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2021年高考英语 词汇考前综合检测4

2021年高考英语 词汇考前综合检测4
2021年高考英语 词汇考前综合检测4




1.(xx年安徽省高考英语模拟)Winning a gold medal in the Olympics is an exciting moment, every winner will remember forever.

A. it

B. this

C. that

D. one



时刻。根据空格前的an exciting moment可知,用one代替。one表示泛指。it 代替同名同


2.(北京市朝阳区xx学年度高三年级第一学期期中统一考试)—Where would you like to sit?

In the corner or near the platform?

—______. I would like to sit by the piano so that I can watch the musician play.

A. Either

B. Neither

C. None

D. Both


3.(北京市石景山区xx —xx学年度第一学期高三测试)To his delight, Tom quickly earned

the trust of his girl friend and then _____ of her parents.

A. one

B. ones

C. that

D. those



4.(四川省宜宾市xx届高三第一次诊)I can’t help _________ if he is always making noise.

A. that

B. this

C. one

D. it


【解祈】句意:如果他总是制造噪音,我忍受不了了。that引导名词性从句,在句中不做成分,原题中已经用if引导宾语从句;this “这个”是指示代词;one不定代词,表示“某一个”;it特指“同一个”或作形式主语和形式宾语,it在这里是形式宾语,if引导的是真正的宾语从句。故选D。

5.(湖南省长望浏宁四县xx届高三3月调研)Although nuclear power may lead to disasters, ______ the nuclear power industry has been operating safely for three decades in China.

A. and

B. but

C. so

D. yet




6.(浙江省严州中学xx届高三3月阶段测试)—Things aren’t going too well financially, sir.

—You mean we’re _____ soon?

A. in the green

B. in the blue

C. in the red

D. in the yellow


【解祈】in the green年富力强、气血方刚的;in the blue闷闷不乐;in the red赤字,亏损的;in the yellow 黄色的。句意:——先生,经济状况不是太好。——你的意思是说我们很快就要亏损了吗?根据句意选C。

7.(福建省福州市xx届高中毕业班第二次质量检测)Fujian's forest coverage rate has reached 65. 95 percent provincial environmental efforts.

A. with regard to

B. thanks to

C. in favor of

D. instead of


【解析】with regard to关于,至于;thanks to由于,多亏;in favor of有利于,支持,赞同;instead of 代替,而不是……。句意:多亏省环境局的努力,福建的森林覆盖率已经到达了65.95%。故选B。

8.(浙江省温州市xx届第一次适应性测试)As a saying goes, “two heads are better than one.”______, teamwork has greater power.

A. In other words

B. On the other hand

C. On the contrary

D. In addition


【解析】In other words换句话说;On the other hand另一方面;On the contrary正相反;In addition另外,此外还有。句意:正如谚语所说,“三个臭皮匠顶一个诸葛亮”。换句话说,团队合作有更大的力重。

9.(xx届福建莆田一中泉州五中漳州一中高三上三校联考)There was no significant difference between a girl and a boy _______ the structure and function of their brains.

A. in place of

B. in need o

C. in search of

D. in terms of


【解析】in place of在……的位置;in need of需要;in search of寻找;in terms of就……而言。句意:就大脑的结构和功能来说,男孩和女孩之间没有什么重大的区别。故选D。

10.(xx届黑龙江绥化市重点中学高三下期初开学联考)China has been pushing the reform of public hospitals ______ all its citizens.

A. in charge of

B. for the purpose of

C. in honor of

D. for the benefit of


11.(xx届江苏连云港东海第二中学高三上期中)No scientists can exactly figure out what ________ happened _______ at that time, which caused the extinction of the dinosaurs.

A. on earth; on the earth

B. on the earth; on earth

C. on earth; on earth

D. on the earth; on the earth


【解析】句意:没有科学家能够弄清楚当时地球上到底发生了什么事情,这件事导致了恐龙的灭绝。on earth 到底,究竟;on the earth在地球上,故选A。

12.(江苏省南京市、盐城市xx届高三第二次调研考试)He abandoned teaching _____ a career as musician.

A. in favor of

B. in terms of

C. with regard to

D. with reference to


【解析】句意:为了把音乐作为自己的职业,他放弃了教学。in favor of喜爱;支持;in terms of就……而言;with regard to关于;with reference to关于。


13.(xx届山东师范大学附属中学高三第一次模拟英语试卷) As was expected,that the magazine. Put out the online _______ made more readers pay attention to it.

A. version

B. conclusion

C. admission

D. category


14.(xx届浙江温州十校联合体高三上期中联考英语试卷)She failed to gain _______ to the university of her choice, which made her upset.

A. explanation

B. contribution

C. admission

D. access


【解析】句意:她未能如愿进入选择的那所大学,这让她感到苦恼。A解释;B贡献,捐赠,稿件;C准许进入,获准入学者;D进入权,使用……的机会,access常构成短语have access to sth/sb进入某地/面见某人;admission to a university上某一大学,故选C。

15.(xx届浙江台州中学高三上第二次统练) Mrs. Brown helps me out when I have too much work to do, and I return her _______ whenever I can.

A. favour

B. relief

C. sympathy

D. affection



16.(xx届浙江台州中学高三上第二次统练)Although chatting on line has exploded in popularity in recent years, there is no ________ for a face-to-face conversation.

A. privilege

B. affection

C. substitute

D. adjustment


【解析】privilege 特权;affection喜爱;热爱;substitute代替者;adjustment调整;句意:尽管上网聊天


17.(xx届江西省六校高三上学期第一次联考英语) When asked how to be a good manager in the interview, the ________ described good personal characteristics as the necessity to manage a group and get a job well done.

A. bachelor

B. clerk

C. employee

D. applicant


【解析】bachelor 学士;clerk 职员;employee员工;applicant 申请人。句意:当在面试中被问到如何成为一名好的经理时,申请者把管理团队和做好工作描述为个人魅力的必要条件。根据语境可知选D项。18.(xx届高考英语一轮复习人教版单元卷综合测试)Some people say that Mars should be protected as a wildlife reserve where we do everything possible to avoid pollution, on the _______ that life could exist on it.

A. assumption

B. arrangement

C. assistance

D. appointment


【解析】assumption假定;arrangement安排;assitance帮助;appointment委派。句意:假设火星有生命存在的话,一些人说火星应该被保护起来成为一个保护区,在这个地方做我们所能做的来避免污染。根据上文提到Mars should be protected as a wildlife reserve 火星应该被保护,假定他有生命存在,所以选A项。

19.(xx届高考英语一轮复习人教版单元卷综合测试)The owner of the jewelry store says a(n) _______ of $ 1,000 will be offered to anyone who can find the lost jewels.

A. ine

B. reward

C. bonus

D. fee


【解析】reward 报答;ine泛指收入;bonus是指提成的奖金;fee就是泛指费用。句意:珠宝店的主人说他将给找到丢失的珠宝的人1000美元的报酬。

20.(xx届浙江省江山实验中学高三9月月考英语试卷) The drill in Antarctica dragged on slowly because of lack of money, equipment breakdowns, environmental _______ and severe cold.

A. concerns

B. assumption

C. occupations

D. ignorance



21.(xx届宁夏银川一中高三上学期第一次月考英语试卷) It’s widely admitted that the _______ of our sports system, rather than just foreign coaches, will be helpful to Chinese football.

A. extension

B. assumption

C. reform

D. authority


22.(江苏省南京市第五十五中学xx届高三上学期第一次月考)—I'd love to join your visit to a local museum today, but I'm on a very tight ________.

—I've got a lot of work to do today.

A. schedule

B. relief

C. budget

D. concern


【解析】schedule时间表,进度表;relief欣慰;budget预算;concern关心,担忧。tight schedule指时间表安排得很紧。句意:——今天我想和你去当地的博物馆,但是我的时间安排很紧。——我今天也有很多工作要做。选A。


23.(福建省莆田一中、泉州五中、漳州一中xx届高三上学期三校联考) Don’t mention that she’s put on weight

—she’s very _______ about it.

A. stubborn

B. positive

C. sensitive

D. Optimistic


【解析】stubborn顽固的;positive 积极地;sensitive敏感的;optimistic乐观的。句意:不要提起她在减肥的事情——她对这很敏感。根据句意故选C。

24.(xx届江苏东台三仓中学高三12月月考)The international pany’s crime was discovered by a(an)

_______ reporter with a local newspaper.

A. conventional

B. investigative

C. roundabout

D. shabby


【解析】句意:那家跨国公司的违法犯罪行为是被当地一家报纸的一位新闻调查记者发现的。conventional 传统的,约定俗成的,常规的;investigative调查的;roundabout绕道的,拐弯抹角的;shabby破旧的,不光彩的。an investigative reporter指新闻调查栏目的记者,故选B。

25.(xx届江苏淮安涟水中学高三上第一次阶段性测试) —Will you be__________ tonight, Mary?

—It depends. I’m afraid I’ll be called in by my manager.

A. convenient

B. available

C. accurate

D. suitable


【解析】句意:——Mary,今晚有空吗?——还不一定呢,恐怕经理会来。convenient方便的,便利的,通常用句式是:when/if it is convenient to sb; available有空的,可获得的;accurate准确的;而suitable适合的。故选B。

26.(xx届江苏连云港赣榆海头高级中学高三上期中) —Jane, you’ve made such great efforts that you are____ to pass the exam.

—It is very kind of you to say so, Mr. Smith.

A. easy

B. bound

C. possible

D. unlikely


【解析】be bound to so sth一定会做某事;be possible to do sth可能做某事(主语不能是人);be unlikely to do sth不可能做某事;句意:——Jane,你做了如此巨大的努力,你一定会通过考试的。——斯密斯先生,你这样说真是太好了。根据句意说明B项正确。

27.(xx届江苏南京盐城两市高三第一次模拟)—Did you stay at the party until the very end last night?

— No, I left as early as was ________ with politeness.

A. content

B. consistent

C. patient

D. permanent



28.(xx届江苏省射阳县第二中学高三上期中)While people enjoy great convenience modern life brings, the living conditions in the mountain village are still quite ______.

A. negative

B. subjective

C. positive

D. primitive


29.(xx届江苏沭阳银河学校高三上第一次阶段性检测)Kids will be ______ about everything when they reach

a certain age.

A. anxious

B. curious

C. cautious

D. conscious


【解析】句意:当成长到某个年龄时,孩子会对一切事物产生好奇心。anxious焦急的;curious好奇的;cautious小心的,谨慎的;conscious有意识的,清醒的。be curious about sth.对……好奇,故选B。

30.(xx届江苏泰州姜堰高三上期中)By pretending to be ill, the candidate tried to run away from _______ issues, which always aroused too much debate.

A. confidential

B. controversial

C. contemporary

D. contradictory



31.(浙江省严州中学xx届高三3月阶段测试)—You hate Chongqing Hot Pot, don’t you?

—________. I just think it doesn’t agree with me.

A. Not nearly

B. Not exactly

C. Not likely

D. Not always


【解祈】Not nearly几乎没有;Not exactly (说反话时用)并不,并没有;(用于纠正某人说过的话)并非如此;不完全是这样;Not likely不可能;Not always并不总是、不一定。句意:——你不喜欢重庆火锅,对吗?——并没有,我只是觉得它不适合我。根据句意可判断故选B,其它三项与题意不符。


32.(xx届湖北荆门市高三元月调研考试)The education reform is being carried out in China. It’s certain that

a pletely new situation will _________ when the new examination system es into existence.

A. advocate

B. promote

C. arouse

D. arise


33.(xx届江苏泰州姜堰高三上期中)In many cities of China, if an ambulance is_______ in a traffic jam, police will respond to the emergency.

A. held up

B. held back

C. held down

D. held out


【解析】句意:在中国的很多城市,如果因为交通堵塞使救护车耽搁了,警察要对这种紧急情况做出反应的。hold up举起,支撑,耽搁,延误;hold back忍住,阻止,退缩,储备;hold down压制,限制,保住;hold out伸出,坚持要求。这里指救护车堵在路上而延误救人的最佳时间,故选A。

34.(xx届江苏无锡普通高中高三上期中)Like A Bite of China, Chef Nic(12道锋味), a food show, has soon since aired on Zhejiang Television in July.

A. caught on

B. centered around

C. split off

D. charged with


【解析】catch on流行,受欢迎;center around以……为中心;split off分裂;be charged with被控告;句意:像舌尖上中国一样,自从6月登陆浙江卫视以来,一档食品节目“12道锋味”很快就流行起来了。根据


35.(xx届江苏无锡普通高中高三上期中)Prime Minister David Cameron said,“…independence will not be a separation but a painful divorce". When the oute is still up in the air, he made an emotional speech to Scottish voters to stay together.

A. trial; call upon

B. attempted; call for

C. temporary; call at

D. experimental; call off


【解析】句意:卡梅隆说:独立不是一个试验的分离而是一次痛苦的离婚。当苏格兰公投结果还没有出来的时候,他发表了一次激情演讲号召苏格兰投票人团结在一起。trial试验性的;call upon号召;call at拜访;call off取消。故A正确。

36.(xx届江苏宿迁剑桥国际学校高三上期中)Time is pressing; it’s impossible for me to get there in an hour, ______ the possible delays.

A. accounting for

B. answering for

C. allowing for

D. heading for


【解析】account for说明原因;导致;引起。answer for符合……需要;对……负责。allow for考虑到;体谅;允许有。head for朝……迸发;走向。句意:时间太紧了。时间紧迫,考虑到路上可能会耽搁,一个小时不可能到得了那里。根据句意和选项意思,答案选C。

37.(xx届黑龙江绥化市重点中学高三下期初开学联考)If you keep your attention _______ learning, then you can get good grades in your subjects.

A. hanged on

B. relied on

C. carried on

D. focused on


【解析】hang n坚持;rely on依靠;carry on继续;focus on集中于,句意:如果你把你的注意力集中在学习上,那么你的课程就可以拿高分了。故选D。

38.(xx届江苏宿迁沭阳银河学校高三上12月月考)Last year alone, the temporary unemployment insurance lifted 2.5 million people out of poverty, and ________ the blow for many more.

A. corrected

B. cushioned

C. pensated

D. corresponded



39.(xx届湖北荆门市高三元月调研考试)China will ______ greater international responsibilities. This not only meets the expectations of the international munity, but also serves China’s own interests.

A. guarantee

B. sponsor

C. concentrate

D. undertake


【解析】guarantee保证,担保;sponsor赞助,发起;concentrate专心于,注意;undertake承担,从事;句意:中国会肩负起更大的国际责任。这不仅满足国际社会的期许,也是出自中国自己的意愿。.undertake responsibilities,承担责任,中国日益发展,作为大国在世界所肩负的责任,不是靠保证,不是来发起,也不只是关注(这里concentrate需与on搭配),而是出于意愿去承担。故选D。

40.(xx届江苏盐城时杨中学高三1月调研)—What’s up? What’s that terribl e noise from our upstairs neighbor?

—The spoiled boy is yelling and screaming to ______, I guess.

A. mend his way

B. stop his way

C. push his way

D. get his way


【解析】mend his way改过自新;stop his way停止、阻止他的方式;push his way推开(人群)通过;get his way随心所欲的做;句意:怎么了?从我们楼上的邻居那的很吵闹的噪音是什么?我猜,是那个被宠坏


41.(xx届江苏盐城时杨中学高三1月调研)Dad was afraid that such a small loaf of bread won't ________ among this large family.

A. go out

B. go ahead

C. go far

D. go off


【解析】go out出去,熄灭,过时;go ahead前进,進行;go far成功,扬名,行远路,大有前途;go off 离开,進行,变质,睡去;句意:爸爸害怕这样一块小面包远不能供给这个大家庭。故选C。

42.(xx届江苏盐城市时杨中学高三12月月考调研)The fog was so heavy this morning that drivers could hardly ________ the things just ten meters away from them.

A. turn out

B. look out

C. let out

D. make out


【解析】turn out结果是;look out当心,小心;let out发出,泄露,放大;make out辨认出,理解。句意:今天早上的雾是如此浓以至于司机们几乎无法辨认十米前的物体。根据句意可知本句中的make out表示“辨认出”。故D正确。

43.(xx届福建龙岩市高三教学质量检查)Many parents in China always _______ too much importance to words, ordering their children to do this or that.

A. attach

B. add

C. link

D. apply


44.(xx届福建龙岩市高三教学质量检查)How can you blame others? It was your carelessness that _______ the loss of the pany.

A. resulted from

B. led to

C. lay in

D. counted on


【解析】句意:你怎么能责备别人呢?是由于你的粗心大意造成了公司的损失。result from由于某种原因导致;lead to导致;lie in在于;count on指望着。根据语境判断是:粗心造成损失,所以选B。

45.(xx届福建龙岩市高三教学质量检查)Don’t make me angry again. I must warn you that my patience has almost _______.

A. given out

B. given off

C. given up

D. given in


【解析】句意:别再惹我生气了。我必须警告你我的耐心快到极点的。give out筋疲力尽,用完,分发;give off散发(光,气味);give up放弃;give in 屈服,投降。根据语境判断是:忍耐力有限快被耗完了,所以选A。


(湖北省荆门市xx届高三元月调研测试) “I wouldn’t buy that woman a Mother’s Day card, even if my life depended upon it,” said the wom an standing by the card shelf at Wal-Mart. I looked up and saw a(n) 1 of total plaint and dislike.

Having been 2 at a Florida orphanage at age four, I never knew what it felt like to have a mother or a father. Never once had I received a hug or a kiss from my parents. That part of my life is a total 3 .

She looked up, saw me looking at her and 4 angrily, “Just what are you looking at, you fool?” “Sorry Ma’am. I never had a mother, and I was 5 by your words.” I reached over an d picked up a

nice-looking 6 , opened it and began to read, “Thank you 7 for being my mother.”

“Do you think your mother would like that card? Mine would, I think,” I said.

“Do you know what it is like to be 8 at for years, and never be told that you are loved?” she asked.

“My mother didn’t 9 me, let alone shout. She just took me to the orphanage where I stayed until I grew up,” I replied.

“Don’t you 10 her?” she asked.

“Oh, I can’t. She’s my mother. Being a mothe r is a position to be 11 , even if she is not a very nice person,” I told her. The woman stood there 12 her head.

I looked down at the floor and said, “I know your mother might have done a lot of things that 13 you. It appears as if you hate her. But I can tell you this from my 14 that disliking her, or even hating her, feels nowhere near as 15 as never having known a mother at all—good or bad. At least, you feel 16 . For me, it’s all just a large blank of loneliness inside my heart, and that’s 17 I’ll feel until I die.”

The woman stood there for a moment. 18 , she reached out, took the card from my hand, smelled it, and placed it in her cart.

After she left, I 19 a nice card for my mother. I took it home, 20 it, and placed it with the other Mother and Father’s Days cards bought all these years, each marked “Address Unknown”.



1.A. idea B. appearance C. expression D. impression


2. A. deserted B. lost C. reserved D. rescued


【解析】动词在语篇中的运用。A. deserted丢开,抛弃; B. lost遗失,失去;C. reserved保留,储备;D. rescued营救,救援。“我”是母亲丢在孤儿院的孩子,是被母亲deserted抛弃了,而不是lost遗失,reserved 和rescued这里表意牵强。Having been deserted at a Florida orphanage at age four, I never knew what it felt like to have a mother or a father句意:四岁那年,我被遗弃在佛罗里达州的一家孤儿院里,我从来不知道拥有母亲或者父亲会是什么感觉。故选A。

3.A. dark B. pain C. misfortune D. blank


【解析】名词在语篇中的运用。由上文Never once had I received a hug or a kiss from my parents我从未得到过父母的一个拥抱、一个亲吻得知父爱和母爱从未在“我”生命里出现过,对于“我”来说,自然不知道拥有它们的感受。所以That part of my life is a total blank我生命的这部分完全是一片空白。这里“我”是无法同女士感同身受的,只是客观阐述事实。故选D。

4A. requested B. considered C. screamed D. refused


【解析】动词在语篇中的运用。女士抱怨她的母亲,这一十分私人的情绪“我”一个外人捕捉到,自然恼羞成怒,便screamed尖叫,还骂you fool你这个傻子;She looked up, saw me looking at her and screamed angrily句意:那位女士抬起头,看见我在注视着她,便尖叫起来。故选C。

5.A. relieved B. annoyed C. disappointed D. shocked


【解析】动词在语篇中的运用。对于一位孤儿,看到别人抱怨自己的母亲,而自己连母亲都无法拥有,这种情感上的沟壑是常人难以越过的。对于女士的言语,“我”自然是感到震惊。shocked吃惊;“Sorry Ma’am.

I never had a mother, and I was 35 by your words.” 句意:“对不起,夫人。我没有母亲,你说的话让我大吃一惊。”故选D。

6. A. cart B. card C. book D. magazine


【解析】名词在语篇中的运用。文章已经交代了事发地是在卖母亲节贺卡的地方,我劝导女士,自然是挑出了贺卡card. I reached over and picked up a nice-looking card , opened it and began to read句意我伸手挑了一张漂亮的贺卡,打开并念起上面的文字。故选B。

7. A. simply B. largely C. originally D. basically


【解析】副词在语篇中的运用。A. simply不过,仅仅; B. largely大规模地,丰富地;C. originally起初,独创地;D. basically主要地,基本上。母亲节是孩子感恩母亲的节日。仅仅因为她是母亲,最起码要感谢生育之恩。“Thank you simply for being my mother.”句意:“谢谢您,就因为您是我的母亲。”故选A。8.A. shouted B. glared C. laughed D. pointed


【解析】动词在语篇中的运用。女士讨厌她的母亲,道出了缘由,母亲一直吼她。shouted吼叫,其他选项表意牵强。“Do you know what it is like to be shouted at for years, and never be told that you are loved?” she asked. “你知道多年来一直忍受她的吼叫,并且从未听她说过她爱我,那是什么感觉吗?”她问。故选A。

9.A. set aside B. leave behind C. care about D. know about


【解析】动词短语在语篇中的运用。A. set aside把……放置一旁; 不理会; B. leave behind忘带,留下,丢弃;C. care about关心,在乎,担忧;D. know about知道,了解。“我”的母亲都没关心过我,哪怕是责骂我。这种冷漠已经绝情。My mother didn’t care about me, let alone shout句意:我母亲根本不在乎我,更没有对我吼叫过。故选C。

10. A. miss B. love C. accuse D. hate


【解析】动词在语篇中的运用。女士得知了“我”有比她更惨痛的经历,对于一个不负责任的绝情的母亲,女士询问“我”是否恨她。“Don’t hate you her?” she asked. 句意:“你不恨她吗?”她问。故选D。

11.A. depended B. obeyed C. respected D. observed


【解析】动词在语篇中的运用。母亲理应被尊重。A. depended依赖,信赖;B. obeyed服从,遵守;C. respected 尊重,尊敬;D. observed 遵守,观察。Being a mother is a position to be respected, even if she is not a very nice person句意:身为母亲,就应该受到尊重,即使你的母亲不是一个很好相处的人。故选C。

12.A. shaking B. dropping C. raising D. nodding


13.A. hurt B. blamed C. disturbed D. punished


【解析】动词在语篇中的运用。A. hurt有害,损害;B. blamed 指责,责怪:C. disturbed使不安,使烦恼;

D. punished处罚,严厉对付。这里disturbed较为贴切,家人之间谈不上损害和处罚。I know your mother might have done a lot of things that disturbed you句意:我知道,你母亲也许做了很多令你不开心的事。故选A。

14.A. conscience B. efforts C. experiences D. nature


【解析】名词在语篇中的运用。A. conscience良心,道德心;B. efforts努力,尝试; C. experiences经验,经历;D. nature天性,本质。“我”的经历是女士不曾体会的,由此可以给她带来更多的启示。But I can tell you this from my experiences that disliking her句意:但是,我可以凭我的经验告诉你。故选C。

15.A. fragile B. lonely C. hateful D. anxious


【解析】形容词在语篇中的运用。女士虽是被母亲吼,但与一个孤苦伶仃、连母亲都不知道是谁的“我”相比,还是幸福太多。lonely孤独;disliking her, or even hating her, feels nowhere near as lonely as never having known a mother at all—good or bad句意:讨厌她,甚至是恨她,绝对不会像根本不知道自己的母亲是谁那么孤独。故选B。

16.A. anything B. everything C. nothing D. something


【解析】不定代词在语篇中的运用。女士与孤儿相比起码拥有的更多,不是everything 一切,但也好于nothing 什么都没有。At least, you feel something.句意:至少你会感觉到一些东西。故选D。

17. A. whether B. how C. where D. why


【解析】连词在语篇中的运用。how 在这里可译为“这种感觉”,指代文中“我”的感受For me, it’s all just a large blank of loneli ness inside my heart, and that’s how I’ll feel until I die.句意:而我什么都感觉不到,我的内心深处,只感到巨大的空白和孤独。这种感觉会一直持续到我死去的那一刻。故选B。

18. A. Cheerfully B. Eagerly C. Hesitantly D. Seriously


【解析】副词在语篇中的运用。女士正反思自己对母亲的看法,仍有犹豫的情绪。A. Cheerfully欢乐地;愉快地; B. Eagerly渴望地,热切地;C. Hesitantly迟疑地,踌躇地;D. Seriously认真地,严肃地。这里Hesitantly 迟疑地,踌躇地比较恰当。Hesitantly, she reached out, took the card from my hand, smelled it, and placed it in her cart.句意:她慢慢地伸过手来,拿走我手上的贺卡,闻了一下,把它放进了购物车。故选C。

19. A. picked out B. packed up C. brought out D. took up


【解析】动词短语在语篇中的运用。A. pick out挑选; B. pack up打包;C. bring out出版; D. take up拿起。贺卡需要挑选。After she left, I picked out a nice card for my mother句意: 她离开以后,我又挑了一张漂亮的卡片。故选A。

20.A. mended B. exposed C. addressed D. signed


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