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Thesis: Among its multiple purposes, language is good at interaction and persuasion but poor at information talking.

1.The transfer of information is not the only purpose of using language. In greetings and some pointless chitchat, communicators use language primarily, if not exclusively, for constructing or maintaining certain social relationship. Even when information is the major concern, the speaker and hearer must take into consideration some other factors, such as politeness and aesthetics (cf. Para. 22-22).

2. In Paragraph 6, Aitchison divides the question “what is language for”

into two sub-questions: “For what purpose did language develop?” and “For what purpose is language used nowadays?” Since there are so many purposes of using language and the original one is difficult to identify, she argues in paragraph 8 that we can find clues by looking at what language is good at and what it finds difficult to express. The rest of the text (paras.9-28) provides discussion about and answers to these two questions.

3.According to Aitchison, the list of language functions in paragraph 7 is not exhaustive(complete), and it is not clear which one is the most basic. Aitchison discusses in some detail the following four functions, providing information, expressing feelings, influencing others and social talking, which are roughly organized in the order of importance in the traditional view.

4. Aitchison suggests that the early functions of language can be traced in the way we use language today to some extent. The assumption behind is that the origin of language is accountable(responsible) in its early function(s) and that the early function(s) must be reflected in what language is good at today. In other words, if language was created to perform a particular function, it must still be good at it nowadays. Evaluating the text

(2) Exemplifying

An utterance may serve more than one purpose simultaneously. Donking is used metalinguistically(元语言)in example (6), but the whole sentence

“Donking isn’t a word” is informative. We can provide information, express our feelings and initiate social talking by asking questions or giving commands.

Exploring beyond the text

(1) Some scholars believe that language facilitates thinking and that our thinking would be impossible without an inner language. In many cultures,language is also used as a symbol of magic or as something that carries mysterious power (e.g., religious Taoism, couplets for Spring Festival). Different functions of language are not equally important. For example, the functions of communicating and of facilitating thinking

are more fundamental while those of religious use and word play are more derivative(派生的).

(2) Generally speaking, there are two different views on the relationship between language and thinking. Some scholars claim that language restricts thinking. According to this view, people perceive the world through the language that they speak. It follows that people speaking different languages experience different worlds, just like people seeing different things with different eyes. Others believe that language and thinking are separate and should not be equated with each other. For example, even if a language does not have the word for chartreuse(查特酒绿), people speaking the language can still perceive this color, think about it and even talk about it, using not a single word but a kind of


(3) Some utterances may basically serve only one function. For example, people greet each other saying “Hi!” or “Morning!” to neighbors to maintain social connections; in church, the priest preaches a sermon to call for piety to the Lord. But more often than not an utterance and its context produce some “side effects” and serve different functions simultaneously. In saying “It’s gonna rain. You’d better take an umbrella.” to a lady, the speaker not only provides information about the weather, but also shows his/her concern toward the addressee and enhances the solidarity.

(4) Language changes for different reasons, e.g., language users’ aversion (abomination)to cliché and preference to creativity, language contact, language planning and so on. While some changes may not be directly related to functions of language, others are indeed motivated by certain functions of language. For example, neologisms related to science and technology emerge primarily because there is a need to talk about such new things. In this case the function of providing information requires the creation of some new words.

(5) The best-known examples for “phatic communion” in traditional Chinese society are probably greetings such as “吃了吗?(have you had your meal?)” and “去哪儿啊?(where are you going?)”. Neither is considered imposing(气宇昂轩)or offensive because in traditional Chinese society, it is more important to show mutual concern than respect

for privacy. The British follow a different tradition. Brown and Levinson (1987) recognize two sides of face, a positive one and a negative one. Positive face refers to “the desire to be appreciated and approved” and negative face “the freedom of action and freedom from imposition”. For Chinese people (especially in traditional society), negative face is not as important as positive face. The British, on the other hand, value negative face more than positive face.

Language enhancement

Words and phrases

1. Word Formation

Part of speech

nouns: Taking-off, air-traffic, take-off-point, London-York, two-thirds, real-life, non-reality, self-repetition, other-repetition

Adjectives: non-existent

Adverbs: half-way


Noun-noun: air-traffic, London-York, self-repetition, other-repetition Adjective-noun: real-life

Cardinal-ordinal numeral: two-thirds

Prefix-noun: non-reality

Gerund-adverb: Taking-off

Verb-adverb-noun: take-off-pointunworthy

2. Articles and prepositions

(1)/ (2)/ (3) a, the, with (4) /, the (5) /, the, the, on, a

Solar/lunar Calendar

Shadow cabinet 影子内阁

3.Verbs and phrases

(1)conveying, handling (2)convey (3)transferred (4)coincide (5)collide (6)date back to (7)originated from

Sentences and discourse


1 . ...the English philosopher John Locke argued in his influential An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1690) that language is “the great conduit, whereby men convey their discoveries, reasoning, and knowledge to one another.”


2. Yet the notion of “thought” is vague, and could cover the intention behind just about every possible utterance, from commands to apologies to poems.


3. Yet “little white lies”-trivial untruths told for social reasons - are common, especially in cultures whre politeness requires a reply...


4. He has a very plausible way of talking; sometimes he talks with the tongue in the cheek.


5. 她拍的每一张照片都传递出一种感觉,使人有如亲临现场。(convey) In every one of her pictures she conveys a sense of immediacy(直观性).

6. 欢呼声和掌声汇成了一片持续的喧闹。(mingle)

The cheers and applause mingled in a single sustained roar.

7. 我们对这些子虚乌有的谣言从何而来很感兴趣。(fictitious)

We're interested in the source of these fictitious rumors.

Paragraph structure



Unit 4 The Open Window Language Enhancement I Word and Phrases 1. (1) self-centred, self-addressed (2) headfast, headless, headway (3) scornful, respectful (4) unquestionable, unintended (5) tighten, sweeten (6) enable, enrich 2. (1) made an appearance(2) made a mess; make amends(3) make an effort(4) make sense(5) made a scene(6) make a deal 3. (1) put up with(2) went off for(3) give way (4)broke off(5)bolted out/ dashed off(6)dash off (7)undergo (8) discount (9) migrate (10) endeavor (11) mope (12) pursue (13) bustled (14) rattling (15) straying (16) chanted

II Sentences and rhetoric 1.Paraphrase (1)Framton was going to hand one of the letters of introduction to Mrs. Sappleton. He was wondering whether this lady could be categorized into the group of nice persons. / Framton was about to give one of the letters of introduction to Mrs. Sappleton. He wondered whether she could be said as belonging to the nice-person group or division. (2)When the niece felt that the silence was too long to be proper, she asked: “Do you know many of the people around here” / When the niece decided that the silence was awkward for the communication, she asked: “Do you know many of the people around here” (3)Here the child’s voice changed. It was no longer calm and in good control of her emotions, but sounded slightly human. / Here the child’s voice lost its quality of being calm and in control of her emotions, it changed into somewhat human. (4)“The doctors all agree that I should have complete rest, not to have any mental excitement, and avoid anything that can involve forceful physical exercise,”Framton said. He was trying his very best to change the topic, driven by a fairly well-known false idea that total strangers or people you happen to know would be eager to know the smallest detail of your illness and pains, their cause and cure. / He tried very very hard to change the topic, under a false idea, which was rather widespread, that a complete stranger or a person you just know would be interested in knowing the smallest details of your health problems and their cause and cure. 2.Translation (1) 弗兰姆顿?纳特尔努力想说点儿什么得体的话,既能够讨眼前这个小姑娘欢 心,又不至于怠慢她那位待会儿要下来的姨妈。 (2)他竭力想把交谈转向不太瘆人的话题但并不完全成功。他感觉到,女主人对 他心不在焉,她的目光常常略过他,投向那面法式落地窗和远处的草坪。


Text A Preparatory Work (1) Experiment: variable, hypothesis, stimulus, control group Survey Research: sampling, questionnaire, interview, close-ended questions, open-ended questions, code sheet, telephone survey Field Research: observation, participant Analysis of Existing Data: content analysis, statistics (2) Hawthorne effect: The Hawthorne effect (also referred to as the observer effect) is a type of reactivity in which individuals modify or improve an aspect of their behavior in response to their awareness of being observed. The original research at the Hawthorne Works in Cicero, Illinois, on lighting changes and work structure changes such as working hours and break times were originally interpreted by Elton Mayo and others to mean that paying attention to overall worker needs would improve productivity. This interpretation was dubbed “the Hawthorne effect”. (3) (open) Teaching Suggestion You can use the data banks of the two international organizations to check out the world or any particular country’s information in terms of GDP, population, territory area, human development index etc. The United Nations ( : data page: World Bank ( : can also use the website of the Statistical Bureau of China to check out any statistical information about China: Reading I. Understanding the text 1. Thesis: How Sociology Is Done (Research methods/techniques employed in

《大学思辨英语教程写作1》练习答案-Unit 5 Dream and Faith

Unit5Dream and Faith Part I:Learning the Skills Activity1: Match the themes with the following stories. A.The greatest kindness will not bind the ungrateful. B.Idleness brings want. C.Contentment with our lot is an element of happiness. D.Unity is strength. E.Fine feathers don’t make fine birds. Story1:C Story2:B Story3:A Story4:E Story5:D Activity2: Review the texts you have read in the previous units and figure out the theme(s)revealed in each text.Discuss with your partner how these themes are developed and revealed in the texts,and comment on the techniques that the authors use to develop the themes. Text Theme(s)How the theme(s)is(are) revealed Comments The Story of My Life(Chapter4)One could overcome a problem that seems to be insurmountable --Offered background information about herself at the beginning --Described the skillfulness and patience of Ann Sullivan --the key moment of epiphany “The Diamond Necklace”Vanity and pride can be expensive A great contrast between what life is and what life Mathilde fancies at the beginning Mathilde borrowed a necklace and had a moment of her fancied life, Madame Loisel’s vanity causes her to want to live beyond her means and her pride that prevents her from telling Madame Forestiere the truth. “After Twenty Years”Justice is higher than friendship “The Selfish Giant”Sharing can bring joy “Too Soon a Woman” True courage is love


Unit 4 Organization and Institution Text A Preparatory Work (1) a. Institutionalization: refers to the process of embedding some conception (for example a belief, norm, social role, particular value or mode of behavior) within an organization, social system, or society as a whole. The term may also be used to refer to committing a particular individual or group to an institution, such as a mental or welfare institution. b. Solitary confinement: is a form of imprisonment in which an inmate is isolated from any human contact, often with the exception of members of prison staff. It is mostly employed as a form of punishment beyond incarceration for a prisoner, usually for violations of prison regulations. However, it is also used as an additional measure of protection for vulnerable inmates. In the case prisoners at high risk of suicide, it can be used to prevent access to items that could allow the prisoner to self-harm. c. Parole: is the provisional release of a prisoner who agrees to certain conditions prior to the completion of the maximum sentence perio d. A specific type of parole is medical parole or compassionate release which is the release of prisoners on medical or humanitarian grounds. Conditions of parole often include things such as obeying the law, refraining from drug and alcohol use, avoiding contact with the parolee’s victims, obtaining employment, and maintaining required contacts with a parole officer. d. Rehabilitation: is the re-integration into society of a convicted person and the main objective of modern penal policy, to counter habitual offending, also known as criminal recidivism. Alternatives to imprisonment also exist, such as community service, probation orders, and others entailing guidance and aftercare towards the offender. (2) Main publications: Influencing Attitudes and Changing Behavior (2nd ed.). Reading, MA: Addison Wesley., 1977, Psychology(3rd Edition), Reading, MA: Addison Wesley Publishing Co., 1999, Psychology And Life, 17/e, Allyn & Bacon Publishing, 2005, The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil, Random House, New York, 2007 Main research interests: social psychology, particularly prison study, social intensity syndrome study (related to discharged soldiers).


大学思辨英语精读备课 U n i t5 -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1

Unit 5 Knowledge and Ignorance Words and phrases expected of students to understand palpitate five days straight wiggle leaf v. prop up on pillows/against the wall Dawn broke on the doctor’s face rule out social milieu in a huddle a suggestion of… I detected a suggestion of malice in his remarks. in due course Preparatory Work The following are just for your reference The Inadequencies of Modern Orthodiagramatic Techniques in Demonstrating Minimal Left Ventricular Hypertrophy 当代影像技术在显示微小左心室肥厚方面的不足之处 the Diagnostic Clinic (诊断科) vs. the Therapeutic Clinic (治疗科) vs. the Functional Clinic(功能科)//Mitral Valve Clinic (二尖瓣科) vs. Aortic Valve Clinic (主动脉瓣科) (allthe clinics are made up for satirical effect) psychoneuroticist神经心理医生(a made-up word, possibly coined from Psychoneurosis

大学思辨英语教程 精读1Unit 3教师用书(20150809)

Unit 3 Verbaland Non-verbal Communication Unit overview Both Units 1 and 2 mention a key word “communication”.As Thomas Payne points out in Text B of Unit 2, most of us, linguists or non-linguists, have the common-sense notion that “the main purpose of human language is communication”. Thus to develop a deeper understanding of the nature and function of language, we need to take a close at human communication. This unit examines this topic from a cross-cultural perspective, illustrating the similarities and differences in verbal and non-verbal communication between different cultures, which lays a foundation for further exploration into the interface between language and culture in the following units. Text A People in different communities demonstrate different perceptions and rules of both verbal and non-verbal communication. The way they interact is culturally relative in almost every aspect, including when to talk, what to say, pacing and pausing, listenership, intonation and prosody, formulaicity, indirectness, and coherence and cohesion. Text B Some non-verbal behaviors are practically universal and have the same meaning wherever you are (e.g., smiling and facial expressions of anger, surprise, fear, sadness, and so on). But for cultural and historical reasons, there have also developed great differences and variations in such aspects as eye contact, touch, gestures, and territorial space, etc. Without an awareness of respect and accommodation for people from a different background, these differences are likely to cause misunderstandings in cross-cultural communication. The two texts supplement each other in that Text A illustrates cross-cultural differences in both verbal and non-verbal communication while Text B focuses on non-verbal behaviors and addressesboth differences and similarities. Teaching objectives This unit is designed to help students develop their reading skills, communicative competence, critical thinking, intercultural reflection and abilities of autonomous learning in the following aspects. Reading skills: Use context to understand a new word Identify cohesive devices Predict the content of an upcoming sentence/paragraph Communicative competence: Develop a coherent and cohesive oral/written discourse

大学思辨英语精读Unit 1Thinking Sociologically参考答案

Unit 1 Thinking Sociologically Text A Preparatory Work (1) Micro-level sociology: a b e Macro-level sociology: c d (2) Sociology is the study of social behavior or society, including its origins, development, organization, networks, and institutions. Like sociology, psychology, economics, history, demography are all related to the study of society and human activities. In this way they share similarities. The differences lie in the follows: ●Psychology is the study of human behavior and mind, embracing all aspects of conscious and unconscious experience as well as thought of the human beings. ●Economics focuses on the behavior and interactions of economic agents and how economies work, that is the economic activities of the human kind. ●History is the study of the past events as well as the memory, discovery, collection, organization, presentation, and interpretation of information about these events, particularly how it relates to humans. ●Demography is the statistical study of populations, especially human beings. As a very general science, it can analyze any kind of dynamic living population, i.e., one that changes over time or space. (3) (open) Teaching suggestion: You can refer to the following textbooks: John J. Macionis & Nijole V. Benokraitis ed., Seeing Ourselves 7th ed. (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007) James M. Henslin ed., Down to Earth Sociology: Introductory Readings 14th ed. (New York: Free Press, 2007) (4) (open) Teaching suggestion: You can refer to the last two parts of the text: “What Work Do Sociologists Do” and “How is Sociology Useful to Me and to the World” (paragraph 19-26) for positive reasons. Negative reasons vary (why not choose a career related to sociology), for instance, no interest (in social sciences), character reasons (not cut out for dealing with people), and practical reason (no high pay). Critical Reading I. Understanding the text

《大学思辨英语教程写作1》练习答案-Unit 1 Life and Value

Unit 1 Life and Value Pre-class Exploration 1 Make up your own story with the following words. 1) apple, 2) alligator, 3) angry, 4) ambulance, 5) apologize When I was enjoying my apple pie in the park, I heard a cry for help. It looked like an angry alligator was going to attack a naughty boy who got too close, now frightened. The police and ambulance were called but fortunately the alligator swam away. The boy thanked everyone and apologized for his misbehavior. The ambulance left and the parents were still angry with the naughty boy who could have been killed by attacking the alligator with an apple core. The boy apologized to his parents that he would never do it again. 2 Read the fable “Hare and the Tortoise” on Page 5 and 6 and complete the following outline. 1. Introduction of characters _Hare&Tortoise ______________ 2. The bet _Tortoise challenged Hare to have a race.__________ 3. The beginning of the race _Hare raced off while Tortoise crawled slowly behind._____ 4. The middle of the race _Hare stopped to took a nap while Tortoise kept going._ 5. The end of the race When Hare woke up, he ran as fast as he could, but Tortoise passed the finishing line first.__ 6. The moral of the story _Perseverance is the key to success.__________________________ Part I: Learning the Skills Activity 1 Read the following passage and analyze it in terms of character(s), setting, plot, point of view


Unit 3 Preparatory work 1. Deborah Tannen is University Professor and Professor of Linguistics at Georgetown University and author of many books and articles about how the language of everyday conversation affects relationships. She is best known as the author of You Just Don ‘t Un derstand: Women and Men in Conversation, which was on the New York Times best seller list for nearly four years, including eight months as No. 1, and has been translated into 31 languages. This is the book that brought gender differences in communication style to the forefront of public awareness. Her most recent book, You Were Always Mom’s Favorite! Sisters in Conversation Throughout Their Lives, also a New York Times best seller, received a Books for a Better Life Award and was featured on 20/20(美国电视节目)and NPR(National Public Radio)'s Morning Edition. Among her other books, You're Wearing THAT?: Understanding Mothers and Daughters in Conversation spent ten weeks on the New York Times

《大学思辨英语教程写作1》练习答案-Unit 4 Truth and Interpretation

Unit4Truth and Interpretation Part I:Learning the Skills Activity1 Review the texts you have read in the previous units.Discuss with your partner which point of view is employed in each text and whether you would have different feelings about these texts if different points of view were employed. Suggestions for instructors:Discuss with students how the point of view change leads to the differences in the narration. Activity2 Read the following four excerpts and discuss with your partner which point of view is employed in each excerpt,whether the difference gives you different feelings toward the same event and how your response is influenced by how much the narrator knows and how objective the narrator is. Activity3 Narrate an incident in your childhood(either real or made-up)from several points of view: first from your own point of view;next from the point of view of your family;finally from the point of view of a stranger who witnessed the incident.Evaluate which point of view is easier to write and which point of view tells the story best. Suggestions for instructors: Another option:Read the following examples and ask the students to work in groups and rewrite from a different point of view(first person point of view,for instance)and share their writing with other groups. Leslie sat in front of Paul.She had two long,brown pigtails that reached all the way down to her waist.Paul saw those pigtails,and a terrible urge came over him.He wanted to pull a pigtail. He wanted to wrap his fist around it,feel the hair between his fingers,and just yank.He thought it would be fun to tie the pigtails together,or better yet,tie them to her chair.But most of all,he just wanted to pull one. ---Sideways Stories from Wayside School by Louis Sachar At the pizza place,Tony the baker was getting the pizzas ready for baking.He flattened out a ball of dough into a large pancake and tossed it in the air.He spread tomato sauce on it, sprinkled it with cheese,and shoved it in the oven.Then the telephone rang.“A fellow from the factory wants a large pizza delivered in a hurry,”Tony’s wife called.“OK,I’ll get my coat,”said Tony. ---Curious George and the Pizza by Margret Rey Part II:Case Analysis Activity4 Read the above two versions of“The Three Little Pigs”and consider the differences it makes when the narrator is different.


Thesis: Among its multiple purposes, language is good at interaction and persuasion but poor at information talking. 1.The transfer of information is not the only purpose of using language. In greetings and some pointless chitchat, communicators use language primarily, if not exclusively, for constructing or maintaining certain social relationship. Even when information is the major concern, the speaker and hearer must take into consideration some other factors, such as politeness and aesthetics (cf. Para. 22-22). 2. In Paragraph 6, Aitchison divides the question “what is language for”

into two sub-questions: “For what purpose did language develop?” and “For what purpose is language used nowadays?” Since there are so many purposes of using language and the original one is difficult to identify, she argues in paragraph 8 that we can find clues by looking at what language is good at and what it finds difficult to express. The rest of the text (paras.9-28) provides discussion about and answers to these two questions. 3.According to Aitchison, the list of language functions in paragraph 7 is not exhaustive(complete), and it is not clear which one is the most basic. Aitchison discusses in some detail the following four functions, providing information, expressing feelings, influencing others and social talking, which are roughly organized in the order of importance in the traditional view. 4. Aitchison suggests that the early functions of language can be traced in the way we use language today to some extent. The assumption behind is that the origin of language is accountable(responsible) in its early function(s) and that the early function(s) must be reflected in what language is good at today. In other words, if language was created to perform a particular function, it must still be good at it nowadays. Evaluating the text (2) Exemplifying An utterance may serve more than one purpose simultaneously. Donking is used metalinguistically(元语言)in example (6), but the whole sentence

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