当前位置:文档之家› 美国总统选举英文版



The first part, who can be a president? First, the U.S. president must be native American born in the United States. Second, he must be at least 35 years old. Third, he has lived in the United States at least 14 years.

Next, I will introduce the process of the election. The U.S. implement Presidential system, the presidential election was hold every four years. It includes five stages. Primary election、Nominating process、Running、General election 、Inauguration. Let's look it one by one.

1. Primary election usually starts in Feb. and ends in June. It has two forms: indirect election system & direct election system. The first form, each county, strict, state host meeting to select electors. The second form, all voters cast ballots in the same day to select electors. Most states adopt the second form. purpose: To select electors for the National Party Conventions.

2.Nominating process from July to Aug. The electors from each state make up the "Electoral College".The major political parties will officially hold its Presidential Nominating Conventions. In this Nominating Conventions, the "Electoral College" cast ballots for the candidates. Normally, the candidate for president receiving the majority(>50%) of the electoral votes is the elected president.

3.Running. The candidates of the major parties will go to many states to win the supporters by means of: campaigning trips to different states, addressing TV speeches, showing on TV debates etc. The candidates deliver countless speeches and shake countless hands. The media tools play an important role in this process. From this picture, we can see this process costs a lot.

4.General election: The first Tuesday after the first Monday in Nov. is called Presidential Election Day. That day, all voters cast ballots for the candidates. V oters can't determine the president directly. The first Monday after the second Wednesday is the real presidential election day. That day, the “Electoral College”represents the wishes of the voters to cast ballots for the candidate. Take California as an example, this state has 55 ballots, if more than a half voters support President Obama, then the electoral college will vote these 55 ballots to Obama. From this picture, we can see, there are 538 ballots altogether. Each state is allocated a number of Electoral College electors equal to the number of its Senators and Representatives in the U.S. Congress.

5.The candidate who gets more than 270 ballots can be the president. In 2012, president Obama got 332 ballots.

In Inauguration day, there are nine events, let 's look at together .

1.Morning Worship Service

The tradition of attending a morning worship service on Inauguration Day began with Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933.

2.Procession to the Capitol

By tradition, the outgoing President accompanies the President-elect to the Capitol for the swearing-in ceremony.

3.Vice President’s Swearing-In Ceremony

Until 1937, the Vice President was sworn into office in the Senate.

4.President’s Swearing-In Ceremony

5.Inaugural Address

Since George Washington in 1789, every President has delivered an Inaugural address.

6.Departure of the Outgoing President

Following the inaugural ceremony on the west front of the U.S. Capitol, the outgoing President and First Lady leave the Capitol to begin their post-presidential lives.

7.Inaugural Luncheon

Since 1953, a luncheon was hosted at the U.S. Capitol for the new President, Vice President, and guests.

8.Inaugural Parade

While early parades were mostly military escorts, by 1841, floats, citizens groups, and bands became standard.

9.Inaugural Ball

The first Inaugural ball in Washington was thrown for James and Dolley Madison in 1809.

The final part is presidential oath. Firstly, I will introduce some details about the oath. Later, I will show you a short video about the oath of the president Obama.

1.Presidents say their name after the first " I"

2.Presidents raise their right hand and put their left hand on the bible while swearing in.

3.The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court(最高法院首席法官) swears in the President of the United States.

4.The swearing in ceremony was held in Washington, D.C.

5.It is customary for presidents to add the words "So help me God " to the end of the oath .

6.Presidents give an inaugural speech after their oath.


美国总统选举制度 美国实行总统制,总统选举每四年举行一次。美国总统选举制度复杂,过程漫长。选举的主要程序包括预选、各党召开全国代表大会确定总统候选人、总统候选人竞选、全国选民投票选出总统“选举人”、“选举人”成立选举人团投票表决正式选举总统和当选总统就职典礼等几个阶段。 预选是美国总统选举的第一阶段,通常从大选年的年初开始,到年中结束。预选有两种形式,分别是政党基层会议和直接预选。前者是指两党在各州自下而上,从选举点、县、选区到州逐级召开代表会议,最终选出本党参加全国代表大会的代表。后者在形式上如同普选,一个州的两党选民同一天到投票站投票选出本党参加全国代表大会的代表,这是大多数州目前采用的预选方式。 预选结束后,两党通常将分别在七、八月份召开全国代表大会。会议的主要任务是最终确定本党总统、副总统候选人,并讨论通过总统竞选纲领。 全国代表大会之后,总统竞选活动便正式拉开帷幕。这一过程一般要持续8至9周。在此期间,两党总统候选人将耗费巨资,穿梭于全国各地,进行广告大战、发表竞选演说、会见选民、召开记者招待会以及进行公开辩论。此外,候选人还将通过多种形式阐述对国内外事务的政策主张,以赢得选民信任,争取选票。 全国选民投票在选举年11月份的第一个星期一后的第一个星期二 举行(2008年是11月4日),这一天被称为总统大选日。所有美国

选民都到指定地点进行投票,在两个总统候选人之间作出选择(在同一张选票上选出各州的总统“选举人”)。一个(党的)总统候选人在一个州的选举中获得多数取胜,他就拥有这个州的全部总统“选举人”票,这就是全州统选制。全国选民投票日也叫总统大选日。由于美国总统选举实行“选举人团”制度,因此总统大选日的投票结果,产生的实际上是代表50个州和哥伦比亚特区的538位“选举人”。另外,在总统大选日,选民还要在联邦范围内进行参议院和众议院选举。根据美国1787年宪法,两院议员由各州选民直接选举产生。 选举人票的数量,体现州权平等原则,根据各州在国会的议员数量而定。例如,每个州都在国会有2名参议员和至少1名众议员,所以,任何州都至少有3票。但人口多的大州,除了这3票以外,众议员人数越多,选举人票数也就越多。1961年,美国宪法修正案批准华盛顿特区可以像州一样有总统选举人。这样,美国国会有100参议员(任期6年,每两年改选三分之一)、435名众议员(任期两年,期满后全部改选),加上华盛顿哥伦比亚特区的3票,总统选举人票总共为538票。一位候选人赢得的选举人票超过总数的一半(270张),即当选总统。 真正的总统选举是在12月第二个星期三之后的第一个星期一举行(2008年是12月15日)。届时,各州和哥伦比亚特区被推选出的“选举人”将前往各州的首府进行投票。获270张选票以上的候选人将当选总统,并于次年1月20日宣誓就职。American presidential election system The US implements the presidential system, the presidential election is held once every four years. The American presidential election system is complex, the process is long. The election main


美国总统的产生过程 倪世清 根据美国法律,美国总统由全国选举产生,任期4 年,可以连任一次。所以每隔4年便进行一次全国大选。2004年就是美国总统大选年,如按时间计算,自 从1789年华盛顿当选为美国第一届总统以来,至今已有216年,因此,今年美国选举第55届总统;但是,由 于美国法律规定一位总统可以连任两届(富兰克林· 罗斯福因处于第二次世界大战的特殊年代,破例四度 连任总统),同时一届总统也可能由两位总统担任。因此,美国今年虽然选举第55届总统,但选举的是第44 任总统;如果现任总统布什连任,那么他仍然是第43 任总统。 美国总统的选举程序和诞生过程极为错综复杂, 主要包括以下几个过程: 1.预选。这是选举的第一阶段。一般从大选年的 2月开始,至6月结束。在此阶段,美国两大政党———民主党和共和党各自在各州进行预选,即各党的政治 领袖人物(有志于当总统的)在各自的党内进行角逐。开始,每一党内列入总统候选人初选名单的人数较多, 到3、4月份每一党内实际上只要2、3名候选人,他们通过各种形式的竞争,最终目的就是要在党内预选中 获胜,即获得党内多数票,这样他才有可能被本党提名为总统候选人。因此,预选就是为获得本党总统候选 人提名做的竞争,也是各政党为提出总统候选人做的 准备。 由于今年共和党没有人与布什竞争候选人位置, 这样,现任总统布什实际上已获共和党提名;所以,在 今年的预选中,只有民主党进行初选。民主党人克里 于2004年3月2日在美国民主党“超级星期二”预选中获得全面胜利,迫使其主要竞争对手爱德华滋退出 竞争,这标志着民主党内部总统候选人之争提前结束, 也就意味着民主党与共和党白宫争夺战的序幕正式拉开。 2.总统候选人提名大会。一般在7、8月份举行。 这期间两党分别召开全国代表大会,通过各州代表投票,选出本党的总统候选人,然后由总统候选人提名副总统候选人,并制定正式的竞选纲领。 3.竞选运动。这一阶段历时4个月左右。所谓竞 选运动是指两党总统候选人为争夺总统职位直接在全国选民中寻求选票而展开的各种活动。在这期间,他 们分别会使出浑身解数,甚至不择手段,到全国各州进行竞选旅行,发表电视演说,广泛会见选民,进行各种 辩论……其最终目的是使选民相信自己的竞选纲领,


美国总统竞选演讲稿 美国总统竞选演讲稿为了重塑美国中产阶级,我将给予95%的工人及其家庭税收减免待遇。如果你工作,就交税;如果年收入不足20万美元,你会获得减税;即使你的年收入超过了25万美元,你所负担的税率也比上世纪九十年代要低──资本利得税和股息税要比里根总统时期低三分之一。通过重建日益破败的基础设施、在美国的各个角落接通宽带,我们将创造200万个就业岗位。未来的十年中,我将每年在可再生能源领域投资150亿美元,进而新增500万个岗位;这些工作环保、薪酬丰厚、不能外包,而且能帮助我们摆脱对中东石油的依赖。在医疗问题上,我们不必在政府运营的体系和目前这种我们难以负担的体系之间进行选择。我的竞选对手提出的方案会令美国人有史以来首次为自己获得的医疗福利纳税。我的计划则会让医疗保健成为每个美国人都负担得起、享受得到的服务。根据我的计划,如果你已经有了医疗保险,你将看到的唯一一个变化是保费降低;如果你还没有医疗保险,你将能与国会议员们享受到同样的医疗福利。为了让每个孩子享受到世界级的教育,让他们能在全球经济中竞争21世纪的工作岗位,我将投资早期教育,并且增加师资力量。不过,我同时也会要求更高的标准和更多的责任。我们向每个美国年轻人作出承诺:如果你致力于服务你的社区或是你的国家,我们将确保你能负担得起自己的学费。在国防安全问题上,我将负责任地结束伊拉克战争,这样我们就不必在这个国家享有巨额财政盈余的情况下每月却要在那里花费100亿美元。为了美国的经济、美国的军队和伊拉克的长期稳定,现在是伊拉克人站出来的时候了。我将最终完成对本拉登(BinLaden)和基地组织恐怖分子的打击,正是这些人制造了9/11恐怖袭击,同时我还会建立新的合作关系、击退21世纪出现的威胁,恢复我们的道德威望,让美国仍然是地球上最后也是最好的希望。这些事情没有一件是轻而易举能办到的,也不是一朝一夕能完成的。但是,我坚信我们能成功,因为我对美国深信不疑。是美国使我们的父辈相信,即使他们自己无法上大学,也可以每周积攒下一些钱来,让他们的孩子接受好的教育;即使他们不能拥有自己的企业,也可以通过努力工作让自己的孩子创办企业。在美国历史的每个时刻,我们都勇敢地站起来面对挑战,因为我们从来没有忘记过这样一个基本真理:在美国,我们的命运并非天定,而是掌握在我们自己的手中。所以,明天,我恳请你们书写美国下一个伟大的篇章。我恳请你们不只相信我带来变革的能力,还有你们自己的能力。明天,你们可以选择这样一种政策──向美国中产阶级进行投入、创造新的就业岗位、实现经济增长让人人都有成功的机会。你们可以选择希望而非恐惧、选择团结而非***、选择变革的希望而非墨守成规。如果你们投我的票,我们将不仅赢得此次竞选,还将一起改变这个国家、改变这个世界。 感谢您的阅读,欢迎下载使用


1828年美国的总统竞选,是一次令人痛苦的竞选1828年的美国总统竞选是一次令人痛苦、丑陋的竞选,竞选中充满愤怒的言词和恶毒的指控。托马斯.杰斐逊、詹姆士.麦迪逊和詹姆士.门罗所领导的共和党已经分裂成两个对立的政治集团,一个是由总统约翰.昆西.亚当斯和国务卿亨利.克莱领导的政治集团,他们自称是国家共和党。另一个是由安德鲁.杰克逊将军领导的政治集团,他们自称是民主党。本周,我们向你讲述1828年的美国总统大选。 每个政党都有他们自己的报纸。在华盛顿,《国家日报》支持亚当斯总统,而《美国电报》则支持杰克逊将军。国会的民主党议员在《美国电报》发表文章指责政府。作为回应,《国家日报》出版了一本小册子,这本小册子对杰克逊将军的早期一些行为进行指责,在这些指责中,其中有一个是指控杰克逊打过一个人,并像追赶一条狗那样追赶那个人,然后把那个人的妻子抢走了。这个指责并非是真实的,这是一个故事,但这很重要,因为这对安德鲁.杰克逊将军的后半生产生巨大的影响。 杰克逊遇到一位年轻的女士,她叫雷切尔,那是在雷切尔家里认识的,她家在田纳西州纳什维尔市附近。在当时,雷切尔和她的丈夫刘易斯.罗巴兹一起住在那。他们的婚姻出现了问题,罗巴兹党因为杰克逊而指责他的妻子,他说,她和杰克逊似乎走得太近了。他希望杰克逊离开,杰克逊同意了。就在杰克逊离开之前,他与罗巴兹会面,据说,罗巴兹想与杰克逊进行拳击,杰克逊拒绝与他拳击,不过,杰克逊说,如

果罗巴兹愿意像一个绅士那样战斗的话,他愿意与他决斗,罗巴兹拒绝了决斗。于是这两个人什么事也没有发生,杰克逊离开了。 罗巴兹和雷切尔设法解决他们之间的矛盾,她回到她自己在肯塔基的家,但她并没有呆多长时间。他们又因别的事发生争执,然后她也又离开了。法院的档案表明,她是和一个男人一起走的,这个男人就是安德鲁.杰克逊。雷切尔家人听说她与罗巴兹在一起非常不幸,于是他们要求杰克逊把她带回田纳西州,罗巴兹尾随他们一起到了田纳西州。雷切尔对罗巴兹说,她想与他离婚。罗巴兹威胁她说,如果她不与他一起回肯塔基,他就要强行将她带走。雷切尔决定逃跑,她将与一些贸易商人一起来到了密西西比地区的纳齐兹,这将是一次非常危险的旅程,她要经过坎伯兰、俄亥俄和密西西比河。 杰克逊很烦乱,也很悲伤,因为是他使得雷切尔不幸福。到现在,雷切尔更想念杰克逊,而他已经深深地爱上了她。当那些贸易商人邀请他一起去纳齐兹时,他同意了。这一群人于1791年初出发。就在他们出发的几个星期前,刘易斯.罗巴兹已经准备与雷切尔离婚了,然而,他还没有完成离婚所需要的手续。不过,他让雷切尔的家人相信,他已经离婚了。这两个人再也没有结婚。几个月后杰克逊回到纳什维尔,他请求娶雷切尔,现在,雷切尔已经摆脱了罗巴兹,雷切尔的妈妈同意了。 安德鲁.杰克逊与雷切尔在1791年8月结婚,那时,两人都是24岁,他们住在田纳西州。此后两年,对杰克逊而言是非常忙碌的。作为一名年轻的律师,他非常努力,而且到很远的地方出差。在1793年12


The first part, who can be a president? First, the U.S. president must be native American born in the United States. Second, he must be at least 35 years old. Third, he has lived in the United States at least 14 years. Next, I will introduce the process of the election. The U.S. implement Presidential system, the presidential election was hold every four years. It includes five stages. Primary election、Nominating process、Running、General election 、Inauguration. Let's look it one by one. 1. Primary election usually starts in Feb. and ends in June. It has two forms: indirect election system & direct election system. The first form, each county, strict, state host meeting to select electors. The second form, all voters cast ballots in the same day to select electors. Most states adopt the second form. purpose: To select electors for the National Party Conventions. 2.Nominating process from July to Aug. The electors from each state make up the "Electoral College".The major political parties will officially hold its Presidential Nominating Conventions. In this Nominating Conventions, the "Electoral College" cast ballots for the candidates. Normally, the candidate for president receiving the majority(>50%) of the electoral votes is the elected president. 3.Running. The candidates of the major parties will go to many states to win the supporters by means of: campaigning trips to different states, addressing TV speeches, showing on TV debates etc. The candidates deliver countless speeches and shake countless hands. The media tools play an important role in this process. From this picture, we can see this process costs a lot. 4.General election: The first Tuesday after the first Monday in Nov. is called Presidential Election Day. That day, all voters cast ballots for the candidates. V oters can't determine the president directly. The first Monday after the second Wednesday is the real presidential election day. That day, the “Electoral College”represents the wishes of the voters to cast ballots for the candidate. Take California as an example, this state has 55 ballots, if more than a half voters support President Obama, then the electoral college will vote these 55 ballots to Obama. From this picture, we can see, there are 538 ballots altogether. Each state is allocated a number of Electoral College electors equal to the number of its Senators and Representatives in the U.S. Congress. 5.The candidate who gets more than 270 ballots can be the president. In 2012, president Obama got 332 ballots. In Inauguration day, there are nine events, let 's look at together . 1.Morning Worship Service The tradition of attending a morning worship service on Inauguration Day began with Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933.


对美国总统选举制度的评价 摘要:美国总统大选是一个漫长的过程,政党在选举中起着非常重要的作用,初选和全民投票是两个极其重要的阶段。 关键字:总统选举制度总统的产生重要的作用重要的阶段参议员和众议员政党 美国总统选举制度 美国总统选举制度复杂,过程漫长。选举的主要程序包括预选、各党召开全国代表大会确定总统候选人、总统候选人竞选、全国选民投票、选举人团投票表决和当选总统就职。 预选是美国总统选举的第一阶段,通常从选举年的年初开始,到年中结束。其间,各党派竞选人将争夺本党总统候选人提名。预选有两种形式,分别是政党基层会议和直接预选。前者是指两党在各州自下而上,从选举点、县、选区到州逐级召开代表会议,最终选出本党参加全国代表大会的代表。后者在形式上如同普选,一个州的两党选民同一天到投票站投票选出本党参加全国代表大会的代表,这是大多数州目前采用的预选方式。 预选结束后,民主、共和两大政党将分别在第三季度召开全国代表大会。会议的主要任务是最终确定本党总统、副总统候选人,并讨论通过总统竞选纲领。 两党全国代表大会之后,总统竞选活动便正式拉开帷幕。两党总统候选人耗费巨资,在全国各地开展竞选旅行、进行广告大战、发表竞选演说、会见选民、召开记者招待会以及进行公开辩论等。此外,候选人还将通过多种形式阐述对国内外事务的政策主张,以赢得选民信任,争取选票。 全国选民投票在选举年11月份第一个星期一的次日举行,这一天被称为大选日。为避免大选日投票过于拥挤,目前美国大多数州允许选民在大选日前45天内提前投票。 美国总统选举实行选举人团制度,因此选民投票时,不仅要在总统候选人当中选择,而且要选出代表50个州和首都华盛顿哥伦比亚特区的538名选举人,以组成选举人团。在大选中,美国绝大多数州和首都实行“胜者全得”制度,即在一州或首都获得选民票最多者获得该州或首都所有选举人票。赢得270张或以上选举人票的总统候选人即获得选举胜利。因此,根据各州选举人票归属情况,通常大选日当晚就能决出选举获胜者。 选举人团投票表决在选举年12月第二个星期三之后的第一个星期一举行。选举人在其所在州的首府投票表决。一般情况下,选举人团投票表决只是例行公事。 此外,如果两大党总统候选人各获得269张选举人票或因有第三党候选人“入围”而导致无人获得270张或以上选举人票,则总统人选由国会众议院决定。这种情况在美国历史上也曾发生过。 总统就职典礼是美国总统选举的最后一道程序。直至当选总统于次年1月20日在总统


美国总统选举制度介绍 摘要:美国总统及其选举制度是世界各国人民关心的热门话题,作为世界大国美国总统的提名与竞选也成为了新闻报纸探讨的热门话题之一。2016年正值美国总统大选之年,究竟民主党还是共和党会成为为下一届美国白宫的主人,成为大家目前讨论的热门话题之一。因此本文就美国的政党制度,美国总统选举流程,美国总统竞选影响因素等对总统选举做一个简要的概括总结,从而了解和掌握整个美国总统选举的制度和进程。 关键词:美国政党美国总统选举流程影响因素 引言 2016年美国总统大选即将到来。大选将美国民主党与美国共和党两派的斗争再一次推 向四年一度的高潮。2016年美国总统候选人希拉里·克林顿(美国民主党)与唐纳德·特 朗普(美国共和党)以及其他诸位候选人将在次大选中角逐、对抗。白宫,国会乃至最高法院的两党政治势力都将在此次竞争后重新洗牌。根据《英语报刊选读》第一章所收录的 一文所述的2008年美国总统选举两大候选人(希拉里·克林顿与巴拉克·奥巴马)之间的差距与问题,作此文以研究美国总统选举制度的现象、流程、历史与本质。采取了上网调查、图书查阅、和汲取文学影视作品核心内涵等方式收集样本资料,提取有用信息,然后进行整理分类、概括归纳。 美国总统的选举 1美国的政党制度 要想理解美国总统选举制度,必须先了解美国的政党制度。 美国实行两党制,即区别于多党制和一党制的政党制度,由美国两大执政党操控国家 政权,在美国三大权力核心白宫、国会和最高法院占据举足轻重的地位。 美国共和党是"右派""保守派",代表资产阶层和社会保守势力,在乡村特别是南方力量 强大.主要支持者有宗教组织,大企业,退伍军人,白人特别是男性白人是共和党最重要资源.政策上,共和党支持商界,削减政府规模开支和福利计划,但保证军力,与民主党对立,后者强调政府投资同时削减军队把钱用于国内.共和党比较偏重外交,特别是动用军力干涉国际事物,是所谓"鹰派",与民主党"鸽派"相对. 美国民主党是"左派""自由派",代表中产阶层和贫民阶层, 城市力量较强,主要支持者是 工会和知识分子,及社会边缘化势力如移民,女权主义,少数族群,同性恋团体等.政治上,民 主党重视内政,环境保护,健康保险与社会福利,教育等领域.由此可见,美国总统奥巴马便是属于美国民主党,其所进行的医疗改革法案也符合民主党人的宗旨。 美国国会作为美国民主政治的标志,被视为是制约总统权力的重要形式,虽然国会中两党派人数相差不会太大,但两大党派在国会的所占比例与总统本人所属的党派有着重要联系。 此外,美国总统会在每年的年初在国会发表国情咨文,总结上一年的工作与经验,并陈


特朗普当选美国总统的演讲稿(英文原文) Thank you. Thank you very much, everyone. Sorry to keep you waiting. Complicated business, complicated. Thank you very much. I've just received a call from Secretary Clinton. She congratulated us. It’s about us. On our victory, and I congratulated her and her family on a very, very hard-fought campaign. I mean she fought very hard. Hillary has worked very long and very hard over a long period of time, and we owe her a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country. I mean that very sincerely. Now it is time for America to bind the wounds of pision, have to get together, to all Republicans and Democrats and independents across this nation I say it is time for us to come together as one united people. It is time. I pledge to every citizen of our land that I will be president for all of Americans, and this is so important to me. For those who have chosen not to support me in the past, of which there were a few people, I'm reaching out to you for your guidance and your help so that we can work together and unify our great country. As I've said from the beginning, ours was not a campaign but rather an incredible and great movement, made up of millions of hard-working men and women who love their country and want a better, brighter future for themselves and for their family. It is a movement comprised of Americans from all races, religions, backgrounds and beliefs, who want and expect our government to serve the people, and serve the people it will. Working together we will begin the urgent task of rebuilding our nation and renewing the American dream. I've spent my entire life in business, looking at the untapped potential in projects and in people all over the world. That is now what I want to do for our country. Tremendous potential. I've gotten to know our country so well. Tremendous potential. It is going to be a beautiful thing. Every single American will have the opportunity to realize his or her fullest potential. The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer. We are going to fix our inner cities and rebuild our highways, bridges, tunnels, airports, schools, hospitals. We're going to rebuild our infrastructure, which will become, by the way, second to none, and we will put millions of our people to work as we rebuild it. We will also finally take care of our great veterans who have been so loyal, and I've gotten to know so many over this 18-month journey. The time I've spent with them during this campaign has been among my greatest honors. Our veterans are incredible people. We will embark upon a project of national growth and renewal. I will harness the creative talents of our people and we will call upon the best and brightest to


有关美国选举的常用英语词汇 预选会议(Caucus) —特指以促进政治上或组织上的变化为目的的聚会。在美国选举政治中,这个词专指在提名总统候选人的过程中,党的地方活动人士举行的会议。所谓"分层"预选会议制,是指政党地方活动人士在地方选区会议上选出参加高一级行政区会议的代表,这一级代表再选出参加州一级会议的代表,最后由州级会议代表选出参加本党全国提名代表大会的代表。预选会议制旨在通过选出支持某一候选人的代表来表明政党在各州内的党员所希望推举的本党总统候选人。这种做法使决定总统候选人的程序始于基层,因此将总统提名程序民主化。 燕尾提举力(Coattails) —从旧时绅士长礼服后下摆"燕尾"一词引申而来,在美国政治中,指一位在职民选官员或竞选公职的候选人利用自己的声望给本党其他候选人增加胜选机会的能力──好似让别人受其燕尾之提举,顺势走向胜利。 会后弹升(Convention bounce) —在共和党或民主党全国代表大会完成总统候选人提名的几天内出现的这位候选人在民意调查中声望上升的现象。 辩论(Debate) —近年在美国政治中,往往指由电视现场传播的总统或副总统候选人之间的辩论;他们通过回答媒体或观众的提问来阐述自己和自己政党的立场观点。 分掌政府(Divided government) —通常指白宫由一个政党控制(即总统是这个党的成员),而国会参、众两院中的至少一院由对立派政党控制(即其成员占多数)的局面。这种情形也会出现在州政府,即州长属于一个党,而控制州议会的是另一个党。分掌政府是美国政体的常见现象,从历史效果来看,它有利于避免激进的变化,并促使两党政治家在立法提案问题上做出妥协。 选举团(Electoral College) —当美国选民前往投票站投票选举总统时,很多人认为自己是在直接选举总统。但美国采用的是十八世纪宪法定下的选举团制度,因此,严格地讲,情况并非如此。选举团是一组"选举人"的总称,他们由各州党员在州内提名产生。在大选日,选民实际是把票投给承诺支持某位总统候选人的"选举人"。哪位候选人赢得的选民票数最多,支持这位候选人的"选举人"就将作为这个州的代表,出席于12月分别在各州州府举行的选举总统和副总统的投票。总统候选人必须在全国获得至少270张选举人票方可当选。 联邦选举委员会(Federal Election Commission) —负责贯彻和监督执行联邦竞选财务法的独立管理机构,根据对1971年联邦竞选法的1974年修正案设立。 前置(Front-loading) —在大选进程中,将预选会议/预选选举的日期尽量提早的做法,以便使本州的预选有助于给总统提名竞选制造决定性势头,进而对最终政党提名总统候选人产生举足轻重的影响。 领先者(Front-runner) —在竞选或提名过程中被认为呼声最高或最有希望当选 的候选人。

Presidential election美国总统选举流程,英文介绍

美国总统选举流程 美国总统选举每四年举行一次。总统选举的程序分为预选、党的全国代表大会、总统候选人竞选、全国选民投票选出总统“选举人”和“选举人”成立选举人团正式选举总统5个阶段进行,整个程序需耗费近一年的时间。 预选方式主要有两种:一种是像艾奥瓦州那样,由各党从基层选区开始,自下而上逐级选出出席县、州和全国代表大会的代表;另一种是像新罕布什尔州那样,由各党的选民在同一天到投票站秘密投票,分别选举各自支持的总统候选人,然后根据各候选人的得票比例确定该州参加各党全国代表大会的代表人数。第二种方式比较正规,绝大部分州都采用这一方式。 各党的全国代表大会一般在7、8月份举行,主要任务是确定该党的总统、副总统候选人,并通过党的竞选纲领。此后,总统竞选便正式展开,各党的总统候选人开始疯狂拉票,这一过程一般持续8周-9周。 全国选民投票是在选举年11月份的第一个星期一后的第一个星期二举行,这天也叫总统大选日。由于美国总统选举实行选举人团制度,因此总统大选日实际上是选举代表选民的“选举人”。真正的总统选举,在选举年12月第二个星期三之后的第一个星期一举行。届时,各州被推选出的“选举人”将最终选出新总统,当选总统将在次年1月20日宣誓就职。 U.S. presidential election process U.S. presidential elections are held every four years. Presidential election procedure is divided into pre-selection of the party's National People's Congress, presidential candidates campaign, the national voters elected president "electors" and "electors" the establishment of the Electoral College formally elected president five stages, the entire program would entail nearly a year's time. Preselection mode, there are two: one is like Iowa did, by the party from the grass-roots constituency, the bottom-up level by level elected to attend the county, state, and representatives of the National People's Congress; another is like New Hampshire as, by the party's voters to the polls by secret ballot on the same day, respectively election respective support presidential candidate, then determined according to the proportion of the votes of the candidates in the state to participate in each party's number of representatives of the National People's Congress. The second approach is more formal, the vast majority of states in this manner.


美国的总统选举制度 (一)美国的总统选举 根据美国宪法的规定,美国实行总统制,行政权属于总统。国家元首和政府首脑职权集中于总统一人。总统兼任武装部队总司令。总统不对国会负责。总统由每四年举行一次的大选选出,任期四年,并可连任一次。 美国总统选举的过程漫长而复杂,主要包括预选、总统候选人提名、竞选运动、全国选举、选举团投票表决以及当选总统就职仪式。 预选阶段通常于大选年2月份的第3个星期二在新罕布什尔州拉开帷幕,到6月份结束。此后,美国民主、共和两大政党将分别在全国大多数州选出参加本党全国代表大会的代表。在少数不举行预选的州,则由两党的州委员会或代表大会选拔代表。因新罕布什尔州率先进行预选,其选举结果对其他各州影响很大。 美国两大政党的全国代表大会通常在7月和8月分别举行。届时,参加代表大会的各州代表将投票选出本党总统后选人,然后通过由总统候选人提名的副总统候选人,并正式选举出竞选纲领。大会往往长达数天,投票上百次。 代表大会结束后,选出的总统候选人即开始在全国展开历时数月的争取选票的竞选运动,其中包括到各州作竞选旅行、广泛会见选民、发表电视演说、进行电视辩论等。总统候选人为竞选而耗费巨资,使尽各种招数。 美国法律规定:在全国选举时,选民要在大选年的11月第二个星期二到指定地点投票,在两个总统候选人之间作出选择。全国选举还要通过选举团的投票表决。由于在一个州中获得选票最多的总统候选人便赢得该州全部选举人票,因此一般情况下选举只是例行公事。 (二)美国副总统是如何产生的 在美国政治中,副总统不担任实际工作。他的公务是担任国会参议院主席,但这主要是礼仪性的,因为他只有在参议院表决时赞成票和反对票相等情况下才投票。副总统的日常工作通常根据总统的要求而定,一般无足轻重,如代表总统参加外国领导人的葬礼活动等。 根据美国宪法,如果总统去世或失去工作能力,副总统接任总统职位。先当副总统是登上美国总统宝座的途径之一。第二次世界大战以来,有三位副总统在总统任期内接任总统职务。杜鲁门因罗斯福去世,约翰逊因肯尼迪遇剌,福特因尼克松下台而分别继任总统。此外,有几位副总统还当过总统候选人,其中包括尼克松、汉弗莱、蒙代尔和布什。 美国副总统不是由美国公众直接选出的,而是由民主党和共和党的总统候选人挑选并经两党全国代表大会选举产生。总统候选人在选择副总统候选人时首先要考虑此人的政治资历和条件,但主要看他在党内代表哪部分势力以便取得平衡,尽可能争取最大多数选民的支持。 但大选结果不取决于总统候选人对副总统的选择,而是取决于总统候选人。1988年美国大


September 8, 2009 美国总统奥巴马对全美中小学生的讲话弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿郡韦克菲尔德高中2009年9月8日 Hello, everybody! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, everybody. All right, everybody go ahead and have a seat. How is everybody doing today? (Applause.) How about Tim Spicer? (Applause.) I am here with students at Wakefield High School in Arlington, Virginia. And we’ve got students tuning in from all across America, from kindergarten through 12th grade. And I am just so glad that all could join us today. And I want to thank Wakefield for being such an outstanding host. Give yourselves a big round of applause. (Applause.) 大家好!谢谢你们。谢谢你们。谢谢你们大家。好,大家请就坐。你们今天都好吗?(掌声)蒂姆·斯派塞(Tim Spicer)好吗?(掌声)我现在与弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿郡韦克菲尔德高中的学生们在一起。美国各地从小学预备班到中学12年级的学生正在收听收看。我很高兴大家今天都能参与。我还要感谢韦克菲尔德高中出色的组织安排。请为你们自己热烈鼓掌。(掌声) I know that for many of you, today is the first day of school. And for those of you in kindergarten, or starting middle or high school, it’s your first day in a new school, so it’s understandable if you’re a little nervous. I imagine there are some seniors out there who are feeling pretty good right now -- (applause) -- with just one more y ear to go. And no matter what grade you’re in, some of you are probably wishing it were still summer and you could’ve stayed in bed just a little bit longer this morning.


美国总统尼克松的讲话英汉对照 PRESIDENT NIXON’S SPEECH1 Mr. Prime Minister and all of your distinguished guests this evening, On behalf of all of your American guests, I wish to thank you2for the incomparable hospitality for which3 the Chinese people are justly famous throughout the world. I particularly want to pay tribute, not only to those who prepared the magnificent dinner, but also to4 those who have provided5 the splendid music. Never have I heard American music played better in a foreign land. Mr. Prime Minister, I wish to thank you for your very gracious and eloquent remarks. At this very moment6 through the wonder7 of telecommunications, more people are seeing and hearing what we say than on any other such occasion in the whole history of the world. Yet, what we say here will not be long remembered. What we do here can change the world. As you said in your toast, the Chinese people are a great people, the American people are a great people. If our two people are enemies the future of this world we share together is dark indeed. But if we can find common ground8to work together, the chance for world peace9is immeasurably increased. In the spirit of frankness which10 I hope will characterize our talks this week, let us recognize at the outset11 these points: we have at times in the past been enemies. We have great differences today. What brings us together is that we have common interests which transcend those differences. As we discuss our differences, neither of us will compromise our principles. But while we cannot close the gulf between us, we can try to bridge it so that we may be able to talk across it. So, let us, in these next five days, start a long march together, not in lockstep12, but on different roads leading to the same goal, the goal of building a world structure of peace and justice in which13 all14 may stand together with equal dignity and in which each nation, large or small, has a right to determine its own form of government, free of outside interference or domination15. The world watches. The world listens. The world waits to see what we will do. What is the world? In a personal sense, I think of my eldest daughter whose birthday is today. As I think of her, I think of all the children in the world, in Asia, in Africa, in Europe, in the Americas, most of whom were born since the date of the foundation of the People’s Republic of China. What legacy shall we leave our children? Are they destined to die for the hatreds which have plagued the old world, or are they destined to live because we had the vision16to build a new world? There is no reason for us to be enemies. Neither of us seeks the territory of the other; neither of us seeks domination over the other, neither of us seeks to stretch out our hands and rule the world. Chairman Mao has writte n, “So many deeds cry out to be done, and always urgently; the world rolls on , time presses. Ten thousand years are too long, seize the day, seize the hour!” This is the hour. This is the day for our two peoples to rise to the heights of greatness which can build a new and a better world.

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