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Unit 4 After-School Activities Lesson 20:Join Our Club!

一、Teaching content:(教学内容)

1.Words and phrases:join,improve,skill,meeting,act,useful,role,team,shape,level, make friends,at the same time,enjoy doing,stay in shape.

2.understand the meaning of text.

3.Contents:talking about after-school activities .

二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)

1. Master the new words and phrases.

2.understand the meaning of text.

3.Contents:talking about after-school activities.

三、Key points:(重点)

Words and phrases,the text.

四、Difficult points:(难点)

talking about after-school activities.

五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助)Recorder, pictures or cards.

六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型)New lesson.

七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程)

Step 1.Analysis of the student.

In lesson19,we learned Jim and Steven's after-school activities,and we can talk about our after-school activities.

Step 2. Lead in.(引入)

1)Greet the students in everyday English and make sure they can response correctly.

2)Everyday report in English.

3)Check the homework and explain if necessary.

Step 3. New lesson.(新课)

No. 1 teach the new words first,then teach the phrases,explain the meaning if it necessary.make sure the Ss can read it correctly.

No. 2text:

1).chess club

Do you want to improve your thinking skills?do you want to make new friends?Join our chess club!chess challenges you and makes you think hard.You will learn and have fun at the same time.

Club meetings are going to start next week.Join us after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays in Room288.

2).Acting Group

Acting is fun and useful.You can meet lots of new people and improve your social skills.we do lots of role play games in our classes.

Everyone can enjoy acting.Join our club and be a star!we meet at school theatre every Monday,Wednesday and Friday!

Hope to see you there!

3).Swim Team

Swimming isn't just fun--it's also good exercise!You can stay in shape and have a good time.

We have lessons for all different levels.we meet after school and on weekends.

Join us today or stop by the pool to learn more.

At last,the teacher explain the meaning of the passage,and make the Ss can understand Step 4. Play the tape for the Ss to follow.

Make the Ss listen the text,then let them read follow the tape.

Step 5.Summary. (小结)

Sum up the text what we learned,and the new words,phrases.

Step 6. Homework.(作业)

Finish the activity book and the practice.

Copy the new words twice.

Step 7.Blackboard-writing:(板书)

The new words,the master phrases,important sentences.

八.Teaching reflection:(教后反思)


冀教版七年级英语下册 《Lesson39 Home for the Evening》教学设计 一、教材依据:冀教版英语七年级下册第五单元39课 二、教材分析: 本单元重点讲述Li Ming来到加拿大后在Jenny家发生的事情。本课教学内容是要让学生了解Jenny家客厅的物品摆放及Jenny家人在客厅中的活动。通过本课学习,要让学生用自己的语言来谈论客厅里的物品,并要求学生运用现在进行时这一时态来描述人们在living room中的活动。 三、教学目标 1.知识与技能目标 (1)听、说、读、写客厅里的物品TV,chair,couch 等,以及描述或介绍各个房间及房间里的物品的名称、颜色、位置等。 (2)能够牢固掌握现在进行时并能灵活运用到课文中及实际生活中,就家人在家里的活动用现在进行时进行简单、准确的描述。 2.情感及文化目标 (1)激发学生听英语、说英语、用英语和他人进行交流的兴趣,敢于用英语进行表达,并能主动利用语言环境大胆实践。 (2)鼓励学生根据所学知识谈论自己家客厅的物品及家人,使之能在小组活动中积极参与他人合作,互相帮助,增强学生的团结合作意识。

(3)通过学习客厅物品及对家人的描述,教育学生珍惜亲情,热爱家庭,增强学生对家的热爱及对父母的尊重。 四、教学重点 (1)掌握客厅里的物品单词。如:TV, chair, couch (2)掌握动词短语。如:watch TV, read the newspaper, play cards, write a letter, sit in the chair, sit on the couch 。 (3)现在进行时的理解、掌握和运用。 五、教学难点 (1)现在分词的变化方法。如:playing, reading, watching, writing, sitting (2)掌握现在进行时以及能够熟练运用。 六、教学方法:启发引导式教学法 七、学法指导:探究式、小组讨论 八、教学过程 Step 1: Warming up 1. Sing a song together.“In the Living Room”. 2. Revision T: -Where do you live? - I live in a house. Here's my house. How many rooms? Guess what room is it. S1, S2, S3, S4: This is a bedroom/ living room/ kitchen/ bathroom. T: I have something for my house. I want you to put them in the


初中七年级新目标英语上册全册教案 Unit 1 My name’s Gina 第一课时教案示例 教学目标 1.学会询问周围新同学的姓名,并且将自己刚认识的好朋友介绍给全体同学 2.通过学生制作名卡或桌卡来提高学生学习英语的兴趣,体现英语的实用性 3.通过以上任务活动,掌握形容词性物主代词的用法及其与人称代词的主格的区别,并且在第一节课让学生对英语的学习产生兴趣。 4.德育目标:热爱班集体,团结同学。 教学重点和难点 1.形容词性物主代词的用法 2.在任务活动中掌握you和your,he和his, she和her 的用法 3.重点句型(斜体字为扩展句子): Hi / Hello! Good morning / afternoon / evening. How are you? Fine, thank you! / Very well / So-so /All right. What’s your name? My name is …/ I’m … What’s his/ her name? His/Her name is … 课前准备 1.学生课前准备: 利用网络查阅中英文姓名及初次见面时各国或各地风俗,礼仪体会它们的不同之处; 准备硬纸片和水彩笔;

用英文介绍自己的姓、名。 2.教学器材:录音机、电脑、图片。 3.教学课件:中英文名字展示片。 教学设计 Tasks Students’ activities Teacher’s activities 1. Game: ask and answer the question: What’s your name? Students make a self-introduction and pass the sentences one by one. At first, teacher makes a self-introduction. 2.Two students act out how to greet people. Act out the greeting forms they are familiar with or they find on net. Show the students the pictures of other countries’customs with computer. 3. See who can make the most friends and get the most information. Then report their results with his or hers. Move around to make friends with the ones they are interested in. Make the students move around to make friends with others. 4. Design and make their name cards . Design and make their name cards in groups. Ask them to design their name cards and see which group is the best. 教学过程设计 任务一:结识新朋友。 1.老师首先向学生做一个自我介绍,将名字写在黑板上: My name is …, My first name is…, My last name is …同时介绍一下名字的意义,然后学生就近结组,进行自我介绍。例如:一个学生叫徐烨,他说:My name is Xu Ye. Ye means light;一个叫王超的学生介绍说: My name is Wang Chao. Chao means Superman。这个任务能够激起学生学习英语的兴趣,同时扩 大词汇量。 2.“What’s your name?”传句子比赛。学生按行分组,一个同学问,“What’s your name?”第二个学生回答,“My name is …”然后再接着问第三个人, “What’s your name?”第三个人答,“My name is …His/ her name is …”再接着问第四个人What’s your name?”。。。看哪个组最先获胜。 任务二:学生利用电脑向大家展示他们所搜集的中英文姓,问候语名及各国或各地初次 见面时的礼仪,体会它们的不同之处;然后由抽签决定各组同学分别用哪个国家或哪个地区 的礼仪(例如:日式、美式、法式和学校版的礼仪)来表演两个人初次见面时的问候语及谈


冀教版英语七年级上册重点知识总结 Unit 1 四会:Canada four five over around classroom office lab eraser wall OK two three later thing list ten six seven one nine eight classmate plan guess may borrow need student show fun first excuse store 三会:thanks home room visiting 常考短语:be from=come from over there have lessons/have classes have fun=have a good time=enjoy oneself good morning show …around play sports shopping list make a plan (for…) go first borrow …from… homeroom teacher visiting student guessing game 经典句型:What’s your name ? My name is Wang Mei.=I’m Wang Mei. How are you? I’m fine, and you? Excuse me. May I have a book,Jenny? What about your new school?(what about doing sth) Nice to do sth. plan to do sth. have fun doing sth. It’s one’s turn (to do sth.take turns to do sth. need sth./ need to do sth. want sth./want to do sth./want sb. to do sth. how to do sth与what to do tell sb sth =tell sth to sb /tell sb (not)to do sth introduce sb to sb/introduce oneself(to sb) Let sb do sth Sb be in +班级/年级


Lesson 1: A Trip to China (3) Lesson 2: You in Beijing (4) Lesson 3: A vis it to Xi’an (5) Lesson 4: A Visit to Lanzhou (7) Lesson 5: Another Stop along the Silk Road (8) Lesson 6: Jenny’s Diary (9) Lesson 7: What’s Your Project about? (10) Lesson 8: Marco Polo and the Silk Road (11) Lesson 9: Danny’s School Project (12) Lesson 10: Music and Dance (13) Lesson 11: Food in China (14) Lesson 12: A Blog about the Silk Road (15) Lesson 13: how is School Going? (16) Lesson 14: Jenny’s School life (17) Lesson 15: Making a Difference (18) Lesson 16: We Are with You! (19) Lesson 17: School Science Fair (20) Lesson 18: teaching in China (21) Lesson 19: A Dinner Date (22) Lesson 20: Join Our Club! (23) Lesson 21: What is your club type? (24) Lesson 22: Big Plans for the Weekend (26) Lesson 23: A Weekend with Grandma (27) Lesson 24: how Was Your Weekend? (28) Lesson 25: A Phone Friend (29) Lesson 26: Online Phone Calls (30) Lesson 27: Amazing English (31) Lesson 28: how do I learn English? (32) Lesson 29: A Door to the world (33) Lesson 30: writing an E-mail English (34) Lesson 31: What Strange Weather! (35) Lesson 32: I Can’t Wait for Winter! (36) Lesson 33: Kim’s Favorite Season (37) Lesson 34: Steven’s Report (38) Lesson 36: Spring in China (40) Lesson 37: You Are What You Eat! (41) Lesson 38: Stay Healthy (42) Lesson: 39 Danny’s Report (43) Lesson 40: Move Your Body (44) Lesson 41: Were People Healthy Then? (45) Lesson 42: Know Yourself (46) Lesson 43: Have a Good Summer! (48) Lesson 44: Volunteering in Summer (49) Lesson 45: Baseball Season (50)


Module 1 My teacher and my friends. Unit 1 Good morning, Miss Zhou. Ⅰ. Analysis of the text: This is the first English lesson. Students should know how to greet with the teacher and other students. Ⅱ. Arrangement of teaching in this module Three periods for this module, one period for one unit. Ⅲ.Teaching focus: 1. Master language of daily greetings. Key vocabulary and phrases: hello, class, my, name, is, Miss, good, morning, good morning, afternoon, good afternoon, goodbye 2. Be skilled in oral expression of greetings. Ⅳ.Teaching aims: 1. Function: Greetings in students’ daily life. 2. Listening: Students can understand others’ greetings by listening. 3. Speaking: Students can introduce themselves and greet with others. 4. Reading: Students can understand the similar dialogue of greetings. 5. Writing: Students can write greeting words in their daily life. Ⅴ.Character building: Motivate students’ interest in learning English. Make friends with all students. Ⅵ.Teaching Procedures: Part I: Lead in: Step 1: Greeting with the students.


Lesson 1 A Trip to China 【教学目标】掌握单词、短语及重要句型。 【教学重点】掌握并运用一般将来时 【教学难点】同上 【教学过程】 一、词汇学习 1. Here is a good ________________(机会) for you. 2. ________________________(丝绸之路) has a long history. 3. Here is the ________________(短信) from school. 4. How much ______________(消息) did you get from him? 5. Who_______________(带领) the trip? – Mr. Martin will. 二、听力训练 课本P3 Let’s Do It. Part 1. 三、任务阅读 课本P3 Let’s Do It. Part 2. 四、课文讲解 1.语法讲解——一般将来时(表示将来某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态) ①构成will + do(动词原形) ②常见的时间状语:a. tomorrow明天; b. next… 下….-如:next week下周;next year明年; c. soon 尽快; d. tonight=this evening 今晚; e. someday 有朝一日; f. in the future 在未来 ③含有will的句子变一般疑问句,把will提前。 回答时用Yes, sb. will. 或No, sb. won’t. Eg. The girl will watch TV. –Will the girl watch TV? Yes, she will. No, she won’t. ④含有will的句子变否定句,在will 后加not,即will not = won’t. Eg. The girl will play. –The girl won’t play. 跟踪练习 ①My brother _________________(fly) to Beijing tomorrow.


冀教版七年级英语上册教案全集 Lesson 1 Hello 一、Teaching content: 1. Greetings: hello, hi 2. Self-in troducti on: My n ame is … 3. Asking for others ' names: What 's your/his/her name? 二、Teaching goals 1. Understand the text 2. Remember the words: hello, name, my, your, his, her, I, is, what 3. Make sure the Ss can introduce each other in English 三、Key points: What' s your/his/her name? My /his/her name is … 四、Difficult point : What 's his/her name? 五、Preparation: A map of China and a map of Canada; some pictures of characters such as Sun Wukong, LanMao and so on. 六、Teaching aids : Recorder, pictures or cards 七、Type of the lesson : Listening and speaking 八、Teaching procedure Step 1.Warming up . Discuss the following questions with the Ss in Chinese 1. Why do we learn English? 2. Where is English spoken? 3. Do you know any English words? 4. Is English interesting? 5. Do you often come across English words? Step 2. Lead in . Discuss these questions: 1. What do you say when you meet someone? 2. Do you know what Canadians say when they meet? 3. How do you introduce yourself or someone else in Chinese? 4. Do you know how to introduce someone in English? Today we 're going to learn something about them. Do you want to know? Step 3. New lesson: No. 1 Hello/Hi, my name is 1. Presentation Pretend to meet someone. Say “Hello ” or “ Hi ”, my name is … . Make sure the Ss can understand it. Encourage them to repeat. 2. Practice Work in pairs. Encourage the Ss to greet each other and introduce themselves. Then ask some pairs to act it out. No. 2. What ' your/his/her name 1. Presentation Say “My nameis___. What's your name?” Translate if necessary. Then repeat a few times. Encourage the Ss to follow until they can say it correctly. 2. Practice Work in chain like this: A: (to B) My name is ___. What ' s your name? ' s your name? B: My name is ___. (to C) What C: … Then ask some Ss to act it out. 3. Presentation and practice : What ' s his/ her name? Show a picture of LAN Mao and say, “What's his name? His name is Lan Mao ”. Ask the question and help the Ss to answer. Then repeat. Work in pairs to practice the dialogue and ask some pairs to act it out. 4. Introduce the characters on the textbook : Li Ming, Jenny, and Danny. Teach the words China and Canada, using maps of them. Then explain the sentence “ I live in___. ” 5. Listen and follow 6. Play the tape for the Ss to follow. 7.Summary. Sum up the lesson briefly by practicing all the dialogues in the text.


冀教版七年级英语下册 《Unit 3 School Life 》教案 Lesson 15 Making a diference 教材分析:第三单元核心内容是Shool life。在八个单元中起承上启下的作用。前三个单元谈如何待人,如赞美鼓励与关爱;后五个单元谈如何律己,如个人兴趣习惯,健康规划设计,小到日常,大至人生。各单元环环相扣,层层深入,引领孩子们走向健康之人格。第十五课通过Hao Tongxin,一个与学生同龄的学生的自我介绍展示乡村希望小学的风采,引导主旨“with a good education,you can make a difference.You can make a good life for yourself.Then you can help your family,friends and other people,too.从而由人而己,点明启蒙学习的重要引导学生关爱家人,朋友,关心社会。 一、Teaching content:(教学内容) 1.Learn new words and phrases:difference,village,yourself,drop,possible,never, future,give up,drop out of school,in the future, 2.Understand the meaning of text. 3.how to express concern. 二、Teaching goals:(教学目标) knowledge aims:. 1. remember the new words and phrases. 2.understand the meaning of text. 3.expressing concern. Skill aims: 1能听懂,理解新词,词组所表达的句子及会话。 2.通过阅读课文,能回答提出的问题,熟读并理解短文大意。 3.能用本课所学额词,词组,语法完成各类练习。 Aims for feelings: 通过本课学习,使学生懂得:有了良好的教育,方能改变人生这一观念,增强师生的情感.。 三,Key points and difficulties: 1.The language knowledge given in this lesson . 2.熟读,背诵课文。 四,Teaching aids:(教学辅助)多媒体, pictures or cards. 五、Type of the lesson:(课程类型)New lesson. 六、Teaching procedure:(教学过程) Step 1. Lead in. Greeting:say hello to every Ss,and make sure the Ss can answer it correctly. Then check up the homework,if the Ss do it right.


冀教版七年级英语上册短语总结 Unit 1 School and Friends 重点短语: be from ...... 来自over there 在那里 homeroom teacher 指导教师visiting student 访问生 show,, around 带领.... 参观have lessons上课have fun 玩的愉快 play sports进行体育活动guess ing game猜谜游戏 play a guess ing gam^S 猜谜游戏 Get ..... for sb.为某人取(买,拿)某物shopping list购物单Class Fou四班welcome to ....... 欢迎来至U .. get books 借书pla n their less ons 备课 have science classe上科学科let' s do sth.咱们做某事吧 It 's one's turn to do sth. Now. 现在轮至某人做某事了。 on the wall 在墙上buy sth. for sb.=buy sb. sth. 给某人买某物主要句型及交际用语: ----- What s your name?(特殊疑问句,用于询问对方的名字,句中的what s是what is的缩写形式。) ——My name is ,, / I'm(I am),, How are you? 你好吗?I'm fine. And you? 我很好,你呢? ——Nice to meet you. 见至你很高兴。(第一次见面时相互问候的用语。) ----- Nice to meet you, too.见到你也很高兴 Good morning。早上好。 Lets……咱们……吧。 ----- Excuse me. May I have /borrow ?抱歉/打扰。我可以借....... 吗? ----- Here you are.给你。 ——May I ……? ——(肯定回答)OK. /Sure./ Certainly./ Of course./ Yes, you may. ——(否定回答) Sorry./ No, you may not. 注意:may not 无缩写形式。 You are welcome!不客气!See you later.再见。


冀教版七年级下英语知识 点总结 This manuscript was revised on November 28, 2020

第一单元知识点归纳 七年级(1)(2)班 1、go on a trip to …… 去某地旅行 I will go on a trip to Beijing. 2、the capital (city) of our country 我们的首都 Beijing is the capital city of our country. 3、too + 形容词或副词 + to do sth 太……而不能…… My sister is too young to go to school. My sister is so young that she can’t go to school. 4、be busy with/at sth be busy doing sth 忙于干某事 I am busy with my homework. I am busy doing my homework 5、⑴far from …… 远离某地 ⑵ (表距离的词) + away from …… ⑶ It is + 表距离的词+ from … to … 举例:⑴ Beijing is far from Shijiazhuang. ⑵ Beijing is two hundred kilometers away from Shijiazhuang. ⑶ It is two hundred kilometers from Beijing to Shijiazhuang. 6、shop n. 商店:go to the shop v. 购物:go shopping / do some shopping 7、work hard in/at 努力学习(工作)He works hard in English 8、invite sb to do sth 邀请某人干某事 Danny invited Li Ming to come to Canada invite sb to …… 邀请某人去某地 Kim invited me to Canada 9、want to do sth 想要干某事 He want to buy a book. want sb to do sth 想要某人干某事(同would like)My mother wants me to work hard every day. 10、talk to/with sb 和某人交谈、和某人谈话 talk about sth 谈论某事 11、call 喊、打电话 call sb (on the telephone) 给某人打电话 12、leave for …… 动身去某地Danny will leave for Beijing 13、stay with sb 和某人住在一起 14、交通方式: by bus/bike/car/train/plane/sea /motor bike/boat/taxi ② on a bus/bike/train/plane/boat ③ take a bus/bike/car/train/plane/boat/taxi ④其它:in a car/ boat/taxi ; on foot ; ride a bike 15、May I …… May I go shopping 肯定回答:Yes, please /Yes, of course /Sure 否定回答:No, you may not /No, you can’ t 16、plan n. 计划 make a plan for sth 为某事制定计划 I am making a plan for the summer holiday v. 计划 plan (for) sth为某事做计划 plan to do sth 计划干某事 I plan to go on a picnic 17,need to do sth 需要去作某事He needs to go out for a walk 18、tell sb about/of sth 告诉某人关于某事 He told me about this news 19、go back to …… 回到某地


冀教版七年级英语上册全册教案 欢迎来到我们学校第三课教材分析第三课介绍学校的主要场所:教室、办公室、操场和图书馆,以及它们在学校中的作用。[知识和能力目标] 1。介绍我们学校。2。新单词。 3。完成练习:[过程和方法目标]听和说[情感态度和价值观目标]学习介绍你的学校。◆教学重点和难点◆[教学重点] 1。理解文本 2。记住新单词:访问学生,表演,操场,周围,实验室,图书馆。[教学难点] 让学生做练习\教学目标课前准备图片。PPT ◆教学过程步骤1。热身 复习最后一个单词和常用表达。让学生用中文介绍你的学校。1991年。杰克来自加拿大。他是李明学校的访问学生。现在李明带领杰克参观他的学校。1.图片一——教室 这是我们的教室。我们这里有课。2.图片二——办公室 这是一间办公室。我们的老师在这里计划他们的课程。3.图三——操场 那是操场。我们在那里做运动,玩得很开心。4.图四——图书馆 那就是图书馆。我们在那里买书。5.图片五——实验室 这是一个实验室。我们在那里上科学课。第二。练习:\ 让学生理解课文,并学会介绍我们学校。然后写一些关于它的句子。第四步。让我们做它

1。学习陈述并给图片编号。2.用方框中的阶段填空。3.帮助杰克找到去学校的路。4.在你的学校画一个地方。我不确定我是否能做到这一点。阅读课文,记住有用的表达。 第1单元学校和朋友第4课什么事? ◆教材分析第四课以一个客人游戏为主题,描述了游戏的大小、长度等。通过提问和回答。第五课练习如何有礼貌地借东西,并通过借东西来表达感激和告别。[知识和能力目标] 1。学习新单词。理解课文,两人一组练习对话。完成练习。教学目标教学难点 [教学重点] 1。理解课文,并确保学生们能互相说出对话。 2。记住重要的单词:钢笔、铅笔、尺子、黑板、橡皮、猜、长、薄。[教学难点] 课后做练习。PPT教学过程第一步。我想和你谈谈。给学生一些问题: 例我们学习汉语的帮助,他们让一些学生用英语说。学习新单词:钢笔、铅笔、盒子、尺子、黑板、橡皮。对话 用中文介绍对话,他们在做什么?他们解释了使用新单词的客人游戏。让学生两人一组练习对话。你知道这些东西的英文单词吗?如果你不知道单词,试着去找。第四步。让我们做它 1。听陈述并给图片编号。2.分组游戏。


七年级新目标英语Go for it!(上) Unit 1---My name’s Gina The First Period 一、Teaching Aims: 1.Knowledge Objects Key vocabulary: Target language: 2. Ability Objects Train the students’ listening skill. Train the students’ communicative competence using th e target language. 3. Moral Object Communicate with others politely. 二、Teaching Key Points Key vocabulary......my name is / name’s / clock / I am / I’m/ nice to meet you / what / what’s my your his her its look and answer question /your /hello / hi/ How to greet people....... ---What’s your name? ---Allan. --- Hello. I’m Mary. ---Hi, Mary, I’m Jim. Nice to meet you. --- Nice to meet you , too. How to introduce yourself....... 三、Teaching Difficult Point Students can communicate with others using the key vocabulary and the target language learned in this class. 四、Writing Design Unit 1 ---- Lesson1 1.---What’s your/his/her name? --- My/His/Her name is Alan. . 2.---Hello, I’m Mary. --- Hi, Mary, I’m Jim. 3.--- My name is Jenny. --- I’m Gina. Nice to mee t you!



二、教学重难点 1.Talking about distance. Using “will”and numerals. 2. Regular and irregular verbs. Simple past tense. 3.Talking about school. Using adverbs: always, often, usually, sometimes, never. 4.Talking about weekend activities and personal interests. Using “be going to ”. 5.Reflexive pronouns: myself, yourself. 6.Talking about sensons and activities. Exclamatory sentences. 7.Talking about habbits, exercise and good health. Using “ there be ”. 8.Talking about plans. Modal verb: can. 三、教学措施 1、加强词汇教学。包括单词拼写,词义记忆,语用功能的训练,在日常教学中一定要紧抓不懈。词汇是文章、句子的基本单位。词汇量的大小,直接关系到学生能否流利地运用英语进行交际,能否熟练地用英语读和写,能否流利地用英语思考。 2、基本的语法教学一定要与语境相结合。进行语法操练时,要坚持“四位一体”,即话题、语境、结构、功能相结合。抓住话题,联系语境,确定语法结构,明确语法功能。 3、加强交际用语教学。在教学语言功能项目时,要尽量避免格式化,不要限制学生的思维能力,要培养学生灵活运用语言的应变能


Unit 1 School and friends Lesson 1 Hello 本单元围绕“学校和朋友” 展开教学。课本先从李明、丹尼和詹妮的自我介绍开始,结识新的同学和老师,学习如何描写自己的学校,如何询问物品和向别人借东西等。第1课通过李 明、丹尼和詹妮拿着本国的国旗和大家打招呼的图片导入认识新朋友的情境,并在此语境中输入介绍自己、问候朋友等重点词汇和相关句型。 【知识与能力目标】 1. Greetings: hello, hi, Nice to meet you. 2. Self-introduction: My name is… Or I'm .., I'm from... 3. Asking for others’ names: What's your name? 【过程与方法目标】 Listening and speaking. 【情感态度价值观目标】 Learn to greet others. 【教学重点】 1. Understand the text. 2. Remember the words: hello, name, Canada, China, thank. 3. Make sure the Ss can self-introduce in English. 【教学难点】 Practice the dialogue. 图片,PPT

Step 1. Warming up Discuss the following questions with the Ss in Chinese. 1. Why do we learn English? 2. Where is English spoken? 3. Do you know any English words? 4. Is English interesting? 5. Do you often come across English words? Step 2. Lead in Discuss these questions: 1. What do you say when you meet someone? 2. Do you know what Canadians say when they meet? 3. How do you introduce yourself or someone else in Chinese? 4. Do you know how to introduce someone in English? Today we’re going to learn something about them. D o you want to know? Step 3. New lesson No. 1 Hello / Hi, my name is 1. Presentation Pretend to meet someone. Say “Hello” or “Hi”, I'm ...., I'm from........ (自我介绍)self-introduce Make sure the Ss can understand it. Encourage them to repeat. 2. Practice Work in pairs. Encourage the Ss to greet each other and introduce themselves. Then ask some pairs to act it out. No. 2 How are you? 1. Presentation. Say “I'm ___. What’s your name?” Translate if necessary. Then repeat a few times. Encourage the Ss to follow until they can say it correctly. 2.Practice. Work in pairs. Encourage the Ss to practice the dialogue in pairs. Demonstrate the dialogue with

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