当前位置:文档之家› 山东省新泰市放城镇初级中学2014-2015学年七年级英语上学期片区竞赛试题A(无答案)(五四制)






( )1. I have P.E. ______ the afternoon of Tuesday.

A. in

B. at

C. on

D. for

( )2. Mr. Zhang teaches ______ Chinese. We like ___________ class very much.

A. me; her

B. me; his

C. us; his

D. us; her

( ) 3. Is this ________desk?

A. Tom and Jane

B. Tom and Jane’s

C. Tom’s and Jane’s


Tom’s and Jane

( ) 4. There are ___________months in a year. ____________ month is December.

A. twelfth , Twelfth

B. twelve , Twelve

C. twelfth , The twelfth

D. twelve , The twelfth

( )5. They have T-shirts _______ green and black for only $13_______ the shop.

A. at; at

B. in; in

C. with; with

D. at; in

( )6. My brother likes ———— computer games.

A. plays

B. play

C. playing

D. to playing

( )7. Look! Some apples_____ on the table. Some bread_________ in the basket.

A. are; are

B. is; are

C. is; is

D. are; is

( )8. What do you want to have ______ lunch?

A. at

B. in

C. for

D. on

( )9. Kate is ____ English. She is ____ English student.

A. an; an

B. /; /

C. an; /

D./; an

( )10. ______ are good friends.

A. I and Tom

B. Tom and me

C. Me and Tom

D. Tom and I

( )11. He _________ his homework at school.

A. doesn’t do

B. don’t does

C. isn’t do

D. does not

( )12.This isn’t _________ skirt. _________ is on the clothes line.


B. his, His

C. her……Her

D. my, Mine

( ) 13. He likes to eat ________ and ________.

A.ice-cream, tomatoes

B. chickens, bananas

C. salad, tomatos

D. pears, breads

( )14. Miss Wei often helps us ________ our English.

A. at

B. in

C. of

D. with

( )15. I want __________ the music club.

A. join

B. to join

C. joins

D. be join


I like my Chinese teacher very much. He is a 16 man, about 25 years old. He

is tall 17 black short hair. He is a very humorous(幽默的) person. He often

18 us jokes(笑话) and 19 to make our class more 20 . In class, he is

a very 21 teacher. If we don’t listen to him carefully, he will give us some punishment(惩罚) by 22 us s ome questions. But after class, he becomes a very good 23 of us. He often talks with the girls and plays 24 with the boys. All

of us really like him.

He is our 25 teacher.

( )16. A. old B. young C. very old D. aged

( )17. A. and B. for C. with D. at

( )18. A. tells B. says C. speaks D. speak

( )19. A. a story B. storys C. story D. stories

( )20 A. tired B. difficult C. interesting D. boring

( )21. A. busy B. strict C. interested D. well

( )22. A. ask B. asks C. asking D. asked

( )23. A. teacher B. teachers C. friend D. friends

( )24. A. a basketball B. the basketball C basketballs D.basketball

( )25. A. favorite B. the favorite C. favoritest D. a favorite


I’m Peter Brown, an English teacher of a middle school. This is my bedroom. It’s very large . It has two big windows and a small window, so the room is bright. Ther e are some flowers in a vase on the small desk near the small window. There isn’t a chair, but there are two large sofas. Between them t here is a small table. The walls are white, and there aren’t any pictures but a map of Hangzhou on them.

I don’t like watching TV, so there’s not a TV set in my room.

( )26. Where are the flowers?

A. On the table.

B. Near a window.

C. Behind the door.

D. Next to the TV set.

( )27. In Peter’s bedroom we cannot see a __________.

A. sofa

B. map

C. vase

D. chair

( )28. What’s the Chinese meaning (意义) of the word “bright”

A. 宽敞的

B. 整洁的

C. 明亮的

D. 舒适的

( )29. There isn’t any TV set in Peter’s bedroom because (因为) ____________.

A. he doesn’t like TV

B. the room is very large

C. he teaches in a school

D. there are too many things in it

( )30. What’s the best title (标题)for the text?

A. My Name Is Peter

B. This Is My Teacher

C. My Bedroom

D. A large Room


I will never forget my first English class. It is very interesting. It’s the first class in the morning. The teacher goes into the classroom with a smile on his face. At the beginning, he makes a self-introduction(自我介绍). And he tells us that his English name is John. Then he asks all of us to think of English names for ourselves. We are very excited(兴奋的) to find a good name. Then he asks us to write our names down on a piece of paper. I think about my English name for a long time. Then I come up with(想出) a beautiful name ---Shirley. All the students write their names down and give the paper to the teacher. When the teacher calls “Shirley” to answer his question, three girls st and up at the same time.

( )31. What do we do in the first English class?

A. Tell the teacher our Chinese names.

B. Find English names for ourselves.

C. See an English film.

D. Draw pictures.

( )32. What does our teacher do first?

A. He asks every student to make a self-introduction.

B. He introduces(介绍) himself to all of us.

C. He asks us many difficult questions

D. He tells us a story.

( )33. What’s the English name of our English teacher?

A. Jack.

B. Shirley

C. John.

D. T om.

( )34. Where do we write down our English names?

A. On the blackboard.

B. On the desk.

C. On our hands.

D. On the paper.

( )35. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The teacher gives every student an English name.

B. Our teacher is a young girl.

C. Three girls choose(选择)the name “Shirley”.

D. The teacher calls our Chinese names in class.


Mr. and Mrs White have a son and two daughters. They have a cat and a big

house. In front of the house there are some trees and two cars. On weekends they

go to the beach. Mr. White works from Tuesday to Friday. Mrs. White works from Tuesday

to Saturday. They are teachers. Their students like them very much. There is a gym

near their house. They often go there to watch soccer games because their son’s

favorite sport is football. Mr. White’s f avorite sport is table tennis. Their

daughters don’t like sports. They like to see movies. Their family are very happy.

( )36. How many people are there in the family?

A. Seven

B. Six


D. Five

( )37. What is in front of their house?

A. Some trees and two cars.

B. A gym.

C. Two cars.

D. Some trees, two cars and a gym.

( )38. Who works on Saturday?

A. Mr. and Mrs. White.

B. Mr. White. C .Mrs. White. D. No one.

( )39. What sport does Mr. and Mrs. White’s son like?

A. I don’t know.

B. Football.

C. Table tennis.

D. Basketball.

( )40. What’s Mr. White’s job?

A. A worker. B . A teacher. C . A manager. D. A doctor.


Every year, people celebrate New Year's Day in Ch ina. It usually comes in January

or February. It’s the most important festiva l in China. We all like it very much.

So before it comes, People clean their houses, put up the new pictures. Parents

always buy new clothes for their children and children also buy presents for their

parents. On that day, people in China often eat jiaozi and New Year’s cake. They

can also eat some other delicious food. On New Year's eve, all the family members

have a big family dinner. They sing, dance and play cards. All the family stay up

late to welcome the new year. They all have a good time. They say "Good Luck" and

"Happy New Year" to each other

( )41. Which is the most important festival in China? .

A. Teachers’ Day

B. New Year's Day

C. Children’s Day

D. May Day

( )42. New Year's Day usually comes in ____ .

A. January or February

B. December or January

C. September or October

D. February or March

( )43. People often eat ______ on that day.

A. mooncakes

B. jiaozi

C. New Year’s cake

D. B and C

( )44. They often put up_____ before New Year's Day.

A. beautiful coats

B. the old pictures

C. some photos

D.the new pictures

( )45. On New Year's eve, Chinese people .

A. have a big family dinner.

B. buy each other presents

C. go to school

D. clean their houses


五、(一) 单词拼写(每小题1分,共5分)。

46. My mother and father are my p______________.

47. Do you like v_________ or meat?

48. She likes broccoli and __________(西红柿) for lunch.

49. Running star Liu Xiang eats lots of h___________ food.

50.I like w______TV very muc h,what about you ?


I have four good __51__. They’re Jennifer, Victor, Cindy and Leila. We are in the _52_ class. So we’re _53__ too. Jennifer swims very well, she wants to join the __54__ club. Then she can swim on __55__or Sundays. Victor wants to join the art club because he is good at __56__. Cindy is a pop music fan. She can _57__a lot of songs. So she wants to join the __58__ club. Leila also wants to join the music club because she __59__ the violin very well. And she wants _60_ a musician when she grows up(长大). I like them.

51 52、 53、 54、 55、

56、 57、 58、 59、 60、


I am a student and I am twelve. Every morning(A)I have a big breakfast at home. I have two eggs, an apple, some bread, milk and vegetables. (B)After that I go to school with my sister.

We have four lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon. Of all the subjects, (C)I like English very much because it is very interesting. Our English teacher lets us practice more Now, I can speakand write in English very well.

(D)Our P. E. lessons are on Tuesday and Thursday.Mr. Wu is our P. E. teacher. He is cool and we like him. He teaches us a sports game. It’s fun. We have a good time.

66. 将画线部分(A)处句子改为否定句。

I a big breakfast at home.

67. 将画线部分(B)处句子翻译成汉语。

68. 写出画线部分(C)处的同义句。

My is English.

69. 对(D)处句子画线部分提问。

your P. E. lessons?

70. 根据短文内容回答问题。

Why do we like Mr. Wu?


根据下表Sally的有关信息,以“My friend Sally”为题写一篇短文(不少于60个单词)。

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________


_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ __________________



2016年第七届泰安市青少年航空、航天模型竞赛 秩 序 册 2016年10月

参赛须知 1、运动员、领队、教练员须凭证件入场;学生家长不得进入比赛场地! 2、各参赛学校在保证安全的前提下务必于10月29日08:20之前按日程安排组织选手入场侯赛。 3、10 月29日08:20由各学校领队、教练组织参赛选手到达指定号位进入现场制作比赛教室准备参加比赛,制作完毕自行清理所属物品,保持教室整洁;制作开始15分钟或场地放飞时检录三次未到者视为自动放弃比赛,参赛选手须服从裁判,如有异议可提出仲裁,但不得干扰比赛秩序,如有违反取消比赛资格;选手场地放飞完毕后须及时在比赛用表签字确定成绩。 4、10月29日08:30比赛开始。 5、领队、教练员及竞赛时间未到的选手在比赛开始后请到龙山中学等候,不得进入制作及比赛场地;参赛选手在参赛项目进行完毕后须立即离开比赛场地,不得逗留!(不听劝阻者,取消参赛资格)。 6、各学校接送选手的大巴车须听从学校统一调度安排;其它社会车辆不得入内! 7、参赛人员须自行购买保险,如有意外情况发生,后果自负,与举办方无关。 8、1号教学楼1-4号教室为A-D项目制作教室,操场北楼为遥控障碍赛比赛场地。 9、校卫生室位置:学校办公楼 10、组委会有权根据实际比赛进度做出适时调整。

2016年泰安市第七届航空、航天模型竞赛日程 10月29日08:00--08:30 各参赛代表队报到,凭证件进场 项目B、项目D 现场制作 1、项目B和项目D同时开始现场制作; 2、项目B制作时间:08:30-09:10,制作教室1-3号; 3、项目D制作时间:08:30-09:30,制作教室4号。 项目B、项目D 放飞比赛 1、09:10-10:10项目B场地放飞,放飞两次,取最长留 空时间,记录成绩; 2、09:30-10:30项目D场地放飞(篮球场),放飞两次, 取最长留空时间,记录成绩; 3、裁判员负责检查项目B器材橡筋,比赛中若发现选手调 换橡筋当场取消其比赛资格。 项目A、项目C 现场制作 1、项目A制作时间:09:20-10:20,制作教室1-2号; 2、项目C制作时间:10:00-10:20,制作教室3号 项目A、项目C 放飞比赛 1、10:20-11:20项目A场地放飞,顺风、逆风各两次, 取顺风、逆风距离最远的有效距离之和,记录成绩; 2、10:30-11:30项目C场地放飞,放飞两次,取其中一 次最高时间,记录成绩 3、裁判员负责检查项目C器材橡筋,比赛中若发现选手调 换橡筋当场取消其比赛资格。 项目E竞赛08:30-11:30在学校操场北楼报告厅进行项目E竞赛,飞行两次,取一次最好成绩记入成绩。 竞赛结束凡进行完竞赛项目的参赛选手须签字确认个人成绩后立即 离场,以免妨碍其他选手进行比赛,避免发生安全隐患事故。


新泰市“3443”高效课堂构建与实施方案 新泰市教学研究室 十八大报告提出了“深化教育领域综合改革”的总体要求,明确了教育改革的攻坚方向和重点举措,对促进教育事业科学发展、努力办好人民满意的教育,具有极为重要的指导意义。实施新课程、深化素质教育、规办学行为,对教师的专业化成长提出了更高要求。课堂教学效益的高低直接关系到教育教学质量的高低,改进课堂教学、提高课堂教学效益成为提升教学质量的突破口。建设高效课堂,除了转变教师传统的教学观念,用新的思想、新的方法、新的手段思考问题、解决问题之外,还必须构建科学的、有效的课堂教学模式,以学科通模规课堂教学流程,帮助教师“入格”;以学科通模为基础,根据学科教学特点和规律,构建“一科一模”,助力教师“合格”;以“一科一模”为模板,教师结合具有个体特点的教学思路,形成具有个性特色的教学风格,实现“一师一格”。为此,在我市多年教学改革的基础上,针对学科、学段特点,我们以目标教学为课堂原型,以学案导学为基础,深入研究“自主学习、合作探究、精讲点拨、巩固检测”的课堂教学流程和有效教学策略,构建“三四四三”高效课堂,以推进我市课堂教学改革深入进行。 一、“3443”高效课堂的实施基础 1、已有的教学经验助推高效课堂建设 自上世纪90年代开始,我市广泛开展目标教学实验,全面实施系列达标课验收活动,目标教学的理念和课堂教学模式为全市课堂教学改革提供了理论基础和操作模板。在目标教学的基础上,自2001年以来,随着新一轮课程改革不断推进的步伐,先后学习、推广了洋思中学“先学后教当堂训练”教学模式,东庐中学“讲学稿”、杜郎口中学“三三六”课堂教学改革经验,借鉴其思想精髓和操作模式,确立了“以学定教,以学为主,以生为本”的教学指导思想,开展了“以学定教学案导学”课堂教学实验与研究,为我市小学、初中

网课见解与反思 安德懋

新思路新方法 让线上教学绽放魅力 新泰市青云中学安德懋 2020年,突如其来的疫情把所有人困在了家里,原本快乐充实的寒假显得沉闷而漫长。对于毕业班来说,无法进校学习,网课和学生居家自我学习显得尤为重要。经过级部和学科组的精心准备,集体备课,共同商讨,班主任组建网络课堂群,我们的线上课终于闪亮登场。 然而,千呼万唤始出来的网络课,刚开始时结果却不尽如人意,问题诸多:网络卡顿;学生兴趣不大、配合度不高;有的学生签个到就跑,有的干脆到也不签了,反正完成作业容易,复制粘贴完成了事…… 一、分析实际情况,掌握工作动向。 之所以会出现以上问题,经过分析,我认为主要原因既有硬件的原因,但主要还是由于学生们感受到的线上教学的学习氛围不浓,注意力容易被分散。过去网络对于学生们来说,更多的是放松娱乐的空间,一下子变成严肃的课堂,很难马上扭转过来。而且毕业班的学生心智迅速成熟,有更多的主见和想法,但是也很容易收到网络的影响。对于网络教学,我还是个门外汉,每个老师都面临转型成“主播”的艰巨任务。但是,我热爱教书育人这份事业,我愿意为之努

力、奉献。我把我的困惑与很多经验丰富,教学能力突出的老教师们交流,也与刚入职不久的新教师共同探讨取经,唯有一个想法,那就是把网课上好! 二、增加师生互动,创建学习氛围 网上教学不管对于老师还是学生来说都是一个全新的课题,不像大家都端坐在教室里,有老师随时引导监督,有同学相互比较带动。如何创建一个浓厚的学习氛围,让学生在电脑前也能把注意力集中到课堂上来,是我深入考虑的第一个重要问题。 我一直认为,教学一定要以学生为主导,必须吸引学生主动参与进来,老师制定的教法应该是学生能接受且喜欢的。线下教学如此,线上教学同样是这个道理。因此,我制定了通过增加师生互动来创建学习氛围的思路。 (一)充分了解学生需求。 增加师生互动,首先就要清楚学生内心的想法,那么,怎样去了解学生的需求,又如何获得他们对课堂的反馈呢?我找到所有任课班级的班主任,请他们邀请我进入学生QQ 群,每次课前我会去QQ群通知上课,课后第一时间又回到这里了解课堂反馈情况,对于课堂参与度高、表现优秀的同学及时表扬。针对学生反馈的感兴趣的内容或是教学手法,我注意在备课中及时体现。从前我就喜欢隐身呆在学生班级QQ群看他们对我这个老师和课堂“评头论足”,现在为了更


听力部分(25分) I. 听句子,根据所听内容选择最佳应答句。句子念两遍。(共5小题,每小题1分)()1. A. I will go swimming. B. They’re white. C. It’s interesting. ()2. A. Beautiful. B. Eighty. C. Newspapers. ()3. A. She likes collecting coins. B. She likes dancing. C. She has ten toy bears. ()4. A. Yes, I do. B. At the age of ten. C. They are mine. ()5. A. He is friendly. B. He collects some stamps. C. He is a teacher. II. 听对话,根据对话内容选择最佳答案。对话念两遍。(共6小题,每小题1分)听第一段对话,回答第6?7小题。 ()6. What does Mary like collecting A. Toy bears. B. Model planes. C. Toy cars. ()7. When did Mary start her hobby A. At the age of 6. B. At the age of 7. C. At the age of 8. 听第二段对话,回答第8?9小题。 ()8. When will the woman leave for New York A. Next Monday. B. Next Wednesday. C. Next Friday. ()9. How will the woman go to Washington, D. C. from New York A. By car. B. By train. C. By plane. 听第三段对话,回答第10?11小题。 ()10. What’s Sarah’s hobby A. Reading. B. Doing sports. C. Watching movies. ()11. What does the boy think of swimming A. It is difficult to learn. B. It is good for his health. C. It is interesting. III.听短文,根据所听内容选择最佳答案。短文念两遍。(共4小题,每小题1分)()12. How old is Hardy A. 11. B. 12. C. 13. ()13 . Where is Hardy from A. Washington. B. Paris. C. Hong Kong.



一、编制依据及施工目标 (一)编制依据 1、总公司《质量手册》、《程序文件》。 2、青云中学办公实验综合楼建施及结施全部图纸及所采用标准设计图集 3、《青云中学综合教学楼、办公实验综合楼岩土工程勘察报告》。 4、工程规划和测量控制文件。 5、工程预算书。 6、工程施工合同。 7 、工程施工规范及标准: 《建筑地基基础工程施工质量验收规范》(GB50202-2011) 《砼结构工程施工质量验收规范》(GB50204-2011) 《回弹法检测砼抗压强度技术规范》(JGJ/T23-2011) 《钢筋焊接及验收规程》(JGJ18-2012) 《非承重阶梯型混凝土保温砌块建筑构造》L11SJ139 《砌体工程施工质量验收规范》(GB50203-2011) 《建筑装饰装修工程质量验收规范》(GB50210-2001) 《建筑地面工程施工质量验收规范》(GB50209-2010) 《民用建筑工程室内环境污染控制规范》(GB50325-2001) 《屋面工程质量验收规范》(GB50207-2012) 《建筑给排水及采暖工程施工质量验收规范》(GB50242-2002) 《建筑电气工程质量验收规范》(GB50303-2002) 《建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准》(GB50300-2013) 《施工现场临时用电安全技术规范》(JGJ46-2005)

《建筑施工扣件式钢管脚手架安全技术规范》(JGJ130-2011) 《建设工程文件归档整理规范》(GB/T50328-2001) 《建设机械使用安全技术规程》(JGJ33-2012) 《砼泵送施工技术规程》(JGJ/T10-2011) 《中小学校设计规范》GB50099-2011 《公共建筑节能设计标准》GB50189-2005 山东省工程建设标准《公共建筑节能设计标准》DBJ14-036-2006 (二)施工目标 质量目标:优良工程 文明工地目标:“省级安全文明工地”; 工期目标:2014年6月1日-2015年4月1日竣工; 安全目标:杜绝死亡、重伤事故、火灾事故和人员中毒等事件的发生,轻伤频率控制在2‰以内。 二、工程概况 (一)基本概况 工程名称:新泰市青云中学办公实验综合楼 建设地点:新泰市东北部,龙池路以东,溧阳路以北。 建设单位:新泰市教育局 设计单位:山东建大建筑规划设计研究院 监理单位:新泰市平阳工程监理责任有限公司 施工单位:新泰市建筑安装工程总公司 工期目标:302日历天 (二)建筑、结构做法特点


深圳初中七年级英语试题 任务型阅读(10分) Do you know London Zoo? London Zoo is the world’s oldest scientific (科学的) zoo. It has a history of about 180 years. London Zoo has about 755 kinds of animals. There are lions, camels, giraffes, snakes, tigers, monkeys and many more. There is also an aquarium(水族馆)in the zoo. It has many kinds of fishes. London Zoo doesn’t open every day. It doesn’t open on December (十二月)25th. So do not go to visit it on that day. The zoo opens at 10 am and closes at 4 pm in winter and 5: 30 pm in spring, summer and autumn. 根据短文内容回答问题 1. How old is London Zoo? _____________________________________________________ 2. How many kinds of animals does London Zoo have? _____________________________________________________ 3. Is there an aquarium in the zoo? _____________________________________________________ 4. Does London Zoo open every day? _____________________________________________________ 5. What time does the zoo open in winter? _____________________________________________________ 六. 短文填空(10分)用方框中词语的适当形式填空, 使短文正确、连贯、通顺,每个词语限用一次 Hello, ___1___! My name is Linda Brown. I’m English. I have two photos here. Look at this picture. It’s a photo of my __2__. I have a very big family, my grandparents, my __3___ , my brother and I. My grandfather and my grandmother are in England. They are old and they don’t __4____ My father, my mother and I __5____ in China. My brother, Frank, is a ___6_____. He works in the USA. This is a photo of my house in___7____. My grandparents live in the house. The house is small, but there is a big garden ____8___it. There are many green __9____ and nice flowers. You can see a black-and-white dog near the house. __10_____ name is Cany. I love it very much. 七。补全对话。(10分)注意标点符号。w w w .xk b 1. c om A.__________1____________________ B.It’s Sunday today. A.Let’s go to the zoo. B._______2_______________ A._________3_____________ B.I like pandas best. A.I don’t see a panda ._____4_______ B.It is very fat (胖)It’s very lovely. A.__________5_________________ B. No,it doesn’t .It eats bamboo.


七年级(下)期末综合测试题(二) 第一卷选择题(50分) I.词汇测试。(5分) 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(共5小题,每小题1分) ()1. — Can you give us some helpful advice on this programme? —Of course. First, this programme is for children, so it must be very lively. A. useful B. patient C. interesting ()2. — Be quiet, everyone. I hope you can discuss this problem after class. —OK, Miss Liu. But can you give us some information about it? A. work out B. talk about C. think of ()3. — It is reported that a UFO appeared in the sky last night. —Oh, really? What a pity! I didn’t see it with my own eyes. A. woke up B. turned down C. showed up ()4. — Why did you buy so many plants for your new flat? —Because they can___________ harmful gases. A. dry up B. take in C. give up ()5. — Did you ___________ the station on time this morning? — No. I got up late and I lost my mobile phone on the way. A. arrive at B. look for C. take away II.完形填空。(15分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。(共10小题,每小题1.5分) One night in December 2011, a bear came into the City of Vancouver in Canada. It walked through the city streets. Then it found some 6 in some boxes outside a restaurant and started eating. The police 7 soon with a vet (兽医)from the city zoo. They put the bear in a truck and 8 it to the mountains outside the city. In Vancouver, it is 9 to see a bear, but in some other cities, you can see big animals in the city streets every day. Big animals usually come into cities to 10 food. In Cape Town, South Africa, baboons (狒狒)come into the city when they are 11. They go into gardens and eat fruit from trees. They go into 12 and take food from fridges! Baboons are strong animals so people are 13 of them. But the city can be dangerous for baboons too. Sometimes, cars and buses can 14 baboons in accidents. Human food is also very bad for the ba boons’ 15 because it has a lot of sugar. Now, there are baboon monitors working in Cape Town. Their job is to find baboons in the city and return them to the countryside. ()6. A. energy B. space C. food ()7. A. came B. left C. fought ()8. A. added B. took C. connected ()9. A. unusual B. different C. usual ()10. A. give out B. return to C. look for


泰安市2017年市级中小学文明校园公示根据《泰安市教育局泰安市文明办关于开展中小学文明校园创建活动的实施意见》(泰教发〔2016〕31号)和《关于做好2017年市级中小学文明校园认定工作的通知》(泰教函(2017)22号)精神,经学校申报、县市区推荐、市级认定,拟确定泰安市第一实验学校等79所学校为2017年泰安市市级中小学文明校园,现予以公示。 公示期为2017年6月30日—2017年7月4日。如有异议,请向市教育局反映。电话:6991354、6991334,邮箱:。 泰安市教育局 2017年6月30日泰安市2017年市级中小学文明校园名单泰安市第一实验学校 泰安六中 泰安东岳中学 泰山区上高街道办事处上高中学 泰山区岱庙办事处三友小学 泰山区泰前办事处岱道庵小学 泰山区财源办事处仓库路学校 泰山实验中学 岱岳区岳峰小学 泰安英雄山中学

岱岳区实验中学 泰安四中 岱岳区道朗一中 岱岳区范镇一中 岱岳区新城实验学校岱岳区实验小学 岱岳区满庄一中 新泰市第一实验小学新泰市平阳小学 新泰市新汶实验学校新泰市协庄学校 山东省新泰市第一中学新泰市新汶中学 新泰市汶城实验小学新泰市福田学校 新泰市小协镇初级中学新泰市金斗中学 新泰市泉沟镇初级中学新泰市翟镇初级中学新泰市向阳实验学校新泰市东都镇中心小学

新泰市青云中学 新泰市新汶街道良庄实验小学新泰市汶城中学 泰安市理工中等专业学校 肥城市桃园镇初级中学 肥城市潮泉镇中心小学 肥城市仪阳街道中心小学 肥城市王庄镇初级中学 肥城市龙山小学 肥城市实验小学 肥城市石横镇初级中学 肥城市安庄镇中心小学 肥城市汶阳镇初级中学 肥城市孙伯镇初级中学 肥城市王瓜店街道蒋庄社区学校宁阳复圣中学 宁阳第三小学 宁阳第二实验中学 宁阳实验小学 宁阳一中 宁阳四中


1804卓越·财富广场-项目介绍 卓越·财富广场 缘起新泰,需要一座新的商业地标! 山东省-泰安新泰,是鲁中地区的中心城市之一,面积1946平方公里,人口接近142万;交通便捷、工业发达,是省10大现代化城市建设试点之一,并多年蝉联全国百强县;2017年12月,当选中国工业百强县,GDP产值位列泰安市第一、人均收入全市第三,居民消费水平稳步增长。 新泰经济的持续繁荣和城市的高速发展,需要一座全新、时尚、接轨潮流的商业项目来匹配。这是城市发展的需要,也是居民消费水平的需要;卓越·财富广场由此应运而生。

相信卓越·财富广场的崛起,不仅是新泰市的又一城市级发展力作,而且将深刻的影响城市的发展格局,并高效提升市民消费水平,升级城市生活结构,进一步引领新泰接轨主流城市发展脉动。 背景【卓越·财富广场】是新泰市政府重点招商引资的大型商业地产项目。旨在以接轨国际的城市发展视野、借鉴一线城市发展优势,打造符合新泰市场和气质、引领区域潮流的繁华商业地标,树立全新蓬勃的城市形象。 本项目由深圳龙腾炎盛实业有限公司倾情投资,是泰安市卓越置业投资有限公司品质开发的新泰城市代表作;建筑设计由杭州设计院规划、由山东知名商业地产全产业链服务商——青岛同策筑城商业管理有限公司提供综合服务。等新泰地标级项目。 目前,项目总投资已达3.5亿元人民币,并获得政府大力政策支持和鼓励,项目整体资金实力雄厚、建筑设计和商业规划统一定位、专业策划,业内外多方合作商、服务商鼎立协作、强强联合,为项目成功开发、繁华运营全程保驾护航。 前景新泰【卓越·财富广场】位于东周路和榆山路交汇处西南。占据城市向北发展大势的桥头堡位置,同时扼守新泰重点打造的滨湖新区门户位置。地理、地段优势得天独厚。 首先,从城市格局来看,城市向北发展是新泰整体发展大势,本案位置正处向北推进第一站,也是区域蓬勃崛起和发展的首选位置,对商业项目而言,这意

2019学年度深圳市初中英语七年级下 期末测试题

七年级(下)期末测试题 笔试部分(85分) 第一卷选择题(60分) I.词汇测试。(15分) i)从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。(共8小题,每小题1分) ()1. — This book will be helpful for you to learn Maths. —Thank you for your advice. A. friendly B. useful C. foolish ()2. — Linda, would you like to go swimming with me after school? —I’d love to, but I have to finish my homework first. A. complete B. take C. leave ()3. — When I lost my way in the new place, an old lady appeared and helped me. —How lucky you were! A. looked up B. put up C. turned up ()4. — Did you discuss the plan with your parents yesterday evening? —Oh, my God! I forgot. A. listen to B. make up C. talk about ()5. —We’d better arrive at the hotel before 10. — Why? The meeting will begin at 10:40. A. add to B. get to C. reply to ()6. — Sanya is famous for its beautiful beaches and good weather. —That’s true. I will take a trip there with my friends next month. A. known for B. good at C. important to ()7. — Switch off the TV if you don’t watch it. —OK, Mom. A. Get off B. Turn off C. Take off ()8. —Why didn’t Lisa come to work yesterday? —Her son was ill and she had to take care of him at home. A. take in B. wake up C. look after ii)根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词语完成句子。(共7小题,每小题1分) ()9. If someone is __________, he or she is not unusual in any way.


2018-2019,学年度,深圳市,初中,英语,七年级,下,语法填空专项训练 (一) 根据句子意思,用所给单.词的适当形式填空,未提供单词的根据上下文填入适当的词。 A When I was 5, my family moved to America. I grew up there (1) ___________ made some friends but I always lost them soon. I never really knew the meaning of true friends until I (2) ___________ (meet) her. It was a summer day, just a few weeks before school started. I felt (3) ___________ (bore), looking out of the window when I saw someone (4) ___________ (play) outside. I ran quickly to her and said hello. From that day on, we always played around the houses. I liked telling (5) (she) about everything. I felt so good (6) ___________ (have) such a good friend. A year later, we became closer. As days went by, it was time (7) ___________ me to go back to my country, but I never wanted to leave my best friend! The day came and I left. I was happy to see my country but I still felt so sad (8) ___________ I had to leave my best friend. I was unhappy for (9) ___________ (month) and then remembered her words, “Hey, don’t be sad or cry because if I were with you, I wouldn’t want you (10) ___________ (be) like that.” They cheer me up to this day! B Sometimes you may have such an experience like me. That was really fun. One day when I went to have lunch, I saw (1) ___________ old man sitting on a park bench, crying. I (2) ___________ (stop) and asked what was wrong with him. “I have a good wife at home,” he told me. “She wakes me up every morning and then (3) ___________ (make) breakfast for me.” I got (4) ___________ (surprise). “Well, that sounds wonderful. Then why are you crying?” “For lunch, she cooks delicious (5)___________ (dish) for me,” the old man went on. “And my favourite pies too. She always cleans the house (6) ___________ then watches sports matc hes on TV with me in the afternoon.”


六年级语文期中模拟试卷 (时间:120分钟分值:150分) 第Ⅰ卷(选择题共48分) 一、 (18分,每小题3分) 1、下列句子中加点字字音或字形有误得一项就是( ) A、我婆娑.(suó)起舞,芳草为我鼓掌。我总就是仰望高空,对光明心驰神往 ....。 B、在天安门前璀璨 ..得华灯下,我又想起这位亲爱得战友来。 C、不少敌人坠.(zhuì)落山间,粉身碎骨。 D、那虎视眈眈 ..(dān)得老师瞧出了破绽。 2、下列句中加点得成语使用不当得就是( ) A、这里瞧不到任何东西,与前几天令人毛骨悚然 ....得单调没有任何区别。 B、这篇文章错别字很多,用语无伦次 ....来评价它就是再恰当不过了。 C、杜牧对项羽投江自杀不以为然,认为她还可能卷土重来 ....。 D、七十多岁得竺可桢,仍然孜孜不倦 ....地进行科学研究。 3、下列句子没有语病得一项就是( ) A.在上下五千年得沧桑岁月中,荆楚大地上叱咤风云得政治家、博学睿智得科学家不断涌现。 B.这朴素得话语多么深刻地蕴含着人生哲理啊! C.家庭教育得实质就是爱得教育,父母爱孩子得方式决定着家庭教育得成功。 D.由于她良好得心理素质与优异得表现,赢得了评委得一致好评。 4、下列句子中加点词语解释有误得一项就是( ) A、九曲黄河万里沙,浪淘风簸.(吹荡)自天涯。 B、千里莺啼绿映红,水村山郭.(外城)酒旗风。 C、野旷.(空旷)天低树,江清月近人。 D、及小白立,为.(被)桓公。 5、下列句子中标点符号错误得一项就是( ) A、花儿为什么这样红?人们一边赞叹,一边不免提出疑问,寻求科学得解释。 B、古人说:“见怪不怪,其怪自败。”沙漠里得一切奇怪现象,其实都就是可以用科学得道理来说明得。 C、《泥人张》节选自《俗世奇人》。(作家出版社2000年版) D、在我得身旁还有阳光照着——虽然炙热,但光线已经很暗淡了。 6、下列说法有误得一项就是( ) A、老舍,原名舒庆春,字舍予,我国现代著名得作家,代表作品有小说《四世同堂》、《骆驼祥子》等,剧本《茶馆》《龙须沟》等。 B、纪伯伦,被称为“艺术天才”、“黎巴嫩文坛骄子”,就是阿拉伯文学得主要奠基人,20世纪阿拉伯新文学道路得开拓者之一。其主要作品有《泪与笑》《先知》《沙与沫》等,蕴含了丰富得社会性与东方精神,不以情节为重,旨在抒发丰富得情感。 C、苏轼,字子瞻,又字与仲,号铁冠道人、东坡居士,世称苏东坡、苏仙。北宋文学家、诗人、画家。 D、人总就是要交朋友得。自古以来,对交什么性质得朋友,都有明确得称呼,如:打破年龄、辈份得差异而结为好朋友称作莫逆之交;彼此心意相通,无所违逆得朋友叫做忘年交。 二、 (12分,每小题3分) ①今年得丁香花似乎开得格外茂盛,城里城外,都就是一样。城里街旁,尘土纷嚣之间,


初一年级英语试卷 第Ⅱ卷笔试部分(共85分) I.选择填空: (30小题, 每小题1分,共30分) ( B ) 16. He is ____ honest boy and always goes to school ____ time. A. a; on B. an; on C. a; to D. an; to (A ) 17. Amy will be back ____ 20 minutes, but Ann will return ____ about one o’clock. A. in; at B. after; in C. for; at D. about; on ( ) 18. You had better not ____ before the bus stops. ____ you may have an accident. A. get off; So B. get off; Or else C. to get off; But D. getting off; And ( ) 19. ____ you ____ playing computer games? A. Are; interested at B. Do; interested in C. Do; keen on D. Are; interested in ( ) 20.Lily will call you ____. A.in an hour B. an hour ago C. tomorrow D. both A and C ( ) 21. Tom sits ____ the classroom and the teacher’s desk is ____ his. A. in front of; in front of B. in the front of; in the front of C. in front of; in the front of D. in the front of; in front of ( ) 23.My father heard ____ his friend in America ____ morning. A. from; this B. from; tomorrow C. for; this D. for; tomorrow ( ) 24. ____ straight on and you’ll see the post office. You won’t miss it. A.Go B. Going C. If you go D. When going ( ) 25. Eric often ____ lunch in his company, ____ he had lunch at home yesterday. A. had; then B. has; and C. had; so D. has; but ( ) 26. He likes to ____ with his classmates in English ____ home. A. speak; in the way B. talk; in this way C. speak; by the way D. talk; on the way ( ) 27. – Captain King wants to carry out the plan ____, so don’t tell anybody about it. – OK. I’ll tell ____. A. secret; somebody B. secret; anybody C. secretly; some one D. secretly; nobody ( ) 28. – Can we live ____ a comet one day in the future? – Maybe. But it will ____ a long time to make the dream come true. A. in; spend B. on; spend C. on; take D. in; take ( ) 29. The new SONY laptop ____ me over 5,000 yuan. A. spent B. cost C. took D. paid ( ) 30. There are ____ boys in our school. A. six hundred B. six hundreds C. six hundreds of D. hundred of ( ) 31. – Did you ____ your umbrella? – Not yet. I’m still ____ it. A. find; looking for B. find; finding C. look for; finding D. look for; looking for ( ) 32. Jack likes playing ____ football very much and there will be ____ football match between his class and Jim’s class next Monday. A. a; a B. /; a C. the; the D. the; a ( ) 33. – ____ does this letter come from? – A girl ____ Alice.


语法填空专项训练(一) 根据句子意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空,未提供单词的根据上下文填入适当的词。A There are many festivals in China. We celebrate (庆祝)different festivals (1)______ different ways. Mid-Autumn Festival is a time for (2) ______ (family) to get together. On that evening, (3) ______ Moon is round and bright. Family members get home at this festival (4) ______ they eat mooncakes in the open air. They also enjoy (5) ______ (stay) and talking with each other. Dragon Boat Festival is on the 5th day of the 5th lunar (农历)month. There (6) ______ (be) boat races (竞赛)in rivers and lakes in many places of China. Every boat just (7) ______ (look) like a dragon on the water. Qing Ming Festival is a day for people (8) ______ (remember) their dead relatives. It is often a (9) ______ (rain) day. People often go to the graves (坟墓)and put food and flowers there. Chong Yang Festival is a festival for old people. At this festival, people go home for the old. They give old people presents and best wishes. It’s also a time for (10) ______ (climb). B Your junior high school years are coming to (1) ______ end. After the big exam, most of you will go to a senior high school soon. (2) ______ are you expecting (期待)from senior high school? Every student (3) ______ (have) different ideas. Let’s see the plans some students are going (4) ______ (take) for the future. Zhou Jie, 15, from Shanghai: I have heard that although (尽管)student in senior high school are busy with their lessons, I hope there will be time (5) ______ (enjoy) sports, especially (尤其)tennis. There (6) ______ (be) a chess match in Shanghai and I’m going to help out and I’m sure I’ll (7) ______ (real) enjoy it. Jin Li, 16, from Harbin: 1 really enjoy science. I’m crazy about (8) ______ (make) model planes, although Tm not good (9) ______ it. I’ll learn more science in senior high school. Wang Ya, 15, from Xiamen: Becoming a tall man is always one of my (10) ______ (dream), so I hope I can be taller in senior high school. C Clothes are important in our life. Different people wear different clothes. Now let’s listen to some (1) ______ (people) ideas. My name is Tina. I (2) ______ (start) working this year, so Tm able to get new clothes more

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