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《英语1》(基础模块 高教版(完整资料).doc
《英语1》(基础模块 高教版(完整资料).doc


高一英语人教版必修三-全册课文原文 Unit 1 Festivals around the world FESTIVALS AND CELEBRATIONS Festivals and celebrations of all kinds have been held everywhere since ancient times. Most ancient festivals would celebrate the end of cold weather, planting in spring and harvest in autumn. Sometimes celebrations would be held after hunters had caught animals. At that time people would starve if food was difficult to find, especially during the cold winter months. Today’s festivals have many origins, some religious, some seasonal, and some for special people or events. Festivals of the dead Some festivals are held to honour the dead or to satisfy the ancestors, who might return either to help or to do harm. For the Japanese festival Obon, people should go to clean graves and light incense in memory of their ancestors. They also light lamps and play music because they think that will lead the ancestors back to earth. In


一、我的母亲 老舍 教学目标 1、了解作者生平及其重要作品。 2、体会作者对母亲的热爱、赞颂、感激和怀念之情。 3、了解课文以时间为顺序的叙述方式。 4、品味作者自然朴素又充满感情的语言。 教学课时 2课时 教学步骤 一、导入由名人对母爱的描绘: 世界上的一切光荣和骄傲,都来自母亲。——高尔基 世界上有一种最美丽的声音,那便是母亲的呼唤。——但丁 慈母的胳膊是慈爱构成的,孩子睡在里面怎能不甜?——雨果 成功的时候,谁都是朋友。但只有母亲——她是失败时的伴侣。——郑振铎 我的生命是从睁开眼睛,爱上我母亲的面孔开始的。——乔治?艾略特活动一:悠悠母爱,丝丝缕缕牵扯不断,让我们拾取其中一段,为爱下一个注解,描绘我们的母亲。 二、课文探究 1、作者简介: 2、思考一:老舍笔下的母亲是怎么样的一个形象? 美国作家惠特曼曾经说过:“全世界的母亲是多么的相像!她们的心始终一样,每一个母亲都有一颗极为纯真的赤子之心。”那么老舍身为一位伟大的作家,他的母亲又是怎么样的一个人呢?他的母亲对他是否跟惠特曼说的一样? 作者笔下是一个非常感人的母亲形象:她勤劳诚实而且做事认真仔细,她热情好客而且乐于助人不怕吃亏,她处事有度软中有硬,她善良坚强对子女的感情内敛而深厚…… 思考二:(探讨)你的母亲与作者笔下的母亲有哪些相似和不同的地方。 (在我们出生之前,我们的父母并非像他们现在这样乏味。他们变成今天这个样子,是因为这些年来一直在为我们张罗,为我们的生活、学习承受着在我们眼中看来理所当然的一切,并在不断接受我们因不满生活所发出的唠叨、牢骚。但,血浓于水,正是着浓得化不开的亲情,成就了今天的我们。) 三、深入探究 1、探讨母亲对老舍的性格影响 面对这一切,大作家老舍先生心存感激。下面,你们能告诉我,母亲给了老舍哪些方面的生命教育吗? 明确:四个方面——(1)第9节,“从这里,我学得了爱花,爱清洁,守秩序。” (2)第10节,“到如今如我的好客的习性,还未全改,尽管生活是这么清苦,因为自幼儿看惯了的事情是不易改掉的。” (3)第12节,“她的泪会往心中落!这点软而硬的个性,也传给了我。我对一切人与事,都取和平的态度,把吃亏看作当然的。但是,在作人上,我有一定的宗旨与基本的法则,什么事都可将就,而不能超过自己划好的界限。”“母亲并不识字,她给我的是生命的教育”。(4)第17节,“生命是母亲给我的。我之能长大成人,是母亲的血汗灌养的。我之能成为一个不十分坏的人,是母亲感化的。我的性格,习惯,是母亲传给的。” 2、写作顺序: 明确——时间顺序:母亲出嫁→我的出生→我一岁半(庚子闹“拳”那一年)→我小学毕业→我师范毕业→我廿三→我廿七→七七抗战→去年→今年。 四、重点研习


牛津英语模块3译文 Appendix I: Translation Unit 1 Reading 雾 比尔·洛 浓雾警报 那天早晨波莉离家时,整个城市已笼罩在灰色的薄雾中。午餐时分,收音机预报说,薄雾将会在下午变成浓雾。下午四点,波莉下了班,步入了浓雾中。她不知道公交车是否还会照常运行。 没有到国王大街的巴士 一走到街上,她就快步向平常乘车的公交车站走去。 “您要坐多远?”巴士售票员收下她的车费前问道。 “国王大街。”波莉答道。 “对不起,小姐,”售票员回答说,“现实情况是雾太浓了,公交车跑不了那么远。乘地铁到格林公园吧。那里的天气可能好一点,您也许能叫到一辆出租车。” 高个子男人 当波莉打量地铁车厢里的乘客时,她感到她正被一个穿着黑色大衣的高个子男人注视着。地铁终于到达了格林公园站。当其他乘客走出车厢时,她扫视了一下她周围的一张张面孔。那个高个子男人不见了。 脚步声 当波莉到达车站入口处时,那里空无一人。外面,她目光所及之处,雾像浓密的灰云一样聚积着。什么人也看不见。波莉朝着公园大街走去。当她沿着狭窄的街道行走时,她听到了由远及近的脚步声,但当她走到街道拐角处时,脚步声却消失了,突然,波莉感到有一只粗糙的手拂过她的脸颊'并且她还听到了一个男人在她耳边说“对不起”的声音。那个男人走开了。她能感到她的心脏因害怕而怦怦地直跳。 热心的陌生人 然后,她又听到了那种声音——在她身后响起的轻柔的脚步声。一分钟前,她曾希望有人跟着来。现在她则想跑开,可恐惧让她挪不动脚步。脚步声这会儿似乎很近了。接着,一个男人的声音从黑暗中传来:“有人吗?” 波莉犹豫了。最终她还是回答道:“你好,我想我是迷路了。” 几秒钟后,一只手伸过来抓住了她的胳膊。波莉抬头看去,发现是一位长着络腮胡子的老人。 “也许我能帮你。你想去哪条路?”他问道。 “我住在国王大街86号,”波莉答道。 “只要拉着我的手就成,”老人说,“跟着我走,不会有事的。”他拉住波莉的手。“小心这里的台阶。” 老人的另一只手里攥着一根手杖。波莉能听见它敲击台阶的声音。“我还记得几次糟糕的大雾,不过那可能都是在你出生之前的事了。我看不见你的脸,但你听起来挺年轻。你多大了?” “刚20岁,”波莉答道。 “啊,20岁,多好的年纪啊。我也年轻过。现在我们到了十字路口了。这里向左转。” “我是彻底迷路了。您肯定你认识路吗?”波莉又开始感到害怕了。 “当然肯定,你真的不用担心。”老人将她的手握得更紧了。 感恩的帮助者 “我们到了。国王大街。”老人停住了脚步。


语文基础模块上基础知识复习资料 第一单元 一我的母亲 一、文学常识 老舍(1899—1966),原名舒庆春,字舍予,现代著名作家。代表作品主要有:小说《骆驼祥子》、《四世同堂》、戏剧《龙须沟》等。1951年北京市人民政府授予他“人民艺术家”的光荣称号。 二、字词注音 家谱.刮痧.绞.脸撮.土廿.撑.持惦.念 三、解释词语 门当户对生疏 殷勤筹划 撑持惦念 四、人物形象 母亲——勤劳、热情好客、乐于助人、善良而坚强、感情内敛而深厚(软而硬的性格)的一位伟大无私的母亲。 二好雪片片 一、文学常识 林清玄(1953—),台湾作家,笔名秦情、林漓、林大悲等。作品有散文集《莲花开落》、《冷月钟笛》、《温一壶月光下的酒》、《鸳鸯香炉》、《金色印象》、《白雪少年》等。 二、字词注音 奖券.便.当臀.部家当.燠.热崭.新笨拙.污秽. 三、解释词语 崭新笨拙 污秽 四、人物形象 老人——一个外表污秽,处境凄凉的流浪老人;一位心地善良,给人温暖的可亲老人。 五、文章中心 无论情况如何都不能失掉一个人的好品质,都要学会给他人以温暖。 三卖白菜 一、文学常识 莫言(1956—)当代作家,原名管谟业,山东高密县人。“寻根文学”作家。2012年获诺贝尔文学奖。主要作品有中篇小说集《透明的红萝卜》、《金发婴儿》和长篇小说《红高粱家族》《生死疲劳》《蛙》等。 二、字词注音 抽噎.木橛.子蔫.嘟哝 ..清冽. ..踽.踽独行乍.绺.黢.黑箢篼 抽屉.湿漉漉.瞥. 三、解释词语 心事重重死里逃生 踽踽独行抽噎 四、主题 作者借助《卖白菜》中母亲的形象(一个坚强、自尊、朴实、诚实的母亲形象),表达了自己对做人行事的看法:再穷也不能失掉自尊,再穷也不能丢掉诚实。 四狂欢节的最后一天 一、文学常识 阿米琪斯(1846——1908),意大利著名作家,代表作《爱的教育》。


1.必修三Unit1 Festivals and celebrations节日和庆典 Festivals and celebrations of all kinds have been held everywhere since ancient times. 自古以来,世界各地就有各种各样的节日和庆典。Most ancient festivals would celebrate the end of cold weather, planting in spring and harvest in autumn. 最古老的节日总是庆祝严寒的结束、春季的种植和秋天的收割。Sometimes celebrate would be held after hunters had caught animals. 有时,在猎人捕获猎物后,也举行庆祝活动。At that time people would starve if food was difficult to find, especially during the cold winter months. 在那个时代,如果食物难以找到,特别是在寒冷的冬月,人们会挨饿。Today’s festivals have many origins ,some religious, some seasonal, and some for special people or events. 现在的节日有很多由来,一些是宗教上的,一些是季节性的,一些是纪念特殊的人和事件的。 Festivals of the Dead亡灵节 Some festivals are held to honour the dead or to satisfy the ancestors, who might return either to help or to do harm. 有些节日,是为了纪念死者,或使祖先得到满足,因为祖先们有可能回到世上(给人们)提供帮助,也有可能带来危害。For the Japanese festival. Obon, people should go to clean graves and light incense in memory of their ancestors. 在日本的盂兰盆节,人们要扫墓、烧香,以缅怀祖先。They also light lamps and play music because they think that this will lead the ancestors back to earth. 他们还点起灯笼,奏响乐曲,因为他们认为这样做可以把祖先引回到世上。In Mexico, people celebrate the Day of the Dead in early November. 在墨西哥,亡灵节是在11月初。On this important feast day, people eat food in the shape of skulls and cakes with “bones” on them. 在这个重要的节日里,人们会吃制成颅骨形状的食物,和装点有“骨头”的蛋糕。They offer food, flowers and gifts to the dead. 他们向亡者祭献食物、鲜花和礼品。The Western holiday Halloween also had its origin in old beliefs about the return of the spirits of dead people. 西方节日万圣节也源自人们古老的信念,认为亡者的灵魂会返回人间。It is now a children’s festival, when they can dress up and to their neighbours’ homes to ask for sweets. 万圣节如今成了孩子们的节日,这天他们可以乔装打扮上到邻居家要糖吃。If the neighbours do not give any sweets, the children might play a trick on them. 如果邻居什么糖也不给,那么孩子们就可以捉弄他们了。 Festivals to Honour People纪念名人的节日 Festivals can also be held to honour famous people . 也有纪念名人的节日。The Dragon Boat Festival in China honours the famous ancient poet, Qu Y uan. 中国的端午节(龙舟节),是纪念著名古代诗人屈原的。In the USA Columbus Day is in memory of the arrival of Christopher Columbus in New World. 美国的哥伦布日是纪念克里斯托弗·哥伦布发现“新大陆”的日子。India has a national festival on October 2 to honour Mohandas Gandhi, the leader who helped gain India’s independence from Britain. 印度在10月2日有个全国性节日,纪念莫汉达斯·甘地,他是帮助印度脱离英国而独立的领袖。 Harvest Festivals庆丰收的节日 Harvest and Thanksgiving festivals can be very happy events. 收获与感恩节是非常喜庆的节日。People are grateful because their food is gathered for the winter and the agricultural work is over. 越冬的粮食收集起来了,农活结束了,人们都心怀感激。In European countries, people will usually decorate churches and town halls with flowers and fruit, and will get together to have meals. 在欧洲国家,人们通常用花果来装饰教堂和市政厅,在一起聚餐。Some people might win awards for their farm produce, like the biggest watermelon or the most handsome rooster. 有些人还可能因为他们的农产品(参加各种评选)而获奖,比如最大的西瓜或最帅的公鸡。China and Japan have mid-autumn festivals, when people admire the moon and in China, enjoy


Book 1 Unit 3 How much is it教案 执教者:黄政娟班级15电子 时间:2016年11月9日(第二节) 一、教学内容: 本课时是教材《英语1》(基础模块高教版)第三单元的第一课时,包括Lead-in & Listening and speaking中的部分内容,具体内容为:部分商品和购物场所的词汇、买卖商品活动中展开的对话和讨论购物计划的对话。这些内容为整个单元的学习活动做语言和知识的准备,也为学生学以致用的语言表达活动提供了语言铺垫。 二、教学重点 1.学生能掌握部分商品和购物场所的词汇,如medicine,cola,disk,cell phone,shopping mall,grocery,bakery,supermarket,department store等。 2.学生能掌握讨论购物计划时所使用的句型,如: — (1)What’s your plan for… (2)Would you like to go shopping with me (3)What’s on your shopping list (4)There are many beautiful dresses. 3.通过创设情境,学以致用,使学生能够用以下句型在购物场所进行买卖商品的对话。 (1)Can I help you = What can I do for you (2)I want to buy a/an/some+某物. . =I’d like to buy a/an/some +某物. (3)How much is /are +某物

=What’s the price of+某物 It’s +价钱./They’re +价钱. (4)It’s on sale now. (5)I’ll take 5 kilos. 三、教学难点:(1)学生能听懂关于购物和讨论购物计划的对话。 (2)学生能够创设情境开展关于讨论购物计划的对话。 ' (2)学生能够创设情境在购物场所进行买卖商品的对话。 四、教学工具:多媒体课件、卡片等。 五、教学步骤: Step 1Lead-in 1.通过谈论淘宝网购物,引到实体店购物场所名称。运用句型: Where can we by something We can buy something in a/an…学生能够说出一些常见购物场所的英文名称。2.通过引入服务用语Can I help you/What can I do for you让学生掌握在购物中的日常用语。通过句型I want to buy a/an/some+某物.或I’d like to buy a/an/some +某物.学生能够掌握一些常用商品的英文名称。 ? 3. 学生学会运用句型How much is /are +某物/What’s the price of+某物 It’s +价钱./They’re +价钱.询问商品价格并能说出商品的价格。 4.学生能够用以下句型谈论购物计划: (1)What’s your plan for… (2)Would you like to go shopping with me (3)What’s on your shopping list (4)There are many beautiful dresses. Step 2 Part 5 }


Unit 2 Healthy eating COME AND EAT HERE (I) Wang Peng sat in his empty restaurant feeling very frustrated. It had been a very strange morning. Usually he got up early and prepared his menu of barbecued mutton kebabs, roast pork, stir-fried vegetables and fried rice. Then by lunchtime they would all be sold. By now his restaurant ought to be full of people. But not today! Why was that What could have happened He thought of his mutton, beef and bacon cooked in the hottest, finest oil. His cola was sugary and cold, and his ice cream was made of milk, cream and delicious fruit. “Nothing could be better,” he thought. Suddenly he saw his friend Li Chang hurrying by. “Hello, Lao Li,” he called. “Your usual” But Li Chang seemed not to hear. What was the matter Something terrible must have happened if Li Chang was not coming to eat in his restaurant as he always did. Wang Peng followed Li Chang into a new small restaurant. He saw a sign at the door. Tired of all that fat Want to lose weight Come inside Yong Hui’s slimming restaurant. Only slimming foods served here. Make yourself thin again! Curiosity drove Wang Peng inside. It was full of people. The hostess, a very thin lady, came forward. “Welcome,” she said. “My name is Yong Hui. I’ll help you lose weight and be fit in two weeks if you eat here every day.” Then she gave a menu to Wang Peng. There were few choices of food and drink on it: just rice, raw vegetables served in vinegar, fruit and water. Wang Peng was amazed at this and especially at the prices. It cost more than a good meal in his restaurant! He could not believe his eyes. He threw down the menu and hurried outside. On his way home he thought about his own menu. Did it make people fat Perhaps he should go to the library and find out. He could not have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies! He had better do some research! At the library Wang Peng was surprised to find that his restaurant served far too much fat and Yong Hui’s far too little. Even though her customers might get thin after eating Yong Hui’s food, they were not eating enough energy-giving food to keep them fit. They would become tired very quickly. Wang Peng felt more hopeful as he drove back home. Perhaps with a discount and a new sign he could win his customers back. So he wrote: Want to feel fit and energetic Come and eat here! Discounts today! Our food gives you energy all day! The competition between the two restaurants was on! COME AND EAT HERE (II) A week later, Wang Peng’s restaurant was nearly full and he felt happier. Perhaps he would be able to earn his living after all and not have to close his restaurant. He did not look forward to being in debt because his restaurant was no longer popular. He smiled as he welcomed some customers warmly at the door but the smile left his face when he saw Yong Hui walking in. She did not look happy but glared at him. “May I ask what you were doing in my restaurant the other day I thought you were a new customer and now I know that you only came to spy on me and my menu,” she shouted. “Please excuse me,” he calmly explained, “I wanted to know where all my customers had gone last week. I followed one of them and found them in your restaurant. I don’t want to upset you, but I found your menu so limited that I stopped worrying and started advertising the benefits of my

高教版中职英语基础模块 第3册unit 3《what courses do you offer》教学设计(精品).docx

Unit 3 What courses do you offer? 一、教材分析 这是《英语3(基础模块)》(高教版)第三单元的内容,主要让学生了解学习、培训和教育相关主要内容,通过听说熟悉有关选择培训学校时的相关表达方法,通过本课学习,需要了解Zhang Ling在澳大利来读书时做兼职工作的经历、感受及对未来的态度,从而结合自己的专业,谈论自己的兼职工作经历和对学生从事兼职工作的一些看法。 教学重点、难点 熟悉与培训内容相关的话题词汇、句型,并能熟练运用这些词句进行对话。 能听懂有关咨询培训内容的对话,并能在真实的情境中,使用相关词句描述与自己参加培训有关的内容。(1) To make Ss know some purpose of doing part-time jobs. (2) To make Ss talk about some advantages and disadvantages of doing part-time jobs. (3) To make Ss think about their own future career plan. 能识别“what”引导的主语从句和“It is ...”的主语从句结构。能区分“what”引导的主语从句和“what”引导的感叹句。 二、教学目标 1. 词汇目标 (1) 学生能识别offer, course, schedule, lecture, certificate, homepage, register的意思。 (2) 学生能用get a certificate, offer a course, register on line等重要词组来描述参加培训的相关内容。 2. 能力目标 (1) 能听懂关于课程名称、时间、证书和注册方式等的问题。 (2) 学生能运用“I’m calling to ask if you offer ...” “Will I get a certificate?” “Are there any part-time courses?”和“How do I sign up?”等句子咨询有关培训课程的咨询。

英语基础模块3教案设计 赵健

凤阳科技学校教案2017---2018学年度(下)科目:英语基础模块3 姓名:健

Unit 1 he decided to have a big Christmas party. Teaching aims: to learn the dialogue Key points:to know the useful sentences Time allocation: 1 lesson Teaching process: Step One Lead-in The teacher greets each student: Good morning. Nice to see you again. Welcome back to school. What did you do during your summer vacation? Step Two Presentation 1. Activity 1: look and match. After students have finished it, ask some individuals to tell what you would do in these festivals. 2. Activity 2: read and decide. Get the Ss to discuss these festivals by themselves. Then get them to listen and repeat. Step Three Listening 1. . Activity 3. Listen and tick. Then discuss the answers with them. 2. Activity 4. Listen again and answer the question about the festival and Lynn’s opinion.


高一英语模块三课文填空 Unit 1 Fog Fog warning When Polly left home _____ morning, the city was already covered __ a grey mist. ___ lunch, the radio forecast that the mist _____ become a thick fog __ the afternoon. ___ four o'clock, Polly left work and stepped ___ into the fog .She wondered __ the buses would still be running. No buses to King Street _____ out in the street, she walked quickly _______ her usual bus stop. …How far are you going?? the bus conductor asked her ______ he took her fare. …King Street.? said Polly. …Sorry,Miss? replied the man, …the truth is ____ it is___ foggy ___ the bus to run ____ far. Take the Underground to Green Park. The weather _____ be better there and you might be able to get a taxi.? A tall man ___ Polly observed the passengers ___ the train, she had a feeling ___ she was being watched __ a tall man __ a dark overcoat. __ last the train arrived __ Green Park station. _____ the rest of the passengers


---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 高一英语必修三课文 必修 3 unit1 Festivals and celebrations Festivals and celebrations of all kinds have been held everywhere since ancient times. Most ancient festivals would celebrate the end of cold weather, planting in spring and ________ in autumn. Sometimes celebrations would be held after hunters had caught animals. At that time people would starve if food was difficult to find, especially during the cold winter months. Today’s festivals have many ________, some ________, some seasonal, and some for special people or events. Festivals of the Dead Some festivals are held to honour the dead or to satisfy the ________, who might return either to help or to do harm. For the Japanese festival Obon, people should go to clean graves and light incense ________ ________ ________ their ancestors. They also light lamps and play music because they think that this will lead the ancestors back to earth. ________ ________, people celebrate the Day of the Dead in early November. On this important ________ day, people eat food in the shape of skulls and cakes with ________ on them. They offer food, flowers and gifts to the dead. The Western holiday Halloween also had its origin in old beliefs 1 / 10

高一英语人教版必修三 全册课文内容

Unit 1 Festivals around the world FESTIVALS AND CELEBRATIONS Festivals and celebrations of all kinds have been held everywhere since ancient times. Most ancient festivals would celebrate the end of cold weather, planting in spring and harvest in autumn. Sometimes celebrations would be held after hunters had caught animals. At that time people would starve if food was difficult to find, especially during the cold winter months. Today’s festivals have many origins, some religious, some seasonal, and some for special people or events. Festivals of the dead Some festivals are held to honour the dead or to satisfy the ancestors, who might return either to help or to do harm. For the Japanese festival Obon, people should go to clean graves and light incense in memory of their ancestors. They also light lamps and play music because they think that will lead the ancestors back to earth. In Mexico, people celebrate the Day of the Dead in early November. On this important feast day, people eat food in the shape of skulls and cakes with “bones” on them. They offer food, flowers and gifts to the dead. The Western holiday Halloween also had its origin in old beliefs about the return of the spirits of dead people. It is now a children’s festival, when they can dress up and go to their neighbours’homes to ask for sweets. If the neighbours do not give any sweets, the children might play a trick on them. Festivals to Honour People Festivals can also be held to honour famous people. The Dragon Boat Festival in China honours the famous ancient poet, Qu Yuan. In the USA, Columbus Day is in memory of the arrival of Christopher Columbus in the New World. India has a national festival on October 2 to honour Mohandas Gandhi, the leader who helped gain India’s independence from Britain. Harvest Festivals Harvest and Thanksgiving festivals can be very happy events. People are grateful because their food is gathered for the winter and the agricultural work is over. In European countries, people will usually decorate churches and town halls with flowers and fruit, and will get together to have meals. Some people might win awards for their farm produce, like the biggest watermelon or the most handsome rooster. China and Japan have mid-autumn festivals when people admire the moon and in China enjoy moon-cakes. Spring Festivals The most energetic and important festivals are the ones that look forward to the end of winter and to the coming of spring. At the Spring Festival in China, people eat dumplings, fish and meat and may give children lucky money in red paper. There are dragon dances and carnivals, and families celebrate the Lunar New Year together. Some Western countries have very exciting carnivals, which take place forty days before Easter, usually in February. These carnivals might include parades, dancing in the streets day and night, loud music and colourful clothing of al kinds. Easter is an important religious and social festival for Christians around the world. It celebrates the return of Jesus from the dead and the coming of spring and new life. Japan’s Cherry Blossom Festival happens a little later. The country, covered with cherry tree flowers, looks as though it is covered with pink snow. People love to get together to eat, drink and have fun with each other. Festivals let us enjoy life, be proud of our customs and forget our work for a little while.

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