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1、初赛时间:4月13日下午 14:30,地点: 2号楼2-1,















4、决赛时间:4月20日下午 14:30(暂定)






某教研组 2016年3月23日



1、主题:主题明确、深刻,观点正确、鲜明,见解独到 15分




5、时间把握:速度适中,时间把握准确 10分




竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除外研杯英语演讲稿范例 篇一:外研社杯一等奖英语演讲稿加专家点评 helloagain,ladiesandgentlemen! nowadays,weliveinatechnology-drivensociety.ontheone hand,technologyhelpsusalot.Liketoday,ourcontestuses allkindsofmoderntechnologytohelpfacilitatetheproces s.ontheotherhand,however,wehumanbeingshavethetenden cytobeaddictedtomoderntechnology.nooneknowsthisbett erthanthose“hi-tech” parents.Andtheyareactuallysendingtheirchildrento “non-hi–tech” schools.Ithinkthemainconcernsbehindthisdecisionaret hefollowingtwo:First,“hi-tech”parentswa nttheirchildrentoreturntotherealhumanworld;andsecon d,theywanttheirchildrentoreturntonature.

Forthefirstconcern:returntotherealhumanworld.well,w henthelittleboywasso focusedonthecomputerscreen,heisactuallyisolatedfrom therealhumanworldaroundhim.butifwetakethecomputeraw ayfromhimandlethiminteractwithhispeersandplaywithhi speers,hecanactuallylearnhowtogainemotionalcontrolo fhisownemotion,andhecanhaveabetterunderstandingofot herpeople’sneedsandrights.Andthatiswhatwecalled “eQ”,whichisaveryimportantelementifyouwantsuccess inlife. Forchildrentogetbacktorealworld,thereisanothereleme ntinvolved:thatisnature.well,itistruethatachildcana ppreciateapictureofrosefromacomputerscreen,buthewil lnotbeabletotouchitspetal;hewillnotbeabletosmellits fragrance.withoutacomputer,weactuallygivethechildac hancetogobacktonature.hecanfeelthecoldnessoftherunn ingwater;hecanhearthebirdssing;hecanholdaflakeofsno winthepalmofhislittlehands.natureisnotonlythesource ofjoy,itis,actually,moreimportantly,thesourceofimag inationandinspirationforcreativity.Forexample,thein


梦想演讲比赛通讯稿 对于梦想主题的演讲稿你们可能见过不少,那么你对梦想主题演讲比赛的通讯稿需要怎么写有兴趣吗?下面就由小编为你带来梦想演讲比赛通讯稿,希望你喜欢。 梦想演讲比赛通讯稿篇【1】 “大学生杯”第一届重庆邮电大学“中国梦,大学情”主题演讲比赛复赛于11月08日晚上19:10在二教2115开幕。63名参赛选手经过近两个小时的激烈角逐,最终有15人脱颖而出,成功晋级决赛。 此次复赛只经一轮,参赛选手按照签到顺序排号并于现场抽题,一分钟思考准备后上台1分钟即兴演讲,由评委们打分最终角出15位晋级选手。 重庆邮电大学学生处副处长刘奎老师和公寓管理中心主任陈虹璇老师出席了此次活动;勤工助学中心主任、常务副主任、宿舍管理与自我服务委员会副会长、重邮E站副主编、学工助理代表、通信学院辩论队队长以及法学院辩论队队长等8位学生干部担任了本次复赛评委。 此次复赛备选的70道演讲题目分别来自学校学生处5个不同组织,即勤工助学中心、学生公寓管理与自我服务委员会、心理互助中心、重邮E站、学工助理。5个组织所出的题目着眼于当今社会的不同方面,比如针对网络化时代的“如何看待非诚勿扰这个婚宴交友节目?”、“李亚鹏和王菲离婚了,你还相信爱情吗”,也有针对大学生素

质教育的“大学生该不该实现经济独立?”、“如何看待大学生做公益?”,还有关于中华文化方面的“如何看待叶公好龙?”、“对于中国梦,大学生能做些什么?” “我们都有一个共同的梦想,祝愿我们的祖国繁荣昌盛,人民幸福安康……”在主持人一番激情洋溢的开场词后,此演讲大赛正式开始。整个比赛过程,台上讲解精彩纷呈,台下听众聚精会神。只有几十秒的思考时间和仅一分钟的演讲时间,给选手们平添了不少压力和难度。不过,在苛刻的比赛规则下,63名选手依然发挥出了令人啧啧称奇的讲演水平。陈希学对大学的看法堪称精辟,王川同学闲谈似的演讲风格让人看不出他的紧张,毛亚琦同学在几十秒内构思出一篇短小精悍的演讲辞的功力更是令人折服。谢世涛同学凭借着饱满的热情,慷慨激昂的演讲获得了此次复赛的第二高分。获得比赛全场最高分的是11号的杨馥宇同学,他抑扬顿挫的语调以及丰富的情感征服了全场的观众,最后,经过评委们打分,李维亚、王利婷和张雪娟等10名同学也成功晋级决赛。 比赛进入尾声,宿管会副会长在总结中告诉我们演讲不应只该空喊口号,还应付诸行动,鼓励选手们为了自己的梦想都要努力奋斗,不要轻言放弃。本届比赛由重庆邮电大学学生处主办,勤工助学中心承办,学生公寓管理与自我服务委员会、心理互助中心、重邮E站、学工助理共同协办,旨在推动校园演讲文化建设,复兴清华源远流长的公共演讲传统。决赛将于11月10日晚上19:00在三教第三国际会议厅举行。


陕西国际商贸学院英语话剧决赛落下帷幕 2012年5月7日星期一,在国际经济团总支学生会的组织下,我们在学术报告厅三楼举 办了陕西国际商贸学院英语话剧决赛。 比赛之前,同学们做了充分的准备。在比赛中,同学们用英语再次演绎了“三打白骨精” “灰姑娘”等经典桥段。这次比赛充分的锻炼了同学们的英语口语能力与现场表演能力,也 体现了我们陕西国际商贸学院对我校学生英语成绩的重视。 英语的话剧也锻炼了台下同学们的听力,演到“潘金莲与西门庆”的时候,大家捧腹大 笑。演到“我想有个家”时,大家潸然泪下。台上的同学带动了全场的气氛,使全场的气氛 一次又一次的达到了高潮。 这次活动在学校领导的指导和国际经济学院的组织下办得非常出色,在锻炼了同学们英 语口语的同时也增加了他们的舞台表演经验,使同学们受益匪浅,可谓是一举多得。 国际经济学院 郭亚程 英语话剧比赛全体演员合影篇二:英语演讲比赛通讯稿1 英语演讲比赛通讯稿 昆明理工大学材料科学与工程学院英语演讲比赛于2012年4月23日下午在多媒体202 拉开帷幕。11级辅导员黄国雄老师到场致辞,本次比赛由外国语文化学院老师陈老师担任评 委,此次比赛旨在丰富同学们的课余生活、更好的激发同学们学习英语的热情,为同学们提 供一个英语实际运用的平台,也为大家提供一个展示自我风采、彰显自我魅力的舞台。同时, 为校级英语演讲比赛选拨优秀选手。 此次比赛得到了11级全体同学的广泛关注和积极响应,赛前同学们纷纷积极报名并竭尽 全力准备材料。在学院办公室的精心策划与组织下,此次演讲比赛成功举办,并得到了学院 老师和同学们的一致好评。 比赛在主持人杨巧柔和李国成同学流畅而简短的英文介绍后,选手们闪亮登场。第一位 选手 围绕主题声情并茂的演讲,为 此次比赛开了一个好头,增加 了比赛的看点。随后的选手各 显神通,每个人都展现出他们 最出色的一面,他们以其清晰 的发音、自然的表达、优美的 语言,娴熟的口语能力和自信的微笑, 展现出他们对于英语学习的热爱和执着,同时也 展现出了他们昔日的努力和对未来的憧憬。 整个比赛秩序井然,过程中不乏高潮涌现, 现场气氛十分热烈, 观众和选手亲密互动,同学们用热烈的掌声表达了他们对选手的支持与鼓励。通过本次 比赛同学们诠释了材料学子们的自信与风采,在欢笑中收获一份难忘的青春记忆,更在比赛 中学习,在比赛中成长。此次竞赛更加深了同学们对自身英语实力客观认识,评委陈老师的 经典 讲评使参赛的全体 同学清晰地认识到 自己与一个真正的 英语演讲者的差距, 也为我们在今后的


【注】海选采用统一演讲稿以利于选手之间的比较。其主要考查选手语音语调、演讲风格。 海选时,采取突然淘汰法,即准备不充分、语音语调差的直接淘汰。反之,直接晋级。只 是.......要麻烦大家背诵了!其实.......你有把握前两段就打动评委,那.......(不说了)。 we are the world,we are the future someone said “we are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book, whose pages are infinite”. i don’t know who wrote these words, but i’ve always liked them as a reminder that the future can be anything we want it to be. we are all in the position of the farmers. if we plant a good seed, we reap a good harvest. if we plant nothing at all, we harvest nothing at all. we are young. “how to spend the youth?” it is a meaningful question. to answer it, first i have to ask “what do you understand by the word youth?” youth is not a time of life, it’s a state of mind. it’s not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips or supple knees. it’s the matter of the will. it’s the freshness of the deep spring of life. a poet said “to see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour. several days ago, i had a chance to listen to a lecture. i learnt a lot there. i’d like to share it with all of you. let’s show our right palms. we can see three lines that show how our love, career and life is. i have a short line of life. what about yours? i wondered whether we could see our future in this way. well, let’s make a fist. where is our future? where is our love, career, and life? tell me.yeah, it is in our hands. it is held in ourselves. we all want the future to be better than the past. but the future can go better itself. don’t cry because it is over, smile because it happened. from the past, we’ ve learnt that the life is tough, but we are tougher. we’ve learnt that we can’ t choose how we feel, but we can choose what about it. failure doesn’t mean you don’ t have it, it does mean you should do it in a different way. failure doesn’t mean you should give up, it does mean you must try harder. as what i said at the beginning, “we are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book, whose pages are infinite”. the past has gone. nothing we do will change it. but the future is in front of us. believe that what we give to the world, the world will give to us. and from today on, let’s be the owners of ourselves, and speak out “we are the world, we are the future.” 参考译文 世界是我们的,未来是我们的 一些人说“我们正在读一本无穷的书中的第一章的第一节。”我不知道谁写了这些话,但 是我一直很喜欢它,因为它提醒了我,我们能够创造我们想要的未来。 我们都是农夫。如果我们播下好的种子,我们将会丰收。如果我们的种子很差,有很多 草籽,收割的将是无用的庄稼。如果我们什么也不播种,什么收获也没有。 我们是年轻的。“怎样度过青春?”这是个有意义的问题。为了去回答它,我首先要问“从 ‘青春’这个词中你能理解到什么?”青春不是人生的一个时期,而是精神的一种状态。青 春不是桃面、丹唇、柔膝,而是深沉的意志,。青春是生命的深泉在涌流. 一位诗人说“从一粒沙看世界,从一朵花看天堂,把无限放在你的手掌,永恒在一刹那 里收藏”。几天前,我有了一个听讲座的机会,从中我学到了很多东西。现在,我想把这些与


学校世界水日演讲比赛活动通讯稿范文 “水对于我的父老乡亲不是停留在科普宣传册上的数据, 而是简简单单的两 个字——生命!”3 月 25 日上午,在由 XX 市水务局及我校相关单位联合举办的 “世界水日, 中国水周”演讲比赛中, 来自信息院的朱军饱含深情地讲起了自己 家乡甘肃的现状。此次活动以“严格管理水资源,节约用水从我做起”为主题, XX 市水务局副局长徐警觉、XX 市水务局纪委书记黎赛美、我校后勤集团总经理 李润山出席并担任评委。 我校后勤管理处处长陈建设致辞 ,对给予此次活动关心、支持的各位领导及相关单位表示感谢。他说,大力 开展校园节水工程及其宣传活动, 是运用科学技术改善办公学习条件的硬件任务, 更是一项开展大学生思想教育、 培养高素质人才的育人工程; 我校每年都设立专 项资金, 在三个校区同步开展形式多样的节水技术改造和节水宣传活动。 他呼吁 广大师生积极参与,弘扬水文化、传承水文明。 来自公管院、文学院、信息院等六个院的七名参赛选手先后登场,以饱满的 热情、真切的话语表达他们的节水理念,向现场观众奉上了一场场精彩的演讲。 来自公管院的高琦以《泪水》为题,直言“浪费水是对公共利益的践踏”,“如 果人类不珍惜水资源, 那么我们的泪水将是最后一滴水”; 来自地信院的陈迎迎 向大家讲述了全球性水资源缺乏的严峻现状, 引人深思。 经过一轮轮激烈竞争和 紧张投票,来自外语院的李晓萱荣获一等奖及“最佳风采奖”。 XX 市水务局纪委书记黎赛美发言,他称赞参赛选手情真意切、紧扣主题, 用不同的风格表达了“节约用水”的共同心声。黎书记说,长沙存在着季节性、 资源性缺水等问题,严重影响了城市的发展,希望广大师生能和政府一起,从自 己做起,共同为节约用水贡献力量。 据悉,今年 3 月 22 日是第十九届“世界水日”,以“城市用水:应对都市 化挑战”为宣传主题;3 月 22 日至 28 日为我国第二十届“中国水周”,宣传主 题是“严格管理水资源,推进水利新跨越”。 XX 市水务局、用水管理办公室,我校后勤管理处、计财处、校团委、水电 管理中心相关负责人也到场并担任比赛评委。


The family is the cen ter of most traditi onal Asia ns' lives. Many people worry about their families' welfare, reputation, and honor. Asian families are often 1 ____ , including several generations related by 2 __ o r marriage living in the same home. An Asia n pers on's misdeeds are not blamed just on the in dividual but also on the family--i ncludi ng the dead 3 ________ . Traditi onal Chin ese, among many other Asia ns, respect their elders and feel a deep sense of duty 4 __ them. Childre n repay their pare nts' 5 __ by being successful and support ing them in old age. This is accepted as a 6 _ part of life in China. 7 ___ , taking care of the aged parents is often viewed as a tremendous 8 ____ i n the United States, where aging and family support are not 9 _______ highly. 10 ____ , in the youth-orie nted Un ited States, grow ing old is see n as a bad thing and many old people do not receive respect. Pilip inos, the most America ni zed of the Asia ns, are 11 ________ extremely family-oriented. They are 12 __ t o helping their children and will sacrifice greatly for their children to get an education. 13___ , the children are devoted to their parents, who ofte n live n earby. Grow n childre n who leave the country for econo mic reas ons 14 __ send large parts of their in come home to their pare nts. The Viet namese family 15 __ people curre ntly 16 __ as well as the spirits of the dead and of the as-yet unborn. Any 17 ______ or actions are done from family con siderati ons, not in dividual desires. People's behavior is judged 18 _ whether it brings shame or pride to the family. The Viet namese do not particularly believe in self-relianee; in this way, they are the 19 _______ o f people in the United States. Many Viet namese thi nk that their acti ons in this life will in flue nce their 20 in the n ext life. 1. A. en larged B. exte nded C. expa nded D. le ngthe ned 2. B. i nteractio n C. blood 11. A. meanwhile B. furthermore C. however 3. A. pion eer 4. A. toward 5. A Jon tributi ons 6. A. formal 7. A. In comparis on 8. A. relief 9. A. rewarded B. settlers B. sufferi ngs B. n atural B. To the same exte nt B. resp on sibility B. honored C. immigra nt C. sacrifices C. regular C. I n a way C. burde n C. regarded D. an cestors D. tributes D. peculiar D. In con trast D. bus in ess D. complime nted 10. A. I n fact B. In return D. As a result


“外研社杯”英语演讲比赛演讲稿 Honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen: Today my topic is ’Nuclear power: a blessing or a disaster?’ When the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan, the world was thrust into atomic age. Meanwhile in the commence of cold war and during its long term, it had set the world into fear and panic of nuclear war many times. But over the years, nuclear power has found its way to promote goodness for humankind .It promises to provide clean and efficient energy for the centuries to come. So whether nuclear power a blessing or a disaster? There is no firm answer for this question from my own perspective. Ladies and gentlemen, my very initial contact with nuclear power was from a TV programme called Green Space where I saw for the first time how nuclear power had changed people’s lives and what it had left for the residents’ living around Chyrnobil nuclear power plant. Unfortunately, It was a sad story. My heart sank when I saw a boy infant appear on the screen smiling with big blue sparkling eyes. He was so cute and adorable just like all the other kids but he was blinded. What’s more, he had to receive medical treatment everyday to alleviate radiation damage, but still stood little chance of growing up. Later I learned that inappropriate operation and equipment design defect was responsible for the tradegy .Eight years has past, but the picture of that boy’s smile still appears infront of me and reminds me that nuclear power can be a living devil. However, with the increasing depletion of resources and the instant demand for energy, clean and efficient nuclear power may seem the best choice. As an old saying goes ’Every sword has two blades.’ Nuclear power is dangerous, yet efficient; environmental devastated yet clean; expensive yet sustainable. It is a matter of how we use and how we treat it. While let’s beyond all this ,whether nuclear power a blessing or a disaster, it’s ours’ choice. Thank you for listening!


大赛通讯稿范文五篇 篇一:科技大赛通讯稿 绿色节能深入人心,共建和谐文明校园 ―热烈祝贺晋华中学第三届校园科技创新大赛圆满结束 为了推进我校的科技教育工作,旨在培养学生科技创新意识和动手实践能力,进一步发扬我校作为“山西省科技教育基地校”的优良传统,我校举办了以“节能减排,绿色环保”为主题的校园科技创新大赛。 本次大赛得到了学校领导,各级班主任的大力支持。同学们都很积极地参与到了此次活动。本次大赛共收到了多达85件的科技发明作品,47件探究方案,58个社会实践调研报告和8幅科学幻想绘画。更难能可贵的是这些科技作品,探究方案,实验报告居然还涉及到了多个学科,包括空气动力学,机械制造,汽车工程等等,使得我们此次比赛不只是一场科技创新大赛,也是一个使同学们将自己学到的各个学科知识能更好整合的良好平台。通过此次活动,同学们不仅发挥了个人潜能,激发了其创新精神,而且培养了其动手和协作能力,造就了团队意识。此次大赛共设一等奖10名,二等奖20名。获奖名单如下表: 篇二:羽毛球比赛通讯稿 20xx年6月21日,云南旭恒房地产罗平分公司首届羽毛球大赛拉开了帷幕。各部门的二十多名选手参加了此次比赛,比赛设立男

子单打,女子单打,混双竞技和团体竞技共四个项目,比赛采用抽签后直接进入淘汰比赛模式,最后胜出者为冠军。 6月22日下午1点,员工进入场地布置赛场,比赛还没开始,但是大家都感觉到了氛围的浓烈。下午3点,在大家欢呼声中比赛正式拉开了帷幕,现场气氛十分热烈,大家都身着轻便的运动装进入了赛场,其中尤其是财务部的着装最为亮眼,他们统一穿上他们部门特有的红心装,一下子聚集了不少人气,让其他部门一下感觉到了他们无比强大的气场,顿时压力倍增。 比赛开始后,每位选手都以紧张而激动的状态进入比赛,大家竞争也异常激烈,各位健儿在赛场上挥洒着汗水,只见空中羽毛球时而像一只只轻盈的小鸟,你来我往,时而像一道道闪电利箭,在空中不停的来回激战,让人眼花缭乱,目不暇接。各位选手纷纷拿出看家本领,一决高低,呼声此起彼伏,不曾停息,在选手们倘着汗水的脸上我能深刻感受到了大家不言放弃、敢于拼搏的精神。其中,女子组的单打比赛中,各位女选手顶着烈日,在太阳底下挥汗如雨,让人感叹真是巾帼不让须眉。在团体竞技项目中,选手们相互协作的精神体现的非常重要,只见各部门为自己的选手摇旗呐喊,助威声此起彼伏,不绝耳边。男子组的决赛更是把比赛的氛围推向了高潮,决赛是财务部姜二虎对阵综合部的张俊,二人实力相当,技术精湛,比赛中二人是分分必争,比分一直交替上下,二人打的酣畅淋漓,大家看的是惊心动魄,最终财务部获得了冠军,比赛也在大家的欢呼声中落


2016“外研社杯”全国英语阅读大赛样题 Part I Read and Know In Part I, you will read short texts of various kinds. Read the instructions carefully and answer the questions. (Time allowed: 22 minutes) Questions 1-3 (Suggested completion time: 5 minutes) Directions: Read the following quotes. Match the quotes on the left with the people on the right. Please note there are two extra options you do not need to use. Questions 4 (Suggested completion time: 2 minutes) Directions: Read the text, and answer the question according to the text. To ensure the high standards of facilities we need to build new wards, laboratories and consulting rooms. In short, we need your help now. Complete the coupon today and rest assured that your donation is going to the best possible cause. 4. Where is the piece of text taken from? A. an advertisement B. an instruction booklet C. a story D. a newspaper Questions 5 (Suggested completion time: 2 minutes) Directions: Read the text, and answer the question according to the text. Few corners of the world remain untainted by intrepid tourists, and their impact is often devastating. Too frequently they trample heedlessly on fragile environments, displacing wildlife and local populations in their insatiable quest for unexplored locations. 5. What is the best title for this text? A. The future of tourism B. The role of tourism C. The price of tourism D. The benefits of tourism Questions 6 (Suggested completion time: 2 minutes) Directions: Read the text, and answer the question according to the text. Buying and selling anything is your forte now. If you visit a jumble or car-boot sale or the like, a romantic encounter is more than probable! News linked to the family is brilliant!


点燃青春激情构建和谐校园 ——我校热烈开展“青春奋斗”演讲比赛活动 2016年5月20日下午,在千人会议礼堂,我校举办了“点燃青春激情、构建和谐校园”的演讲比赛。本次演讲比赛是继上周预赛之后的一次决赛,比赛由高一高二语文组承办,决赛选手来自高一高二的十三名同学。 参加本次演讲比赛的人员有学校领导张立民副校长、代贵升主席,高一高二年级的主管领导韩庆涛、房继收主任,以及高一高二的语文教师和学生。演讲比赛在主持人热情洋溢的开幕词中隆重开始了,三号选手紧扣本次比赛主题,进行了“让青春在学校闪光”的演讲,抒发了用实际行动构建和谐校园的决心,让同学们深受启发。六号选手诠释了青春的真正内涵,唱响用梦想点亮青春的旋律,发出让青春无悔的誓言。十号选手是二(32)班的李佳琪,她的演讲文辞精美,语调时而高亢,似一江春水向东流;时而低缓,如小提琴的乐曲在深夜中回响。她的演讲积极向上,催人奋进。来自二(7)班的十三号刘迪同学最后出场,语惊四座,技压群芳。她音质甜美,优雅的体态与丰富的情感融为一体。 本次演讲比赛高潮迭起,演讲始终围绕着“青春奋斗与和谐校园”的主题。同学们道出共同的心声,强烈表达出把火热的青春奉献给伟大时代的强烈愿望。决赛的所有同学演讲自然大方,口语表达能力很强,普通话标准。他们的演讲,贴近现实生活,具有很强的感染性,在座的师生们不时爆发出雷鸣般的掌声。所有选手演讲后,本着公平公正

的原则,评委评出不同的奖项。获得本次比赛特等奖的是二(7)班的刘迪同学,获取一等奖的是二(32)班李佳琪与一(12)班的孙千翔同学,学校领导和评委老师分别给获奖的同学颁发了奖品和奖状。 演讲比赛的整个过程有条不紊,秩序井然。选手们演讲激情四射,展现了夏邑高中学子的风采;同学们聆听全神贯注,心灵上受到强烈的震撼。本次演讲比赛的成功举办,点燃了同学们青春的激情,强化了构建和谐校园的信心,为我校早日跨入中原名校吹响前进的号角。 (伊苏波供稿)


“外研社杯”英语演讲比赛演讲稿 honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen: today my topic is ’nuclear power: a blessing or a disaster?’when the first atomic bomb was dropped on hiroshima, japan, the world was thrust into atomic age. meanwhile in the commence of cold war and during its long term, it had set the world into fear and panic of nuclear war many times. but over the years, nuclear power has found its way to promote goodness for humankind .it promises to provide clean and efficient energy for the centuries to come. so whether nuclear power a blessing or a disaster? there is no firm answer for this question from my own perspective. ladies and gentlemen, my very initial contact with nuclear power was from a tv programme called green space where i saw for the first time how nuclear power had changed people’s lives and what it had left for the residents’ living around chyrnobil nuclear power plant. unfortunately, it was a sad story. my heart sank when i saw a boy infant appear on the screen smiling with big blue sparkling eyes. he was so cute and


比赛通讯稿3篇 本文目录 1.2017比赛通讯稿 2.篮球比赛通讯稿 3.演讲比赛通讯稿范文 10月21日,在南苑排球场,在此秋末冬初之际,xxx学院党团工委特举办此次以“提高同学生身体素质,丰富大学生的课外生活”为宗旨的拔河比赛。 拔河是一项集观赏性、娱乐性、健身性为一体的体育运动,具有较高的锻炼价值,深受广大学子的喜爱,能够增进同学间的了解和团结,以及增加各班级凝聚力。活动的目的有三,一:号召广大学子走出楼宇,走出宿舍。二:丰富同学们的课余生活,增强同学们的竞争意识和团队协作精神。三:加深各班级间的友谊,进一步促进学生德、智、体、美全面发展。 活动的对象是能环学院10、11、12级在校生,活动中将参赛成员分为16个队参赛,每队由15人组成,经过一天激烈角逐,最终敲定战局,活动取得圆满成功,最后安全12级,建环11级,环境11级,给排水11级等班级都获得了不错的成绩。 北京时间10月15日下午下课后,上李校区拔河比赛正式拉开序幕。在第一天的比赛中,真可谓是热闹非凡。那么,我也就怀着一颗激动的心,给那些没能到现场观赛的朋友们做一个简单的分享。 一、赛前紧张备战 下课铃声一响后,很多的同学们和老师都来到了操场上。要参赛的班级也赶紧召集参赛队员,都在那里紧张积极地研究战略战术,很多同学也都踊跃建言献策,场面真是壮观。除了对队员的战略战术进行讲解外,还有的班主任对他们的啦啦队方面关于如何更有气势地呐喊也进行了讲解,真可谓是准备充分。 二、赛时热闹应战

当裁判哨声一响的时候,你就能感受到那股紧张和拼搏的气氛。场上队员们个个都使出浑身力气,使劲地拔,有的同学用力过猛,还不小心摔倒了,但是他们也赶紧爬起来继续使劲儿拔。除了场上队员们拼命地应战外,场外的啦啦队也不示弱,个个敞开嗓门使劲呐喊。身在其中的观众们听到这样的喊声,内心也都很紧张和激动,他们也都恨不得能跑上去帮帮忙。 三、赛后开心谈战 当裁判最后一声哨声响起时,就味着一方获胜一方战败。按常理,我们会认为败的一方 应该会比较伤心。但是我们更多的是看到大家的开心,我知道,在这样一个小型的比赛中,同学们更看重的是在过程中的参与和体验。因为在过程中,他们已经收获了很多,比如集体的团结拼搏的感受等,所以,对他们而言,成也英雄,败也英雄。这不,环顾四周,你会发现,大家都在很开心地谈论着前面比赛的过程,场面依然热闹和欢喜。 如今,联考临近,有这样一个小型的集体活动,对学生放松心情,减轻压力都是有很大帮助的,但愿我们的学生开开心心地备战联考,愿一切顺利! 篮球比赛通讯稿 2017比赛通讯稿(2) | 返回目录 得知在第八周星期二的中午12:40我们班与上一届冠军班有一场篮球赛时,班里的篮球队员和同学都十分的兴奋。因为这给了他们一次很好的切磋,挑战的机会。同学们在期盼中迎来了这场比赛。 比赛的第一局开始了,所谓的冠军班,果然是实力不同凡响。在我们还没进一个球时,他们却一连攻进了好几个球。这局势对他们来说是绝对的优势。我班上的体育委员目睹这一幕之后,见局势不见好转,便叫了暂停,和队员们商讨对策。“对,这不是一般的对手,我们必须去好好的琢磨一下。对他们的攻球方式,攻球技巧要熟悉,要有对策。”体育委员说。大家很快明白了其中的道理。比赛又开始了,经过这番分析后,我们班队员一来变攻进了一个球`,


Change The Unchangeable—You Will When You Believe Good evening, ladies and gentleman! It’s my great honor to be here giving this speech to you. Thank you so much. My topic of the speech is change the unchangeable-you will when you believe! You may often hear this when it comes to keeping a positive attitude towards your daily life, ‘‘change the changeable, and accept the unchangeable.” Of course, this is an easy way to avoid panic when meeting with difficult situations. However, I am going to share with you a totally different opinion about dealing with obstacles and having a successful life. That is, change the unchangeable, and you will when you believe. In our daily life, there are many things which we considered as the unchangeable. For example, you think you cannot remember all the English words. You think its impossible to be the number one in your class because many students are doing better than you. And also you do not believe that you can change the world by yourself. But now, I am telling you, all of these are not true. There is a chance that you can change the so-called unchangeable things. It’s not a hard as it looks like. All you need to do is to be confident, believing in yourself that you can do it. In this world, there are two kinds of animals that can climb to the top of the pyramid. One is the eagle, its wings can help it fly to the top of the pyramid easily. The other is the snail, no one believes the snail can do such unchangeable things. But the snail itself believes. Just like water constantly dripping wears holes in stone. Step by step, the confidence and persistence finally help the snail manage to arrive at the top of the pyramid. The unchangeable things, just like a wall that prevents us from seeing through the essence of life and exploring the colorful world. But confidence can give us courage to break that wall, and a strong will can finally get us there. When meeting with the unchangeable things next time, face it with confidence. Believing that you can do it under any circumstances. As long as we are confident enough to pursue our future dream with great passion and courage, we will make a difference! Nothing is difficult to a willing heart. Change the unchangeable-you will when you believe!

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