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【复习方略】2014版高考英语(人教版通用)课时作业(二十四) 必修5 Unit 4 Making the news]

【复习方略】2014版高考英语(人教版通用)课时作业(二十四) 必修5 Unit 4 Making the news]
【复习方略】2014版高考英语(人教版通用)课时作业(二十四) 必修5 Unit 4 Making the news]




必修5 Unit 4

Ⅰ. 单项填空

1. He asked us to him in carrying through the plan at the meeting yesterday.

A. provide

B. encourage

C. assist

D. persuade

2. (2013·泰安模拟)Please do me a favor—Mr. Smith of the date and place of our English speech contest.

A. to inform

B. informing

C. inform

D. informed

3. (2013·邯郸模拟)Mother went shopping; , I cleaned the house.

A. while

B. when

C. and when

D. meanwhile

4. (2013·通辽模拟)Funding arrangements for the poor students are already, with which they can go back to school to continue their study.

A. in order

B. in demand

C. in place

D. in vain

5. (2013·武汉模拟)Your plan, as well as his, sounds original. But the company, I think, won’t either of them, for they are unrealistic.

A. abolish

B. comment

C. approve

D. overlook

6. You should get down to your study from now on. Please what is of great importance for your future development.

A. concentrate on

B. depend on

C. put on

D. take on

7. —The engineer was accused being a spy and driven out of our country.

—Really? I can’t believe it!

A. for

B. at

C. about

D. of

8. The manager demanded that the work within three days.

A. was finished

B. had been finished

C. be finished

D. finished

9. prevent himself from harm, he being made use of by his manager.

A. So as to; refused

B. In order to; denied

C. In order to; refused

D. So as to; denied

10. —Why did you eat your words, Billy?

—Sorry, dear. But I really forgot where I was to meet you.

A. demanded

B. imagined

C. supposed

D. guessed

11. Greater efforts to increase agricultural production must be made if food shortage


A. is to be

B. can be

C. will be

D. has been

12. (2013·锦州模拟)Never Jack would attend the wedding but he turned up at the last minute.

A. did we think

B. have we thought

C. we thought

D. we have thought

13. by cutting down our expenses will we be able to afford our son’s college fees.

A. Just

B. Only

C. Never

D. /

14. The mother was to be waiting for her son to return from the front.

A. eager

B. anxious

C. keen

D. content

15. Today, we’ll di scuss a number of cases beginners of English fail to use the language properly.

A. which

B. as

C. why

D. where

Ⅱ. 完形填空

(原创)She was at the beach having the time of her life. The air blowing softly on her neck was moist and warm. The sun was high in the

sky and shining brightly. The1waves kissed her legs softly as she walked through the water. Everything was2.

Then her cellphone began violently vibrating(振动). It was her3 asking her to go grocery shopping and then come straight home. His words 4her perfect world. She walked5down the long passages of the grocery store, murmuring and fuming. It seemed every little disturbance would further her rage.

She hated the smell of the onions. When picking up some raw hamburgers the sticky substance on the packaging almost6her mad. She wanted to hit the screaming child next to her. She wanted to7, too.

How dare her husband8her trip to paradise(乐园), especially on her birthday, about which he hadn’t said anything this morning? She had woken up late, expecting to be greeted by her9husband with breakfast in hand. 10, she found herself alone in the bedroom while her husband was eating his own breakfast in the kitchen. She11as she remembered the tears that had12down her face. Her early leave from the13brought back her hurt feelings. She tried to fight back the tears with the anger she felt towards him, but the14she felt, the more depressed she became.

Angry again, she15loaded the bags into the car, fiercely16 the trunk and sped home, eager to give her husband a piece of her mind.

She left all the bags in the car as she marched towards the front door. She had bought all the groceries, and she certainly wasn’t expected to put them17.

She was trying to push the door open18 a bright light shone through. Her eyes began to take in the19of dozens of smiling shadows eager to greet her. “Surprise! ” they20. The warmth of their smiles melted her anger away and she was reduced to tears. (347W)

1. A. quiet B. silent C. calm D. still

2. A. wonderful B. perfect

C. bright

D. warm

3. A. husband B. father C. mother D. son

4. A. brought B. broke C. filled D. entered

5. A. hurriedly B. happily

C. angrily

D. carefully

6. A. got B. let C. put D. drove

7. A. scream B. shout C. sing D. cry

8. A. destroy B. disturb

C. discover

D. determine

9. A. cooking B. eating C. smiling D. laughing

10. A. Instead B. Moreover

C. Also

D. Therefore

11. A. signed B. sighed C. smiled D. relieved

12. A. rolled B. dropped C. fell D. flowed

13. A. shop B. beach C. kitchen D. bedroom

14. A. more B. sadder C. harder D. angrier

15. A. cheerfully B. easily

C. carelessly

D. quickly

16. A. opened B closed C. checked D. cleaned

17. A. away B. aside C. down D. off

18. A. suddenly B. but

C. when

D. until

19. A. sight B. shape C. thought D. sound

20. A. laughed B. sang C. warned D. cheered

Ⅲ. 短文改错

(2013·包头模拟) 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧), 并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除: 把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。

修改: 在错的词下画一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。

注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起)不计分。

When I was a elementary school student aging ten,I took part in a

singing competition in our city. This was my first time to be in a singing competition. On the day of the competition, I was asked to enter into a studio room,which there was only one person and a piano. The man ask me to sing in front of the microphone,following his piano playing. My mother was waiting for me outside the studio. I thought that I sang better at the time. So when I finished and walked out the studio,my mother asked,“What happened to your voice? Why couldn’t we hear you? ” Then,I realized that I forget to switch on the microphone.

Ⅳ. 书面表达

假如你是李华, 你的英国笔友Mike想了解一下你参加2014年全国中学生英语冬令营的有关信息, 请你根据下面的海报给他写一封信, 谈谈有关情况和活动意义, 并邀请他参加你们的活动。

Welcome to Our English Winter Camp2014

△营址: 北京

△活动时间: 2014年2月底, 共5天。

△参加人员: 1. 全国中学生英语能力竞赛获奖者;

2. 中国、美国、英国和澳大利亚的英语老师。

△活动内容: 1. 举行英语演讲比赛;

2. 观看学生表演, 游览北京风景名胜;

3. 交流英语学习经验。


1. 信的内容必须包括以上内容要点, 可以适当增加细节, 使内容


2. 词数: 100个左右;

3. 参考词汇: 全国中学生英语能力竞赛NEPC。

Dear Mike,

Nice to hear from you again. ________________________________________

____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ________________________________

Best wishes.

Yours truly,




Ⅰ. 1.【解析】选C。考查动词词义与用法。只有assist与介词in搭配, assist sb. in doing sth. 帮助某人做某事。

2.【解析】选C。句意: 请帮个忙吧——告诉史密斯先生英语演讲比赛的时间和地点。此处为祈使句, 故inform用动词原形。


—Thank you for keeping me of everything that’s happening. —Don’t mention it.

A. inform

B. informed

C. informing

D. information

【解析】选B。句意: ——感谢你让我了解正在发生的一切。——不客气。keep sb. informed of意为“使某人了解……” , 符合句意。

3.【解析】选D。从本句的结构来看, 空白处不需要连词, 所以选项A、


4.【解析】选C。句意: 贫困生的助学资金已经准备就绪, 借助这笔资金他们可以重返校园, 继续学习。in place准备就绪, 符合句意。in order 井然有序; in demand需求; in vain徒劳地。

5.【解析】选C。句意: 你和他的计划听起来都很新颖。但是我认为公司都不会批准, 因为它们都不切合实际。approve批准, 认可, 符合句意。abolish废除; comment评论; overlook忽视。

6.【解析】选A。句意: 从现在起你应该开始认真学习了。请专心于对你未来的发展非常重要的事情上。concentrate on专心于, 符合句意。depend on依靠, 依赖; put on穿上, 戴上; take on呈现, 承担。

7.【解析】选D。句意: ——那位工程师被指控犯间谍罪, 被驱逐出国了。——真的吗? 简直令人难以置信! accuse sb. of(doing)sth. 指控某人

犯……罪,因……指责某人, 符合句意和搭配。


The shop assistant was dismissed as she was of cheating customers.

A. accused

B. charged

C. scolded

D. cured

【解析】选A。A、B、C三项均有“指控, 指责, 责备” 之意, 但搭配不同: accuse sb. of sth. /charge sb. with sth. /scold sb. for sth. 指责某人做了某事; cure sb. of sth. 治疗某人的疾病, 改掉某人的恶习。故答案为A。

8.【解析】选C。句意: 经理要求这项工作应在三天内完成。demand 后跟宾语从句用虚拟语气, 即should+动词原形, should可以省略, 且“工作” 和“完成” 之间为被动关系, 故选C。

9.【解析】选B。句意: 为了使自己不受伤害, 他否认被经理利用。因为so as to一般不可位于句首, in order to可位于句首; refuse后跟不定式, deny后跟动名词, 所以只有B项符合要求。

10.【解析】选C。句意: ——Billy, 你为什么食言了? ——亲爱的, 对不起。但是我真的忘了应该到哪儿见你。be supposed to do理应, 应该……。

11.【解析】选A。句意: 如果要避免食品短缺, 就必须做出更大的努力来增加农业产量。条件状语从句中, 要用一般现在时表示将来, 故排除C项; B、D两项与句意不符。“be+不定式” 可用于条件状语从句中, 表示“如果想……” , 故答案为A。


“一般将来时” 的谓语构成, 除了最基本的形式will/shall+动词原形和be going to+动词原形外, 还有其他多种表达方式。下面介绍几种常见的特殊表达法:

1. “一般现在时” 表将来

The train starts at five o’clock.

(注意: 此种表达方式主要用于按计划或安排等将要进行的动作, 如火车的开行, 学校的开学和放假等。常用动词come, go, leave, arrive, start, return, begin等。)

2. “进行时” 表将来

She is coming to see us tomorrow.

(注意: 此种构成只适用于位置转移的动词, 如come, leave, start, get 等。此用法常可以与be going to替换。但不能与现在进行时混淆, 其区别要看时间状语或根据上下文判断。)

3. “be +不定式” 表将来

We are to meet at the station at four this afternoon.

(注意: 这个结构主要表示该动作来自约定、协议或要求、命令等。)

4. “情态动词+实义动词” 也可表示将来的动作

It may rain tonight.

从上面几种将来时的构成可以看出: 要表示一个将来的动作可以有多种方式, 关键是根据说话者的意图选择一种最佳形式; 反之, 在上下文中, 要根据动词的词义、形式、时间状语和说话者的态度等来分析其用

12.【解析】选A。考查倒装句。句意: 我们从来没有想到Jack会参加婚礼, 但他在最后一分钟出现了。当否定词never, not, seldom等放在句首的时候, 句子要部分倒装, 根据句意可知应用一般过去时, 故选A。【变式备选】

The old couple have been married for 40 years and never once with each other.

A. they had quarreled

B. they have quarreled

C. have they quarreled

D. had they quarreled

【解析】选C。句意: 这对老夫妇结婚40年了, 他们从来没有吵过一次架。never放在句首, 句子要部分倒装。结合句意及全句的时态, 判断应用现在完成时。

13.【解析】选B。句意: 只有减少我们的开支, 我们才能负担得起儿子的大学费用。“only+介词短语” 作状语放在句首时, 句子要用部分倒装结构。

14.【解析】选B。句意: 母亲在焦急地等待儿子从前线归来。anxious 强调因忧虑、关注或害怕而产生的急切心情, 符合句意。eager侧重于急于成功的迫切心情。keen强调因强烈的兴趣或欲望而急于做某事。content意为“满足的, 满意的” 。

15.【解析】选D。考查定语从句。句意: 今天, 我们要讨论许多英语初学者无法正确地运用语言的情况。分析句子结构可知cases后跟着一个定语从句, cases是先行词, 并且引导词在定语从句中作状语, 故选D。

今天是“她” 的生日, 可是, 早晨起来却没有收到期待中的生日问候。倍感失落的“她” 到了海边, 平静一下自己的心情。却收到丈夫打来的电话, 让她买些杂货用品马上回家。满怀怨气的“她” 买好了东西, 气呼呼地回到家, 迎来的却是迟到的惊喜。

1.【解析】选C。从后文的kissed her legs softly可知海面平静。calm “平静的” ; quiet “安静的” ; silent “沉默的” ; still “静止的” 。

2.【解析】选B。结合第一段的描述以及第二段提到her perfect world 可知, 此处是说“一切都那么完美” 。

3.【解析】选A。从后文第四段可知打电话来的是她的“丈夫” 。

4.【解析】选B。丈夫的电话“打破了” 原本完美的世界。

5.【解析】选C。因为对丈夫的表现不满, 心中怀有怨气, 走起路来自然是“气呼呼地” 。

6.【解析】选D。drive sb. mad “使某人发疯” 。

7.【解析】选A。承接上一句的the screaming child, 她也想大喊大叫, too 是提示词。

8.【解析】选B。她在海边那么宁静, 是丈夫的电话“打扰了” 她。destroy “破坏” ; disturb “打扰” ; discover “发现” ; determine “决心; 决定” 。9.【解析】选C。今天是她的生日, 她原本期望早晨醒来, 丈夫早就做好了早餐, “满面笑容地” 祝她生日快乐。

10.【解析】选A。非但没有期望中的笑脸相迎和生日问候, “相反” , 丈夫让她一个人孤零零地待在卧室里, 自己一个人吃早饭去了。instead

“相反” ; moreover “另外” ; also “另外, 还有” ; therefore “因此” 。

11.【解析】选B。当时她的泪水从脸上“滚落” , 想到这些不禁“叹息” 。sign “签名; 示意” ; sigh “叹息; 叹气” ; smile “微笑” ; relieve “放松” 。12.【解析】选A。同上。roll “滚动” ; drop “下落” ; fall “跌倒” ; flow “(水)流动” 。

13.【解析】选B。刚才是在海边, 海边的宁静让她暂时忘却了烦恼, 现在过早地离开“海边” , 又伤感起来。

14.【解析】选D。前面提到她对丈夫的怨气, 越生气, 心情越郁闷。the more. . . , the more. . . 是一固定句式, 意为“越……, 就越……” 。15.【解析】选C。因为心情不好, 往车里放东西的时候自然“心不在焉” 。

16.【解析】选B。放好东西以后, 随后自然是“关上” 车门。

17.【解析】选A。因为心中有怨气, 到家以后, 她把买的东西放在车上, 因为她认为, 东西已经买来了, 当然不应该让她再去把买来的东西拿到家里“放好” 了。put away “收拾好; 放好” ; put aside “放在一边” ; put down “放下; 写下” ; put off “推迟” 。

18.【解析】选C。该句的句意为: 她正试图把门推开“这时候” 一束亮光照过来。was doing. . . when. . . 是一固定句型, 意为“正在做某事, 这时候……” 。


20.【解析】选D。大家要给她一个惊喜, 自然是大声“欢呼” 。


When I was a elementary school student aging ten,I took part in a singing

an aged

competition in our city. This was my first time to be in a singing competition. On the


day of the competition, I was asked to enter into a studio room,which there was only

where one person and a piano. The man ask me to sing in front of the microphone,following


his piano playing. My mother was waiting for me outside the studio. I thought that I sang better at the time. So when I finished and walked out∧the studio,my mother

well But of

asked,“What happened to your voice? Why couldn’t we hear you? ” Then,I realized that I forget to switch on the microphone.




Dear Mike,

Nice to hear from you again. As you know, this winter vacation, at the end of February, 2014, we winners of NEPC will go to a five-day English Winter Camp in Beijing. Some English teachers from China, the USA, the UK and Australia will join us.

In the camp, we will have some English speaking competitions, watch some wonderful performances given by the students and visit some places of interest in Beijing. Besides, we will exchange our English learning experience and talk about our colorful school life in English. I think this winter camp will greatly improve my spoken English and I will make some new friends there.

I do hope you will come and join us.

Best wishes.

Yours truly,





按住Ctrl键单击鼠标打开配套教学视频名师讲课播放 必修5 Unit 1 JOHH SHOW DEFEATS “KING CHOLERA” John Snow was a famous doctor in London - so expert, indeed, that he attend ed Queen Victoria as her personal physician. But he became inspired when he tho ught about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera. This was the deadly dise ase of its day. Neither its cause nor its cure was understood. So many thousand s of terrified people died every time there was an outbreak. John Snow wanted t o face the challenge and solve this problem. He knew that cholera would never b e controlled until its cause was found. He became interested in two theories that possibly explained how cholera ki lled people. The first suggested that cholera multiplied in the air. A cloud of dangerous gas floated around until it found its victims. The second suggested that people absorbed this disease into their bodies with their meals. From the stomach the disease quickly attacked the body and soon the affected person die d. John Snow suspected that the second theory was correct but he needed eviden ce. So when another outbreak hit London in 1854, he was ready to begin his enqu iry. As the disease spread quickly through poor neighbourhoods, he began to gat her information. In two particular streets, the cholera outbreak was so severe that more than 500 people died in ten days. He was determined to find out why. First he marked on a map the exact places where all the dead people had liv ed. This gave him a valuable clue about the cause of the disease. Many of the d eaths were near the water pump in Broad Street (especially numbers 16, 37, 38 a nd 40). He also noticed that some houses (such as 20 and 21 Broad Street and 8 and 9 Cambridge Street) had had no deaths. He had not foreseen this, so he made further investigations. He discovered that these people worked in the pub at 7 Cambridge Street. They had been given free beer and so had not drunk the water from the pump. It seemed that the water was to blame. Next, John Snow looked into the source of the water for these two streets. He found that it came from the river polluted by the dirty water from London. H e immediately told the astonished people in Broad Street to remove the handle f rom the pump so that it could not be used. Soon afterwards the disease slowed d own. He had shown that cholera was spread by germs and not in a cloud of gas. In another part of London, he found supporting evidence from two other deat hs that were linked to the Broad Street outbreak. A woman, who had moved away f rom Broad Street, liked the water from the pump so much that she had it deliver ed to her house every day. Both she and her daughter died of cholera after drin king the water. With this extra evidence John Snow was able to announce with ce rtainty that polluted water carried the virus.


2014年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试及答案 英语(北京卷) 第二部分:知识运用(共两节,45分) 第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分) 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 例:It’s so nice to hear from her again. , we last met more than thirty years ago. A. What’s more B. That’s to say C. In other words D. Believe it or not 答案是D。 21. Some animals carry seeds from one place to another, ______ plants can spread to new places. A. so B. or C. for D. but 22. —Hi, let’s go skating. —Sorry, I’m busy right now. I _______ in an application form for a new job. A. fill B. have filled C. am filling D. will fill 23. Jane is in a hurry because the train to the airport leaves _______ half an hour. A. by B. in C. for D. until 24. __ carefully if any change occurs when doing experiments in the lab.. A. Observe B. To observe C. Observed D. Observing 25. Last night, there were millions of people _______ the opening ceremony live on TV. A.watch B. to watch C. watched D. watching 26. I borrow the book Sherlock Holmes from the library last week, ______ my classmates recommended to me.. A.who B. which C. when D. Where 27.________ I have a word with you? It won’t take long. A. Can B. Must C. Shall D. Should 28. There are still many problems ______ before we are ready for a long stay on the Moon. A. solving B. solved C. being solved D.to be solved 29._______ the forest park is far away, a lot of tourists visit it every year. A. As B. When C. Even though D. In case 30. The best moment for the football star was _______ he scored the winning goal. A. where B. when C. how D. why 31.—What time is it? —I have no idea. But just a minute, I ______ it for you. A. check B. checked C. will check D. would check 32. I found the lecture hard to follow because it _______ when I arrived. A. started B. was starting C. would start D. had started 33.Some people believe _______ has happened before or is happening now will repeat itself in the future. A. whatever B. whenever. C. whereever D. however 34. We __________ back in the hotel now if you didn’t lose the map. A. are B. were C. will be D. would be 35.The film star wears sunglasses. Therefore, he can go shopping without ______.. A. recognizing B. being recognized C. having recognized D. having been recognized 第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 The Fitting-in of Suzy Khan The first time I saw Suzy Khan, I knew I had to help her. She was really small for her age of 12. The boy in my class often 36 about her and laughed their heads off. She would open a book, pretending to read, with tears dropping on the open page. All I knew was that she was an orphan (孤儿) from Africa. She had just been adopted by a family in town who 37 that the best way for her to learn American ways of life was to be with american kids. I looked down at this 38 girl and promised myself that somehow I would help her. But how could I help her 39 in with us? There had to be a 40 . One day, when I went into the classroom, I saw that Suzy had 41 her geography book to a picture of a train, and in her notebook, she had made a(n) 42 copy. I was surprised and thought that she could do something in the coming 43 show. So, I took her to see the art teacher, Miss Parker, and showed her what Suzy had 44 . “why, it’s wonderful,” said Miss Parker, who then showed us a poster she had painted 45 the talent show. “I need more of these, but I just don’t have enough 46 . Could you help me, Suzy?” On the day of the talent show, Suzy’s 47 were everywhere ---- all over the hall and all over the school, each one different. “And finally,” said Mr Brown, the schoolmaster, at the end of the show, “we have a (n) award. I’m sure you’ve all noticed the wonderful posters.” Everyone nodded. “One of our own students 49 them.” I could hear everyone whispering. “Who in our school could draw 50 well?” Mr. Brown waited a while before saying, “51 this student worked so hard on the posters, she deserves a


2014年高考英语(北京卷)完形填空真题含答案详解 The Fitting-in of Suzy Khan The first time I saw Suzy Khan, I knew I had to help her. She was really small for her age of 12. The boys in my class often 1_ about her and laughed their heads off. She would open a book, pretending to read, with tears dropping on the open page. All I knew was that she was an orphan (孤儿) from Africa. She had just been adopted by a family in town who 2 that the best way for her to learn American ways of life was to be with American kids. I looked down at this 3_ girl and promised myself that somehow I would help her. But how could I help her 4 in with us? There had to be a 5_ . One day, when I went into the classroom, I saw that Suzy had 6 her geography book to a picture of a train, and in her notebook, she had made a(n) 7_ copy. I was surprised and thought that she could do something in the coming 8_ show. So, I took her to see the art teacher, Miss Parker, and showed her what Suzy had 9_ . “why, it’s wonderful,” said Miss Parker, who the n showed us a poster she had painted 10_ the talent show. “I need more of these, but I just don’t have enough11 . Could you help me, Suzy?” On the day of the talent show, Suzy’s 12 were everywhere ---- all over the hall and all over the school, each one different. “And finally,” said Mr. Brown, the schoolmaster, at the end of the show, “we have a (n)_13_award. I’m sure you’ve all noticed the wonderful posters.” Everyone nodded. “One of our own students 14 them.” I could hear everyone whispering. “Who in our school could draw 15 well?” Mr. Brown waited a while before saying, “ 16 this student worked so hard on the posters, she deserves a 17 ,too. Our mystery(神秘) artist is our new student ---- Suzy Khan!” Mr. Brown thanked her for all the wonderful posters and gave her a professional artist’s set. “Thank you,” she cried. I 18 , at that time when I was looking at her excited face, she’d probably never 19 anything in her whole life. Everyone started to 20 their hands. Suzy Khan gave them a shy smile and the applause was deafening. I knew then Suzy was going to be all right.



2014年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试新课标II卷 英语 本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。考试结束后,将本试卷和答案卡一并交回。 注意事项: 1.答第I卷前考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2.选出每小题答案前,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号框,不能答在本试卷上,否则无效。 第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分40分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑. A Arriving in Sydney on his own from India, my husband, Rashid, stayed in a hotel for a short time while looking for a short time while looking for a house for me and our children.

During the first week of his stay, he went out one day to do some shopping. He came back in the late afternoon to discover that his suitcase was gone. He was extremely worried as the suitcase had all his important papers, including his passport. He reported the case to the police and then sat there,lost and lonely in strange city, thinking of the terrible troubles of getting all the paperwork organized again from a distant country while trying to settle down in a new one. Late in the evening, the phone rang. It was a stranger. He was trying to pronounce my husband’s name and was asking him a lot of questions. Then he said they had found a pile of papers in their trash can(垃圾桶)that had been left out on the footpath. My husband rushed to their home to find a kind family holding all his papers and documents. Their young daughter had gone to the trash can and found a pile of unfamiliar papers. Her parents had carefully sorted them


高中英语必修五课文及翻 译 Final approval draft on November 22, 2020

-必修 5 Unit 2 The United Kingdom Reading PUZZLES IN GEOGRAPHY People may wonder why different words are used to describe these four countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. You can clarify this question if you study British history. First there was England. Wales was linked to it in the thirteenth century. Now when people refer to England you find Wales included as well. Next England and Wales were joined to Scotland in the seventeenth century and the name was changed to "Great Britain". Happily this was accomplished without conflict when King James of Scotland became King of England and Wales as well. Finally the English government tried in the early twentieth century to form the United Kingdom by getting Ireland connected in the same peaceful way. However, the southern part of Ireland was unwilling and broke away to form its own government. So only Northern Ireland joined with England, Wales and Scotland to become the United Kingdom and this was shown to the world in a new flag called the Union Jack. To their credit the four countries do work together in some areas (eg, the currency and international relations), but they still have very different institutions. For example, Northern Ireland, England and Scotland have different educational and legal systems as well as different football teams for competitions like the World Cup! England is the largest of the four countries, and for convenience it is divided roughly into three zones. The zone nearest France is called the South of England, the middle zone is called the Midlands and the one nearest to Scotland is known as the North. You find most of the population settled in the south, but most of the industrial cities in the Midlands and the North of England. Although, nationwide, these cities are not as large as those in China, they have world-famous football teams and some of them even have two! It is a pity that the industrial cities built in the nineteenth century do not attract visitors. For historical architecture you have to go to older but smaller towns built by the Romans. There you will find out more about British history and culture. The greatest historical treasure of all is London with its museums, art collections, theatres, parks and buildings. It is the centre of national


(北京卷)2014 年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语 第一部分:听力理解(共三节:30 分) 第一节(共5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,共7.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话,每段对话有一道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,听完每段对话后,你将有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话你将听一遍。 例:What is the man going to rend? A. A newspaper B. A magazine C. A book 答案是A 1. What juice does the man order? A. Lemon B. Apple C. Orange 2. What subject does the man like best? A. History. B. Biology. C. Chemistry. 3. Where is the woman from? A. Britain. B. Russia. C. America. 4. What kind of student bus pass does the woman want? A. Weekly. B. Monthly. C. Yearly. 5. What are the two speakers going to nuy for Mary’s birthday? A. A bicycle. B. A pen. C. A book. 第二节(共10 小题;每小题1.5 分,共15 分) 听下面4 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5 秒钟的时间阅读每小题。听完后,每小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独 白你将听两遍。 听第6 段材料,回答第6 至7 题。 6. What’s wrong with the woman ? A. She has a cough. B. She has a headache. C. She has a fever. 7. How long is the medicine for? A. One day. B. Two days. C. Three days. 听第7 段材料,回答第8 至9 题。 8. What does the woman need? A. Some ink. B. A printer. C. Some paper. 9. What problem does the man have? A. He can’t send a text m essage.. B. He can’t hear the woman clearly. C. He can’t be back to the office soon. 听第8 段材料,回答第10 至12 题。


2014年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(浙江) 英语试题 选择题部分(共80分) 第一部分:英语知识应用(共两节,满分30分) 第一节:单项填空(共20小题,每小题0.5分,满分10分) 从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。 1. ---I am going to Spain fort a holiday soon. --- ______. A. It’s my pleasure B. Never mind C. Leave it alone D. Good for you 2. The paper is due next month, and I am working seven days ______ week, often long into ______ night. A. a; the B. the; 不填 C. a; a D. 不填;the 3.An average of just 18.75cm of rain fell last year, making ______ the driest year since California became a state in 1850. A. each B. it C. this D. one 4.Joe is proud and ______, never admitting he is wrong and always looking for someone else to blame. A. strict B. sympathetic C. stubborn D. sensitive 5.I don’t become a serious climber until the fifth grade, ______ I went up to rescue a kite that was stuck in the branches of a tree. A. when B. where C. which D. why 6.We most prefer to say yes to the ______ of someone we know and like. A. attempts B. requests C. doubts D. promises https://www.doczj.com/doc/365060599.html,st week a tennis ball hit me on the head, but I tried to _______ the pain, believing that it would go away sooner or later. A. share B. realize C. ignore D. cause 8.“Every time you eat a sweet, drink green tea.” This is _____ my mother used to tell me. A. what B. how C. that D. whether 9.No matter how carefully you plan your finances, no one can _____ when the unexpected will happen. A. prove B. imply C. demand D. predict 10.While staying in the village, James unselfishly shared whatever he had with the villagers without asking for anything ______ . A. in return B. in common C. in turn D. in place 11.Sofia looked around at all the faces: she had the impression that she _____ most of the guests


人教版高中英语必修五知识点详解 Units 1-2 1. doubt doubt是高考中的高频考查词汇。doubt可作动词和名词,是新课标重点词汇。其命题角度为:①作动词时, 若为肯定句,后跟宾语从句,通常用if/whether引导,若为否定句,则通常用that引导。 ②doubt作名词时,通常用于There is no doubt that ...(毫无疑问)结构。2010年高考对doubt的考查还将集中 在其后跟从句时连接词的选择上,也有可能将doubt与其他动词或名词放在一起进行词义辨析。 2. expose expose是新课标要求掌握的单词,应重点掌握它的义项及常见用法,特别是be exposed to 句式,其中to为介词,后跟名词、代词和动名词;同时注意exposed to作后置定语和用于句首作状语的用法。另外,being exposed to结构用动名词形式作主语也是重点和难点,极易考查。 预测2010年命题方向为exposed to 作状语和定语的用法。 3. absorb absorb是新课标重点单词,重点掌握其“吸收(液体,热);吸收,理解(知识)”的词义及其be absorbed in(全神贯注于……)的用法,易考点为该短语位于句首作状语和作后置定语两点,考生应能掌握be absorbed by(为某事物所吸引);还应联系be engaged in, be devoted to, be involved in和be lost in等常见重点近义短语。 4. apart from apart from是常见介词短语,意为“除……之外”,考生应熟练掌握近义的词和短语:except, besides, in addition (to), other than, except for, except that, except when等。预测2010年高考会在单项填空题中直接考查或者会出现 在阅读理解题中。 5. available available是新课标重点单词,在近几年高考和各地的模拟考试中出现的频率极高,主要考点为:①词义(可得到的,可用的)。命题形式常为形容词词义辨析,如区分accessible, acceptable, sensible, favourite, average, convenient 等。②用法。be available to意为“可利用的”,be available for意为“使……可以享受某物;使……买得起某物”, 要了解二者的区别。 预测2010年高考命题会以考查词义或者形容词短语作后置定语为命题方向。 6. consist of consist of是近几年高考高频考查短语。①理解其词义“组成,构成”。②考查与其他近义词组的用法异同点。 如be made up of, be composed of, constitute, be formed of 等。考生要特别注意consist of要用主动形式表达, 不用系表结构。预测这一考点将成为2010年高考考查的重点,特别是用consisting of 作后置定语。 7. break down 由break构成的动词短语是历年高考命题的重点。考生必须明确break down的几个常见义项,根据不同的语 境加以判断。break down,break up, break off, break away, break in等,都要求考生熟知它们的常见义项,因为 命题时可能会对该短语直接考查,也可在短文中考查对其意义的理解。 8. only+状语(状语从句)位于句首构成部分倒装 这是考生必须熟练掌握的句式之一,以往的高考题中已多次考查到。倒装句式有多种情况,该句式为日常交 际中较常见的一种。特别提示:only只有强调状语或者状语从句才构成部分倒装,强调主语或宾语不用倒装。 预测该句式是2010年高考命题考查的重点。 重要词汇拓展 Unit 1 Great scientists 1. ____ n. 特征;特性 2. _____ vt.&vi. 结束;推断出→______ n. 结论 3. _____ vt. 打败;战胜;使受挫 4. ______ vt. 参加;出席;照顾;护理→_____ n. 参加;出席;侍从;看护 5. _____ vt. 暴露;揭露;使曝光→_____ n. 暴露;揭穿;揭发 6. _____ vt.& n. 治愈;痊愈→______adj.可治愈的 ______ vt.& n. 控制;支配 8. _____ vt. 吸收;吸引;使专心→______adj. 被吸收的;全神贯注的 9. _____ adj. 严重的;严厉的;剧烈的 characteristic 2. conclude;conclusion 3. defeat 4. attend;attendance 5. expose;exposure 6. cure;curable 7. control 8. absorb;absorbed 9. severe 10. _____ vt. 宣布;通告→______n. 宣布;宣告;通知 11. ______ vt. 命令;指示;教导→_____ adj.有教育意义的;有指导意义的→_____n.指导;指示;指令→_____ n. 教师;讲师;指导员 12. _____ vt.&vi. 捐献;贡献;捐助→______n.贡献;奉献 13. _____ adj. 有创造力的;创造性的;独创的→______n.创造;创作 14. _____ adj. 热情的;热心的→______ n. 热心;热情


2013 年北京高考英语试题 第一部分:听力理解(共三节,30 分) 第一节(共5 小题;每小题1.5 分,共7.5 分) 听下面5 段对话,每段对话后有一道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,听完每段对话后,你将有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。 例:What is the man going to rend? A. A newspaper B. A magazine C. A book 答案是A 1. What room does the man want? A. Sinple B. Double C. Twin 2. What will the man buy? A. Vegetables B. Meat C. Bread 3. What does the man plan to do? A. Go fishing B. Go jogging C. Go camping 4. How much is the change? A. $8 B. $ 42 C. $50 5. What’s the weather like this afternoon? 第二节(共10 小题;每小题1.5 分,共15 分) 听下面4 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5 秒钟的时间阅读每小题。听完后,每小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。 听第6 段材料,回答第6 至7 题。 6. When will the woman go to see the movie? A. Friday. B. Saturday C. Sunday 7. Where will the woman sit for the movie? A. In the front. B. In the middle C. At the back 听第7 段材料,回答第8 至9 题。 8. When will the two speakers meet? A. On the 13th B. On the 14th C. On the 15th 9. What is the man doing? A. Persuading the woman to accept his suggestion. B. Making an apology to the woman. C. Inviting the woman to lunch. 听第8 段材料,回答第10 至12 题。 10. Where are the two speakers? A. In the library. B. In the café. C. In the classroom

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