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B11. Babble:v. 含糊不清地说胡言乱语地说

The babies babbled as they played.(婴孩们一边玩一边咿咿呀呀地学说话。)

2. Baffle:v. 使困惑,使难倒,使受挫

The question baffled me completely and I couldn't answer it.(这个问题把我彻底难倒了, 我答不出来。)

3. Baleful:a. 凶恶的,有害的

The robber gave me a baleful look.(那强盗用威胁的眼光看着我。)

4. Balk:v. 犹豫不决,举棋不定

I wanted to buy the dress, but I balked at the high price.(我本想买这件连衣裙, 但一看价钱太高就犹豫了。)

5. Badger:v. 缠着,问个没完

The children badgered me into taking them to the cinema.(孩子们吵着要我带他们去看电影。)

6. Ballast:n.压载物,压舱物v. 给……装压舱物

7. Ballistics:n. (有关枪炮发射的)弹道学

8. Balm:n.护肤膏;香膏

Lip balm(润唇膏)

9. Balustrade:n. 栏杆,扶栏

She leaned over the balustrade and shouted to the man downstairs.(她俯身在阳台栏杆上对楼下的人们喊着。)

10. Banal:陈旧的;平庸的;乏味的

Making banal remarks was one of his bad habits.(他的坏习惯之一就是喜欢说些陈词滥调。)

B21. Bandwagon:n. (尤指政治上或商业上的)潮流,浪头

2. Bane:n. 祸根,灾星

3. Banish:v. 1. 放逐,驱逐出境2. 忘却,不去想

例句:He wasbanished to an uninhabited island for a year.(他被放逐到一个无人居住的荒岛一年。)

4. Banter:n. 嘲弄,戏谑,挖苦v. 取笑,逗弄,开玩笑

例句:The actress exchanged banter with reporters.(女演员与记者相互开玩笑。)

5. Baroque:a. 巴洛克风格(17世纪欧洲流行的一种艺术风格)的

6. Barter:v. & n. 以物换物,以等价物作交换

例句:They bartered farm products for machinery.(他们用农产品交换机器。)7. Bash:v. 使劲打,狠打,痛殴n. 重击,猛攻

例句:Have a bash at…尝试一下

8. Bashful:害羞的,羞怯的,腼腆的

9. Bazaar:n. 1.义卖2.(东方国家的)市集,商店(集中区)

10. Beckon:v. 向(某人)示意,召唤

例句:He beckoned me to come nearer.(他招手叫我去。)

B31. befit:v. 适合于,对……适应

Maria's clothes befit the occasion. 玛莉亚的衣服适合这个场合

2. begrudge:v. 1.对……不满2。妒忌

Don’t begrudge his just reward. (他的酬劳是应得的,你别妒忌。)

We should not begrudge our neighbour’s richness.(我们不应该嫉妒邻人的富有。)

3. beguile:v. 1.使着迷,使陶醉2.欺骗,诱骗

Beguile sb. into doing sth.(骗某人干某事)

4. Behead:v. 砍头,斩首

He was beheaded for high treason. (他因叛国罪被砍头。)

5. belie:v. 掩饰,使人对……产生错觉

The gentle lower slopes belie the true nature of the mountain.(低缓的山坡掩盖了这座山的真实特点。)

6. bemoan:v. 1.悲叹,哀泣,痛哭2.惋惜,不满于

The farmer bemoaned his loss.(农夫抱怨他所受到的损失。)

7. bemused:a. 困惑不解的,茫然的

8. benchmark:n. 基准点,参照点

The benchmark Shanghai composite index closed down 95.02 points.(上海复合指标基准关盘时下降了95.02点。)

9. benediction:n. 祈福,祝福

The priest pronounced a benediction over the couple at the end of the marriage ceremony.(牧师在婚礼结束时为新婚夫妇祈求上帝赐福。)

10. beneficiary:n. 受惠者,受益人

Her husband was the chief beneficiary of her will.(她丈夫是她遗嘱的主要受益人。)1. daffodil:n.水仙花

2. dagger:n. 匕首,短剑v.用匕首刺

at daggers drawn 剑拔弩张,势不两立

3. damn:int.(表示愤怒、厌烦、失望等)该死的,他妈的v.1.指责,谴责2.咒骂n. 1.咒骂2.丝毫,一点点

I don't care a damn what he does.(他干什么我一点儿也不在乎。)

4. dapper:a.衣着整洁的

He is a dapper little salesman in a business suit.(他是一个穿西装的矮小精悍的推销员。)

5. daredevil:n.鲁莽大胆的人,冒失鬼

6. darn:v.织补

Please darn the hole in my sock.(请缝补一下我袜子上的小洞。)

7. dart:n. 飞镖v.猛冲,投掷,发射

The sun darts its beams.(阳光四射。)

8. dauntless:a. 无所畏惧的,勇敢的

Dauntless in spirit, they became steeled through hardship.(他们不屈不挠,在艰苦的生活中锻炼得更加坚强了。)

9. dawdle:v. 闲荡,耽误,偷懒

Billy dawdled behind her all morning.


10. daze:v. 1.使发昏,使茫然2.使眼花缭乱n.迷乱,恍惚

After the accident John was dazed.

事故发生后, 约翰感到眩晕。

B4Benevolence:n. 1.仁慈,慈善,慈悲2.善意,善行3.捐款

He did it out of pure benevolence.(他做那件事完全出于善意。)

Benign:a. 1.和蔼的,慈祥的2.(肿瘤的)良性的

Bequeath:v. 遗赠,遗留

His father bequeathed him a big fortune.(他父亲给他留下了一大笔遗产。)

Bequest:n. 遗产,遗赠物

Bereaved:a. 丧亲人的

Beset:v. 困扰;不断攻击

She wanted to enjoy her retirement without being beset by financial worries.(她想享受退休生活而不必为金钱担忧。)

Bicker:v. (为小事)吵嘴,争吵

The two children were always bickering.(那两个孩子总是争吵。)

Bigot:n. 偏执的人,顽固者

Bilateral:a. 双边的,双方的

Bile:n. 1.胆汁2.坏脾气

Gadget:n. 精巧装置

Galaxy:n. 星系2.银河系3.一群(接触或著名的人物)

Gallery:n. 1.美术馆,画廊2.顶层楼座

Gallon:n. 加仑

Gallows:n. 绞刑架

Gangster:n. 匪徒,歹徒

Gaol:n. 监狱,牢狱(同jail)

Garbage:n. 垃圾

Garrison:n. 驻军v. 守卫(要塞等)驻防(某地)

Gash:n. 深长的伤口,切痕

B51.Billiards:n. 台球

2.Billow:n. 1. 波浪般滚滚向前的东西(如烟、火等)2.巨浪,波涛

3.Binge:n. 狂饮,纵饮

例如:They went on a binge last night.(他们昨晚饮酒作乐去了。)

4.Bipartisan:a. 两党的


例如:The new road will bisect the town.(新马路将把城市分成两部分。)

6.Blackmail:n. 1. 敲诈,勒索 2.胁迫

7.Blanch:v. (使)变苍白

8.Blare:v. 发出响而刺耳的声音

9.Blatant:a. 极明显的,公然的,无耻的

例如:His treatment of his secretary was a blatant example of managerial arrogance. (他管理的傲慢作风在他对待秘书的态度上表露无遗。)

10.Blemish:n. 污点,痕迹 v. 玷污,损伤

例如:His reputation was blemished by that article.(他的名声被那篇文章玷污了。)

1.fatal:a. 致命的,毁灭性的

2.fatalism:n. 宿命论

3.fatality:n. 暴死,死亡,致命

4.fateful:a. 重大的,决定性的

5.fat-head:n. 笨蛋,傻瓜

6.fathom:n.(测水深的度量单位)英寻 v. 理解,弄清楚

例如:I can't fathom him.(我摸不透他的心思。)

7.fatigue:n. 疲劳

8.fatuous:a. 愚蠢的,荒谬的,愚昧的

9.feasible:a. 可行的,行得通的

10.feckless:a. 无用的,不负责任的

例如:two years of feckless negotiations(拖了两年毫无结果的谈判)


1.bulk:n. 容量,体积,数量

2.bullheaded:a. 愚笨固执的,顽固的

例如:Terry is so bullheaded; he won’t listen to anybody else’s opinion.


3.bum:n. 1.屁股;2.流浪汉,乞丐,懒汉

4.bungalow:n. 平房

5.buoyancy:n. 1.浮力;2.乐观情绪;3.(物价、商业活动)回升,保持上涨走势

6.burrow:n. 洞穴,藏身处v. 1. 掘洞穴;2. 寻找,翻找

7.bustle:v. 匆忙,奔忙n. 热闹的活动

例如:She is always bustling about the house.


8.buttock:n. (半边)臀部

9.buzzword:n. (流行的)专业词语

10.bypass:n. (绕过市镇的)旁道,迂回道v. 回避,绕过

B71.brainwash:v. 对…进行洗脑

例如:Women have been brainwashed into thinking that they must go out to work in order to fulfil themselves。(妇女们被反复灌输的思想是:她们必须除去工作,才能实现自己的价值。)


3.bridle:n. 马缰v. 1. 给…套笼头 2.约束,控制 3.动怒

例如:She bridled at the suggestion that she was lying.(她对暗示她说谎的言论嗤之以鼻。)

4.brittle:a. 易碎的,脆弱的

Kate is a person who has brittle confidence.(凯特是一个信心容易动摇的人。)

5.brothel:n. 妓院

6.brunette:n. 深褐色头发的百种女子

7.brunt:n. 首当其冲

例如:bear the brunt of sth. 首当其冲

8.brusque:a. 轻率地,鲁莽的

例如:The doctor spoke in a brusque tone.(医生不客气地简单说了几个字。)

9.brutish:a. 野兽般的,残忍的

10.budge:v. (使)微微移动


2.machinery:n. 1. 机器,机械 2.(政党等的)机构

例如:There is no machinery for resolving disputes.(根本没有解决纷争的机制。)3.macho:a. 有男子气概的

例如:He was too macho to ever admit he was wrong.(他太大男子主义了,从不认错。)

4.madden:v. 使发狂,使恼火

例如:Maddened with pain, the wounded bull ran at them.(公牛受伤了,疼的发狂,朝他们冲去。)

5.magazine:n. 1. 杂志,期刊 2.(枪上)弹盒,(相机等的)底片盒 3.弹药库

6.magnate:n. 大富豪,权贵

7.magnesium:n. 镁

8.magnet:n. 1.磁铁 2.有吸引力的人(物)

例如:In 1980s the area became a magnet for new investment.(这个地区在20世纪80年代成为新的投资热点。)

9.magnify:v. 1.放大,扩大 2.夸大

例如:The sound was magnified by the high roof.(高高的屋顶使声音更响亮。)10.magnitude:n. 1. 巨大,庞大 2.重要性,重大 3.大小,亮度


专八翻译必备词汇(1) (1) 把握大局:grasp the overall situation (2) 摆谱儿:put on airs;keep up appearances (3) 白手起家: start from scratch (4) 拜年:pay New Year call (5) 班门弄斧:teach one's grandma to suck eggs (6) 报销:apply for reimbursement (7) 爆冷门:produce an unexpected answer (8) 曝光:make public (9) 奔小康:strive for a relatively comfortable life (10) 闭门羹:given cold-shoulder (11)比上不足,比下有余:fall short of the best, but be bette r than the best (12)逼上梁山:be driven to drastic alternatives (13)变相涨价:disguised inflation (14)边远贫困地区:outlying poverty-stricken areas

(15)边缘知识人:Marginal intellectuals (16)表面文章:Lip service;surface formality (17) 博导:Ph.D supervisor (18)补发拖欠的养脑筋:Clear up pension payments in arre ars (19)不眠之夜:white night (20)菜鸟:green hand (21)产品科技含量technological element of a product (22)长江三角洲:Yangtze River delta (23)长江中下游:the middle and lower reaches of Changji ang River (24)超前消费:pre-mature consumption (25)城镇居民最低生活保障:a minimum standard of living for residents (26)城镇职工医疗保险制度:the system of medical insuran ce for urban workers


Beli, bell-war Belligerent(contentious, bellicose)好战的 Antebellum 战争前夕 Rebellion 反抗 Bene,ben-good Benefactor 慈善家 Benevolent 友善的,和善的 Beneficent 友善的 Benign 和蔼 Benefit 利益 Bi-two Bicycle 自行车 Bisect 平分 Bilateral 双边的 Bilingual 双语 Biped 双足的 Bilio-book Bible圣经 Bibliography 笔迹学 Bibliophile 书籍爱好者 Bio=life Biography传记 Biology Amphibious Symbiotic 共生的 Macrobiotic 长寿法 Burs-money, purse Reimburse归还,偿还(restitute, compensate, atone, revert) Disburse 支出 Bursary 会计 Bursar仓库 Bait 鱼饵 Bard吟游诗人 Baleful 有害的 Harmful, threatening Battery 一套 Banish 驱赶 Deport/expel/ Banal 平庸 Ordinary/trite Barrage 火力网 Barrier 阻碍 Obstacle/hinder/impedance/symie/foil/thwart/strand/congest

Berate 怒骂,斥责 Admonish/condemn/reprimand/reproach/deplore/chide/inveigh Bereave 丧失 Deprive/strip/expropriate/dispossess/divest Bewilder 是困惑 Perplex/confuse Bias 偏见 /prejudice bide-wait bile 胆汁,愤怒 ire bliss狂喜 ecstasy blandish 奉承 flatter/fawn bloated 膨胀 swollen/swelling/turgid/distend boisterous 狂暴的 tempestuous/raging botany 植物学 bounty 慷慨 generosity bourgeois 商人 brash 厚颜无耻的 brazen/bold/audacious/flagrant/presurmptuous bravado 故作勇敢 brevity=succinct/concise/pithy brig 禁闭室 browbeat 吓唬 brumal 寒冷的 wintry/inclement brusque 冲突的 abrupt burly=stout 健硕的 burnish 磨光tarnish 使失去光泽 polish Buffet 自助餐n. 推来桑去v. Buffer 缓冲器 Burgeon 萌芽



A academy n. 学院,研究院,学会 accent n. 口音 accessible adj. 可接近的,可得到的 accomplish vt. 完成,实现 accomplishment n. 成就,成功的事情 account n. 描述,叙述 accumulate vt. &vi. 积聚,积累,搜集 across the world 在全世界 act vi. 表演 actor n. 演员,男演员 adapt vi&vt. (使)适应,改编 adequate adj. 足够需要的,够用的 adjust vi&vt. 调整,调节 admirable adj. 令人钦佩的,令人羡慕的,值得赞美的admiration n. 钦佩,羡慕,赞美 adolescence n. 青春期 ahead of 在。。。前面 alcohol n. 白酒,烈性酒,酒精 allocate vt. 分配 ambassador n. 大使 Goodwill Ambassador 亲善大使

ambition n. 雄心,野心 amuse vt. 使愉快,使高兴 analyse vt. 分析 ancestral adj. 祖先的 annoyed adj. 恼怒的,气恼的 anyway adv. 总之,不管怎样 apart adv&adj. 分开的,分离的 apart from 远离,和。。。不在一起,除了,还有appropriate adj. 适当的,合适的,恰如其分的approval n. 赞成,同意 arrange vi&vt. 安排 arrow n. 箭,箭头标记 aspect n. (问题等的)方面 assist vt. 帮助,协助 at that point 在那时,在那个阶段 automatic adj. 自动的,自动化的 award n. 奖,奖品 awareness n. 意识 B bacteria n. (复数)细菌 banquet n. 宴会 barrier n. 障碍


专八翻译笔记 武汉新东方刘畅? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. – Joshua 1:9 第一章综述 一、何谓翻译? ? T —— tell ? R —— reader ? A —— authentic ? N —— native ? S —— smooth ? L —— language ? A —— and ? T —— touch upon ? E —— essence ? 英语的翻译“translation”是由trans-和-late构成。翻译是指两种语言的信息转换,即甲方说的意思换成乙方的语言表达。Steiner说:“翻译就是理解。”理解的对象就是原文的意义,理解原文的意义是达到翻译标准“忠实、通顺”的前一项(忠实)的前提,“通顺”只是表达阶段的事。不论是什么翻译,意义为先,形式为次。因此,可以说,理解为先,表达为次。 ? 二、大纲要求 ? 1、教学大纲 ? 能运用翻译的理论和技巧,将英美报刊上的文章以及文学原著译成汉语,或将我国报刊、杂志上的文章和一般文学作品译成英语,速度为每小时250~300个英文单词。英文要求忠实原意,语言流畅。能担任一般外事活动的口译。 ? 2、考试大纲 ? 汉译英项目要求应试者运用汉译英的理论和技巧,翻译我国报刊杂志上的论述文和国情介绍,以及一般文学作品的节录。速度为每小时250~300汉字。译文必须忠实原意,语言通顺。 ? 英译汉项目要求应试者运用英译汉的理论和技巧,翻译英美报刊杂志上有关政治、经济、历史、文化等方面的论述文以及文学原著的节录。速度为每小时约250~300词。译文要求忠实原意,语言流畅。 ? 三、试题特点 – 1、文体: ? 汉译英:记叙、介绍、散文、论说 ? 英译汉:散文、论说、评论、演讲 – 2、语域: ? 人文历史,无科技翻译 – 3、内容:无专门学术领域知识 ? 注意: ? 1、各年的翻译选段都是较正式的语体,未见不正式的讽刺性杂文,也未见不正式的小说对话。即使涉及文学,也是作家的作品或思想介绍。 ? 2、为了帮助考生更好地理解待翻译的篇段,一般都提供较多的上下文。但考生务必只翻译划线部分。


1. Shall we turn _____? The rain is getting ______? A. back, heavier B. round, heavy C. back, heavy D. round, heavier 2. The fish smells ______. You’d better ______ it. A. badly, not eat B. bad, not eat C. well, to eat 3. – I lost my new watch yesterday. - ___________. A. Bad luck! B. Never mind. C. That’s all right D. Nothing serious. 4. Is someone hurt? – Yes, one is hurt, but not _______. A. bad B. hard C. badly D. much 5.Young man! If you ______ late again, you’ll lose your job. A. will be B.were C. are D. have been 6. The film ______ for half an hour. A. has begun B.has been begun C. has been on D. began 7. He _____ our school for two weeks. A. left B.has been away from C. has left 8. Look! Some blue birds _______ in the sky. A. are flying B. fly C. flying D. flies 9. – Our country ______ very fast. – Yes, I hope it will be ______. A. has changed, better and better B. is changed, better and better C. has changed, more and more strong D. is changing, stronger and stronger 10. We ______ not to play computer games. A. are told B. have told C. told D. tell 11. The sick boy ______ to hospital by the police yesterday. A. is taken B. was taken C. takes D. took 12. The glass is broken. It ______ by my brother. A. is broken B. will be broken C.was broken D. was broke 13. When the teacher asks a question, you ______ to give an answer. A. expected B. are expecting C. are expected D. expect 14. Have you gone to see the doctor? – No, but I ________. A. didn’t B. am going to C. haven’t D. am not going to 15. Usually people in Japan and Korea _______ when they meet for the first time. A. are supposed to kiss B. are supposed to bow C. suppose to kiss D. suppose to bow 16. The radio says a wild animal zoo is to ______ in our city. A. be building B. build C. be built D. built 17. My cousin is used to ______ with his new friends in Australia. A. study B. studying C. be studied



academy n. 学院,研究院,学会 accent n. 口音 accessible adj. 可接近的,可得到的 accomplish vt. 完成,实现 accomplishment n. 成就,成功的事情 account n. 描述,叙述 accumulate vt. &vi. 积聚,积累,搜集 across the world 在全世界 act vi. 表演 actor n. 演员,男演员 adapt vi&vt. (使)适应,改编 adequate adj. 足够需要的,够用的 adjust vi&vt. 调整,调节 admirable adj. 令人钦佩的,令人羡慕的,值得赞美的admiration n. 钦佩,羡慕,赞美 adolescence n. 青春期 ahead of 在。。。前面 alcohol n. 白酒,烈性酒,酒精 allocate vt. 分配 ambassador n. 大使 Goodwill Ambassador 亲善大使 ambition n. 雄心,野心 amuse vt. 使愉快,使高兴 analyse vt. 分析 ancestral adj. 祖先的 annoyed adj. 恼怒的,气恼的 anyway adv. 总之,不管怎样 apart adv&adj. 分开的,分离的 apart from 远离,和。。。不在一起,除了,还有appropriate adj. 适当的,合适的,恰如其分的approval n. 赞成,同意 arrange vi&vt. 安排 arrow n. 箭,箭头标记 aspect n. (问题等的)方面 assist vt. 帮助,协助 at that point 在那时,在那个阶段 automatic adj. 自动的,自动化的 award n. 奖,奖品 awareness n. 意识


专八翻译6大翻译技巧整理 汉语和英语的表达习惯不同,常用的句子结构也不同,以下六点翻译技巧,或许能在专八翻译中对大家有所帮助。 一、确立主干 1、确立主语 (1)避免主语机械对应 这个地区雨比较多。 It rains a lot in this area. (2)方位词或时间词在主语位置 山下住着一位老妇人。 There lives an old lady at the foot of the mountain. (3)用it做主语翻译主语是复合结构的汉语 信不信是你的事。 It is your concern whether you believe me or not.

最好是等他们回来。 It is advisable to wait till they come back. 勤能补拙 It is diligence that makes for deficiency. 2、确立谓语:英语的动词通常只能由某个动词或者系表结构担任 在人际关系上我们不要太浪漫主义。 We shouldn't be too romantic about personal relationship. 当他活着一天,总要尽量多工作、多学习,不肯虚度年华,不让时间白白地浪费掉。 As long as he is living, he always works and studies as hard as possible, unwilling to dream his life away, let alone waste even a single moment of life. 二、语序调整 1、定语的位置:英语中,单词充当定语时多为前置,短语和从句充当定语时多为后置。


以b开头的英语单词 Document number【AA80KGB-AA98YT-AAT8CB-2A6UT-A18GG】

[00:04.00]出身背景background [00:07.99]backward bacon bacteria baggage [00:12.71]向后的咸肉细菌行李[00:17.42]balance balcony balloo ban [00:24.50]平衡阳台气球取缔[00:31.58]band bang bankrupt banner [00:37.46]管乐队巨响破产的横幅[00:43.34]bar barber bare barely [00:49.11]酒吧间理发师赤裸的仅仅[00:54.88]bark barn barrel barrier [01:00.46]吠,叫谷仓桶栅栏[01:06.04]baseball basically basis bat [01:12.11]棒球基本上基础蝙蝠 [01:18.18]battery bay beam bean [01:25.12]电池湾柱子豆[01:32.06]beard bearing beast beggar [01:37.58]胡须举止野兽乞丐[01:43.11]behalf behave behavior behaviour [01:49.09]利益表现行为习惯[01:55.07]being belief beloved beneath [02:01.44]生物信任所钟爱的在...下面 [02:07.82]beneficial benefit besides bet [02:14.10]有益的益处而且与...打赌 [02:20.38]bible bid billion bind [02:26.31]圣经企图十亿捆绑[02:32.24]biology blade blank blast [02:38.28]生物学刀刃空白的爆炸[02:44.31]bleed blend bloody bloom [02:50.89]出血使混合该死的开花[02:57.48]blouse boast bold bolt [03:03.55]女衬衫夸耀勇敢的螺栓[03:09.62]bomb bond boom boost [03:15.40]炸弹联系繁荣提高[03:21.17]boot border bore boring [03:28.44]靴边缘使厌倦另人厌烦的


2013年专八翻译必备词汇(1) (1) 把握大局:grasp the overall s ituation (2) 摆谱儿:put on airs;keep up a ppearances (3) 白手起家: start from scratch (4) 拜年:pay New Year call (5) 班门弄斧:teach one's grandma to suck eggs (6) 报销:apply for reimbursement (7) 爆冷门:produce an unexpected answer (8) 曝光:make public (9) 奔小康:strive for a relativel y comfortable life (10) 闭门羹:given cold-shoulder

(11)比上不足,比下有余:fall short of the best,but be better than the b est (12)逼上梁山:be driven to drastic alternatives (13)变相涨价:disguised inflation (14)边远贫困地区:outlying poverty -stricken areas (15)边缘知识人:Marginal intellect uals (16)表面文章:Lip service;surface formality (17) 博导:Ph.D supervisor (18)补发拖欠的养脑筋:Clear up pen sion payments in arrears (19)不眠之夜:white night (20)菜鸟:green hand


baa n. 咩\nv. 发咩声 babble n. 儿语;胡言乱语\nv. 说蠢话; 吐露秘密babe n. 宝贝儿; 婴儿baboon n. 丑陋的人; 狒狒baby n. 婴儿; 幼畜\nv. 轻击 babyhood n. 婴儿期bachelor n. 单身男子; 学士 back adj. 背后的;边远的\nadv. 往回;向后\nn. 背;缸\nv. 使后退;后退 backache n. 腰背酸痛 backbite v. 背后说坏话 backbone n. 脊骨;主脊;主要成分 backer n. 赞助人;支持者 backfire n. 逆火;迎火\nv. 发生逆火;发生意外 background n. 底子;后景 backhander n. 转弯抹角的攻击 backpedal v. 出尔反尔;后退躲开backside n. 后侧;屁股backslide v. 堕落 backstreet n. 穷街小巷 backstroke n. 回击;仰泳 backtrack v. 后退;取消 backup n. 背衬;候补者;倒车backward adj. 向后的backwards adv. 往回;向后backwash n. 反流;激流区 backwater n. 回水;死水 backwoods n. 边远蛮荒林区 backyard n. 后院 bacon n. 熏咸肉;赃物bad adj. 坏的;顽皮的badge n. 标记;徽章badly adv. 坏;顽皮地badminton n. 羽毛球运动baffle n. 困惑\nv. 使困惑;使受挫折bag n.袋;猎袋\nv. 猎获;收割baggage n. 包袱;行李baggy adj. 袋装的;鼓出的bail n.保释;戽斗\nv. 保释;托付bailiff n. 法警;管家bait n. 打尖;饵\nv. 引诱;装饵于baize n. 台面呢bake n. 烘;烤餐会\nv. 烘;晒热 bakelite n. 酚醛塑料baker n. 面包师傅;轻便烘炉balance n. 平衡轮;天平\nv. 称;权衡balcony n. 阳台bald adj. 明显的;秃头的\nv. 成为秃顶balderdash n. 胡言乱语bale n. 大包;悲愁\nv. 把... 打成大包 balk n. 挫折;埂\nv. 错过;阻止 ball n. 球;舞会\nv. 交媾;狂欢 ballad n. 叙事诗歌; 歌谣 ballast n. 压舱物; 镇重物\nv. 给... 铺道渣; 使稳定ballerina n. 软底低跟女便鞋; 女芭蕾舞演员ballet n. 芭蕾舞; 芭蕾舞团ballistics n. 弹道特性; 弹道学balloon n. 气球; 气球形物\nv. 大大增加ballot n. 投票表决; 投票权\nv. 抽签选拔; 投票ballyhoo n. 大吹大擂; 喧闹\nv. 大吹大擂balmn. 安慰; 香膏; 香油balmy adj. 芬芳的; 温和的balsam n. 香膏; 香脂 balustrade n. 矮护墙; 栏杆 bamboo adj. 疯狂的; 竹的\nn. 竹; 竹竿 bamboozle v. 迷惑; 欺骗 ban n. 禁止;谴责\nv. 禁止;诅咒banana n. 香蕉; 香蕉味band n. 群;箍\nv. 聚集bandage n. 绷带;带子\nv. 用绷带扎缚bandit n. 歹徒;强盗bandwagon n. 得势派;乐队彩车bandwidth n. 带宽 bandy adj. 向外弯的bane n. 毒药;灾害;祸根\nv. 危害bang adv. 砰;砰然\nn. 轰声;巨响\nv. 奔;猛击bangle n. 手镯 banish v. 放逐; 开除 banisters n. 栏杆banjo n. 班卓琴; 铲子bank n. 岸; 堆\nv. 开银行; 做庄家bankbook n. 银行存折banker n. 庄家; 坐庄; 银行家bankrupt adj. 破产的\nn. 破产者\nv. 使枯竭; 使破产bankruptcy n. 彻底失败; 破产 bannal n. 陈旧; 平庸 banner adj. 显著的\nn. 横幅; 旗banns n. 结婚公告 banquet n. 宴会\nv. 设宴款待; 赴宴bantam adj. 青少年的; 轻的\nn. 矮脚鸡

英语专八 翻译 必备

(1)把握大局:grasp the overall situation(2) 摆谱儿:put o n airs;keep up appearances(3)白手起家: start from scratch (4)拜年:pay New Year call(5)班门弄斧:teach one's grandma to suck eggs(5)保质期:guarantee period(6)报销:apply for rei mbursement(7)爆冷门:produce an unexpected answer(8)曝光:ma ke public(9)奔小康:strive for a relatively comfortable life (10)闭门羹:given cold-shoulder(11)比上不足,比下有余:fall short of the best,but be better than the best(12)逼上梁山:b e driven to drastic alternatives(13)变相涨价:disguised infla tion(14)边远贫困地区:outlying poverty-stricken areas(15)边缘知识人:Marginal intellectuals(16)表面文章:Lip service;surfa ce formality(17) 博导:Ph.D supervisor(18)补发拖欠的养脑筋:C lear up pension payments in arrears (19)不眠之夜:white night (20)菜鸟:green hand(21)产品科技含量technoligical element of a product(22)长江三角洲:Yangtze River delta(23)长江中下游:t he middle and lower reaches of Changjiang River(24)超前消费:p re-mature consumption (25)城镇居民最低生活保障:a minimum stan dard of living for residents(26)城镇职工医疗保险制度:the sys tem of medical insurance for urban workers(27)重复建设:buidi ng redundant project;duplication of similar projects(28)充值卡:rechargeable card (29)春运:passenger transport around the Chinese lunar new year(30)打破僵局:break the deadlock/stale


专四专八常用政治与行政术语的英文翻译(1) 马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、*****“三个代表”重要思想Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiao-ping Theory, Jiang Zemin “Three Represent's” important Thought 新民主主义革命new-democratic revolution 民族独立和人民解放national independence and the liberation of the people 经济体制改革和政治体制改革reforms in the economic and political structure 社会主义制度socialist system 社会变革social transformation 建设有中国特色的社会主义事业the cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics 中华民族的伟大复兴the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation 党在社会主义初级阶段的基本理论、基本路线、基本纲领the basic theory, line and program of our Party in the primary stage of socialism 改革开放政策the policies of reform and opening to the outside 中国共产党十一届三中全会The Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China 马克思主义政党Marxist political Party 党的第一(第二、第三)代中央领导集体the collective leadership of the Party Central Committee of the first (second/third)generation 人民民主专政the people's democratic dictatorship 国民经济体系national economic system 综合国力aggregate national strength 国内生产总值the annual gross domestic product(GDP) 独立自主的和平外交政策an independent foreign policy of peace 马克思主义基本原理同中国具体实际相结合the fundamental principles of Marxism with the specific situation in China 加强和改进党的建设,不断增强党的创造力、凝聚力和战斗力,永葆党的生机与活力strengthen and improve Party building, continuously enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the Party, and always maintain its vigor and vitality “三个代表”就是必须代表中国先进生产力的发展要求,代表中国先进文化的前进方向,代表中国最广大人民的根本利益,是我们党的立党之本、执政之基、力量之源,是我们党始终站在时代前列,保持先进性的根本体现和根本要求。“Three Represent's” shows that our Party must always represent the requirements of the development of China's advanced productive forces, the orientation of the development of China's advanced culture, and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people in China, they are the foundation for building the Party, the cornerstone for its exercise of state power and a source of its strengthen,only by doing so can we really ensure that our Party always stand in the forefront of the time and maintain its advanced nature 党的理论、路线、纲领、方针、政策Party‘s theory, line, program, principles and policies 工人阶级的先锋队the vanguard of the working class


高考英语3500单词详解(B开头) baby[5beibi] n.[C]婴儿 2.(作定语)小型,微型,婴儿用的:a baby car 小型汽车 / baby food 婴儿食物bachelor[5bAtFElE]n. 1.[C]单身汉:He remained a bachelor all his life.他做了一辈子单身汉。2.学士:bachelor’s degree学士学位 back[bAk]adv.回(原处),向后:She walked away without looking back.她头都没回就走了。adj.后面的:He came in by the back door.他从后门进来。n.[C]背,后部: Let’s go round to the back.让我们绕到后面去。 backache[5bAkeik]n.[C,U]背痛:suffer from(a) backache患背痛 background[5bAkgraund]n.背景,幕后:I’ll need a bit more background information.我需要再了解一点背景情况。 backward[5bAkwEd]adj.向后的,落后的:He is backward in his studies.他功课落后。adv.向后地,相反地(=backwards):Your hat is onbackwards.你把帽子戴倒了。 bacon[5beikEn]n.[U]咸猪肉,熏猪肉 bacterium[bAk5tiEriEm] n.[C]细菌:Many bacteria cause diseases.许多细菌能致病。 【说明】通常以复数形式出现,复数为bacteria。 bad[bAd]adj. 1.坏的,不好的:Bad news has wings.(谚语)坏消息传得快。2.有害的:Smoking is bad for your health.抽烟有害健康。3.腐烂的,变质的:Don’t eat bad fish.不要吃腐烂的鱼。4.严重的:He has got a bad cold.他患了重感冒。 【说明】为不规则副词,其比较级和最高级分别为worse和worst: I am bad at English,but she is worse.我的英语不好,她的就更糟了。 badly[5bAdli]adv. 1.不好地,恶劣地:She did badly in the exams.她考试成绩很糟。2. 大大地,严重地:The bridge was badly damaged by the flood.桥被洪水损坏得很严重。3.非常,极度:He wants to go abroad badly.他非常想出国。 /She was badly hurt when she fell from the ladder.她从梯子上跌下来,伤得很厉害。 【说明】为不规则副词,其比较级和最高级分别为worse和worst:He did worse than you.他比你做得更糟。 badminton[5bAdmintEn] n.[U]羽毛球:The kids are playing badminton.孩子们在打羽毛球。 bag[bAg]n.[C]书包,提包,袋子:She carried the bag upstairs.她把袋子扛到了楼上。 baggage[5bAgidV]n.[U]行李:How much baggage do you have?你有多少行李? 【说明】不可数名词,要表示几件行李,要借助piece:I have five pieces of baggage.我有5件行李。


2020英语六级高频词汇:B开头 2020英语六级高频词汇:B开头 bachelor n.单身汉;学士(bac=bact-棒、棍、光棍) bacon n.咸猪肉,熏猪肉(bac-板子、棒子——肉板) bacterium n.细菌(bac=bact-棒、棍——细菌呈“杆”状) badge n.徽章,像章;标志(b-板儿、牌儿) baffle vt.使挫折 n.迷惑() bait n.饵;引诱物(bite-咬) balcony n.阳台;楼厅,楼座(bal-棒子,) bald a.秃头的;无毛的 ballet n.芭蕾舞;舞剧 bamboo n.竹;竹杆,竹棍 bandage n.绷带,包带 bandit n.土匪,盗匪,歹徒 bank vi.把钱存入银行 banker n.银行家 bankrupt a.破产的 vt.使破产 banquet n.宴会,盛会,酒席 barely ad.仅仅,勉强 barge n.驳船;大型游船

barley n.大麦 barometer n.气压计,睛雨表(bar) baron n.男爵;贵族;巨商(男爵英国世袭的最低级的贵族爵位) barren a.贫瘠的;不妊的(bar=bare-光秃的) basement n.地下室;地窖;底层(base-底儿) basin n.内海;盆地,流域(base-底儿) battery n.炮兵连;兵器群(bat-炮、棒、武器) battle vi.战斗 vt.与…作战(bat-棒子) bazaar n.集市,廉价商店(baz=business) bead n.有孔小珠;露珠(b-ball) beam vi.房梁,光束,发光,发热;微笑(b-木棒、棒子,scream-尖叫) beetle n.甲虫;近视眼的人(“披头士”) bend vt.使屈从 vi.屈从(象形:b-B-弓) bestow vt.把…赠与,安放(st-停、放、给) beware vt.&vi.谨防,当心(w-看见) bewilder vt.迷惑,把…弄糊涂(wild-狂野、狂乱) bid vt.命令 vi.报价(b-嘴) bishop n.(基督教的)主教 bitterness n.苦味,辛酸,苦难 blacksmith n.铁匠,锻工


[00:04.00] 出身背景 background [00:07.99]backward bacon bacteria baggage [00:12.71] 向后的咸肉细菌行李[00:17.42]balance balcony balloo ban [00:24.50] 平衡阳台气球取缔[00:31.58]band bang bankrupt banner [00:37.46] 管乐队巨响破产的横幅[00:43.34]bar barber bare barely [00:49.11] 酒吧间理发师赤裸的仅仅[00:54.88]bark barn barrel barrier [01:00.46] 吠 ,叫谷仓桶栅栏[01:06.04]baseball basically basis bat [01:12.11] 棒球基本上基础蝙蝠 [01:18.18]battery bay beam bean [01:25.12] 电池湾柱子豆[01:32.06]beard bearing beast beggar [01:37.58] 胡须举止野兽乞丐[01:43.11]behalf behave behavior behaviour [01:49.09] 利益表现行为习惯[01:55.07]being belief beloved beneath [02:01.44] 生物信任所钟爱的在...下面[02:07.82]beneficial benefit besides bet [02:14.10] 有益的益处而且与...打赌[02:20.38]bible bid billion bind [02:26.31] 圣经企图十亿捆绑[02:32.24]biology blade blank blast [02:38.28] 生物学刀刃空白的爆炸[02:44.31]bleed blend bloody bloom [02:50.89] 出血使混合该死的开花[02:57.48]blouse boast bold bolt [03:03.55] 女衬衫夸耀勇敢的螺栓[03:09.62]bomb bond boom boost [03:15.40] 炸弹联系繁荣提高[03:21.17]boot border bore boring [03:28.44] 靴边缘使厌倦另人厌烦的[03:35.72]bounce bound boundary bow [03:42.84] 使弹起必然的分界线弓形物[03:49.96]brake brand brass breadth [03:55.28] 闸商标黄铜幅度[04:00.61]breast breed breeze brick [04:07.20] 胸脯品种微风砖[04:13.78]bride brief brilliant brow [04:19.00] 新娘短暂的光辉的额

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