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匹配题 题目和答案

匹配题 题目和答案
匹配题 题目和答案


After reading the following(task31~task40), you are required to find the items equivalent to (与…相同) those given in Chinese in the table below. Then you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets.


A List of Words Used in The Post Office


B.mail box

C.urgent letter


E.claim a parcel


G.money order



J.identity card


Example: ( K)粘贴

Task 32

Expressions in A company








H.managing director





Example: ( K ) 出口


A List of Sign Language

A.No Turn

B.On Sale Or Return

C.Please Shut the Door after You

D.Protect Public Property

E.Replace the Newspapers after Reading

F.Round-the-clock Business

G.Seat by Number

H.See to the Fire

I.Shooting Prohibited

J.Stand Clear of the Power Line

K.Ticket Good Only on the Day of Issue

L.Turn Off the Light before You Leave

M.Wet Paint

N.No Parking

O.Drive Slowly

P.Photographs: Please Don’t Bend

Q.Children and Women First

R.For Use Only in Case of Fire

S.Handle with Care

T.Keep Away form Fire

U.Keep Silence

V.Line Up for Tickets

Examples: (K) 当日有效 (J) 高压电线,请勿靠近


A List of Information for Tourist (At Your Service)

https://www.doczj.com/doc/39751284.html,rmation center

B.First aid

C.May remain in wheel chair

D.Parking lot assistance

E.ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) locations

F.Baby care center

G.Parade route


I.Services for guests with disabilities

J.“Photo spot”

K.Lost and found

L.Assisted-listening device available

M.Guided tours

N.Vegetarian selection

O.Foreign currency

P.Credit cards

Example: (G) 游览路线 (H) 物品存放处


A List of College Courses

A.Business Management

B.Marketing Management

C.International Business Law

D.Management Information Systems

E.Financial Management

F.The World Environment and International Business

G.Managerial Economics and Decision Models

H.Operations Management

I.Human Resource Management

J.Managerial Accounting

K.Economic Law

L.Currency Banking Science

M.Practical International Trade

N.Equipment Management

O.Western Economics

Example: ( H ) 生产管理 (O) 西方经济学

Task 36

Expressions Used at Customs








H.leather bag




Example: ( K )军火

Task 37.

Expressions for Hotel Service


B.Room Service

C.Check-in Counter

D.Recreation Facilities

E.Check-out Counter

F.Booking Office

https://www.doczj.com/doc/39751284.html,undry Service

H.Morning Call

I.Banking Service



L.Medical Care



Example: ( M ) 电信服务 (N) 保管业务

Task 38

A list of Shipment




D.Original Receive Charge

E.Yard Surcharges

F.Terminal Handling Charges

G.Delivered Duty Paid

H.Delivered Duty Unpaid

I.Peak Season Surcharges

J.Letter of Credit

K.Ocean Freight

Example:( C ) 运费

Task 39

A List of Contract of Employment


B.the term of service




F.engaged party

G.engaging party



J.monthly salary

K.legal holidays

Example: ( I ) 确定

Task 40

A List of Contract



C.sales contract



F.unit price


H.total value

I.port of shipment

J.port of destination


L.terms of payment

Example: ( A )卖方

Task31 1. AB 2. JH 3. GF 4. CE 5. DI Task 32 1. BE 2. IA 3. FC 4. HJ 5. GL Task33 1. SN 2. GP 3. FA 4. VC 5. MD Task34 1. LO 2. FI 3. MK 4. ED 5. BJ Task35 1. FI 2. AD 3. EN 4. JB 5. CG Task 36 1. AG 2. BJ 3. CE 4. DH 5. IF Task 37 1. CD 2. FI 3. HL 4. GB 5. JE Task 38 1. KF 2. JE 3. AH 4. BD 5. GI Task 39 1. AB 2. FC 3. GH 4. JE 5. KD Task 40 1. BD 2. JG 3. KI 4. HL 5. FE


六年级数学应用题大全(含答案) 六年级数学应用题1 一、分数的应用题 1、一缸水,用去1/2和5桶,还剩30%,这缸水有多少桶? 2、一根钢管长10米,第一次截去它的7/10,第二次又截去余下的1/3,还剩多少米? 3、修筑一条公路,完成了全长的2/3后,离中点16.5千米,这条公路全长多少千米? 4、师徒两人合做一批零件,徒弟做了总数的2/7,比师傅少做21个,这批零件有多少个? 5、仓库里有一批化肥,第一次取出总数的2/5,第二次取出总数的1/3少12袋,这时仓库里还剩24袋,两次共取出多少袋? 6、甲乙两地相距1152千米,一列客车和一列货车同时从两地对开,货车每小时行72千米,比客车快 2/7,两车经过多少小时相遇? 7、一件上衣比一条裤子贵160元,其中裤子的价格是上衣的3/5,一条裤子多少元?

9、学校要挖一条长80米的下水道,第一天挖了全长的1/4,第二天挖了全长的1/2,两天共挖了多少米?还剩下多少米? 六年级数学应用题2 二、比的应用题 1、一个长方形的周长是24厘米,长与宽的比是 2:1 ,这个长方形的面积是多少平方厘米? 2、一个长方体棱长总和为 96 厘米,长、宽、高的比是3∶2 ∶1 ,这个长方体的体积是多少? 3、一个长方体棱长总和为 96 厘米,高为4厘米,长与宽的比是 3 ∶2 ,这个长方体的体积是多少? 4、某校参加电脑兴趣小组的有42人,其中男、女生人数的比是4 ∶3,男生有多少人? 5、有两筐水果,甲筐水果重32千克,从乙筐取出20%后,甲乙两筐水果的重量比是4:3,原来两筐水果共有多少千克? 6、做一个600克豆沙包,需要面粉红豆和糖的比是3:2:1,面粉红豆和糖各需多少克?


长篇阅读——匹配题 Directions: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2. Passage 1 Paper —More than Meets the Eye A) We are surrounded by so much paper and card that it is easy to forget just how complex it is. There are many varieties and grades of paper materials, and whilst it is fairly easy to spot the varieties, it is far more difficult to spot the grades. B) It needs to be understood that most paper and card is manufactured for a specific purpose, so that whilst the corn-flake packet may look smart, it is clearly not something destined for the archives. It is made to look good, but only needs a limited life span. It is also much cheaper to manufacture than high grade card. C) Paper can be made from an almost endless variety of cellulose(纤维素化合物)-based material which will include many woods, cottons and grasses of which papyrus is an example and from where we get the word "paper". Many of these are very specialized, but the preponderance of paper making has been from soft wood and cotton or rags, with the bulk being wood-based. Paper from Wood D) In order to make wood into paper it needs to be broken down into fine strands. Firstly by powerful machinery and then boiled with strong alkalies(碱) such as caustic soda, until a fine pulp of cellulose fibers is produced. It is from this pulp that the final product is made, relying on the bonding together of the cellulose into layers. That, in a very small nutshell, is the essence of paper making from wood. However, the reality is rather more complicated. In order to give us our white paper and card, the makers will add bleach and other materials such as china clay and additional chemicals. E) A further problem with wood is that it contains a material that is not cellulose. Something called lignin. This is essential for the tree since it holds the cellulose fibres together, but if it is incorporated into the manufactured paper it presents archivists with a problem. Lignin eventually breaks down and releases acid products into the paper. This will weaken the bond between the cellulose fibers and the paper will become brittle and look rather brown and careworn. We have all seen this in old newspapers and cheap paperback books. It has been estimated that most paperback books will have a life of no greater than fifty years, not what we need for our archives. F) Since the lignin can be removed from the paper pulp during manufacture, the obvious question is "why is it left in the paper". The answer lies in the fact that lignin makes up a considerable part of the tree. By leaving the lignin in the pulp a papermaker can increase his paper yield from a tree to some 95%. Removing it means a yield of only 35%. It is clearly uneconomic to remove the lignin for many paper and card applications. It also means, of course, that lignin-free paper is going to be more expensive. G) However, it is nevertheless what the archivist must look for in his supplies. There is no point whatsoever in carefully placing our valuable artifacts in paper or card that is going to hasten their demise. Acid is particularly harmful to photographic materials, causing them to fade and in some cases simply vanish! H) So, how do we tell a piece of suitable paper or card from one that is unsuitable? You cannot do it by simply looking, and rather disappointingly, you cannot always rely on the label. "Acid-free" might be true inasmuch as a test on the paper may indicate that it is a neutral material at this time. But lignin can take years before it starts the inevitable process of breaking down, and in the right conditions it will speed up enormously. I) Added to this, as I have indicated earlier, paper may also contain other materials added during manufacture such as bleach, china clay, chemical whiteners and size. This looks like a bleak picture, and it would be but for the fact that there are suppliers who will guarantee the material that they sell. If you want to be absolutely sure that you are storing in, or printing on, the correct material then this is probably the only way. J) Incidentally, acids can migrate from material to material. Lining old shoe boxes with good quality acid-free paper will do little to guard the contents. The acid will get there in the end. Paper from Rag K) Paper is also commonly made from cotton and rag waste. This has the advantage of being lignin-free, but because there is much less cotton and rag than trees, it also tends to be much more expensive than wood pulp paper. You will still need to purchase from a reliable source though, since even rag paper and card can contain undesirable additives. L) A reliable source for quality rag papers is a recognized art stockiest. Many water color artists insist on using only


配套问题 配套问题的数量关系是:若甲 : 乙 =m:n ,则有 m 乙n甲 例1:(课本 P100 例 1) 例 2:某车间有工人 85 人,平均每人每天可加工大齿轮 16 个或小齿轮个大齿 轮和三个小齿轮配套一套,问应如何安排劳力使生产的产品刚好成套 10 人,又知二 解:设安排x 个人生产大齿轮,安排(85x)个人生产小齿轮 依题意,有16x 10(85 x) ,解得 x 25 23 答:安排 25 个人生产大齿轮,安排60 个人生产小齿轮 题1:(课本 P101 练习题 1) 题2:(课本 P106 习题题 2) 题3:(课本 P106 习题题 3) 题 1 :用铝片做听装饮料瓶,每张铝片可制瓶身16 个或制瓶底43 个,一个瓶身与两个瓶 底配成一套,现有150 张铝片,用多少张制瓶身多少张制瓶底可以正好制成配套的饮料瓶 题 2 车间有 26 名工人生产零件甲和零件乙,每人每天平均生产零件甲 120 个或零件乙个,为 使零件甲和零件乙按 3:2 配套,则需分配多少工人生产零件甲多少工人生产零件乙 180 题 3、某车间88 名工人生产螺钉和螺母,每人每天平均生产螺钉120 个或螺母200 个,一个螺钉要配两个螺母,为了使每天的产品刚好配套,一个螺钉要配两个螺母,为了使每天的产品刚好配套,应该分配多少名工人生产螺钉,多少名工人生产螺母 题 4某车间有62 名工人,生产甲、乙两种零件,每人每天平均能生产甲种零件12 个或乙种零件 23 个,应分配多少人生产甲种零件,多少人生产乙种零件才能使每天生产的甲种零 件和乙种零件刚好配套( 3 个甲种零件和 2 个乙种零件配成一套) 题 5 某服装厂车间有工人54 人,每人每天可加工上衣8 件或裤子10 条,应怎样合理分配人数,才能使每天生产的上衣和裤子配套 题 6 某车间 60 名工人生产螺栓和螺帽,平均每人每小时能生产螺栓 15 个或螺帽分配多少名工人生产螺栓,多少名工人生产螺帽,才能使生产的螺栓和螺帽刚好配套螺栓配两个螺帽)10 个应该 (每个


大学英语六级阅读段落匹配真题及答案 因考试政策、内容不断变化与调整,下面给大家整理的大学阅读理解真题供参考,以下是小编给大家整理的大学英语六级阅读段落匹配真题及答案,希望可以帮到大家 Section A Directions:In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2. Countries Rush for Upper Hand in Antarctica A) On a glacier-filled island with fjords(峡湾)and elephant seals, Russia has built Antarctica’s first Orthodox church on a bill overlooking its research base. Less than an hour away by snowmobile. Chinese laborers have updated the Great Wall Station, a vital part of China’s plan to operate five basses on Antarctica, complete with an indoor badminton court and sleeping quarters for 150 people. Not to be outdone, India’s futuristic new Bharathi base, built on stills(桩子)using 134 interlocking shipping containers, resembles a spaceship. Turkey and Iran have announced plans to build bases, too. B) More than a century has passed since explorers raced to plant their flags at the bottom of the world, and for decades to come this continent is supposed to be protected as a scientific preserve, shielded from intrusions like military activities and mining . But an array of countries are rushing to assert greater influence here, with an eye not just towards the day those protective treaties expire, but also for the strategic and commercial that already exist.


精品文档 1.一家游泳馆每年6~8月出售夏季会员证,每张会员证80元,只限本人使用,凭证购入场券每张1元,不凭证购入场券每张3元: ⑴什么情况下,购会员证与不购会员证付一样的钱? ⑵什么情况下,购会员证比不购会员证更合算? ⑶什么情况下,不够会员证比购会员证更合算? 注意:解题过程完整,分步骤,能用方程解的用方程解 80+X=3x 80=2X X=40 X=40,购会员证与不购会员证付一样的钱 X>40购会员证比不购会员证更合算 X<40不够会员证比购会员证更合算 2.下列是3家公司的广告: 甲公司:招聘1人,年薪3万,一年后,每年加薪2000元 乙公司:招聘1人,半年薪1万,半年后按每半年20%递增. 丙公司:招聘1人,月薪2000元,一年后每月加薪100元 你如果应聘,打算选择哪家公司?(合同期为2年) 甲:3+3.2=6.2万 乙:1+1.2+1.2*1.2+1.2*1.2*1.2=1+1.2+1.44+1.728=5.368万 丙:0.2*24+0.01+0.02+0.03+0.04+……0.12=4.8+0.78=5.58万 甲工资最高,去甲 3.某风景区集体门票的收费标准是:20人以内(含20人)。每人25元,超过20人的,超过的部分每人10元,某班51名学生该风景区浏览,购买门票要话多少钱? 20*25+(51-20)*10=810(元) 4.某公司推销某种产品,付给推销员每月的工资有两种方案: 方案一:不计推销多少都有600元底薪,每推销一件产品加付推销费2元; 方案二:不付底薪,每推销一件产品,付给推销费5元; 若小明一个月推销产品300件,那么他应选择哪一种工资方案比较合算?为什么? 方案一:600+2×300=1200(元) 方案二:300×5=1500(元) 所以方案二合算。 5.某商店在某一时间以每件60元的价格卖出两件衣服,其中一件盈利25%,另一件亏损25%,卖出这两件衣服总的是盈利还是亏损,或是不盈不亏? 设其中一件衣服原价是X无,另一件是Y元,那么 X(1+25%)=60,得X=40 Y(1-25%)=60,得Y=80 总的情况是售价-原价,40+80-60*2=0


英语四级长篇阅读段落信息匹配题练习及答案解析(2) Section B Directions:In this section,you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it.Each smtement contains information given in one of the paragraphs.1ndentify the paragraph from which the information is derived.You may choose a paragraph more than once.Each paragraph is marked with a letter.Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2. Creative Book Report Ideas A.Are you at a loss for creative book report ideas for your students?If yes.then this article will help you make reading and reviewing books more creative for your class.In an age of PSPs,Xbox,anime and gaming arcades,reading has lost its foothold in the list of hobbies that children tend to cite. Most of the reading that kids do today,comes in the form of compulsory books that they need to read for school and maybe that is the reason they find reading to be an insurmountable and boring task.If you want to inculcate the love for languages and literary masterpieces in your students and want them to devour books everyone should read,then a good way of going about the same would be to get them to start working on creative book report ideas.While working on creative ideas for book reports,your students will have to understand the book in a way that allows them to come up with new ways to present to the class,the essence of the book. B.As a teachel while egging your students to activate their creative gray cells.you will have to help them out with basic ideas that they can work on.Depending on the age bracket that your students belong to,the creative book report ideas will vary.This is so,not just because of the varying attention spans that children of various age groups posses but also because of the amount of work that kids can put into the report.While a middle school student wiIl be comfortable handling a handy cam,a student from elementary school will be more fascinated if he is working with paints and puppets.So do you want to know how to write a book report creatively?In this article.we will list out for you,a couple of good creative book report ideas for elementary students and for middle school students. C.A book report sandwich is a good creative idea for book reports.As a teacher you can get drawings of a sandwich on sheets of Paper that are of the color of the ingredients of your sandwich,for example,a cream sheet of paper to resemble mayonnaise,red to represent tomato and likewise.Ob. viously,each ingredient should be cut in a way that when assembled together,it looks like a sandwich.Now,give each of your students one of these book sandwiches to create their book report. It can start with the name of the book and the author’s name on the top slice of the sandwich.The second ingredient can have the summary of the book on it.Each subsequent ingredient can have a description of the main characters,the setting of the book,the plot,and then his or her views about the book.Once they are done with their book reports,they can staple the book sandwich together and then,you can create a class bulletin board with all the book report sandwiches on display. D.One of the good techniques to retell a story,it is also one of the favorite creative book report ideas among students.The job that the student will have is to read the book and then pick a few objects at his/her home which will allow him/her to retell the story in a way that makes it interesting for his/ her audience.Every time he/she picks out an object from the bag to report the book he/she has read,there has to be a valid connection between the book and the object,which the student can first ask the audience to guess and then go ahead and explain it.This idea is spin —off on the normal show and tells and allows for an interactive book report session. E.This is one of the creative ideas for book reports in which.as the teacher, you will have to divideyour class into groups and give them one book each.The students can then read the book


英语四、六级段落信息匹配题 一、英语四级段落信息匹配题是什么? 长篇阅读理解篇章后附有10个句子,每句一题。每句所含的信息出自篇章的某一段落,要求考生找出与每句所含信息相匹配的段落。有的段落可能对应两题,有的段落可能不对应任何一题。四级考试需要各位同学做的是,大家需要去看十个左右的段落,然后去匹配十个信息点。但是到六级当中,我们的难度就要增加了,我们见到的情况是六级当中变成了15个段落,去匹配十个信息点。但总体来看,不管题型怎么变,其实学习方法没变,还是仍旧需要大家提高阅读的能力,比如说读文章的时候,是不是直接拿英语读,如果读快速阅读的时候,还是拿中文边翻译边读的话,会发现阅读速度一直会比较慢,所以那么长的文章很难找到细节,所以大家一定要养成拿英语直接阅读的这样一种习惯,这样才能保证我们的阅读速度又快又准。 二、信息匹配题难点分析 1. 考生难以按照阅读题一贯遵循的“顺序原则”解题。由于这一题型要求考生把细节信息与其所在的段落进行匹配,因此细节信息的排列绝对是“乱序的”,这就意味着考生从文章开头到结尾按顺序定位的方法是行不通的。

2. 题干信息复杂,考生难以迅速抓住要领。题干中的细节信息通常是极复杂和繁琐的名词短语或长难句,考生往往在寻找到合适的定位词之前,就已经被题干信息的复杂表述弄得晕头转向了。 3. 考生难以寻找到合适的定位词。即使考生能够读懂题干中晦涩难懂的细节信息,但也会在寻找定位词时遇到很大障碍。因为题干提供的细节信息中往往不会出现非常明显的定位词(如数字、时间、地点、人物、特殊字体和特殊符号等)。即使考生能够找到一个定位词,这一定位词也

通常和文章主题密切相关,会在文章中多次出现,因而也没有太大的意义。 三、匹配题出题特点及应试技巧 匹配类题型有很多种,常见的种类有:1)人名-观点匹配;2).地名-描述匹配;3)句子-句子匹配;4)分类题(Classification);5)段落-标题匹配;6段落-细节匹配。其中前四种做题方法比较类似,而后两种相对较复杂。这里将阐述前四种题型的做题方法。 1. 扭转做题思维


六年级数学应用题大全 六年级数学应用题1 一、分数的应用题 1、 一缸水,用去12 和5桶,还剩30%,这缸水有多少桶? 5÷(12 -30%)=5÷0.2=25(桶) 2、 一根钢管长10M ,第一次截去它的710 ,第二次又截去余下的13 ,还剩多少M ? 10×(1-710 )×(1-13 )=10×310 ×23 =2(M ) 3、 修筑一条公路,完成了全长的23 后,离中点16.5千M ,这条公路全长多少千M ? 16.5÷(23 -12 )=99(千M ) 4、 师徒两人合做一批零件,徒弟做了总数的27 ,比师傅少做21个,这批零件有多少个? 21÷(1-27 -27 )=49(个) 5、仓库里有一批化肥,第一次取出总数的25 ,第二次取出总数的13 少12袋,这时仓库里还剩24袋,两次共取出多少袋? 解:设两次共取出x 袋 25 x +(13 x -12)+24=x 解得:x=45 6、甲乙两地相距1152千M,一列客车和一列货车同时从两地对开,货车每小时行72千M,比客车快 27 ,两车经过多少小时相遇? 72÷(1+27 )=56(km/h ) 1152÷(72+56)=9(h ) 7、一件上衣比一条裤子贵160元,其中裤子的价格是上衣的35 ,一条裤子多少元? 解:设一条裤子x 元 (x +160)×35 = x 解得:x=240 8、饲养组有黑兔60只,白兔比黑兔多15 ,白兔有多少只? 60×(1+15 )=72(只) 9、学校要挖一条长80M 的下水道,第一天挖了全长的14 ,第二天挖了全长的12 ,两天共挖了多少M?还剩下多少M? 80×(14 +12 )=60(M ) 80-60=20(M ) 六年级数学应用题2 二、比的应用题 1、 一个长方形的周长是24厘M ,长与宽的比是 2:1 ,这个长方形的面积是多少平方厘M ? 24÷2÷(2+1)=4(cm ) (4×2)×(4×1)=32(cm 2 ) 2、 一个长方体棱长总和为 96 厘M ,长、宽、高的比是 3∶2 ∶1 ,这个长方体的体积是多少? 96÷4÷(3+2+1)=4(cm ) (4×3)×(4×2)×(4×1)=384( cm 3)


2016年中考题型冲刺—信息匹配(带解析) 一、信息匹配(共17小题) 1.When I was young, I was kind of shy. Fortunately, I changed a lot by junior high. Shyness gets in the way of success, but it doesn't have to hold you back. Here are some tips that may help you overcome it. 1 The excitement of being lost at something that you love can help you forget your nervousness while showing off in public. Next, why not get more chances to speak in public? For me, when I got to high school, I took speech classes. 2 Then, don’t think about what will happen. It’s possible that you might be laughed at when speaking. 3 What really happens is better than what we imagine. Finally, remember past successes. Whether it is making a successful speech, remembering past successes can help inspire you to get future success. 4 If you succeeded in the past, then you can succeed again! It's actually natural to be a little bit nervous about meeting new people, making cold calls, or giving a speech. That nervousness doesn't have to keep you from succeeding, though. 2.


2020英语六级段落匹配题专项练习题(7) Paper--More than Meets the Eye A) We are surrounded by so much paper and card that it is easy to forget just how complex it is. There are many varieties and grades of paper materials, and whilst it is fairly easy to spot the varieties, it is far more difficult to spot the grades. B) It needs to be understood that most paper and card is manufactured for a specific purpose, so that whilst the corn-flake packet may look smart, it is clearly not something destined for the archives. It is made to look good, but only needs a limited life span. It is also much cheaper to manufacture than high grade card. C) Paper can be made from an almost endless variety of cellulose-based material which will include many woods, cottons and grasses or which papyrus is an example and from where we get the word "paper". Many of these are very specialized, but the preponderance of paper making has been from soft wood and cotton or rags, with the bulk being wood-based. Paper from Wood D) In order to make wood into paper it needs to be broken down into fine strands. Firstly by powerful machinery and then boiled with strong alkalies such as caustic soda, until a fine pulp of cellulose fibers is produced. It is from this pulp that the final product is made, relying on the bonding together of the cellulose into layers. That, in a very small


大学英语四级信息匹配练习题一 Directions: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. 长篇阅读 Preparing for Computer Disasters A) Summary: When home office computers go down, many small businesses grind to a halt. Fortunately, taking steps to recover from disasters and minimize their effects is quite straightforward. B) Fires, power surges, and floods, they're all facts of life. We read about them in the morning paper and see them on the evening news. We sympathize with the victims and commiserate over their bad luck. We also shake our heads at the digital consequences—melted computers, system failures, destroyed data. Yet, somehow, many of us continue to live by that old mantra of denial: "It won't happen to me." Well, the truth is, at some point you'll probably have to deal with at least one disaster. That's just how it goes, and in most aspects of our lives we do something about it. We buy insurance. We stow away provisions. We even make disaster plans and run drills. But for some reason, computer disaster recovery is a blind spot for many of us. It shouldn't be. Home computers contain some of our

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