当前位置:文档之家› 商务信函写作









Letters of complaint

I am writing to complain about …

I am not satisfied with …

I must therefore insist that …


●You recently attended a one-day training course on health and safety. You were disappointed

with the course and you have decided to write a letter of complaint to the training company.

●Read the advertisement below, which gives details of the course. You have already made

some notes on the advertisement.

●Then, using all your handwritten notes, write your letter to Moira Geddings at GBG

Certification Services.

●Do not include postal addresses.

●Write 120-140 words on a separate sheet.


Dear Mrs Geddings,

I write regarding a training course on health and safety which I attended 27 November.

When I booked this course, I chose your company as it came highly recommended and the courses seemed to be of a high standard. I was promised an experienced trainer but unfortunately he was sick and the replacement was not as good as expected. Regarding the information packs these were only a pile of loose photocopies, which was not promised. The class was supposed to be about 8 people but in mine there were about 15. Finally, I should make it clear that the class started 1 hour late, and the lunch that was served, was cold.

I am sure you can understand my disappointment. I would therefore be glad if you could investigate this matter.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Lisa Kostevska

Cabin Attendant


compensate, indemnify, refund, apologise


Dear Sir or Madam

I am writing to complain about your Tour 5210 to Mexico on 15 June.

The quality of the food in the hotels was terrible and everybody in our group was sick most of the time. I would like to remind you of the fact that your advertisement said ―superior hotels and fantastic food all the way‖.

We must insist, therefore, that you refund at least 10% of our money as compensation.

If we do not receive adequate compensation within 7 days, we will be forced to write to the local newspaper.

Yours faithfully


Dear Sir or Madam

I am writing about the heating unit you installed for us on 15 March last year.

Unfortunately, the heating system exploded on 12 January this year, and blew a large hole in the roof, thus resulting in a large damage to both our workshop and stocks.

I should like to remind you that we wrote to you on 9th December last year because it was

making a strange noise, but you did not give us a reply.

We must insist, therefore, that you replace the heating system immediately and pay for our damage worth US $ 400,000.

Your faithfully






Letters of apology

I am writing to apologise for/about

This was due to …

Unfortunately, we have been unable to …

I am sorry for any inconvenience this has caused.

I can assure you that we will…


●You are the secretary in a company which makes plastic tableware. Your boss has left the

letter below for you to answer.

●Write a letter of 120 - 140 words to Ms, Jerome, explaining the reason for the damaged

goods. Use the information in her letter and the notes from your boss.

●Do not include addresses.

●Write on your Answer Sheet.





6 October 1997

The Manager

Plastic – A – Plenty Co.

Gough Industrial Estate


Dear Sir or Madam

5 years to be exact.

PLASTIC TABLEWARE-Product nos. 0821 (forks) and 7234 (bowls)

We have used your company as a supplier to our restaurants for several years, and until recently the quality of your products has always been good.

However, on 2 September this year, we took delivery of some plastic tableware which was of extremely poor quality. Many of the bowls were chipped and several of the forks were broken. We cannot use them in our cafeterias.

We will replace them free of charge.

I do hope that such a delivery will not be repeated, and that your supplies to us in the future will

again be of high quality. If, however, we receive any further faulty plastic tableware from you, we will be obliged to find another supplier to provide us with goods which meet our own high standards I am sure you will be able to provide us with a satisfactory explanation.

So do I! It was the faulty packing machine

( now repaired. )

Tell her it won’t happen again –she’s an excellent Customer, so please offer our apologies.

Yours faithfully,

Ann Jereme

Restaurants Director


Dear Ms Jeremy,

Thank you for your letter of 6 October. After supplying your restaurants for 5 years, I was

extremely sorry to hear that the batch of bowls and forks which you received on 2 September

was not of usual quality.

After careful investigation, we found that the cause of the problem was a faulty packing

machine. It has now been repaired. I can promise you that this type of problem will not

happen again.

According to the sales contract between us, we will, of course, replace your faulty delivery

free of charge.

I would like to offer our apologies once again and thank you being an excellent customer.

Yours sincerely,


●You work in the Sales Department of an international company. Manuela Garcia, an

important client, is visiting your company for a day. There are some changes to the itinerary you sent her last week.

●Write a letter of 120 - 140 words to Ms Garcia, using the original itinerary and your

handwritten notes, informing her of the changes.

Proposed itinerary for one-day visit of Manuela Garcia

Wednesday 20 October

11.00 Ms Garcia arrives on flight 1 B 432 from Madrid

John Sallis to meet Ms Garcia at airport


11.30 Arrival at company

John Sallis to give Ms Garcia an introductory tour of company 12.30 Lunch at White Hart restaurant


Meeting in boardroom

( Carol Snape Tom McAllister Sue Smith Manuela Garcia )

15.30Coffee break

16.00Product presentation

( Carol Snape, Tom McAllister; Sue Smith Manuela Garcia )

18.00John Sallis to take Ms Garcia to the airport

19.30Ms Garcia departs on flight 1 B 886 to Madrid


Dear Ms Garcia,

Further to last week’s correspondence, I am writing to inform you that we have to make a few changes to the original itinerary for Wednesday 20 October.

Firstly, in order to allow plenty of time for you to travel from the airport, your tour of the company will be slightly shorter than the hour which we had originally planned.

Secondly, please note that as the White Hart is full on Wednesday, lunch will be at the Swan Hotel. Carol Snape will, however, not be joining us due to a previous engagement.

It has been confirmed that Tom McAllister will show the new video about our new natural shampoo range at 16.00. As John Sallis has to leave early, Sue Smith will accompany you to the airport for your evening flight.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,


You are responsible for planning the magazine advertising of your company’s new product, which is a polish for cars. You have just received the letter below from the magazine that you are

going to advertise with. You have also received a memo from your Marketing Manager about the advertising campaign.

write a letter of 120-140 words to Mr Ellwood at the magazine, telling him about the changes to the advertisement booking, and asking him or any other information that you require.

5点:colour advert

six issues

check price

bigger discount




Inviting/ Offering

We should like to invite you...

We should be very pleased if you could...

We should be delighted if you could...


Thank you (very much) for your (kind) invitation to...

It was very kind of you to invite me to...

I was delighted to receive your invitation to...


I would be very pleased to...

I should be delighted to...


Unfortunately, due to ......, I am unable to......





内容点Thanking Ms Goddard for her letter

accepting the invitation to visit the company

accepting the invitation to the theatre

saying the date are unsuitable and explain why

suggesting an alternative date


Dear Ms Goddard,

With reference to your letter of November 3, I am writing to thank you for your kind invitation.

I would be very pleased to accept your invitation to see Trackplus’s production facilities. I would also be interested in meeting your colleagues at Head Office, the design team in particular.I should also be delighted to accept your offer of arranging for me to see a play in the West End.

Unfortunately, due to a business trip abroad,I am unable to come to England at the end of November as you suggested. However, as I feel it is important that we meet before Christmas I would be grateful if you could tell me if the second week of December would be suitable for you?

I look forward to hearing from you again.

Yours Sincerely

Paolo Fellini

Test 4


●You are in charge of technical resources in your company. You have just received a letter

from the Customer Services Manager at JLM Communications, who are installing a new telephone switchboard at your offices.

●Look at part of the letter below, on which you have already made some handwritten notes.

●Then, using all your handwritten notes, write a letter to JLM’s Customer Services Manager.

●Write 120-140 words.

Sample C

Dear Sir or Madam,

I would like to thank you for your letter, dated 15.5.2003.

Firstly, unfortunately, we have an international conference on the 10th of June.

Therefore, this date is not convenient for us.

Could you please start at the 11th of June?

Furthermore, we would like to know how long the work will take.

Concerning the numbers. The system you announced seems to be difficult. Is there an easier way to handle this problem with different numbers?

As for our further requests, could we have a direct telefon number as well as the name of the person, dealing with us?

We are looking forward to paying the bill as soon as the work is successfully finished in case of any theesing problems.

We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,


写作中文商务信函并不要求您使用华丽优美的词句。所有您需要做的就是,用简单朴实的语言,准确的表达自己的意思,让对方可以非常清楚的了解您想说什么。围绕这一点,精品学习网总结了几方面的内容,希望对您写中文商务信函有借鉴作用。 中文商业商务信函的写作格式 如同一般信函,商业信文一般由开头、正文、结尾、署名、日期等5个部分组成。 (1)开头 开头写收信人或收信单位的称呼。称呼单独占行、顶格书写,称呼后用冒号。 (2)正文 信文的正文是书信的主要部分,叙述商业业务往来联系的实质问题,通常包括: ①向收信人问候; ②写信的事由,例如何时收到对方的来信,表示谢意,对于来信中提到的问题答复等等; ③该信要进行的业务联系,如询问有关事宜,回答对方提出的问题,阐明自己的想法或看法,向对方提出要求等。如果既要向对方询问,又要回答对方的询问,则先答后问,以示尊重; ④提出进一步联系的希望、方式和要求。 (3)结尾 结尾往往用简单的一两句话,写明希望对方答复的要求。如“特此函达,即希函复。”同时写表示祝愿或致敬的话,如“此致敬礼”、“敬祝健康”等。祝语一般分为两行书写,“此致”、“敬祝”可紧随正文,也可和正文空开。“敬礼”、“健康”则转行顶格书写。 (4)署名 署名即写信人签名,通常写在结尾后另起一行(或空一、二行)的偏右下方位置。以单位名义发出的商业信函,署名时可写单位名称或单位内具体部门名称,也可同时署写信人的姓名。重要的商业信函,为郑重起见,也可加盖公章。 (5)日期 写信日期—般写在署名的下一行或同一行偏右下方位置。商业信函的日期很重要,不要遗漏。 通知:


作者:ZHANGJIAN 仅供个人学习,勿做商业用途 您的商务信函写作能力直接影响到买家对您公司的评估。您给他的每一份信函、邮件或者传真,都代表着您公司的形象,显示您公司的水平和实力,同时,相信您也一定是用这种方式来评估和了解您的买家。所以,商务信函写作决定了您能否以专业的方式跟买家进行有效的沟通,在您的业务往来中占据着举足轻重的地位。 商务信函写作前言 作为一家外贸出口企业,您必须经常跟您的国外客商打交道。因而,各种商务信函的写作成了您工作中的一个重要部分。您是否有这样的感受,花费了大量的时间和精力,对自己所写的信件是否专业、是否符合通常的规范却没有十足的把握。在本手册里,我们将为您介绍商务信函写作的基本知识和技巧,相信对您的工作具有很高的参考价值。文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习 商务信函的重要性 也许你会问“商务信函真的这么重要吗”?是的,答案是肯定的。 让我们一起来看看以下的调查结果。 当买家和供应商从互相并不了解的基础上开始进行业务联系时,买家通常是怎样来评估跟他联系的供应商的呢?文档 收集自网络,仅用于个人学习 [参考全美最畅销的贸易书籍“ Building an

Import- Export Business ” 以]下5 个方面是买家最关心的: 供应商如何回复买家的邮件?文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习 供应商网上的简介和/ 或目录是否做得专业?当买家询问信息时,供应商是否完整答复所有问题? 供应商的信头是否写明了公司地址和传真号码? 供应商如何答复买家提出的要求? 供应商多久做出答复?供应商是否愿意对产品进行修改?买家询问多个问题时,供应商是否答复所有的问题?文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习 供应商的信用如何? 供应商的银行信用记录如何?供应商银行帐户开立的年数?大致的通常收支情况?银行给供应商的贷款额度? 银行对供应商的帐户情况是否满意?文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习 供应商贸易往来的信用如何? 合作者与该供应商的合作年数?供应商可承受多大的定单?交货是否及时?是否能准确地完成定单?文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习供应商是否使用了规范质量经管认证体系? 比如ISO 9000 、ISO 14,000(环境)、Hazard Analysis at Critical Points (适用于出口美国的海产品)文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习


1 Introduction Business English can be regarded as an application of English language in commercial occasions, aiming at enabling speakers to communicate and interact effectively using the most correct and clearest business language. Business English Correspondence is an important carrier of international commercial activities which is used to deli ever information, address commercial issues and as a way of communication. Lexicon is an important factor of a passage. In the writing of business English correspondence, we should pay particular attention to the selection of lexicon. Different words may carry different meaning and even the mood of them can be very distinct. Therefore, it is of great necessity to do research of the features of lexicon in the writing of business English correspondence. This thesis attempts to do some researches on the following subjects: To have a good knowledge of characteristics of lexicon in business English correspondence. To make sense of the reason why the business English correspondence have such requirements of lexicon. To provide some suggestions that learners can improve their writing skills. 2 Description of Business English correspondence 2.1 Definition of business English correspondence Nowadays more and more people choose to work in companies and do commercial work. As China joined the WTO, enterprises are all choosing to open their markets and expand them into the international world, thus making English inevitably become the most used language in the world. And in this way a new subject appeared that we call it “business English”. In terms of business English, we refer to the language used in order to adapt to the job market whose contents include a lot of aspects (Kansi, 1983; 134). Unlike the general English learners, people who learn business English are more


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除 商务书信格式范文 篇一:商务感谢信格式范文 商务感谢信格式范文 感谢信是一种礼仪文书,用于商务活动中的许多非协议的合同中,一方受惠于另一方,应及时地表达谢忱,使对方在付出劳动后得到心理上的收益,它是一种不可少的公关手段。 感谢信的写作格式是书信体。写作时应篇幅短,中文200字左右即可;对收信人为自己做的好事了然于胸,不要忘了什么;把对方给你带来的好处都写清楚,不要含糊其词;表示感谢的话要合乎商家往来的习惯,语气不应过于卑屈。谢意之外,如果允许别人什么应切实可行,能说到做到。 xxxx电缆有限公司于xx年x月x口在南京举行隆重开业典礼,此间收到全国各地许多同行、用户以及外国公司的贺电、贺函和贺礼。上级机关及全国各地单位的领导,世界各地的贵宾,国内最著名的电缆线路专家等亲临参加庆典,寄予我公司极大的希望,谨此一并致谢,并愿一知既往与各

方加强联系。进行更广泛、更友好的合作。xxxx电缆有限公司 董事长:xxx 总经理:xxx xx年x月x日 篇二:商务电子邮件格式 商务电子邮件格式 在电子邮件的写作中要注意哪些呢?如何写好一封规 范的电子邮件呢? 在写电子邮件时候,要采用日常办公运用的商业信函格式,使用正规的文字,不用或避免应用网络语言,诸如3Q、IFu等。 主题栏:主题明确,一目了然,让人看了知道个所以然,不会是一头雾水,不知所云,当作垃圾邮件删除掉。 称谓:准确,切不可含糊不清。是先生别称成了小姐;是小姐别喊成了先生。这是大忌讳!一次,青岛一家公司发信到公司,把我们公司的运营总监张可先生称呼成了张可小姐。搞得张先生郁闷一天。当你搞不清对方准确的性别时候,那就称老师就没错。主体:简明,扼要,把事情说清楚就可以了,不要罗嗦,拖泥带水的。事情多,写的多,那最好是分成几小段,看的清楚明了。 祝语:可以写祝您工作愉快,工作顺利,或者顺祝商祺


Practical English Writings 实用应用文写作 Jessie Peng 6) 体谅原则 一封有效的书信能给收信人以深刻印象和影响,要想达到此目的,就应当设身处地为收件人着想,考虑他的要求、希望和利益等。周密的思考有助于你更理解你的收件人,因此,你的要求将会更加实际和可以理解。 写作时要注意以下问题: (1)采取收信人的态度,即“You”attitude,避免采取写信人的态度,即“We” attitude。比较下列句子: “We attitude” We allow a 5% discount for cash payments. “You attitude” You earn a 5% discount when you pay cash. “We attitude” We are pleased to announce that… “You attitude” You will be pleased to know that… 下面两封信是这两种态度的典范。第一封信是以“We” attitude 的方式写的,而第二封信是以“You” attitude 的方式写的。

试对它们进行比较,看看它们给你的印象有什么不同。 (a)May I express my thanks for the account you recently opened with our store. We are pleased to furnish a wide variety of products for the home or individual. We trust you will take full advantage of our store services, for we have the largest stock in the city. Also we make deliveries of our customers’purchases free of charge within thirty miles of our store. We welcome you to Johnson’s. If we can be of additional service in any manner, please call on us. Translation: 让我对你最近在我公司开户一事表示感谢。我们乐意提供家庭和个人使用的各种产品。 我们相信你会充分利用我们的服务的,因为我公司所备货物时本地最充足的。同时,我们的顾客所购货物,在距离公司30英里范围内,可以免费送货。 我们欢迎你光临本公司。如果我们能在其他方面为你服务,请打电话给我们。 Thank you for the account you recently opened at Johnson’s. Serving you with your needs for clothing and home furnishings is a pleasure. You will find 34 departments at Johnson’s stocked with a variety of quality items. And courteous sales clerks are here to assist


商务信函的写作特点_写作指导 商务信函的写作特点 商务信函的写作特点写作商务信函并不要求您使用华丽优美的词句。所有您需要做的就是,用简单朴实的语言,准确的表达自己的意思,让对方可以非常清楚的了解您想说什么。围绕这一点,我们总结了几方面的内容,希望对您写作商务信函有借鉴作用。口语化每一封信函的往来,都是您跟收信人彼此之间的一次交流。人都是感性的,所以您需要在您的信函里体现感性的一面。然而很多人都有一种误解,以为写作商务信函就应该用一种特殊的“生意腔”,于是把一封本来应该是热情而友好的信函写得呆板而死气沉沉。他们宁愿写“your letter has been received”,“your complaint is being looked into”而不是“i have received your letter”或者“we are looking into your complaint”。其实我们简单的来理解一下,每次信函的往来不就是跟对方进行了一次交谈吗?只不过是把交谈的内容写到了纸上而已。多用一些简单明了的语句,用我/我们做主语,这样才能让我们的信函读起来热情,友好,就象两个朋友之间的谈话那样简单,自然,人性化。想象一下,如果您由于无法准时交货而在电话上跟您的合作伙伴表示歉意时,您会怎么说?我想您会说“i am sorry we cannot deliver the goods today”。既然在电话中您会这样说,为什么在信件中要改成“it is regretted that goods cannot be delivered today”?放弃这种所谓的“生意腔”吧,让您的信也象谈话那样简单,自然,人性化。语气语调由于您写的信函都是有其目的性的,所以您信函里所采用的语气语调也应该符合您的目的。在写之前先不妨仔细考虑一下,您写这封信函是想达到一个什么样的目的,您希望对收信人产生一种怎样的影响呢?是歉意的,劝说性的,还是坚决的,要求性的。这完全可以通过信函中的语气语调来表现。真诚不管是生活中的交往还是生意上的合作,真诚是最重要也是最基础的,所以您的信函也必须能够充分体现您的真诚。不管说什么,都要带着您的诚意去说。把写好的信函拿起来读一遍,确保如果此时对方正在电话中与您通话,他一定能够感受到您的自然和真诚。直接跟您一样,您的合作伙伴们每天都要阅读大量信函文件。所以,信函一定要写得简明扼要,短小精悍,切中要点。如果是不符合主题或者对信函的目的不能产生利益的内容,请毫不留情的舍弃它们。因为这些内容不仅不能使交流通畅,反而会混淆视听,非但不能让读者感兴趣,反而会让他们恼火,产生反感。礼貌我们这里所说的礼貌,并不是简单用一些礼貌用语比如your kind inquiry, your esteemed order等就可以的。而是要体现一种为他人考虑,多体谅对方心情和处境的态度。如果本着这样的态度去跟别人交流,那么就算您这次拒绝了对方的要求,也不会因此失去这个朋友,不会影响今后合作的机会。特别要注意,当双方观点不能统一时,我们首先要理解并尊重对方的观点。如果对方的建议不合理或者对您的指责不公平时,请表现一下您的高姿态,您可以据理力争,说明您的观点,但注意要讲究礼节礼貌,避免用冒犯性的语言。还要提醒一点,中国人有句话叫做“过犹不及”。任何事情,一旦过了头,效果反而不好。礼貌过了头,可能会变成阿谀奉承,真诚过了头,也会变成天真幼稚。所以最关键的还是要把握好“度”,才能达到预期的效果。共2页,当前第1页12商务信函的写作特点相关内容:劳动合同一般写法 劳动合同一般写法性质:_甲方:。乙方:_名称:_姓名:_用工形式:_鉴证编号:_编号:_甲方因生产、工作需要,经考核录用乙方为工人。遵照国家有关劳动法规和政策,经双方协商达成如下协议:一、甲方录用乙方从事,某某工作(岗位...


商务信函范文 篇一:12种商务信函范文 第一种、介绍信Letters of Introduction 实例之一: Dear Mr. / Ms., This is to introduce Mr. Frank Jones, our new marketing specialist who will be in London from April 5 to mid April on business. We shall appreciate any help you can give Mr. Jones and will always be happy to reciprocate. Yours faithfully 尊敬的先生/小姐, 现向您推荐我们的市场专家弗兰克·琼斯先生。他将因公务在四月15日到四月中旬期间停留伦敦。 我们将非常感谢您向琼斯先生提供的任何帮助,并非常高兴施以回报。您诚挚的 实例之二: Dear Mr. / Ms, We are pleased to introduce Mr. Wang You, our import manager of Textiles Department. Mr. Wang is spending three weeks in your city to develop our business with chief manufactures and to make purchases of decorative fabrics for the coming season.

We shall be most grateful if you will introduce him to reliable manufacturers and give him any help or advice he may need. Yours faithfully 尊敬的先生/小姐, 我们非常高兴向您介绍我们纺织部的进口经理王有先生。王先生将在你市度过三周,他要与主要的生产厂家拓展商务并为下一季度采购装饰织品。 如能介绍他给可靠的生产厂家,向他提供所需的任何帮助或建议,我们将不胜感谢。 您诚挚的 第二种、约定Appointments 实例之一: Dear Mr./Ms, Mr. John Green, our General Manager, will be in Paris from June 2 to 7 and would like to come and see you, say, on June 3 at 2.00 p.m. about the opening of a sample room there.Please let us know if the time is convenient for you. If not, what time you would suggest. Yours faithfully, 尊敬的先生/小姐 我们的总经理约翰格林将于六月2日到7日在巴黎,有关在那开样品房的事宜,他会于六月3日下午2:00点拜访您。


?中文商务信函得写作格式 ?[加入收藏] ?中文商业商务信函得写作格式?如同一般信函,商业信文一般由开头、正文、结尾、署名、日期等5个部分组成。 (1)开头?开头写收信人或收信单位得称呼。称呼单独占行、顶格书写,称呼后用冒号、 (2)正文?信文得正文就是书信得主要部分,叙述商业业务往来联系得实质问题,通 常包括: ?①向收信人问候; ②写信得事由,例如何时收到对方得来信,表示谢意,对于来信中提到得问题答复等等; ③该信要进行得业务联系,如询问有关事宜,回答对方提出得问题,阐明自己得想法或瞧法, 向对方提出要求等。如果既要向对方询问,又要回答对方得询问,则先答后问,以示尊重; ④提出进一步联系得希望、方式与要求。 (3)结尾?结尾往往用简单得一两句话,写明希望对方答复得要求。如“特此函达,即希 函复。"同时写表示祝愿或致敬得话,如“此致敬礼”、“敬祝健康”等。祝语一般分为两行书写,“此致”、“敬祝”可紧随正文,也可与正文空开、“敬礼”、“健康”则转行顶格书写。 (4)署名?署名即写信人签名,通常写在结尾后另起一行(或空一、二行)得偏右下方位 置。以单位名义发出得商业信函,署名时可写单位名称或单位内具体部门名称,也可同时署写信人得姓名。重要得商业信函,为郑重起见,也可加盖公章。 (5)日期?写信日期—般写在署名得下一行或同一行偏右下方位置。商业信函得日 期很重要,不要遗漏。

中文书信礼仪得格式及举例 提称语,用在对方称呼后面,表示尊敬—-?父母:膝下、膝前、尊前、道鉴?长辈:几前、尊前、尊鉴、赐鉴、道鉴 师长:函文、坛席、讲座、尊鉴、道席、撰席 平辈:足下、阁下、台鉴、大鉴、惠鉴?同学:砚右、文几、台鉴?晚辈:如晤、如面、如握、青览?女性:慧鉴、妆鉴、芳鉴、淑览 祝愿语-— 父母:恭请福安,叩请金安?长辈:恭请崇安,敬请福祉,敬颂颐安 师长:敬请教安,敬请教祺,敬颂海安?平辈:顺祝 署名——?对长辈:叩禀敬叩拜上?对平辈:谨启鞠启手书?对晚辈:字示白谕 ?开头语 惠书敬悉,情意拳拳、接获手书,快慰莫名。昨得手书,反复读之。?谕书敬读,不胜欣慰。拳拳盛意,感莫能言。顷接手示,甚欣甚慰、?久不通函,至以为念、前上一函,谅已入鉴。喜接来函,欣慰无量、 顷奉惠函,谨悉一切。顷接手示,如见故人。得书甚慰,千里面目。 得书之喜,旷若复面。数奉手书,热挚之情,溢于言表。 顷奉手教,敬悉康与,至为欣慰、久未闻消息,唯愿一切康适。 手书已接多日,今兹略闲,率写数语、? 钦佩语?奉读大示,向往尤深、喜接教诲,真解矇矣、大示拜读,心折殊深、?谨蒙悔语,用祛尘惑。大作拜读,敬佩之至。顷读惠书,如闻金石良言、 ?思念久钦鸿才,时怀渴想。德宏才羡,屡屡怀慕、蒙惠书并赐大著,拜服之至、? 语 分手多日,别来无恙? 岁月不居,时节如流。别后月余,殊深驰系。 一别累月,思何可支?海天在望,不尽依依、别后萦思,愁肠日转。?离别情怀,今犹耿耿。别来良久,甚以为怀。近况如何,念念、?前上一函,谅达雅鉴,迄今未见复音,念与时积。???问候语 春寒料峭,善自珍重。阳春三月,燕语雕梁,想必心旷神怡!?当此春风送暖之际,料想身心均健。春日融融,可曾乘兴驾逰??春光明媚,想必合家安康。时欲入夏,愿自珍重。?赤日炎炎,万请珍重、渐入严寒,伏福躬无恙。?入秋顿凉,幸自摄卫。汗暑无常,伏维珍重自爱。 ?自术语 敝寓均安,可释远念。阖寓无恙,请释悬念。贱体初安,承问极感、


英语商务信函格式范文 篇一:英语商务信函范文 建立办事处Establishment of new branch Dear Mr. / Ms, Owing to the large increase in the volume of our trade with this country we have decided to open a branch here, with Mr. Wang Lo as manager. The new branch will open on 1st March and from that date all orders and inquiries should be sent to Mr. Wang Lo at the above address, instead of to our London office. We take this opportunity to express our thanks for your cooperation in the past. We hope the new arrangements will lead to even better results. Yours faithfully 歇业Discontinuation of business

Dear Mr/Ms, With the demolition of our premises at the above address under a redevelopment scheme, the part of our business carried on there will be discontinued after the end of October. On Monday, 1st October, we are holding a closing-out sale. Stock on hand will be cleared regardless of cost. There will be substantial reductions in all departments and in some cases, prices will be marked down by as much as one half. Stock to be cleared is uivaled in both variety and quality. As the sale is likely to be well attended, we hope you make a point of visiting the store as early as possible during the opening days. Yours faithfully 更改名称和地址Change of name and address Dear Mr. / Ms,


中文商务信函范文 写作中文商务信函并不要求您使用华丽优美的词句。所有您需要做的就是,用简单朴实的语言,准确的表达自己的意思,让对方可以非常清楚的了解您想说什么。围绕这一点,精品学习网总结了几方面的内容,希望对您写中文商务信函有借鉴作用。中文商业商务信函的写作格式 如同一般信函,商业信文一般由开头、正文、结尾、署名、日期等5个部分组成。 (1)开头 开头写收信人或收信单位的称呼。称呼单独占行、顶格书写,称呼后用冒号。 (2)正文 信文的正文是书信的主要部分,叙述商业业务往来联系的实质问题,通常包括: ①向收信人问候; ②写信的事由,例如何时收到对方的来信,表示谢意,对于来信中提到的问题答复等等; ③该信要进行的业务联系,如询问有关事宜,回答对方提出的问题,阐明自己的想法或看法,向对方提出要求等。如果既要向对方询问,又要回答对方的询问,则先答后问,以示尊重;

④提出进一步联系的希望、方式和要求。 (3)结尾 结尾往往用简单的一两句话,写明希望对方答复的要求。如“特此函达,即希函复。”同时写表示祝愿或致敬的话,如“此致敬礼”、“敬祝健康”等。祝语一般分为两行书写,“此致 ”、“敬祝”可紧随正文,也可和正文空开。“敬礼”、“健康”则转行顶格书写。 (4)署名 署名即写信人签名,通常写在结尾后另起一行(或空一、二行)的偏右下方位置。以单位名义发出的商业信函,署名时可写单位名称或单位内具体部门名称,也可同时署写信人的姓名。重要的商业信函,为郑重起见,也可加盖公章。 (5)日期 写信日期—般写在署名的下一行或同一行偏右下方位置。商业信函的日期很重要,不要遗漏。 通知: 本厂已迁移到上述地址, 特此通知。 I inform you that I have now removed my factory to the above address. 我方已在本市开设贸易与总代理店, 特此通知。同时,


商务英语信函写作的注意事项 在国际贸易竞争日益激烈的今天,为了通过发送商务信函达到有效交流,传达友好情感,增加商务合作机会的目的,商务信函必须在风格和语言上发生变化。现代商务信函的主要文体特征可以概括为以下五点: 内容的清晰性、表达的简洁性、词语的专业性、风格的正式性、措辞的礼貌性。因此我们要将商务信函本身的特点和英语的语言特点结合起来,分析和总结其翻译思路和技巧。 发送商务信函的目的在于建立商务往来关系,就某一细节进行商讨,努力达成共识,以便促进一项商务活动的开展。要达到这些目的,首先必须保证阅读者能够清楚了解写信人的意图,迂回或闪烁其辞的话语会让读信人产生不信任,甚至会怀疑对方的语言表达能力,对进一步开展商务活动很不利。模棱两可的话轻则阻碍读信人对信函意思的理解,重则会对发函方造成不必要的损失。例如: As to the steamers sailing from Hongkong to San Francisco,we have bimonthly direct services. 此处bimonthly 有歧义,可以是twice a month 或者once two month. 故读信人就迷惑了,可以改写为We have two direct sailings every month from Hongkong to San Francisco. 翻译要保留原文的清晰度相当重要。由于在较为正式的场合中,为了将一概念定义完整和清楚,英文常常用关联词将几个短句并在

一起形成一个长句,而中文无法照样只用一句话来翻译,即使这样译了也很难达到通顺和自然。这时,我们就采取将长句按特定的事情发展的顺序拆分成两个或两个以上的小句子的方式来翻译。必要时还要增加或省略一些词语,让整段文字结构更合理、内容更清楚。例如: The prices stated are based on current freight rates,any increase or decrease in freight rates at time of shipment is to be the benefit of the buyer,with the seller assuming the payment of all transportation charges to the point or place of delivery.例句中以一个介词with 来分界,译为“合同价格是以运费计算,装运时运费的增减均属买方。卖方则承担至交货地的全部运费”。在原文中with 分句是一个状语,翻 译时采用中国人平铺直叙的思维方式,用分述的方式把这个句子拆成两句,清楚地表达了原文的语言信息。 是不是一封书信只要包含了全部关键信息就可以成为一封好的书信了呢? 拟信人还应注意语言组织的条理性,或按事情发展的先后顺序,或按各要素的重要性排序编写。东扯一句,西扯一句的写法必定会影响文章的清晰度。 简洁就是用最精炼的语言来表达意思,在商务信函中言简意赅就是为了方便高效率沟通与工作。能用一个字表达的不用一个词组,能一个词组讲清的事就不用讲成一句话。商务信函不用因顾及礼貌


研究生课外作业 课程名称商务英语 研究生姓名 班级MEM 苏州班 学号 任课老师职称副教授 所属学院管理学院 专业工程管理 作业题目商务写作(商务信函)

商务写作(商务信函) Practice: write a letter of complait according to the following ad and handwritten notes.

Dear Director: I am a student of C&S English Center. I am writing to complain about your poor service against your advertisement. In the first place, you promise to have Experienced and highly-qualified teachers, but in fact,the teacher is poor. In addition, you offer the personal placement for our year-long customers, but the test result is not accurate. In the third place, you will arrange the foreign teachers according to our time, but they did not arrive classroom on time. In the fourth place, the Mini-test every month should be extra charged. In the fifth place, English Movie + Culture Teaching become movie viewing only. In the sixth place, nearly 20 students were in my class which are much more than Maximum 10 students. The last one place, we will have a gift with good quality of note book, but finally, we find the quality is very pool. I appreciate it very much if you could improve your service, preferably according to your commitment for the services, and I would like to have this matter settled within two days. It will be nice for you to conduct investigation at your end and reply to us. Yours sincerely,


商务信函(下) 投诉信结构: 投诉事由 详述事件/投诉理由 提出要求 常用句型: Letters of complaint I am writing to complain about … I am not satisfied with … I must therefore insist that … 例题 ●You recently attended a one-day training course on health and safety. You were disappointed with the course and you have decided to write a letter of complaint to the training company. ●Read the advertisement below, which gives details of the course. You have already made some notes on the advertisement. ●Then, using all your handwritten notes, write your letter to Moira Geddings at GBG Certification Services. ●Do not include postal addresses. ●Write 120-140 words on a separate sheet.

[范文] Dear Mrs Geddings, I write regarding a training course on health and safety which I attended 27 November. When I booked this course, I chose your company as it came highly recommended and the courses seemed to be of a high standard. I was promised an experienced trainer but unfortunately he was sick and the replacement was not as good as expected. Regarding the information packs these were only a pile of loose photocopies, which was not promised. The class was supposed to be about 8 people but in mine there were about 15. Finally, I should make it clear that the class started 1 hour late, and the lunch that was served, was cold. I am sure you can understand my disappointment. I would therefore be glad if you could investigate this matter. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, Lisa Kostevska Cabin Attendant 索赔:


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除 商务信函范文信头 篇一:商务信函的格式和范文 商务信函的格式和范文 商务信函属于商务礼仪文书范畴,是指企业与企业之间,在各种商务场合或商务往来过程中所使用的简便书信。其主要作用是在商务活动中用来建立经贸关系、传递商务信息、联系商务事宜、沟通和洽商产销;询问和答复问题、处理具体交易事项。其种类包括联系函、推销函、订购函、确认函、索赔函等多种。 文种特性 〔一)语气口语性 每一封商务信函的往来都是不同的企业之间或者企业 领导者彼此之间的一种情感交流。人都是感性的,所以商务信函更多地体现了感性的一面。而不是人们想象的商务信函应该用一种特殊的“生意腔”,信函读起来使人感到非常热情、友好,就像朋友之间的谈话那样简单、自然、人性化。无论是歉意的道歉函,还是善意的劝说函,或者购买函,完

全可以通过信函中的语气、语调来表现。 (二)内容直接性 企业每天都要阅读大量信函文件。商务信函不需要用华丽的词句。所以,商务信函要写得简明扼要,短小精悍,切中要点。用简洁朴实的语言来写信函,使信函读起来简单、清楚、容易理解。当涉及数据或者具体的信息时,如时间、地点、价格、货号,等等,要用语精确,使交流的内容更加清楚,这更有助于加快商务活动的进程。 (三)态度真诚性 商务信函要能够充分体现真诚、礼貌。不管说什么,都要带着诚意去说。把写好的商务信函拿起来读一遍,确保如果此时对方正在电话中与你通话,他一定能够感受到你的自然、真诚和礼貌。这里所说的礼貌,并不是简单用一些礼貌用语,而是体现了一种为他人考虑,多体谅对方心情和处境的态度。 (四)主旨单一性 商务信函具有纯粹的业务性,一般要求专文专事,内容集中单一,围绕公务,突出主旨。 (五)格式规范性 商务信函结构类似于一般的书信,有称呼、有正文、有署名。外贸商务函、电的写作则必须依照国际惯例,用英语或对方国家所使用的语言书写,在文法和书写格式上也要符


中文商务信函的写作格式 中文商业商务信函的写作格式 如同一般信函,商业信文一般由开头、正文、结尾、署名、日期等5个部分组成。 (1)开头 开头写收信人或收信单位的称呼。称呼单独占行、顶格书写,称呼后用冒号。 (2)正文 信文的正文是书信的主要部分,叙述商业业务往来联系的实质问题,通常包括: ①向收信人问候; ②写信的事由,例如何时收到对方的来信,表示谢意,对于来信中提到的问题答复等等; ③该信要进行的业务联系,如询问有关事宜,回答对方提出的问题,阐明自己的想法或 看法,向对方提出要求等。如果既要向对方询问,又要回答对方的询问,则先答后问,以示尊重; ④提出进一步联系的希望、方式和要求。 (3)结尾 结尾往往用简单的一两句话,写明希望对方答复的要求。如“特此函达,即希函复。” 同时写表示祝愿或致敬的话,如“此致敬礼”、“敬祝健康”等。祝语一般分为两行书写,“此致”、“敬祝”可紧随正文,也可和正文空开。“敬礼”、“健康”则转行顶格书写。 (4)署名 署名即写信人签名,通常写在结尾后另起一行(或空一、二行)的偏右下方位置。以单位名义发出的商业信函,署名时可写单位名称或单位内具体部门名称,也可同时署写信人的姓名。重要的商业信函,为郑重起见,也可加盖公章。 (5)日期 写信日期—般写在署名的下一行或同一行偏右下方位置。商业信函的日期很重要,不要遗漏。

中文书信礼仪的格式及举例 提称语,用在对方称呼后面,表示尊敬—— 父母:膝下、膝前、尊前、道鉴 长辈:几前、尊前、尊鉴、赐鉴、道鉴 师长:函文、坛席、讲座、尊鉴、道席、撰席 平辈:足下、阁下、台鉴、大鉴、惠鉴 同学:砚右、文几、台鉴 晚辈:如晤、如面、如握、青览 女性:慧鉴、妆鉴、芳鉴、淑览 祝愿语—— 父母:恭请福安,叩请金安 长辈:恭请崇安,敬请福祉,敬颂颐安 师长:敬请教安,敬请教祺,敬颂海安 平辈:顺祝 署名—— 对长辈:叩禀敬叩拜上 对平辈:谨启鞠启手书 对晚辈:字示白谕 开头语 惠书敬悉,情意拳拳。接获手书,快慰莫名。昨得手书,反复读之。 谕书敬读,不胜欣慰。拳拳盛意,感莫能言。顷接手示,甚欣甚慰。 久不通函,至以为念。前上一函,谅已入鉴。喜接来函,欣慰无量。 顷奉惠函,谨悉一切。顷接手示,如见故人。得书甚慰,千里面目。 得书之喜,旷若复面。数奉手书,热挚之情,溢于言表。 顷奉手教,敬悉康和,至为欣慰。久未闻消息,唯愿一切康适。 手书已接多日,今兹略闲,率写数语。 钦佩语 奉读大示,向往尤深。喜接教诲,真解矇矣。大示拜读,心折殊深。 谨蒙悔语,用祛尘惑。大作拜读,敬佩之至。顷读惠书,如闻金石良言。 久钦鸿才,时怀渴想。德宏才羡,屡屡怀慕。蒙惠书并赐大著,拜服之至。

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