics,scientists found when children received low-sugar ce?real,they enjoyed it and were more likely to eat a balanced breakfast.Researchers measured what91children at summer day camps ate for breakfast.The camps were divided into groups and offered either high-sugar or low-sugar cereals along with milk,orange juice,cut-up fruit and sugar packets.Children served themselves and then filled out questionnaires.Although both groups said they liked the taste of their cereals,children who ate the high-sugar products, ate larger portions of cereal.

News Item25

Operation payback is actually the focus behind our group called Anonymous and they've actually been around for a while but they are loosely organized group.They goes after various organizations they felt that they wronged us focus in some way.This is a group that has moved from coast to coast if you can call that.Most recently,they are kind going after opponents of internet piracy and they've now launched on Wikileaks.This is the announce serves as a fact. We've talked a lot,lot about that over years.I've been basically taking control over a lot of machines and using those machines,computer like you and I might have,and actually directing a lot of bogus traffic towards these various websites.Primarily,they are gonna up on Paypal, Visa and Mastercard because they are just sites of kind of stopping supporting some of the fi?nancial contributions to Wikileaks.

News Item26

A series of meetings in Switzerland that are happening behind closed doors.The subject:Iran's controversial nuclear program.That Middle Eastern country is on one side of the table. On the other side are the U.S.,the UK,Russia,China,France and Germany.It's been more than a year since the last time representatives from these countries got together.Both sides are bringing up some of their concerns.Iran wants to talk about attacks on two Iranian scientists last week.The other nations want to put the brakes on Iran's nuclear program.They're worried that Iran might be trying to make nuclear weapons,a concern the international community has had for some time.Iran denies that.It says it's just making nuclear power.The talks started yesterday.

News Item27

Things are getting more tense on the Korean peninsula,and the U.S.is getting involved in a couple ways.First,Admiral Michael Mullen,the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,is heading to South Korea.He's going to reassure that country's military that the U.S.supports it.Back in Washington,D.C.,Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was offering a similar mes?sage when she met with South Korean and Japanese officials yesterday.Meanwhile,the Inter?national Criminal Court is investigating some alleged attacks by North Korea on South Korea. Those include an attack on a South Korean island and the sinking of a South Korean warship.

For its part,the North is blaming the South

News Item28

First Friday of every month,the U.S. ployment rate.Bad news:This past Friday's for all the tension in the region.

government usually announces the current unem-announcement came as a surprise;the rate went

up to9.8percent.It had been9.6percent for several months.Some experts were predicting it would stay the same.More than15million Americans looking for work,not good news.But there are some people who are actually encouraged by the increase.The unemployment rate

only counts people who are actively looking for jobs.So if the rate goes up,it could mean that

Americans who'd stopped looking think they have a better chance of finding work,so they're back on the job hunt.Still,analysts say it is disappointing the overall job market hasn't gotten better.

News Item29

After months of wondering,the Irish people now know what's in the next four years are going to be.As far as an austerity program,here in Ireland,this is it-138pages of details of how the Irish government will cut spending and raise taxes.The ideas they need to bring down their massive budget deficit down to below3%of GDP by2014.Now,there will be$20bil?lion worth of austerity in this country over the next four years but it includes cutting thousands of public sector jobs,also cutting the minimum wage by one euro an hour,also rising the value added tax that's the national sales tax.The goal,the Irish Prime Minister said is to bring Ire?land back to where it was just a few years ago.

News Item30

President Obama is back in Washington after a ten-day trip to Asia,his longest trip over?seas since he became president.It wrapped up over the weekend in Japan,where he attended APEC,the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation.This is a group of21member countries,from Australia to Canada-from China to Mexico to the US-and their mission is to improve econo?mies and help the Asia-Pacific region to become more prosperous.No surprise,they talked a-bout how the world economy is still hurting from the recession.And they acknowledged that it's still hard to say whether things are improving,with so much uncertainty in its members'e-conomies.APEC nations did agree to work toward increased trade,though.And during the meeting,President Obama talked about some other concerns as well.

News Item31

President Obama and other world leaders are attending the G-20Summit,which open to?day in Seoul,South Korea.It's expected to focus on currency policy and economic recovery and growth worldwide.And back in this country,President Obama's Deficit Commission is hammering out ways to bring spending under control,and already members of Congress are blasting it.The draft proposal includes cuts in Social Security and Medicare benefits,plus high?er taxes,all designed to cut the deficit by up to$4trillion over the next decade.

News Item32

After weeks and weeks of discussion,after demonstrations and strikes,more than150 hours of debate in both the French senate and National Assembly,the pension reform bill pas?sed its last legislative hurdle today with a vote of336to233at the National Assembly.The bill will now go to president Sarkozy,but even before that,the Left Opposition here trying to make it as difficult as possible for the government,is going to challenge the bill in the constitutional court.That will mean another8days of limbo as the constitutional court decide whether the

law is constitutional.In the mean time,there are more strikes and demonstrations,including to?morrow.And the strikes on the ground have not stopped either.

News Item33

Indonesia is made up of more than18,000islands.It's located in southeast Asia in be?tween the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.The area that officials think got hit the hardest is popular for surfing.There was damage to several resorts around there.Some of the islands were cut off,and the only way they could talk with officials was by satellite phone.The strong waves that were caused by the quake were making it hard for rescuers to reach those islands. Indonesia is located in what's called the Ring of Fire.It's an area that goes around part of the Pacific Ocean.Earthquakes happen pretty frequently there.And so do volcanic eruptions,and that is actually something else that Indonesia is dealing with right now.Mount Merapi is one of the most active volcanoes in Indonesia,and it's located in one of the country's most populated areas.That's why thousands of people had to leave on Tuesday,because Merapi erupted at least three times!Local media reported that around15people were killed,although CNN couldn't confirm those reports yesterday.Some nearby relief groups were able to offer immedi?ate help.One official from the group said around1,500people found shelter about7miles a-way from the volcano.

News Item34

In the United States,a huge section of the country is getting hit by some really heavy storms.These things stretched800miles yesterday,from Wisconsin and Illinois all the way down to Tennessee.The storms were heading east,and fast!Experts said the severe weather was moving at more than50miles per hour.As you can imagine,something that powerful left a lot of damage behind.Tens of thousands of people lost power.Homes and businesses were damaged.Trees were knocked down.There were reports of tornadoes in a couple different states.O'Hare International Airport in Chicago canceled all flights for a while yesterday be?cause of the strong wind and rain.One expert said this might be the most powerful storm to hit Illinois in more than70years.

News Item35

Information has just been trickling out of this remote island,information off the coast of western Sumatra.Local residents there,they have been able to be contacted.The reporter of a Tsunami as tall as60meters high has hit the island.Now communications for the most parts of the islands are still cut off.But,we heard from an official from the area that described the whole villages of200people have gone missing,swept away by the waves.The rescuers and the emergency teams are having trouble to reach these islands.You know,the big waves that has attracted,all of the tourists also preventing rescuers to bring the much needed aids to these people.Now this location of course is very remote.To give you an idea:in good conditions,it took around8hours by boat from the nearest city of Padang.And,you know,in bad condi-

tions,it will take many more hours than that.

News Item36

Haiti is just beginning to become to turn,but the fact that cholera is now here to stay in the way they lived their lives,where they get their water,what kind of water they can drink,is going to change really for quite some time to come.In terms of challenges that lie ahead,is the fact that there will be more Cholera outbreak here in this country.And the need to really trying to do something to prevent it from spreading through a very large population that exist in Port-au Prince.Those people that arrive to the hospital so violently are now arriving sooner,and they're getting into treatment earlier.

News Item37

The bill passed177to153in the Senate,this is a bill that that was debated longer than most every other bill in the Fifth Republic.A hundred and fifty hours of debate and in the end there're still opposition senators who are clamouring that they have't been heard,and that they want to say more and they want to introduce more amendments,but the government forced the hand of the Senate,end that with accelerated procedure and finally got it passed this evening. The demonstrators are not joining in a trial.They've said they got two more days for demon?strations for the big nationwide demonstrations,and students are also calling for demonstra?tions next Tuesday.So there's still a lot of turmoil on the street and there is still refineries that are blockaded.

News Item38

Lindsay Lohan has dodged jail time again.A judge has allowed her to actually return to a rehab to continue treatment that she's been receiving for substance abuse now.These are all seems violating probation from a case back in2007involving a DUI.But she had to appeal be?fore Beverly Hill's judged on Friday.She admitted to failing drug test back in September and violating her prohibition.She also wrote a personal letter to the judge.In the end,the judge a-greed to allow this trouble start to continue with rehab until January3rd.She will be back in court at the end of Feburuary.And the judge made it very clear if she violates probation at any way,he will send her back to jail for180days.

News Item39

Just over a week after a federal judge ordered the military to stop enforcing"Don't Ask, Don't Tell’,,recruiters have complied.The Pentagon has sent a message out to the military stop enforcing"Don't ask Don't tell,,.The Obama administration has filed as expected,an e-mergency motion,looking to stay that judge's order,the government wants to bring back “Don't ask Don't tell”,pending an appeal,and really pending a decision by Congress to repea?ling-


News Item40

Today is the day when Britain steps back from the brink,when we confront the bills from a decade of debt.A day of rebuilding when we set out a four-year plan to put our public serv?ices and welfare state on a sustainable footing,reform is one of the guiding principles of the spending review,and so too is fairness.Let's be clear,there is nothing fair about running huge budget deficits,and burdening future generations with the debts we ourselves are not prepared to pay.

News Item41

“No means

yes’,.You can look online if you want to know the bleeped word because I'm not saying it.And get this,that chant was one of the more G-rate ones.The pledges of Delta Kappa Epsilon Fraternity were shouting this stuff in an area of campus where freshman women live,imagining being al8-year-old young woman in the new place hearing that from a new roomate at night,imagine your daughter hear that,hearing a gang of young men moving a-round in the dark,chanting about rape in an area that supposed to be a safe home away from the home.Not exactly the cream of the crop,I believe(ivy league)behavoir is it.It's morally irresponsible,it's gross,it's creepy,and not funny at all.Even though these guys must've thought it was.In this day and age,just cave men behavior.The National Fraternity credit though,it has told the Yale chapter to stop all pledge activities for now.And the school has al?ready held the campus forum to talk about Yale sexual climate.

News Item42

This town here is sort of going through clean-up,and people are trying to salvage things from their house.The reality is when you talk to them,there's nothing that they can salvage when it has been touched by this red toxic chemical makes.People shall need source on their hands they have been cleaning up for two days.They got source on their hands where they've been getting in contact with the red sludge.Now we're seeing the result of the PH isn't low e-nough that fishes dying,also that the issue of a heavy metal,carbium,chromium,poisons like arsenic also believed to be toxic.It is down stream that the biggest concern is right now,that in the Danube River,that the contaminants have now begun to reach the Danube River.What was seen happening here is the mix of chemicals and plaster being poured into some of the smaller river to lower the caustic nature of the chemical pollutants in the water.

News Item43

Nine years ago with the first shots of the US war on terror were fired here in Afghanistan beginning with the serious air strikes on Taliban positions.The Taliban ruled more than90% of the territory in this country for fast foward today.There are some150,000foreign troops on the ground here,nearly100,000US soilders on the ground here.This's been the bloodiest year yet of these9-year conflict,for not only the US troops with more than300American soilders killed over the course this year,and ur,but also for NATO forces as well.


News Item44

Egypt.The world is watching as a political crisis engulfs the north African nation.Protest?ers have been marching through the streets for days.They're speaking out against the Egyptian

government,and specifically against long-time President Hosni Mubarak.The protesters say they have two demands.One:They want President Mubarak to leave office and to be put on trial.Two:They want to change the country's constitution.The government has been trying different ways to get these protests under control.It's established a curfew;it's sent out fighter jets and thousands of security troops.As you can see,it doesn't seem to be making any differ?ence.The protests lasted through Sunday night and looked like they could keep going for a while.

News Item45

Hundreds of women will die from pregnancy-related complications this year and half of those death are believed to be preventable.Senior medical correspondent Elizabeth Cohen is live in Atlantic this morning.So what's the bottom line here?Who are we talking about,Eliza?beth?The bottom line here is that we are talking about rising maternal mortality rates,in other words,more women dying during pregnancy and child birth than before.The fact that this is on the rise is very disturbing.So take a look at these numbers from the Centers for Disease Control.According to the CDC,in1987,there were6.6maternal deaths per100,000births. Now speed up to2006,and it's13.3deaths per100,000.As you can see,that's a big jump. Now look at that last line there,the US government has set a goal for4deaths per100,000. That's what they think it ought to be.That's what the experts think.And so you have to won?der,you know,this is obviously not a good situation.

News Item46

The General Assembly is getting together at U.N.headquarters in New York this week. On Thursday,the group will start its annual debate.That's when member nations discuss global issues and what they might do about them.Before that starts,though,the U.N.is having an?other meeting.This one is about the organization's Millennium Development Goals.The man speaking at the podium is Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon,the leader of the U.N.He wants the member countries to keep pushing toward the development goals they set for themselves a decade ago.Those include finding ways to fight poverty,hunger and disease.The concern is that,because of the global economic crisis,countries haven't been able to put as much money toward fighting those issues.

News Item47

As you learn in life science and then later on in biology,different species have different features.And if you were an expert-and some of you will be one day-you'll be able look at the different whales and know which one is which.But scientists in California don't know


what kind of whale they have on their hands,because this one,they say,is three million years old! Now,that's what the scientists think. It's actually a whale fossil. A construction crew ran across this thing recently. The experts say the fossil seems to be in pretty good shape. The skull and other parts are completely intact. Hopefully, that'll help them identify the specific species on this whale of a find.

News Item 48

It didn't completely surprise us that most of you strongly disagreed with this : a Massachu? setts school district idea to charge between $ 400 and $ 500 for school bus service. It's only for kids who live within two miles of school ,but many of you who commented on our blog ride the bus yourselves. That's the most popular way of getting to school ,followed by a ride with your parents. And Tim seemed to speak for a lot of you. He said, “ Making parents pay $ 400 per kid for bus transportation is outrageous. ” Austin writes, “ All Americans, if not all people, deserve the right to an education. This also includes the right to have transportation to an education. ” Sort of a different perspective from Elani, though, who told us that" walking would give you good exercise, decrease obesity and decrease pollution as well. ”

News Item 49

Congress is back in session. Members of the Senate and U. S. House of Representatives have about a month to work on legislation,because we're coming up on the midterm elections. Now,we've got a quick reminder for you on those. Voters will cast ballots for all 435 members of the House of Representatives,plus, around a third of the seats in the Senate. Primary elec? tions have been running for months. There are more than a half-dozen of those today. The gen? eral election is on November 2nd. Congressmen and women are looking at all sorts of issues, from the economy to food safety and military policies. But some analysts don't think much is gonna happen on any subject,because they think members of Congress don't want to get into controversial debates before the big election. One issue that Congress probably will get into, though, is a set of tax cuts.

News Item 50

America pays tribute to the nearly 3,000 victims of the September 11th terror attacks. This Saturday marked nine years since those attacks happened. And in ceremonies all across the country, people stopped to remember. In New York City, there were two moments of si? lence ,one of each time that a plane struck one of the Twin Towers. In Virginia, President Obama helped lay a wreath at the Pentagon as part of a memorial ceremony there. During a speech,he honored Americans in uniform who sacrificed their lives for others. First lady Mi? chelle Obama and former first lady Laura Bush were at a memorial in Shanksville, Pennsylva? nia ,where one of the planes hijacked on 9/11 crashed after passengers fought against the ter? rorists. Back in New York City, efforts are going on a 9/11 memorial. Debra Fairey joins us now to give you a tour.


News Item51

It is about the economy,and a pair of plans that both aim to give it a needed boost.The first one comes from President Obama.During a visit to Cleveland,Ohio yesterday,he laid out his ideas to help the economy.They include cutting taxes for businesses that buy new equip?ment or do new research;and spending money on the country's infrastructure,things like roads and power programs.He also talked about some of the things that have happened since he took office in2009.Our economic plan has invested in badly needed infrastructure projects over the last nineteen months.Not just roads and bridges,but high-speed railroads and expanded broad?band access.Altogether,these are projects that have led to thousands of good,private sector jobs,especially for those in the trades.Mr.Boehner and the Republicans in Congress said no to these projects,fought them tooth and nail.

News Item52

Officials are trying to figure out what caused a fire on a rig in the Gulf of Mexico.Anoth?er one.This happened yesterday morning.It's a rig that produces oil and gas,and it's located around100miles off the coast of Louisiana.13people had to go overboard.Authorities said all of them have been accounted for;nobody was https://www.doczj.com/doc/349569197.html,ernment officials said that they're pre?pared to respond to any potential environmental problems that might come up.Over on the east coast,people are preparing for the impact of Earl.The hurricane was expected to pass near North Carolina's Outer Banks last night.It could hit New England by https://www.doczj.com/doc/349569197.html,ernment of?ficials are getting ready.President Obama signed a disaster declaration for North Carolina. What that means is that federal agencies and federal money can be used for any relief efforts. Beyond the physical damage that Earl could cause though,some coastal residents are worried about the economic damage.

News Item53

The amount of products that a country makes,its manufacturing activity can give you an idea of how that country's economy is doing.In the U.S.,manufacturing is up.There's a new report out that says the industry got bigger in August.That is the13th month in a row that it's expanded.But some experts are warning that these numbers can be open to interpretation,and they're concerned that the manufacturing industry might run out of steam.The stock market had a positive reaction though to yesterday's report.The Dow Jones Industrial Average,a col?lection of some of the most traded stocks on Wall Street Jumped up more than250points.

News Item54

Hurricane warnings and watches along parts of the North Carolina and Virginia coast?lines.Some people are being told to get out of the area.All because of Hurricane Earl.It's get?ting closer to shore.And this weekend is Labor Day,one of the last big weeks for summer va?cations.But a lot of people may be steering clear of the beach.Experts say Hurricane Earl


probably won't actually reach shore,but it will affect the shore.The storm is about two hun?dred miles wide,and it could bring heavy rain,gusty winds and high surf along the coast. Some swimmers are already dealing with rip currents,strong currents that can pull you away from shore.A lot of experts say if you are ever caught up in one of these things,you should swim parallel to shore until you are out of the rip current and then start making your way back.Rob Marciano caught up with some rescue workers in Virginia Beach to talk about some of the dangers there.

News Item55

At approximately one o'clock this afternoon,an Asian male entered the Discovery Build?ing in Silver Spring.He had what we believe to be explosive devices strapped to his front and back.He also had a handgun.There are reports that we've not confirmed yet that he did fire a shot when he came in.He took three people hostage near the lobby area of the entrance to the building.At one point,the suspect,it is reported that he pulled out a handgun that he came in with and pointed it at one of the hostages.It's unconfirmed now whether he actually fired the weapon or not,but at that point our tactical units moved in,they shot the suspect.The suspect is deceased.There were three hostages.All the hostages are safe and are out of the building.

News Item56

A proposal that could be the biggest overhaul of food safety laws in the U.S.in about70 years.The U.S.House of Representatives passed a version of this bill a year ago.The Senate is expected to start looking at the issue when it comes back in session soon.A lot of this has to do with the FDA,the Food and Drug Administration.Brianna Keilar gives us a look at what's being considered.The House and the Senate bill are different.But overall,here's sort of what it does.It would give the FDA direct recall power.You may not realize the FDA doesn't have this.The only thing they can directly recall themselves is baby food,and then they have to have industries go along with recalling their own stuff.

News Item57

Iran is making a new type of military weapon.It's a long-range drone,an unmanned arial vehicle.They're pretty common in modern combat.The https://www.doczj.com/doc/349569197.html,es something called a Predator drone.And American officials say the unmanned vehicles help cut down risk for troops be?cause no one actually has to be on board piloting it.Iran started producing its drones back in February.The first ones were unveiled yesterday.Iranian officials say the drones have a range of about620miles and can carry different types of bombs and missiles to hit ground targets. They claim that the goal of the new vehicles is to prevent aggression against their country. Meanwhile,Iran has started fueling a new nuclear energy plant.It says the plant will help make electricity.But other countries,including the United States,think Iran may try to make nuclear weapons.


In New York City,things are tense over plans to build an Islamic center with a mosque a few blocks away from Ground Zero.That's one site of the9/11terror attacks.And Sunday, hundreds of people turned out in protest,both against the plan and for it.Most of the protesters are opposed to the plan;they're opposed to the Islamic center.They argue that it's insensitive to build it so close to Ground Zero.According to a CNN poll that was taken earlier this month,nearly70percent of Americans agree with them;they are against the plan.But on the other side of the debate,those folks who support building the Islamic center argue that the is?sue is freedom of religion.New York Governor David Patterson says there are no laws that prevent the construction of the Islamic center.But he says the controversy shows him that"the wounds of9/11haven't healed.’,One of the leaders of the group that's behind the develop?ment of the Islamic center says that there are no plans to move the construction site,at least not for now.

News Item59

Severe flooding has left20percent-one fifth-of Pakistan underwater,and officials are worried about the threat of disease.A lot of the victims are walking through dirty flood waters, and that can lead to the spread of things like cholera or typhoid.Experts are estimating that as many as3.5million children are at risk of getting sick.Of course,the most immediate concern is aid:food,medical supplies.The United Nations has asked for$460million from the inter?national community.Only about half of that has been raised so far.U.S.Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is expected to announce today that the United States will be sending more aid to Pakistan.Sara Sidner has more on the relief efforts.

News Item60

Japan has been the world's second largest economy,but China is catching up.According to a new report,over the last quarter-the last three months-China passed Japan.That doesn't

necessarily mean China has taken over the number2spot.We have to wait until the end of the year to find out about that.According to these new numbers,Japan's economic output in the second quarter fell slightly short of China's.Now,for a long time,it has not been a question of if,but when China's economy would overtake Japan's as the second largest economy in the world.But,and this is a big but,if you look at the numbers for the first half of this year so far, Japan's economy is still bigger than China's.So,analysts are saying we have to wait until after the end of this year,until we get the final numbers for2010,before we can make a judgment on this.There are a lot of factors at play here.In Japan,the economy is obviously slowing down,stimulus efforts are slowing down,exports are down and domestic demand is flat.The yen is also at a15-year high against the dollar,so that makes Japanese exports more expensive for overseas customers.


Two weeks since this crisis and finally we are seeing pictures of President Asif Ali Zard-ari out meeting victims of this flood in Northern Sindh near the hearted town of Sakar,which has been the focus of so much of this rescue effort.Of course,President Zardari has come in for stinging criticism for going ahead with his visit to Europe,to the UK,to meet British Prime Minister David Cameron and to visit his family's French chateau in Normandy while the death toll here spiraled higher and higher and the number of people affected reached into the mil?lions,and now stands of course at14million.

News Item62

Iranian State TV broadcasted portions of an interview with Sakineh Mahamadi Ashtiani. She is the43-year-old mother of two sentenced to death by stoning,after being convicted guilt-y of committing adultery.And in the interview,she said she was also an unwitting accomplice to the murder of her husband several years ago.She also denounces one of her defense attor?neys,Mahamad Mostafaei.We spoke with Mahamad Mostafaei here in Norway where he was recently granted asylum after he fled Iran and he says that Iranian authorities forced Ms.Ash?tiani to make this televised statement.

News Item63

The landslide pour to Zhouqu town in seconds,leaving behind mud and rock several sto?ries high,buildings destroyed,families broken.Floodwaters cut through the disaster site in ev?ery direction.Even when rescuers do find a body,it takes hours to get it out.The dead lined the streets,and the makeshift more.There is a danger of disease spreading,heat stroke and a lack of clean water,but the digging goes on.This muddy lake that you see didn't exist about a week ago.These are the floodwaters that have buried entire villages in the district of Ghotki in northern Sindh province.Thousands of people still stranded in some of these villages.These are conditions these people have lived in for about a week now.They're saying about1,000 more people left in this area stranded,but this hovercraft simply doesn't have any more room.

News Item64

In the heartland of Pakistan,they fought to save their livelihood.In the village of Chach-ran Sharif,people depend on livestock for a living.So when rising floodwaters buried part of their village,they packed their animals on boats and headed across a lake that wasn't there just a week ago.“These animals fight you,’,said Mohammed Actor(ph),“but I had to take it if I wanted to save them.”This is Pakistan's newest disaster zone,southern Punjab province and northern Sim.Monsoon rains have pounded this region,breaking the balks of the nearby Indus river,adding more pressure are the northern floodwaters from earlier this week flowing south. Thousands of villages are now underwater,officials say,those who live there,homeless.


An employee at Hartford Distributors showed up at work this morning,and fired on his coworkers using a rifle.This happened around7:30this morning,about3540people were in?side the warehouse,and the offices,when this gunman just opened fire.And a police source close to the investigation tells CNN that9people are dead,8including the gunman.And we are hearing that the gunman's name was Omar Thornton,Thornton,he's34years old,and was apparently recently hired as a driver for Hartford Distributors.Union officials had labeled him as someone with a disciplinary problem and the idea was this morning that Thornton was sup?posed to go with a union official this morning to talk with company officials to try to resolve this issue,but instead what happened was the shooting,no word,if the meeting ever had a chance to get started.

News Item66

A couple is accused of chaining a teenage boy to a table then going gambling.The father and stepmother were arrested after the boy escaped.Police say they found the13-year-old boy with the chain around his neck and ankles,police say he told them he was chained to a table as punishment,but he was able to hide a key and unlock himself.The little boy was walking and he asked for a chain-cutter.They chained his ankles and then secured them with padlocks and then chained them to the kitchen table.Hard to imagine the kind of terror that must have been going through his mind.

News Item67

Officials say152people were on board this passenger plane,6crew members and146 passengers,and no one has survived.The plane crash taking place a little before10a.m.local time here in the federal capital of Islamabad.For much of the day,rescue crews,even local residents here in Islamabad,walked their way through rain and rough terrains to get,to make their way to the crash site,which was at the Margalla Hills,a low lying range of hills just north of Islamabad.

News Item68

What the Utah Supreme Court says is the jury instructions in the2007trial were faulty. During the trial,which we sat in,Warren Jeffs attorneys argued with the judge,saying that in jury instructions,the jury must be told that Warren Jeffs knew that unwanted sex would take place when he performed a marriage between a girl,her name is Alisa Wall,and her former husband,Allen Steed.So the attorneys for Warren Just the jury explicitly had to be told that. Now,the prosecutor said the jury is not stupid.They know that if Warren Jeffs presided over the marriage,that he would know that sex would take place.Nevertheless,the Utah Supreme Court,with regret,says they realize that this may not be justice for the girl,but they stay under the rule of the law,there should have been explicit instructions to the jury,and therefore the conviction is dropped.Therefore,he's entitled to a new trial.


News Item69

With tens of thousands of secret Afghan war documents posted online by a whistle-blower website,WikiLeaks is raising blood pressure once again.This isn't an information leak,folk. It's a gush of battle details from the frontlines-from a reported assassination attempt on Hamid Karzai to raids gone wrong.We are talking six years,92,000documents,a blow by blow picture of what our troops are up against on the ground in Afghanistan.And here's more, The New York Times reports suspicions that Pakistan's military spy service is helping the Tali?ban.The Taliban is using portable heat-seeking missiles against U.S.aircraft.Secret comman?do units are working off a capture/kill list of about70insurgent commanders.WikiLeaks'edi?tor Julian Assange is defending the move.

News Item70

Well,it looks like the wheels are coming off the gravy train in Bell,California,more now on the jaw-dropper of a government abuse story that we first exposed and it just keeps on giv?

ing.Let me set the outrageous scene once again.Bell,one of Los Angeles County's poorest places,median income,about40,000dollars,a place where the city manager was making nearly800grand a year;yes,that's more than President Obama.Keep in mind,we're talking about a state where the pink slip has become the state flower,where they are laying off teach?ers and cops,raising tuition and charging people for some emergency calls.But it was good to be Robert Rizzo.He doesn't even live in Bell,he doesn't even live in L.A.County and he's got a sweet900,000-dollar place in Huntington Beach.Look at that,could be a candidate for cribs.

News Item71

As long as the North Korean leadership takes a different choice,continuing defiance, provocation and belligerence,it will continue to suffer the consequences.Let me stress that these measures are not directed at the people of North Korea,who have suffered too long due to the misguided and malign priorities of their government,they are directed at the destabili?zing,illicit and provocative policies pursued by that government.This reform will help foster innovation,not hamper.It is designed to make sure that everybody follows the same set of rules,so that firms compete on price and quality,not on tricks and not on traps.It demands ac?countability and responsibility from everyone.It provides certainty to everybody from bankers to farmers to business owners to consumers.And unless your business model depends on counting corners or bilking your customers,you've got nothing to fear from a reform.

News Item72

We have38million people affected so far by this flood of emergency,more than a million people have been relocated.A lot of the focuses on the three gorges dam right now as we've seen that they opened the floodgates.This isn't the first time they've opened the gates during


the current flood of emergency,what is unprecedented about what's happening right now,is the volume of water which is going through the three gorges dam.This is unprecedented,it is never happened before and as you say this is a very big test on this massive structure.The rea?son why they are doing this is because while it is dry here right now in Chongqing and Sichuan Province,there is more rain on the way,and said they need to relieve some of the pressure up-river off the Yangtzi.

News Item73

A confrontation at sea has been averted after the captain of the Moldovan flag ship,the Amalthea which was been sponsored by a Libyan Air organization trying to get2000tons of relief supplies to Gaza,agreed to dock at the Egyptian port of El Arish.Egyptian authorities have agreed to let it dock and will help in unloading that shipment.Egyptian authorities will facilitate its docking,unloading,and transshipment of those goods from Egypt to Gaza,fired the Kerem Abu Salem crossing,where the goods will be inspected by Israeli officials before they get to Gazan.

News Item74

The plane carrying the10admitted spies,confessed spies from the United States has tou?ched down in Moscow,they touched down in Domodedovo,airport here in the Russian cap?ital,and they will whisk the way in black tout Mercedes minibuses.They will be debriefed ver-y thoroughly before they'll be given any~the media will be given any access to them.The4 people released by the Russians in exchange for these10Russian spies,they've made their way,and have already landed in the United Kingdom.Their whereabouts exactly is not clear to us at this stage or indeed what their plans will be,whether they will stay in the UK,or whether they will go on to other countries,neither they've been pardoned by the Russian President for their rescue espionage activity.

News Item75

I stand before you to announce the arrest of a suspect that has terrorized our community for far too long.On August10th,1985,a terror began and spread throughout the streets of south Los Angeles,and for the next25years,one man preyed on the innocent,stole the lives of women living in some of our toughest neighborhoods.For decades,he eluded the police,but today I am proud to announce,that this terror has finally come to an end.Yesterday the LAPD arrested Lonny David Franklin Junior,the man suspected of killing at least ten young women in south Los Angeles in a series of murders that spanned from1985to2007.

News Item76

From the moment Arizona Governor Jan Brewer signed a controversial law expanding lo?cal police powers to crack down on illegal immigrants and their employers,a White House le?gal challenge seemed inevitable.Following12weeks of protests,boycotts and threats,the 20

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