当前位置:文档之家› 高级口译新闻词汇(一)




Wages accord reached


to help

Man aids police


to make known, broadcast

TV airs “facts” on Arms Delivery


To criticize strongly

Soviets assails US on A-tests


To dismiss from a job

To cut, destroy, take away Governor to axe Aide?

Labor axe colleges in Tory Towns


To support

Unions back peace move


To refuse to accept

Union balks at court order

Prohibition; prohibit

Bus ban on pupils after attack on crew


Not to allow, exclude

Club faces shutdown for barring women


Attempt, offer

New peace bid in Rhodesia

Union rejects latest bid


To cheat

Clerk bilks city of $1m.


Explosion; strong criticism

To criticize strongly; strike with explosives Tanker blast near Manila.

Regan blasts Democrats



Blaze destroys factory


Injury / disappointment suffered

Carter poll blow


Help, incentive

Industry gets boost



Management cites Labor Unset for shutdown


To declare to be true

To kill

Man claims ghost sighting

Bombs Claim 40


Dispute, violent argument, Battle (n.)

To disagree strongly; fight (v.)

Strikers in clash with police

Mayor clashes with City Council


Uninterested; unfriendly

Hanoi cool to aid offer


Revolution, change in government Generals ousted in coup


Restraint, limit

New curbs on immigration



Big cuts in air fares


A disagreement that cannot be settled Jury deadlock in kidnap trial



Pay pits deal hope


Campaign, effort

Peace drive succeeds



Greek FM due today


To reduce or loosen

1000 freed as Poland eases Martial Law



American envoy taken hostage



Exit envoys in race storm


To watch with interest

Women’s group eye court vote


The day before

Violence on eve of independence


To find in the wrong

Study faults police


Dispute, strong disagreement Border


To accuse; criticize strongly

US flays Soviet Block


Opponent; enemy

Reagan talks with congressional foes foil

To prevent from succeeding

FBI foils bid to hijack plane to Iran



Actress loses Gems



Go-ahead for dearer gas


To take hold of

Cholera fear grips Japan


Man with gun

Gunman raids 3 banks


To destroy completely by fire

Year’s biggest fire guts 178 homes



Channel tunnel Halt


Large quantity which has been stolen and later discovered Cannabis haul


To lead, direct

Buchanan to head peace mission

head off

To prevent

President heads off rail strike



Jewel heist foiled


To affect badly

Fuel strike hits hospitals


To keep in police control; detain 7 hold for gambling


To sign

Thailand, Malaysia ink sea treaty


Aero plane

Three killed in jet plunge jobless


Number of jobless increases


Essential, vital, very, important

Key witness dies

kick off

To begin

Fiery speech kicks off campaign

lash out

To criticize strongly; accuse

Warsaw Pact lashes out at NATO Missile Plan


To praise

PM lauds Community Spirit


To begin

Police launch anti-crime drive


Position; demand

Israel softens line


To connect

Fungus linked to Mystery Disease


Expected in the near future

Treaty dispute looming


To take away of valuable goods unlawfully (v.) Stolen money or goods (n.)

Rioters loot stores

Police recover loot



Carter man in China


To capture

Gang leader nabbed


To total

To capture

Drug raid nets $1m

Patrol nets 2 prisoners



Ministry seeks nod for oil saving plan


Painful experience, drama

Jail ordeal ends


An important government position

Minister quits: tired of office


Choose; decide

Swiss opt to back tax for churches


To take power away from, push out, drive out, replace V oters oust incumbents

Argentina ousts Union leaders



Industrial output increases in Italy


Agreement, treaty

Warsaw Pact ends


Wages, salary

Pay rise for miners


Coal mine

Pit talks end


Request for help

A statement in court indicating guilt or innocence Guilty pleas expected



Labor pledges higher pensions


Steep fall

Dollar plunges


Ready for action

Bolivian workers poised to strike


Election, public opinion survey

V oting station

Swedish poll shows swing to Right

V oters go to the polls in Japan


Position in government, business, etc. Unknown gets key cabinet post

press for

To demand, ask for

Teachers press for pay rise



Mayor orders fire probe


To cause

Court decision prompts public anger


To burn out of control



Attack, robbery

$23M drug raid


Accusation; charge

To criticize

Corruption rap unfair says senator Safety commission raps auto companies



Girl in shotgun death riddle


To shock; to surprise

Gov’t. Report rocks stock market


To defeat completely

Rebels routed, leave 70 dead


To quarrel, argument, dispute

Oil price row may bring down Gov’t


To decide (especially in court) Court rules today in corruption case

rule out

do not consider as a possibility Israel rules out PLO talks


Dismiss from a job

Jail chief sacked

sack (from “ransack”)

To search thoroughly and rob

14 held for US Embassy sacking


Public alarm

Rabies scare hits Britain


Decide on, ready

Peace talks set for April


To kill or murder

2 slain in family row


Problem; difficulty

Last minute snag hits arms talks


To pay no attention to Protestants snub Ulster Peace bid


To rise rapidly

Inflation rate soars



5 solons killed


To cause; to lead to action Frontier feuding sparks attack


To divide

Nationalization splits Party at conference


Shortage, scarcity

Petrol squeeze ahead


A disagreement that cannot be settled New bid to break hostage stalemate


Making no progress

Peace effort in Lebanon stalled


Attitude, way of thinking

New stance toward power cuts


To prevent or stop

Rainy season stems refugee exit


Angry reaction, dispute

MP’s racist speech storm grows



Inter-Union strife threatens peace deal


To influence or persuade

President fails to sway Union


An unlawful way of getting money

Stock swindle in NY


Change, deviation

Dramatic switch in incomes policy announced


Sudden attack or raid

Drug swoop in Mayfair



Peace talks threatened


To prevent from being successful Honduras attack thwarted



Cuba ties soon


To exceed

Post office profits top $40M


To cut

Senate trims budget


To cause

Killing triggers riot


To compete

Irish top ranks vie for office


To determine to be invalid

V oting law voided by court


To promise

Woman vows vengeance


Strike (often unofficial)

Factory walkout threat over sacking


To marry

Financier free to wed


To consider

Reagan weighs Tax Increase


中高级口译最新高频词汇汇编:(07、3) (上海新东方口译教研组专用) 历年口译考试都有大量特色词汇出现,而且呈现较高的重现率,新东方发现了这一现象,从而对历年口译笔试中高频词汇作了总结汇总如下,希望对参加07年3月笔试的考生的备考有所帮助! Allocate 分配 Arise 出现 Attach 赋予粘上 Characterize 以。。。为特色的 Charge 收费 Collect 收集 Contaminate 污染 Degrade 使降级 Depreciate 贬值 Desert 抛弃 Endanger 危害 Imitate 模仿 Incur招致,引发 Inflict 造成 Lavish 浪费 Maximize 最大化 Oblige 强迫 Overcome 克服 Prohibit 禁止 Pursue 追求 Quit 放弃 Sacrifice 牺牲 Spread 传播 Steer 驶向,掌舵 Trigger 引发,触发 Abuse 虐待,滥用

Acquire 获取 Detect 侦查 Innovate 改革创新Participate 参与 Survive 生存 Vanish 消失 Wither 退化,萎缩Coexist 共存 Boom 繁荣,兴旺发达 Blossom 兴旺发达 Perform 履行,表演Roam 闲逛 Abolition/abolish 废除Accommodate 供给,调节,住宿Adore 崇拜;爱慕 Alter 改变 Arouse 激发 Assume 承担 Attend 参加,就读 Censor审查 Commute 来回往返于 Consul 咨询 Cultivate 培养 Determine 取决于,决定Discourage 不鼓励;妨碍Diversify 使多样化 Divert 使分心 Dominate占优势 Enlighten启发 Exaggerate夸张


媒体Media类词汇合集 媒体类型 Printed media 印刷媒体Newspaper & magazine 报纸和杂志Broadcasting media 广播媒体 TV & Radio 电视和广播 Direct media 直接媒体 Direct mall 直邮 Billboards 公告牌 Sign 标志 Point-of-purchase ads “买点”广告SMS-short messages 短消息 抢新闻 Press/news conference 新闻发布会Blog 博客 Podcast 博客 Webcast 网上直播 Circulation 发行,流通 Headline 头条新闻 Journalist 记者 Reporter 记者 Correspondent 特派员 Paparazzi 狗仔队 News agency 通讯社 Tabloid 小报 Briefing 简报 Sub script ion 订阅 Commercial 电视广告Advertisement;advertising; ads 广告Classified ads 分类广告 Wanted ads 招工广告 Newsstand 报摊 Kiosk 报亭 Exclusive 独家新闻 Scoop 特训;独家新闻 Contribute 投稿 Column 专栏 Columnist 专栏作家 media/feeding frenzy 媒体炒作sensationalize 炒作

健康类词汇合集 WHO-World Health Organization 世界卫生组织Epidemic; Pandemic; Endemic 流行病 Plague 瘟疫 Disease; illness 疾病 Ailment 小病 Bird flu; Avian flu 禽流感 Influenza (flu) 流感 Foot & Mouth Disease 口蹄疫 Mad Cow Disease 疯牛病 SARS 非典 Swine flu 猪流感 AIDS 艾滋病 Virus 病毒 Bacteria; Fungus 细菌 饮食健康 Calorie 卡路里,食物热量 Diet 节食 Blood sugar 血糖 blood pressure 血压 Cholesterol 胆固醇 Fiber 纤维 Calcium 钙 Vitamin 维生素 Fruit sugar; fructose 果糖 Glucose 麦芽糖 Nutrition 营养 医疗类 Medical service 医疗服务 Heath care 保健 Public health 公共卫生/健康 Clinic 诊所 Diagnosis 诊断 Treatment 治疗 Cure 治愈 Alternative therapy 替代疗法 Immune system 免疫系统


《高级口译教程》核心词汇(1) 第一篇 学位点 degree program 国家级重点社科研究基地 key social science research centers 博士后科学研究流动站 post-doctoral research stations 国家级重点学科 national key disciplines 两院院士 academicians of the Chinese academy of science and the Chinese academy of engineering 网络教育 online education 科举制 imperial examination 日月光华,旦复旦兮 brilliant are the sunlight and the moonlight after night the day dawns again 人文精神 humanistic spirit 披荆斩棘,筚路蓝缕 negotiate various impediment 博学而笃志,切问而近思 extensive scholarship with unyielding dedication and earnest inquiry with close examination 治学态度 educational philosophy 取精用弘的学术思想 the academic ideology of extracting the best and exploiting the greatest 怀抱超旷的才隽学人 graduates with brilliant scholarship 高等教育发展的重中之重 priority among institutions of high learning 承前启后 inherit fine tradition and usher in the future mission 精诚团结,共襄盛举 strive together in good faith 文理工医科综合性大学 a comprehensive university with a complete range disciplines in liberal arts, science, engineering and medicine 全面提升知名度和影响力 elevate influence and visibility in all dimensions 社会转型时期 a period of social transition 百年传承之名校 a prestigious university with a century-long academic tradition and intellectual esteem 第二篇 Vancouver 温哥华 Canada’s gateway to the pacific 加拿大通往太平洋的门户 The Panama Canal 巴拿马运河 Natural ice-free harbor 天然不冻港 Manufactured goods 制成品


中高口译词汇整理 汉英口译分类词汇(01)--社会发展词汇 211工程211 Project 安居工程housing project for low-income families 安居小区a neighborhood for low-income families 保障妇女就业权利to guarantee women’s right to employment 补发拖欠的离退休人员统筹项目内的养老金All back pension entitlements have been paid for the retired covered by the overall government plan. 裁定保险赔偿adjudication of benefits 城镇居民最低生活保障guarantee of subsistence allowances for urban residents在城镇强制推行以养老、失业、医疗为重点的社会保险Social welfare insurance, particularly old-age, unemployment and medical insurance, must be made mandatory in urban areas. 城镇社会保障体系the social security system in urban areas 城镇职工基本医疗保险制度the basic medical insurance system for urban employees 创新精神be innovation-minded; to have a creative mind 促进学生德、智、体、美全面发展ensure that students improve in terms of their moral, intellectual and fitness level as well as in their appreciation of aesthetics 大家庭extended family 大力推行个人助学信贷Personal loans to finance education should be vigorously promoted. 大专文凭associate degree (conferred to junior college students) 代培training-on-contract program 代培生trainee on contract 带薪分流assign redundant civil servants to other jobs while allowing them to retain their original rank and benefits 待业人员job seekers


第一章经济与改革 A hedge against inflation 防止通货膨胀的措施 A prudent monetary policy稳健的货币政策 Absolute advantage 绝对优势 Accounting 会计学账目清算财会 Accountant 会计师 Accounting fraud 作假账 Accounting scandal 财务丑闻 Bookkeeping 记账n. Financial statement 财务报表 Keep the public informed of the financial affairs 财务公开Acquire V.购置获取购买取得所有权 Acquisition 购置资产 Active balance (passive balance/unfavorable balance) 顺差逆差Advanced technology 先进技术 Aggregate demand 总需求 Aggregate supply 总需要 Allocation of financial resources 金融资源配置 Ample supply 供应充裕 An average annual increase 年均增长 Annual return 年利润 Anti-dumping measures 反倾销措施

Areas for the market access 市场准入领域 Asset 资产 Associate company (subsidiary/affiliate ) 联营公司子公司附属公司Autarchy n.自给自足;经济独立(政策地区国家)Authorization bill 授权书 Bad loans 不良贷款 Banking 银行业 Investment bank 投资银行 Goldman sachs 高盛 Citibank 花旗银行 HSBC (Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation) 汇丰银行Bank of America 美洲银行 Deutsche Bank 德意志银行 Bankruptcy protection 破产保护 Block release 脱产进修 Boom n. /v.(经济)突然膨胀 Bottom line 账本底线底线 Brand loyalty 对某个牌子的忠诚度 Brand names 品牌 Bretton Woods system 布雷顿森里体系 Budget n. /v.预算 Budget deficit预算赤字

新东方中高级口译词汇必备MP3+文本 Chapter 08 Education

第八章教育 SECTION I: 英译中 1. Alma Mater 母校 2. Bachelor’s degree 学士学位 3. brain drain人才流失 4. Cambridge 剑桥大学 5. college equivalency大学同等学力 6. degree 学位 7. diploma毕业文凭 8. division 分校 9. doctoral degree / Ph.D degree博士学位 10. dropout辍学 11. eliminate illiteracy 扫盲 12. generation gap 代沟 13. Harvard 哈佛大学 14. intercultural exchange 国际文化交流 15. Jurist Master (JM)法律硕士 16. Jurum Doctor (JD)法学博士 17. life-long learning 终身学习 18. Master’s degree硕士学位 19. MIT 麻省理工学院 20. non-residential college 不提供住宿的大学 21. on -job training 在职培训 22. open universities (采用电视、广播、函授进行教学的)开放大学 23. Oxford 牛津大学 24. polytechnic adj./ n. 工艺学校,工艺的, 25. Princeton 美国普林斯顿大学 26. qualifying examination 资格考试 27. residential college 提供住宿的大学 28. school dropout / leaver 辍/失学青少年 29. self-discipline 自我约束 30. self-training 自我训练 31. Stanford斯坦福大学 32. study by correspondence 通过函授学习 33. the Open University, UK (英国)开放大学 34. tuition (fee)学费 35. UC Berkeley 加洲伯克利大学 36. Univ Edinburgh 爱丁堡大学 37. Univ Munich 慕尼黑大学 38. Univ Pennsylvania 宾夕法尼亚大学 39. Univ Toronto 多伦多大学 40. vocational school 职业学校 41. Yale 耶鲁大学 SECTION II: 中译英 2.1 中国教育界热门词汇 1. 电视广播大学television and radio broadcasting university


上海高级口译教程高频词汇汇总 第一单元外事接待 第一篇 制药有限公司pharmaceutical Co.Ltd 副总经理deputy managing director 研究生graduate student 论文paper 研究成果research findings 实验助手lab assistant 市中心downtown area 假日酒店Holiday Inn 旅馆招待费hotel accommodation fee 招待所guesthouse 舒适如归make https://www.doczj.com/doc/3213026557.html,fortable 不尽如人意之处inconvenience in life and work 排忧解难help sb.out 第二篇 Stanford University斯坦福大学 a land of wonder充满奇观的国家 head office总部 magical power神奇的魅力 Oriental东方的 Confucianism儒家思想 Taoism道家学说 inexplicable难以言表的 set foot on踏上……的土地 cosmopolitan city国际大都市 maximize充分利用 in no time不久 rewarding有成效的 第二单元礼仪祝辞 第一篇 阁下your excellency... 建交the establishment of diplomatic relations 近海石油勘探offshore oil exploration 积贫积弱,任人宰割enduring impoverishment,long-standing debility and was for a time at the mercy of other countries 落后要挨打lagging behind leaves one vulnerable to attacks 刻骨铭心的教训never-forgotten lesson 中华民族伟大复兴the rejuvenation of China 不懈努力make unremitting efforts 与时具近keep pace with the times


中高级口译口试词汇必备-词汇表 后发现代化国家 a new comer striving for modernization 借鉴国际经验draw experience from international practice 在和平崛起进程中in the process of (its/her) peaceful rise 以自己为主rely on itself 关注和解决问题address and resolve problems 走出……道路blaze a trail 能源节约energy conservation 形成中国特色的节约方式shape up a China style. energy-saving approach 农村富余劳动力superfluous rural labor force 有中国特色的stamped with Chinese characteristics 解决这个世界级的大难题tackle the formidable universal problem 引导农村富余劳动力有序流动provide guided and orderly flow of redundant rural labor force between the countryside and the city 提高就业和创业本领enhance one’s skill to enter the workforce or to start his own business 保持东部沿海城市发展活力maintain the dynamics of economic growth of eastern costal areas 掠夺别国资源loot resources of other countries 输出意识形态和价值观念export its own ideology and values 掠夺式经营the predatory operation model 消耗人类不可再生资源consume unrenewable resources 己所不欲;勿施于人What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others. 极其需要be badly in need of 在……进程中in the process of (中国的现代化一定要)有(中国特色)bear 比如for instance 在……问题上with regard to 人均per capita 热衷于be bent on 不做某事refrain from doing sth. 绝非易事it is anything but easy (it is no easy thing …) 排在后列lag behind (the world) 人均资源占有量per capita hold of resources 短缺be in tight supply 生态环境ecological environment


高级口译笔记文化交流 高级口译笔记-文化交流一、词汇 汉字的四声(平声、上声、仄声和去声) the four tones of chinese characters, namely, the level tone, the rising tone, the falling-rising tone, and the falling tone 笔画 stroke 部首 radical 偏旁 basic character ponent 象形文字 pictograph 独角戏 monodra ___/one- ___n play 皮影戏 shadow play 折子戏 opera highlights 单口相声 monologue ic talk

对口相声 ic cross talk 说书 monologue story- ___ing 传说 legend 神话 mythology 寓言 fable 武术 ___rtial art 气功 controlled breathing exercise 气功疗法 breathing technique therapy 春联 spring couplet 剪纸 paper-cut 戏剧脸谱 theatrical ___sk

草药的四气:寒、热、温、凉 four properties of medicinal herb: cold, hot, warm and cool 草药的五味:酸、苦、甘、辛、咸 five tastes of medicinal herb: sour, bitter, sweet, hot and salty ___四节气 the twenty-four solar terms 天干地支 the heavenly stems and earthly branches 清明节 the pure brightness day 端午节 the dragon boat festival 中秋节 the mid-autumn festival 文化事业 cultural undertaking 民族文化 national culture 民间文化 folk culture


高级口译教程(第四版)口译课文配套核心词汇第一单元外事接待 第一篇 制药有限公司pharmaceutical Co.Ltd 副总经理deputy managing director 研究生graduate student 论文paper 研究成果research findings 实验助手lab assistant 市中心downtown area 假日酒店Holiday Inn 旅馆住宿费hotel accommodation fee 招待所guesthouse 舒适如归make https://www.doczj.com/doc/3213026557.html,fortable 不尽如人意之处inconvenience in life and work 排忧解难help sb.out 第二篇 Stanford University斯坦福大学 a land of wonder充满奇观的国家 head office总部 magical power神奇的魅力 Oriental东方的 Confucianism儒家思想 Taoism道家学说 inexplicable难以言表的 set foot on踏上……的土地 cosmopolitan city国际大都市 maximize充分利用 in no time不久 rewarding有成效的

第二单元礼仪祝辞 第一篇 建交the establishment of diplomatic relations 近海石油勘探offshore oil exploration 积贫积弱,任人宰割enduring impoverishment,long-standing debility and was for a time at the mercy of other countries 落后要挨打lagging behind leaves one vulnerable to attacks 刻骨铭心的教训never-forgotten lesson 中华民族伟大复兴the rejuvenation of China 不懈努力make unremitting efforts 与时俱近keep pace with the times 第一要务the primary task 发展是硬道理development is of overriding importance 全面建设小康社会build a moderately prosperous society in all aspects 高举......伟大旗帜uphold the great banner of 科学发展观scientific outlook 政策的连续性continuity of policy 经济发展方式转变the transformation of the economic development pattern 自主创新independent innovation 包容性增长inclusive growth 改善民生improve people’s well-being 生态文明建设win-win result to everyone’s benefit 互利共赢win-win 本着……的精神it is in the spirit of 一贯奉行in the persistent pursuit of 双边关系bilateral relations 祝酒join sb in a toast 第二篇 mission代表团 gracious hospitality友好款待 convey转达


中高级口译综合词汇 buy on credit赊购financial statements财务报表market capitalisation市值provisions准备金acquisition收购业务off-balance-sheet表外的 income statement/profit-and-loss account损益表 consolidation总公司与其子公司合并contigent liability或有负债 operating lease营运租赁overly leveraged过度借款 conglomerate集团公司antitrust反垄断smooth earning使收入平衡goodwill商誉write-off销账pension fund养老基金posting入账amortization分期偿还closing结算lien留置权title所有权title search产权调查loan-to-value贷款 余额比率reserve accounts储备账户supply-side economics供给经济学 real bill doctrine真实票据说buying the dip股市低价时买进 interest-rate spread利率差core inflation核心通胀credit ration信用限额margin call追加保证金的通知capital adequancy资本充足率 capital gain资本收益irrational exuberance非理性繁荣 merger and acquisiton合并与收购outstanding未偿付的 overdue过期的economics of scale规模效益endowment捐赠基金 hedge one's bets两头都下注IPO(initial public offering)股票的首次公开发售payroll工资单pledge抵押working capital营运资金subsidiary子公司 maturity到期treasuries国债nest egg养老储蓄reimburse报销social security 社会保障float在途期(time between the check is deposited and available) statement对账单list上市collateral可抵押的liability负债inventories存货real estate不动产repurchase回购kick in支付balance余额honor承兑


1 外事接待制药有限公司' . 副总经理 研究生研究成果实验助手 市中心 假日酒店旅馆招待费招待所 舒适如归 . 排忧解难. 不尽如人意之处 a 充满奇观的国家神奇的魅力 总部 儒家思想道家学说 难以言表的 踏上……的土地 国际大都市 充分利用 不久 有成效的 2 礼仪祝词阁下... 建交 近海石油勘探 积贫积弱,任人宰割, a 落后要挨打 刻骨铭心的教训 中华民族伟大复兴 不懈努力 与时俱进 第一要务 发展是硬道理 科学发展观 和谐社会 互利共赢 本着……的精神 一贯奉行 双边关系 祝酒 a 代表团 友好款待 转达 知己 蓬勃向上 特大型城市

以……为自豪 不能与……相媲美 奇迹般地迅速崛起 金融业的巨头 商业界 制造业 ( ) 知识产权 合资咨询服务机构 跨国公司 最后 's 在其方便的时候,尽早…… 珍惜 经济不景气 a 确保持续增长 请允许我借……的机会…… 3 商务谈判进出口商品交易会 销售部经理 采购部 宣传小册子 经营范围 机床 工艺 询价 报价 西雅图到岸价(*) 调整价格 具有竞争力 很大 大大地 展台 经营的新品 汽车零部件 调整 不惜以……为代价 我方 发盘/报盘 折扣 货物 免费样品 检验 底盘 还盘

合同格式 规格 单价 保险费由贵方承担 生意顺利成交 4 旅游观光广袤无垠的中华大地 绚丽多姿的自然景观 如诗如画 名胜古迹 兵马俑 故宫 五岳之首's 5 峻拔突兀 山外有山 融自然与文化景观于一体 奇石,清瀑,古松,亭阁, , 历代文人雅士书法家, 石刻碑文 重峦叠嶂 经典佳作 华夏祖先 吉祥之地 祭祀天地 联合国教科文组织(,其他不必说了吧?) 世界自然与文化遗产 地质变化 's 地壳 热带地区 珍禽奇兽,奇花异草 大堡礁 's 阿叶尔斯石柱山 卡喀杜国家公园 悉尼歌剧院 滑雪场a 滑冰场 () 国内生产总值 野营公园 大篷车和小木屋 国际烹饪水准 风味餐厅 离境印花税票 美国运通信用卡 6 宣传介绍


一、高频词汇、短语 民间艺术folk arts 高雅艺术refined art 戏剧艺术theatrical art 电影艺术cinematographic art 爱国主义精神patriotism 文化产业culture industry 文化事业cultural undertaking 文化交流cross-cultural communication 文化冲突culture shock 乡村文化rural culture 民族文化national culture 表演艺术performing art 文化底蕴cultural deposit 华夏祖先the Chinese ancestors 同宗同源of the same origin 中国文学Chinese literature 中国武术Chinese martial art/Kung Fu 中国书法Chinese calligraphy 哲学家philosopher 四大发明the four great inventions of ancient China 火药gunpowder 造纸术paper-making 印刷术printing 指南针the compass 四书the Four Books 大学the Great Learning 中庸the Doctrine of the Mean 论语the Analects of Confucius 孟子the Mencius 孔子Confucius 孟子Mencius 老子Lao Tzu 庄子Chuang Tzu 墨子Mo Tzu 孙子Sun Tzu

中国画traditional Chinese painting 水墨画Chinese brush painting; ink and wash painting 武术门派styles or schools of martial art 习武健身practice martial art for fitness 古代格斗术ancient form of combat 武林高手top martial artist 气功Qigong; deep breathing exercises 空手道karate 拳击boxing 击剑fencing 跆拳道tae kwon do 柔道judo 中国武术协会Chinese Martial Art Association 武侠小说tales of roving knights/kung fu novels 汉学家sinologist 偏旁部首radical 笔画stroke 中国热Sinomania 汉语的四声调the four tones of Chinese characters 平声level tone 上声rising tone 仄声falling-rising tone 去声falling tone 孙子兵法the Art of War 西游记Journey to the West; Pilgrimage to the West 三国演义Romance of Three Kingdoms 红楼梦Dreams of the Red Mansions 水浒传Heroes of the Marshes; Tales of the Water Margin 资治通鉴History as a Mirror 春秋the Spring and Autumn Annals 史记Historical Records 诗经the Book of Songs; the Book of Odes 书经the Book of History 易经I Ching; the Book of Changes 礼记the Book of Rites 三字经three-character scripture/three-word chant


英语方面相关证书 一、大学英语四、六级证书(CET-4,CET-6): 1、考试时间: 每年12月份、6月份的第三个星期六。 2、报名时间: 口试笔试均为每年两次,3-4月份和8-10月份为报名时间,各地不统一,口试、笔试分开报名。具体报名时间参加本校教务处的 通知。 3、报名资格: (1) 考试对象限制在高校内部(2007年起) (2) 全国大学英语四级和六级考试对象分别是高等学校修完大学英 语四级或六级的本科生; (3) 同等程度的大专生或硕士研究生经所在学校同意,可在本校报 名参加考试; (4) 同等程度的夜大或函授大学学生经所在学校同意,可在本校报 名参加考试; (5) 1987 年后毕业需要补考的大学本科毕业生。 4、报名方法: 以学校为单位自愿参加,集体报名;考试日若考生在外地实习,仍应在所在学校报名;报名截止后,不再接受报名。 5、题型: (1)CET4 写作(15%,共106分) 听力理解(35%,共249分) 阅读理解(35%,共249分) 综合测试(15%,共106分) 其中,听力理解分为四小题,一、短对话;二、长对话;(都是 选择题)(共10%),三、短文理解:选择题四、复合听写(共20%) 阅读理解分为三小部分,一、快速阅读(10%)(是非+句子填空 或其他);二、仔细阅读,(25%)包括“篇章阅读理解”:选择 题,“词汇理解”:选词填空;三、综合测试包括:(一)、完型 填空或改错:选择题或改错(5%);篇章回答或句子翻译:简短 回答或中译英(10%) (2) CET6 写作和翻译(写作占15%,翻译占5%) 听力(占35%,含长短对话,短文听力和复合式听写) 阅读(占35%,含速读,精读和选词填空) 综合(占10%,含完形填空或改错)


英汉双向交互译: 1.欢迎光临上海进出口商品交易会。我叫陈明。我是上海机械公司的销售部经理。Welcome to Shanghai Import and Export Commodities Fair. My name is Ming Chen. I am Sales manager of the Shanghai Machinery Company Inc.. 2.Hi, Mr. Chen. My name is Sean Hudson. I am from Seattle, USA. I am in charge of the supply department of the Pacific Trading Company Ltd. 您好,陈先生!我叫肖恩·哈德逊,来自美国西雅图,是太平洋贸易有限公司的采购部主任。3.很高兴见到您,哈德逊先生!请坐!我向您介绍一下我公司的情况及产品。 I am very pleased to meet you, Mr. Hudson. Please sit down and allow me to introduce our company and its products. 4.Thank you! I have read your brochure and am very impressed by your scope of business, especially the machinery tools you manufacture. I believe my customers will like your new products. 谢谢。我已看过贵公司的宣传小册子,贵公司的经营范围,特别是贵公司生产的机床品种,已给我留下了极为深刻的印象。我相信我的顾客一定会喜欢你们的新产品。 5.您对我们产品感兴趣,我很高兴。不过我们的宣传小册子仅仅介绍了我公司生产的一小部分机床。您可以进来看看我们的展品。 I am glad that you are interested in our products. Actually our brochure shows just a fraction of our machine tools. You may come in and take a look at our exhibits in the show-room, if you please. 6.Sure. Your exhibits are very attractive, though the workmanship is not so desirable. If you don’t mind, I’d like to make an inquiry. Here’s my list of interested machine tools. I'd like to hear your lowest quotations C.I.f. Seattle. 好的。贵公司的产品颇有吸引力,当然产品的工艺还是不尽如人意。我是否可以向你询价。这份单子上列出了我感兴趣的机床。我希望您报一下西雅图到岸价的最低报价。 7.谢谢您的询价。您单子上所列的机床我们都有。这是我方的美国太平洋沿岸城市到岸价的价目单。我们还可以根据您所想要的数量调整价格。 Thank you for your inquiry. We can supply you with all the required tools on the list. Here’s my C.I.F US Pacific Coastal City price list. We may adjust the prices according to the quantity you want. 8.Well, Mr. Chen, your prices are not competitive. My demand is bulk, but of course I’ll have to reduce the quantity of my intended purchase substantially with your offer. 好的,陈先生。您的价格没有竞争力。我的需求量是很大的,当然罗,按您的报盘我只得削减预定的购买量。 9.哈德孙先生,我刚才说过,我方的价格可以根据贵方的购买量进行调整。如果使您不安的只是我方的报价,那么您可以先到其他地方转一圈,看一看,然后我们还可以再讨论我方的报价。 As I said earlier, Mr. Hudson, our prices can be adjustable according to your quantity of your requirement. If our offer is the only thing that bothers you, you may look around and call again for another discussion of our quotations. 10.i sure will. Nice meeting you. I’ll call home about your quotations and come back tomorrow with our decision. 那是一定的。能与您想回我很高兴。我要通公司联系,汇报一下贵方的报价,明天我会把我们的决定告诉您。

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