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Part ?Academic English Writing (专业英语写作)Chapter 1 Six Considerations in Academic Writing

1、Academic writing is a product of many consideration : audience, purpose and strategy ,organization, style, flow and presentation.



2、Organization usually has the following four parts : 问题-解决方法包括四个部分

(1)description of a situation (描述情况)

(2)Identification of a problem (甄别问题)

(3)Description of a solution (描述解决方法)

(4)Evaluation of the solution (评估解决方法)

3、Formal Grammar Style:(正规的语法风格)

(1) Generally avoid contractions (一般来讲避免使用略缩词)

例:won’t改为will not

(2)Use the more appropriate formal negative forms (使用更为适宜的正规的否定


例:not...any改为no not...much改为little not...many改为few (3)Limit the use of “run-on” expressions, such as and so forth and etc. (限制使用


例:句子内不能出现and so forth和etc.出现时应将省略的部分扩展出来。(4)Avoid addressing the reader as you(except, of course, if you are writing a

textbook or other instructional materials).(避免向读者说“你”)

例:You can see the results in Table 1.

改为:The results can be seen in Table 1.

(5)Be careful about using direct questions. In some fields they are common, while in

others they are not.(使用直接引语时需谨慎)

例:What can be done to lower costs?

改为:It is necessary to consider how costs may be lowered.

或者We now need to consider how costs may be lowered.

(6)Place adverb within the verb. (将副词放于动词词组内)

例:This model was developed by Krugman originally.

改为:This model was originally developed by Krugman.

(7)Consider whether you should split infinitives.(考虑是否该使用割裂不定式)

例:We need to adequately meet the needs of those enrolled in the program.

(8)Aim for an efficient use of words. (目的是为了有效地使用词汇)

例:There are some inorganic materials that can be used by bioengineers in the

process of tissue engineering that have been shown to be very promising.

改为:Some inorganic materials used in tissue engineering have shown great promise.


(1)You can use this model to analyze the effects of several parameter changes. 错误:使用了you。

改为:This model can be used to analyze the effects of several parameter changes.

(2)OK, what are the reasons that coffee prices have fallen? There’re a lot of possibilities.


改为:Coffee prices have fallen for many reasons.

(3)You can see the difference between these two approaches to designing underground subway stations clearly.


改为:The difference between these two approaches to designing underground

subway station can clearly be seen.

(4)Recent research has shown that the arms are used commonly for protection during a fall to the ground.


改为:Recent research has shown that the arms are commonly used for protection

during a fall to the ground.

(5)So far, there hasn’t been any comprehensive study l ooking into the role of

smiling in getting the initial trust of individuals.

错误:使用了So far;使用了there be 结构;使用了not...any结构;使用了非正式的looking into。

改为:To date,no comprehensive study has examined the role of smiling in gaining the initial trust of individual.

(6)There are some studies that have concluded that bamboo could be used by builders more widely than it is now as a construction material.

错误:使用了there be 结构;副词widely 位置放错。

改为:Some studies have concluded that bamboo could be more widely used than it is now as a construction material.

(7)These special tax laws have been enacted in six states: Illinois, Iowa,Ohio,etc.


改为:These special tax laws have been enacted in six mid western states: Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, and Minnesota.

(8)There isn’t very much research on the use of oil palm shell as coarse aggregate

in the production of concrete.

错误:使用了there be 结构;使用了not...very much。

改为:Little research has been done on the use of oil palm shell as coarse aggregate in the production of concrete.

Chapter 2 Two Underlying Structures in Academic Writing


1、Two underlying structures in academic writing:(专业写作的两个基本结构)

(1) general-specific structure (泛论-特指(GS)结构)

(2) problem-process-solution structure (问题-过程-解决方法)2、GS texts usually begin with one of the following:


(1)A short or extended definition (简短或拓展定义)

(2)A contrastive or comparative definition (对比或比较定义)

(3)A generalization or purpose statement (一般化或目标性陈述)

(4)A statement of fact. (事实陈述)

3、Super ordinate-category word:technique, method, process, device, and system.



A. 定语从句仅有关系代词、be动词、一个或多个介词短语

B. 定语从句由被动态动词加上一些额外的信息

C. 定语从句含有关系代词、以-ble结尾的形容词和额外的信息


(1). metal that is often used —> metal often used

(2). device that is capable of —> device capable of

(3). roof which is on top of —> roof on top of

(4). precipitation which results from —> precipitation resulting from

(5). This sentence cannot be reduced.

(6). flute that is pitched an octave higher ---> flute pitched an octave


(7). a process that involves the selective transport—> a process

involving the selective transport

(8). a celestial body which has approximately the same mass —> a

celestial body with approximately the same mass


6、Comparative Definitions(对比性定义)


1) 呈现一个概念是如何随着时间的流逝而变化的这样一种史实陈述。

2) 呈现对当代各位专家是怎样不同地看待此概念所做的一个全面性的评述。



(1)The oil is skimmed from the surface by using a boom and then pumped into a tank for recycling.

(2)After being harvested, the grapes are crushed to release the pulp and seed and then fermented for three weeks.

(3)First, the glass is cut to size and inspected to determine if it has any imperfections. It is then heated to over 600o C and cooled in a step known as quenching.


Chapter 3 Data Commentary(数据信息解读)

1、In many disciplines the data is displayed in a table, graph, figure, or some other

kind of non-verbal illustration.(在许多学科中,数据信息都是以图表、图形、数据统计图或非口头图示的方式展示出来。)

2、Structure of Data Commentary(数据信息解读的基本结构)

A、Location elements and/or summary statements.(定位要素和/或总结陈述)

B、Highlighting statements.(强调陈述内容)

C、Discussions of implications, problems, exceptions, recommendations, etc.(对


3、Location elements and summaries.(定位要素和总结)

A、Starting a Data Commentary.(开始数据解读)

B、Passives in Starting a Data Commentary.(用在开始数据解读中的被动式)

C、Verbs in Indicative and Informatives Summaries.(用在陈述性和信息性总结


D、Language Focus:Linking as-Clause.(语言聚焦:连接词As引出的从句)

Chapter 4 Summary and Abstract Writing(总结与摘要写作)1、Principle Requirements for a good Summary(一份良好的任务总结具备四个主


(1)It should be focused on the relevant aspects of the source text or texts and present

a comprehensive view of all the main points of the original.(它应聚焦于来源文


(2)It should present the source material in an accurate and objective fashion.(它应以


(3)It should condense the source material and be presented in the summary writer’s

own words and avoid terminology.(它应凝缩来源材料并以总结写作者自己的


(4)Provide an independently referential summary, and keep the length in control.(提











3、Basic Structure of Abstract Writing(摘要写作的基本结构)

(1)Topic sentence(主题句)

(2)Supporting Sentences(佐证句)

(3)Concluding Sentence(结论句)


5、Summary and Abstract 两个词要会写,以及知道两者的区别,其中summary


Part II Basal English Writing (基础英语写作)Chapter 1 Punctuation(标点符号)

1、The comma(逗号)

2、The period(句号)

3、The semicolon(分号)

4、The colon(冒号)

5、The question mark(问号)

6、The quotation mark(引号)

7、The exclamation mark(感叹号)

8、The dash(破折号)

9、Italics and underlining(斜体字和下划线)



Chapter 2 Vocabulary(词汇)

1、Levels of diction : formal and informal, abstract(抽象)and concrete(具体), and

general(笼统)and specific(特指). It also includes how to appreciate the connotative(引申含义)as well as denotative(字面含义,本义)meanings of


2、English words can be categorized as(分为)formal, informal and colloquial (口




Chapter 3 English Sentence Writing(英语句子写作)

1、Types of sentences(句子的类型)P114

(1)According to structure (根据结构)

①simple sentences(简单句)

②compound sentences(并列句:a、逗号加并列连词b、分号,没有并列


③complex sentences(复合句:一个主句,一个或多个从句)

④compound-complex sentences(并列复合句)

(2)According to use(根据功能)

①declarative sentences (陈述句)

②interrogative sentences (疑问句)

③imperative sentences (祈使句)

④exclamatory sentences (感叹句)

(3)According to rhetoric (根据修辞)

①loose sentences (松散句,主体部分放在前面)

②periodic sentences (掉尾句,主体部分放在最后)※

③balanced sentences (平行句)

④long and short sentences (长、短句)


(1)He thought the painting was of little value. He let me have it for only ten pounds. (Compound)

改为:He thought the painting was of little valu e, so h e let me have it for only

ten pounds.(或者He thought the painting was of little value and he let

me have it for only ten pounds.)

(2)I always take my raincoat whenever I go out these days.(Periodic) 改为:Whenever I go out these day s, I always take my raincoat.

(3)They were on holiday. Their house was broken into. Some valuable paintings

were stolen.(Compound-complex)

改为:When they were on holiday, th eir house was broken in to and som e valuable paintings were stolen.

(4)The firemen fought for three hours. They finally managed to put out the


改为:After th e firemen fought for three hours, they finally managed to put out

the fire.

(5)Nobody in this world is quite perfect. We all have some faults.(Compound) 改为:Nobody in this world is quite perfe ct; we all have some faults.(或者Nobody in this world is quite perfe ct, for we all have some faults.)(6)The train is going to Dalian. The train leaves at 20:15. (Simple) 改为:The train to Dalian leaves at 20:15.

(7)In spite of the interruption, he was able to finish all his exercises before the class was over. (Loose)

改为:He was able to finish all his exercises before the class was over in spite

of the interruption.

(8)Many people choose travel by air. It is fast. It offers convenience. It is not very

expensive. (Parallel Structure)

改为:Many people choose travel by air, because it is fast, convenient and not

very expensive.



译:A resume generally consists of personal information, educational background, employment history and past achievements.


译:Diana is majoring in Chinese traditional medicine in Nanjing Medical University.


译:Please send my best regards to your parents.


译:Modern college education should be far-sighted and able to see beyond the

immediate needs of the society.


译:Is this bacterium responsible for the current epidemic?


译:Take a frequent and backward look at your yesterday, and you will value

your today and look forward to your tomorrow.


译:Traditional Chinese intellectuals hold that one should refine his personal

virtue when in poverty, and help save the world when in success. (8)就算我追求爱情,我也肯定不会只顾沉浸在爱河里而荒废学业。

译:If I did hunt for love, I certainly wouldn’t bathe myself in the river of love

all the time, neglecting my studies.


译:Universities promote a change in the concept of employment among the graduates, encourage them to give their talents and genius to the Western


4、Sentence Expansion (句子拓展)(各个位置的例句都要看)※


(1)增添法:常见的修饰词有形容词、副词、数词、名词、名词性词组、代词等(adjectives, adverbs, numerals, nouns, noun phrases and pronouns)。修


①添加形容词(addiong adjectives)

单个形容词做定语一般放在被修饰词之前,但修饰由any ,every, no

somebody, one 或thing构成的不定代词时,放在其后。

②添加副词(adding adverbs)



③添加短语(Adding phrases)



(noun, verb, prepositional;

three kinds of verbal phrase(participial, gerund and infinitive),

appositive and absolute)


①Coordinating pronouns (并列连词)

②Conjunctive adverbs (使用连接副词)

③Semicolon (运用分号连接)


从句主要包括名词性从句(noun clause),状语从句(adverbial clause)和定语从句(attributive clause)。

名词性从句又分为主语从句(subject clause)、表语从句(predicative clause)、宾语从句(object clause)和同位语从句(appositive clause)。



(1)介词短语进行拓展(expanding with prepositional phrases)介词短语在句中可做表语、宾语、定语、状语和补语。作定语时置于所修饰词之后,做状语时位置比较灵活,可位于句首,也可位于句中或句尾,有时用逗号将其与句子的主体部分隔开。

(2)不定式短语进行拓展(expanding with infinitive phrases)



(3)动名词短语进行拓展(expanding with gerund phrases)


(4)分词短语进行拓展(expanding with participial phrases)


6、effective sentences(有效句)

(1)Effective sentences have some or all of the following qualities : unity(一致性),







(1)This composition is quite good as far as the use of language is concerned, but

its content is poor.

改为:This composition is good in language but poor in content. (The language of

this composition is quite good but its content is rather poor.)

(2)The young man is honest and hardworking, and is a very reliable worker. 改为:The young man is an honest, hardworking and reliable worder.(The young

worker is honest, hardworking and reliable.)//平行意思多种表达形式不连贯

(3)Dufu was one of the best-known poets.

改为:Dufu was one of the best-known poets in Tang Dynasty.

(4)A man is judged not only by what he says but also by his deeds.

改为:A man is judged not only by what he says but also by what he does.(A man is

judged not only by his words but also by his deeds.)//同类意思同种表达方式

(5)We thought she was charming, intelligent, and a very capable young woman.

改为:We thought she wa s charming, intelligent and capable.

(6)To get ready for the trip, all the things she needed were put into a suitcase. 改为:To get ready for the trip, she put all the things he needed into a suitcase.

// 连贯性主语不一致悬垂修饰语导致dangling modifiers

(7)Those who wish to take linguistics are expected to sign his name on this sheet

of paper.

改为:Those who wish to take linguistics are expected to sign their names on this sheet of paper. //避免造成人和数目的不一致或改变

(8)When one thies hard enough, you can do almost anything.

改为:When one thies hard enough, he can do almost anything.//同上

(9)For years I have been attending summer camp and enjoyed every minute

of it.

改为:For years I have been attending summer camp and enjoying every minute of it.

(10)When I saw the grade on my report card, I was terribly disappointed , because

I studied very hard.

改为:When I saw the grade on my report card, I was terribly disappointed , because

I had studied very hard.

(11)If I were rich and she was single, I would marry her.

改为:If I were rich and she were single, I would marry her.

(12)They insisted that the money be collected and that a receipt be given in return.



(1)Tom and his sweetheart married in the early part of the month of October.

改为:Tom and his sweetheart married in early October.//wordy

(2)In 1979, there was a strike participated in by five thousand union workers.

改为:In 1979, five thousand unions participated in the strike.

(3)The cause of the flood was due to heavy rain in late spring.

改为:The flood was due to heavy rain in late spring.

(4)There are a number of students from our institute who are planning to join the


改为:A number of students are planning to join the expedition.

(5)What I am trying to say is that in my opinion he is a very honest man.

改为:In my opinion he is a very honest man.

(6)I came to this institute because of many factors, but most of all of the fact that I

want to be an interpreter.

改为:I came to this institute because I want to be an interpreter.

(7)These watermelons are large in size and sweet in taste.

改为:These watermelons are large and sweet.

(8)At the present time I am taking the course of World History and in addition a

course in Geography too.

改为:At present I am taking World History and Geography.

(9)We planned to meet just before sunrise very early in the morning.

改为:We planned to meet before sunrise.

(10)His attitude was of a puzzling nature.

改为:His attitude was puzzling.


(1)He was selfless, hardworking and modest; that’s why he became a great Scientist.

改为:He became a great scientist because h e was modest, selfless, and Hardworking.

(2)As a clerk, John was honest, efficient and well-dressed.

改为:John was a well-dressed, honest, and efficient clerk.

(3)Jane walked out of his life, bursting into tears as she left the room.

改为:As she left the room, Jane, bursting into tears, walked out of his life. (4)China has changed a great deal as a result of reform and the open policy during the past 14 years.

改为:As a result of the reform and the open policy during the past 1`4 years,

China has changed a great deal.

(5)Huang, the famous writer, was among his neighbors.

改为:Huang, who was among his neighbors, was a famous writer.

(6)Social position, reputation, even life itself, and friends,were no longer interesting to him after he went bankrupt.

改为:After he went bankrupt, friends, social position, reputation, even life

itsel f were no longer interesting to him.

10、常见的语法错误:P143 书中每个正确的句子都要看※

(1)Misused parts of speech(用错词性);

(2)Sentence fragments(残缺句);

(3)Run-on sentences(流水句);

(4)Misplaced modifiers & dangling modifiers(误置修饰与悬虚结构);

(5)Problem in agreement and reference(一致与指代问题)。

11、练习题P146 修改残缺句

(1)After returning from the beach. The children were exhausted.

改为:After returning from the b each, the ch ildren were exhausted.

(2)John neglecting his duties and spending time on independent research.

改为:John neglected his duties and spent time on independent research. (3)Karen dropped calculus. Which she had dropped severall times before.

改为:Karen dropped calcul us, which she had dropped severall times before.

(4)Working together to save our environment. We can leave the world a better place than wo found it.

改为:Working together to save our environmen t, we can leave the world a better place than wo found it.

(5)Ellen returned the lost wallet to the man. Proving that she is an honest person.

改为:Ellen returned the lost wallet to the ma n, which proved that she is an honest person.

(6)Some errors in writing are serious. For example, sentence fragments, and Run-on sentences.

改为:Some errors in writing are ser ious, for example, sentence fragments, and

Run-on sentences.

12、练习题P147 修改流水句

(1)Some people say they care for the environment while they litter cigarette buts

or fruit skins just about anywhere they happen to be.

改为:Some people say they care for the environme nt, yet the y litter cigarette

buts or fruit skins just about anywhere they happen to be.

(2)Lili is not worried about paying for her college education, she has just received

a full scholarship.

改为:Lili is not worried about paying for her college education because she has

just received a full scholarship.

(3)We finished the work by nine o’clock in the evening then we went home.

改为:We finished the work by nine o’clock in the evening and then we went


(4)At high noon a big and noisy party was going on next door, I could not take my usual nap.

改为:At high noon a big and noisy party was going on next d oor; I co uld not

take my usual nap.

13、练习题P147 改正句子

(1)The robber was a six-foot-man with a mustache weighing 150 pounds.

改为:The robber weighing 150 pounds was a six-foot-man with a mustache.

(2)He sold the old car to the man with leather seats.

改为:He sold the old car with leather seats to the man.

(3)Tom bought an old car from a crooked dealer with a faulty transmission.

改为:Tom bought an old car with a faulty transmission fr om a crooked dealer.

(4)Unconcerned about his own life, the little girl drowning in the icy river was saved by a passer-by.

改为:Unconcerned about his own life, a passer-by saved the little girl drowning

in the icy river.

(5)The puppy that Mary’s dad picked up in the woods was returned to her owner.

改为:The puppy that Mary’s dad picked up in the woods was returned to his


(6)I was shocked to see a T-shirt in that fancy dress store which had a price tag of $2000.

改为:I was shocked to see in that fancy dress store a T-shirt which had a price tag of $2000.

(7)She felt she should have known that neither Margie nor Tim would open thier

hearts completely to her.

改为:She felt she should have known that neither Margie nor Tim would open

his heart completely to her.

(8)One of the computers placed in the center of the office have internet access.


专业英语写作考点总结 part ? academic english writing (专业英语写作)chapter 1 six considerations in academic writing 1、academic writing is a product of many consideration : audience, purpose, organization, style, flow and presentation. (学术写作六要素:写作对象,目的,组织结构,文体特征,表达连贯和宣讲或宣读)。 2、organization usually has the following four parts : 问题-解决方法包括四个部 分 (1) description of a situation (描述情况) (2) identification of a problem (甄别问题) (3) description of a solution (描述解决方法) (4) evaluation of the solution (评估解决方法) 3、formal grammar style:(正规的语法风格) (1) generally avoid contractions (一般来讲避免使用略缩词) 例:won’t改为will not (2) use the more appropriate formal negative forms (使用更为适宜的正规的否定 形式) 例:not...any改为nonot...much改为little not...many改为few (3) limit the use of “run-on” expressions, such as and so forth and etc. (限 制使用多个词连用的表达法) 例:句子内不能出现and so forth和etc.出现时应将省略的部分扩展出来。 (4) avoid addressing the reader as you(except, of course, if you are writing a textbook or other instructional materials).(避免向读者说“你”)例:you can see the results in table 1. 改为:the results can be seen in table 1. 改为: it is necessary to consider how costs may be lowered. 或者 we now need to consider how costs may be lowered. (6) place adverb within the verb. (将副词放于动词词组内)例:this model was developed by krugman originally. 改为:this model was originally developed by krugman. (7) consider whether you should split infinitives.(考虑是否该使用割裂不定式)例:we need to adequately meet the needs of those enrolled in the program. (8) aim for an efficient use of words. (目的是为了有效地使用词汇)例:there are some inorganic materials that can be used by bioengineers in the process of tissue engineering that have been shown to be very promising. 改为:some inorganic materials used in tissue engineering have shown great promise. 习题: (1)you can use this model to analyze the effects of several parameter changes. 错误:使用了you。 改为:this model can be used to analyze the effects of several parameter changes. (2)ok, what are the reasons that coffee prices have fallen? there’re a lot of possibilities. 错误:使用了口语ok;直接引语的使用;使用了缩略词there’re。


高中英语作文写作技巧方法 导读:本文高中英语作文写作技巧方法,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 审题是做到切题的第一步。所谓审题就是要看清题意,确定文章的中心思想、主题,并围绕中心思想组织材料。 高中英语作文写作技巧方法:构思并列出简单的提纲审好题、立好意后,就要写提纲,打造文章的骨架。文章布局要做好几件事:安排好层次段落,铺设好过渡,处理好开头和结尾。 高中英语作文写作技巧方法:扩展成文根据字数多少扩展成篇。扩展的内容一定要紧扣主题,千万不要写那些与主题不相关的内容。展开的方式包括:顺序法、举例法、比较法、对比法、说明法、因果法、推导法、归纳法和下定义等。可以根据需要任选一种或几种方式。 在这一步骤中还需注意三方面问题: 1)确保提纲中段落结构的思路与各段主题句的一致性。只有这样,才能保证所写段落不 偏题、不跑题。 2)要综合考虑各个段落的内容安排,避免段落内容的交叉。 3)用好连接词,注意段落间、句子间的连贯性。要做到所写文章层次分明,思路清晰, 文字连贯,就需要在句与句之间、段与段之间架起一座座桥梁,

而连接词起的正是桥 梁作用。 在扩展的过程中也有些窍门,以下几点可供参考: 1)在整篇文章中,避免只是用一两个句式或重复用同一词语。英语中存在着极为丰富的同义词,准确地使用同义词可以给读者清新的感觉。同时要灵活运用各种句式,如 倒装句、强调句、省略句、主从复合句、对比句、分词短语、介词短语等,从而增加 文章的可读性。 2)使用不同长度的句子。如果一个意思用一句话写不清楚的话,通过分句和合句或用两 句、三句来表达,增强句子的连贯性和表现力。 3)改变句子的开头方式,不要总是以主、谓、宾、状的次序。可以把状语至于句首,或 用分词等。 4)学会使用过渡词。 (1) 递进furthermore,moreover,besides,in addition,then,etc (2) 转折however,but,nevertheless,afterwards,etc (3) 总结finally,at last,in brief,to conclude,etc (4) 强调really,indeed,certainly,surely,above a11,etc (5) 对比in the same way,just as,on the other hand,etc


中考英语作文写作技巧总结 中考写作注意事项: 知识点1: ①记叙文之人物写作通常需要介绍人物的姓名,外貌,性格,爱好等多个方面,但是不能出 现真实的姓名,校名及家庭住址。 ②考试时最好以学生身边普通的人物进行描写,从平凡的人中找到不平凡的精神。考试的时 候需要严格按照题目要求进行写作,包括所给的全部信息,既不能遗漏,也不能随意添加。 ③议论文体裁特点:要求学生就某一方面的问题通过摆事实、讲道理的方式来发表自己的看 法。一般来说,议论文由论点、论据、论证三部分组成。 1)论点要正确无误。 2)论据要可靠充分。论据可以是人们公认的真理,也可以是经过实践考证的经典著作。 3)论证要合理严密。人们常用的论证方法有归纳法、推理法、对比法。 4)议论文一般按提出问题、解决问题的逻辑顺序来安排层次。 知识点2:写作思路 1.认真审题,理清思路: 确定题目中的关键词,文章体裁和主旨。 2.搜集材料,制定提纲: 展开一次“Brain Storming”即头脑风暴,对该题引申出各种联想和论点。根据自己已有的经 验和词汇量选择自己最熟悉、最有把握的方面和论点来写作。

3.选择词句,动笔行文: 确定基本的写作时态,如记叙文通常用一般过去时 典型案例分析: 1. Write a letter in at least 60 words according to the given situation (根据所给情景写一封不少于60 词的信) Suppose you are Joe. Your friend Betty is upset about a coming exam for she cares too much about the result. What do you think? Try to offer her some advice. (假如你是Joe, 你的好朋友Betty 因为过于在意考试结果而感到焦虑。请给她写一封信,谈谈你的看法,并给她一些建议。) 。) (注意:文中不得出现任何姓名、校名及其它相关信息,否则不予评分 ........................... 第一步:分析题目 1. 审题 1) 这篇文章根据题目要求,我们可以确定文章的是一篇应用文即:书信。 2)根据写作要求知道是给他人提出建议或意见的文章,需要针对Betty遇到的问题实际出发来进行写作。 2. 确定写作重点和写作目的。 1)重点是安慰处于考试焦虑的Betty。 2)给出解决问题的建议。 3. 书信的格式: 英文信一般可以分为下列几个部分。 1)信端(Heading)即写信人的地址和发信日期。 2)收信人姓名地址


专业英语写作考点总结 Part ?Academic English Writing (专业英语写作)Chapter 1 Six Considerations in Academic Writing 1、Academic writing is a product of many consideration : audience, purpose and strategy ,organization, style, flow and presentation. (学术写作六要素:写作对象,目的,组织结构,文体特征,表达连贯和宣讲或宣读)。 2、Organization usually has the following four parts : 问题-解决方法包括四个部分 (1)description of a situation (描述情况) (2)Identification of a problem (甄别问题) (3)Description of a solution (描述解决方法) (4)Evaluation of the solution (评估解决方法) 3、Formal Grammar Style:(正规的语法风格) (1) Generally avoid contractions (一般来讲避免使用略缩词) 例:won’t改为will not (2)Use the more appropriate formal negative forms (使用更为适宜的正规的否定 形式) 例:not...any改为no not...much改为little not...many改为few (3)Limit the use of “run-on” expressions, such as and so forth and etc. (限制使用 多个词连用的表达法) 例:句子内不能出现and so forth和etc.出现时应将省略的部分扩展出来。(4)Avoid addressing the reader as you(except, of course, if you are writing a textbook or other instructional materials).(避免向读者说“你”) 例:You can see the results in Table 1. 改为:The results can be seen in Table 1. (5)Be careful about using direct questions. In some fields they are common, while in others they are not.(使用直接引语时需谨慎) 例:What can be done to lower costs? 改为:It is necessary to consider how costs may be lowered. 或者We now need to consider how costs may be lowered. (6)Place adverb within the verb. (将副词放于动词词组内) 例:This model was developed by Krugman originally. 改为:This model was originally developed by Krugman.


关于六级和考研作文 对于考研和六级的你们而言,作文只有一次,所以不要害怕自己用滥一些表达 方式。一下给大家的建议和词汇并非最难的,但是本人以为最实用的,如有遗漏 和不足,欢迎补充。 1.考前反复熟记框架,挑选5个单词和2个表达方式强制自己在文中使用 2.用上非谓语结构,以及经典的介词词组远远比从句更吸引人。太复杂的表达 不要用,容易错,也容易表意不明。(强调句不错,可以使用) 一.普通词替换 1.Remarkable(显著的,显赫的,替换significant) 2.Dramatically(戏剧性地,这个单词用的人很多了,可以不用) 3.Durable/enduring(持续的,恒久的,很实用的单词) 4.Overwhelming(常用语overwhelming majority<绝大多数>,或者表示“不可抵挡”) 5.Incredible/unbelievable(不可思议的,难以置信的,非常推荐使用这个形容词) 6.Tranquil(安静的,代替peaceful,高级词汇) 7.Simultaneously(同时地,代替meanwhile,很实用很推荐) 8.Fulfill(代替finish,还可以表示更高端的“实现”等意义) 9.Whereas(表转折,非常推荐,but的意思) 10.Witness(句子倒转使用,“见证了…”也可代替see,很推荐) 11.Sophisticated(复杂的,世故的) 12.Alarming(震惊的,一般表示数字,也可以用it really shocks me that…) 13.Decent/elegant/dignity(尊严,得体的,高雅的,高贵的类似意思) 14.Self系列(self-esteem, self-improvement等) 15.Manifold(多方面的,各种各样的,代替various) 16.Manifest(显示,体现出,代替indicate或show) 17.Affirm(断言,声称,还有assert和allege) 18.Prevailing(代替popular,流行的,还有epidemic不常用) 19.Endeavour(努力,很实用的单词,endeavor to do)


2009中考英语书面表达写作技巧汇总(一)掌握技巧: (1)注意篇章结构,合理布局 开始部分(opening paragraph)——说出文中的要点、核心问题。 正文部分(Body paragraphs)——围绕主题开展叙述、讨论。 结尾部分(concluding paragraphs)——对全文的总结和概括。 要做到全文中心突出、段落之间必须是有机地联系,内容完整、连贯。前后呼应,祛除与主题无关的内容。 (2)确定主题句 主题句是对全文的概括,是文章的主旨。它能在文章中起到“画龙点睛”的作用。通常主题句出现 在一篇文章的开头,而后,全文对主题句所提出的内容进行解释,扩展。 写主题句应注意以下几点: ①归纳出你要写的文章的几个要点 ②提炼出一句具有概括性的话 ③主题句应具有可读性,抓住、吸引读者。 (二)巧用连接词 要想使文章有整体性、连贯性,就要学会正确使用连接词 表示罗列增加 First, second, third, First, then / next, after that / next, finally

For one thing…for another…, On (the) one hand…on the other hand, Besides / what’s more / in addition / furthermore / moreover / another / also, Especially / In particular, 表示时间顺序 now, at present, recently, after, afterwards, after that, after a while, in a few days, at first, in the beginning, to begin with, later, next, finally, immediately, soon, suddenly, all of a sudden, at that moment, as soon as, the momentform now on, from then on, at the same time, meanwhile, till, not…until, before, after, when, while, as during, 表示解释说明 now, in addition, for example, for instance, in this case, moreover furthermore, in fact, actually 表示转折关系 but, however, while, though, or, otherwise, on the contrary, on the other hand, in contrast, despite, in spite of, even though, except (for), instead, of course, after all, 表示并列关系


我觉得写文章之前要先有思路,你怎么去写怎么写的和别人不同,有新意。这里面的文章很大,我也说不透,只是参透了一二,和大家分享,望大家不要耻笑。我毕竟是个硕士研究生。 我觉得论文写很简单,主要是能够发表出去。下面我简单讲下我的思路。有相同或不同见解的留下言,共同交流,一起进步。 文章的第一步要有图,也就是说首先把图做的漂漂亮亮的,不管是SEM,TEM,Uv-vis,FTIR,还是效果图。图片放到你的文章里就是你的思路,图片放好了你的思路就出来了,这是就关键的过程,放图的过程中你要考你怎么写,你的文章新的地方在哪?;图做好了也放好了,就是写文章了,写文章也很快了,因为思路有了你的文章也构思好了。我在这里给出我写文章时的程序。对于文章主体部分,我觉得先写Results and discussion,写完了根据其内容下个Conclusion,然后根据Conclusion写Abstract(因为它们俩有些许的类似),而后补充Experimental。论文发表qq1813831290最后也是最难写的地方Introduction,这个让审稿人一看就能知道你的文章的水平,所以写好Introduction是关乎论文是否收录的关键所在。我和外国审稿人专家关于审稿交流过意见,他们也是这样认为,他们也认为Introduction是整个文章的脸面,这是他们主要审的地方,在这里能看到你的创新点,创新点不够直接refuse;Introduction写的还可以的话,就看Results and discussion,这部分其实主要看的是图,你的图的清晰度质量,以及性能图。我审过一篇Journal of Hazardous Materials上面的文章,我也是这样审的。当然是咱们国内某名牌大学的文章,做的是催化,我也是做这个的不知为什么编辑发来让我审,我也感觉很莫名。后来编辑告诉我和我的文章有些类似还称我是专家,教授…… 下面我引用了一些总结的写作经验,我觉得很有用。大家认真看看,在此先祝福大家论文高中,硕果累累不减当年勇时: 1.前言部分 1.1如何指出当前研究的不足以及有目的地引导出自己的研究的重要性 通常在叙述了前人成果之后,用However来引导不足,比如 However,little information... little attention has been devoted to… little work... little data/little research or few studies/investigations/few attempts have been don on… or none of these studies


英语作文常用句型总结(完美打印版) 现将历年作文中常用句型加以总结,希望对广大考生有所帮助。 一.开头 1.Recently the phenomenon has become a heated topic. 2.Recently the problem has been brought into focus. 3. Nowadays there is a growing concern over ... . 4. What calls for special attention is that... 5. There’s no denying the fact that... 6. what’s far more important is that... 7.It is common knowledge that honesty is the best policy. 8.It is well-known that… 9.Many nations have been faced with the problem of ... 10.According to a recent survey, ... 11. With the rapid development of ..., ... 二.结尾 1.From what has been discussed above, we can draw the conclusion that ... 2.In conclusion, it is imperative that ... 3.In summary, if we continue to ignore the above-mentioned issue, more problems will crop up. 4.With the efforts of all parts concerned, the problem will be solved thoroughly. 5.Taking all these into account, we ... 6. Whether it is good or not /positive or negative, one thing is certain/clear... 7.All things considered, ... 8.It may be safely said that... 9.Therefore, in my opinion, it’s more advisable... 10. It can be concluded from the discussion that... 11. From my point of view, it would be better if... 三.表比较 1.The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. 2.The advantages of A are much greater than those of B. 3.A may be preferable to B, but A suffers from the disadvantages that... 5.For all the disadvantages, it has its compensating advantages. 6.Like anything else, it has its faults. 7.A and B has several points in common. 8.However, the same is not applicable to B. 9. A and B differ in several ways. 10. Evidently, it has both negative and positive effects.


英语翻译方法和技巧归纳 一、词汇方面 ㈠.词义选择 大多数英语词汇是多义的,翻译时必须选择正确的词义。词义选择的方法有三:根据上下文和词的搭配选择、根据词类选择、根据专业选择。 ㈡.词义转换 在理解英文词汇的原始意义基础上,翻译时可根据汉语的习惯按引伸义译出;或用反义词语译出,即所谓的正文反译、反文正译。 ㈢.词类转换

英语中很多由动词转化而成的名词、以及动名词、非谓语动词等,汉译时可将它们转换成动词。 ㈣.补词 是指原文已有某种含义但未用词汇直接表达,译文中需将这些含义补充进去,这样才更通顺易读,如:英语中数词与名词之间没有量词,而译成汉语时可酌情增加。 ㈤.省略 是指原文中某些词在译文中省略不译,只要并不影响意义的完整。如:上面讲的汉语“量词”,译成英语时则可以省略;又如:英语中大量使用物主代词而汉语中往往省略不用。 ㈥.并列与重复

英语在表达重复含义的并列结构中常采用共享、替代、转换等形式来避免重复,而汉语却常常有意重复表达以加强文字的力度,如:英语的物主代词替代前面的名词,短语动词只重复介词而省略主动词,汉译时可考虑重复表达。 二、句子结构方面 子结构方面的翻译技巧,主要有三种类型:语序类、组合类和转换类。 ㈠.语序类 1. 顺译法与逆译法 英语时间状语可前可后。不仅如此,英语在表达结果、条件、说明等定语从句、状语从句也很灵活,既可以先述也可以后述。而汉语

表达往往是按时间或逻辑的顺序进行的,因此,顺译法也罢逆译法也罢,其实都是为了与汉语的习惯相一致。英语表达与汉语一致的就顺译,相反的则逆译。 有时候顺译法与逆译法的差别,就象前面谈的正译与反译,依译者的爱好而定。 2. 前置法 英语中较短的限定性定语从句、表身份特征等的同位语在译成汉语时,往往可以提到先行词(中心词)的前面。 3. 分起总叙与总起分叙 长句子和句子嵌套现象在英语中比较普遍,这是因为英语的连词、关系代词、关系副词等虚词比较活跃、生成能力强,可构成并列句、复合句以及它们的组合形式。


学术论文写作课程总结 科研的进步在于科研工作之间交流,讨论,阅读。在第一节课,老师就告诉我们,面对全球众多的科研工作者来说,本领域学者之间的交流多以文字的形式进行。英语作为世界各国人们交流的一种流通语言,让那些非英语为母语和以英语为母语国家的科研人员不会对我们投稿的英语学术论文所要表达的内容产生歧义,才能达到学术交流与进步的目的。 在本次的英语学术论文写作课程学习中,我们组经历了第一次的细致分工,到以后的分工与合作相结合的进步。由于我的研究方向为InSAR监测矿区,在本次论文写作中主要负责我们‘空天地一体化矿区环境灾害监测’中D-InSAR监测矿区部分的实验以及数据分析的工作。同时,在小组汇报的过程中共同进行了第一部分Introduction 部分的汇报,完成了Authors and Keywords部分PPT的制作与汇报工作。从选择汇报PPT模板、搜集资料、总结资料,再到最后制作修改完成终稿,最后是台下的汇报演练,每个步骤的实践经历都给了我弥足珍贵的经验。 回首这学期本门课程的学习,我发现自己在慢慢地积累中有了很多的收获。首先,作为一个学制只有2年的工程硕士,在本学期已经完成了自己学位论文的开题工作,在下一个学期就要着手于自己学位论文的撰写工作。无论是发表期刊论文,还是撰写自己的学位论文,插入、添加参考文献都曾经是写作的一大难题。本次课程老师给我们介绍了几款文献管理器(Noteexpress,Endnote)。通过对文献管理器软件的学习与使用,让我熟悉了文献管理器,在本学期的其他专业课程中的论文写作中已经可以熟练使用,极大的方便了论文写作。其次,语料库的检索分析,制定自己论文写作方向,都对我的论文写作有着十分重要的作用。 接着就是自己关于学术论文写作方面的收获。从第一节课开始,老师给我们写学术论文的正确态度,给初入学术写作的我论文写作方面奠定了很好的基础。原来对英语论文的态度就是从中文的论文通过翻译软件直接进行翻译。在本次课程中,我们在老师的带领下,通过小组合作的形式,对introduction,methodology,results,conclusion等几个论文的主体部分,以及title,authors,abstract,keywords进行了细致的学习,理解了每个部分在论文中所起到的作用,以及写作这些部分的英文论文的时候所需要注意的时态语法主语人称等方面的问题。也让我明白,英语学术论文的写作,不应该是简单的中译英,而更重要的是自己的学术内容与思想能够清晰而又高效的传达出来,进而实现学术交流与提高的作用。


第一部分常用于引言段的句型的2类表达方式 一、议论文常用句型 1. It is a fact that…. 2. It is well-known that…. 3. There is no doubt that…. 4. I think that…. 5. Contrary to the popular thought, I prefer…. 6. Some people say/believe/claim that…. 7. It is generally believ ed that…. 8. It is widely accepted that…. 9. It is argued/held that…. 10. While it is commonly believed that…, I believe…. 11. It can be concluded that…. 12. People’s views vary from person to person. 二、图表作文常用句型 1. The table/diagram/bar chart/pie graph/tree diagram/curve graph /column chart shows/illustrates/reveals/describes/depicts/reflects that/how…. 2. The graph provides some interesting data regarding…. 3. The data/statistics/figures can be interpreted as follows: 4. The data/statisti cs/figures lead us to the conclusion that…. 5. As is shown/demonstrated/exhibited in the diagram/graph/chart/table, …. 6. It is clear/apparent from the table/chart/diagram/figures that…. 7. The vertical/horizontal axis stands for…. 8. There was rapid/noticeable/great/sharp/steep/remarkable/slow/little/slight/grad ual rise/increase/decrease/fall/decline/drop/change in development in …. 9. The percentage remained steady/stable at…. 10. The figures stayed the same…. 11. The figures bottomed out/pea ked at…. 12. The figures reached the bottom/a peak/a plateau during…. 第二部分常用于正文段的句型的4类表达方式 一、A、B型作文段落常用句型和表达方式 1. A is completely / totally / entirely different from B. 2. A and B are different in some/every way / respect / aspect. 3. A and B differ in…. 4. A differs from B in…. 5. The difference between A and B is/l ies in/exists in…. 6. Compared with/In contrast to/Unlike A, B…. 7. A…, on the other hand,/in contrast,/while/whereas B…. 8. While it is generally believed that A …, I believe B…. 9. Despite their similarities, A and B are also different.

小学英语 写作技巧(附写作话题)

小学英语写作技巧 小学阶段的英语教学要使学生掌握一定的英语基础知识和听、说、读、写技能,形成一定的语言综合运用能力,写作有助于词汇、语法、句型、课文等语言知识的学习,并能够促进听、说、读和思维能力的潜在性发展。同时,听、说、读和思维能力的发展又反作用于写作能力的培养。写作教学对于帮助学生了解英语思维方式,形成用英语进行思维的习惯,提高学生综合运用语言知识的能力大有益处。 小学阶段不同年级的作文有不同要求和写作技巧。 (一)小学三年级 对于小学3年级的学生,在他们已经掌握好了如颜色(colour)、衣服(clothes)、数字(number)、星期(day of the week)、月份(month)、宠物(pet)、情感(feeling)、身体部位(body)、文具(school things)的基础上进行文章的填空,如果学生能够按照文章的要求写进相关的信息,那就已经很不错了。下面是一个自我介绍的简单例子: Myself Hello,my name is_____. I am_____years old.My favourite colour is_____,_____,and_____.My favourite pet is______,_____ and______. My favourite food is_____,______and______.My favourite day is______. My favourite school thing is______and______.My favourite number is ______ and______. I am______today. 上面的这个例子,如果学生能够依次能吧自己的姓名、年龄、喜欢的颜色、喜欢的宠物、喜欢的食物、喜欢的日子、喜欢的文具、喜欢的数字和今天的心情准确无误地写出来,那么就已经能够完成了3年级阶段的作文要求。 (二)小学四年级 对于4年级的学生,可以写一篇介绍自己课室或者自己卧室的文章。下面是一篇4年级学生的介绍课室范文。 My classroom I am studying at Tongji primary school.I am in Class Two,Grade Four.(介绍


---------------------------------精选公文范文--------------------------初中英语作文写作技巧总结 各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢英语作文写作技巧 1.动笔之前,认真审题 《中考考试说明》指出,书面表达要切中题意。怎样才能切中题意?就是要认真审题,看到考题后,先不要急于动笔,要仔细看清题目要求的内容。在自己的头脑中构思出一个框架或画面,确定短文的中心思想,不要匆匆下笔,看懂题意,根据图画、图表、提纲或短文提供的资料和信息来审题。审题要审格式、体裁、人物关系、故事情节、主体时态、活动时间、地点等。 2.围绕中心,拟定提纲 书面表达评分原则有四条: 内容要点; 运用词汇和结构的数量; 运用语法结构和词汇的准确性; ----------------精选公文范文----------------1---------------------------------精选公文范文--------------------------上下文的连贯性。 由此可见,要点是给分的一个重要因素。为了防止写作过程中遗漏要点,同学们要充分发挥自己的观察力,把情景中给出的各个要点逐条列出。根据短文的中心思想考虑如何开头、展开和结尾,设想几个承上启下的连词,将主要句型、关键词语草草记下,形成提纲,写时切忌结构分散,废话连篇,严重跑题。书面表达,内容广泛,题材多样,要弄清考题的要求是写人、叙事、介绍、评论、图表、书信、日记、通知、便条还是看图作文或改写缩写。如果是日记,要写清年、月、日和天气情况;如果是书信,则要注意书信的格式,注意短文字数不要低于或超过规定的字数太多。


Comparison of the Flood Myth between China & the West 2010583 行政100班 ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC STUDY COURSE Department of Political Science Southwest University of Science and Technology

Abstract Flood myth is a common theme of all ethnic groups in the world.F or the past,the research on the western myth of the flood was particularly in the comparison study of the basic structure and the story contrast. The important significance of studying the lies in rehabilitation history and tapping—its deep cultural connotations by using the way of primitive people.In this paper, from the Angle of cultural function of myth, Chinese and western the flood myth rooted by the culture differences. Overall,the creation-made the sin.correctional impunity of the flood—creation again,as the more common myths flood program.Flood myth of Chinese and in the west can be embodied in the story of the god of punishment as the cause of floods,reflecting the original people’S awareness of the early relationship between mankind and nature.After the floods,the recycling world reflected the awareness of the relationship of the original people.They expressed the aspirations of civilization. However,the flood myths of Chinese and in the west have a marked difference.The theme of western flood myth is asylum,which did not reflect the spirits of protest.On the contrary,Chinese flood myths take the”harnessing water”as a theme,which mainly reflected the use and control of flood.The people who are in harnessing water, the west flood myth Was God-centered and embodied a strong sense of religion while the Chinese flood myths is people—oriented.Yu and his son became the representatives of the floods and beco me heroes of the Chinese nation. Key Words:flood;myths;compare;difference References [1] (Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary)7th Edition [2] Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary


考研英语作文常用句子总结 句型在英语学习中占有不可替代的作用,背诵一些有用的句子对于我们来说也是非常重要的。考研英语作文冲刺复习要注意积累,记忆一些好的句式。素材丰富了,大家才能下笔灵活,下面分享的这些考研英语常用写作句型,大家可以收藏。 1.The cartoon vividly shows an important truth that…漫画生动地揭示了一个重要的道理 2.As is vividly depicted in the drawings 漫画生动地描述了 3.Clearly, the cartoon reveals a very common problem in our society 很明显,漫画揭示了我们社会的一个普遍现象 4.The implied meaning of the drawings is that 漫画的寓意是 5.As is manifested in the cartoon 如漫画所示 6.The two drawings stand in a sharp contrast 两幅图形成了鲜明的对比 7.A ridiculous situation 一个可笑的场景 8.To grasp the full implication 充分理解寓意 9.With sweats trailing down the face 汗流满面 10.There is no denying that… 毋庸置疑…… 11.There is a general assumption that 人们普遍认为 12.To make careful decision 认真做决定

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